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hail and meshes nowadays everyone knows where is best legendary weapons in balos Gate 3 but I found more than 15 weapons that a lot of players probably missing when they play in this game just look at this common schemer with 20 bonus damage per hit let's start with the first training level so right at the start of the game you can already achieve this awesome sword 2 the6 plus your strength modifier and additional one4 fire damage we CLE actions that will give you ability to cleave multiple enemies at once lerate that will make enemies bleed and P strike so you can use a bonus action to do additional damage very strong blade and big and scary this is I guess is most well-known blade from the list of today's weapons so to get this uh blade basically you need to play es cleric or don't forget to switch Shadow heart spell at this tutorial level so you use common spell as cleric every cleric got this spell and you need to use common drop and if you succeed this common drop and Commander shul he will drop his weapon and you can just go pick up it and then a cube he will be useless boy with his fists and you will be wielder of this incredibly powerful blade this SW is insanely good for early game best classes will be Barbarian fighter and palatin palion will have really strong smites with this and fighter in Barbarian is basically a really high damage midle classes the only problem everb blade got that there is no enchantment so we don't have this plus one plus two plus three bonus to attack damage and row so in late game it will be harder to hit with this blades than with other good weapons and another problem it's not deep B so you can't use Elixir potions on it so it will be poisoned or with other characteristics so next weapon will be in Emerald Grove in Druid Grove and you probably missed this weapon but this weapon is actually insane it's lying just over here so this is like first place where you can find it and it's not other weapon than Practice Sword sadly we will need to be sneaky to get it because it will be stealing action but why is it worth to get practice word so coolest part about this practice word it's doing blood joing damage and if you're playing someone like Rogue that need to do sneaky attacks with his dagger with most of weapons he will get piercing or slashing damage but when you fighting someone like constructs Golems robots and other guys you will need blood joining damage and blood joining damage is from hammers Maes morning stars and other stuff like that so Practice Sword is the only weapon that can use sneak attack and do blood jining damage instead and attack with advantage to make incredible while joining damage from snake attack and next weapon can be found randomly in Wen crates just nearby and of course it's salami yeah it's not only camp supplies but also a clap with one to4 damage plus your strength modifier it's light so you can double wit it in two hands also you can dip salami into fire and it will do additional fire damage so never skip on this Furious weapon if you want to have some fun in Bal Gate 3 and to get our next weapon we need to go to Goblin Camp so next weapon is a maze and it will be useful for basically any class any class that will at least some time attack with this maze you can use it on Barbarian on fighter on cleric or even on dual wield Champions so if your character using dual bu Feit you can use this maze with another maze or other like SW and do incredible amounts of damage but most of players missing it so when you enter in Goblin Camp shattered sanctum you need to turn right on this stairs go up and there's a Mr AB theck so most of the players using him as permanent buff if you succeed a lot of checks but if you continue your story line and do all quests he will basically leave Goblin camp and you will never see him again that's why it's nice nice idea to just sneak behind him and just is up one time so what is on him the only Lors scour up The Rock's maze this maze doing one to6 damage plus your strength modifier and additionally it's doing 1 to6 damage to all nearby Targets including you but it gives you resistance to necrotic damage so you will get only half damage from this in early game there are a lot of mobs who will clamp up and they pretty low health so just one strike and everyone nearby taking large amount of damage so it's just a few hits away from dying so this mze is really nice for early game before you enter to act two where will be a lot of enemies with this resistance to necrotic damage how many of these weapons do do you knew existed write in the comments after you watch full video and right now let's get back to the next weapon next weapon like in Arcane Tower in under dark so you need to gain access to this elevator and go to the Upper Floor depending on your conversation with Bernard it can go either way you can be friendly or hostile with him any way you will gain access to this top room but there's a really high chance that you will miss this stool so what is it if you just holdover Mouse over it it will be sto of heal giant strength looking pretty big basic but if you just go attack it and destroy it you will find clap of heal giant strength so it's piece of this tool so what is this stuff this clap doesn't have really impressive damage only one D4 but it will raise your strength up to 19 so after you equip it on Mage or for example cleric this cleric will get 19 strength will instantly improve his carry capacity and also will have higher chance to hit and do more damage with this stick Additionally you can completely dump your strength and get other attributes so try not to miss this stick it's really powerful next item will appear when you go to this under duck trigger boat when you're going on Ian Lake on your road to Green Forge and while you adventuring there will be another boat coming nearby most of players will like to try to use Athletics to push Durer into water but it's better to use deception on this Corsair Greymon you