101 Facts About Thor

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greetings mother factors I am Sam and today I'm here to talk to you all about the Scandinavian beefcake that is Thor be he an Australian actor or a comic-book superhero or an actual deity that people genuinely used to worship thought it's an interesting fellow in all ways forms forms but why is his famous hammer so short how did he help Hitler assassinate someone and how do you pronounce this surveillance what all we just won't include that fact anyways 203 of those questions gonna be answered so tehsil down underneath the Northern Lights resist the urge to skip back a few seconds and attempt to pronounce this again it's marble hime oh I'm the best and prepare yourself for 101 facts about Thor number 1 in case you thought this video is about your knee hurting except with a lisp it ain't may 4 is a superhero who already appeared in numerous Marvel comic books debuting in the early 1960s groovy wait is that the 70s I don't know who cares number 2 Thor is based on well Thor one of the principal gods from Norse mythology he's the god of thunder and possesses the fabled hammer Mjolnir a weapon capable of leveling mountains so you know it's better than just a normal DIY hammer that could maybe put a small dent in a mountain number 3 as such mill near was a common symbol of the indigenous Norse religion and was often worn in the form of a pendant as a statement of defiance against the rise of Christianity number 4 Thor is the son of Odin and no Thor stand is nominally the boss in the Norse pantheon Thor is probably the most popular and describes being the strongest being in all of Norse mythology number father despite usually being shown in modern depictions as a blond Thor was already described as having red hair including a great big bushy red beard Abra's even said that his hair was more beautiful than gold another six Thoris had to have ridden a huge chariot pulled by two massive goats known as hangar no steer which means tooth grinder and tan grease layer which means tooth snarling apparently thought was able to kill and eat his goats and then use me only to resurrect them surely there's a way to make more money out of that like with a circus act or unlimited goat burgers number seven Mjolnir was forged by dwarves and has a short handle because of a mistake such accident while has been created apparently thoughts mischievous little brother though keep more on that little card later thought it would be a right lock to turn himself into a fly and bite one of the dwarfs on the eyelid while constructing it forcing said dwarf to screw up the handle so much it can only be welded with one hand you'll be happy to know that the dwarfs responded to this by sowing Loki's mouth shut number eight thor also wore a magic belt called the Megane yard also known as the girdle of mites that doubled his already incredible strength I wish I had a belt that doubled my strength toy Benaim a normal belt - Captain America shield on it look oh no I hope this image doesn't get a video demonetized number 9 thor required special gloves to wield Mjolnir known as yarn grape ear which means iron grippers without them we'd probably smash his thumb while doing DIY or something number 10 there are numerous stories and tales about Thor with possibly the most popular of these being his battle with the dreaded yeoman Gandia a massive sea serpent and hilariously the middle child of Loki slug the awkward family reunion number 11 nerd Thor also fought to the Jotunheim are menacing giant and pose of the main group of Norse gods known as the ICEA lightning and thunder is said to be the real-world effects of Thor skirmishes with Giants so if you get struck by lightning Thor's the man you have to sue number 12 you may be getting the impression that Thor and by extension yoni represent only war in destruction but that could not be further from the truth Thor is said to protect mankind and that he represents helium consecration and is also associated with oak trees and then an Isis kind of trees number 13 Thor even blessed us with a day of the week can own in English as Thursday which I'm sure you can robably figure out thorsday the equivalents in German and Dutch donna stag and underdog mean the same thing number 14 Thor's hammer has become a popular symbol in modern Nordic nations notably on the coat of arms of the municipality of turf sauce in southeastern Sweden as well as on the insignia of tor Shawn meaning Thor's Harbor which is the capital city of the Faroe Islands number 15 but it's not just the Nordic nations who have all the Thor fun the village of Thursday in Surrey in England is also named after the ginger Thunder man and literally means the lee or field of Thor number 16 as a comic book character though Thor first appeared in journey into mystery number 83 released in August of 1962 during the so called Silver Age of comic books he was created by three person team of Scripture Larry Lieber artist Jack Kirby and comic book legend and older brother of Larry Lieber Stan Lee incidentally this was the same month that Spiderman was released to number 17 despite me just saying that Thor first have been enjoying to mystery number 83 release in August 2016 during the so-called Silver Age of comics a different version of Thor did actually appear several years earlier in 1951 in Venus number 12 to 13 a title made by Atlas comics the company he would eventually become Marvo number 18 however the canonical Thor we now know and love is a child of the 60s and created by Stan Lee who said he wanted to introduce a God into the Marvel Pantheon as a solution to the problem how to create a character who is stronger than the strongest person ie the Hulk he make them a god silly number 19 Lee decided to make that god thor because he thought the most common book audiences would already be too familiar with the gods of the Greek and Roman mythology so he picked an austerity instead number 20 in just a few short years Thor's popularity grew to the point where journey into mystery became Marvel's biggest seller in 1965 as such Marvel just decided to rename it journey into mystery to Thor in 1966 smart move mom said you wanted in the Marvel Universe the side of me Anya isn't grave with the inscription whoever holds this hammer if he be worthy shall possess the power of Thor more on that later [Music] and by later I mean now several other characters over time have proven their woundedness by