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[Music] the things we do to show you it's a hundred degrees today and i i can't begin to tell you how hot that feels it's dry but it's really hot we are here to show you something that's very unique this house mansion estate what happened nothing carry on what happened to just around all right guys and just came around the corner not yet janetta hold on shall i start again i keep going where was i oh yes um so this house is unbelievable you ready for this it's 300 000 a month to rent when i first heard that i thought no way that's ridiculous i've taken a walk around the house it's worth every penny and more this is crazy and we're going to show you jeanette is somewhere inside you know that already i guess unless you cut that out you're gonna cut that out of course i'm not of course you're not okay let's go find her it should be quite easy look at this wow i feel like i'm in spain isn't it beautiful it is gorgeous i'm going to pet the lion good boy see these are okay i'm not scared of those jeanetta hold on let me put my mask on well hello again how are you i'm good how are you wow you've done it again haven't you this is amazing yeah is that your horse please come on yep you can drive in on the side i do i like to ride i like to ride yes oh my word don't tell us about the house tell us about the horse i love it it's beautiful right so we can't even can't even start the video yet this looks like this looks very dangerous adam look at that have you seen his shoes they're even pointier than yours yeah you're right it oh this is this is sick wow sorry okay house tell us about the house there's art all over the house are you guys gonna really have fun um so this is a beautiful spanish mediterranean home we're in the heart of beverly hills and this bedroom this house has six veterans and uh nine veterans and seventeen thousand square feet of living space it sits on an acre of land and it's palatial well we're gonna have a lot of fun with this we're right behind beverly hills hotel too yeah this is really nice so exactly i had a tea earlier as you know and it's just sick so you ready yeah i mentioned that outside oh you did okay good three hundred thousand dollars a month and worth every penny yes are we ready ready let's do it thank you okay so let's start here shall we start here yeah let's start right here start with this guy okay so he is who is he he an armor for the joust the duke of vienna from the 1600s that is insane this thing is older than america right here that's incredible when you think about it right there's another one right behind you that looks like i mean but this house is mixed with motorbikes modern art crazy stuff let's start with the mundane stuff a bathroom in fact you don't even have to see this bathroom because it's just a bathroom let's continue over here to fun stuff okay so here we have another bathroom don't have to bother with this there's so much fun stuff coming ready okay an office now i want to say somebody's actually renting this home right now for just a few days and i think they leave tomorrow so there's stuff around but that will be gone tomorrow so uh there's a couple of closets we can't go in but look at this bike would you like that adam i mean it's epic that is a great custom i do think they're better art pieces than they are vehicles right i don't think this has ever been written apparently it was written to get it here or it was bought here and then they drained all of the fluids and it sat here ever since crazy the art's fantastic so check this out this is like a medieval office and it's got some fun features shall i show you something adam sure okay check this out i'm not going to take you inside and i hope i do this right but this opens and then this opens no yeah and i'm not going to show you what's inside because i've been asked not to really oh can i see that very cool off camera when we're done hold on i want to see it right now okay how cool is that no way nice crazy fun yeah sorry guys but there's a lot more fun stuff coming that we can show you so in fact that's really the only thing we can't show you let's continue sorry i just there's things everywhere so a boxing glove signed by does that say lennox lewis or does that say what does that say i can't read it len lenses if you can't read it i've got no chance muhammad ali god there's so much memorabilia you know who that is i do that is the original outfit that muhammad ali wore in the fight where he knocked that dude out don't know who that dude is yeah that i don't think i've ever seen like that is probably one of the most spectacular pieces of memorabilia ever because everybody knows that photograph and they were his actual shorts wow crazy right the famous laker shirt you haven't got a clue about sports i know that lakers the that one yeah not that one right i mix them up sometimes look at this chandelier lovely okay so this wall is this is a faux alligator so it's not real alligator but it's incredible the way it's done this is what i would say the ultra formal living room because you'll see there's many more living rooms to come feels like i'm inside one of your shoes what the heck does that mean that's wonderful it's so crazy isn't it it really is and that one can we show that oh i think we can right are we allowed maybe maybe all right bye horsey i can't get over this i know it's amazing and it's real it's an authentic antique suit of armor for the guy in the horse wow a very small dining room table um one two three four five six seven eight nine for eighteen twenty people these are very large chairs so you get the idea of just how big this