101 Facts About Prisons

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this video is brought to you by - Lane never forget a password again greetings well the fact is my name is Sam and today I'm going to be talking to you all about the cheery subject of prisons yes sadly the time has come my myriad of pun based crimes against comedy and inhumane omits pronunciations of foreign words the new room has gotten me sent to internet prison but please don't weep for me my adoring fans I'm quite looking forward to it actually I'm gonna get all tatted up and get in shape running away from all the people trying to shank me silly can't wait but what are the benefits of building a circular prison how can reading as many books as possible help you if you've sent a prison in Brazil and what should my prison name be I'm thinking something intimidating like scary Sammy or Sam the fact man / 2 out of 3 those questions are gonna be answered so put on your orange jumpsuits get comfy in your bunk and prepare to shower with large groups of other people as we count through 101 facts about prisons number 1 in case you were curious a prison is a facility in which people usually called inmates are forcibly confined separated from the rest of society and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state got it ok good moving swiftly on number 2 prisons are primarily used within a criminal justice system in order to house those charged with crimes who are awaiting trial as well as those who have pled - or been found guilty of crimes for which they are sentenced for a specified period of imprisonment just getting the basics out the way you know number 3 prisons are known by a variety of colorful terms often used to avoid the negative connotations of prison such institutions may be referred to as a jail correctional facility Penitentiary Detention Center remand Center or internment facility number 4 naturally there's also a wide range of slang terms for prison including but not limited to the slammer the can the clink the joints the calaboose the hoosegow the pokey the big house or being banged up behind bars or up the river a particularly British expression for being imprisoned is to be at Her Majesty's pleasure would you say hilariously quaint way to refer to being locked in a room with an aggressive cockney who beat up a stranger and Apophis reporting live on football team while we're on the subject of keeping things under lock and key you might want to consider the services of dashlane who can help you protect your online passwords and personal info and also happened to be the sponsors of this video - Lane allows you to encrypt all your data financial otherwise with the use of a master password that is never sent to or stored on dashlane servers meaning that even if - Lane gets hacked your information would still be completely safe - Lane's tools that you have complex and unique passwords for every account and will automatically put them into log inboxes when you access any website saving you precious time for surfing the World Wide Web it also comes equipped with a VPN allowing you to keep your internet activity totally private and out of the handle your ISP or hackers make it even scan the dark web for your details and let you know they're being used by shady characters and best of all - Lane's basic plan is completely 100% free you can download it right now using the link in the description below and you can even get 10% off the premium plan at - lang comm / 101 facts number 5 during war time prisoners of war or other detainees may be held in military prisons or prisoner of war camps while large groups of civilians might be imprisoned in internment camps a famous and particularly egregious example of this is when the United States incarcerated up to 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry during the Second World War most of whom were American citizens yeah it's getting heavy this early strap in number six outside of what many may consider to be necessary uses prisons could also be used as a tool for political oppression by authoritarian regimes who may imprisoned received opponents simply for criticizing those in power often without fair trial or legal due process hey it's heavy I know but this is the way the world is these days this is generally considered to be pretty illegal in its own right under international law governing fair administration of justice so don't even think about it kids number seven with in criminal justice there are a number of motivations behind the decision to send someone to prison the first of these is rehabilitation which seeks to change the lives of prisoners in such a way that they become more productive and law-abiding members of society upon their release imprisonment is a form of rehabilitation was promoted by prison reformers in the 19th century who unforgotten prisons as a more humane alternative to the harsh punishments of the past number 8 another consideration is that of deterrence not a man called Terence but a concept which holds that sufficiently unpleasant penalties in the form of long prison sentences will prevent prisoners from reoffending upon release as well as courage potential criminals from well becoming criminals number nine one of the more basic motivations behind the use of prisons is incapacitation put simply those who perpetrate acts of violence or illegality who are held in prisons are unable to commit more crimes thus keeping communities safer see number ten lastly there's the role of retribution in the imprisonment