Baldur's Gate 3 - 25 Tips & Tricks (Beginner's Guide)

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day in this video I want to highlight some easy mistakes to avoid in Baldur's Gate 3 or just give you some general tips that will help make your playthrough easier of course what's most important is that you do what's fun for you so by all means following a tip here would make your experience less fun then just ignore it my channel focuses on RPG so if you enjoyed this video and want to see similar content make sure you hit the like button and subscribe alright starting at number one make sure you take your time and character creation there are few things worse than getting several hours into a game only to start over for a goofy reason you don't like the way your character looks you chose the wrong voice you selected fighter but what you really want to do is sling around spells stuff like that at this time you cannot change your appearance after character creation so take it slow really think through how you want to play and make sure you are comfortable with your choices so you don't end up restarting three or four times before finally getting into a playthrough number number two since we're on the subject of character creation I think it's worth noting that potions are very easy to create and powerful enough to serve as your main source of healing throughout the entire game consequently there is no need to have a character whose main purpose is to be a Healer also while all the skills are important there's a case to be made that perception and sleight of hand are the most important skills perception allows you to discover traps hidden objects and objects you can interact with such as weak walls that can be knocked down traps are everywhere in the game and some of them are absolutely lethal so it's very important you can discover them easily sleight of hand is necessary for picking locks and disarming traps no need to explain why this is a critical skill to have number three make sure you are periodically doing a full save and don't forget about hitting F5 for quick save Baldur's Gate 3 does an auto save nearly as often as it should so it's easy to lose quite a bit of progress also unlike most games bg3 lets you keep up to 50 quick saves in addition to the full ones so take full advantage and save your game often number four let's cover some useful hotkeys all highlights items that you can pick up or interact with it doesn't highlight everything you can loot so it's still important to run your mouse over areas to see if the gold chess icon comes up to let you know there are more items to gain items highlighted in Orange are Quest related when looting an object that holds multiple items you can press the space bar to take everything holding shift allows you to see what areas your enemies or nearby NPCs can see this is useful if you want to steal something or sneak up on someone pressing C causes you to crouch and inner sneak mode which will give you the same view the difference is in a fight going into sneak mode will use a bonus action whereas holding down shift is free pressing shift and C at the same time will cause your entire team to either enter or leave sneak mode tilde which is in the upper left of your keyboard below the Escape key allows you to highlight all nearby NPCs whether they be Friend or Foe this is a great way to make sure you have spoken with everyone in a particular area Z allows you to jump which is something you need to do quite often T expands the tool tip that you see when highlighting items it will also pin the tool tip so you can hover over highlighted words and get more information about what the item is pressing o gives you an over-the-top view that can be very useful in combat to figure out where enemies are located and what your next move should be number five let's talk about inventory management you can press I to bring up the inventory of the character you currently have selected or press tab to bring up the inventory of your entire party in the upper left there's a sort button allowing you to reorganize all of your items you will start the game with a few pouches that will hold your chemical components camping supplies and similar objects as you explore you can come across more pouches and add them into your inventory for more filtering options for example you might want to keep all your potions or grenades in a separate place keep in mind this doesn't remove the weight of that item so you still need to carefully decide what you do and don't want to keep if you select an item then hold down shift and select another item those two items along with all of the items in between will be highlighted you can then drag them into a pouch or another party member's inventory you can also right click an item to send it to another party member's inventory this is very useful if one character has significantly more strength and inventory space than everyone else you also have an add to where's option which marks this item as one you want to sell the next time you speak with a vendor If an item is Quest related you will almost always get a journal update or cut scene when picking it up if that didn't occur then you can feel free to sell it in my experience the game doesn't have gotcha moments where you happen to pick up a critical Quest item and didn't even realize it you also can send any items to camp and that's suggest one Unlimited weight which will house all those items for you this means you never need to keep camping supplies because when you rest the game will check their stores to see what supplies are available next to the filter button is a search bar if you need to find a specific item and are not sure which party member has it in the bottom middle of your screen is a button that says custom clicking it will open up a menu that allows you to set up items for quick access for example if you know you love to use potions of speed you can drag it down here now whenever you press one your character will automatically drink one of those potions same with using Scrolls or priming a throwable object for use there are 12 slots that you can use each party member has their own quick use hot bar so you can set up items for easy access based on each of their play Styles just keep in mind Whatever item they are supposed to use has to actually be in their inventory not just the party's inventory overall number six let's talk about vendors there's an approval bar on the lower right that is easy to miss especially if you have never played played a larian game before this bar decides how much the vendor likes you and impacts their prices when buying and selling items acts are split into separate Hub Maps so you will have to revisit the same vendors several times