is two beautiful beautiful chandeliers just crazy in the artwork so you're in you know it's a traditional type of house with the ultra modern art and motorbikes there's more to come crazy love it this would be the butler's pantry and that would be the pantry and this would be the kitchen and i see a motorbike we'll get to that but grandiose cooks kitchen this is a real chef's kitchen here look at the extractor yeah it's as professional as it gets like a restaurant superb absolutely superb and i just noticed there's more ovens over there in the wall beautifully done uh walkie-talkies because the house is so big you have to have a walkie-talkie to talk to people uh who's who's that oh yeah fred fred is the mailman i know that this collection they are absolutely amazing they're made of wax i used to have one that sat at the piano and pretended to play the piano anatomically correct they're very expensive um brilliantly made i mean it looks real doesn't it that is creepy as all hell but look at the bike hold on i got it don't poke yourself in the booty with the football game wow this bike is amazing this is the carburetor isn't it yeah the air intake wow and again just driven to get here as a piece of art that's a very extravagant ride unbelievable isn't it the outside is like a resort which i think we come to a little later would you agree i think so okay so that's all you get this would be a little office area off the kitchen to do your chores and order your food here we have i guess this would be a fun room uh all the rooms are fun but look at that monkey isn't that fun the art in this house is absolutely incredible who would have thought to do a house like this with such fun pieces there's a safe door on the wall over there spectacular oh wow horsey in the bar did you see this before no i didn't i don't think i even came down here look at all of those there's no shortage of champagne oh my goodness wow i have to do something really quick so you can switch the camera off for one second okay oh i can't i don't have my phone why i want to take a picture like that or an instagram post do you have your phone i do will you be so kind to do the honours my favorite watch today ready three two one i don't know why i'm counting down like you're gonna yeah i'm not gonna blink what can i say other than wow rat pack frank sinatra dean martin and sammy davis jr and do you know who's missing out the rat pack one person's missing who would it be boy george elvis okay so now we're going into like the casbah ready are you really ready smells so nice down here are you ready let me stand here so we can do the full reveal full reveal are you ready yeah whoa ah it's worth all the money just for this room this is a stripper pole i would do it but you know dish tasteful for me this is so funny is this amazing this truly it's like a new york bar isn't it it's like a speakeasy yeah better than the speakeasy this is this is truly amazing the the smell in this room is a scented i don't know what what would you call this um it is it's like incense isn't it yeah but it's not i think it's from the candles yeah and like a fresh like you you would maybe think that this might be like musty smelling but it smells so nice this is just crazy i thought i'd seen it all in the house this is sick there's a sign that says killing it little plaque oh yeah this is killing it wow yeah i'm going to disappoint you i i can't do the stripper pole can you do the stripper pole i can't no yeah you wouldn't like it if i didn't no i definitely wouldn't okay so look at this this is you know who this is who is it this is a heart back to my history my heritage uh is that lady um godiva it is yeah lady gaga who rode through the streets of coventry which is near where i'm from naked naked barber pole oh i forgot about this what is that oh it's the the maids phone isn't it i totally forgot about this this is insane batman pal yes she likes it spanky spanky look at the razors up there and the ceiling this is just unbelievable how about this haircut please what a beautiful beautiful chair they don't do that anymore do they mate this is so funny it's incredible [Music] so here we have the house manager's little office and stuff and here we have a another laundry room here we have another laundry room here we have a maids room or staff room and a bathroom but this isn't the most spectacular part of the house in here so let's not feature it too much i can't believe this place has a barber shop right it's a real barbershop with a real barber pole that's just crazy oh by the way this is an elevator there's the elevator elevator car call call we're not going to go in this well we can't oh yeah because of the distance thing it's not big enough unfortunately but wow saying goodbye to this amazing room that is brilliant that is really brilliant oh you expect something like that for 300 grand a month right oh for sure we haven't looked at the carriage how do you get to that uh i lost where we are in the house oh through here double doors in front of you this one yep you're right so this is a i want to say 57 or 58 corvette i want to say it so i might as well say it this is a 5758 corvette if it's not i'm sorry but it's close it's very beautiful amg c63s and a classic what is that 280sctsc yeah and a fish tank and fishes you don't often see fish tanks in garages no it could use a little spiff yeah i was going to say it looks like the the glass needs that's how you do it that's the the spiffing tool oh really yeah it's a magnet on either side and you no lift it don't pull it off lift it slide it it doesn't work but that's how it is supposed to work it's probably not been used