The Most EVIL Choice so far - Baldur's Gate 3 (part 12)

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this actually feels like the most evil decision you can make in build Escape 3 so far and actually kind of messed me up I was like oh I don't know how to proceed so I talk about both outcomes in this video and then I choose what man that I feel bad about today we're going to be fulfilling shadowhall's Destiny to become a dark justiker of sharp to do this we must reach the Night song Relic which lies within General forms Mausoleum but the General's Necromancer Balthazar actually wants the Night song for himself because it's the key to General Thorne being Immortal so obviously we need to fulfill this storyline before we can progress but first we need to pass the gauntlet of sharp everything's going to be time stamped below and first we're going to be passing the gauntlets of Shah But ultimately we're going to be letting shadowheart decide her fate also Astorian has made a deal with the devil Raphael to kill another devil on his behalf in exchange for information so we'll see how goes too intriguing well let's head inside follow me that looks like a pressure plate it's not we're safe I walked on it to test it just in case let's go through the gates then hello whoever you are leave I shall carry out General forms will alone not needed leave Herald of Balthazar [Music] there's a plaque here on the floor here lies melodious thorn beloved wife and mother a army El telare man and here and there's a diary of Catholic form volume 1 here as well this looks as white the journal spanning years beginning with the birth of a child and ending with What appears to be a series of dateless tragedies how can she be gone where did she go the moon Maiden cannot be so unfailing so cruel not to water most devout servant not after melodier it makes no sense it makes no sense and I won't survive it that much I know the guessing is the only possibility the Embrace of Oblivion the reprieve of nothingness it would not be possible for a man to survive knowing what he knows knowing what can be lost Char understands that here is the only Mercy I can comprehend my mind is full of holes yet not enough The Emptiness the time the nothingness and still I remember still remember it all there is no mercy in this Beating Heart there is no mercy in life at all so that is why he ended up converting to Charlotte which we kind of already understood but that book pretty much explains what we found last episode bones everywhere someone's been engaging in dark rituals here Diary of Catholic form volume 2. forgetting evades me in this infinite Darkness Balthazar is my own source of the barest Comfort the thought that perhaps she might be brought back to me if Oblivion can fail what defense have we against death none except it's Mastery balthazar's words have never felt more promising pretty Twisted indeed I'm pretty sure based on the letter I read from his wife who worships Merkel symbol this symbol right here has a stain clerk here a small note is squeezing out the margins of a tone detailing necromatic rights General forms orders were clear in order to find what lies Beyond this Mausoleum one must walk in his footsteps Deed by deed from Splendor to tragedy to infamy as he put it the necromancer's room we explore previously but this time has been completely ransacked so let's go further in Temple map well that's what you saw isn't it hand-drawn map shows the gauntlets of Shah that's where the Night song is hidden a Labyrinth of triangular Chambers and passageways stretch across multiple levels written in Jagged spidery hands balthazar's notes intact Wing Proving Grounds ruined Wing something present there strange sounds reported rats why so many gas attacks under this place and some deadly sealed inside it an open Tomb to this place empty sure of it not ominous is the slightest okay so even Shadow heart senses sure [Music] is Isabel form had a daughter mom's daughter was taken out of here there's a lot of pressure plates in this room symmetrically around can't give up now so I'm actually gonna just walk around here on my own there's also Gaga heads what happens when you press the button glowing blue catharak helming a Sharon Army he's hiding his own past just as he's keeping pieces of yours he is he knows who we were when we were the dark urge so you've like explored this whole team but there must be something more to this area that's very strange there are still some vents as well oh another bustle thrick lost his daughter but the bastard knows why you lost everything I think we were in a position of power maybe ketherick was threatened by us moonrise Towers moonrise Towers it makes the urge hiss Within part of your disgrace owl so let's start here at moonrise Towers where the story starts and let's click on his daughter dying I'm going in line of story and finally when he became the general and started leading sharp and we seem to have opened a secret area look at this that disc looks like it can move where does it lead it looks like a lift and I think I know where it leads I think it leads back to the Temple of Shah we saw from the Grim Forge then walking out okay they've been disarmed so we're good there's still pretty much nothing here about some Dead skeletons go down into the temple itself oh we press this traversal gem maybe we're traversing oh hello it's a lady Charles Temple I'll be happy gauntlets of char so this is where the Knight saw hidden and also take the stairs for my very eyes dark lady guided me here she she wanted me to find this place take all the credit it's amazing man okay hopefully there's no traps oh there's a plaque though night protector of the Lost and forgotten also there's a plaque missing here here goes nothing across from the light in the darkness give your life to the Shadows and then there's a mosaic on the floor offer your pain to Shaw's embrace hear the lights on hear the Night song ah this is The Relic let's go through the stone door oh sick Door Man the answer lies in [Music] the only loss but it's the Unworthy there's events here as well Dead skeletons is that Char herself who speaks only in darkness move let me turn off the lights this is okay chill out fairly perception speaking much they hold dear there's a lever here literally can't see uh lever activates so I turned off this light I don't know why I'm taking damage from right now okay I can see can I activate this now welcome child follow my voice and prove your worth well you literally almost killed me just pretty sure I did the quest I just activated some traps hopefully nothing bad will happen if I just loot one of the adjuster cars troops how considerate funny one gold I think that all right so if there's you have to go straight through hopefully there's no traps something doesn't like visitors just blindly walking through this whole gauntlet and gold in darkness beauty is equal and wealth unseen looks like we can jump up there too potentially this reminds me of the underdark foreign where the heck are we I can see the chest down there there's skeleton next to it I'm assuming it's a trap at an entrance into the temple from there let's go down there anyway I'm gonna have to rest before I try and get that chest though because I think whatever's there probably gonna try and kill us so let's go over to this door and unlock it and see where it leads okay uh lock pick should be easy what do we need to open this according 17 nice okay so what's in here oh there's like a whole cooking area with so much food so much food there's massive mushrooms as well I do like it down here oh we're also saying nice a homie this is a dedication to my goddesses power and dark Beauty homie is not the first word that comes to mind feed your bodies and rest your minds lady Shah needs her Warriors strong and ready well this seems like a good time to Long rest let's go back to the channel easy to get all our spell slots back Starion would like to speak to us probably about what happened with the devil he made a deal with outside the way she lived me the blood Merchant I can't get it out of my head I did what I always did I let her use more I just feel different to all the other times then because you got to keep the reward rather than give it to your master I'll drink that potion and never think about it again afterwards but what I had to do to get it to go at me to stay there's nothing more desirable in the world than a vampire is there how many been through all I have you damn well are going to fight with what few assets that Gods give you but a part of me I feel sick when I think about getting on my back for breadcrumbs again or a Starion I'm really sorry for