want him alive or if it's not possible try not to push him off the boat because this little buddy got a really nice item on him if you manage to not engage in a fight on the boats he can sell it to you but if you're fighting with him you just can take this out J gal great sword looking pretty basic two to six plus your strength but there's a reason why this item is on a list don't forget every weapon got not only B stats but also additional attacks it gives you this awesome attack colossal Onslaught and this will do one to 10 plus your strength and additional piercing damage but coolest part it will not do it to one target but to multiple Targets in a line in really big line so if you got a lot of strength it will do really nice damage and coolest part this attack will stuck with great weapon master all in so even in early levels you can do already almost 30 damage to a lot of targets while having at least plus 18 flat damage to all of them and trench is really incredible look at this range additionally this sword got Cliff action that's very nice action too so you can Cliff enemies nearby and basically by using your action search you can do it in one turn and do really incredible damage so don't skip on this sword in early game next weapon is shining stubs of skulls it's light Hammer light and Throne weapon coolest part in got one4 additional radiant damage so already pretty nice damage for early game item but also this weapon shines light so you will light area in front of you light Targets in front of you not to overpowered but really nice weapon in early game and this weapon is on the same drer while all previous weapons was really easy to encounter on your journey but you can miss them next weapon is really cheeky and it's really easy to miss this weapon because there's a lot of places in under dark but here on near this torch stalk field with this mushrooms where you can go in go out of the under dark a lot of cred rocks maybe there will be a bullet fight over here most of the time you just continue your pass down the road to Tower or to this beach whatever but you need to look behind over here so instead of going to Arcane Tower which is like here we're going backwards and we need to jump on these mushrooms so now we can reach awesome place with a cred Rock and and we are in no other place but fering cough here is a lot of Kua TOA little fish boys which is balls face ful and they get chance to apply bleeding to Target and you will see this bull drip the zos let's talk with him and if we succeed on dialoges like this we can be Ball's chosen finally and ball will give us his blade Prett basic weapon but it's doing two D4 instead of basic one D4 from other Cel it got action late which can make your targets bleed in this zone won't kill this fish guys you will get this balls blessing when using this sickle and get advantage on a RS against bleeding creatures so I would say it's really nice weapon for someone like Rogue so you get free advantage in bleeding targets and you will be able to use sneak attack every turn so I guess it's pretty nice secret and really interesting location with funny weapon that definitely can be used in early game as our previous weapons but if you go to the left side of the night Outpost right over here you will see a lot of petrified draws I guess a lot of players was in this encounter when you try to attack them you can engage in a battle and after fight after you win this fight you will find this Dr named D with pretty interesting amulet and of course Quest item memory Shard as loot is looking like pretty basic but this icy health is really important and I guess many players can miss this icy he just double click it and you will see combined items menu so we need to find two icy parts and you will get them from the quests in this area I already shown on screen where to get all parts and when you combine all parts you will get this item and this item is incredible it's working not only in the ear game but you can use it throughout the game morning Frost really incredible stuff especially especially if you're going for someone like frost Mage I got built for this type of Mage on my channel but basically you can go for Wizard or sorer make sure to somehow get create or destroy water you can get it with storm sorcery sorcerer or just by getting one level in cleric so your idea is to just throw some water on enemies and then use icy spells on them they will be incrusted in Frost and just be destroyed to ashes because the stuff that you can find on basically first level of the game will deal additional cold damage whenever you're doing cold damage additionally it can inflict Shield straight on Target and this means entity will be vulnerable to cold damage so just spells like cor of cold can do 150 damage in a turn very nice stuff especially considering only thing you need is this stuff but if you manage to throw water on your targets and make them wet wet plus chill condition will make them icy States and then this icy States can be destroyed to ashes like that next one can be found in under dark Grim Forge this Quest can go into a lot of different directions but this guy Elder bitwar got very nice Pike on his back were Pike of course so we taken it it looks like very ordinary pipe so it's really easy to just miss this item but look on this extra action dig deep deep Delver will inflict shattered on heit and you deal additional one before ping damage against shattered targets so while it's not having more damage than ever burn blade you still can dip this weapon into fire and now as one-handed weapon it will do really nice damage and as you can see it's pretty unique condition so shattered is only given additional damage when struck by the war Peak deep deler so only this Pak got this extra future in the game but again damage for really one-handed weapon in ear game is pretty nice all right let's get a little bit back if you're not going into onto dark but going into Mountain Pass instead you will find traitor lady Esther and by this point you