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guys before the video starts reminding you you can win this $10,000 and then seater be a sapphire crystal case royal blue watch go to producer Michael comm forward slash giveaway I believe that's what it is and to win you can win this produce so Michael come forward so I give away in the to win it good luck another glorious fair think I opened all the videos by saying extra glorious day but pretty much every day in Beverly Hills is a glorious day so there's a clue we are in Beverly Hills were actually in the flats of Beverly Hills as in not in the mountains and the high area it's a very desirable area and we are here to see another home that Ginetta has kindly arranged for us to to review for you it's a magnificent home I believe it's about I don't know how many square feet of this I'll ask 13,000 I think is it 13,000 beliefs and it's it's just under 23 million dollars and it's incredibly unique probably not like anything you've ever seen before we've had a little walk through it haven't seen everything but it's very different to what we're used to so let's go check it out great doors I love the pivot doors you know I do one of my favorite these genera how are you Wow look at you well thank you for having us we have some very unique things interesting I mentioned outside a couple of facts and I might have got it completely wrong but 23 million just shy of 23 million yes my glasses are steaming up I know so bad isn't it where these off I don't need them in here do it how many beds six bedrooms nine bathroom cool and how many square feet is this approximately thirteen thousand two hundred square feet so it's a giant house yeah so let's take a look at it what do you think I'm ready if I put my glasses here will you remind me to get them on the way out yes all right can I take this off now because you have your logic oh yeah okay perfect right okay so let's start in the room that we missed we missed we missed a room we missed a room check that desk out oops careful don't trip I love the desk what do you think of the desk Oh somebody's a DJ DJ yeah look this is a like a DJ how does this work you put a CD on there and spin it I should know this being a music guy right how embarrassing Oh God look I did it again yeah I hope they have a good insurance policy in here that was like whoa three rugs stacked on top of each other before no it's it's probably to get rid of unwanted intruders well Steve Jobs Einstein I love the Einstein look at the doors yeah this glass is a theme isn't it yeah the house gates on the outside yeah we'll show those later on and this is what is this area I guess like a greeting room like where you there's a sink there's a sink what is in here hello this is nice you see how they actually managed to like chisel this out of the marble that's for towels I think okay yeah hook a stainless steel who don't need the fan stainless steel you don't want to look in there I don't know I'll look from here then check that out isn't that fun for a toilet that is yeah very very nice handles I've ever seen and this is don't know what this is I'm waiting to get to the pool because apparently they it has underwater bicycles underwater bicycle yeah I don't know what that means but we'll see it when we get there laughter hold your breath when you ride them or is he head above water I don't know okay so this is a very very large area and has some very interesting art what do you suppose this is Adam it kind of looks like coral doesn't it I think that's what it is well maybe not but it's cool yeah very artsy check out the chandelier that's open like there's a name for that that goes around and I forget what it is circles no not the light yeah I hate you the part that has a glass there's a not veranda what's it called mezzanine I'll use that no but let's call it the measure is it well the mezzanine is like a level within a room that isn't blocked I like in a studio apartment he knows he knows so to give you an idea of how big this room is that's a sitting area against the wall over there I'm in the middle of the room I'm going to walk to it it's a long walk it's a very long walk so sitting area chess sitting area theory cares sitting area behind you sitting area I think this is the dining table it's lovely it's very unusual isn't it yeah so it looks like it actually separates it looks an addition so you can have a smaller table like two smaller tables or one big one I don't want to be responsible for separate slides it's so is it art deco I can't tell because then this reminds me of something that you'd see in like a souk in Marrakech this is Austin Powers what you see but I think that I think that's Austin Powers if you lived in Marrakech that's exactly what that is another sitting area just in case you were running out of sitting areas this is a very old piano it has a name like a clever something well this is a really old old piano short keyboard genuine ivory I'm assuming because it's missing pieces so it's very well because you're not allowed to have ivory anymore for good reason and then thank my friend or well you can't do much about it yes 70 miles away now this is interesting so this is the bar and I'm inside the house are you ready for this I'm still in the bar and now outside the house I love do you know what I'm talking about do you even understand what I'm talking about I do so this guy here oh it's heavy comes off right and that's the divider between inside the house and outside the house let me show you how are you interested to see it just in case of course you were short of seats another one there's a chair in here right yeah and you know what's funny not a single television there TV okay okay so one of these closes I don't see a closer it says closer it is oh it's closing yeah see so that's going between the bar let's give the action shot ready look I'm inside I'm outside I'm inside I'm outside that is a big old expanse as well