throughout your playthrough it's well worth your time to increase the approval of a vendor you like you can do this by double clicking items that you want to sell but instead of clicking the scales at the bottom to have the vendor give you gold just click the barter button so that you'll give the items away for free the vendor's approval will increase depending upon the value of the items you have given away there is a ton of trash for you to pick up so giving away enough trash items to increase a vendor's approval and then selling the valuable items that you don't need is very easy to do at the top of the vendor screen you can switch from Barter to trade and this gives you the sell Wares button at the bottom which will automatically sell all the items you have marked as wears keep in mind this process will only be completed if the vendor has enough gold to buy all of your wares this screen also lets you double click items to directly sell them as opposed to queuing the items up the way you're doing the barter screen number seven is don't ignore crafting I've already mentioned health potions are easy to craft and very powerful you can also make potions of speed which give you two turns of haste haste gives you an extra action so it's very powerful regardless of your play style there are bombs that pull enemies and objects into a central location or explode into fire poison Coatings will give your weapons temporary unique effects crafting isn't useful the entire game but definitely in the beginning you want to utilize all of your resources and periodically check the list of what you have unlocked to see if there's anything that can really help you number eight talk to all the NPCs and read all of the books you don't need to literally read them but just click on them so that the Books open up and the game registers that you have seen them there are a ton of ways to advance Quest or pick up experience points in this game and you don't want to miss them and conversations keep in mind that just because you you see a whole list of questions doesn't mean you will be allowed to select them all so always select your most present question first and then take whichever ones are still available sometimes re-entering a dialog will allow you to select options that you previously could not choose number nine make sure you take long and short rests regularly you get two short rests and they allow you to regain fifty percent of your hit points if you are warlock this will let you regain spell slots as well this is great to use if you still have most of your abilities but you just need to heal up before the next fight long rest fully restore your health spell slots and any abilities you have it also brings you into camp and the game loves using these moments to advance quests or just show you special content there's a near endless amount of food and supplies so don't worry about resting so often that you'll run out speaking of Camp if you click the camp icon in the lower right don't forget that there's an option to just go to your Camp so if all you want to do is switch out a party member real quick and you don't need to rest then just use that option number 10 says we're on the subject of camping make sure you talk with all of your party members on a regular basis many of them have quests that aren't Advanced properly if you don't engage them in dialogue even if you don't like a party member there's a wealth of XP and story content to be gained by helping them with their issues also make sure you bring party members along when you are journeying in areas that are clearly related to them sometimes having that character will give you special options or you can gain a significant amount of approval points by the way a companion's approval doesn't determine whether or not they'll tell you about their Quest or let you help them instead it decides during pivotal moments whether or not they'll let you influence them to do something they don't actually want to do so again even if their approval is very low don't think they don't have a lot of content to provide number 11 one final note about the camp don't forget that Withers can allow you to respect your character or give you higher links if you left act 1 and didn't pick them up don't worry he'll make his way to you in Act 2 I definitely recommend you respect all of the companions because their ability spread is weird when odd numbers and high scores and abilities they don't actually need hiring leads could be very useful to you in a pure evil run where all of your companions don't make it number 12 give every character a bow and a shield there will be many times when your party member cannot reach melee distance with an enemy and pulling out a ball to do at least a little bit of damage will be very useful even for spell casters like Gail who wouldn't actually use a bow is great to have because the Bose effects will count for him whether he uses it or not for example as well I never used a bow but I had one on my character that provided resistance to Fire and cold damage it also gave them one free casting of the hay spell all of this counted for him even when he was actually using a shield in Quarter Staff All Shields provide at least a plus two bonus to Armor class unlike tabletop DND and baldus Gate 3 humans automatically get proficiency with shields that means will and Gail can use Shields even if you don't multi-class them or change them out of their spell casting classes just like Bose many Shields come with useful effects such as a plus one bonus to spell save difficulty class or advantage on perception ability checks obviously you cannot use Shields if you will to weapons or two-handed melee weapons otherwise you should absolutely be using a shield and checking to see which ones will help your play style number 13 make sure you are only using equipment you are proficient with this is a very easy mistake to make because helmets gloves and boots oftentimes have armor proficiencies associated with them so you can look at some gloves that provide lightning charges and stick them on your warlock not realizing that you just made the character significantly worse characters cannot use their proficiency bonus with gear they are not proficient with this could also block spell casters from using some of their spells or prevent Rogues from using sneak attack when you have a character selected if you hover over piece use of equipment they are not proficient with there will be a small message letting you know to check a character's proficiencies go to the character sheet and then click on the detailed view tab it will list what your proficiency bonus is and what proficiencies you have number 14 make sure someone on your team can raise dead and or talk with animals