Baldur's Gate 3: 12 Tips & Tricks I Wish I Knew on my First Playthrough

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Baldur's Gate 3 is a huge game with a massive amount of details to find throughout faerun and whether you're a newcomer or if you're about to start another playthrough here's some invaluable tips and tricks that will hopefully make your playthrough a little easier and why not start off with the one thing that I've seen tons of people struggling with and that's getting the everburn blade off of Commander jolk during the tutorial level normally you would do the barrel monster trick and put a load of illicit barrels around the boss and ignite it but did you know that there's an even easier method before you enter the bathroom make sure to select Shadow heart bring up her spell book default is K on keyboard then replace one of her active abilities with the command spell start the fight position your player character as close as possible to the Boss run up with Shadow heart to the big scary demon man select command then tell him to drop his weapon which would be the everburned blade at the start of your turn simply stroll out to the guy and yoink his weapon like so there you can now make your way towards the console knowing that the strongest starter weapon is sitting safely in your bag of course you can use this tip for basically any encounter in the game and if you see someone holding a particularly interesting looking item you can use command to make them drop it another thing that you want to be easier would be platforming because if there's one thing you do a lot in Baldur's Gate 3 it's jumping jumping and even more jumping which brings us to number two no matter what class you are invest some points into strength at least until you have a score of at least 10 or preferably 12 if you can not only will this help you in leaping further which means you can go to higher places and cross gaps without having to use Misty step which will cost you a spell slot strength also allows you to carry more stuff and make your melee attacks stronger even as a wizard wielding a staff so always invest some points in through strength tip number three speaking of jump instead of just straight up rounding up to your enemies make sure to use jump to close the distance as you can see in this little example where I use scratch as a measuring stick jumping uses less movement speed overall and you do get a fair bit of extra distance if you use this method then again this is situational and if you're planning to jump over something or get to a higher position during your round you should use it for that instead tip number four if there's one thing that'll make your playthrough easier it's crowd controlled and so another invaluable tip is to use spells like Tasha's hidden laughter and similar abilities to take enemies out of the battle for a while this will allow you to focus down enemies one at a time instead of getting completely ganged up remember to use it on the strongest targets so you can get the weaker enemies down first and after that most fights become cakewalks tip number five while we're on the subject of combat here's one huge tip that I just started abusing on my second playthrough and that's to use explosive barrels as often as possible I.E the barrel Manser method if you're struggling with a certain boss encounter or if you just know that you're about to get into a huge fight try to get as many barrels out as possible around the boss or your future enemies then move to a safe distance ignite the proverbial match then watch the Sparks Fly monster killed but how would I do this if I don't see any barrels around I hear you ask ah but don't you worry that brings us to tip number six which is yes you can pick up barrels and add them to your inventory but you can also send them to your camp this means that whenever you run into a barrel that's filled with fire wine oil or explosives make sure to always pick them up and send them to your Camp the barrels will then be sitting neatly in your Camp chest waiting to be exploded at a moment of your choosing if you want to stock up on a huge amount of Barrels in early game the room Behind The Gnome Trader at the goblin Camp is filled with them trust me being a barrel Manser makes a lot of boss fights trivial especially when you properly set up before an encounter speaking of which this brings us to number seven which is to set up choke points to cut off the simplest paths to get to you this will allow you to make the perfect traps like that of the barrel monster trick or any other combination of spells and items you have in mind setting traps and cutting off Roots is incredibly powerful in Baldur's Gate 3 which is why cloud of daggers is such a great spell to always keep on hand because if an enemy can't go around you they'll have to move through the cloud and take a heavy chunk of damage Glyph of warding is also excellent for setting traps especially when you combine the fire glyph with explosive barrels number eight now this tip might be a little too obvious to some people but I decided to include it anyway because I've seen comments about this did you know that by hovering your mouse over different dialogue options with proficiency checks you can actually see how likely it is that your dialog option will succeed yeah I know mind blown right to be completely honest with you this was something I didn't realize until I was like 20 hours into the game so for all the brothers and sisters out there with the same lack of awareness I salute you tip number nine another quality of life tip is to remember to empty your supply bags by sending your supplies to Camp as you may or may not know larion added bags into your inventory to keep track of all the items you pick up through your playthrough but this only helps with sorting the items and it doesn't reduce the total weight so if you've noticed that you're unusually heavy with a fairly empty inventory remember to check your supply bags and empty them every now and then tip number 10 and this is yet another tip that will be a real time saver for any newcomers if you have a bunch of unwanted items that you want to sell examples being weapons and armor remember to sort your bag by type then select the first item in a row of unwanted items hold shift then select the last item in that row you've now selected a group of items that you can then send around or you can mark them as Wares oh and speaking of which if you were confused as to what ad to wears means this makes selling items and mass super simple instead of bartering with an NPC and clicking on each item one by one you can simply highlight items and add them to Wares then switch from Barter to trade when trading then just click sell where's to instantly sell all items you've marked tip number 11. now if you're one of those players that just needs to loot everything even if that means stealing like me remember that you can make thieving much easier for yourself simply disconnect one of your companions from your group preferably with a stealth trait like default esterion then have your companions speak to any NPCs to keep them occupied then you switch to the thieving companion down here and also remember to engage with the NPCs in the opposite direction from where your thieving companion is and before you start looting all the valuables remember to check if any areas are in the line of sight for detection which of course is this red area and always remember to sneak first before looting because NPCs will almost always notice you stealing if you're not in sneak mode there you're now a master Thief happy looting [Music] tip number 12 if you just want to get to an area quickly and you don't care about being delicate remember that you can always just smash a wooden door into splinters however do try to stick to pick locking wooden chests and whatnot as you're at the risk of destroying the items they're in if you start swinging and that's all the tips and tricks I've got for today remember to comment below with any tips and tricks you know of as I'm pretty sure there's an innumerable amount of things that you can do that I just haven't covered yet thank you to the end spin squad for supporting the channel you guys are amazing as always have a great day everyone Mr Olden signing out
Channel: MrHulthen
Views: 24,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 tips, tips and tricks baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks for beginners
Id: IhDZdmC3qlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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