it's enormous that has to be 40 feet easy okay I'm going to close it I mean open it okay let's see this great design feature stop and open isn't that wild I've never seen a bar that continues inside to outside this I mean like imagine different furniture in here this could be the ultimate like bachelor pad couldn't I see pool tables and all sorts of crazy things how many people could you put in here at him I mean a lot yeah hotel lobby yeah I think can you imagine packing this out for like a party have it moving the furniture having a dance floor put need a lot of friends you wouldn't need a lot of friends do you know what I really like these lights look at all these lights just the big black like okay I'm going nuts I thought they were plans they see their lights no I just saw these things I didn't pay any attention to them they look like plants well I'm not really ver there's also two chess stations somebody likes just so you know there's more chess so somebody's heavily into chess right this is a very cool set I like that no heavy heavy is not the word so it doubles up as a workout I can't even begin to tell you how that's going to be what five pounds like it might be like it's it's too heavy like you couldn't if there was a string on it you would struggle to pick it you wouldn't be able to pick it up I come I got a shock that's so heavy that's somebody likes Jess heavy chess they're heavy into chess never mind a joke that won't be a comedian okay kitchen what is this a love leve leve luck platinum drink drink medication formula milk skincare sanity oh isn't it a cleaning thing it's like steam like a steam cleaner well anyway kitchen here we are and there's a butler's pantry okay stop I have seen something I have never seen before okay so this house is a smart house right you see the touch pads everywhere and on the wall there's one right there and they're pretty much everywhere yes it controls the house but I just saw something that's a bit scary that wasn't nice do you ever see anything like that oh my goodness well I suppose that's like a backup yeah in case that's clever actually manual override I like this one neon neon so this is the butler's pantry and just to let people know people do live here currently which is why yes people are living in this house so we can't show in closets and things like that but we'll show all the main parts just in case there's something lying around that looks a bit strange being staged yes you're getting very close to me yeah I think you're getting close to me I wasn't moving you attack dancer but move retreat between these are pocket doors pocket doors Bridge oh oh oh wow that was trippy yeah that was trippy and it's not a fridge I'm going to say I'm going to say yeah I I'm gonna I'm gonna say for free double phrygian and freezer ooh I'm vibrating okay yeah fridge fridge well that aside well that will be the freezer automatically yeah and this is a cupboard okay so here we have another sink and and I'm not sure what these are Hobbs oh yeah okay should their individual with a sink on top and these are air extractors and if you press there I'm sure it comes up does it come up yet it comes up that's to take the you know the width away there whoops away retreat okay let's continue more chairs I love these these are fabulous this is a great brand gagging oh is C the German or Italian I always mix it up but it sounds German check this table out that's very Austin Powers as well isn't it this is like blown glass or is it no it's plastic I think it's plastic yeah it was like and these look like valves on the cars they do I'm sure that's not what they are but what a fun house so we're actually outside now oh no no no no we're not we're inside nowhere else oh we're inside this is this is the kitchen and this is some dogs are attacking somebody in it the next door house because these must close yes right so yeah that closures goes around there so this is the inside but it might as well be outside and this do you know what this is I don't do I saw these on pictures okay so if I'm not mistaken those dogs seriously how amazing is that I'm not an aficionado at doing this that is such a fun little design there you go how about that that's also a helicopter yes see they've got him down there as well okay so here is some more chairs and the table how many people 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 13 14 15 16 people this is lovely as well do you recognize this pakal's it it looks like crash carbon fiber what is this do you not recognize it your old dining room table that very soon my old kitchen had these countertops okay like we did it okay so this is other than the outside bar we're now outside this is a fire pit and seating around it I think this is sitting here this seating Wow never seen so many seating areas in a house goodness gracious take two steps it take two steps it right Wow so where do you wanna go now big TV suite should we go no let's I see the underwater bike so let's leave that to last let's go okay yes okay let's not forget them because that's also I think the yoga slush something last something okay so well I can't even begin to tell you this scale of this house it's really really quite large well we're going upstairs or downstairs let's go oh yeah are we going via elevator or private place isn't it yeah it's okay well it's got an alligator print chair in it they do yeah they do there's all sorts of things I'm assuming I'm assuming it's this bye bye I can actually I'll still be able to hear you while you're in the elevator it works I hope it's not like at the elevators we've done it houses cheerier it's a really nice smooth elevator where are we okay we are this looks like the art department Wow crazy look at this I'm these cool alright we are Oh an art studio I guess oh man it really is it is an art studio but it could be anything it doesn't need to be an art studio it's just a big room I mean bigger room yeah and I think