making you do it I literally are I said do you want to do it it's up to you you still chose to do it I forced myself to do it I have bedded thousands of people half of them I barely remember most of them didn't even grab me Temporary Bliss I thought it would be nothing at all to sell myself to that drowse fantasies but the price was higher than I imagined I don't want to do it again and I won't make it it isn't worth the scars anymore this Temple certainly is Grand it is indeed it's a rundown bearing the weight of centuries sort of grand which is my favorite kind incidentally are you really going to trust the devil to keep his word if we kill this author I trust a devil over a vampire any day I think he likes us I like him too but I'd never say that to a smarty face perhaps if we kill this all from extra bloody he'll invite us for tea and Brandy back in his house he doesn't have a fancy house doesn't he are you cazador's only sport or are there others like you me and my six brothers and sisters he always insisted we were a family even when he was carving scars into our flesh I was one of his first some of the others came years later he was a monster to us all but did take special pleasure in my pain he said my screams sounded sweetest Jesus right this is doll now that I'm gone I don't know six can't believe you hid those scars from me you never asked me to take my shirt off I mean you're right I always thought they were a sign of my humiliation I never realized there might be mortal but Raphael told us he can make the impossible come true I have to try my luck it's pretty Grim man I used to just be second thinking it was his sadistic pleasure there was a distraction I have to get to the truth of it very well we will find the truth of starring dinos worry it's kind of Shadow heart what she thinks of this Temple I can't believe it can't believe we found the dark ladies sacred Crucible believe it this is the place where you could become a darker justiker your dream might be soon realized I'm I can scarcely believe it's real but I saw it with my own eyes felt the polished stone walls raised in lady Charles honor normally it would not be for me to pursue becoming a dark justicia without a superiors command but this is different my lady wanted me to find this place I know it what do you think of it overwhelming worship of Lady Shah is usually discreet by Nature her holy sights have to be modest well hidden but that place I never knew such Grandeur had been built in her honor tell me what you do know of this place The Gauntlet of Shah is no ordinary Temple the highest test of the dark ladies faithful to judge if they are worthy of becoming a dark justicier The Gauntlet has double meaning it speaks of the ordeals to be overcome and of the armor-clad Fist of Lady Shah that would embrace the Worthy survive the crushing Gauntlet and be embraced by the night singer at its very core the old ways were lost over time now some claim the rank simply by killing a single Saloon Knight but before they were a true Elite many would attempt the trials but few would succeed I'm sure I'll be able to finish these trials easily thoughts are back on the twisted scalaritas and his honeyed words of violence [Music] you called for me you know Jesus bro shriek it's been too long since you've venerated me you're slipping those words sting though they are they are I vow I will say your name a thousand times in prayer before I rest tonight I love you so dearly master I come here and I wish to bring you another powerful tithe but I cannot Grant you this prize quite yet you must do something divinely unspeakable first I kill for myself not because you command me oh you are such a pleasure to serve of course you are killing for yourself Coast to Coast our realm only exists for you to play with after all you you will receive a royal prize for killing this pretty girl then we already Isabel the cleric with the sweetest face of the Moon she is too precious to live I felt the desire to kill her so strongly when we met but I turned her into a sheep so the last Light is already doomed anyway you unconscious clever mind hungers for extreme violence who knows who you might kill next if you do not satisfy your urge be true to yourself my lord well I got to find her then because she was taken back to moonrise Towers I believe see what else is down there there's a bunch of rats all even the rats have the good sense to pay homage to Lady Chef why are the rats paying homage to her anyway it's a bit weird I loot this coffin the place of offering to the dark lady may she embrace the entire world right out of the altar religion today do we fail to pray no we are a successful Shaw whisper a pleasurable shiver runs down your spine I feel as if you've unburdened a troubling thought and forgotten it forever nice singer's favor affected entity is resilient to necrotic damage until your next long rest talk to these rats part of the floor observe the rat's Behavior 17. the rat holds its ground almost seems defiant why wouldn't it be study the rat's parents I don't know why I'm doing this the rat has a thick coat and dark staring eyes old but in good health good to know oddly Brazen for a rat we should just move along doesn't want to touch the rats we can open this to another door I think this unlocks the ball oh hello reconstructed Marksman which is the suit of armor here to defend the gauntlets head on inside are you friends scavenger oh you find yourself in a dead putrid skull somehow hosting a tadpole amongst a squirm of maggots another presence lurks within manipulating the corpse like a puppet [Music] today I do not request help they're real sent me looking for someone called Balthazar did you see now enter I will see if I have any use for you okay oh my God how are we enter here all the Shadows [Music] oh my God yo that's sick fine Catherine's Relic updated Justice oh my God there's loads of them around should I destroy the underwater is that gonna help us let's go ahead and shoot down these justicers and Miss why not oh there's loads of reconstructed assistance arriving let's go ahead and bless our party this guy's Gonna Get Wrecked it's just like the one enemy and a few dark balls unless they get reinforcements from these orbs I'm gonna jump over the bench eating from behind don't really know what doing that will do but we'll see oh yeah they're spawning more of them so we do need to take out these Forbes as soon as possible definitely take out the one behind us historian we take it out in melee oh my God I have one damage you're joking don't Shadow heart after these orbs send us some assistance Gail finish the all there we go I'm just gonna start taking out these uh teleporters because that's what spawns and this one there we go they're just using the crossbows at Point Blank Range uh there's another one and another one oh my God try and destroy this all right it's the axle hopefully take this out fantastic these Undead are useless before it Go destroyed we have 100 chance to hit all of them which is great well this guy can do his fire crossbow he is hitting at Point Blank those to be fair I think I even hit it oh my God what is that just a car Crusader looks insanely cool shooting from up here 35 damage nice let's try and think Castle we have dazed it that's good oh my God what's he doing overwhelming grief we saved it and he can still attack twice after that spell too come on first this guy fantastic let's just jump down let's use piercing shot a damage I think today I was getting deleted from over there 27 damage we missed oh he's trying to do something now what the hell I'm real four oh my God that hurts you can use Shield glow oh he saved it what is he doing how dare you try and use this spell on me okay these guys are dashing to our assistants dude let's just go for it oh my God come on you can hear this 25 damage the starring should be able to finish this guy Miss ow this guy hasn't hit a single shot now he's gonna attack her like 20 times he always Saves The Bash I know you're still there I'm sure you do all right our glasses turned we can kill him 50 yep there we go 50 50 chance to hit now we can kill this guy as well [Music] also deleted they have nothing on them they're just Shadows stealth attack critical hit not even dead that's the first shot he's here let's fire the fireball of Trish finish a blush smash what the hell is that I succeeded in stealth so this is the Necromancer he's got a giant flesh Golem which is level seven next to it oh my goodness I feel like we just saved him so let's go and say hello finally we can talk face to face not just any true Soul would have succeeded in following my path through this place you should be plea