of criminals which bears little consideration for the possible social benefits of prison and focuses instead on inflicting suffering and misery upon prisoners out of a sense of punitive morality given the extensive use of incarceration in today's world you might be surprised to learn that up until the 19th century imprisonment played a relatively minor role in the punishment regimes of most countries as bloody a less humane penalties were more often preferred early prisons were rarely built specifically for the purpose of imprisonment and most cultures used makeshift cages or dungeons in already existing structures number 12 bloody blah blah blahdy blahdy blah as such there are numerous famous structures around the world that have been used as prisons throughout history for example the Kremlin Chateau d'If or basically any British castle and there's a lot of British castles it's kind of a thing number 13 regardless imprisonment as a form of punishment has existed for thousands of years the use of prisons can be traced back to the rise of social organization itself in the form of the state along with the advent of the written language which prompted the introduction of formal legal codes basically as soon as humans form societies they require presence in some form because some humans are dicks number fourteen several thousand years ago the ancient Babylonians utilized places of incarceration called bit killing where debtors and petty criminals were forced to work off their debt and another news bit kilee sounds like a metalcore band from the mid nineties number 15 the earliest known use of imprisonment as a form of punishment can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia described in the oldest known surviving law code the code of ur-nammu which itself dates back to 2100 or 2050 BCE it's a great read by the way but to save you some time it states that if a man commits kidnapping he is to be imprisoned and pay 15 shekels of silver which in those days was a lot of money number 16 many ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato developed the idea using punishment to perform criminals rather than simply as a method of retribution initially imprisonment function a penalty for those who cannot afford to pay fines since many impoverished Athenians could not pay leading to indefinite periods of imprisonment time limits were eventually set instead which was that's nicer than I guess number 17 classical Greece and Rome employed the sporadic use of private prisons called Casa privet us to detain slaves debtors and those awaiting trial or execution Casa privileges that the named a bit Kitty's debut happened to snip number 18 the prison in ancient Athens was known as Desmet Aryan which translates to place of trains literally all these prisons sound like heavy metal bands number 19 imprisonment with forced labor on public work projects was a common punishment in ancient Rome in many cases criminal to a sentence of slavery offered in something known as a gastrula which was a primitive form of prison in which offenders were chained to benches and forced to work number 20 T one of the most notable Roman prisons was the mana time prison established roughly in 640 BCE by ancus marcius the legendary fourth king of Rome the marmatan prison was situated within a sewer system beneath the city of Rome and contained a series of dungeons into which prisoners were lowered and held in exactly the sort condition to expect from a literal sewer dungeon number 21 jails in the english-speaking world can be traced at least as far back as the Year 11 66 C II where king henry ii required that each sheriff establish a county jail in this Shire smart guy number 22 oh yeah in the 16th and 17th centuries a number of small presents known as bride Wells were opened in England as part of a move to suppress vagrancy named after some Brides well in the City of London which was near such a building these structures were designed to hold petty criminals who were made to work usually spinning or weaving number 23 the introduction of cellular confinement was an important step in the development of the modern prison it's generally believed that the first examples of cellular prisons were located in what is now Italy in the form of sixteenth and seventeenth-century institutions like the hospices Sanfilippo in florence and the san michele hospice in rome number 24 throughout the 18th century english philanthropist and prison reformer John Howard worked to improve the conditions in prisons after visiting one in Bedfordshire and finding the pretty dire environments much the same as in other institutions Howard's work led to two parliamentary acts one abolish traitors fees and the other made improvements to the prison system leading to better prisoner health number 25 in the 19th century the good old US of A took a lead in the creation of naman prison with the development of two opposing prison models the first was known as the urban system in which inmates were held in cells at night but allowed to work and socialize in communal areas during the day the Albarn system became the most widely used system in the US as it was cheaper to operate and allow for the use of congregate labor to make money number 26 the second model known as a Pennsylvania system became more common in Europe and South America and kept inmates in separate cell for 24 hours a day throughout their entire sentences Wow that's rough this system was favored by those who promoted the role of solitary confinement as a way to encourage prisoners