already should have nice gear and nice weapons so you probably will just skip this war pick another War pick here but don't rush so copy it's basic War pick with 1d8 damage again 1 it is really nice damage it's onehanded so you can have shield in another hand or another ver Peck but what makes Hoy is really great weapon again your additional spell or skill whatever you will get this ability to strike a four with 1 d8 plus 10 piercing damage I guess it can scale with my strength so right now my strength's giving me plus six damage plus five damage and plus one from enchantment so maybe this skill will add something like plus three plus four damage but still you smash into four wounding them and healing your own injuries basically you doing additional four necrotic damage while healing one the six hit points to yourself and here you're dealing additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus so on this levels in early game probably it will be like three damage and cool part of course to combine it with some additional gear you can find kaga's amulet which is named Broad BS revenge and when you are healed your weapon become encoded in magic and Deals additional one6 damage so by using dual wield strategy and using H with this skill you can go in into the fight heal yourself do additional damage and then coat your weapons in toxic poison it will look something like this so you just attack enemy you heal yourself and your H will be dipped in poison and start doing additional 1 to6 damage really nice stuff and again it's really easy to skip on this basic bike or PE sorry next one is beautiful hammer and actually you can find it a lot more earlier than on the dark and mountain pass I just forgot about it but it's very cool it's easy to miss because you need to investigate area throughout but it's really great hammer first of all it's two-handed and it's doing 2 six damage plus your strength modifier but every time you jump you're dealing one4 damage when you miss an attack you're dealing your strength modifier anyway in early game you will miss a lot of attacks and while you missing you will do damage anyway that's nice additionally in early game you will have low movement speed so it's always nice idea to jump in early game and when you're jumping you're doing additional damage in radius and this damage is thunder damage so it got damage type A lot of people can be vulnerable to this damage so it's really fun Hummer in early game saddest part like other weapons that you acquire in early game it got no inch so it's harder to hit but don't forget to do this thunder damage you need to activate this paive ability shock wave and upon activation it will start to work so we just need to jump and do this extra damage to nearby Targets then probably miss and use tenacity to do additional damage so really fun stuff to do and finally we go into items from act two so as you can see there's a lot of items in First Act that you probably missed but in act two there is nonetheless I like some weird looking items and this weapon is not exception so look at this lighting jabber it's easy to miss because you need to go to the far corner of the map to be ambushed by this guys with crap Spears this is throne versatile weapon with Enchantment of plus one so really nice enchantment for second act but every attack it's doing one to4 liting damage and on heit possibly inflict shock which will remove ability from targets to use reaction but most importantly you got throw in action lighting damage so when launched in Target deal additional one4 damage and to have fun with this lighting jber I recommend picking someone like eldrich Knight so you can stick with this weapon and throw it your Targets this weapon will get back to your hands while doing really insane throwing damage also don't skip TN Brer feed so you do even more damage while throwing items and also have high heat chance but also I like to have two Lighting jabbers in my hands by getting dual wielder feet so you can look like crazy crap guy make your character red and have fun with this dual wiing jabber build animations is really funny too attacking with Jers is Al always really fun but throwing for extra damage is very useful and can be really powerful so don't skip on this weapon next weapon is really easy to miss because you need a lot of circumstances to get it you need to investigate moonrise towers by also having Gale in your party and by doing some magic in combination you can get this Shadow Lantern and at first it can be looked like just basic Shadow Lantern used as a light source but it also given you awesome spell conjura shadow Lantern bre level six Necromancer spell so already you will get ACC to this level six spells and you can make this awesome shadow as your companion and as you already probably know Shadow got a lot of resistances to a lot of damage types but not radiant and also it got ability to have Shadow blend so when you're lightly or heavily obscured you will blend and be Invincible but it have hard time fighting in sunlight still damage for summon at this levels is really impressive 2 d8 plus three plus 2 D4 necrotic or you can drain strength from your foes with 3d8 necrotic damage and also leech strength by three just make sure not to fight in the light areas and Shadow will be nice for that do a lot of damage to get this Hammer again you need to investigate area throughout and then you will find guy who and you will need to take it out from him what's so cool about this Hammer first of all nice damage to the six plus plus your strength plus one to four Thunder damage every time and it got plus two enchantment again as hammer it got tenacity as M actually not just Hammer it's small when you miss attack you're doing your strength damage and basic damage is already pretty impressive you got additional attacks concussive smash that can turn Target into D State and when Target daed they will lose dexterity bonus to their armor very nice against High armor targets that got armor from the dexterity you