Baldurs Gate 3 : COMPLETE Moon Druid GUIDE | ALL Forms, Spells

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Hil and mes welcome to the world of balos Gate 3 it's me the SP King and in today's video I will show you let's keep this boring intro because we got a lot of stuff to do today straight to the business guide for MRE today we will show you skill combinations and every wild shape how to use this wild shape every wild shape skills are basically everything you need to know about Moon Dr in Bal Gate 3 but as always let's start with leveling what's up wizers when you create an mate it doesn't matter which race you pick mostly every race will feed this class and we starting as Basic Druid because we can't pick our class instantly and let's get to our abilities so main spell casting abilities that will affect a lot of your spells but also some skills in animal forms is wisdom so we definitely want to have high wisdom and now it's tough choice how far you want to go on animal forms if you want to be all in in animals forms and never walk as normal human normal Druid then you can completely dump strength dexterity and Constitution because every time you go into your animal form you will be left only with intelligence wisdom and Charisma stats so you can focus on them we will talk about these forms a lot in this guide so I'm bring this page from Wiki with a lot of information about wild shape form it costs action and while shaped charge it will give you access to get every form you like if you're playing as Moon Droid you will get access to all forms you keeping your physical abilities from your animal wild shape forms so you're basically not keeping them from your normal form but you keeping your intelligence with the and Charisma I already told it when you reaching zero hit points you will be reverted back to your original form so you can treat wild shaped forms as extra HP on top of your on normal HP and also if you cast concentration spell before entering wild shape you will keep this concentration but you can't cast spells in well shape form so you can concentrate on some passive spells but not on active spells like coal lightning you can concentrate on it but you can't cast the spell also items won't have any effect on you with some exceptions I will show you later Beast form scales with your Druid levels and damage scales with levels too so this means when you making Druid you need to focus only on Druid levels while you can do some multiclass builds actually really powerful Moon Druid will be with only pure Druid levels so let's get back to abilities I would suggest going with really balanced characters so we will have some Constitution just in case we are in normal form so we won't be one- shoted some dexterity for initiative is also nice too and for Armor class let's not forget some Charisma some intelligence and some strength just in case we are not in animal form so we can jump carry some weight on us and basically we can finish with something like Charisma just for saving throws and other stuff or plus two into strength also pretty reasonable version so let's go Druid gets a lot of spells amount of spells that you can use in a fight will be determined by your wisdom I treat it as bookmarks so you got a book with all the Spells but to cast them in a battle you need bookmarks on the right pages and I will explain all spells just after we finish leveling up level two that's where we get into circle of the Moon Droid and getting access to a lot of new forms Badger spider wolf and Cat and also bear that's a really unique form for Moon Druid other droids can't become Bears also as Moon Druid will have have this bonus action and spell slot to heal yourself while you're in a animal form third level we'll unlock level two spells a lot of them actually level four new can trip and also will unlock fats so what is good fits for mon Druid any equipment fits won't really work any weapon fits again not working too much because you will be in animal form most of the time anyway so just in case you want to act first in a battle I would say alert fit is worth noting but my favorite ones is basic ability Improvement into wisdom still I'm not suggesting starting with this Feit if you're using a lot of animal forms that using strength modifier so another feed that really good for mon Druids is starting brawler this will add your strength modifier to attack rolls still if you're leveling I would go with ability Improvement wisdom at level four level five gives additional wild strike so now we can do two attacks in Wild shaped form and access to a lot of level three spells level six very important while in Beast form your attacks count as magical and you will overcome resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage very powerful stuff and in addition on level six you get in ponter form and all bear form super powerful then we're going to level seven and unlocking level four spells nice summon spells again I will talk about spells later let's go to level eight now we finally getting our feet one more feet at the same time with cyber toed tiger form right now we got a lot of cool forms to really do Insane amount of damage so I would go with star brawler at level eight and then we're going to level 9 unlocking level five spells level 10 additional can trip we don't care at this point of the game level 11 unlocks level six spells and and finally we getting to level 12 with additional feat and can max out our wisdom that's it so build pass is really simple and straightforward and now before we jump into this black hole of animal forms and what they can do and how to use them let's talk about spells so as for krips I would go with Chile turnip guidance and produce flame Chile pretty useful early on when you can be knocked down of your Val shapes so you will need to use maybe your physical power to destroy enemies if you're out of spell slots or just in some scenarios so just cut this as bonus action on your weapon and instantly it will do a lot of additional damage turn re you're most used can ship probably you can cast it on your enemies and they will be pulled to you so kind of Scorpion from Mortal Combat very useful in combinations with a lot of different spells produce flame just in case you need some you know fire in the hand it will light up area around you and you can throw it it won't do a lot of damage but still sometime you just need some fire and maybe this little spark will save you and guidance in case you don't have cleric pretty useful for diux to buff your characters so why not to have it now spells while all spells can be useful I would point on the most interesting and cool ones you can use and it will be useful in a lot of situations so when you just starting long Strider really nice buff spell so you just cut it on yourself or even you can upcast it and cast it on yourself and your allies coolest part it's not using any spell slots because when it's used outside of the combot it's R so rual is not using spell slots it increases creature moment speed by 3 m very nice buff for battles to travel more distance always it's very nice and useful on you because in Wild shape you will be Melee character so it's nice to have ability to travel more distance fairy fire really useful spell for early game when you and your all don't have really high hit chance on enemies this will give you advantage on ATT RS against enemies and your Alles