TWISTER fragmenting 12 GA. slug test - Absolute BEASTS

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Wow today we have some interesting slugs sent to us by a viewer named psycho clown he cast sees himself using an Aes mold he used range scrapped lead for these then powder coating at beautiful orange color now these are some wicked slugs designed to fragment upon impact with over one and a quarter ounces of lead going around 1600 feet per second they'll definitely do that a ballistic sandbag FBI certified sand okay I'm ready when you are smoothbore what call are you ready all ready might kick a little bit Danny I got my pee pad on okay good I've already hit it there we go now the first test shot was a little bit low he was using the Pacal which has a thin barrel kind of acts like rubber using these very heavy powerful loads the barrel flexes a lot we call that barrel harmonics so in other words heavy projectiles like this tan to shoot a little bit low we see a lot of energy transfer the seams of the little bag are torn apart none of the projectile went through the bag sands a pretty darn good way of stopping projectiles like this okay there is the wad it was attached to you with the screw the rest of it just disintegrated what's the bag look like mmm hit a little bit low I haven't fired that back all we were aiming at the little months I was trying for the hot pepper little chili pepper thingy yeah a little low the first first first time we ever tested these so we did a nude windage it was real good gluten free no lard no lard lard makes things good takes us to Moloch company those are they're pretty good they're very small though they're like the size of a big finger that makes any sense no I thought it'd be interesting to see how things react to sand like that did not go through or anything right no didn't go through there's no exit wound okay let plate we're about 12 yards maybe okay and he's aiming at the little red dot are you gonna just her drop or anything like that a letter Lord that might have been me on that first one what's that a heavier slug and you know barrel harmonics are oh that was low alright let's know what we can do okay I'm ready there we go test number two again using the Pacal with that thin flexible barrel not really designed to shoot slugs out of by the way it is a cylinder bore but mostly designed to shoot you know perch shot out of it one thing we really need to do to show this barrel harmonics is to actually show the barrel flexing with the high-speed camera yeah and it was about get 3 inches low so it's consistent yeah I was holding my poor name again on the okay now you're not - you know if we're there going now so you get a compensate for that just I'm going to Kentucky elevation on it that's right and you know we're doing found the wood it bounced back a little bit yeah it was like a couple of feet in front of the target most of the slug is in the hole still powder coated yeah it'll add to the weight yeah that's big divot yeah not bad at all it's not about an inch deep Wow see what the back looks like ooh chunk dr. chunk loose that's what I saw bounce down range okay real famous wet magazines everyone should be using these as a target smoothbore again actually this was the fabric 88 okay anything [Music] different trigger yeah aim it at the top sector ready okay well during these tests it's rare that we don't have at least one failure here we see the the slug actually separated from the wad hits sideways and because it didn't fragment it stayed in one piece and just blew right through the magazines rifled barrel okay I'm ready alright there we go now remember these are a Russian design and they don't really use rifled barrels in Russia they might use a rifled choke that's about it but we had a at least no separation of the wad on this one and the slug acted like it was supposed to fragmenting inside the wet magazines which one was the first one bottom would be the first one can we tell what happened well the first one went all the way through oh okay we look pretty good fall out and it blew target material about I don't know almost 20 feet downrange second one here it was a little low a little bit low it found the slug on the ground that blew our magazines apart and this was did not make it through huh interesting same rifle versus me right here's probably the last one huh there's probably that the teeth are in there somewhere you want to search you there and see if you find any of the what the damage looks like as it progresses through oh here we go go one now here's where it the bulk of it went through see one here one here there it is Oh pretty substantial pieces of lettuce of another one still orange makes it easier fine right here okay so it blew up inside there I don't I wish Paul Harrell would do wetness and target yeah he likes that wet meat yeah it's there's too many variables are though these are its it could be a really good standard for them look at that yeah yeah we go one two three four five six that was the second shot to the rifle barrel okay yep 111 panel there's gonna be a patreon giveaway we're all gonna sign it put one more hole in it just for good measure I'm ready when you are you aiming at the Little Red Cross right yeah okay I'm ready in this test again we use full rifling but we had separation this time now it's entirely possible we were just pushing these way too fast or the plastic wad it was just a little too thin where the screw engaged it okay go for the greenish one down the right full rifling right this is full rifle yes got it once again the wad separated but despite that it was incredibly accurate look at that shot now I remind you that the wad separation was not limited to the rifle barrel we did see the same thing happen out of a smoothbore okay smoothbore bead sight a little more of a challenge close enough he clipped it out of a smoothbore fortunately the law did not separate accuracy was pretty darn good about as accurate as you can get just using a bead sight which pretty much covers up the entire target at 50 yards by the way so once again Danny makes us proud with that beautiful shot ballistic Boger everyone loves the ballistic Luger yes the ballistic booger is kind of nasty but it really shows the fragmentation and in this case it just fragmented like a hand grenade in this test shot Danny was using a barrel with a vented rib on it a lot of people never mention this but a Bennett rib actually stiffens your barrel a little bit helps reduce that barrel harmonics or barrel whip I figured the bottom one okay CEO of Hawaii we can launch that top one Wow [Applause] again Danny was using the barrel with the vented rib on it I might be wrong here but I believe it's a 24 inch barrel and it has no choke on it it's it's a cylinder bore the point of impact is much closer to the point of aim using this barrel anytime you're ready just another random target I had my truck but I wanted to really be honest and show the accuracy of these things when using the right equipment and I'm pretty certain if you really dial these things in do your homework and testing you can get these things performing much better than even as you can see here Wow this has got to be one of the most brutal ballistic-gel shots from a 12-gauge load I've ever seen now I've slowed it down quite a bit here so you could really see what's going on look at those fragments just filling that entire block with wound cavities and some of them went all the way through the block did not expect that I thought they'd go about a quarter of the way into the block and shoot out the sides but nope just went right through that thing like buttah lots of energy to throw it off the table like that how much is that block weight like 20 pounds or something like that oh yeah okay very visible fragmentation in there one made it straight through yeah I saw a couple that one made it through make it all the way through that thing this came to the side right here the main butt wad and everything went straight through that one held together luckily we got one up here on the top almost made it just flip it around here that's awesome get out of there get out get you know get no ideas there
Views: 266,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of tanks, apds physics, most powerful, demolitionranch, slomoguys, high speed camera, slow motion camera, chronos 1.4, taofledermaus, exotic, русская пуля
Id: PKt69bjozb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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