in a while and the one inside welded itself to the glass hello hello okay 100 degrees outside outside here well i might as well take a peek putting green no it's not these are closets and things i didn't mention but i'll mention now you can put maybe 20 cars on the drive wow now this is what i need i can never find things like screwdrivers and pliers and hammers i need to buy one of these how many screwdrivers have you got oh well i'd fill it i'd buy the tools so i had them use them that's like you having a fully stocked kitchen i'm not very good with tools but i'm good with telephones i can call someone that is yeah exactly i'm going to close this wow it smells so good just i feel like i'm in a renaissance hotel a really high end somewhere in south of france south of spain which way that way okay that's a big mirror that's a big mirror hi oops i like my shirt that's nice it's another 8x link in the bio not the bio whatever okay so this is a room someone's staying in so we can't spend too much time in here but look at the uh i think these are baseball jerseys correct do you recognize anyone no i don't follow baseball at all i don't follow any american sports i said i know that's kobe yep but that's about it that's derek jeter oh yeah okay we're not getting in here there's a bathroom and shower uh and closet like i say someone's using it so we won't go in amazing four poster bed with modern art behind it spectacular look behind you liverpool lads recognize them i do i'm amazed at this house how big is the bathroom how big is what oh nice bathroom as well who just had a little peek in the bathroom yeah have a peek okay doesn't this remind you of a like a grand chateau yeah elevator door let's go this way look at this old tapestry so this is unique i haven't seen this configuration before but i love it two beds opposite each other kids yeah it must be a kid's room although weird that it's a kid's room and then it's got like some tapestry from the 1600s in here yeah but that makes up for you've got fred flintstone and there's louis again and fred and barney and marilyn and i think that's i don't know that is batman because it's just power and a bathroom and a shower and a loo nice we're making our way to the master this is control room elevator wow wow bumblebee wow didn't we see him in vegas you know we walked around these uh caesars forum i guess the owner of this house did too because they bought him yeah they also sell one of these on venice beach do they there's a shop on venice beach for sales there's a laundry room what do we have here theater beautiful this is a cozy cozy theater i love the way they've done this so hold on we're about to walk into the master bedroom from i think this is part of the master bedroom that's amazing but we missed a room or two should we check those out first and come back through what did we miss there was a something over here this house is so big 17 000 square feet we missed this room oh yeah closet beautiful bedroom nice large bathroom don't know where the light switch is do you see a light switch probably out here there it is is that better now you can see it lit you up nice look at that propeller great artwork i mean great artwork don't think you can show that uh oh wow yeah no definitely not and then yeah so this was the back stairs that we walked by this is just crazy so this is an electric screen that drops down so i've got something to show you okay you ready i'm ready so not only is this the living room or the movie room but it's also the gym how did you know that magic yeah unbelievable gym and there's actually a bar out there as well of course amazing wow uh-oh i can't see where i'm going all right are you ready for this ready look at the ceiling whoa unbelievable it's like a better intent and it's a ginormous bed again look at the size of those knockers look at the bed adam oh wait hold on it's another ginormous bed sorry i just realized they're probably functional what does it do don't mind it's all right carol oh you are [ __ ] hey it's not my bad i get it i just it just so this bed again i think this is bigger than the one that we said was the world's biggest i think i don't have them the other one was five right so yeah one two three four oh yeah five six so i take that back this is the world's biggest bed wow i love that the tv with the frame around it and you can't show these pictures probably not now can you show this one here you can show that like that hold on there we go you got it and i shall move my way to this one can you show that like that yeah take the camera away whoa look at this i like this oh look massage room this is nuts adam smells lovely in here as well doesn't it and then there's a bathroom and something off the massage room i'll let you check first maybe it's got some stuff in it it's like a mini office look at the light i love this house this is a crazy house crazy house i say seriously i feel like from here we're either in a bedouin tent or like in the pirate ship like where captain hook his quarters that's how it feels like this could be the back section of a ship i don't care what anybody's taste is you can't not be comfortable in this house yeah everything is here and it's just amazing did we go in the bathroom no we didn't let's go in the bathroom this is the size of some people's houses this would be a vanity and a loo on that side and this would be a vanity and uh lu on that side you might need two hands for those wow what a bathtub just be careful with the art here there's a lot of lots of nippies around here we're gonna zoom in yeah fireplace at the end of the bath or the jacuzzi tub we're not going to go in the the