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[Music] [Music] beautiful day in Beverly Hills and today on a nightly speaking way louder than you were before do you not again for me it's a beautiful day in Beverly Hills okay that's right yeah so it's a beautiful day in Beverly Hills and how do you like my fashion statement today I got the goggles the mask and the gloves not to mention caught you anywhere without the hand sanitizer we are here to show you the most amazing and I mean amazing 32 million dollar modern mansion right in the heart of Beverly Hills so let's go take a look Adam is behind the camera all wrapped up with his mask he's not wearing gloves I don't know why he's not wearing gloves why aren't you wearing gloves well just because I'm keeping my hands washed I find that I touch more things if I've got gloves on because I'm not as careful oh well anyway and we're going to also meet a beautiful realtor Ginetta and let's go see what we've what we've got to show you this is crazy look it's enormous I'm sure there's a bell are there we go here's Ginetta have to stand back we have to do the social distancing hi Ginetta how are you I'm fine I would normally come and give you a hug but you know I can't and I can't go any further back cause I'll fall in the water here thank you for having us please introduce yourself and let's go inside it's cooler right you're following editor it's so difficult because we have to keep our distance here it's crazy tell us a little bit about it and from what I see already it's absolutely gorgeous thank you thank you see you soon well check this out look at the light Adam it's like a giant golf ball that's awesome do I look like a penguin from the shine you know it's like a beef for puffins I don't know why this thing's so big it's crazy sure that's not a green card you're nasty so this must be the office look at this I throw that as a painting on the wall it's actually a TV I think Oh Adam I want this it is 10:00 to 7:00 do you know who makes it don't want this the Internet will help us find it though because remember that digital LED clock you bought it got it yeah because people found it for me if anybody knows what this is please put it in the comments we read all the comments we'd love to know who makes this I want one oh wow check this out it's been such a long time since we don't know I know stores yes yeah it really does well there's a bathroom there you might as well start going in there it's a pretty bathroom I love the tiles pretty so the floors are these massive slabs of I guess it's marble not quite sure what it is but it's so clean looking it's very impressive isn't it isn't it beautiful piano and some cacti this is a new thing which I absolutely love so a lot of the houses now instead of having vents they have lit well this is event and these long thin channels throughout the house it does a great job of keeping it cool Macallan twelve thought I'm not honestly not a whiskey guy is it whiskers that sculpture is it bourbon what is it it's whiskey it is whiskey single malt scotch whiskey yeah I'm never even into it I can't stand the taste of whiskey I don't understand how people can drink it's so strong it burns but the only thing I like it in is a whiskey sour with lemon with yeah with business sour bitters lemon and bit of sugar syrup a bedroom we're in a bedroom now I've heard that I hope I didn't do something with this I just touched it I'm sure I'll be fine right okay let's see testing one two three is it working still working so this would just be a guest bedroom I'm assuming so this is the first person that passes out drunk from drinking the scotch there you go they end up in the upstairs room this is so pretty like it why is it clicking like that is that my belt does it match it probably okay do you hear it click yeah why is it clicking what's it there's a have you got a button on that no let's try that is it clicking oh it's the button underneath it slide it yeah that's it there we go all right so this is a invisible television oh that's fun this is so hot Adam it's hard to talk through this thing when this is off it doesn't look like a TV it's just a black I don't know how to switch it off and it's got the great fire underneath it this is really special it's really really special and even though it's like when you do this it this doesn't feel overbearing it feels like you could be cozy in here yeah this is just the start of it well let's continue let's continue so this is the dining room I love those lights do I need the gloves I'll keep the gloves on it's a entirely runny and sweaty look a match orange orange orange orange I tried my hardest are you King out tiger King Tiger King that tells me the kitchens closed otherwise you'd have to bring the food a long way kitchen stairs let's do kitchen kitchen I need to take this off we'll take it off I'll stay all the way back here I've got mine on oh good so pretty good how do I do it oh here we go funny that's funny oh god no better it's so hot yeah they're not nice no they're not no no do you feel a little bit of sympathy for what you put me through out and the two hours in the sunshine at your house it's terrible look at this kitchen this is like a bowling alley you could literally like Bowl down here it is gorgeous yeah and it's a super high-tech house I don't know what any of this stuff does but let's hit Paige back see what Paige back takes us to now maybe it doesn't recognize me with oh they were just yeah all sorts of stuff okay so let's play where's the refrigerator oh okay I think there might be a couple okay so I think that's too behind you or fridge/freezer behind you I don't think so no no too thin let's see okay coffee maker okay oh that's cool you want a shot of that let me get out of the way oh we got oh yeah Wow look at that carafe giraffe that is gorgeous do you know why they call it a carafe I do not because it's like a giraffe it has the long neck no I'm joking clothes covered that's gorgeous though okay guys find me this where do I buy this from William Sonoma they do that one yeah they do that it's just that nice