101 Facts About Men In Black

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so a new MIB movie is coming? shit didnt know theres was more than 2 movies....

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
three things one the factors my name is agent s I get it cause it's like the film's it's Sam really and I'm here today to talk to you all about the hit film series starring Will Smith no not Independence Day or Oh a Latin it's men in black yes that's right today what do you mean it's not in a new film wait Thorin valkyrie are in it now all right fine I guess who can work with that bud yes I digress we'll be delving into the world of men and sometimes women who wear black while fighting against hostile aliens who want to kill people or destroy Earth or steal galaxies and whatnot you know sci-fi but which famous MIB lines did Will Smith improvise how is one of Steven's build those greatest cinematic achievements of reference using fling pans and how can only be a man in black do I just have to wear black or is there some kind of application process I should know about two out of three those questions are going to be answered so iron your white dress suits dig out that black blazer you have to fight for a funeral once and find a YouTube tutorial about how to tie a tie because we're about to blast our way through 101 facts about men in black number one the men in black started life a long time ago at the turn of that most bodacious of decades the 1990s as a comic book of all things created and written by Lowell Cunningham published in 1990 the three-issue Run was illustrated by sandy Carruthers and published by Aircel comics number two a year later like a Colo thean assimilating a lingerie model Aircel was acquired by Malibu comics they released the second series before themselves being swallowed whole by Marvel Comics who believe someone shots and reissues from the first movie hit the cinemas and ultimately replaced the lease with Thor and Valkyrie number three the comic was considerably darker than the film's hit inspired following MIB agents tasked with combating the world's paranormal activities which they clearly failed at because there's like six of those movies now they did face extraterrestrials which the films became solely focused on but they also squared up against a cult of super drug users a demon and MIB agents for super powers and a monster drawn from a town's collective unconscious here some real Stephen King stuff number four the comics also take a very different stance on the MIB s approach to these foes in the movies the agency's job is to regulate alien populations on earth and maintain interplanetary peace but the gone extinct say if an approach shall we say of approaching aliens not a supernatural intruders shooting them first and asking questions later number five other glaring differences in the comic include a distinct lack of gadgets and little crickets the fact that agent chase recruited by kidnapping as well as a non-consensual faking of his own death and the agents general lack of concern for collateral damage they happily destroyed property maim and murdered people to get what they want which just isn't very Will Smith is it number six the comic was inspired but the greatest friend making a joke about a black van in the streets being the government men in black but this conspiracy goes as far back as the 50s when UFO buff Albert bender wrote in his magazine space review about dark suited government men coming to his house to tell him to stop publishing information about UFOs he didn't provide any evidence for this whatsoever which hurts to claim but then again that's what they want you to think isn't it number 7 director barry sonnenfeld wanted to do these whenever the polite word for nut cases is justice he was true to numerous aspects of their descriptions of the men in black like their outdated dress jokes vernacular and car number 8 in 2019 Will Smith uploaded a video to his YouTube channel explaining that he turned down the role of neo in the matrix having come off the back of Independence Day and men in black and not wanting to be the alien movie guy no aliens the matrix anyway he actually said the same thing when he turned down men in black for the first time but a claimant filmmaker and producer of the film Steven Spielberg called him and told him don't use your brain use mine which was enough for Smith because in his words he did do jaws which is yeah fair enough really number 9 but Smith didn't originally think he was even talking to the guy who did jaws he later admitted he thought it was his friend who keep laying around but it wasn't luck it wasn't - because of my knowledge Pookie had no role in making jaws probably number 10 despite convincing Smith to take the role Steven Spielberg wasn't always a beacon of infallible decision-making and he originally wanted chris o'donnell to play j fresh off the worst batman movie ever made and about to