additionally this will light up area and you will see all invisible creatures in this area so useful against invisible bosses other invisible creatures and also it's concentration spell basically a lot of spells will be concentration spell so while you concentrate on this spell you can go into wild shape and you will have advantage on attack RS against enemies that is highlighted by fairy fire while you're in Wild shape goodberry very nice spell I'm not using it too much but just by consuming spell slots you will gain some goodberries that can be used to heal some health points so pretty nice to just waste all your spell slots just in case you go in full on Crest use all your remaining spell slots on good bries you will have kind of three like mini healing potions that you can eat mostly after battles because one goodberry heals one to4 hit points then ice knife pretty basic spell just range damaging spell nothing special here same with Thunder Wave you just push enemies away from you most of the time as Moon do it you won't really use it too much because you will be melee in animal form and most of the time you won't to pull enemies towards you not outside of you but Thunder Wave can be used to push enemies of cliffs and other good locations so it can be useful too then healing wart very nice spell in case your party member dies you don't need to go and pick him up with your hands instead you can use bonus action and level one spell slot and heal and pick them up at the same time so definitely use this spell andh hand sleep it can be useful for some exploration stuff just in case you want to jump to high places you can cast it on yourself on your all so very useful inly game in my opinion I use it a lot then speak with animals just fun spell in case you want to speak with some animals you don't need animal potions just cut the spell and have fun animal friendship so if you find some animals that have intelligence of three or less you can convince these beasts not to attack you there is some instances where you can use the spell but it got a lot of very conditional stuff that is not really cool so very situational in my opinion it's not worth a spell slot or slot in your book just in case you're in a situation where you need this know that you can do it charm person same but works on Persons not animals again pretty useless in my opinion then entangle concentration spell it will entangle enemies they will be bed to one place so that's a good one actually very good one also can work on your lies it requires strength saing throw so if enemies got high strength they probably will run away from this intangle position but if you lucky and you will entangle your enemies they will be a really easy target for you in your wild shape form that's kind of 5050 spell same as FK Cloud it creates Cloud that make enemies blind and you're blind your lights blind nice zoning tool but again in my opinion it's better to concentrate on fairy fire at early levels to gain advantage on attack rolls so that's my spell list of useful spells from level one let's go to level two hold person I would always have this in my prepared list just insane spell concentration spells that can be cost it on humanoid all attacks will be critical hits if feel lucky and succeed with the spell wisdom saving throw not a lot of people got high wisdom so really useful stuff then flame blade looking cool but not useful at all because you will be in mon Druid form so for other droids nice spell not for us lesser restoration cure disease of poison or blindness or paralyses can be useful again very situational just in case you got some spare spell slots maybe have it on your board prepared just in case mostly you w't use it flaming sphere in early game very useful stuff so it's creating flaming sphere that will be your friend let me just create it this flaming sphere can be controlled it's doing a lot of fire around it so it can flame some stuff can make everything on fire destroy objects that is vulnerable to fire damage also you can just Ram into targets into people as you can see objects is destroyed you can Ram into targets additional body in a fight and also its concentration spell at the same time so it lasts only for 10 turns doing to do six damage you can upcast it to do more damage I guess it's not worth it because flaming sphere don't have really high HP bar so pretty nice addition to your party in early game just in case you want to destroy your enemies faster with additional lie in the party later in the game it falls off so we can destroy the spell from our prepared list then M beam that's what we will concentrate on if we want to do some damage so cool part about moon beam it's really hard to attack your all with it so radius is really little and really small at the same time if there's a lot of enemies in same area it's hard to hit all of them se you cast it it will do radiant damage over here to everyone who pass through this place or not and I guess it's time to show you some combinations so combination is really simple you just Moon Bean over here en will try to run away from this place if you're not in the moon Druid form I mean in the wild shape for form just use storm Whip and bring your enemies to the moon beam so this way you're doing additional damage with storm weip and with moon beam at the same turn very useful combination but if enemies run away for like really large distance it's hard to get it's hard to use turn beap on them then you can use move moon beam so every turn for 10 turns you can do it with your action without consuming any spell slots that's why this spell is really good so basically you can recast it and do more radiant damage in another zone or maybe enemies died over here so you can move this moon beam to another Zone very useful if you standing in normal form as Caster or maybe you just need some radiant damage then we got pass without Trace useless spell only in some combinations it can be broken but mostly it's kind of useless prot protection from Poison if you facing a lot of enemies that using poison damage you can cast it but use this level to spell slots so most of the time you just don't want to waste spell slots on the Spells G of V so pushes enemies a little bit more than Thunder Wave but doing no damage so very conditional spell enhance ability pretty nice to have on your prepared list just for exploration just in case one of your characters need some boost in abilities most common is some Charisma checks in dialog so Eagle Splinter will be just prompted in dialect do you want to use this as your bonus but also cat's graay gives advantage and dexterity checks so cast it on your Thief Rogue or any other guy who disarm some traps and he will roll two dices to do it also works very good on big pocket and other activities using dexterity so just in case I like to have it on my prepared list then heat metal if you're facing enemies in armor with a swords very useful basically you concentrate on the spell and enemy with a sword will take 2 to8 fire damage each turn or he can drop his weapon so pretty useful nice spell to have problem with the spell it's concentration it's use a spell slot and best use for the spell is to actually cast it on someone who is not in your target area right now so you cast this for example on person from the right and going to attack person on the left completely ignoring him because he will take damage every turn but if you using