nice tattoos another truth I was looking for you the rear I aided him in the underdark you who pulled his sorry carcass from the rubble you should have left him there the miserable worm tried to kill me hoping to take all the glory of this mission for himself dull dull dull near was never cut out to be a true Soul he's a very obedient corpse though perhaps you can prove to me that you're more useful alive than dead you know what's at stake here I take it that doesn't make sense based on the fact that we've revealed to him the absolute's true plans the name Balthazar seems familiar but not as a servant of Catholic Thor where have you heard it before history check 15. it comes back to you Balthazar headed a monastic order that controlled a place called The amkathran in the deserts of kalimshan but he is long dead from what you recall hey he looks long dead I'm standing looking around Balthazar I heard of a monk by that name once he died long ago oh him oh him yes I decided to take his name for myself after taking his rip bone I think but enough idle chatter keep to the Mata at hand you do know what's at stake here yes you're a giant sausage fingers judging by how you're cowering in here your survival I do not cower I command I create general form trusts me knows I will deliver he knows I will stand by him long after all others Wilt and fall and all the rest have only one body with which to serve I have as many as I care to make yeah do you seem no closer to retrieving the Night song I read your notes very interesting interesting and private give me one reason why I shouldn't have my Creations kill you right now Thief do it Unleash Your Creations but they will not protect you from me or my righteous Fury definitely going to go for the intimidation option oh we got 15 was it Advantage it was okay thank God we have plus seven and five I'll forgive your transgressions this time there are much grander things at stick the Night song is my finest creation if I never exceed myself I will still die die not that I ever intend to do something as ghostious truly dying of course your prying nature nature I have work for you as a scat the Night song lends the general his strength his invulnerability it must be recovered for his enemies attempt to exploit it this guy is really invested in this conversation and he definitely didn't skip arm chest or neck day every stroke his ego we can get him to tell us more about the Night song sounds like you've got a good reason to be proud of it after all and spoil the surprise I think not but let's just say that the Night song was a unique specimen even before I began my work words even my words are woefully insufficient when you see for yourself you will understand so where is it and what do you need me to do I do not need you or your help but you are here in spite of that so I may as well make use of you the Night song is close respond and Shaw's dead are uncooperative clear the path for me by blade cunning or whatever it takes I will remain here until you have succeeded Fallen trust this gas bag about as far as I can throw him which isn't far but perhaps better to play along for now I agree with you Shadow Hearts you have the resource to spare give me something to Aid my search 14 yes fine I will assign flesh to Aid you on your way ring this Bell and he will come boy my brother is no intellectual Powerhouse but he is strong loyal and punctual should a fight turn against you remember the Bell wait he's your brother yes my poor unborn twin mother always said I strangled him in the middle if you can believe such Trump besides once I developed my Powers I fetched him from the graveyard and brought him back gave him a new body alas mother was not pleased Jesus what happened to your mother we're still close what are you going to be doing over here while I'm risking myself my Creations need tending to not that it's any of your concern this one's broken he once tormented me as a youth lifetimes ago now he serves me for No Rest for you yet we can you will serve me until I am satisfied this is why you shouldn't bully people this is what you turn them into I'll take the spell flesh will remain here until cork don't fear he has very sharp hearing I chose his ears myself to work I'm going to betray him later and have his own brother turn up and kill him because this counts is stealing there's a broken Moon Lantern there this is actually where he sleeps and there's a heavy chest we'll come back and leave this up later man wow that was really cool that whole conversation like the whole Necromancer thing he's got going on there really really creepy I love it so it looks like we can either go down this way or we can go back to this Hall which we passed and go northwards from here but there's actually a door that's locked here a volk door I want to open this see where it leads 30. yay we'll come back we'll chat we'll check it out later if I have to lock pick again don't get a key then I'll come back and try it the 30 isn't impossible to start in we'll get back into the gauntlet of Shah I think there's a Brazier here the rat this is the Fast Travel place for the gauntlet Shah okay so if I go up to the right here where does this lead me there's another Shrine all this chest hidden behind me oh least expect it while obscured in Shadow the world has plus one D4 bonus to their ranged attacks I think we're definitely going to swap that with our GIF Yankee crossbow and send the other one to cam and now we look on the map but this actually takes us all the way back to this area we started it so we've done like a full circle now for me let's go down here can't get there what is this a displacer beast doesn't seem okay it's running away I said it doesn't seem to want to attack me let me get down there without taking damage zero damage as always saving Gail just broke his legs it's all I heard what's this where does this go as a Chasm it's a massive Chasm here pretty epic view to be honest and we could jump over here as well and go up this way let's just go down here and see where we end up oh there it is the Shadow Cat thing let's follow it oh my God so much blood what the hell's this thing happening here nothing's wrong this feels like a trap yeah this looks pretty trap-like oh kill Raphael's old enemy is this him there what's this fresh entertainment you're too fresh for this place aren't you there's a whiff of the of the surface to you a new arrival then burrow too deep for rabbit pull that thing down I mean it's a tour I don't talk to prey I there's something else almost hidden by your fear stink cherries Musk and sulfur Raphael I can smell him all over you ah you know Raphael that perfume trick wrapped me I had dealings with that devil maybe we can help each other where is he sit out now what are you doing the devil told us to kill the kill the thing so let's stop chatting and kill it chill out historian let's share our experiences about Raphael perhaps we can help each other are you a character warlord once tried the same I made him watch as ayati's concubines in young then fashioned at codpis from his skull you can't help it's not just walls that keep me here not the traps the dark or the creatures it hides stronger jungle holds me either I fulfill the contract die trying or forfeit my freedom if I leave this place now I'll become Raphael's slave show me this contract maybe there's something you missed sworn to the night silence or prayers smother it right one the shots Halls hungry to slay leave no justice here suppose this song you're right wow that explains explains why all the dark Justice yes went he's the one who slaughtered the justices can we kill him now because if he doesn't die then Raphael won't tell me a damn thing about my scars your contract is assault parchment can burn oral agreements aren't worth the tongues they're waggled out upon song Lingus Raphael May double sure get the damn thing so long as my words not finished I did as instructed but the song Still rattles about in my head still stands somehow I break it I will become Raphael's slave forever anyway enough prattle the lyrics are clear all who hear the sun Must Die time to die okay the lyrics are a trick you've always had an audience your followers get rid of them oh my God can we tell this guy just to kill his own soldiers 16. Money free Americans barely ever thought to share among themselves but they do have ears kill yourselves back to the house with you huh that was easy that makes this part of easier I still hear it your theory is wrong this guy's desperate and we mess with him again you're not finished yet they're dysplasik in here kill her 21. we did it kill Nessa wait it has a name oh stay very still my beauty I