reprise his role in the sequel that took its own crown O'Donnell is quite hard to imagine the role No number 11 luckily the director agreed he wanted Will Smith so bad that he told O'Donnell the script sucked and he was a bad director just so he would take the hint and turn down the part number 12 but these weren't the only potential J's one friend considered to partner up with agent K and be there for him when the rain stopped the fall was naughties legend David Schwimmer most famous for playing the giraffe in Madagascar and history acting work on Run Fatboy Run he ultimately couldn't take the role in the 1997 film because he was directing a film at the time and I think he was in a TV show she is maybe number 13 opposite will Schwimmer O'Donnell as Agent K producers originally wanted the dirtiest of all Harry's Clint Eastwood but the role wasn't for him any past your loss Eastwood number 14 like Smith Tommy Lee Jones also needed Spielberg to twist his arm into appearing in the film and it wasn't just his armor that appeared it was his full body in the end he was disappointed with the first script he received because I hadn't captured the tone of the comic but big Steve assured him that would improve and he signed on to play agent K number 15 as deputy medical examiner come agent Laurel Weaver now BAFTA nominated actor Linda Fiorentino is one of the most underrated start of the first movie but she actually only got the role by winning it in a game of poker with director getting weirded with every fact to Barry Sonnenfeld number 16 Barry Sonnenfeld was always in producers minds to direct men in black but he was busy at the time directing gets shorty so they decided to shop around this saw the film offered to Quentin Tarantino of all people he resumable II would have made it a lot darker and with a lot more bare feet seriously the guy loves feet they're everywhere number 17 the director old was also offered to John Landis who didn't see the point in directing Blues Brothers for aliens given that he'd already made the one without aliens that's a solid movie humor there number eighteen Saanen phil was actually apprehensive about working with Tommy Lee Jones because he'd seen an interview with a grumpy looking actor and thought thank God I never have to work with this jerk but ended up loving every minute of working with the infamous hothead I mean I don't think his voice sounds like that but it's a smudge in erican number 19 future kingpin Vincent D'Onofrio played the film's main antagonist Edgar the bug who's attempting to steal the arc Willian galaxy a source of subatomic energy you wouldn't imagine there's much room for method acting when you're playing a human body being taught by cockroach a lien but D'Onofrio put in a shift of watching numerous bug documentaries as research and even war knee braces and tape his ankle so he couldn't bend his legs at all number twenty early drafts had the film span across numerous locations from Kansas to Washington DC but Sahlin Feld wanted to focus primarily on New York because he thought New Yorkers were the only ones acclimatized enough to weirdos not to notice or care about the subculture of aliens hard amongst them number 21 the iconic suits worn by the men in black were designed specifically to avoid obvious similarities for those in the aforementioned 1980 classic The Blues Brothers the film is costume designer Mary Eve OTT stated that the suits were actually inspired by Cary Grant's classic gray suit in Alfred Hitchcock's acclaimed 1959 thriller North by Northwest number 22 oh oh yeah me hilariously Wilson submitted that the last time he wore a suit and tie before appearing a men in black was at his 8th grade graduation wonderful still fits number 23 the device that MIB agents used to erase the memories of bystanders who know too much is called a neuralyzer and is company by a flash of light and a futuristic zapping noise the distinctive sound of the new your laser you know the one that it makes when it flashes is actually that of a photographic strobe flash reloading number 28 it took six hours every day to transform D'Onofrio into Edgar the bug a process that included gluing pieces of silk fabric to d'Onofrio's cheeks which were then pulled back to straight his face the film's lead makeup artist Rick Baker later stated that they put Vincent through hell yes sounds like it number 25 at the very start of the film kay is forced to liquidate an alien charging to an immigration officer which required having to blow up a 25 gallon drum of blue goo to get that violent alien death just right number 26 in the next scene when Jays chasing the guy who spoiler alert here turns out to be a big old alien he follows said alien by jumping off a bridge into an open-top bus at which point he then says to start with tourists he'd just be rain in black people in New York that was actually entirely improvised by Smith upon whom you can always rely for a nice in defense