it and then attacking this person basically you did to the8 fire damage and lost your spell slot you can do more damage with just moon beam and have better damage output and other stuff so that's not my on my prepared spell list but dark vision goes over here too bar skin increase armor class up to 16 it's looking cool but you want won't get any bonuses so if you got lower Armor class than 16 can be useful but most of the time with just shield in your hand so you will have more than 16 most of the time so while it's cool it's pretty useful it's pretty useless actually and we're going to spy grow that's our favorite spell of course so spy grow is really cool one it creates a really big area of difficult terrain and also everyone who passes through this area will be damaged and damaged for every 1.5 M it moves a radius is 18 M so while damage is not impressive to D4 if enemy try to move for well distance he can be inflicted with this damage for like 12 times most of the time it's impossible and will be used as a kind of zoning tool so you just cast it over here and this area is just protected from enemy movement also if enemy get out of this area to you you can use Thunder Wave on the next turn to push enemies over here and they kind of dead in the middle of this zone or at the same time you can move to the edge for example and use turn whip to enemies over here they will be pulled on this area will be damaged on the next turn so there's a lot of cool combinations with this spell that's why that's my spell least for level two and level one spells now level three so protection from energy gives protection from different energy types like cold fire ACD and other types I found it pretty useless we can survive without protection from energy so slit storm can break concentration of enemy spellcasters most of the time you can break it just by jumping on them with old bear so pretty useless too Fain Dash interesting I never found really cool use for it so pretty like useless in this game daylight super Niche SP well so it creates sphere of light look at this and it's basically making daylight in this area and lasts until long rest additionally it dispels Darkness so mostly it will be useful spell in the last Act of the game you can have some usage of this in the second act so you can have it on your like prepare spell list just in case you're not using anything else it's not concentration spell just basic spell so pretty useful then call lightning my favorite concentrating spell in case you want to do some damage and pl grow can be useful too so PL grow creates difficult terrain for enemies for your allies but it's not doing any damage and also it's not concentration spell so just in case you want to make some hard terrain pretty useful but my favorite is called lightning of course radius is really nice you just Co lightning over here and then you can recast it without consuming spell slot every turn so in casee you want some lightning damage that's the way to go also on this level when you unlock Co lightning I would actually instead of PL grow add create or destroy water from level one and that's another combination of spells so you can make enemies threat you can do it with level one spell slot for really big radies of water or you can just choose different type create water without any spell slot radius will be small but no spell slot usage is really nice just make them wet and then cast Co lightning on these guys it will do double damage and possibly onot some of the enemies really powerful stuff also creating electrified water which will damage a lot of enemies in this Zone every turn and let's heal this guy with bonus action that's how it works healing wart best spell in the game and as you can see we almost out of prepared spells but also we don't need need a lot of prepared spells actually at this point of the game you won't use a lot of spells most of the time you will be in your animal form and have fun with it so freedom of movement level Force per slot gives you protection from difficult terrain so it's nice combination with plant grow for example you cast plant grow you got precasted freedom of movement so you got this protection now enemies will have difficult time going on difficult terrain while you won't have any penalty on this place but again it's two turns I mean it's kind of one turn to make PL grows still you create this difficult terrain then you're go into wild ship you come into your enemy and they just jump away for example you just wasted like spells spell slots other stuff why to do it so cool looking but pretty useless damaging spells from level four blight ice storm wall of fire with moon Droid I will ignore ice storm and BL totally necromancy is just not really good damage type while I storm got really nice big radius you can do some damage so it's powerful spell but there's almost no cool combinations with the spell it's better to cast water with lightning on the next turn so you will just recast lightning every other turn or you can do radiant damage with Monon beam you don't need this ice damage enchantment spell confusion confuse group of creatures cing them to attack at random fun spell three turns really big radius and it's wisdom saving throw so saving throw is same as for hold person but in case you're fighting a lot of like enemies with a low Health pool but there's a lot of them probably they will start attack each other at the same time you can just use cold lightning and Destroy them with like fewel Lightnings so why just mess around with confusion just only if you want to have some fun with it if you facing not like a lot of enemies but just few of them confusion may be a waste of spell Slots of level four instead you can do hold person upcast it to level four and cast it on three persons so if there's more than three enemies maybe confusion nice option if there's less for same saving throw with wisdom you can do hold person up casted to level four wall of fire that's only spell I would pick from this level because it's concentration spell you will concentrate on it and you can use it as zoning to so just make wall of fire in this area for example block some paths or Escape rad for enemies become old bear or any other like scary creature and go RAM on them Stone skin concentration spell to gain resistance to blood joning piercing and slashing damage if you're fighting a lot of enemies that's using no magic it can be useful so just level four spell slot still concentration spell you need to be sure not to break this concentration become come Badger and as you can see this resistances all stay on us so very useful and protective spell for your animal forms most of the forms will have really low armor class it will be easy to hit you but you will have all the damage you take that's why the spell is really nice and also from level four we got two summons Woodland be and minor Elemental it's getting really hard to choose right now what we can pick for our last slot but in the late game you will have really high heit chance so and this when you're at this point of the game when you picking level five spells you can remove F fire from your spell list I would say most of the time you don't need gross already it's just not doing enough damage and here are we got three spell slots how we can use them from level five you will get contagion incy spells that can possibly poison an enemy with different diseases of your choice