Baldur's Gate 3 Tips And Tricks - Amazing Things To Get Early (Baldur's Gate 3 Gameplay)

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there are some amazing items and unlocks in balder's Gate 3 that you'll definitely don't want to miss from an amazing missable weapon to the ability to respect your claws we'll go over everything you need to know in this video and if you want to get off to the best start possible there's actually already an amazing magic weapon you can grab in the tutorial area it's a great sword called the everburn blade and as you might have guessed it is always on fire meaning each attack also deals some extra fire damage on top so a really nice early grab for a melee damage dealer like a fighter Paladin or Barbarian now this weapon is being held by an enemy we're not actually supposed to fight yet so instead we need to steal it from him and luckily there's a really easy way to do that but first we need to expand our party a little bit because while the fighter Lazelle will run into you to join you you can also recruit the cleric Shadow heart to your cause for the final fight on the nautiloid as you're making your way up to the Helm of the ship you'll eventually come across this room where you'll find someone stuck in a mind flayer bold in order to free them we need to operate the console next to the bolt which is missing something so go into the room to the east grab the Eldritch Rune from the corpse at the end of it and then head back to the console to release Shadow heart so she can join your party before you head into the Next Room make sure to check her spell book by pressing K and swap one of the prepared spells to command then head into the Next Room kill the minor enemies and make your way up to the very dangerous Commander zulk at 150 hit points he's a bit much for us right now but we can command him to drop his weapon and grab it for ourselves as soon as one party member can get into melee range with him quick save on Shadow Hearthstone with F5 then choose the command drop spell and use it on Zork to see if it works if he makes the saving throw reload your quick save and try again but if it does work you can run up with a party member grab the sword from the ground and get the hell out to continue the rest of your Adventure credits to crazen guides for this trick by the way linked to their channel will be in the video description now after you escape and find yourself awake on the beach you want to get yourself a full party as soon as possible there are six potential party members you can recruit very quickly giving you a wide range of classes and um interesting personalities to add to your roster the cleric Shadow heart can be found in two different locations depending on your actions on the nautiloid if you freed her from the port she'll be passed out on the beach not too far from where you wake up if you didn't you need to walk up a bit further until you reach the overgrown ruins Waypoint next to this door if you want another Caster to add to the party the wizard Gill can be found stuck in a portal over here on the map at the Waypoint called roadside glyphs so help him out and tell him to join you the Rogue asterion can be found by traveling through the wreckage of the nautiloid and going over here on the map which already sets you up for a full four-member party and there are more party members to recruit but if you like the video so far far be sure to drop a like as it really helps us out and subscribe as we got more Baldur's Gate videos coming your way now for the rest of our potential recruits if we move a little bit further up the road and go over to this boat on the map you'll find two Thief links arguing over a creature in a cage which surprise surprise is our friend Lazelle from earlier now depending on how you choose to resolve this conversation you might get into a fight so make sure you're ready for that and then after freeing Lazelle she's willing to join your group again now if your party already consists of four people you can send her to your Camp instead which means she'll be there to talk to you every time you take a long rest and if you want to swap her in tell someone from your current party to stay in Camp for the time and ask Lazelle to join if you move even further up the road you will eventually run into a goblin war party that's assaulting a settlement called Emerald Grove help them out with the defense don't worry about the number of the enemies as you will also have quite a lot of allies for this fight too and then enter the growth after if you go into a straight line from the entrance you will eventually run into will one of the people who helped with the defense and a warlock who is also willing to join your party and lucky for us he also has a quest of his own that will lead us straight to our next companion the Barbarian garlak you need to make it through the abandoned Village that's also overrun by goblins which is located over here when you enter you'll trigger a conversation with some Scouts guarding the village and then you have the option to use your illithib powers to tell them to let you pass which will solve the problem entirely your other options are fighting or sneaking your way through so just convincing them to let you pass is definitely the easiest then head over to the Risen Road Waypoint over here and head down towards the river to find the tiefling Barbarian garlak once you have selected and recruited your preferred party members it's time to head over here on the map to the abandoned Chapel there is some cool loot we can grab from here but more importantly we can recruit an amazing NPC for our camp that unlocks some really useful features so you definitely don't want to to miss out on that in order to get here though we need to deal with the