of an easily digestible joke about race thanks Paul Smith you're doing the Lord's work number 27 ah when the ax buted I'm gonna say it horrible man Edgar is pulled into the crater to have his insides sucked out even to by an alien bug he lets out a recognizable Wilhelm scream which sounds like this ah the iconic movie sound effect was first used in the 1951 film distant drums and has since appeared in hundreds of films as a sort of global cinematic in-joke for film nerds everywhere have you heard with the Wilhelm scream prior to us telling you just now or a year a complete and total loser let us know in our frankly unnecessarily divisive youtube poll number 28 soon after the buggy alien folk ramps itself to acres floppy hollowed-out skin bar the inside sucking extraterrestrial shuffles back indoors and asked Edgar's very recently Bernhard wife Beatrice for sugar water apparently this scene took 15 takes to get right which according to sonnenfeld left enough REO high on sugar number 29 interestingly the name of the character Beatrice is an extremely subtle reference to Beatrice room port a character from the second novel by the celebrated science-fiction author Kurt Vonnegut jr. entitled the sirens of Titan which was first published in 1959 number 30 to make the list of known aliens director Barry Sonnenfeld asked his crew for suggestions which he whittled down from 600 names to nine as well as him and his daughter notable names included Sly Stallone Danny DeVito George Lucas and eggs egg producer Steven Spielberg number 31 son unveiled even got permission from real life alien Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich whose image was taken from the public domain but the director laments that Michael Jackson refused to be included claiming the real aliens say no which would actually explain a lot although Jackson did get a cameo in the sequel which has aged badly number 32 on his tour of the MIB headquarters Jay accidentally sends a small glowing ball bouncing around the building wreaking havoc kay tells him the ball is a practical joke from the Great Attractor which aside from being might nickname at school when I was a kid I should stress it's also a real astronomical thing it's a gravitational anomaly 250 million light years away from Earth first clocked my astronomers back in 1973 number 33 the card that K drives as a 1987 Ford LTD Crown Victoria which they referred to as a Ford POS shaky the designer who built the modified jet-black automobile must have really loved it because after the film wrapped they bought it from the studio number 34 ray-ban sales are predator to tripled from 1.6 million dollars to 5 million dollars after the eponymous dudes in dark colors wore them in the first film that's Kim K levels of influence number 35 but Ray Ban actually almost got snubbed because of a special coating designed to stop the glasses glaring on camera you see the coating covered their logo and Ray Ban pleaded with the production to add a name drop to the script as it compromised the line black tie with the black attitude new style black Ray Bans arm stunning man wound up in the film's theme song by shills Amin Will Smith number 36 and one point K told Eckerd the bugs he's in violation of section 1453 of the Tycho treaty this is a sneaky hidden reference to Barry Sonnenfeld birthday April the first 1953 using the bizarre American format of putting the month before the day a system so counterintuitive and frankly ridiculous to Europeans that it upsets me to even mention this is move on number 37 Will Smith once claimed the hardest part about men in black was filming a fight against an alien that had to be added in post-production he claimed when you had to fight something on the swapper do you feel real stupid if only there was a word for people who pretend to things on camera for money number 38 when the film's credit said no animals were harmed they meant it the American Humane Association were on set to ensure even the cockroaches were all safe and accounted for this includes Plexiglas barrier surrounding the actors from the roaches and Will Smith stepping a mustard packets to simulate the squashed bug guts number 39 an early men in black script ended with agent J in the bug engaging in a light-hearted existential debate which didn't exactly strike the same tone as the rest of the film so the director asked for more exciting change four point five million dollars of reshoots resulted in the now iconic ending where agent Kay gets eaten by the bug and subsequently shoot his way out of it which is still pretty existential when you think about it then again so is anything number forty when Kay does blast his way out of Edgar he and J fall to the ground covered from head to toe and viscous buggy slime according to Tommy Lee Jones he didn't actually mind being covered in slime to film the scene but Will Smith hated it because ammonia unlike Jones he's a reasonable human being number 