wall of stone can concentration spell creates really big wall with stones so it's hard for enemies to go through planner binding if you fighting against celestials Elementals or fees or fins they possibly will be your allies but they will need wisdom saving throw possibly they will do it also mask your wounds really big heal for your party but level five spell slot and great restoration you need to touch creature to disable charm purification of stone all the spells in my opinion while have some use in the game pretty useless so from level five we can conjure Elemental our additional summon and insect plague second plague can be really nice zoning tool so it will come on the change of Spike grow and to do really nice 410 piercing damage so damage is really nice and radius as you can see really big too also it's hard to move terrain so like best zoning tool for level five and here we are last spell slot windw and heal just forget about the Spells they powerful most of the time you want to use them why use level six spell slot when you can use bonus action to heal yourself with potion basically transform into clouds very cool but when do you need to transform into cloud in the late game where you already became like powerful machine destroying everyone so basically there's three spells from level six wall of thorns Heroes fast and Sunbeam and at this point of the game I would actually remove wall of fire most of the time it's not useful spell you will Zone same area with insect plague already so we got two spells one of the spell slots will be always Heroes Feast second spell slot will be determined on how you play in D if you still like to use some spells most of the time and just occasionally use bear and other animal forms then go with Sunbeam that's really powerful level six spell and works kind of the same as SK lightning you just cast it and you can recast it every turn for 10 turns but if you use in animal forms world of THS it lasts for 60 turns create really big wall that's doing nice damage and you will have nice combinations with this wall so here we are hand trips and just in case level one spells level two spells level three spells and also level one spells just to make combinations with skull lightning level four just summons level five summon and insect plague level six wall of THS and Hero's Feast so how to use Hero's fast I recommend getting this spell Crux amulet and you just C Heroes fist at the start of the day your party instantly will have bonus Health points you will get some food so you can eat it when you going for long rest and then just put your AMOLED on your hot bar so we pressing on this AMOLED we're using spell slot restoration of level six we're getting back our level six spell slot using after we used Heroes Fist and then we're switching back to our normal amulet that's how this part Works combinations with wall of turns will be kind of same so we can push enemies with Thunder Wave in this wall you can pull them with Thorn wh again pretty easy straightforward stuff and now we got to the hardest part of this guide we getting to animal forms yeah guys let's do it so wild shape restoring on short rest also you will see that uh like starting wild shapes kind of have 13 hit points it's not the case so let me just become Badger and here we are as you can see 48 hit points still not large amount but in the early game it's pretty useful form also my cool tip for wild shapes you already know they scaling with strength at least at RS in most of the shapes so let's just Attack wiers Just for test and not all forms will be scaled with strength that's really important but actually it's adding to our damage roll tool so my cool tip that when you're in animal forms you can actually never benefit from your gear no matter your gear like Shields and other stuff given you Armor class on any other stuff you won't be able to benefit from these bonuses from most of the gear I will show you good gear but mostly you just don't care about your gear but you can benefit from alixir of cloud giant strength of heal giant strength and basically you can bump up your strength really easily with these Elixir so your animals will be really scary and Powerful that's a huge tip and as you can see with this Elixir even with basic form we can do 28 damage with normal attack without even critical heit I will put basic information about every form right now on the screen thanks to baldos gate through Wiki so every form got some basic attack for example beder got 2 to4 and every level we get in additional dices in damage every like few levels at the maximum level it will be 1 to10 but also we will add some damage type so it will be strength damage for Badger right now my strength is 27 with potion and even Badger can do 1 d10 plus 8 bonus damage in addition to 2 D4 in addition to this plus eight from T Brer which is really big damage as you can see also in one turn we can do one attack and also extra attack and also one more attack that's how full Druid works three attacks so in Wild form as Badger you can do like 100 damage in turn bonus action can be used with level one spell slot to heal you what is cool about berer first of all you got close you're doing kind of basic attack but but there's possibility you will push Target for really low distance but still it can be enough to push him into moon beam for example into Spike grow into Vol THS yeah you won't use Badger when you got to level six spells but still as you can see it can be useful so he can be pushed in moon beam for additional damage right now and yeah I guess it's worse noting we can do three attacks in one turn only at level 10 or 11 as Droid and now burrow really special action for Badger if you're playing with party with a lot of melee characters maybe range characters that's relying on attack rolls that can be big because when you're using action and some movement speed you can unburrow in area just look at this and possibly enemies will be prone so this supportive ability because you use an action without doing any damage still only requirement you need is to to see your target destination and sometime it's just really faster to travel to this location by using burrow for example right now I can't get to this destination as you can see it's 23 M but by using burrow I can possibly Uno here and yeah he did it he did it with additional movement speed so really nice travel distance make sure not to forget beer can do it so I'm out of my world chip charges let's go to short rest menu and we are back with some additional wild shapes so next up cat cat is pretty useless only go to cat form if you really need this so you can use this cat form in case you need to go to some like small holes and other stuff you can get in with cat form cat doing slashing attack and he is one of the forms who is not scaling with strength so even with 27 strength he he will do only one d8 plus two dexterity damage special action for cat is meow basically you're drawing attention of nearby enemies and everyone will come see what's going on here hello little old bear what's up basically you can use it as a trap so create some spike grow in this area use cat to lure down enemies towards you they will be in one area but they should be kind of not enemies at this time and then your X your cat form becoming Druid and using something like Thunder Wave to push them off the cliff maybe push them to the spike grow you can use it