Baldurs Gate 3 Wyll Build as Sorlock IS INSANE in Honour Mode

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[Music] [Music] hail and mes welcome to the world of balos Gate 3 it's me the bot King and in today's video I will show you super cool build for will himself and yeah 69 saer points it's not clickbait guys and let's build this awesome warlock with saucer multiclass that will very nicely suit will will starts as warlock but you want to talk with skeleton guy and change your classes fast as possible starting class will be saucer and there's one really good reason for that we will get Constitution proficiency and it will be easier for us to keep our concentration this warlock build will focus on alri blast so picking your first gships as sorer is not like too important still you can pick some like utility stuff like minor illusion it's really useful melee can trip shocking grasp useful too you can have Firebolt just in case you need a spark and Bone chill if you want to inflict disadvantage on attack rolls against Undead our subass will be draconic bloodline it gives additional hit points each level and our starting armor is 13 if we not wearing armor and we won't wear armor so that's a nice class to start and for starting spells I would recommend picking Shield which will increase our Armor class as reaction and we will take no damage from magic Missile but there not too much like people who using magic Missile and magic Missile by the way we taking them too to have 100% hit chance our Dragon ancestor will be any cold Dragon you like white dragon will have armor of aus and we will get it from warlock anyway so Silver Dragon is nice we'll get this feather fall why not to have this like supportive ability and our abilities of course main abilities will be Charisma and Constitution of course Constitution will help us succeed saving throws to keep our concentration Charisma is our ability to hit targets more often and inflict more damage and we will min max this build with 15 in dexterity dexterity is really important too because we're wearing no armor and it will increase our Armor class and initiative so we will act first most of the time and then we instantly on second level switch into warlock as warlock we're picking aldrid blast our bread and butter spell of course and you can have some fun stuff like Mage hand our main damage ability is this can trip anyway for sub class I recommend picking pint when you're killing creatures you will gain temporary hit points so it's useful to have some sustain and as Dragon saer we get a lot of sustain too with our Armor class and additional hit points so very tanky build for companion and for our warlock spells is hex of course and I would pick something like armor of aus very nice Spell additional hit points and you inflict damage backwards to attackers third level again we picking warlock getting second warlock spell slot get one more spell from warlock I would suggest going with arms of hater because our reaction protective reaction will be Shield most of the time so arms of haer is nice for this build if you're been surrounded by a lot of enemies you just cut this do a lot of damage and run away because enemies can't use that reaction to attack when you're leaving and most important Elder invocation so we pick agonizing blast of course it will add our Charisma modifier to damage deal with our ELD blast straight and simple and second ability is repelling blast it's B of ability if it's turned on we will push enemies away and basically that's it with our warlock we're switching back to saucer and we will finish this build as saucer on four level I recommend picking andh hand slep it's nice exploration ability you can cast it on your and your party to travel large distances and we get metam magic at level four at level two sorer and we want to pick twin spell that will give ability to Target additional creature with our spells and distant spell on level five we will get spells level two and now we need protective spells some control spells like H person very nice one and now we can learn our best metamagic quick and spell very powerful stuff it costs a lot of sorcery points but we can use our magic as bonus action very powerful stuff so level six you get get additional canp you can pick something like rare Frost but it doesn't matter too much so you can go with exploration stuff good spell to pick right now will be Missy step or just knock so we can unlock any door and any chest without lockpicking and finding Keys now we're getting our feet and we want to get additional Improvement of abilities and get plus one into dexterity plus one into Charisma and now level seven we picking haste as sorer we get proficiency with this constitution s throws so being able to concentrate on Hast spell is really nice we get an additional armor and additional action and level eight that's where game starting to go into late game and a lot of enemies will have cool spells cool Powers you will become a lot stronger so now we can add our Charisma modifier to damage of our dragon and we picked cold Dragon so every cold spell will have ADD additional damage with our Charisma modifier but right now we don't have a lot of ice spells we still can pick something like ice knife but it's not doing like too much damage in my opinion better this level pick counter spell very nice and useful stuff especially in late game when someone trying to cast Fireball on you you just use counter spell and negotiate this spell it will do like zero damage and would do anything so you just stop in the spell level 9 that's where we can get our I storm very nice spell of cold damage and blood Jing damage useful against unde against constructs against a lot of enemies and we add in our Charisma modifier to this damage so it's nice spell to have level 10 that's where we get additional spell as always as saucerer so without spoiling anything I would suggest to pick daylight if you don't have cleric in your party who can cast the spell it will help you a lot in like third act in some areas but but you still can like play without it and pick something like knock or ice knife depending on what you want to have another really honorable