still hear it he's not gone yet exactly complete the contract and you'll be reborn in a furnace free I mean technically he wouldn't have finished the contract he would have failed it right because he's not killed all the dark justices Shadow Hearts one no I mean she's only just arrived so we need 21 again 24. you're wrong about this I'll claw my way out to the furnace and in contract be damned nicely played Raphael bastard are you serious that's silver tongue of yours is dangerous Bravo can't believe you actually pulled that off that's the first time someone's being impressed at my wish if nothing else a foul totem of adding mounted with sadistic relish wow oh unusual gem displacer Beast got deleted bed made of corpses disgusting and uncomfortable Hawthorn's bed literally he sleeps there okay how do we climb up to uh where he was that got there if you just turned into Ash it all turned into Ash dude this game has the weirdest boss fights you can just talk through there were so many enemies there to Ambush us maragon Albert oh my God Hellfire hand crossbow and it gives you the scorching evocation spell hey look at all these hell weapons we have there's so many they all have this oh my God this one has spells as well what's over here more mice wait there is a rat king that's it there's not enough space I can't sit there with the mount a heavy chest down there so let's head down there then so from all these dead Devils we can climb up here uh oh there's another little chest hidden behind here wow even more gold we're gonna be so rich but that's the way we came so now let's climb down here and go through to this other area it looks like there's loads of I know this is where they were eating they're like spider me well chewed spider carcass oozes on the ground nice indulge in a lick of the raw carrier let's investigate we got two it's disgusting but otherwise unremarkable should we indulge why is this an option who wrote this oh um shadowheart doesn't like that but I succeeded the Constitution saving throw the main tastes of rot and sour milk your stomach lurches to your loins tinkle was that arousal why are you looking at that dead spider kittishly and amongst the rot is an unmistakable sweetness succubus spittle the meat is charmed meets his child carcass continues to leak the leaking continues inhale the noxious aroma sulfur decay and a thin whiff of something unexpectedly fragrant should we go in for another sub once more on the flesh Shadow heart really doesn't like this your guts cramp your stomach churns and your nerves burn with a pain that would almost be pleasurable were it not so Savage stop making the damn thing ah fantastic absolutely amazing why why can we do that I don't know but I would partake in it right there's also a heavy Chester which I assume is trapped I mean look at it it looks very trapped boots of Brilliance restore boritic inspiration just by playing your instrument that's pretty cool for bards someone was plowing a spider down there though and I'm a bit concerned obviously someone including me all right so I think we've explored this whole area on the right let's head back to the gauntlet shot ass travel point now we can be the next part of the gaunce works which I guess we can go straight down these steps places nothing of value comes easy overcome my trials okay we get a hug then at the end there's a plaque here her Most Wanted treasure okay there's a treasure right now soft step trial is this a stealthrow contains an ancient rust-colored blood stain it forms a neat disc as if spilled calmly and willingly look how happy I am about this this is one of Lady Shaw's trials allow me it's important as you wish Jesus foreign to death I've been catching myself smiling more lately I wasn't expecting that that's your fault because you're okay let's get started with this trial how delicious there's lots of rooms there's a leader ah so we have to get that gem we've already got one of these gems from the other area so the shadow is just here I guess we have to avoid it oh I can see a trap just here okay so you want to go in the middle door I guess because there's no traps where's the shadow at it's a okay let's go into sound based mode I'm gonna run down here Dash oh there's a trap right here do I bother disarming it oh I I messed up can I Dash again yes playing a star in let's go over here we save the grease this is good and the grease has disappeared now all right let's end up see where the shadow is oh mate there's another Shadow right here ah when I jump through here do I sneak through it or do I wait oh that's not good let's end up there okay the Shadow's coming right towards me hopefully it turns around the other way it did good good let's see if we can jump through this window here behind it so I'm gonna have the dash then I can use my normal thing to jump there please save the throat oh the grease has disappeared okay we're good exit sound base mode create that laser oh God oh God go this way so that lever opens this door I didn't actually need to open that we just need to come up here and open this okay turn base mode again try and look like this yeah give me your gem oh I'm real transporter oh my God that's cool all right so we've just done the soft step trial now we're back in this corridor and we're on to the next trials once seeking to become dark justices I will follow in their path okay her most hallowed Mercy hallowed Mercy oh okay we can't fast travel now the bowl bearing the stains of an ancient blood offering another trial we need to do this okay well go ahead then she's literally gonna bleed us off dry if she carries on like this can I open the door for us I guess teaches us that we are Our Own Worst Enemy much of the her Embrace will elude us until we shed that which holds us back all right I'm just stuck in health potions right so we're all healthy breathing just fine because I'm assuming there's a red mini map when we can't fast travel so probably gonna get attacked and there's a bunch of skeletons of people who have died before Prime spot for an Amish Amber shame okay what's the best way to do this oh yeah look like yeah okay I could literally see them uh would the best way to do this we don't want to get shot from above well first Shadow heart and I've lashed down here and Starion I have a separate mission for you so I'm gonna try and sneak around them and see if we can just jump these enemies because I can literally see exactly where they are they're just chilling out here so we can just sneak around that's also coats our weapon with poison as well so I'm completely Behind These enemies I don't even know I'm here wait this is gay oh is the same same trial so you're fighting against yourself that is intriguing so I can kill him from behind here I'm gonna try backstab 98 chance plus Advantage you can't mess this up a styrion surely big damage let's go okay I get another attack as well because he's surprised but I should also make sure the rest of my team join this combat as well let's go ahead and surprise Shadow heart with a fireball 15 damage okay back to the story and we can go ahead and sneak attack again and that has killed Gail now where are we gonna go we're invisible so I'm going to stealth mode and just Waits so everyone's surprise still which is good for us I'll send Shadow heart down here to help Gail we will shoot ourself use Divine straight zero damage oh Baron mutant necrotic damage should jump up here so I can jump into combat with myself let's use Divine smites four percent chance to hear go through we missed let's try again okay a star and a surprise it's going backstab him from behind 22 damage nice why do I bite a vampire as a vampire I'm gonna bite myself nice critical Miss I always got us off balance though how can he attack three times I'm never usually allowed to attack three times as you sacred flame on Shadow Hearts 84 chance to hear 14 damage he's got one Health okay now we use spectral weapons somewhere right next to her all Gail actually could finish this with magic Missile they both missed she has one Health that's like really annoying silence Aura okay that's annoying compared to Jewel okay that's fine critical Miss go ahead and attack historian 10 damage four damage oh my God critical hit okay secret frame it is get Rex wow come on [Music] okay he just went invisible wall star instead wow okay he fell off a cliff but he's fine Show Yourself detect presence there we go why can't I see them where are they I can use fire we'll just fire him right here they must be somewhere here there he is our glash is hiding I don't know why our glass is labeled as civilian in this trial it's a bit weird I'm actually going to go ahead and bless