throughout your journey you'll come across corpses with individual names giving you a hint that they might be able to provide some useful information sometimes casting raised dead on this corpse will allow you to ask a few questions there are many question Baldur's Gate 3 where you really aren't given enough information to know what you should do next talking with corpses is a great way to advance Quest and know what your next action should be it also can reveal information that you couldn't find out any other way once you cast Rey's dead for the first time during the day any other corpses that you can speak with will be outlined in blue and the spell lasts until you take a long rest talk with animals Works in a similar way but I would say it's a lower price priority a lot of the conversations with animals are more so based around funny or entertaining interactions as opposed to actually helping you complete a quest you are struggling with definitely still great to have and there's some really cool things you cannot do unless you use this regularly so I still recommend you make sure it's covered animals you can talk with are not highlighted in blue but this spell does last until you take a long rest if you don't have anyone who automatically gets these spells there are potions and Scrolls that you can use to cast them as long as you are capable of casting level 3 spells the ritual Caster feat will also allow you to cast both of these spells without using a spell slot although that's a questionable use of a fee number 15 use your inspiration Points each of your party members has a background and when you perform an action that aligns with that background the party member will gain an Inspiration Point along with some XP for example will has the folk hero background so he's inspired when you save innocent people or defeat evil monsters these inspiration points can be you used to re-roll failed checks if you fail to check in dialogue you'll see an option to use one of these points if you'd like to try again you should absolutely do this there is no reason to stockpile these points you are limited to four points so if you hit that Mark then the game will only provide the additional XP also as I said before all of your party members have a background so you are getting these points constantly don't be scared to use one or even multiple points on a difficult check also keep in mind the experience points from inspiration only apply to the party member who has that background consequently depending on your play style some party members might level up faster than you or other members of the party number 16 let's talk about long rest spells so when you look at the tool tip for some spells you'll see it says until long rest that means you can cast a spell and it will last until you take a long rest the disadvantage here of course is that you have to remember to cast the spell every time you finish taking a long rest the advantage is you only have to cast a spell once and it will last you the entire day also unlike concentration spells which we will talk about in a bit this spell is not broken when you take a certain amount of damage and it will stack with other spells some other spells might have a specific number of turns that it lasts instead of saying long rest for example if we look at magehand you'll see it lasts for 10 turns the vast majority of combat encounters won't be longer than that so basically this is set up to be useful for one fight and then the spell is gone if you cast one of these spells before a conversation the timer will still take down while you are talking if you are trying to overcome a tough fight that starts with a conversation it can be useful to pre-buff skip through all the convo and then jump into the fight which will usually allow you to retain at least a few turns of the Spells notice for magehand but low 10 turns it says short rest that means the spell can only be used one time after you complete a short or long rest number 17 let's talk about constant tradition spells there are some spells that are ongoing effects and a spellcaster needs to concentrate in order to keep them going a good example of this is haste which gives you one additional action per turn this spell lasts for 10 turns but it also requires concentration if your concentration breaks then you will essentially lose the spell sometimes this can have a negative effect such as with haste which causes you to become lethargic once it ends essentially wasting one of your turns for most spells breaking concentration just means you lose the effect and the spell slot you use to cast it is wasted you are only allowed to use one concentration spell per character so if your warlock is using haste and then you try to activate hex which is also a concentration spell you will break your height spell become lethargic and lose your turn I am an expert at this game so I never did this I certainly didn't do it a dozen times if you take damage while you are concentrating on the spell you have to roll a check to determine if you maintain concentration the DC equals 10 or half of the damage that you take whichever number is higher if you take damage from multiple sources you have to make a separate saving throw for each source of damage consequently if you are going to use these spells on a regular basis it might be worth investing heavily into Constitution which will increase your ability to make those saving throws or take the war Caster fee which will give you Advantage when you have to roll them number 18 make sure your reactions are set up properly if you open up the character sheet and click the spell book at the top you'll see there's a tab for reactions reactions are spells or abilities that are triggered by something an enemy has done they are awesome and I recommend stockpiling as many of them as you can you have the choice of letting these happen automatically or you can click the ask button to ensure the game will prompt you to confirm you actually want to do this I'd recommend you set all of them to ask for multiple reasons you only get one reaction per turn so you might not want to use a reaction yet there are multiple spells that are reactions and they can be upcast if lower spell levels aren't available you might not want to burn a level 4 spell slot on a reaction sometimes you might have multiple party members with the same reaction and you don't want all of them to use it at the same time for example it might play through both will and Gail had counterspell which is triggered when an enemy uses a spell and attempts to nullify it every time an enemy cast to the spell I received a prompt for both Gail and will I can have both of them try to nullify the spell or neither of them or choose one and let the