mention for this build is greater invisibility I will show how to use it in a second so pick something from this spell list and we get additional feed it will be ability Improvement into Charisma so we maxed out our charisma at 20 we're level 11 right now we picking additional spells and it will be one of this spell so it's either con of cold for cold damage or hold monster if you want some control against big monsters who are not humanoids I suggest going just for damage with going of cold right now and then at level 12 finishing with additional can trip it doesn't matter what you pick and hold monster and on these later levels you can pick subtle spell so I will show you how to use metam magic just in a second and depending on how you like to play this warlock you can pick subtle spell instead of distance spell on previous levels so keep this in mind there the build and now let's talk what gear should we get to maximize its potential for helmet slot I would go with burst right it increases our Charisma by two and now we got 22 in Charisma so now our hit chance our damage with ELD blast with ice spells a lot more powerful best cloak for any Caster is Cloak of the weave basically any gear that gives you plus one or even better bonus to spell save DC and spell attic RS is best gear to have so look for this Arcane enchantment on your gear because our main BR and B spell is eldrid blast we will get potent rope you need to complete a quest to get this rope but it's definitely worth it your canps deal additional damage equal to a Charisma modifier so now basically we add in additional 12 damage to each elage blast additionally this giving as more Armor class and temporary hit points at the start of our turn so it's in insane stuff for Mages who don't want to be squishy then gloves again you need to complete Quest or steal these gloves but it's really worth it when you're casting a spell that requires a ntic roll you can take penalty and do additional 1d8 damage so it's paive you can turn this off and turn this on depending on what enemies you face but if you face enemies with low AC you can definitely use it to do even more damage with your ELD blast boot slot is not too important so you can keep some like Mobility boots that will give you more AC or just something like night Walkers with Misty step what is important is weapon and best certain weapon will be spell sparkler you can get it in act one and it will carry you up to act three basically where you can get your late game weapon which is Marco hesar of course Marco hir is insane it gives you plus one to spell save DC and T rolls and most importantly it got the PA of keska favor mon this later just in in a second so ring slots and basically jly slots they not too important for this build you can pick like any jly you like something like Call's glow ring can increase damage of ELD blasts by two damage per cast if enemies in sunlight area another good ring that you can take is barnish rink it gives you ability paralyzing Ray and you can paralyze targets for 100% chance of hitting them I will show you in a second again and necklace again B whatever necklace you like it doesn't matter you can pick something like when one of your cans deal Elemental damage you add spell casting modifi to damage Delta so just in case you don't want to cast your Elder blast you can cast Ray Frost and it will do additional damage still most of the time you won't do it that's why you're going to use aldrid blast most of the time and it doesn't matter what necklace you have and last slot is really important too you want cat Shield it's Shield which given you additional bonus to spell thec and T CWS so really important stuff now our final Armor class is 19 which is pretty high but even if enemies will hit us we got additional hit points now let's talk how to play and all combos you can do with this class and yeah everyone here want to know how I got a lot of sorer points and why it feels like cheating so all you need is Shield of devotion I don't know if it will be fixed in the next purchase or not but right now it's working it's feels like cheating if you want to do it it's really fun so what you want to do just uh equip Shield of devotion this gives you additional SP slot of level one now use create sorcery points as sorcerer so create sorcery points from level one spell slots do it as much as you like just create a lot of spell slots now you're out of spell Slots of level one just unequip the shield equip the shield you get the spell slot back and you can continue this Lo forever basically until you will be satisfied with your spell slots so really fun Loop if you want a lot of sorer points for many reasons and s points is really useful and then just don't forget to switch to K Shield that's it so even if it will be patched you want to have as much s points as possible that's why you basically can discard all level one spell slots even warlock spell slots can be discarded so just feel free to do it now in a fight you need to decide whether or not you want High heit chance of higher damage so hit chance below 65% like on this guy with heavy like high AC I would say is not worth it so definitely turn off spell might and now you get 80% hit chance it's far better tradeoff and before fight you always want to do something like armor foras on yourself you got high levels plus LS from sorra so you can upcast it to level five now we get additional 25 hit points which is really crazy and you basically like fight strategy will be to use hex on enemy it doesn't matter what hex you choose but most useful will be hex and strength hexes dexterity and strength yeah so just cast it on your enemy and now you're free to do ELD blast when you level up you find not one ELD blast but three ELD blasts you can split them with between different enemies or just fire all at one enemy he will fly over this like ledge stairs and look at the damage damage is really insane so we're doing one to 10 Force damage for each blast plus six Charisma plus six Charisma from our gear and elu invocation so 12 is always a number additional necrotic damage from our hex and two radiant from our in we do it three times so just in one blast we can