41 despite the pricey reshoots men in black still managed to take five hundred ninety million dollars making its ninety million dollar budget look pretty reserved that only made it only the third biggest film of 1997 though but in its event it only lost a lot while Jurassic Park and the third highest-grossing movie of all time Titanic so what meaning of life but if you narrowed the goalposts two little men in black just still end up on top after all it is officially the highest-grossing action buddy comedy of all time followed by rush hour to 21 Jump Street and its own two sequels rounding out the top five although if you add that many adjectives you can make anything look good highest-grossing 2009 mold cop orientated comedy see what I mean number 43 after his success as the regal half of DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince Smith's first single as a solo artist was the film's theme men in black the single went platinum in four countries diamond in France and earn big Willie a Grammy for Best Rap solo performance number 40 for the iconic soundtrack also featured the first professional recording from a little-known talent could Alicia Keys with a track dodgy da sexy thing number 45 Destiny's Child also made an appearance on the soundtrack with their song killing time a whole four months before they released their first single no no no so basically men in black created Beyonce you're welcome number 46 in 1998 two men in black joined a very short list of comic book movies that have ended up the most coveted hashtag so whitest of awards the Oscar it picked up the statue for Best Makeup but missed out on Best Original Score - The Full Monty and best art direction - Titanic did you know that siren of my dreams Jennifer Lawrence was the third youngest ever nominee for an Academy Award for actress in the lead role I just thought it'd be relevant to mention number 47 men in black also braved its third and fourth different formats in 1997 with a novelization of the film and an animated TV series that ran on The WB's Kids WB block until 2001 the show technically followed an alternate timeline to the film where agent K doesn't retire and instead continues to do agent stuff alongside agent J number 48 the only returning actors don't lend their voice to the animated show word Vincent D'Onofrio and Tony Shalhoub Shalhoub only voiced his character Jeebs in two episodes with feature Armas Billy West carrying the torch in the other episodes despite his character Edgar the bug dying in the film D'Onofrio returned to voice not only his twin Edwin but all the bugs in the series who just likes bugs apparently number 49 in 2002 Smith and Jones returned for men in black - in which the men in black do get out against the evil aliens Selena apparently a number of well-known actresses audition for the role of Selena Bora winter Lara Flynn Boyle including Halle Berry Jennifer Lopez and for some reason yeardley Smith the voice of lys are on The Simpsons sure number 50 in addition both Robert Downey jr. and Keanu Reeves audition for the role of Selena's two-headed alien minions grad before the role went to professional jackass Johnny Knoxville number 51 the original plug from the first film whose name is Mushu by the way was used to play Frank again in the second film but in the five years since men in black was released a plucky little pooch had visibly aged as a result production had to use mascara to hide the gray fur around its nose which is possibly the most adorable sentence I've ever read in the 101 facts video number 52 when Jays car automatically pulled up in front of himself and K he says that it came with a black dude but he kept getting pulled over this was another Pater did Will Smith improvised race joke which again the producers enjoyed so much it even made it to the trailer number 53 Sonnen Feld however was not best pleased as the line was played over and over again prior to the film's release making the joke old and tired by the time people actually saw it in the movie number 54 when thinking up names for the alien species with a pretty ballsy chin Smith improvised the number of alternatives for setting on the utterly side-splitting named bull Chilean other names included chinks a kyun not Chilean and ganado neck number 55 when Jane Kay are watching the light of Zartha video in Newton's room Jay comments on the corny sci-fi visual effect saying looks like Spielberg's work this is what's known in the beers as a light-hearted job at executive producer Steven Spielberg who produced the film executive Li number 56 the film's Foley artist created the sound made by Selena's gross alien tendrils by moving around tree branches in a rubber membrane and then just adding water other takes involved twitching some toy coupe between two hands and violating the inside of a watermelon number 57 when JK and everyone's favorite perverted aliens the worm central random families home toward an enormous