right that's beautiful yeah I'm guessing refrigerator freezer I'll go the other way you're saying this is the that's fridge and yeah that's pretty that's a freezer freezer oh wow it's full of oranges Wow I win you win high five dollars I'm thinking this might be another one I'll ask cupboards share the camera way it is yeah oh look Adam what do you got oh that is a big warning from that blow job Retreat retreat what else we got so what are those over their innate cupboards do you think uh I'm getting with cupboard okay good this one doesn't open okay cupboard how cool is this it's lovely I love these cooktops double cooktops ovens microwave how do these open like a regular oh look there's more I didn't see these so there's double everything and then you've got the blower from the top as well I wonder if these open they certainly do very very well thought out nice and everything's really high-end nice super iron feels nice here's a cozy area so this would be where you can to chill not for more I can imagine a low you can up in the morning you have a cup of coffee cup of tea and then yeah maybe come sit in here if it's all but chilly outside or enjoy this I can't wait to go outside you we go outside later yeah let's let's finish outside let's not okay to us I you need to come back here cuz I'm gonna make a runner down there don't have my mask on Alou get mean ooh this is a washroom laundry room sorry NASA's waving at everybody double everything ask this the maid's quarters this would be the mates quarters I want to be a maid in this yeah but you know I don't know if I'd want to be a maid where I walk out the door and I walk into my work there's the washing machine and dryer but it's lovely really is lovely they will tell you as well it's very nicely done retreat beep beep Petrie Adam is reversing I like the buzzer alright so now Michael yes you can't peace fell off so this is a two-car garage nice long two-car garage and there's another three-car garage which we'll get to see sure yeah yes back five cars plus decent space on the drive yes lots of space what is this elevator an elevator don't know if it switched our elevator I love this recessed lighting isn't it lovely oh look you can inspect your tire tread with me through here [Music] this is a monster house in the wars at 12,000 square feet which would nearly 13-thousand Oh check this out there's a restroom and how many baths 1111 yeah 11 a gambling table and more wine isn't that beautiful this is yeah it's a fun little man cave and then here we have oh here the three garages oh look at the lights I'm going in yeah oh wow no workspace here as well I'm gonna prop this door so let's go no we've been losing the garage before it wasn't fun PTSD was just about a kick in wasn't it what's in here oh my word wow wow wow oh my god oh my god look this is that little bar at the back I don't yes that's exactly what it is this chair just you toss so you'd sit there and have some dinner while you're watching a movie look at this this VIP Michael this might be my favorite cinema room that we've been in you know what it's cozy you can lay out you don't have to sit in the chair it's cozy Wow yeah I just set it to relax what are you doing I just set them you won't see me Here I am maybe my gloves and chefs neon this is beautiful this is really special solutely beautiful well I want it well if you work hard enough Michael one day you might be able to have it I need more subscribers this is really beautiful really really beautiful I mean the little details that has gone into this I'm sure something's coming here it's not done yet their lights I bet you they've got strip wire yes that's exactly what that is so come and take a look at this as well what am I looking at so it's locked so there's a combination to keep Al keys out yeah when you get too drunk that you can't push the buttons you're not allowed anymore what there's the elevator let me see if it works on here maybe I'm scared of elevators yeah let's just do the stair thing what would you put under here a plant yeah yeah how's this thinking like it's a lot of space isn't it like what could you add you know I go great under there what a driving simulator it would you could but you could do that you have to soundproof the stairs a bit but I've just noticed the water fall out of that window that's really nice oh isn't that fun I bet at night that light surfing which really spectacular that clock is awesome I want it okay Tallyho this is an incredibly wide staircase and it has just one beam holding it you see that oh yeah that's engineering for you so if I might be so bold we've definitely gone 2 houses worth more than this or the same as this that while they look impressive they don't necessarily feel that impressive like the fit and finish isn't very good this one Oh everything feels so well done very very well made and they didn't do any shortcuts when it comes to the electronics it's beautiful that would be the master shall we save it to last yeah ok let's see so they've got a whole fitness first in here check this out oh it's nothing cool in here go on then I can do it go on get those triceps is that what this test triceps yeah I can you I mean you can do a lot of things but yeah triceps nice machine ok I am so hot from that mask I can't believe it yeah I'm glad you were able to take yours off so this is another I guess kids bedroom beautiful balcony it's a very family-friendly house it really is and that's unusual for a house like this yeah but your kids couldn't fall off here if they were left on a 10-bit just check it I've seen glass everywhere yeah so I just did that recently into the screen door my new I went to look through the window or through the door and I just one point this is nicely done is this a door yeah I guess it is yep bye-bye it's very nice this is really really nicely done watches and warnings I guess that's a heat advisory for today so you guys know what we're going through all right it's terrible being us here with this lovely weather I know right oh look but that's gone now where I am it's not hot anymore but look 95 degrees we are LA so