to reflect on their past behavior as well as a method of keeping prisons as safe as possible number 27 the Pennsylvania system was pioneered and Walnut Street prison in Philadelphia Pennsylvania which operated between 1773 and 1838 the original prison system held little guard for the well-being or rehabilitation of prisoners as large groups of inmates were housed and dirty in overcrowded rooms in which violence erupted frequently number 28 in 1790 however the Quakers of Philadelphia introduced the concept of the penitentiary in which prisoners could reflect on their crimes as a mean of reform and become Penn tenant lust a penitentiary bit this was achieved with the establishment of a separate facility at Walnut Street prison Walnut Street - sounds like a place in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in which prisoners were kept in individual cells with very little human contact and no work to distract them from their intended self-examination number 29 Walnut Street prison system a separation was further refined at Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary which exhibited a characteristic wagon wheel design at the time of its completion the building was the largest and most expensive public structure ever erected your bet from that camp in the United States and soon after became the model for more than 300 prisons worldwide number 30 in the late 18th century the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham designed a form of prison structure known as the panopticon which sounds like a Transformers villain this is not a Transformers villain even though it sounds like one but it is an innovative design which are ranged shells in a circular or semi circular structure with a central tower from which the guards can observe every single cell the prisoners though can't see whether or not they're being watched which creates the assumption that they're potentially under observation at any given time incentivizing or rather scaring them really into regulating their own behavior number 31 though there were plans to build a panopticon national penitentiary in Britain various problems and concerns eventually met the project was abandoned and Bentham never saw a panopticon built during his lifetime poor Jeremy since his death though a number of prisons incorporated elements of the panopticon into their design the most fully realized of which is the Presidium Modelo complex in cuba which was completed in 1928 and closed in 1967 by which time had become infamous for overcrowding and riots oh dear that was the opposite of what Bentham was going for I think number 32 in 1870 more than 130 delegate convened for the National Prison Congress in Cincinnati Ohio to discuss him define standards for prison reform the attendees which include the wardens governor's prison chaplains and judges agreed upon a declaration of principles which placed emphasis on rehabilitation education and religion to improve the conditions within an effectiveness of prisons good job number a 33 the 20th century also saw the rise of Russia's forced labor camp system known in english as gulags the use of these brutal prisons peaked during Joseph Stalin's rule between the 1930s and early 1950s and a widely recognized today is a major instrumental political repression in the Soviet Union by 1980 roughly 99% of all convicted criminals served their time in these labor camps number 34 early 20th century Britain saw the rise of youth detention centres called ball stalls named after a prison in the village of borstal near Rochester in Kent where the first such facility was established now these institutions claim to reform the most antisocial youths with a focus on routine discipline and authority but they did gain a fearsome reputation as hot beds of violence and abuse for this reason bosses were officially abolished in 1982 number 35 in the 1980s and 90s boot camps and military schools became a common approach for tackling juvenile delinquency as tough-love programs emphasizing education exercise and military discipline and once again became fashionable many young offenders were and continued to be offered such institutions as an alternative to prison though in some states they can be sentenced to participate in such programs number 36 it should be mentioned though that as with borz fools that we mentioned earlier research has shown that boot camps do not produce recidivism which is a fancy word for basically going back to do more crime producing only short-term changes in attitude and behavior the use of boot camps and military schools remains controversial as like many other harsh you've just systems they have a reputation for bullying and abuse number thirty-seven across the globe more than ten million people are currently in prison which equates to little more than the entire population of Sweden that's not to say that the entire population of Sweden are in prison unless Sweden itself is one big prison like Pascal Sauvage didn't Johnny English Oh number 38 worldwide approximately 700 thousand women and girls are in prison meaning that about 93% of all the prison people and then yay women I mean not on them Pro Crime kind of way but you know what I mean number 39 apparently though it's not entirely our fault fellas that we get banged up so often as apparently in criminology there is a known institutional bias against men in the criminal justice system which has been confirmed in several studies for example from the University of Michigan men routinely received longer sentences the women who