we're subterranean here cuz that's an outside wall mm-hmm amazing so this could be anything right could be what could it be pool room yeah this would make for a great great pool room put a bar in here because there's a shortage of bars no this is true okay what is it I think it's a major impact it might be made in God we found the maze we find them they just apparently another major room did it know there was a maid in there and oh by who called the elevator there's nobody in the house lovely theater okay now this is what I'm talking about mmm it smells really good in here really nice so if this was my theater I'd put a much bigger screen yeah yeah yeah my TV's that big yeah yeah but it's perfect for oh wow what a gorgeous room this is bigger screen and less seats but more comfortable these are probably very come dear electric and recliners well I'm all wired up here you've got me wired with microphones and I don't want to pop it out but should I do it okay so anybody I don't see the button on this side maybe maybe mine's manual let's do this one see I'm pretending I'm set on this one I don't see the button I'm sure it's there somewhere but I don't know how to operate it so I won't but lovely room right very nice yeah cool cool cool beast of a projector though big projector okay that's the elevator like a maze is a loo whoa oh this is fun look at the floor they continued the theme of this fossilized marble I guess it is and these like geometric shapes as well that's very nice look it lights up up there too and I'm sure they either like a look lots of lights in here go to a party carriage five yeah six okay depends how big to limos seven smart cars okay you know there's somebody in there we won't go in mini kitchen oh nice I'm surmising that's for the for the money for the maid and here's another bedroom which it's got two beds in it you have a very quick peek in a fancy alien but the star yeah but very nice okay I want to go in the elevator okay I want to call it and see what [Music] I'm in the elevator oh you going all the way up yeah Oh didn't realize oh this one's tinted I couldn't see you coming out yeah yes okay so you're prepared for when you come upstairs okay which side should we start well this is the master that I understand XD so why don't you do the little bedrooms bedrooms ish little bedrooms it is start down here have to make sure that's nobody in here huh we went to see a house once do you remember I don't do I walked into a bedroom I don't haven't arrived yet the realtor was there to show us that I was downstairs yeah that's right that's right I opened the door walked in and what did I say yeah oh my god oh my god this is nice look at this whoa talk about an outside area and of course seats I love these tents what do you call this it's not a tent what is this okay gazebo yeah but it's a substantial one lots of sitting area if you continued parties yes really nice really nice and I'm assuming that one of these are the closet which we weren't going because we know there's people here and one's a bathroom I'm gonna say this is the bathroom am I right or wrong right yeah that's room and a shower is it decent size yeah yeah yeah good nice let's go TV there some seating in case you were short of seating similar type of configuration this is nice giant Chanel bottle and some of the bottom Oh an effort that's a wraparound bottle I believe and there's a Jill thunder that is that actually all fragrance no I think it's just arrived for stores and things looks great here's another bedroom oh look yeah I have his twin brother oh you didn't yes so did ours yep this is very nice too I love it I love the view with the trees and everything outside pretty and another bathroom go ahead very nice and then let's go to the master this is what true this is what you call the mezzanine yeah I call it the balcony and mezzanine is the level yeah yeah I think you're right seats free entry into the master and a rumba very important in our very Austin Powers let's go this way do you have a room bar in your house a rumba rumba what's a rumba robotic vacuum cleaner absolutely great yeah it's amazing it's true and it not only does it vacuum it also marks oh yeah did it work well brilliantly I mean I should endorse the product it's that good and then when it gets low on charge it goes back to its dumping Stokes and charges itself talks to you I have one but it only does back well has electric electric toilet seat that won't you oh it sounded like water just sprayed oh it did it did yeah shower that's clever it has a shaded middle area too protect the private parts that's cool though another loo over here double-entry yeah cool so and these are closets at the end that we're not allowed to go in correct and here's closets too and a coffee and assuming one of these is a refrigerator probably that one with the two pull on it can't get over this Terrace and then this is the main bedroom for computers and things love the light look at that is it a light no these are this is the light right and this is is this like a little fold-out table does this hinge I can't imagine that's a table because that over there doesn't look like a table that's strange I know maybe it's just a counterweight just to allow no there's a need a counterweight just light something I didn't know maybe if this kind of pulled down and articulated so you could put like a book on it or a phone I guess I've never seen the bed just stuck in the middle of the room but it actually looks quite good doesn't it yeah interesting on the other side TV fireplace amazing Terrace and I'm assuming this is if you have a dog yeah yes well maybe not maybe it's sure if you do why would I walk on it that wasn't smart was it look at these with it yeah I saw those thought about stuff okay so there's lots to explore downstairs yes what is that that you're pointing it right now again I'm not sure it's some kind of a shade cover yeah over the piece of grass yeah