occasionally if you're super creative but most of the time you want I guess just use it in case you need to go to the small hole next early game shape is wild shape wolf let's do it here we are big bad wolf damage is really nice it's scaling with strength so you can use him with potions wolf form really useful if your all light is melee characters and proba probably they need to travel some distance you just go in use this H and everyone will be able to travel more distance on the next turn still it uses action so very situational stuff so only useful if you need to do it on the first turn and you probably would be able to travel to enemies otherwise but another cool feature from Wolf is exposing bite it will post Target for two turns and let me demonstrate you so wizard you're our demonstration DY for today let's do it and he is exposed now our lie comes and hits wizers and as you can see we're r five but it's critical heat that's how powerful wolf form is you can use it only once per sh rest but still do it and then make you alive with powerful attacks make attack C against Target and it will be critical heit for free next early game form is spider I would say it's most useful form and very powerful and my favorite in early game only problem it's not scaling with dexterity I mean with strength sorry so just our normal attack can possibly poison Target this means Target will have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks so powerful stuff basically disabling targets really big scary spider to nice damage possibly poisons enemies and also creates vaps with bonus action that's coolest part so no cool down like short rest long rest per combat basically you can use weap every turn it won't affect you it will affect your enemies available only in combat so I can show you it right now and as you can see scales pretty nice so even in the late game we got 74 hit points yeah you won use spider a lot in the late game but you can use spider in the early to mid game a lot and we're going to maybe best form for early game mid game and even maybe a late game wild ship bear so bear really cool big dude it will be polar White Bear our damage is 2 D4 but also this form is working with strength so you can drink some potions increase your strength and do really nice damage and you will have really nice hit chance in this form especially if you're using something like toorn brawler already and bar is kind of tanky creature he will have most amount of hit points in early game 111 in late game and also you will have golden cor it will force enemies to attack you it will protect allies and forces in the really large area so powerful attack it's not attack but powerful action to protect your allies and get use of your your health in animal forms let's dismiss this shape and now we're going to the mid game forms deep roty so that's kind of big bad R let's go what we can do we can do Dancing Lights with bonus action but it will be concentration spell it can be useful sometime but again as mon will concentrate on other spells most of the time but still you can use it in battle if you need to light up some enemies and have better chances to hit them if they standing in the dark areas especially for attacks we using 3 to4 piercing damage attack which scales with our strength also if Target got some toughness mostly like materials will have toughness stuff like tables and other stuff rocks maybe so if you open in doors maybe chests or maybe fighting some constructs this will work and do additional Force damage even without it damage is really nice Health pool a lot lower than be pool but we got this cool attack charge so you will charge forward possibly making enemies prone in case you fighting a lot of enemies that's really useful stuff just charge and they will be fallen on the ground and prone is really powerful condition they can't move or take actions bonus actions reactions and have disadvantage on saving throws with dexterity and strength and also attacks against the Target will have Advantage most of the prone conditions will be applied only for one turn this for two turns that's really powerful and now we getting to our mid game forms first one is pter of course very cool one not a lot of Health but still your really stylish black cat that's pring on his enemies before fight I recommend using this invisibility if you're before fight in this shape so bunter can be turned invisible until long rest it's concentration spell so you won't be able to use other spells but first attack from invisibility will do additional damage that's nice let's do it our damage is not scaling with strength potions I always saying it because if you using strength potions you need to understand what forms works with them what not this form is not working with strength potions but it's using strength modifier on ATT RS with st brawler and our attack is 3 ping damage basic bite with additional damage from Pro but that's not coolest part about pter so Panter got jugular strike it's one4 piercing plus your additional dice plus if Target is prone you doal additional 2 the6 plus two piering damage now it's question how to make Target prone and it will be pounds so you can make Target prone for two turns again same as Deep Roy you will do 2 d8 piering damage plus your bonus eyes and basically you're bouncing from large distance but if Target got high strength it will be almost impossible to hit him aeran got really low strength and we doing no damage that's why it's kind of risky move it uses action so you won't be able to attack but if you land you land and then you can use this jugler strike to basically remove Aion from the game that's how to play Panter and let's go to I guess fun favorite form one of my favorite forms for sure and this form of course is all bear form let's do it this crazy and cool looking old bear we got our normal Attack 2 the8 plus your bonus dice that is scaling with strength so that's nice also this normal attack will push enemies that's why Alber is really powerful dude I remind you in the late game you can do three attacks in one turn so this possibly can push enemies is up to 5 m that's super powerful so we can push them into ball of turns in the late game also we got really nice Health spool 112 HP the last level and also as all bear you will have rage charges like barbaran and you will be able to enrage yourself it will increase your strength by two and possibly make any B creatures fearful strength will be increased by by three turns they will be fearful for one turn so you will have High chance to heat High chance to attack and do my damage very nice and useful stuff but also we have rupture again one of my favorite you will always do to the8 plus one the8 blood uning damage and push a lot of enemies away so now you can push not one target but a lot of targets away from you look at this they saved sadly so let's get back to our Droid form and pick him up but when they not saving and you got something like wall of turns maybe just some insan plague you will push enemies to this places and do Insane amount of damage and we slowly moving to our late game forms saber tost tiger really powerful damage form nice HP pull so 89 Health points we got basic bite and just basic attack can possibly inflict prone to enemy that's super big because we can do like two three attacks at this point of the game and and being able to do it and possibly make enemies prone is really