is significantly more likely to avoid charges and convictions altogether even when they are convicted women incarcerated at roughly half the rate that men are number 40 by far the most prison happy nation on earth is drumroll please but it's the United States with incarceration rates of roughly one in every 107 people America imprisons its citizens at rates of exceed even countries suffering with war or authoritarian political regimes number 41 this translate to the staggering figure that approximately 2.3 million Americans are behind bars right now which constitutes the largest prison population on earth the meaning of life as a result even though the u.s. is home to less than 5% of the global population America's prison population accounts of roughly 25 percent of prisoners world wide number 43 in case you were wondering by the way the current prison capital of the world is the u.s. state of Oklahoma with an incarceration rates of 1709 prisoners per 100,000 people that's that's a lot of people behind bars guys a lot number 44 another depressing statistic for you now that states that since the 1980s the US prison population has more than quadrupled quadrupled I say number 45 you may be thinking but sham why why does this happen and well the reasons why the United States is imprisoned so many people in recent years is multifaceted and frankly extremely complicated two common explanations refer to increased sentence lengths and the so-called war on drugs however many experts are beginning to suggest that the main cause of America's unprecedented incarceration rate is simply a generally more punitive approach to criminal justice compared to previous decades leading to longer sentences compared to the rest of the world and an increased tendency to charge people with felonies number 46 there are over 5,000 jails and prisons in the u.s. to get a scale of exactly what that means there are more jails in United States and there are colleges number 47 the average annual cost of representing one inmate in a federal prison is somewhere around $30,000 I have it on good authority that that's enough to punch is quite a large number of processed chicken pieces number 48 similarly state spending on Corrections has ballooned by about 300 percent in the past two decades god that fact is depressing but at least I got to use the word ballooned small victories a number 49 depending on who you ask the cost of incarceration for the American taxpayer varies pretty significantly between seventy billion dollars and 182 billion dollars annually without a lot of money just imagine how many chicken nuggets we could all buy too bad it's all going on putting people in prison well number 50 despite having by far the highest incarceration rate in the world right now America's incarceration rate is actually at a two decade low hots got a sting number 51 asked the u.s. the countries with the most imprison people are China Brazil Russia and India case you were wondering number 52 collectively England and Wales have the highest imprisonment rate in Western Europe with roughly 149 people per 100,000 of the population behind bars well at least with the rest of something number 53 meanwhile countries like the Netherlands are actually closing prisons due to a lack of prisoners all right guys so did you show off is there number 54 today most prisons are surrounded by walls fencing geographical features and many other barriers to prevent chances from attempting to leave prison before they get their full dose of justice additional security measures often include concertina wire and that provide fencing armed guards house security lighting motion sensors trained dogs and roving patrols depending on each facility's level of security number 55 in the 19th century in English convict named Joseph police though Jones was transported to the British penal colony of Western Australia where he gained a reputation for escaping from prison on numerous occasions Jones who was commonly known as moon Joe was eventually placed in an escape-proof cell built specifically for him using concrete and railroad sleepers of course he escaped that too and was free for two years before being recaptured number 57 if the idea of escaping from prison using a helicopter sounds far-fetched to you you may be surprised to hear that helicopter prison escapes Antley happen often enough to warrant an entire wikipedia page devoted to the subject whirlybird jailbreak state back to the early 1970s and succeeds surprisingly often resulting in the liberation of drug lords gangsters and IRA members number 58 in case you were wondering and I know you were your little tyke the country that's hosted war recorded helicopter escapes attempts and any other country is France with at least eleven this is in part due to the exploits of rogues like Pascal Paille who has managed to use helicopters to escape from prison on no less than three occasions number 59 in some countries such as Mexico and Germany the act of escaping from prison is not an illegal act because their laws recognized that all people have a fundamental desire to be free as such escapees who are recaptured do not have any extra time added to their sentences for skedaddling sounds good right number 60 except that they almost certainly will have their sentences lengthened because there are a few important terms and conditions through the company these loopholes in many of these nations if a prisoner breaks any other laws in the course their escape such as damaging the prison itself the individual is still culpable