101 Facts About Deadpool

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today I'm here to talk to you all about that Merc with a mouth they're served piping hot with a side dish of stronger fan of teen violence Deadpool now you may recognize this video will have a slight bit of deja vu I speak of a Deadpool years ago in a video that's since been lost but there's so so much juicy info that's come out since then you're getting a rubber of a refresh baby but how did David Fincher and Captain our times help James Cameron helped create Deadpool's first movie what are Deadpool twos very very well hidden cameos and just what in the hell is happening with Deadpool three I want to hear snarks about Starks there it's not about Stark I say to watch her through those questions well tuna huh sorta you'll see why are going to be answered so really reinforce that fourth wall as it's about to be absolutely smashed in by Mexican cuisine and blood so so much blood as we take you through 101 facts about Deadpool number one alright so first things first if you've been living right under a big ball of slag Deadpool is a Marvel Comics acting hero created by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicky aza he's a mutant like the x-men who unlike the x-men knows he's fictional number two but noting by the way that while Deadpool is known for smashing through the fourth wall as previously mentioned he wasn't the first Marvel character to do so she-hulk achi did that first all the way back in 1989 taylor swift style number three also according to the comics he has a crush on Thor which is a good time to mention his pansexuality which makes him one of the first big screen LGBT superheroes lovely number four he's also a well buddy fledged murder machine in fact there have been two special comic book series in which he murders every Marvel superhero and supervillain those are called Deadpool kills Marvel Universe and Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe again by the way number five when he's not you know killing them Deadpool has an interesting relationship with other heroes for example he's respected cap since he was a kid him and Spidey share a comment together in which he sought to want to be fun ones best friend with benefits maybe and in Deadpool the end even ends up sort of romantically involved with Captain Marvel number six since were in a multiverse of madness these days it's also worth mentioning there are multiple Deadpool's for instance in the comic Captain America who won't wield the shield there's a guys of World War 2 version is called Weapon X no no really really number seven in fact there's a whole team of different Deadpool's from across the multiverse the Deadpool Corps was made up of a variety of them including pineapple kid Paul and lady Paul whose title is also the name of a place I'm banned from entering number eights Oh should be said that an evil version of Deadpool called bread Paul trying to kill all these dead poles in another kill II titled Deadpool kills Deadpool Deadpool doesn't sound like a word anymore does it well strap in it's only fact eight number nine in case it's not clear enough already that Deadpool loves moita enter Deadpool illustrative a series in which he killed major literature characters outside of the Marvel Universe this included Sherlock Holmes Count Dracula and all the little women any chance of a crossover there Greta Gerwig number 10 another character Deadpool inspired is gwenpool Gwen Paul first appeared at a variant cover as a hybrid between Gwen Stacy and Deadpool she became so popular with cosplayers afterwards that Marvel gave her her own comic book series with a lot of the same features as Deadpool himself number 11 another important part of Deadpool's whole Fang he's basically immortal he can die again and again and again but thanks to the Weapon X program he regenerates in regrows and he lost body parts even if they first appear like weird baby hands number 12 while he was stuck in cross more mental institution in England a female psychiatrist fell in love with him hmm I can't think war over the seen that before anyway apparently she kept his locked off body parts in her fridge which is perfectly lovely in normal a number 13 as a quick aside DC's rebirth line series gave Harley Quinn her own Deadpool sorta read tool also known as Wayne Wilkins appears in her comic who has a suspiciously similar origin story to DP this is a lovingly done parody though with some teeth there's some considered Deadpool a ripoff of DC's Deathstroke number 14 anyway where were we oh yeah the other crazy psychiatrist these body parts then fused together to become evil Deadpool a clone of him with two right hands I'm telling this by the way to rule the possible later movie because they're definitely gonna adapt