big Additionally you can reduce enemies armor class by one with shred armor attack and also same or almost same strike and also same strike as Panther got juga strike so you're doing your normal attack which doing from 11 to 30 damage and then juga strike that can do 20 to 42 damage if Target is prone and all of this possible because this tiger is scaling with our potions so if you're using potions if you have high strength you will do Insane amount of damage as tiger more than 100 damage in one turn without any Critical Hits basically that's crazy and another late game form is Dilophosaurus or basically dinosaur very powerful too scaling with strength doing additional acid damage on heat got this corrosive speed and carrosive speed his really big radius range attack so that's uh one of the forms that can do range attacks not a lot of forms can do it and for this range actually like zero forms can do it you just speed your poison at enemy Constitution saving throw so make sure to understand chances of enemy to succeed on this row or you will do like zero damage but it's scaling it's scaling it's removing armor every turn right now wizard just got five armor on the next turn he will lose this corrosive speed at least he should lose it but he's not losing for some reason basically if you succeed Target will take damage every turn and each turn he will have reduced armor and also it benefits from TRN brawler so basically for free we doing a lot of damage every turn very powerful attack also we got pounce like Panter got so just pounce on your target do some damage maybe Target will be proned let's test on Gail look we're doing some damage so he got 12 AC right now next turn he lost his saving throw so now it's 11 AC next turn he lost again 10 AC so it's super easy to hit him right now and he taking damage every turn that's insane how your AC can melt basically and one of the shapes you will get earlier is dire Raven shape so it's early game shape or late game shape but I call it sh shape for combinations basically when a fight starts in case you playing a lot of Druid with spells or just in one fight you want to use spells and not your bare forms other forms position is a k you need best position in a fight to succeed so let's say just for example there's a lot of enemies here but if you cast your insect plague from this location possibly they will get away and break your concentration really easily so instead you can use use your wild ship charge to become Raven after becoming Raven you can fly to this location and cast your spell from The High Ground where it's hard to get for enemies before I do it let me just show you what Raven can do it got normal attack not scanning with strength of course and also rent Vision attack that can blind targets so it's useful in case you want to use Raven to fly to The High Ground and possibly blind enemy archers something like that but Health pool is really low so most of the time you will just travel to get best position in a fight possible dismiss this form it uses no action or bonus action right now I'm in turn-based mode so it's kind of combat simulation and then from The High Ground we cast in our spell so we doing large amount of damage over here it's hard to get to us for enemies and be like completely safe that's how to use combinations with dire Raven form in case you prefer to use a lot of magic and not your forms and now we go to super late game super late game will give us meridon shapes it will take two wild shaped charges all other forms uses only one wild shape charge so you can kind of become tiger then die in combat then again become tiger die again but with these shapes you can become meridon only once per combat once per short rest what is meridon who is meridon let me show you so you got level five spell and we kind of slowly moving to all summons and what they can do in this part of the guide and let's create water maradon for now to do it I'm upcasting it with level six spell slot now I will become water Meridan myself and here we are we are like two mermad we got completely same stats my AC right now is 20 his AC is 18 but that's because I got armor that gives me plus two armor in Wild shape forms on the gear later but basically we got completely same stats coolest part about Mormons they got resistance to basic attacks it's hard to deal with them also some immunities like poison immunity and acid resistance you will have lower Health pools and sumon mmons but you can compensate it with your armor again we got like kind of same Health pull attacks scales with our strength so maybe not all attacks but we will test out and we will have kind of same abilities so with meridon we kind looking at these mermans at the same time What summons can do so what meridon you can call him ice meridon actually his basic attack doing cold damage additional cold damage one to six also we have HL strike that's melee attack it's doing additional C damage and also can make Target chield so let's demonstrate on meridon he saved so he's not chilled but now he is chilled so being chilled is really bad against water meridon because now our Target is vulnerable to ice damage vulnerable means we're doing double damage with ice spells and other damage types so you got two options but never do main hand attack it's doing only one to six gold damage you can still use haml strike to deal additional 1d6 damage and one d10 C damage or you can do explosive icicle it will make it's kind of range spell and look at this pretty nice and beautiful makes difficult terrain underneath Target so possibly Target will be proned and also damage is really insane as you can see because he is vulnerable and that's what we want to do after we casted our HL strike successfully most of the time because each icicle will do 38 cold damage and it will be doubled we doing three icles with the spell very powerful attack so it's easy straightforward just use haml strike and then explosive icicle that's it also each Elemental got something like fly or Elemental warp each Meridan at least have it's only bonus action and you can basically teleport like Mr step to any location always use it it uses no movement speed so with meridon base style is fly to your target use your attack teleport back that's how you play meridon so so instead of showing you mermaid and summons I will show it with myself and we will go with Elementals it's level five summons water Elemental so kind of same better I call him icy guy he got normal slam attack and this slim attack will do some water underneath your target this water can be electrified or Frozen in our case it can be frozen he got this cone attack winter breast again you can just use this attack instead and this will make nice ice surface that will possibly make our targets prone they will lie here it will be easier to attack them also if you got burning targets always use winter breast because they will get this special effect brital and they will take two to six cold damage while at this at the same time it will be vulnerable to thunder and blood joining damage also there's no information about it but your slam can chill targets look we're just do an attack and targets chill so our basic combination with water Elemental is do normal attack slam chill your target then use multiattack because now on chill Target multiattack doing a lot more damage it's basically doing 2 D4 plus four blood joining and plus 2 D4 cold damage