of those crimes even if a prisoner doesn't smash a window or break through a fence during their prefer freedom escaping while wearing prison clothing constitutes theft the obvious answer therefore is to escape while completely naked thank you for coming to my TED talk number 61 in many of the numerous countries which retain the death penalty's our former punishments prisoners awaiting execution often housed in the special section of the prison generally known as death row the term is also used in a figurative sense for condemned prisoners even in prisons without a separate death row area number 62 it's customary for condemned inmates to receive their last meal which as you are probably already aware is a final meal of the prisoners choice before execution in most American states such as Texas for example last meals are limited to a monetary value of no more than twenty dollars however in other states such as Florida and Indiana last meals are limited to forty dollars while the sunny state of California indulges its death row inmates with last meals worth up to fifty dollars number 63 in the United States and Canada Britain is you misbehave or sometimes served a meal known as natural loaf which usually consists of a blender concoction of leftovers made into a solid loaf naturally I've contained all the nutrients and vitamins necessary to constitute a healthy diet but has a deliberately unappetizing taste sometimes had to resemble that of cardboard and I'm eating cardboard it's not nice many argue that serving deliberately unpleasant food to prisoners it's unethical while others say that natural Oh significantly reduces violence nintendo64 somewhat unsurprisingly everyone's favorite religion Scientology has it's very own prison ominously nicknamed the hole despite insistence by Scientology officials that the hole doesn't exist numerous people have given accounts of the facility where high-ranking members deemed to have fallen short of expectations are held for months or even years number 65 some prisons in Brazil offer inmates a chance to reduce their sentences by reading books and writing corresponding essays prisoners participating in the redemption through reading program can have four days removed from their prison stays for every book they read up to 48 days a year number 66 another prison in southeastern Brazil gives him mates the chance to reduce their sentences by sitting on stationary bicycles hooked up to car batteries and pedaling like there's no tomorrow hmm that sounds familiar to me Charlie Brooker the batteries are then used to power street lights in a nearby town number 67 the longest sentence ever requested is thought to have been leveled against the man from the Spanish island of Majorca in 1972 Gabriel March grana das was a postman in the islands capital city Palmer who was accused of failing to deliver forty two thousand seven hundred and sixty eight letters from which he pickpocketed and he enclosed valuables Oh Gabriel prosecutors wanted to have him serve nine years Peron delivered letter which works out at a frankly hilarious 384 thousand nine hundred twelve years in prison ultimately though grana das was sentenced at the somewhat more reasonable straight to fourteen years in two months number 68 the longest prison term that was actually handed down to someone is thought to have been given to Thailand made chamoy IPO so the wife of a high-ranking officer in the Thai Air Force over the course of two decades that BSO operated a Ponzi scheme that scammed over 16,000 people out of a total of 8 million baht which I assume is a lot tibi so was ultimately sentenced to spend one hundred to forty one thousand and seventy eight years in prison but for some reason was released after only eight victims were never compensated number 69 place of chains in 1979 computer hacker kevin Mitnick broke into the computer network of Digital Equipment Corporation and copied their software a crime of which he was convicted almost a decade later in 1988 after a short stint in prison Mitnick hacked into the Pacific Bell Telephone Company for which he was dramatically pursued by police for years before being apprehended in 1995 Mick dick skills as a hacker was so overblown that it was rumored he could start a nuclear war by whistling into a telephone and as such he spent much of his time in prison in solitary confinement number 70 AD the DeCoteau correctional facility in Illinois incarcerated women are allowed to keep their babies with them in prison after two years these absolute mothers had an almost zero percent recidivism rate compared to the same one average of over 50 percent number 71 in China many wealthy people who commit crimes higher body doubles to stand trial and serve their prison sentences the practice is so common it even has a name ding zuy which roughly translates to substitute criminal number 72 surprisingly Wow my voice there people aged 60 and over are the fastest-growing age group in the American prison system between 200 - and 201 five the number of sentence prisoners aged 16 over rose by staggering 164 percent number 73 a prison in the u.s. state of Indiana allows murderers to adopt cats and keep them in cells the program which has been linked to better inmate behavior has been running for 20 years and is so popular that there's even a waiting list to adopt one of the 75 cats who call the prison their home number 74 though controversial it's been shown the providing inmates with access to television is a much cheaper way of keeping them quiet and subdued than