closets because as i mentioned there's somebody here but they're large and beautiful here we have a incredibly echo complicated walls of water wow be careful with the camera there's noodies zooming down lots of nudies even that i think we can show that yeah i think that's allowed wow we've got to go outside now let's go outside look the the picture changed it's almost like it's a tv almost i love this house [Music] so let's go take a wonder outside and explore the world's biggest fire pit in the house that's gorgeous isn't that beautiful i mean just think about sat outside here on a lovely evening every evening he's lovely here in this tropical oasis did you see the ceiling yeah the way that this is done just beautiful absolutely beautiful and rabbits bunnies oh my word oh they're cute i dare you to put your finger on i already have does it bite no i said hi to him earlier oh he's nice hey buddy he's nice they make good pets yeah i've had rabbits i grew up with rabbits and guinea pigs you did there's a outside uh lou is it a loo it is a loo and then this palatial backyard with everything you would want for 300 grand a month wow look at this so here fabulous barbecue area with viking appliances viking bbq fridge freezer ice maker grill don't know what that is i'm just trying to sound intelligent like i know what i'm talking about and once again a very small table to dine at three six nine twenty people this is gorgeous rather natural shade using the vines too absolutely phenomenal an incredibly inviting pool another firepit the lovely shade this is like the beverly hills hotel they have these little nooks where you have lunch or dinner and you sit in at little alcoves and they have fire pits spectacular now if you stand correctly and you can what are you doing what are you doing then over here the ultimate children's clubhouse how about that are you going to take a closer look i think so i think i've got to go look inside the door's open it's almost like they want us to go check it out go for it i'm staying here okay oh you can't get up there hello dude there's a there's a bed in here really yeah wow look at that you can talk to people oh god that trap door doesn't feel very safe that's not a bottle of henny i'm just gonna i'm gonna stay in here for a little bit if that's cool look at this adam it's stunning and over to your right you see century city so it's beautiful at night all lit up we should go down there because there's more down those little steps why don't we go down there because there's more down there okay everything is done well look at the thickness of the mattresses on these sunbeds and then here you have the water cannons you have an armory and i'm sure there's more inside here an absolute armory of water stuff a bed just in case i want to get in this pool so bad i know i do too but i might go in my pool when i get back you're going to do that i think so i think that's wise okay so here we have a garden that's awesome i would have just this is for your pet rabbits right no can't be for the rabbits because they could escape what would this be for oh it's a garden isn't it you have planters down here there's an owl grow your veggies you see the owl i do see the squirrel where's the squirrel i see the squirrel the squirrel's a real squirrel and he has an apple or a lemon or something what does he have i don't know but no this would be great i would have chickens in here and i would have my veggies there's another something down there i don't know what it is so a lot of room so they were saying that they use that when they have parties and things they put catering down there so what a great idea completely out of sight great idea okay and there's more what's in here we saw a rabbit in one no there's not one in there i checked nothing in there okay so here we have a walkway to supplies pool supplies beautiful and then over there what's that big green area such as such a fabulous house oh that's the chop of uh what is that it's a tent like a gardening tent type thing i wonder what that's for maybe that's for caterers as well to prepare food this is the porter cachet where you would come through to put your car into the garage yeah guys what can i tell you amazing property absolutely amazing property so i hope you liked it um 300 000 a month sounds a fortune it is a fortune but it's worth it if you've got that type of money this is where you want to live absolutely amazing hit the subscribe button please hit the bell please i never said please before did i no you just told people yeah i apologize it's very helpful if you do subscribe and if you do hit the like because it helps the videos and uh we're in it to win it and what else i'm getting bad at this help me adam i think that's it thanks for watching thanks for watching yeah really appreciate you watching i hope you enjoyed it follow us on instagram yeah follow us on instagram what else can i advertise i sure did that already uh watch did that already no it didn't risk aficionado thank you very much uh what else i think that's it that's it see you later bye [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 306,023
Rating: 4.87921 out of 5
Keywords: mansion, mega mansion, house tour, real estate, celebrity home, architecture, interior design, mtv cribs, lifestyles of the rich and famous, selling sunset, wealth, money, rental, rental property, millionaire, billionaire, rich, famous, swimming pool, luxury, shopping, beverly hills, bel air, hollywood, la, california, socal, producer michael, michael blakey, producermichael
Id: iv3EnmaKDM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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