hidden stash futuristic weaponry the father sitting between his wife and daughter it's actually bearing stolen felled the director of the film number 58 men in black 2 also featured a number of adorable cameos from the children of cast and crew for instance the little girl sitting next to her parents in the very same scene is actually Victoria Jones the daughter of Tommy Lee Jones number 59 but the let's put my kid in the film antics don't stop there the little girl at the post office he wants to buy Rugrats stamps is in fact Barry Sonnenfeld daughter Chloe number 60 not only that as well the two children who look up to get neuralyzed as JK and Laura zoom overhead in the flying Mercedes are in fact Will Smith's sons Trey and Jaden while Jaden looks normal here not like a modern vampire number 61 in the final battle against Selina Jay says got the latest down on you can ya say pretty obvious nod to numerous catchphrases attributed to Dwayne Johnson stressing persona the rock why there's a WWE reference in men in black - it's not for us mere mortals to understand my dear children but it happened so let's move on number 62 the locker that contains the tiny fuzzy aliens who worship Kay and subsequently Jay as her God is labeled c18 this is it all likelihood of reference to get shorty another film directed by Barry Solan felt in which the LAX Locker containing the dirty money is also labeled c18 number 63 when Jay fights Jarrah in the room full of spaceships the specific spaceship from the classic 1963 television show my favorite Martian can be seen several times in the background constituting yet another deep reference to true nerds to decipher Nintendo 64 the beatboxing alien and post office is played by biz markie a celebrated rapper who began his career in the mid 80s around the same time that Will Smith started his rap career for those of you who were born this side of the millennium yes Will Smith started as a rapper he was he was okay number 65 the jerk kid that Johnny Knoxville's character scrag wears throughout the film is a sleeveless version for jacket worn by Michael Jackson in the video for his song beat it probably got it from a thrift store you can find all sorts of marie curie number 66 the franchise's third entry heads back to the past when an angry alien named Boris the animal escapes his moon prison that's right moon prison in order to seek revenge against Agent K who shot off his arm and captured him in a 69 sorry wait no the Year 1969 Freudian slip number 67 despite a 10-year gap between men in black 2 & 3 the latter still didn't have a finished script by the time filming began this was allegedly because Will Smith had become enamored with screenwriting and wanted to make alterations to the script but his very long process meant dialogue was sometimes being written on set just before the camera started rolling number 68 men in black 3 marked the end of Will Smith's longest spell out of acting since the start of his career in 1993 after 2008 7 pounds he spent three and a half years before stepping back in front of the camera that record still stands to stay and let's hope he never leaves us that long ever again he reminds me of my dad sorry a lot of stuff came up there number 16 apparently Michael Bay expressed interest and directing men in black 3 my son unfold convinced the right people that after two films he was still the best man for the job number 70 in a midst of delays and rewrites men in black three producers brought in a familiar face in the form of David Koepp who had already done an uncredited rewrite of the original film but had lost the love of some fans in black when he passed on writing the second film to write spider-man 2 instead actually that's probably a good call but that's beside the point cap was brought in for several weeks of uncredited rewrites to help fix Etan Cohen - original script number 71 Will Smith reportedly disagreed with Barry Sonnenfeld regarding who should play the Colonel's son will wanted his son Jaden Smith to play the role because nepotism but Barry gave it to Kayne Martin instead number 72 whereas nowadays Tommy Lee Jones would probably just get on those fancy-schmancy digital D Aging's that not be cool marble kids are getting the role of agent K had to be recast for the 1969 scenes Ellis himself Josh Brolin filled the suits very well I might add and his first line will take it from here is actually the same as Tommy Lee Jones his first line all the way back in 1997 or I guess forward in 1997 number 73 when Kay manages to quickly dismount the Apollo launch pad fire a well-placed zipline it may have seemed at the time like some friendly plot convenience Bradley that zipline escape system did exist built for the Apollo program and enhanced for the space shuttle program the line led down to explosion proof bunkers but luckily neither were ever called in to emergency use number 74 as we mentioned earlier the second film introduced us to