everyone here and we will start going here and missing all of our attacks Divine smile let's go we missed again 23 damage just go ahead and shoot him from here don't want to die with a styrion 20 damage oh my God it's too helpful let's be a gentleman yeah I should be able to finish them off haunted one self-flagellation oh my God we've got the umbreal jam Killers sweetheart what is that when you kill a creature your next attacker will be a critical hit once been this effect refreshes after a long rest that's really good for my character because he gets triple damage on critical hits loads of Dead skeletons from people who have failed this trial we can use the teleport to get out of there that was really cool I wasn't expecting to find my own party amazing all right so now we've done the self same trial we've got to go outside again and I guess we go down these stairs and we pretty much explored everything so we must almost be at the last trial is hello there fantastic View a rusty Spear and some more rats what is with these ramps that's a good moment to talk there's so many I mean it seems a bit like a waste of time to attack a bunch of rat oh there is a orb in front of us okay so we can't go in there yet I guess we have to do this first Faith leap trial are you ready another Bowl bearing the stains of an ancient blood offering another trial allow me please go on then one one son very nice very nice okay let's go down here so I guess I can just run across this let's try this way and then we need to look at where these invisible barriers are can we just jump across does that mean I have two lives left oh so you have to sign a certain distance away to know where the platforms are okay so I'm gonna jump here and just hope for the best oh my God that was it right right we did it so now I remember it being like right in the middle here so we can walk here oh okay yeah I have one life left all right Shadow heart just have faith that you'll land on the right spot here okay here we go and again ah oh god that actually worked okay I got the jam the inner sanctum is Within Reach now so there's a lever there we're gonna go out here so now on the map we have to place the unreal gemstones in the auto sets fast travel back sure let me go back up if not over then through and this is where the unreal gems are placed I guess and we've got three of them now let's go ahead and activate it lazy Shaw so connect the first Dragon Ball cerseus oh what's wrong nothing nothing's wrong at all we failed the perception role what's going on tell me what I need to do well the trials will have been in vain there is a holy weapon hidden away the Spear of night I have to claim it then use it to make a sacrifice in ladyshar's inner Sanctum if I succeed come the dark Justice here where is the spirit of Mind sacrifice you intend to kill some innocent down there welcome to the club you just figured this out by yourself just yeah yes yes you'll see for yourself soon enough we need to get that spear there's a library in this place somewhere that's where I need to look oh I know where that is that's downstairs isn't it so we shouldn't do this yeah even though we have already got the last jet all right so this was the jumping puzzle and if we go a bit further on oh there's the lever and there's some mice so easy going to the library to do this puzzle oh damn there's loads of just the cars here can we go in here freely I'm gonna go ahead and show rest there's a silence Aura down there that we can actually destroy interesting everyone in here is currently silent oh okay there is combat great I didn't realize maybe we should take cover behind the pillar certainly just down here has 32 halves we could destroy it allowing us to use Magic 11 damage oh boy they're all going to be like pouting me with arrows otherwise oh my God 22 damage he's firing through the wall line damage not bad leave no Trace okay here comes all the enemies [Music] always detected us no it's not interesting okay we'll get our glasses I'll follow us big damage actually here that's pretty good on my Rush down here there's another one here he's gonna probably jump over try and stab each stabby yeah they all can't oh my God there's even more coming out of the hole okay we're just gonna run down around here try and keep him alive really Shadow heart on the other hand might as well shoot this if we can do enough damage 11. it's on one Health oh man oh boy here we go full damage all right arrow of rowing Thunder should hit all of these guys wait it didn't do any damage that's all snaring zero damage kill our glosh executioner I'm not gonna use that yet but wait we miss okay let's just shoot this stupid silence Aura so we can just break that she's flame pliable Shadow heart use spec for weapon well I'm so unlucky with this oh Gail all right let's try and assist Shadow hot air by doing some actual damage try and finally kill this guy then here's executioner 42 damage wow okay do you use another big damage now because I crit I should be able to use this but I can't so it's kind of bugs always Shadow stepping to come help the Rings let's use hellish rebuke free damage come on surely better than that not on my watch who do you think you are an oblivion SCC oh dear Gail's getting wrecked she's left of warding on these guys oh wait I kept my own companions I thought my whole point of this class was that I didn't hit them with aoes inflict wounds seven damage oh no he's going off the Gale okay I was almost there two Health uh he's running away and shooting Gail because you know he's the only NPC that exists and damage might do some more damage no it didn't take anything interesting then we'll push him off early no we obviously you can't boss y attack oh of lash getting shot at by crossbows shoot this guy critical Miss really should we go and suck his blood quickly your blood is mine why can't I I can't Target I'm dead I see [Music] why did I not get an attack of opportunity I think we need to throw a health potion at Gail let's do this cool getting back in the fight just gonna run at this person because he's absolutely trapped now in the corner sacred played oh my awesome one Health again it's the third time in the spine why doesn't the styrion get an attack of opportunity he's standing right next to him I don't understand I can't be any closer if I even hits him when standing next to him anyway leveled up too foreign [Music] right he's gonna move again I guarantee yeah I how does how do I not get an attack of opportunity he doesn't disengage he just leaves every time and I just have to run after him I must be stupid like I must be doing something wrong he's on one Health again 70 chance finally oh my God I'm gonna get my beauty sleep soon I may just get a tad Malcolm tent I'll let you have a lights rest there you go and that is the bottom here to disarm there's a few of these buses I can see the other one right here there's like another four buttons on the other side though for two bars there's a row of books that's also traps what isn't trapped all the bookshelves are trapped this is a very dangerous place and this door can we just open this or is it also trapped Dorian can just lock pick him we'll see how we go we need 21. foreign how many traps are in here I literally just stepped on it it's like gasp it there's a riddle of the night what can silence the Night song lost own Secrets Navy Sean knows what you bury deep inside your spirit she knows what pains you and gnaws away at your very being be open with her about your fairlings let's her place the soothing hands of Oblivion upon your wound let her know you utterly so she can release you from your shackles relief of sharp teachings of loss Oblivion it's the same book oh wait wait there's a all the treasure room is behind it so you know that that door I didn't lock back earlier that led to the treasure room but we needed a 30 to open it Sharon initiate notes let's grab a parchment covered in Desperate scrollings guesswork if the rumors are true the answer lies within the pages of these books it must do a hidden way to become first among all dark justicers how can I not pursue such a prize does not matter if I was not commanded to walk this path lady Shaw will surely admire my cunning and tenacity I will scour every page about every word must find this Relic I must win a place okay so the books do lie in the library but they're trapped for some reason what can silence the Night song that's the question must have some other books around here that we can grab like the one I didn't pick up over here teachings of loss forgotten and lost a dance term written elegant script for the teachings of Shah lost teachers as truth in his void we are our