this right they have to number 15 anyway dead balls comic debut came in New Mutants number 98 in 1991 when he was hired to attack set New Mutants the base character is certainly there but there aren't any fourth wall breaks or particularly OTT violence number 16 in this appearance though the amount he speaks is commented upon and that's thanks to spider-man in a way in an interview co-creator Rob Liefeld said that Wolverine and spider-man were the two properties he was competing with so he made his own with Deadpool in table number 17 anyway mr. pool is now very pop pool Oh crikey I'm sorry Princeton's he was on Empire magazine's list of the 50 greatest comic book characters at 45 although he's probably gone up now and placed 31st on IGN's list of top 100 comic book heroes number 18 anyway his popularity probably went up since his first ever movie the hugely successful x-men origins Wolverine yet the 2009 movie that everybody absolutely loved had Wade Wilson in it played by Ryan Reynolds his first scenes were Deadpool esque but later he became this weird being that had loads of other mutant abilities and couldn't talk number 19 Ryan Reynolds and indeed the audience does not remember this fondly Reynolds that babe cake described the experience as very frustrating but was essentially told played this version of Deadpool or someone else will he also turned he wrote every line he spoke in the movie as the script didn't give him any dialogue number 20 Reynolds said he knew how badly this was gonna go over with fans so he told Fox as much in fact the movie actually leaked a month and a half before it was due to go out to met with huge fury Vox wanted him to reshoot but instead he simply replied with I told you so number 21 this is what led Reynolds to write a letter to Fox saying he will take on a new movie script you've been sent called Green Lantern unless they went ahead for the solo Deadpool movie they said no he made Green Lantern and we all suffered ever after number 22 were Oh way before any of this by the way DP in the comics described himself as looking like a cross between Ryan Reynolds and a shar-pei so it was kind of written in the stars or paper or something but it was going to be Brian number 23 that being said though one on the topic of Deadpool's Comics face Asgardian trips to Loki what's curse Deadpool to look like Tom Cruise this was to ruin his life as he would then be constant recognized and quite a weird man number 24 eventually Reynolds and Coe shot some test footage of what their version of Deadpool would look like violent swearing and silly just like your mummy used to make that footage then leaked onto the Internet to massive support giving them a bargaining chip against a big bad Fox mum 25 it's worth voting by the way that this whole back and forth cause Ryan Reynolds a lot of personal anguish in fact in an interview GQ he even claimed it coarsened have a nervous breakdown because he was so committed to having this movie made number 26 at different times of the scripts other thing to tighten heavyweights of cinema helped spread the good word to Fox yep James big blue people Cameron and David dark and foreboding Fincher were both very excited by the script and egged on Fox to make it number 27 incidentally by the way we don't know who leaked the test footage many many many Clues point to either being Ryan Reynolds director Tim Miller or writers Verna can race Ryan has said he's 70 percent sure it wasn't him and Vernick has said the conference name rhymes with Bryan brenell's who could it bin number 28 and so the first Deadpool film was made and released on the 12th of February 2016 hard to believe that this was actually Tim Miller's first directorial job before he was working pretty much entirely as a bit of effects artist number 29 the whole film by the way was shot in 48 days and that's really quite slender usually the average movie takes about 60 days number 30 in case it's not made clear enough PI now Ryan Reynolds was not just an actor in this here movie he was also a producer script doctor an editor and a marketing exec number 31 in case you were wondering such a thing it took Ryan Reynolds 45 minutes to put on that dang suit for me five minutes no word on what it takes to get him out of it though probably just a g-string and a smile anyway he took that suit time afterwards despite that trauma number 32 as well as that it took four hours to apply the prosthetics to Deadpool post car in face 4 that's two engine forty minutes 14400 second it's six episodes of the chase member 33 then will say lots of fan anxiety or anxiety I guess over whether or not this movie would be rated R and for adults on the 1st of April 2015 April Fool's Day Reynolds said on Twitter it would be pg-13 which ruffled some feathers let me tell you number 34 