Don't Make this Mistake! - Starfield Character Creation Guide: Best Traits, Background Tips & Skills

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I'll be explaining the impact of every decision you make in starfield's character creation getting your new character built right is more important than you think because Starfield has New Game Plus without spoiling anything after you finish the main quest line you get unique rewards for going into New Game Plus the only thing you keep is your character level ability skills and traits this means two things when you're building your character firstly there's no level cap so you can eventually get every single skill in the game but there's definitely some skills you'll want to prioritize early that I'll go over but you can't change your backstory or traits once you pick them so it's really important to pick the right traits because you may be playing this character for a very long time our sponsor skytech gaming Intel and Signal RGB have created the ultimate star filled gaming PC with six indicator lights that react to your in-game stats below 50 power they'll actually start pulsing red this is thanks to Signal rgb's app which syncs together RGB devices from any brand and thanks to the guys the skytech for building this custom PC the bottom of the PC has two stream decks with custom knobs and icons pull back the screen to access the hardware for easy Services the system's got the latest generation i7 1300k processor and a 7900 xdx graphics card hit the link in the description below for your chance to win this dream PC so after you've made your character's appearance and don't worry you can change your appearance later in the game at any point next we need to pick your character's background now your background will only give you a few unique dialogue options in certain situations some backstories come up more often than others for example Soldier came up quite often through the main questline and faction quest lines but overall your backstory will come up quite rarely and it doesn't actually do anything special it really just adds some extra flavor text that characters will react to you can either pick a background that has the best starting skills for your character's build or you can pick one that just sounds cool because ultimately you will get to pick a new skill each time you level up and this is really just a starting point these starting skills aren't going to matter much after 10 hours of gameplay but here's some advice on the best 8 starting skills that I would get early on every single character play through for combat you only really need one combat skill to play through the entire game the most efficient skill is ballistics which increases the damage of every gun that does physical damage I would however say that shotguns are the most powerful weapon in the game overall and if you get ballistics and shotguns they actually stack to do more damage as you're playing Starfield you'll come across lots of locked containers and doors and if you want to access everything the game has to offer the security skill is a must but the security skill needs to be leveled up in order to unlock the ability to open expert and Master locks the earlier you get it the faster you can level it up every single lock you unlock will then progress the level up of the skill and the faster you level it up the faster you'll be able to unlock those Master locks next we have boost pack training you can't even use a boost pack without this skill but you only need one point into the skill in the whole game and that alone is going to give you the best way to Traverse those rocky planets and it's really useful in combat as well next we have persuasion persuasion comes up all the time during quests recruiting crew and Companions and if you pick up this skill early every time you successfully persuade someone you'll be able to level up the skill this will end up saving you a lot of credits and relationships you also just get more complete interactions from different NPCs in the game piloting lets you unlock the ability to fly Class B and C shifts which are essentially just more powerful this also means that you can steal a massive Class C ship and just take it for yourself but actually takes quite a long time to level up this skill since you need to destroy a total of 50 ships to get it to the max level I have a guide on how to level up all your piloting skills really really fast at the start of the game so make sure you check out the link below low it's actually very easy to miss the opportunity to do it so I'd recommend watching that video next now stealth in Starfield can be ignored completely but without getting the skill the little marker on top that tells you if you're hidden or detected won't actually appear so if you're trying to steal something useful without triggering any NPCs you won't know whether you're hidden or not so for that reason it can be quite useful to pick up at least one point in this skill early on now weight lifting isn't essential but it just lets you carry more items over encumbrance is probably the most annoying thing in Starfield and you'll be very thankful to just be able to carry more stuff finally we have medicine this makes your health packs heal even more and it's leveled up by just using more Health packs to heal yourself pretty much every character can benefit from using this skill the other skills in Starfield are more specific and they really depend on what you're planning to do when you play Star film but next we have the most important part of this guide the starting traits that you can pick in Starfield remember that you can't change these later and we only get to pick free traits if you're a completionist like me and you want to experience all the content that Starfield has to offer I would pick the traits that add fun content to the game instead of the ones that just give you a buff and a debuff to your character an example of a trait that I would not choose is Terra Firma this gives you more health and oxygen while you're on planets but it decreases while you're in space while this is a great buff to your character because most of the time you're in space you're in a spaceship so you're protected and