right now it's 88 look how pretty this room is really nicely done it is I love this desk as well everything about it is nice in minutes that's what I mean the fit and finish is beautiful yeah there's no corners being cut bull rock nice tub oh yeah I do love a nice tub you know you are you a bath person I like that yeah I do like that like showers too I like the rain head yeah I'm a daily shower and maybe like a weekly or bi-weekly bath I guess that's locked okay should we try this one yeah oh nice thank you okay so we have the Accademia master then it's certainly the upgraded room of all the graduation there's the master how lovely in tropical this looks good now no wait you should go outside look at that that's the balcony for the master right there which we will go to shortly Wow lovely there's a TV outside oh yeah sound system I like this Adams moving in I am I am I want a TV out of my deck are these succulents as well that's I've never seen one like that like a succulent Bush speculum Bush yeah like it's a bush of succulent succulent bush yeah I thought that you seven the 70s wasn't it nice TV behind each other perfect in there which is lovely no corners cut okay let's continue could've sworn this was open when we came in from there was comes with a free ghost okay next one said this would this would be one of the smaller bedrooms but it's a large bedroom right exactly again beautifully done look at this I don't know what that is I'm standing back what is that behind the two toilet it's a German this is the sister I don't know yeah it's really got a lot of space for guests doesn't it or family like 18 kids this is the place for you and that's potato straight and fixed up yeah you look like you're about all these accessories like Batman right you look like you're about to go out for dinner and then go tactical shooting afterwards I thought this was a bedroom what is it it's a control room ahh Wow well automation system automation automation so how much is a Crestron system then for this house between 200 and 300 thousand get out of town I would guess in oh my goodness so just on the infotainment system more than that and spending more than a lot of nice houses that's just the control system without everything else the control system when it's all done closer to half a million I would yes yeah it's not cheap pivot door into the master pervert do you watch friends yeah you know they have pivot donor type pivot on Google thank me later look at this how lovely this is nice and the view is spectacular you don't see another property anywhere I was just about to say in Beverly Hills you often even if you've got the biggest Buddhist house you often overlook someone else or yeah someone overlooks you yeah but your clothes have your neighbor waking up in the morning and that's the view it's beautiful and I'll see a tunnel with a lot more stuff here for the master let's explore it stop I'm gonna make a comment before you see this I thought I'd seen it all I'm seeing something for the very first time that I've never seen before really have a look at that it has a lid it has a lid I've never seen one with a lid yeah I have either Wow oh that's fun I'm glad that I got to experience that first with you you are and there's another loo behind it a normal one look at that shower look at the bath and you have opposite side sinks over his in the hood nice big Kelly but seriously look at that shower this might be the best rain head we've ever seen there's another Luda that is the best rain head oh that's spectacular and in the middle that's actually not rain that's light there's a LEDs so it is my understanding and belief that when you switch it on it the water will come down in different colors really there has to be a control for that similar find a light shade lights come around a shade open shade close but look at the skylight it's dirty but look oh my goodness spectacular this is my favorite shower I've seen in the entire world I'll close you win okay bye no no lovely come see more a closet for Michael I'm enjoying this icon wasn't for Michael shoes this is very very lovely oh you're now talking that's very very lovely Oh Jeff when you too tired yeah for putting on your socks when you walk by they lighter no but look the shelves light up yes somewhere what some of them I've never seen that where the actual shelf itself is lit pretty cool isn't it there's so many cool things in here and these are assuming you're all yeah everything what lights out when you open it see the top right oh that is so special there's no simple that's so special well I'm loving the shout Adam me too and more closet as weird as this might sound this who the glushies opening itself that's terrifying as weird as this might sound something that wasn't me this may be the best value for money house we've been in it's exceptional and it's on over an acre which in Beverly Hills is yeah it sounds so awful to say that 33 million dollars is value but is this still working let me say yes it is very good I've been behaving myself so I'm not quite sure how that opened I didn't touch anything but it did all right let's go in the balcony this is a fiddly fig I have one and it is not as magnificent as that one yours is plastic no it's not I'm kidding I'm kidding don't go Jeff you wait till you come see my house I've got so many beautiful plants you move too far away he's like getting further and further how far is it like 50 miles almost 50 miles an hour 50 miles a long way that's a hundred miles there and back it is beautiful Wow hot tub fire pit secondary fire secondary fire pit in the secondary hot tub and the pool should we take a wander down there we didn't even go outside and look at the there's multiple pools and things there's multi pools let's go let's go let's go take a dip do you know just me no there's only me they've got that there's multi pools fridge oh there shall be the fridge oh that's nice I'm gonna put a cap leverage so highly complex automation have we already had this conversation when do you actually lay here to watch the TV in your room never okay never okay but it does wonders