twice really powerful stuff you just need to know how to make Target shield now let's get to fire Elemental and we become fire meridon ourself fire meridon let's go okay so what can we do with elemental first we can do normal attack and it will inflict burn on your target while he's burning he will take some damage and also it's nice combination with water Elemental if someone from your party got him so you can combine burn and brittle effects then we got eruption Cinder really large Rus almost Fireball like you just throwing some fire and doing some damage and same condition multiattack again if Target is burning you can use multiattack to do more damage with it additional fire damage play style in combination is the same as water Elemental just use normal attack then multiattack but this time you can use eruption Cinder before and then multiattack depending on your situation also you can use Elemental varp teleport to any location you like and then travel on your foot because Elemental varp uses bonus action and no movement speed now our fire meridon shape and summon will work kind the same our shape works with strength so we benefiting from this T Brer feet normal attack doing additional fire damage so it's kind of waste of action most of the time but still you can do three attacks in a row same as our other Mormons you can fly to one location do your attacks and then teleport backwards with elemental warp but now our Breen but of this form madon emulation you can keep concentration to give you haste for three turns which will give give you additional action so let's test this out we can do one attack extra Attack One More attack and that's only one action then we can do one more attack and one more attack and one more attack so we can do six attacks that's on tactician difficulty or any other difficulty in hunor mode it will be four total attacks because additional action in Hunter mode gives you only one attack still super powerful in like Taxi difficulty and then you can just blink away keeping you safe and that's like main part most of the time when you keeping your concentration on yourself with this haste spells it's easy to break concentration when enemy attacks you but now you can teleport to safety also you got scorching strike additional 1 10 fire damage in addition to your normal attack with one6 fire damage and your target possibly will burn for two turns so we're doing this attack and as you can see it's working as normal attack that's why you kind of never need to use main hand attack there's no point always use this additional one to 10 for our damage there's no point to use normal attack basically ever and instead of Fireball he got this Burning hands just some fire in front of him again there's kind of waste of your turn and only use this as your last action so if you hasted you can use this as second action in case you don't want to do three attacks but instead do this like multiattack but on hunor mode it's really useful attack because on hunor mode you can't do three attacks with second action when haste ends there is stun for one turn don't forget about it still fire meridon is really powerful now we summoning a Elemental yeah he is big and scary and becoming Earth's meridon so what these guys can do let's start from from the elemental at least he looks quite different and acts quite different too but still he got Elemental verb so can like warp to another location normal attacks doing 2 the6 plus 6 blood joining damage and also making mud surface which will create difficult terrain and it will be hard for enemies to move so here's a really nice like tanky dude who can do nice like damage attacks possibly making enemies prone as you can see there's no information about it but it works like that you just attack enemy and he will be proned and also it will be hard for them to run away so he's really sticky Dude Looks Like meltman multiattack Doing 24 plus five damage and can be doubled on prone targets so again idea is the same make Target prone with normal attack then use multiattack for double damage and also you got seismic strike it's kind of same as all bear rage you just do it and everyone can be pushed away from you but at the same time their movement speed will be reduced by 2.5 M and exter reduced by one it possibly can reduce the armor class now let's get to meridon so Earth mermon doing Thunder damage this is big attack with thunder and blood Jing damage scales with strength again and can make enemy prone and this only mermaiden form that can't fly so you get only Elemental warp action in this disregards I would say it's the weakest meridon form but Elemental is really powerful still you don't need to run away from a fight your armor class is really nice it will be 18 basically but with full build it will be 20 and you got Mark to metal it uses movement speed for two turns but will increase your armor class by two so being meridon and at the same time you will have 22 Armor class it will become this metal meridon so really powerful stuff consider in our movement speed is reduced we can use burrow by using six movement speed and bonus action to do some blood joining damage in some Zone around us where we basically unburrow so it's Badger 2.0 and also sludgy link basically create a lot of mud around yourself make it hard for enemies to run away it's like tanky sticky guy same as this tanky sticky guy I'm not a fan of this form but if you need really tanky guy for a party he can do the job and we go to our last moradon form and last Elemental it will be air Elemental of course here we are here looking normally like other guys and all maridons kind of looking the same so that's basic Meridan again he can fly and teleport away like Panter he can have invisibility I would say not too useful but again you can use it in a fight maybe you need to run away from the fight so can be useful sometime normal attacks doing lightning damage additional lightning damage of course and our cool abilities is Raging Vortex you making Vortex that will silence enemies and at the same time can do some damage each turn while damage is not impressive and silence is kind of like why do you need silence there is actually a good combination for this spell with your another attack electrified flail it will do your normal attack so 1d8 Plus strength plus 1 d8 lightning plus 1 d10 lightning and possibly will stun a four so coolest part you can do it let me show it in turn base mode as normal attack so you got three attempts to stun enemy stun enemy is basically useless so that's really powerful form in case you need to just tunnel one enemy out of the fight with your electrified flail and while he's stun you can teleport away so you will be in a safe very powerful stuff what about our air Elemental instead of lightning damage he doing Thunder damage with basic attack but that's range attack so you're launching like two Thunder stuff and they doing some damage damage is to the six plus one so not big but considering we can do two attacks it can be 26 damage pretty normal and balanced you can fly and you can teleport and that's one and only one elemental that can fly and teleport so even as Elemental he can behave as moradon fly to his Target like that then can do like range attacks over here and then just teleport back to safety it's impossible to get to him he is basically unkillable also we got this Gales we're creating area around us damaging enemies