purest expressions of ourselves there is nothing nobeler than to get to surrender oneself to Darkness for the little grief that gets us there the dark lady rewards us with night's internal Embrace okay I'll take that too any other books around we can grab there's a scroll here or closed Library section only those who have proven themselves are invited to look upon the Night song Secrets four controls Adorn these wolves one permits entry Place yourself at the center of the sanctum seek the northwest corner be wary enter the unwelcome the darkness will find you or is he saying it's the Northwest button oh dear forgot that these books were trapped teachings of loss lights love love is the cruelest of all lies used by Lady Charles foes it is a disease one that can ensnare hearts for a lifetime over something as slight as a passing Glimpse like is arsenic a destructive flame offering fleeting light and comfort to those who feed it while insulting lady Shaw's cold infinite Darkness extinguishing the fires of Love they shall burn you with their heart choke you with their accurate smoke and in the end leave you with nothing but cold ashes and a Hungry Heart all right lady Shaw is clearly uh Reef stricken by someone right what can silence the nice song we have a few different books here that I've picked up teachings of loss the night singer can silence the Night song oh it worked time to press ahead wow okay oh my God here it is the Spear of night [Music] give it a Spare of the night free to Aid damage Shaw's blessing if Shaw allows it use this spill to kill the knights that's literally his entire purpose according to the law we read as well [Music] on her enemies okay trust your secrets to the night shroud yourself in Blackest Night there's also a gilded Chester whoa dark Justice helmet very rare Magic durability the wielder has plus one bonus to saving throws against spells convert critical while obscure the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one there's a vacuum stack wow medium armor perfect for shadow heart look how silly she looks guys oh dark Justice is half plate oh it was underneath the shrine wow okay she looks dope now when obscured the wearer has advantage on stealth checks an advantage on Constitution saving throws also Charles Aegis gives you two to your armor glass okay Shadow heart looks very cool right now so now we've unlocked the treasure room we actually need to go back to the gauntlet of Shah and then we can put the rest of these gemstones into the pedestal all right we're back at the pedestal of wrecking okay and it's beckoning us on the altar is an inscription Brave the gauntless of your lady Char surmount her trials and Rise a dark Justice foreign even with half my memories locked away I still remember the stories the dark lady's finest Warriors arose from this place now I'm here [Music] what's up on the altar is an inscription Brave The Gauntlet of your lady Shah surmount her trials and Rise a dark Justice here place is legendary even with half my memories locked away I still remember the stories the dark lady's finest Warriors arose from this place now I'm here I am the fights Warrior bit of a flag Shadow heart but okay what are these trials Shadow Hearts in order to join lady Char's Elite you had to pass her trials and make a sacrifice in her innermost Sanctum one revealed only when you've proven yourself very few made it that far I've dreamed of this place this is my destiny I must complete the trials how mad about a bit of we getting there we have to like sacrifice our companion are you sure this is what you want if I'm worthy if I prove myself to Lady Shah she'll bless me with power we can use to take on the absolute and rid ourselves of these parasites once and for all let's explore all right let's do it descriptions challenge Remains the Same okay we have all the gems let's put them to use and continue onwards examine the successes on the altar that look intended to house something another such receptacle already contains a gemstone okay so we already have gemstones here so now we can use this lift I guess is moving this must lead to the next part of Shah's Gauntlet dude how cool is this looks amazing [Music] okay so this is where we needed the other balls let's inserts and it is a pearl I mean that's almost the same law it doesn't work right a starring also has a gem insert that insert this wow made it this is so cool like revealing all of this it's undertook their final preparations the end is near yeah it says gift of Mercy gift of Darkness gift of Secrets so great potential this is the last test in Testaments Rise Again a dog just is here I will not fail you my lady trust your secret to the night deliver the night mother's mercy upon her enemies shroud yourself in Blackest Night what a beautiful Shrine let's go inside [Music] only by Lady Charles Grace did we even make it this far use the power of the parasite fill inside Shadows mind you 100 let's see what she's thinking 16. you're crap let's go you feel your mind slip into Shadow Hearts you are not the only one present there is another [Music] ending rendered from purest Darkness [Music] as you command night singer that wasn't for you to hear I deserve to know what I'm getting myself into it's simple my lady Shah Demands a Sacrifice one life not that it matters but her reward aligns with your own interests all right fine let's move on just just remember what I said let me do what I need to our approval is Shadow heart literally couldn't be any higher at this point in the game here we go your party is gathered you are ready also you hope are you sure you want to proceed depending on your choice of the state of the region could change some active quests may become unavailable oh okay let's do it it's a bit wet bit damp as you step into the silent water a foreign dread travels through you it's it's way up your leg squeezing tight show [Music] I'll let you drowned or something [Music] more like Bow's plane of Oblivion we're in Cold Harbor City I can feel her all around this is her domain this is the shadow fell sorry DND fans you did well better than I would have credited you with now hurry along and bear witness to my masterpiece this is the dark ladies domain he does not belong here I've cleared the way to this place not you why shouldn't I just kill you instead of letting you interfere raise one finger to me and I'd Sunder you like lightning would a rotten Oak now enough done our questions follow me he looks so agile like on natural okay well that didn't work out drifting away and there's a floating vaser which I thought was a bug but it seems intentional got a human skull on that so I assume this is going to work we're just gonna jump off and yay descent is too hard who is this dark Justice soul Hunter we can't talk to him just a little bit further seeing my actions hear my words of faith as if you miss I said witness my adoration laughs this is so sick just 10 light way look at that dude let's have a look nearly there have to keep going we're almost there Shadow heart is a devout follower [Music] shall be done [Music] why don't you just jump off yeah perhaps you're incapable of feeling despair your insults grew tired what the Night song is a person there were so many hints actually all right me and shadowhall will jump down everyone else will stay back Balthazar come to add more bars to my cage or perhaps to lead this would be just this year's blade directly to my heart I invite you keep more sins upon your head my retribution will be all the sweeter for them all this time and you still fail to appreciate the gifts I bestowed on you alien to see a thing of beauty not recognize its own worth but general form here too and he wants you close at hand so I am here to whisk you back to him I welcome the sight of him after these hundred years he whose immortality I Supply with my very Soul general form I'm sure you'll be on your best behavior for him but just in case I taken some precautions keep back it will take quite some concentration to secure alien for her little journey see the next song is just sacrifice she's my destiny she cannot have her what's interesting as well that Shaw wants a nice song dead but the general is a shower worshiper so I would have thought she would have wanted the general to be powerful the nice one was a plus please you insult her you insult me alien is so much more than that she is an asthma bound to a soul cage of my creation and lending her Immortal strength to general form her power his will and my genius and unsurpassed ramblings most unsane poor Balthazar the maggots ate his brain long ago hold your tongue alien or I'll take it away from you again no more questions no more