other sit that one out also setting it up this way gives you more information about what the enemy is doing because the game tells you what action the enemy has taken to prompt this reaction so if I receive the prom because an enemy is casting Fireball not only is it great to have an opportunity to nullify that but now I also know I need to take this enemy out quickly because they are the one most likely to light up my entire party number 19 make sure your passives are set up properly at the bottom middle of your screen next to custom is the passives button this provides a list of the passage your character has and if you see a rotating circle around one of them that means the passive is active all party members have the non-lethal toggle which is great to use if you want to eliminate someone without actually killing them such as a civilian who doesn't have control of their actions in addition as you gain Feats or class mechanics it's possible this list will expand for example I had to keep careful track of Will's repelling blast passive because it will push enemies back 4.5 meters if I pushed an enemy into a Chasm then their items wouldn't be available I gave Carlock the great weapon Master Fee which provides a passive that gives her a plus 10 to damage but also reduces her attack by five if I found it became incredibly difficult to hit enemy means it might be a good idea to turn it off make sure you are keeping a handle on what's active here number 20 you can throw potions at characters or place them on the ground and attack to make them explode this is very useful if you have a party member who is downed and needs help to get back up or you need to heal an NPC and cannot access their inventory number 21 pressing shift plus spacebar will activate turn base mode this causes time to move in small increments while your party members each take their turns this is a great way to sneak around or position your party just right before a fight it's also nice if you are using a buff to accomplish something and want to take your time to ensure a task is done properly before the spell wears off pressing G or hitting the button beneath your character portraits along the left will split up your party allowing you to easily place them wherever you like this leads into number 22 always mind your surroundings make sure when you are splitting up and positioning characters before fight that you are setting them up for Success ranged characters get a plus two bonus to attack when they have The High Ground oil can be set on fire and water can be electrified braziers can oftentimes be shot down to inflict fire area of effect damage on multiple enemies the push action can be used to knock enemies off of high purchase and fall damage is absolutely devastating in this game choke points can be used to funnel enemies into devastating spells or ensure your tank takes the brunt of whatever damage your foes can dish out if you are having difficulty getting through a fight take a look around to see what you can use number 23 make sure you are using your weapon skills I gave Carlock a halberd which automatically comes with a rush attack this attack does less damage but it allows her to rush towards an enemy without taking an attack of opportunity and if it hits the foe is knocked off balance causing all attacks against them to have Advantage this is a great option that I took advantage of all the time many of the other weapon types have unique attacks that you you are probably missing if you haven't taken the time to look at them in your weapon tool tip it will list all of the attacks that it provides so make sure you are aware of your options number 24 make sure you use your bonus attacks and extra attacks for the first 20 hours of the game you will be mostly limited to one attack but at some point you'll hit Level 5 and then if all your attacks are in one Marshall class then you'll probably get an extra attack this allows you to do a melee strike twice in one turn instead of just once this is automatically provided so it's easy to miss that your capabilities have expanded in this way in addition some weapons or Feats will provide you with a melee attack you can use with your bonus action once again it's easy to miss this since the game doesn't tell you there's a bonus attack available for you to use also keep in mind that for the most part extra attacks do not stack so if you have five levels in Paladin and five levels in fighter you still only have one extra attack at this time the extra attack from warlocks packed of the blade Stacks with other classes my assumption is this is a bug that larion will at some point correct but I am not certain about that also fighters able to stack extra attacks but only with itself they get an improved extra attack at level 11 that Stacks with the one they get at level five finally at number 25 the last tip I have on this list is to focus on weaker enemies and Whittle them down one at a time and baltus Gate 3 the amount of Health an enemy has doesn't determine how much damage they can do to you so an enemy with only one Health is just as dangerous as an enemy who was untouched in most fights it'll be in your best interest to focus on weak enemies first and quickly eliminate them then you can focus fire on the elites and bosses spreading your damage across all your enemies will just allow all of them to live longer and result in you taking much more damage than you should to that same end make sure you are using the examine option during tough fights and anytime during combat you can right-click an enemy and press examine to bring up their character sheet the resistances section is very important because it will let you know if an enemy takes half or completely nullifies a particular type of damage you also want to look at the features section because that might provide special information about an enemy for example it might tell you that they are sensitive to light so if you cast a spell like daylight on them all of your party will get advantage on attack rolls against that foe I've read in a couple of places that you can also get special dialogue options if you examine an NPC before talking with them but I have never seen that in practice if you have then please leave me a comment down below providing an example of where that can be done that's all the tips I have to help you avoid common mistakes in Baldur's Gate 3. if you have additional suggestions or tips that I have missed please let me know in the comments down below hope all of you enjoyed this video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 8,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rqOfMzcCU1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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