got bake breaker to make Target prone but also gr slam action so every time per sure to rest you can use this once per fight and you will inflict damage in a large area it will be blood Jing and thunder damage so just look at that damage is really insane while also you get ability to push targets away from you next one is not really powerful but it's really cool looking and it's really easy to miss this weapon so next weapon is Katana really big Katana and there's only one instance of katana in this game it got plus one enchantment one to 10 damage if you wield it in two hands you can wield it in one hand pretty good animations not Samurai like but still it's really funny to kick enemies with katana you can use lerate flourish and Rush attack with it so nothing special about it but if you build a ninja character I guess you would like to have Katana on him or Samurai whatever you like more next word again you can find it in act three first of all it's looking cool for long sword but his problem is of course there's no good enchantment so only plus one and when you just checking damage possibly you instantly selling this sword again never rush because it got awesome characteristics first of all it's increasing your charisma plus two so if you're playing someone like Paladin or maybe hex blade warlock so your damage is really benefiting from your charisma this sword is really insane because there's no limits on this Charisma so you get up to 22 Charisma easily without never ever even using ability Point distribution when you kill an enemy Alli within 9 M gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier so again very nice for Paladin to support your Alli or for hex blade Warlock to again support your Li and give them more sustain in a fight enchantment is not great but Commander strike action is really insane by using action and bonus action youri can use reaction to inflict damage so that's very useful if you got a li that's doing more damage than your class and you really can be kind of supportive class you can take smaller targets with this SW like minion drers minion Noms and other small guys every time you kill Target you healing your teammates and yourself and at the same time giving your allies ability to use reaction as extra attack so this really powerful sword never miss this one and before I show you how to get this awesome schemer let's get back to the most powerful weapon in the game after you enter lower City you can already get this weapon it's looking like a normal Maze and most of players can even not hover mouths over it but when you do so you will see it's doing additional plus 4 d8 radiant damage which is same as level three Divine Smite on every heit without using spell slots it's insane lots of you guys maybe know how to get it but for those of you who don't know you're going to basis gate in lower City then going to the storm sh Tabernacle and you need to get to this ornate wooden hedge after entering this place be a little bit careful there's a lot of traps but by entering final room you will see a lot of chests and all you need to do is to just steal something from this chest as you can see I already sto everything so to demonstrate I will just put something in the chest and then take it now I castigate by Divinity it's curse then just get back to your camp and instead of using remove curse use healing wart it will summon two Divas just like that when you summon them nearby of gup and Yen they will kind of do nothing or try to kill cat he is unkillable so that's like easiest place where you can be and then just destroys the Divas it's uh pretty easy if you leveled up enough so they defeated but there's nothing on them at least for now now we need to do long rest and after one day is pasted you will see this pouches in pouches there will be Divas maze so just take it you can dual wield it with right feeds and basically do incredible amount of damage it got no enchantment so make sure to have high heit chance with some classes like ALS of Vengeance Paladin and you will be insanely powerful so how to get schemers that I showed you in the beginning you need to be a cleric with d of Helm so Helm cleric that's it now just do same actions go to Wooden catch steal something from chest but now you can't go to Camp as far as I know so just a heal character who is uh like curs right now and who is Helm cleric in open area in the town and this will sumon to genus genus is a lot more powerful than Divas so be careful versus genus you need to be really leveled and powerful and you need to defeat them they got really high hit points but with right builds you can definitely manage them but be aware they got thunder and lightning immunity after you defeating genus they will disappear basically disappear you can't even loot these guys so how to get this awesome skim from them actually there is same action so go and long rest then leave your camp and same as do us you will see the pouches and here we are genius schimer one six plus to detain poison damage it got enchantment so it's easier to hit and it's SL and finess so it can be dual wielded by any character you don't need additional FS damage is slightly weaker than Divas Maze and it's poison damage a lot of targets will have poison immunity still I think it's looking cool and there's item in the game poisoner ring which can make your Targets in vulnerable to poison damage which will double this poison damage and you will be able to hit up to 50 damage with just one hit without any additional improvements of course you can enhance this damage even more just by dipping this captor into fire and by having some rings and other improvements for your weapon and that's really really really a rare item that I never saw before and I already got a lot of builds with this rare items so you can watch them on the screen right now see you in the next videos
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 169,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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