luckily later that same day a video interview with Reynolds and Mario Slater Lopez was released which gleefully told everyone it was indeed r-rated as well as providing a first look at Reynolds in costume a good day was had by all number 35 one of the first people to see the movie was Connor McGrath a young Deadpool superfan who met Reynolds through the make-a-wish Foundation tragically he died in April of 2016 Reynolds dedicated his Critics Choice Award to his memory and to the memory of another nine-year-old fan Grace Bowen number 36 thinking of awards by the way the movie was the first ever live-action comic book movie to be nominated for two Golden Globes specifically Best Picture comedy or musical and best performance in a motion picture comedy or musical number 37 as you may have already realized this was back when 20th Century Fox was a thing before it was bought by Disney this movie therefore does not take place in Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe however Disney had the rights to negasonic teenage warhead who Fox wanted to use and so a deal had to be made number 38 you see Fox owned all the Fantastic Four and x-men universe characters which included ego the Living Planet Disney wanted that character regarding to the galaxy vol 2 and so a little swap was made diplomacy well Disney bought everything now so there's no need for that except over Sony but you know still number 39 and one point in reference to wait love of Golden Girls he can be seen wearing a be off a tank top a nice Easter Egg for sure but that cost ten thousand dollars how well that's how much the rights to her image cost number 40 biggie of Bea Arthur Wade loves her so much that in the comics the Deadpool Corps spaceship is called the Bea Arthur number 41 another gigolos arrest that was probably far far cheaper was active MCU overlord and my hero Kevin Feige whenwe delivers the pizza it's from tigey's pizza if they're anything like the cinematic universes it'll be sure tasty I love the man the meaning of life the opening sequence pays tribute to a co-creator of the character of Rob Liefeld look very carefully at the Starbucks cup and hey look Ravel's mind you that could be a reference to my family actual Robert Lindsey you never know was waiting Coe number 43 dr. Killebrew with the most on the nose name in the world is a Deadpool comics villain who was almost gonna appear in the movie alongside Ajax however they realized that this would over complicate the story and so dr. Killebrew would have to murder a cup of tea elsewhere number 44 another x-men character called Morrow appears very briefly in the movie - Moreau stands out in a crowd by the fact that there are some sharp bones sticking out of her skin you can see a lady with the same affliction in the Weapon X clinic number 45 look carefully at the names on the Deadpool from which way'd gets his superhero name these include a lot celebs like Kanye West Mike Tyson Shia LaBeouf and Miley Cyrus but weirdly even TJ Miller and Reynolds himself appear on set board number 46 no Marvel film is complete for the Siq a mio from Stanley alright Peking this one is no different and Stan appears as a DJ in a strip club he actually claimed it was his least favorite cameo he had done because he wasn't actually in a strip club and was to quote him damn mad about it number 47 there's a song in the movie all about captain Deadpool ins various trials and tribulations which is gosh darn catchy well that song was originated by team head kick some rappers who had made the song previously but all about a video game version of Deadpool number 48 at one point TJ Miller's weasel says to way about Vanessa go get her tiger now something this is a reference to Mary Jane Watson spider-man Fame others think it's just an appreciation of the word tiger what do you think everybody let me know in the comments down below number 49 now towards the end of Deadpool we have a little battle going down yelling timber on an aircraft carrier this was meant to be more specifically a Helicarrier like shield having the MCU but unfortunately they could not get the rights cleared at times number 15 the movie grossed 130 2.8 million dollars in its domestic opening weekend becoming the first r-rated film to open to over 100 million dollars and breaking your old record set for the Matrix Reloaded number 51 this record was empro convite own sequel Deadpool 2 which we'll start talking about right about now a sequel to dead Paul was discussed way before the first film ever came out in the winter of 2015 number 52 unlike the first film it would not be directed by Tim Miller he walked away from the movie citing the ever elusive creative differences as the reason right during pre-production instead then the directorial rains went to John wicks david leitch number 53 