adventuring party outside so sneak in to set yourself up for surprise round and take them out then you can either talk your way in through the front door or create an opening for yourself by shooting down this hanging slab of stone take out the enemies on this floor a great trick is to use the oil barrel and blow it up with a fireball and then make your way to the back room with a giant statue behind it is a lever that opens up a door in the main hallway that leads down another level be sure to pick up the set of Thieves Tools in front of the door as we are going to need those in a bit the lower level of the chapel leads into a room with two doors go to the one on the left quick save and then try and pick the lock with the thieves tools we grabbed earlier if you have a stereon on your party make sure he attempts the action as he has some huge bonuses that will make success much more likely and of course if you run out of Thieves tools simply reload the save and try again now the next chamber has a hidden room that we want to get in but all opening it requires a successful perception check from one of your party members step into this corner and as long as one of them succeeds you can see a button appear that opens the secret room again if you don't make it reload an earlier save and try again but don't press the button right away because doing so will also wake up the skeleton scattered throughout the room so before we start the fight we want to loot them and take away their weapons and gear then position your party as you like have one of them press the button and take out the undead now it's finally time to enter the hidden room open the chest here to grab yourself The Amulet of lost voices this allows the wearer to costly speak with death spell at will which can be used on slain enemies to extract more information from them not every corpse has a tale to tell the ones that do are specifically marked by this ghostly glow but don't leave yet as there is one lost secret to this Doom that you absolutely don't want to miss if you open the giant sarcophagus you'll be greeted by quite a surprise there is an undead man in there however Withers here is actually quite friendly and he just wants to ask you a question answer him there are no wrong answers here and when ending the conversation he hints that you will see him again somewhere soon and that actually happened a lot sooner than I was expecting as the next time you return to Camp he will be there waiting for you and he offers some very valuable Services you can make use of in exchange for some gold unhappy with the class you picked well if you pay Withers 100 gold you can re-pick your starting class and redo each level up afterwards so you can even add some multi-class action into the mix as well however he does not allow you to respect your core stats so make sure your new gloss fits with the stats you picked if you'd rather add a whole new character to your party Withers has also got you covered for 100 gold you can also recruit a higherling which is effectively the same as your regular party members except without the backstory the benefit of hire links is that there's one for each Clause so while you cannot recruit a monk companion early in the game you can most definitely pay with her to recruit one and add her to your party just make sure you have a free sport in your roster otherwise it won't work finally should you ever lose a companion in battle Withers will also revive them for you for 200 gold so you definitely don't want to miss out on any of these options and the best thing is there's even more loot in that abandoned Chapel the other room on the bottom floor has a sarcophagus as well that holds the amazing Watchers guide spear if you mess with this magical weapon you automatically apply true strike to the enemy meaning that your next attack against it has Advantage significantly increasing your chance to hit there is once more complication though as the sarcophagus is trapped there are two ways around this if one of your party member spots the chest is trapped you can try to disarm it if you have a trap disarm kit all new if you don't you can buy one of Aaron in the emerald Grove alternatively you can trigger the Trap and then deactivate it leave the rest of the party out of the room and enter with the tankiest member then make sure you open in the sarcophagus while standing as close as possible to this button as that is what will disable the fireball spitting statues we're about to activate interact with the sarcophagus immediately turn around to press the button and stop the statues from firing and then you can safely loot away and then you can return to the rest of your party with this amazing spear remember to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe as we got more Baldur's Gate content coming your way if you want you can watch our previous video on all the classes in the game by clicking on the screen I will see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: JorRaptor
Views: 31,144
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Keywords: baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tips and tricks, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 tips, jorraptor, baldur's gate 3 early items, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 early weapons, baldur's gate 3 best early weapons, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 tips and tricks, baldur's gate 3 legendary items, bg3 early items, bg3 items, baldur gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 items, baldur's gate 3 early, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, tips and tricks baldur's gate 3, baldur gate 3
Id: r_0li9-YPNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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