and maybe electrifying them with additional damage each turn no not not additional damage sorry they will be in shocked condition so we'll have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws using dexterity and do you know when they using this dexterity sem throws when they trying to resist your gushing air so come close use this action first after use this action get away on the next turn get back to your enemies maybe a little bit closer and just use gushing air that's how you do it if you want to be safe as this meridon but this Elemental you can use multiattack when Target is shocked they will take double damage from multi-attack same as previous Elementals so nice damage and really powerful Elemental in my opinion powerful moradon shape too one of my favorite let's dismiss it and there's only two summons left that we need to understand in this guide so first one is Woodland being actually very good and fun favorite D so this Dr gets summon of her own you got this Fallen lover you can create him and that's big tree so this tree got two spells entangle to any Target around him any enemy around him or he can entangle with different spell I don't know what is the difference it looks like same spells for some reason if he's standing on some wine surface he can heal 10 hit points every turn and he got main hand attack with twisting Branch so basically your basic attack is 1 D4 with this guy plus four blood joining and you're doing additional 3D four damage also there's no information about it for some reason but when you're attacking with this maze or whatever it is there's possibility to entangle your target so again no information about it but there's possible maybe it's not possible on Wizards but it's definitely possible in the fights it happened to me a lot so how to use dried Chien entangle Z again create whiny surface basically your Fallen lover can go in this place and heal himself every return and that's concentration spell in case you don't want really dangerous stuff or you can concentrate on Spike crows in combination with your Druid in early game you can basically delete Battlefield from enemies make two spy grows one here one over here it will be impossible to pass through the zone for enemies and just bombard them with spells from the long distance but if you're in Mill range you got this Chile so your stuff will be a lot powerful and yeah I'm totally wrong so this wood guy can't intangle targets but Twisted Oak crook can again there's no information that it can entangle targets but it can as you can see it did it really easily really high chance to tangle targets that's cool so she can do some damage in Middle range at the same time also should get this over protection from difficult terrain for your allies so you can freely like create this whiny surface underneath of here and you will have protection and immune to being entangled while enemies will have hard time and now let's go to minor Elementals pretty useful guys my favorite is AER his like little dwarf fire dwarf what he can do he basically can do normal attacks with additional fire damage he got one seing Smite with a lot more fire damage but you can use it only once per battle so choose Target wisely don't cast it on low HP targets also he got basic maze skills like weakening strike that can possibly be inflicted with a disadvantage on attack rolls or back Breakers that can possibly knock your enemy prone or concussive Smash It Will D your enemy and reduce or even just completely destroys a bonus to armor class from dexterity that's our actions basically you will do normal attacks most of the time with this guy and just in case use this actions for some debuffs on your enemies but there's bonus action that you can use every turn that's why I love this guy so you can go do your normal attack and then use overheat it will do damage around you very useful to go inside of group of enemies use overheat create some fire around yourself ignite everyone and make them burn for three turns that's super powerful ability against group of enemies really powerful as you can see one AER can destroy two of these summons at the same time and also delete these twisting vnes at the same time he can just burn it that's why he is my favorite but also there is ice method ice method is really nice minor Elemental especially because you're creating two of them they get freezing clothes which do pretty reasonable cold damage to targets to the six also they can fly AER can't fly so in really dangerous and difficult terrains difficult areas is better to get methods instead of Aer you can use ice brush one p per turn so you kind of can use it as much as you wish basically and that's cone attack with cold damage with creating of ice surface also spell chromatic orb cold so wrench ability attack which can make enemies prone on ice with some ice damage also very nice stuff and just in case you don't need this dude you can go inside your enemies it's easy to do with your fly action just you know go inside your enemies and use Dash burst just destroy yourself in the ice burst it will damage on only enemies but still damage is really reasonable for the six cold damage on the exter saving throw targets will take half damage by the way and let's compare him to our last Elemental M methods again we're creating two of them and you can upcast the spell by the way so level six spell can create two Elementals so never do it never upcast the spell it's doing nothing basically he get M close which doing blood joining damage 3d6 plus one pretty basic damage he can fly so he's useful and he got three actions one of them is Dash burst again kind the same action you just destroy yourself but also you restrain Targets in this area so they will be cuted in M for two turns all allies will have advantage on not RS against these targets and that's basically how you use this methods that's why they possibly one of the best summons you can use you just use Dash burst and then you will have Advantage with attacks in your like tiger or bear forms and do really nice damage now for our attacks one attack is basically really low damage one4 + one but that's range attack you throw in some mud some Part of Yourself chances to hit is really low that's why I don't think it's really like cool ability to have and to use but M bre is really useful while it's doing no damage it's making enemies coated with M and this actually powerful as you can see this guy is the mdy right now he will have really hard time moving and that's basically how you play this guy most of the time you're using him not for damage but for making enemies Co with mud and then just fly away that's like best use of this guy and that was all spells and all forms and all summons from mid I guess only one question you got now is what gear to get on M Druid again it doesn't matter too much but if you want to learn about best gear from M Druid I recommend just watching this video where I show best house in build build will be the same but I will explain all gears that I suggest for Moon droids there's time stamps so you can use them to go to your chapter and see you in the next videos
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 3,239
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Id: R-zCMqjc3us
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Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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