weirdly enough though that's not to petition signers wanted a fan petition was made for Quentin Tarantino to direct the sequel and 17,000 people find it number 54 as I say this movie made bang yo it grossed over 785 million dollars worldwide becoming the ninth highest grossing film of 2018 the highest-grossing x-men film of all time and as mentioned broke its own record until king of taxi-driver Joker came along number 55 on March 3rd 2017 the Deadpool 2 teaser short called no good deed leaked online previously it was shown before screenings have low good as you can see by the fact that Logan is on the theatre billboard in the background number 56 this short movie a clear parody of Superman has a couple of other weird things going on - firstly there's a Stan Lee cameo which specifically refers to him as Stan Lee there are also posters for the cancelled show Firefly which stars Morena Baccarin also known as Vanessa in a big role number 57 also on the phone box Wayde is changing in you can see graffiti saying Nathan summers coming soon referring to cable by his real name and misspelling the word coming in a very humorous way number 58 another promo teaser was made for the movie - which parodied both Bob Ross and his TV show the joy painting there lots of references peppered all over this like in the colour list for example which has a color called Betty White a golden girl herself number 59 in case you wanted to know both Dave four movies were shot in Vancouver Canada which is nice because not only is Wayde Canadian but also Ryan Reynolds's - more like can wade in Wilson number 16 as previously mentioned Deadpool's long-suffering comics partner cable appears in this here movie - played by Thanos himself Josh Brolin Deadpool obviously knows this calling him flannel specifically and even comparing him to the Winter Soldier because you know the arm thing number 61 but cable was almost someone else according to Collider Brad Pitt was almost a squinty i angry time traveler however he passed on the project ultimately due to scheduling conflicts however Brad Pitt did show up in the movie number 62 yes Brad Pitt's in the film is x-force member Vanisher he appears on screen for about one second yet apparently this cameo was shot over to our window worth noting too that vanish it was x-men second ever villain bonus fact either you're welcome hums number 63 speaking of surprise cameo is Matt Damon as a strange role you may not have notice in the movie the weighty redneck who's talking in detail about his toilet duties the other guy is cult actor Alan Tudyk - nice Nintendo 64 speaking of hidden cameos did you know that Ryan Reynolds has a mystery cameo - no not as Deadpool your bloody squirt Reynolds is also playing surprised villain Chuck a nought - I know Wow number 65 what noting by the way that Rob Liefeld zayed Erica coughs cable was a little different he wanted Maximus etc himself Russell Crowe to play him and even tweeted him saying as such leading to a certain awkward and tense exchange number 66 one of the breakout stars of the movie was Peter just a swell guy he wanted to do some x4 said he's played by Rob Delaney after Ryan Reynolds saw him the TV show catastrophe number 67 speaking of the x-force by the way in this scene they all die pretty much as soon as their first mission starts which let's face it is bloody hilarious originally though the scene was going to be the team landing on a minefield with him blowing up one by one before Reynolds realized the minefield in the middle of the city would make no sense whatsoever number 68 another point that mixes both the previous facts together in a nice little bow isn't that nice say is that originally the post-credits seems going to be all about going back in time to save Peter from ex forcing and while yes that does appear in the post-credits scene now it's just one of many things he gets up to while time-traveling number 16 the scene in which way'd dies last for a frankly agonizingly long time fun fact for you this was directly inspired by Monty Python also apparently this is the short version number 70 another fun fact through about said death scene you had the really sad music in the background there well in case you're getting rid of DejaVu to the years that's because this is the same music that played after Wolverine gets meat and kebabs at the end of Logan number 71 speaking of which by the way that fetching little Logan music box thingy Wade has Follies all sad the beginning wasn't CG it was real and actually worked that seems to be the only one that works in the world and Ryan Reynolds has kept it number 72 at one point in the movie a news ticker can be seen that reads Christopher Plummer turned down a role in Deadpool 2 this is a reference to Christopher Plummer taking on Kevin Spacey's role in the movie