interference don't tell me what to do she's the reason cataract form is invulnerable you're not taking her leave or you're a dead man dead man paying attention have you perhaps I'll revive your carcass and add you to my retinue then you'll have all the time in the world to think on your mistakes another Miss starring can get rid of these skeletons one down I push this one off I'm invisible oh okay I didn't quite get him completely off oh my god I've left being attacked by like everyone so let's get down to come to the tip of the iceberg and we can use ice storm I think we can hit like three targets with disability and hopefully they'll be falling over and I'll turn uglash is still getting shot at from everywhere all right let's get over here so we don't get pushed off and we can try and push this guy we're going to even miss Undead and I'll stand right next to this ice hopefully he falls over oh he has full notes perfect and we use piercing shots on Balthazar Divine strike he's immune to poison I think has an undead kind of makes sense oh please don't push me over oh thank you fell over okay this is actually great oh my God they've all fallen over in like a little pile of bodies come on oh Cloud kill that's annoying 20 damage we're just half his health instantly Okay jump out of this and go ham on this guy hopefully we can take him out okay luckily they're still shooting at me geez scales already almost dead I'm gonna use Fireball at all of these guys right here just delete them wow okay they are all pretty much on one health or dead okay our glass should be able to finish them off if they're on the floor yep one down and kill the other one yes this is actually amazing we'll just jump up here I'm right next to them for next turn shadowhawk can use spectral weapon up here to distract these guys and then I'll actually use my Dash action just to run across the map here and threaten this Mage oh blindness okay that's a bit annoying shall live to regret this [Music] not as much damage as the starring engage 20. oh my God starting to finish off this guy oh yep they're distracted by that ax great all right I'm gonna use Misty step on Gale then and I can use ice storm on all of these guys look he's trying to run away take a lot of damage son and then you've got a run down here so I'm undercover ugly should just be able to push this guy off though there we go get Rex up now I have to use Dash here to get on out of this cloud and move all right let's get a shadow hard to run over here and my sunfeed weapon and at him it can hit him right at the edge 12 damage okay not amazing but it's not bad either and we'll just go ahead and jump towards it so we don't fall on the ice ideally for some reason I can't Target this end and better styrion has a go and take out this major see how you like this huh can I just push him off the cliff I do want to loot him it would be funny to lose him to be Abyss though just gonna go ahead and shoot him from there he's on ice one damage come on give me more than that sacred flame no damage can I get right next to him so he can't get away okay he's doing some close combat attacks opportunity attack let's go five damage nice how is she still alive what just happened what just happened she died she got pushed off to her death and then she's back how did that happen I don't understand shoot this guy how did you miss 94 chance to hit with Advantage he's currently wet so I can cast 11 damage oh no Shadow heart is gonna get hit by that isn't she Dan advantage against Undead 70 chance to hit now and use a Divine attack against him level three Divine attack how did you miss that bro okay 70 with advantage how what is this Mass it doesn't make sense if I have a 70 chance to hear I'm rolling two dice to here how am I missing every single title it doesn't make sense I don't know I don't know it's his turn now if you push a shout out again I'll be angry okay we're having a wizard stew and now you're breaking down my body will be the end of me no I don't actually could you explain to us earlier that that wouldn't do anything reactivate which goal go two damage a cost a glass jump a glass smash okay 70 with Advantage okay come on seven percent thank you leading the corpse dry I am inspired he has the circlet of Bones Undead Ward Allied Undead within six meters are resistant to bludgeoning slashing and piercing Soul cage research one moment guys rambling notes in a spidery jagged hand filled the volume they speak of Soul cage bindings the life force of one to another a cruel drawing shows two figures side by side the one on the left appears to have daggers protruding from his chest while the other one on the right has a corresponding wound in his own chest so if you kill nice on you kill General Thor in theory 99 chance with Advantage an actual hit maths okay these guys have like a bit of gold I'll get to you in a moment you were completely useless and unhelpful in that fight so you can wait your turn oh great Club all right let's go up to the night attack Balthazar has drawn his final rancid breath pity it was not my hand that brought it about head it was you who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart not a dagger a spear my lady Char spear her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark justicier is to turn your heart from everything but lost you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling important to her but your bond is strong you may yet be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of light and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well and her fate hangs in the balance who's your own way Shadow Hearts you cannot allow your goddess to control you trust shadowhall do not interfere I think this is the most interesting thing I'm not going to finish hey man do you do what you want let's all come to this like I want to see her Palms that spear into this I don't even know as a person but into this person's heart but I'm gonna let her make this decision on her own well well well that I sense a spear intended for my heart powered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin that I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know of me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be tell her let's finish this ritual I can persuade her don't do it Shadow heart don't kill her feel regress it how I'd even know if she would regret it what's interesting is that she knows about her story that she's scared of wool she knows something about you spare her let's see what she has to say I'm not gonna say anything like I said I'm not gonna interval I'm just gonna see what she does I want to see if shadowhunt's truly evil oh you didn't do it I I can't believe I just did that lady shovel disowned me what will happen to me not what will happen what will you do your past is not yet lost your future is not yet fixed lay a hand on me in Friendship not quite Sharon and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to discuss [Music] [Music] Ed hear me she who guides the Moon made [Music] song The Night song is no more [Music] it's just something [Music] yo what that's sick [Music] yo this is actually incredible I am resplendent you have given me a great gift we freed the nice song and I've been blessed by Saloon for saving her daughter okay I don't know why they expect to come oh damn okay so [Music] It's pretty dope [Music] angered by the shadowlands which is restoring lights oh wow everything recedes [Music] oh my God [Music] I I genuinely thought that if we left shadowheart to her own devices that she would kill clearly I was too nice to her this whole time [Music] oh that's really nice cinematic there very powerful am I chosen Shadow heart with her free catherick is exposed we only have to strike so we got the Moonlight glaze Moonlight slave glowing this object shines with a glowing light in a Radiance of six meters oh dude that's insane and Moonlight butterflies 15 to 26 damage Striker foe Conjuring an illusionary swarm of moon pale butterflies granting advantage on attacks against the enemy Target I I am very conflicted because I I this is an evil playthrough oh this is my own to be an evil playthrough but I did kind of like what my character would do or because he's in love with Shadow like and I thought we you know she was evil and then I let her do her own thing I left it up to her own devices and she didn't kill the Night song so now I don't know what to do I don't know I don't know if this should be my way forward or if I should reload and do the evil commit to the evil playthrough because that's probably like No One's Gonna Play The Evil playthrough of biscuit and I feel like I I want to be the one to do that