for the chairs they last forever you never need to replace them I have chairs in my bedroom they've never been sat in yeah I just can't imagine when you would choose to sit here and watch telly rather than in one of the other media rooms yeah right that's not true my dogs have said no jumper that's what I would have I would have 150 pounds you are my shepherd here and 120 pound Oberman there that's what I would want and the rock viola in the middle exactly what a sick house you know this is by far in my opinion the nicest house for the money that we've ever seen I think I do I mean it's not the flashiest no but it's it's got everything you could ever want and sell mm-hmm and it's livable as opposed to just feel look at it but it doesn't feel cold yeah and it comes with a pet lizard very good I wonder absolutely even the doors are trackless you see so they did everything right did I mention I want that light but not like [Music] beautiful outside area where you can sit in the middle of winter because you've got the heaters above your head don't really need them in there lay that much but sometimes it can get chilly at night Wow Adam look at this this is just gorgeous gorgeous Sal here roasting your marshmallows careful easy put what 10 people in there oh yeah easy well not with social distancing social distancing 2 maybe 3 there's an outside kitchen here now I see take a peek at that don't fall in the lagoon I love that isn't it cool like the waterfall put some fish in there hmm do you think I really like that what a beautiful space you feel outdoors but totally protected indoors there's a ton of heaters here yeah I would have this table here so that you can enjoy the view a little better while you are having dinner and then I would put like a little sectional couch in here so that when you've got guests they can sit on the stools you can be hanging out here watch the game or the fight or whatever and turn this into like a little little outdoor adventure Center I think that is a brilliant idea and I think you should buy the house and do it and if you ask nicely they'll throw in the furniture okay yeah guys hit the subscribe button hit the bell hit the thumbs up hit all the things to help Adam be able to buy this house please do yeah this is really really cool just missing some fish oh you know what you can't put fish this is a what maybe you could this is an overflow from here down the side I think we should I go for a walk that they weren't anticipating yeah look at that high flow stream they would be they would be jettisoned maybe people's ii put the fish in here you were salmon if i upstream way yeah do you know what though this actually would be really nice if you could have this with like lily pads and some plants and stuff yeah it's gorgeous everything about this should i like this stuff don't know what its cause it bamboo it's good question i think its bamboo grows like wildfire like a little half football pitch on here yeah you could this is I think the nicest house we've done I'm loving this house it was loving it well this would be really nice actually is that a door to the garage I was going to say this here would be really nice to have either one of those zen gardens that you rake right because this kind of reminds me of like a bonsai I bet you could bonsai this tree this is a Zen garden really but it's just it it could have some some genus equi you only masked falling off your nose I mean his mask was falling off his nose but I sympathize because it's uncomfortable wearing them for such a long period yeah and I sympathize okay so amazing pool I believe that the water level is way lower than it normally would be it looks that way yeah and that means that these beds would actually be set inside the pool that's nice isn't that cool that is nice and guys this is an enormous pool it's nearly Olympic length it really is it is huge in sakes would be perfect for the dogs as well your dogs can just jump down here jump in the pool get in and out easy yeah just iqbal what's that Oh to drain the water out hello it's the good thing about having microphones is that you can just talk normally and I can hear you I don't have to shout do I but the good thing is like that's a good shine that's a good omen tree butterfly he does lots and lots a butterfly doesn't know what butterflies are probably catching butterflies am I like freaking out what are you looking at but seriously you could you could do so much here spectacular totally private house in the heart of Beverly Hills that is a view isn't it gorgeous as re patru would say that is a vibe man he would say supreme its supreme and this is that wonder grass I'm actually going to do this with my property are you yeah cuz it takes no maintenance at all it grows to about 18 inches to 20 inches and just stays like that yeah as always we just have to water it a lot what what what did you say what do you say I said I'm much the same a greater 18 inches in just a like Michael let's do a sign off you let's let's do away from this pipe sir look I don't wanna walk in the garage okay let's not do it away from this pipe the pipes fighting okay stay behaved I hope you've enjoyed this as much as we have because I'm telling you this is one heck of a house it's a lot of money thirty two million dollars is a lot of money but in the scope of things that we show you this thirty two million dollar house is spectacular and I think it's under priced so that's just my opinion I think you agree with me I do amazing anyway hit the subscribe button hit the bell were in it to win it Adam say goodbye bye see ya move the camera oh yeah totally out right there [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,116,356
Rating: 4.8945584 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, mansion, house tour, megamansion, celebrity home, architecture, interior design, landscaping, celebrity, lifestyles of the rich and famous, millionaire, billionaire, rich, wealthy, bel air, north hollywood, west hollywood
Id: XwKJ_djAouA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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