all the money in the world after he dropped out for freezers number 73 so there's a big twist pretty much from the get-go with Paul to that Vanessa dies some people accuse the movie of breaching the character meaning to kill off a woman specifically to motivate a male one which isn't cool bunk Annette Reynolds says the decision to do this was based on the fact that the more pain Deadpool's in the funnier he is it was almost even worse than that they were going to have a baby together and Vanessa was still going to die but they decided that was too much which is a lot coming from them number 74 Deadpool 2 starts well ok 15 minutes in anyway with a montage that rips James Bond's opening sequences right off bizarrely this is sound tracked by an original song by the actual Celine Dion Reynolds approached her to sing the song and she agreed because her son loves Deadpool number 75 the song was also meant to be more of a parody but took on a life of its own because of Dion's voice with music magazine the music calling it's confusingly inspiring which is incidentally what I want my epitaph to say this single also reached number one in Quebec which is fitting number 77 a little deep cut here for you a taxi can be seen advertising a travel agency called alpha flights Alpha Flight or a team of Canadian superheroes in the comic books Fergus yes Canadians need heroes too number 77 Julien Denison place rusty Collins also known as fire fist and was apparently hand selected by Ryan Reynolds himself because of his work in the Oscar Award winner ITT's hunt for the will the people number 78 sadly dead Paul - autumn marked a tragedy on August 16 2017 a stuntwoman named joy Harris died while filming a stunt on a motorcycle production stopped for two days and the film is dedicated to her memory number 79 in the trailer for the movie Deadpool briefly mentions - Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants from 2005 which if you British by the way that's a really gross title anyway Ryan Reynolds real-life wife Blake Lively starred in that movie that lucky woman for a multitude of reasons number 80 during production of DP - the make-a-wish Foundation and the Canadian Children's Wish Foundation were allowed onto set to visit to meet Reynolds and the crew now you may be thinking but that isn't a suitable environment for kids and you're right but Ryan had this riposte if my kid went to a fraction of the bleep that they deal with daily I think they can watch whatever they want number 81 you may notice there's a little brief x-men cameo in this movie over well the x-men the footage was shot while they were shooting x-men Dark Phoenix which okay look this is a small bright but that movie set in the 90s and this is definitely not set in the 90s so less is some sort of time portal thing going on here that's a massive mistake and oh god I will not miss the Fox excellent absolutely ruined continuity number 82 when the members of Devils X forth jump out the plane they form a symbolic X in the air that's a nice touch you know before they all die number 83 a smaller Easter Egg for you here when Deadpool is drawing up his plans to rescue Russell with the x-force you can see a picture of prisoner two 4601 this is of course a reference to Jean Valjean in Lane mr. Rob a part played in the movie by you guessed it robbed in late oh no it was Hugh Jackman number 84 the movie ends with Deadpool obtaining the ability to time travel which you know was never gonna end well for anyone one of the trips he takes involves killing his x-men origins self well this almost never happened x-men origins were shot on film meaning there were no digital backups and that particular section of the original was damaged they eventually found another copy deep deep deep in a vault however number 85 also the very last time jump part when Wade deliberates of a killing baby Hitler was actually deleted when in theaters it was only released as part of a super cut later on number 86 Volks had a bit of trouble with a liter battle angel the film that people definitely saw had to move from December 21st 2018 to February 2019 so by September they announced that slot would be filled by a pg-13 pre-release version of Deadpool to number 87 Deadpool and Deadpool - are obviously very r-rated so you may ask why on earth Reynolds would do something like this after fighting for an R rating for so long well a portion of the film's profits went to charity one dollar of every ticket sold went to the thaad cancer charity movements number 88 this version of the film itself is a parody of The Princess Bride Deadpool is selling Fred Savage it's original star a bedtime story version of Deadpool - that avoids the raunchiest earth to pass the rating number 89 this meant that the film it's essentially the same as Deadpool - except with