because it's entertaining to do that stuff I kind of want to see Shadow heart fulfill it's not her Destiny though because we've changed her character it's just so incredibly well written I really didn't expect this I thought she was just gonna kill her now I don't know what to do okay I just wrote a community post asking you guys to vote but I think that I want this to be an evil playthrough um but man it's just so beautiful the story is written that way and it really made me feel like Shadow heart had this amazing character development like we actually changed her as a person even though it's all she knows about and all she wants but she was just so conflicted oh it's just so good it's so good but I can play this and see this want a good play through you know I want to I want to go evil and oh my God I'm gonna have to reload it's our shadow heart to kill her oh boy okay let's talk to Shadow heart before we go on actually I defied Lady shop she won't stand for this we can talk later I need to get out of here first okay let's go outside to see see what happens I want to see that conversation first [Music] ah there you are I was very close to worrying about you Shadow heart what I was done for I thought perhaps I might have been dead so like some sort of terrible dream but it's real isn't it I stood before the night song I heard lady Shah's words and I failed her worse than failed her I defied her said I tried to leave but Shah blocked me punished me for failing her I thought I knew the limit of pain that the incurable wound could inflict but [Music] felt like I was suffering the agony of a thousand people all at once my blood was boiling my hair was on fire I thought I'd call my own face off with the pain but then she released me banished me more like she said I was an outcast that all of her children would know me and revile me Shadow heart looks distraught abandoned by her goddess and all former allies and as for a Divine Magic admitting who empowers her now may break her spirit for good you're not alone you have me mean a murderer I never thought you'd actually defy Shaw what was going through your head when when nothing's about me she has the answer and I don't even know the question yet I know it doesn't make much sense does it a whole lifetime of faith of service all gone because of a few words from a stranger until I hear what night song has to say for herself simply won't know if I've ruined everything for no reason she took flight to hunt down Catherine's form all I can do is help hasten his demise and hope that answers soon follow this is going to make killing her even harder for me knowing that shadowheart's gonna remove the ultimate answer to who she is I'm here for you Shadow heart thank you I think any attempts at comforting you might be in vain just now but you're sweet to keep me in your thoughts there's been something between us for some time a connection more than friends I recognized it but didn't act on it I thought my face was the most important thing in my life I couldn't have been more wrong I've squandered too much time already I want to be with you now and always do you want the same you're telling me if I if I did this decision then we would have been out of the friend zone we would have been out of the friend zone boys but yet we're gonna go back and kill my song that's what we're gonna do this is what I sacrifice for my evil play for is everything it cost me everything I do I wanted this for a long time [Music] song promised she'd tell me something about myself I need to speak with her as soon as I can okay now we reload we reload the safe we tell Shadow part to kill Night song can't believe I'm doing this this is terrible but it's the evil option but now I know that we would have been out of the friend zone with Shadow heart and I know the the other side of it and it pains me even more to reload because I it's also actually against Shadow heart's character now because we've changed it I'm gonna convince her to kill her her fate is mine to steal let me handle this okay you didn't need to ask my permission Q seal is your own you may yet be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of Life what's matters that we didn't guide her towards any decisions of life we just didn't intervene I thought she would be evil do as you must oh well well what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess eye empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin that I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know in me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be kill her let's finish this ritual foreign there it is true Death At Last you are just child after all and I am God I am it is done you have proven yourself have answered my highest calling my warrior my dark Justice no more fighting let me show you let all see how you have served me shall into how you have been rewarded wield it true pain is not my charge must be cleansed you shall be my instrument in reading it of the impure impure then you shall take up the mantle as its new leader first hunt down the traitor Catherine Thor shunned my brace he let my armies be slaughtered he used my domain to safeguard his wretched life but now without the Night song He's fun end him in my name Shadow heart let him see you in your Splendor before you shut his eyes forever 's gate awaits your holy work will continue there where you first learn of My Embrace take up my spear again and go forth cause it's the cleansing begin cleansing I've actually done it the dark Justice here chosen by Lady shark it almost doesn't feel real even your mother's Superior can prevent you from realizing Your Dream well it appears my days of seeking her approval are at an end lady Char's Church in Boulder's Gate has yet to be cleansed a rot has set in amongst the leadership one that I must cut out even once all that is done more will be asked of Me no doubt the holy work will not be done until the night singer's Eternal darkness is restored there is one other matter as the chosen of Lady Shah it is time to carry myself like one what does that mean exactly I still carry certain vestiges of a novice that will no longer do if I am the lady Shaw's name I must look the part leave it to me you'll see exactly what I mean soon enough should I be concerned you and I share something special but I think we need to talk about it very serious of you but go ahead how are you faring better than I thought possible I have done as lady Shah wished and she has rewarded me in turn cool as well or almost the night singer wants my heart all of it wow very different outcome to the storyline we can loots Nike song I think Shadow heart has the Spear though already oh my God it's a legendary weapon equipped by shadowheart 6-16 damage if you attack an enemy in the dark it does even more damage you can also use the spell shards Darkness also Edge of Darkness creates a cloud of darkness when you attack that's insane because it also Stacks with the dark Jessica half play which while obscured the warehouse advantage of stealth checks the weapon attacks still an additional one to four necrotic damage and we also got the conclusion of why Shah wants catharette form to be killed even though he worshiped Shah because he failed and all of Charles forces were destroyed and failure is not tolerated well that episode really upset me I mean it was a deep one and it's just a testament to how good the writing is in Boulders the gate for you I feel like I've connected with some of these Companions and changed even some of their characters just based on the story decisions I have at my disposal and the decisions I make actually impact those characters for better or worse as you clearly saw in today's episode but also like the decisions we made up until this point really made Shadow heart who she was she chose to set aside her Shah worship we didn't even need to persuade her she made that decision herself and I just think that's really cool let me know in the comments what outcome you would have wanted to see the good one or the bad one and we'll proceed into the next episode with that in mind
Channel: ESO
Views: 73,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 evil walkthrough, evil, walkthrough, bg3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 nightsong, bg3 gauntlet of shar, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldur's gate 3 review, shadowheart, nightsong, eso, gauntlet of shar, trial, shadowheart romance, kill nighsong, evil choice, shadow heart, bg3 evil
Id: 3EzHKrKIemg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 3sec (6543 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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