it would be to hire more guards number 75 since 1999 several companies in America outsource call center duties to prisons the presidency may be drug dealers prostitutes or murderers can generate savings that would be waiting for them upon release programs like this have proved controversial with many claiming that they take jobs away from law-abiding citizens number 76 during the 20th century prison inmates throughout the aforementioned cool acts of the Soviet Union maintained a tattoo culture which was used to indicate one's criminal career and ranking the tattoos themselves have symbolic meanings for instance skulls represent murderers while religious I could three of the Orthodox Church and somewhat bizarrely cats are used to indicate thieves number 75 arguably the most infamous prison in histories Alcatraz federal penitentiary often known simply as Alcatraz or the rock it was located on the island of who guessed it Alcatraz which sits in the San Francisco Bay approximately two kilometers offshore from the city of San Francisco California in the United States prior to the notorious prison the island was also home to a lighthouse a military fortification and a military prison it since become a popular tourist destination which was in roughly 1.5 million visitors a year who can leave of their own accord number 78 Spanish explorers discovered the island in 1775 and named it home la la de los Alcatraz's which roughly translates to island of the pelicans or island of the gannets this is due to the number of seabirds which lived there at the time before they were driven away by human activity number 79 many of the actual buildings of the island were built in the decades before the prison opened in 1934 including a hospital and a mess hall a new cell house measuring approximately 150 meters in length was completed in 1912 and was said to be the longest concrete building in the world at the time number 80 Alcatraz was used to house some of the nation's more dangerous criminals who often caused trouble at other prisons the average inmate had a sentence between 20 to 25 years and would span between six to eight of those years at Alcatraz before they were considered reformed enough to be sent back to another prison number 81 the Alcatraz federal penitentiary was in operation for almost three decades before it was finally closed on the 21st of March 1963 during this time the infamous prison house numerous high-profile criminals including the likes of Machine Gun Kelly Mickey Cohen whitey bulger Alvin creepy Karpis and the notorious gangster Al Capone who was moved there as his mental health slowly declined from the effects of syphilis far safe number 82 another notable inmate at the rock was Robert Stroud aka the Birdman of Alcatraz Stroud was a convicted murderer who'd become an avid bird keeper and respected ornithologist while serving time at a previous prison where he kept hundreds of Canaries and contributed to the academic understanding of the species his reputation both is in all of the file and psychopath followed him to Alcatraz where he was imprisoned for 17 years number 83 Alcatraz has also hosted over a dozen escape attempts such as the violent Prison Break known today as the battle for Alcatraz in which six inmate attempted to free themselves by stealing weapons from a poorly protected gun gallery and taking a number of guards hostage for several hours between the 2nd and 4th of May 1946 the belligerent prisoners exchanged gunfire with remaining guards until the cellblock was finally stormed by Marines under a hail of grenades and rifle bangs number 84 three of the six would-be escapees were killed at the battle Alcatraz while in another two were ultimately executed at st. Quentin State Prison the final conspirator was sentenced to an additional 99 years in jail though he was finally released 27 years later two guards were also killed during the attempted breakout which constituted the bloodiest episode of the prison's history number 85 a few years later on the 11th of June 1962 three inmates by the name of Frank Morris John Anglin and Clarence Anglin managed to escape their island prison on Alcatraz over the course of six months the intrepid trio had used improvised tool to chisel away at the salt damaged concrete of their cells into an unguarded three foot wide utility corridor the team used paint and cardboard to hide their progress and disguise the noise by playing the accordion Wow not kidding number 86 on the night of the escape the three prisoners crawled through a hole in their cell wall climbed up a network of piles of the prison roof then descended a 15 meter wall by sliding down a kitchen bent pipe to the ground from there the trio inflated a raft made of more than 50 raincoats using a small concertina as a bellows they then disappeared into the fog of the San Francisco Bay never to be seen again number 87 the prison guards didn't realize the inmates were missing until the next morning when they discovered the vacant beds contain nothing but bedsheets bunched up into the shape of a person and eerily realistic paper mache heads made of real hair and closed painted eyes though the official determination was that the three men drowned numerous sources have conceded that it's not impossible that the men survived number 88 only a few months later after the most famous Alcatraz escape another inmate John Paul Scott again proved that escaping the infamous prison was at least theoretically possible on the 16th of December 1962 John Paul Scott and Dahl Parker squeezed through