some bits trimmed and edited to clear a pg-13 rating for violence and language which you know quite a lot really despite that though once upon a Deadpool did still get a 15 rating in the UK from the BBFC meaning the whole venture on this side of the pond was completely pointless number 19 once upon a Deadpool received mixed reviews from critics because of this some thinking it actually made it funnier others saying was a portrayal of the character on rock Tom's got a 54% compared to the original which received 82% number 91 after this it was rumored for a long time that an x-force movie was on the way bizarre really given they literally all died in horrible ways but there we are cabin in the woods director Drew Goddard was even attached to direct number 92 x-force was going to be an r-rated raunchy take on the x-men featuring Deadpool Domino and cable again note this is past tense by the way number 93 you may be wondering how Goddard reacted to the x-force featuring Deadpool - before mostly being ceremoniously killed well apparently quite well he laughed and said I remember reading that scene in just cackling with delight specifically because it was the very last thing you'd expect to happen in one of these movies number 94 he property wasn't cackling with laughter for very long though after the project died when Disney bought Fox Rob Liefeld wasn't really very happy either saying haul one out for old x-force victim of the merger 800 million grosser easy number 95 after the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by The Walt Disney Company was announced in December of 2017 and then completed in March 2019 Disney CEO Bob Iger said that Deadpool would be integrated with the Marvel Cinematic Universe under Disney how will that happen though if in pose number 96 Ryan Reynolds of course greeted this news in the most Wade Wilson way possible by posting a pic of Deadpool getting arrested to Disneyland and by saying that the merger will mean the sexual tension between Mickey Mouse and Deadpool will be uncorked modern mannerism number 97 there's loads and loads and loads of conflicting news about this even though nothing has officially been stated Reynolds did say in December of 2019 that they were working with Marvel Studios on a third date full movie though but where it's it's in the continuity and what rating it gets who knows number 98 born it's worth X Disney CEO Bob Iger has previously promised to keep releasing Deadpool's r-rated but not necessarily under a disney or marble banner so that the consumer doesn't get confused but then how are they working with marvel's chicken coaster number 99 it's also worth noting that upon acquiring them Disney streamline the studio's of 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight to make them just at 20th century and searchlights I mention this because Deadpool could well live under these banners instead number Andriana writer Paul Wernick has said that Marvel promised and that death will continue to play in this r-rated universe but when a great idea come to them the hope is they can bear into the MCU sandbox oh so unclear number 101 there's a rumor doing the rounds and I will eat my hat if it's true the Deadpool will show up in the post-credits scene of Marvel Studios upcoming Black Widow movie the fact here is that there was a rumor going around of this know that it's happening because it almost definitely won't happen so that was 101 facts about Deadpool again sort of what do you think those should Deadpool be r-rated in his own universe or be pg-13 and being the Marvel Cinematic Universe or be r-rated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe what do you want let me know in the comments down below also be sure to give this video a like and subscribe to bottom unpacked if you haven't done so already join the crew of half a million I'm still tired of saying that in the meantime though two videos on screen right now one of which is going to make rheems come true and the other one's gonna tick your feet but which one's gonna do what only one way to find out click and i'll see you there bye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 154,779
Rating: 4.9002638 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, deadpool, marvel, facts about deadpool, deadpool facts, wade wilson, ryan reynolds, deadpool 2, deadpool 3, deadpool mcu, stan lee, negasonic teenage warhead, colossus, deadpool game, funny deadpool moments, spider-man, cable, domino, zazie beetz, vanessa deadpool, morena baccarin, tj miller, weasel, x-men, wolverine, celine dion, dopinder deadpool, hugh jackman, josh brolin, firefist, juggernaut, deadpool fortnite, comic books, x-force, black widow
Id: aH96JBxbDsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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