for the rest of the time you'll be exploring planets and you'll have more Health than oxygen but if you pick a trait like this you'll actually be missing out on some really cool traits that add cool gameplay and characters into the game so instead I'd recommend getting the following traits firstly hero worshiped this adds the adoring fan from the Elder Scrolls Oblivion you can actually recruit route to join your crew he doesn't really bring you any useful gifts but he does have a lot of dialogue which will get very annoying but he is still a useful crew member he actually has the following skills Scavenging weightlifting and concealment the second trait I'd highly recommend is kid stuff this one actually adds your parents to the game and you can go and visit them and they'll even visit you at work and you may even bump into them in some pretty weird places but the drawback is is that they take two percent of your credits each week but my God the pros definitely outweigh the cons on this one because they actually give you lots of gifts as you interact with them firstly they'll give you a bag with additional carry weight secondly you'll get a unique pistol called Sir Livingston thirdly you'll get grand grand spacesuit which looks incredibly cool and the stats it has are actually really decent it can also be upgraded or put in a display cabinet lastly you actually unlock access to a secret spaceship from your father this is unlocked completely for free and it's called Wonderwall after you have that ship you can also remove the two percent credits that you're paying them each week but to be honest credits are so easy to come by in this game two percent is really like a trivial amount the Third and final trait I would highly recommend but I will talk about others after this is The Wanted trait this puts a bounty on your head and every now and again mercenaries will show up and attack you it sounds terrible but I'll explain in a moment it also gives your character a buff that whenever your health is low you deal more damage now this is obviously great but the best part about the trait is having the mercenaries show up and try and attack you which adds a really fun element into the game that you can level your skills off by attacking them but the best part is that if you use ship targeting controls which is a skill that allows you to damage their ship engines you can actually board them and just take the ship for yourself so it leads to these really cool gameplay interactions and it's even possible to actually remove The Wanted Bounty from your character as well I'd recommend never removing it now I want to talk about some other traits that you may think are cool but they're not that great the dream home trait is one of these traits this trait lets you start the game with a luxurious house which starts out completely empty on a moon in the middle of nowhere and you have to pay off a 125 000 credit mortgage now that's actually not that much money once you start getting into the game you basically end up having to pay off 500 credits per week but if you don't pay them then you lose access to the house but only until you pay it won't let you back inside until you've paid that amount all your stuff is still going to be there inside the house until you come back to it though you can also pay off the entire mortgage at the bank when you can afford it later so the trade is good because it gives you access to a house early on in the game but the reason why I think this trait is bad is because firstly you can buy multiple other houses that are located actually within the different cities and that makes them far more useful and accessible or you can build an outpost on any Planet you like in the game and they're far more customizable and exciting to live in ultimately you don't need a house or an outpost in Starfield because your ship already has that everything in it and you can also use the constellations Lodge as a base with all the crafting facilities you need and unless you really like the aesthetic of this house I probably wouldn't bother with it now the other traits worth mentioning are the faction traits picking a faction trait like the neon Street rat or the United Colonies offers a new dialogue option in conversations and better rewards for completing quests basically you'll just get flavorful dialogue options and more pay for the faction quests at those locations but credits become so abundant later on in Starfield that it really isn't worth bothering wasting a whole trade point on this finally the religious faction traits are actually quite interesting you can either be a raised enlightened Universal or serpent Embrace this unlocks some more flavor text as well for your character now Serpent's Embrace adds a health and oxygen boost whenever you grab jump which is literally all the time while both Universal and enlightened adds a chest that you can loot for each faction these chests contain a few law books and healing items they're literally useless there's nothing unique in these chests so I would just stay away from them now after playing through the game with some of these bad choices I can tell you for a fact that there's nothing you're going to be missing out on I'd 100 go for the stuff that just adds more gameplay content to the game now if you want to get the best armor and ship early on in Starfield I'd recommend checking out this next video or if you want to level up your skills as fast as possible to unlock those really high tier ships you can find those guides linked Down Below in the description drop a like if you found the video helpful I'll see you in the next
Channel: ESO
Views: 73,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield character creation, starfield traits, starfield best start, starfield review, starfield tips, starfield skills, starfield tips and tricks, starfield trailer, bethesda, starfield part 1, before you buy starfield, starfield guide, starfield build guide, starfield best traits, starfield best background, starfield best starting class, eso, starfield new game plus, starfield beginners guide, starfield before you buy
Id: 8PX_wpok3k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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