interesting outdoor yoga practice and then the roof is dressed as well putting green yeah let's go check it out this is amazing huge Wow look at that living wall over there is it living nice yeah would you stand on that oh I guess you did you really have to ask me it's real yeah I love these no it's not it isn't 100% that's real look 100% that isn't real it's not it's not that it looks really really really good that look I mean yeah it looks real but it's not far as I know they've got all the moss in there and that's very clever yeah it's not real okay but it looks fantastic boys deducted okay helicopter you gonna do it yeah these are amazing eeny meeny miny moe let's go downstairs [Applause] big watch do you like it what is it just the watch is not new the strap is new that's cool absolutely love it's like a peachy pink right yeah I like it takes a real man to wear pink apparently should I go in the elevator or shall I walk okay guess how many miles I've walked on average per day since getting the new dog I know because you posted it on Instagram this short 20,000 20,000 miles a day steps yeah I've been doing five and a half miles a day we we've done three and a half miles in this house today okay let's go outside I love things like this is huge bulge that David Bowie NASA for who is that that is Mikhail Baryshnikov was he a chess player no he's a valet guy he's one of these dudes do you know what this house the nice thing about it is that we're stepping outside now if you were to purchase this without the furniture there is so much potential for like creating whatever type of space you want here oh it's crazy and the nice thing is is that it's actually very cozy even though it's so big it doesn't feel cold at all does it I would figure a way of maybe divining a bit of this because it's it's so big yeah you don't know what to put there right huh no I'm with you on that that's why you have interior designers because they do it would be nice to have like a little nook for watching the TV but then also a bigger space for entertaining nice outside kitchen and this is an atom device everything is big right yeah it's very nice very very nice okay so let's check out these bikes they are in fact underwater big platform here as well to go down so I read in the description you see these Jets down here yeah oh yeah I read there too you could swim against it yeah so they normally save that for pools in like New York apartments yeah little tiny things this pulls in nearly Olympic size it's got lanes that's how big it is Wow okay I've never seen underwater bicycles oh this is an electric cover to keep it clean and warm did you know that I did and that's a dog to keep it cool Jesus call Fat Boy yeah okay so this is incredibly unique so you're out of the water but the exercise is underwater which makes it incredibly hard to do right and you can adjust the resistance by the looks of it oh no it's not well the what is the resistance yeah it's just looking because there's a knob on the front but that's for up and down that's for that way that's for that way so yeah I guess that is it isn't it just the water is and I'm assuming they're stainless steel okay so now we have two showers because one isn't enough I mean these are nice enough for inside they're fabulous don't they rain heads yeah sure Jeff our three bathroom Pilates studio and that what is that I'm scared of him yeah what is it window [ __ ] whoever lives here is definitely into their fitness and big chunk Pilates and also makeup tutorials but yeah I would I would convert this into a guesthouse yeah me too me too yeah or one of the other 35 rooms are saying goodnight making to a gym but actually thinking about it and these open I'm assuming yeah they do a fold away so yeah that there aren't actually considering this 13,000 square feet actually aren't that many rooms as in big rooms there was the three bedrooms up on the left right and the master bedroom and then the one huge living area so actual like space that you would live in day to day the movie theater like it's not it's not over it's not what's the word like a waste of space exactly yeah no it's well thought about well hey this is pretty sick right I really like it yeah it's a lot of money though 23 million 22 nine twenty to nine there's a lot of houses in the flats got that expense well the flats of Beverly Hills are very expensive they're very expensive because you're in walking distance to Rodeo and all that literally across the road 500 yards of ways the Beverly Hills Hotel yeah which is very desirable to desirable to be close to so ya know it's it's really really nice I personally prefer the views but that's me I like to be a high up and look down on everything a lot of people like this so yeah it's all the money but it's a lot of house it is and everything's really nicely done very nicely done they've really done it properly there's no cutting corners here so so yeah very cool so if you're looking for a house that could fit Austin Powers lifestyle or the very serious lifestyle or arty whatever you like here this is it beautiful house so hope you enjoyed it we enjoyed filming it for you and Adams gonna get on one of these bank banks bicycles underwater bicycles he's not I would like to I'd like to try it out you want to do it and I'll film you doing it I've got it oh well then maybe next time well we'll ask him if we can come back and do it I'll bring some of it yours all right so guys hit that subscribe button hit the bell and we are in it to win it see ya [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 589,750
Rating: 4.8762712 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, mansion, house tour, real estate, property, realtor, architecture, interior design, design, landscaping, celebrity, beverly hills flats, california, lifestyles of the rich and famous
Id: L7KSmCgoukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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