blast 68 HP enemy and that's on tactician difficulty so hardest difficulty highest HP enemies by the way and one more stuff that you can cast from the start of the day or each short rest basically kesa favor it comes from markare so this spell basically gives you ability to pick any type of damage you like where cold damage Mage so we can go for cold damage but Lightning's bolts of Doom is nice too so what is it given to you it given to you first of all ability to cast Elemental resistance with one saucery point as saucerer you can get resistance to each damage type and now when you're doing additional damage basically any magic damage you will inflict frost on enemies so let's just inflict frost on him and as you can see he is encumbered with Frost with three ELD blasts we already got him into six turns remaining when he will be at seven turn he need to do Constitution Sav throw if he will fail this throw he will become Frozen and he will become vulnerable to our ELD blast damage so let me just show you this stuff he saved nice for nice for him but if he would be frozen our next ELD blast will do double damage so don't forget to reapply hex not with new hex but with reapply hex action so it not uses any spell slot and additionally as this keska faor it gives you two high level spells without consuming any spell slot but we got but because we got proficiency with this constitution saving throws it's nice to cast haste on ourself on the start of the battle or just for it now we got two actions and bonus action so just calculate this damage we got three eldrid blasts in one action we got second action to make three more El blasts and then we can do quick and spell and use our sorer points which we got a lot of sorcery points to cast ELD blast as bonus action that's crazy actually so focusing down targets never was easier if you want to maximize potential of this build you want to use distance spell it again costs one soury point but it increases range of your spells by 50% so just normal eldrid blast can fire for like incredible distances and you just can snipe enemies from long distance they will try to catch up to you you will run away cide them so very useful stuff another useful M of magic is Twin spell of course you can cast different spells on different characters so something like hold person which can be casted on one person at a time now can be casted on two persons and most useful stuff is actually your Frost can trip Ray Frost because you're doing additional damage with the spell you can to to race on two different targets and it will do a lot of damage as you can see our damage is actually insane even this Frost can trip with this build I don't think our high level spells like astorm require demonstration but in case you wish to see how it looks like it looks like that you're doing like crazy amount of damage everyone will be falling prone it will be hard for them to move in this terrain so that's really powerful stuff and one more cool use of twin spell so that's really cool don't forget we got this varnished ring that's why I really like recommending getting this you can use twin spell on this paralyzing rate paralyze two Targets in one turn so you can try to do it if Target is paralyzed when you standing close you're doing additional damage and it will crit and you will have 100% hit chance make sure to turn off repelling blast so Target will stay nearby turn on spelled might for additional damage and just your spells that require attack roll or can trips like eldri blast so three blasts as this target look at the damage it will be just insane three critical hits in a row each one of them doing more than 35 damage so basically one hearted damage to a Target and we can do it like three times on next turn with haste and uh bonus action so you can onot every boss in one turn basically don't forget to add hex to this because paralyzing targets require no concentration you just paralyze them and do this stuff and yeah you can do same with hold person but it will require you to concentrate on this spell so this means you can't use haste at the same turn cool part that you can use Arcane battery to upcast any spell to level five and use it without expanding spell slot so effectively got a lot of spell slots to use every short rest we get warlock spell slots so you can use them to get more sorcery points in case you don't want to mess up with this Shield of devotion or it's being punched in case of exploration you can cast feather fall and enhance slep to jump for longer distances and be immune to Falling damage but there is one more Super underused Future of this sorlock so what is co strategy instead of concentrating on haste to gain additional actions you can concentrate on greater invisibility in case you picked it instead of daylight now you're invincible and coolest part we can cast spells while being Invincible yeah it can break when we cast in spells but still it can be resisted so let's try it and as you can see we failed our spells check difficulty class is 15 and we got pretty high dexterity so we add in this dexterity proficiency still you're attacking with Advantage from invisible it's really useful for making like opening strike and if it's not breaking like like that you can still be stealthy and continue your dirty job you can do additional attacks with advantage and attacking with Advantage with spells is incredibly cool because you're doing a lot of damage and as you can see we did it like two times so can we do it like third time in a row let's see yeah still successful right like that you can just hit my knce in an area and never be seen all of that by just using one can SHP into one concentration spell you just can clear W Town basically I hope you enjoyed this wheel build and it's really super powerful and very useful for your play through just look at this damage and look at this boy or girl whatever make sure to drop a like And subscribe for more companion builds in baldos Gate 3
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 135,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M4MyLXMvu4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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