a locker full of Toy Story esque subservient aliens living in Locker c18 at Grand Central Station who worship agent K and uses watch as their clock tower and light source fans of the scene were rewarded in men in black 3 where young agent K can be seen wearing the watch while he tucks into some dumbass pie number 75 the third film called the return of one time home of the Mets Shea Stadium which appeared in the first film and returned in the 1969 scenes great for the only small problem with that was the demolition of the stadium in 2008 which meant it had to be in tiny recreated through CGI number 76 when j and k fight their way through an entire restaurant full of angry aliens you expect that a weird gelatinous blob would also be an extraterrestrial but the creature k encounters in the kitchen while fighting the chef it actually the humble blobfish or psycho Lu T's marque DOS though this one lives out of water and says Oi so maybe it's just a little bit of an alien just a little bit number 77 where agent case hits in the kitchen assistant over the head with a frying pan during the fighting in Wu's kitchen the first five strikes mimic the same five note tonal phrase used in Steven Spielberg's critically acclaimed 1977 sci-fi classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind that's a deep reference guys if you got that first time you're a Spielberg super fan baby number 78 practically men in black 3 was the first film in this series not to feature the acting chops of Mu Shu as fan favorite Frank the Pug that's because Mu Shu sadly passed away between the second and third films rest in power buddy number 79 however mu shoes adorable little pudgy face does actually show up twice in the film 1 Sanjay's apartment and again on the Cody on in billboard for the incredible speaking pug and that's he was number 80 many of the aliens seen in the MIB headquarters in 1969 were designed around the creatures from black-and-white alien movies at the time to imply that these films were based on real extraterrestrial sightings hmm sneaky and subtle just how I like my cinematic Easter eggs number 81 when Jay goes back in time he goes from 2012 to 1969 a timely for 43 years for the slower mathematicians out there there he meets Ernest or at least is actor Josh Brolin as young Agent K despite the fact that Brolin is just 21 years and five months younger than Tommy Lee Jones number 82 the outer wall of the Luna Max prison where Boris is being held and the ID for the cape canaveral beach bunker both bear the same letter number combo crm-114 but wait there's more crm-114 is a reference to the legendary Stanley Kubrick who named a fictional piece of radio equipment crm-114 in his film dr. Strangelove or a really long title I'm not going to read the code became a Kubrick trademark cropping up again in the Clockwork Orange and ice white shirts number 83 the factory in which Jane Kay meet Andy Warhol is the real-life bonafide studio where Warhol worked it wasn't however the real Warhol on account of him being dead just lazy really isn't it but that being said Bill Hader also known as very great show did do a decent job filling in number 84 men in black swollen 3 both speak to the same tannoy announcement in the background of MIB headquarters saying let's hope the only gets reunited with their vehicle by the time the reboot comes out number 85 men in black 3 found an unexpected fan in oscar-nominated director Paul Thomas Anderson who absolutely loves the free recall in a 2012 Washington Post interview the Boogie Nights and magnolias director asked his interviewer if she'd seen it then told her it was effing great and that the time-travel stuff made him cry his eyes out although it's unclear whether that was with laughter or just made him really sad I don't know Paul Thomas Anderson number 86 while Boris's mission is more of a personal vendetta than as some men just want to watch the world burn type deal a visual gag the filmmaker said it doesn't mean he actually destroyed an entire galaxy that's owing to the fact that case Carl the Boris smashes it's actually a 1964 ford galaxy number 87 men in black 3 was the first film in this series not to have a tie-in single or music video from Will Smith which banks the question why did they even bother to make the film at all we rode a whimsical Will Smith alien rap it's not on instead we ended up with pitbulls weird hop rock single back in time cool number 88 this was also the first entry to see Smith received top billing above co-star Tommy Lee Jones in the main credits so apparently of one in 2002 was like hey let's go see that new Tommy Lee Jones film men in black 2 number 89 in 2016 before the reboot was announced Sony planned a return of the men in black universe that would officially establish it as soo totally guessed it another freaking shared cinematic universe we're 21 Jump Street of all things in MIB 23 two new agents were set to team up with the buddy-cop