a window and swam into the San Francisco Bay wall Parker was caught on the rocky outcrop known as this allow Petrus Scott was found by a group at the foot of the Golden Gate Ridge unconscious and suffering from hypothermia though his escape was ultimately unsuccessful Scott is the only known person to have escaped Alcatraz alive number 89 in some kind of sarcastic mockery the prison's former security staff a triathlon in touch with the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon is held every year to prove that it's possible to swim from Alcatraz and live in addition to the one and a half mile swim to San Francisco the event also includes an 18 mile bike ride and an eight mile run number 19 interestingly Alcatraz was once the only federal penitentiary in the US that provided hot showers for its inmates this was based on the belief that inmates who released a nice warm water would not be able to withstand the freezing San Francisco Bay during an escape attempt also probably didn't help that these people had been locked in cages for years on end number 91 well our trial developed a fearsome reputation in its time it apparently wasn't quite the hellhole it's often made out to be many inmates for example appreciated the large ratio of guards and the one man once held policy which made one less vulnerable to attack from disgruntled prison mates number 92 not only that James a Johnston the first warden of Alcatraz knew that low-quality food would often cause the prison riots so he made sure that the inmates have served good food of which multiple helpings were allowed many prisoners considered the conditions inside Alcatraz to be relatively desirable and several inmates actually requested to be transferred there number 93 somewhat surprisingly during its time as a prison the guards and officers of Alcatraz lived on the island with their spouses and children at any given time roughly 300 civilians lived across three apartment buildings one large duplex and four large wooden houses for the senior officers they had access to a small convenience store a soda fountain shop and their own bowling alley there's even an Alumni Association for people who grew up on that Island number 94 another infamous American prison is the maximum-security correction facility in New York State there's two sobbingly known as Sing Sing the name of the prison is derived from the sink sink band of weapons and Native Americans who originally inhabited the area nominally five Sing Sing cellblock a is the largest prison cell block in the world the second largest is Sing Sing cellblock B it's a big prison basically number 96 in the 1920s and 30s the New York Yankees would play exhibition games against the Sing Sing prison a team who are known as the black Shi hello again friend of a friend I knew you will forget that reference you're a winner number 97 sing-sing state prison is located 30 miles north of New York City on the east bank of the Hudson River which gave rise to the phrase up the river which is a popular American slang term for being sent to prison I'll never do that again I'm sorry number 98 today one of the most notorious prison facilities in the United States is San Quentin prison in California San Quentin actually predates an out lives nearby Alcatraz having open in 1852 making it the oldest prison in California prides of the 1940s the prison house inmates in substandard and violent conditions which often included head shavings and irregular meals as punishment number 99 San Quentin currently holds the largest number of death row inmates in the USA with 746 condemned killers residing in the facility this is more than twice the number of death row prisoners in the second-ranked state of Florida which is home to 347 people currently awaiting an end to their life number 100 less depressing Lee San Quentin prison is one of the few inmate run newspapers in the world titled the San Quentin news which even has its own website and Twitter accounts number 101 not only that San Quentin prison was also home to the very first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in a prison since then hundreds of other AAA groups have been set up behind prison walls and that can only be a good thing so that was 101 fact about prisons did you learn anything new have we missed any daring escapes out let us know in the comments down below also get this video like I'm subscribed to one on one fact if you haven't done so already go ahead do it 400 10,000 have you wouldn't want to be left out would you huh huh the FOMO sweeping in for anyway don't forget also to check out our sponsor - Lane at - link on Ford's ice 101 facts it's in the description and this property comment down there too so no excuses in the meantime though my god look at these two videos on screen they're really gonna wet your whistle go for it make my day click on one and I'll see you there bye
Channel: 101Facts
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, prisons, prison, facts about prison, prison facts, jail, detention centre, facts about jail, imprisonment, prison history, us prison, us prison system, uk prison, uk prisons, uk prison life, death row, dashlane, death row documentary, prison documentary, prison break, american prison, british prison, old bailey, behind bars, prison video, prison escape, jailbreak, panopticon, alcatraz, al capone, sing sing prison, san quentin
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Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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