13 Baldur’s Gate 3 Advanced Tips and Tactics - How to Keep Your Party Alive in Baldur's Gate 3

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foreign [Music] delight and there is no other game right now other than borders gate three that's just pure fact I've been utterly engrossed in larion's monstrous-sized Dungeons and Dragons title so these are some Advanced borders Gate 3 tips that I think will help you out if you're deepish into the game by now here we go these are 13 Advanced Baldur's Gate 3 tips that'll keep you and your party alive thank you [Music] some characters might already be resistant to certain elements due to gear they have equipped or a buff they're currently subjected to if you want to make that resistance absolutely overpowered then giving them an elemental resist potion on top of that of the same element of course will turn that character immune to said element for example give one of your party the poison resist ring and then have them down a similar potion and they can walk through poisonous swampy gas Fields like its pure unadulterated oxygen merchants in Baldur's Gate 3 are just as susceptible to sweet talking as us in the real world in the barter menu you can give them freebies and although this might seem like just giving your stuff away Karma will reward you the more freebies you give them the more they're like you and therefore they'll give you better prices outside of Love bombing Merchants you always want to make sure you have the character with the highest Charisma doing all your buying and selling Shop prices will respond to this Charisma stat so the higher the Charisma the better the prices outside factors also affect the prices Merchants give you like for example Aaron in the Grove will consistently give preferable rates to a druid use context clues and try to find the most sympathetic character to each Merchant look we've all been in the Dungeons and Dragons campaign where someone gets a little bit too murdery and decides they want the stuff back that they just sold but be careful with this tactic in Boulders gate 3. apart from the usual repercussions of killing an NPC killing a merchant will get your items back from them but not your money or their own if you're planning to kill a shopkeep make sure you clean out their gold first and then you can get the items you just sold off of their corpse please don't take this advice out of context this also works for other groups you encounter if you're getting the feeling that you might be getting into a fight with a specific group it's a good idea to scout someone ahead and see if they have anything to trade or buy off of you you can actually do this and buy bombs and Scrolls off of them which they would otherwise use in the brawl against you then when they're dead you can just grab all your stuff back off of them during battle as I mentioned in my beginner's tips video you'll want to have your spellcasters dealing Elemental or status effects one of these may involve an enemy or two going prone they're gonna have to use all their movement on their next turn to get up but you can actually ensure they stay prone and thus incredibly vulnerable reducing their movement speed to zero will make this happen Ray of frost reduces movement speed by 3 meters or the spirit guardian's spell will have enemies have their movement speed halved on a failed wisdom saving throw or you could just bring out hold person or sleep spells or you can alter the terrain and turn into difficult terrain which also reduces movement speed if you can think of any other way to reduce someone's movement speed to zero apart from killing them let me know in the comments below foreign status effect is a great way to wipe out ranged enemies doubly so when you combine it with a Rogues ranged sneak attack move a melee party member within melee range of a ranged enemy and the enemy in question will have the threatened status effect as a consequence they have disadvantage on ranged attacks but that also leaves them open to a ranged attack from afar have your Rogue to a ranged sneak attack and not only will you get that extra 1d6 sneak damage but your Melee character can finish off the foe in question reverse this and have a spellcaster cast a dissonant Whispers to frighten an enemy any melee party member next to said enemy has the chance to get an opportunity attack against the poor frightened creature as Zell tried to get away from the dissonant whisper Caster open up silence is an incredibly useful spell and can be used in a lot of ways but perhaps the most useful comes when you need to get through a cracked wall and don't want to alert every Goblin in the vicinity cast silence on the area where you're gonna demolish and you won't make any noise doing so meaning no extra fight for you members of your party who use weapons as opposed to spells or can trips always carry a candle with you place it on the ground and when lit you can dip your weapon into it for an extra 1d4 damage as a bonus action on every single attack it might not seem like a lot but on every single attack that 1d4 sure adds up worthless slaves in my ruin when going through your inventory trying to figure out what to sell to a merchant you don't actually have to click and drag every single individual item around to sell it within your inventory before you try to barter you can shift-click items to label them Wares then click sell all the Wares in the shop menu it will save you a lot of tedious time God I wish I had known this sooner in a very similar vein to the previous tip hold down the ALT key to highlight all nearby objects then loot whatever your heart desires scenery separated from items in the blink of an eye and if you're trying to find a ring or a gem you dropped this is one hell of a headache reducer in my Baldur's Gate 3 beginner's tips video I mentioned that you always want to be thinking about positioning when you're fighting and a lot of that involves having The High Ground to get advantage on your attack rolls but this is Baldur's Gate 3 Advanced tips video so you want something a bit better than that right right so just know that if you block a ladder with a crate or a box or what have you it'll prevent enemies from using those ladders in their path finding meaning they can't get the high ground and your spellcaster hidden up in the Heights will remain relatively safe and sound hold a left shift when you're moving your party around and you'll be able to navigate through crowded areas a lot easier that goes for both areas crowded with items and enemies it's also great for climbing things with ease as we all know if a character including those in your own party is restrained unconscious or paralyzed they will immediately fail any decks saving throws plus all attack rolls will automatically crit against them this is a Surefire way to kill any enemy which means what you should be doing if you need one specific enemy dead is to cast sleep hideous laughter or hold person on them then move a fighter or Barbarian or Paladin in to hit them make sure they're extra and Alive by pairing this with the biggest burst damage combo you possibly can finally here's another Advanced positioning pointer you already want a spellcaster whose sole purpose is crowd control but spell casters will be prioritized by enemies due to their lower AC especially when they're performing concentration spells as well as using height and cover to your advantage to make sure they can't be hit from up close or afar it's a good idea to place melee characters around and in front of them so they can get a tax of opportunity at any enemies running past them to get to the shielded spell casters obviously you also want to consider using Mage Armor and shield on these spell casters too as crowd control is crucial to getting through fights in the later stages of Baldur's Gate 3. all right there you go there are 13 Advanced borders Gate 3 tips for you good folk do you have any other Advanced tips for Baldur's Gate 3 I'd love to hear any and all of them in the comments or you can tag me directly on Twitter at Zoe underscore Dells foreign I'll be coming out with a couple of videos all about multi-classing in borders Gate 3 soon for both beginners and more advanced head hurty builds so if that sounds useful to you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss them if you've made it this far thanks so much for watching and make sure you subscribe to Eurogamer and like this video for more videos from yours truly as we have a new video out almost every single day now I'm gonna go and surprise surprise keep playing borders Gate 3 so I'll see you good folk next time thank you [Music] how utterly Charming
Channel: Eurogamer
Views: 38,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E2WP9zwFV8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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