franchises Schmidt and Jenko with Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum attached to reprise the roles but unfortunately because that would have been genuinely great the project ultimately fell through and became the foundation for men in black international number 90 the film was originally going to be called MIB but it was ready to change to men in black international because acronyms are lame yo number 91 the script from men in black international was penned by writers Matt Holloway and art Markham who were also writers an Iron Man the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe number 92 M men in black international Marvel franchise star Chris Hemsworth will reunite with thor ragnarok actress Tessa Thompson in the film's lead role of agent ancient M hmm the gangs back together whoa the Ragnarok gang the revenge is kind of not the men in black gang because they're not in it bit still number 93 Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith both stated that they would not return for many black International which is kind of sad but also make sense but it's still sad number 94 men in black International is also the first men in black film not to be directed by Barry Sonnenfeld as it was disturbed directed by fate of the Furious Director F gary Gray wow this really is the opposite of the gangs will back to cover number 95 interestingly this is actually the second time F gary Gray has directed a sequel to a Barry Sonnenfeld film the first being the 2005 film be cool which was the sequel to southern felt get shorty number 96 in July of 2018 up is announced that Emma Thompson would reprise her role as agent over men in black 3 so at least all is not lost I love Emma Thompson she's great number 97 Pakistani American actor Kumail Nanjiani appears in the film as a new alien sidekick hilariously named horny hunan Gianni describes as the last survivor of an alien race that's been hiding out on earth disguised as a chess set sure he added that poorni again hilarious name also has some major self-esteem issues so if you like your sci-fi films featuring anxious aliens then the air this is the film for you number 98 Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson are the eighth and ninth cast members to appear in both the men in black franchise and the Marvel Cinematic Universe playing Thor and Valkyrie in the latter previous cast members were okay here we go Tommy Lee Jones who played agent Kane Colonel Phillips Vincent D'Onofrio who played acre the bulkan Wilson Fisk rosario Dawson as Lauren Claire temple Josh Brolin as young Agent K and wrinkly bad boys Thanos Mike Colter as Colonel ed Witten Luke Cage Michael Stuhlbarg is Griffin the Unicorn Nicodemus West and Anna severs young agent oh and typhoid mary number 99 Hemsworth apparently had some issues for the climate and seems not playing a literal God in men in black international stating that he kept asking can I do a flip or just some sort of leap from this building to that one suggestions which were politely rejected on account that his character was not a literal God but just a bloke number 100 100 100 for over the film's main cast members namely Chris Hemsworth Tessa Thompson Rafe spall and Rebecca Ferguson were all born in 1983 spooky I mean not really but still its fact 100 guys it's not all gonna be gold is it 100 acclaimed French dancers and choreographers Laurent and Larry Nicolas bourgeois known together as the twins contributed to the film with some wildly acrobatic fight scenes Hemsworth has since gushed about the pair saying that the twins were out of this world incredible anyway there you go that was 101 facts about the men in black do you think they're real would you like them to be real would you like to be one of them let me know in the comments down below also which one was your favorite let me know in the comments down below also let me know in the comment up now I'm joking please do though like the video and also subscribe to 101 Factory I'm done so already it's what all the cool kids are doing literally it's so in right now but here's two videos on screen just for you that's right for you all for you they are a promise click one and prove me wrong and I'll see you there and next time
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 82,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, men in black, men in black 2, men in black 3, men in black international, men in black 4, men in black 2019, will smith, chris hemsworth, tommy lee jones, tessa thompson, facts about men in black, men in black facts, men in black 4 trailer, men in black international trailer, men in black 3 ending, men in black song, liam neeson, men in black jump street, jump street, men in black trailer, new movies 2019, new men in black
Id: muIfv7TLGt8
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Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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