wielding Mjolnir including the likes of Captain America the alien beta ray bill and the human Eric Masterson who temporarily stepped in as Thor number 23 a small piece of me Anya was also wielded by throg also known as puddle gulp a former football player who was turned into a frog by an angry witch yep stick with me here Thor gifted throg with a shard of his hammer as a token of thanks after he helped thought during a period in which he'd been transformed into a frog by Loki Loki's got a locus opposed number 24 oh yeah that's right Thor was once turned into a frog over the course of four issue to 1986 Loki turned Thor into a frog who then ended up helping a group of frogs in Central Park battle against the Horde of rats I know I know it's not like pickle Rick though before pickled red kind of way number 25 in journey into mystery number 93 released in 1963 Thor caused the nuclear explosion after summoning a tornado to send a radioactive man back to China comic books when the villain warns him of the damage he'll caused as a result Thor responds that's your problem my radioactive friend the comic ended with a massive atomic explosion in China which presumably killed like a ton of people Jesus Christ Thor think before you act man number 26 at one point in the invaders issue number 33 released in 1978 Thor assisted Hitler who asked the Nordic numpty to help him in an attempt to assassinate Joseph Stalin Thor eventually realizes he's cocked everything right up by helping but Jesus or it's Hitler good great do me some research number 27 there was also the period of time in which Thor was temporarily incapacitated and unable to wield Mjolnir after Nick Fury whispered something in his ear that something turned out to be was bright doll the god butcher being a hater of gods who believed they caused nothing but misery Thor was so worried that he could be right it actually had a physiological effect on him making him unworthy to wield his hammer number 28 so that covers God butcher's but what about God eaters in the comics or eventually discovers his real mother is Gaia meaning he had a half-brother named Adam who sometimes transforms into the demagogue a monster's being who eats gods and absorbs their powers wow he really has bad luck with brothers huh number 29 in 2014 the role of thought was even occupied by his love interest Jane Foster he wields me Omni while Thor is sulking or something about being unworthy at the time Foster was seriously ill with cancer and though her body is energized and super powered a store whenever she's not holding the hammer she remains cancer stricken number 30 as you may have already noticed there are some substantial differences between the Norse God and the Marvel superhero for one thing nor store needed his metal gloves and fancy belts to wield Mjolnir at full power but this is not the case in the comics while the belt has on occasion been utilized in the Marvel realm it was even mentioned in spider-man homecoming the gloves have never been mentioned number 31 he also can't fly in Norse mythology well not without his goat chariot anyway which is a sentence I never thought I'd say but nevertheless enjoyed saying superhero Thor flies through the air by flinging the omni around yeah that's not a thing in Norse mythology number 30 to alter Mjolnir was originally called arrow but when it was pointed out that Thor's hammer already had a name Marvel decided to make guru the name of the metal that my omnious made art nice save Marvel number 30 play in fact within the Marvel Universe Mjolnir it's not even thought weapon that honor goes to yon aboard a huge intimidating axe with the ability to cleft pretty much everything in Twain number 34 one thing that the comics do faithfully portray is the reality that the gods of Asgard are not actually born in mortal but instead eat the golden apples have I done remarkable Asgardian fruit which rejuvenates the Isaiah when they grow old allowing them to remain youthful and extend their lifespans number 35 throughout the course of his tenure as a comic book hero Thor has had a number of bizarre secret identities one such persona was dr. Donald Blake a human who Odin created as a host for Thor he could live on earth and learn humility Flake has since taken on a separate life intent into his own number 36 other wacky identities include construction workers to guard Johnson and paramedic Jake Olsen both of which are super Nordic names wait Olsen is a super Nordic name Wow Mary Kay nasty Aras guardian number 37 for a while in the 90s Thor's depicted with no shirt and then later with only half a shirt this was super weird for everyone involved and we don't really like to talk about it number 38 in 2012 Thor was declared the number one greatest Avenger by IGM yep that's right he beat all of them he's the best I mean we know he's more powerful than the Hulk Stan Lee said so so that makes that fighting Ragnarok pretty one-sided hey end of discussion number 39 now you'll already be super familiar with the most famous on-screen depiction of Thor by certain Australian hunk but before we straddle onto I mean get on to I mean before we talk about him we should mention that Thor's first movie portrayal was in the 1998 TV movie The Incredible Hulk Returns played by Eric Allen Kramer areas lick number 40 eventually the film with Thor arrived in 2011 featuring the aforementioned Australian hunky Chris Hemsworth in which he played yes that's right Thor with a huge budget of 150 million dollars it made that back and then some eventually raking in almost four hundred and fifty million dollars that's a lot of the chicken now explore number 41 it was a nice thrifty little feature for Marvel too because it was going to cost double what it ended up costing they probably saved money by not filming in the real live Asgard because that place is expensive the meaning of life a number of other actors were considered for the role of Thor before Chris Hemsworth secured it including Channing all over you Tatum Alexander Skarsgard Charlie Hunnam and even WWE wrestler Paul Levesque aka Triple H my my what a different film that would have been number 43 in fact the final choice for the role came down to Chris Hemsworth and it's brother Liam the elder Hemsworth eventually got that part but Liam had no reason to feel sorry for himself as the only winter nabbed himself a supporting role on the Hunger Games film franchise si that's right he got to hang out with and cuddle and kiss Jennifer Lawrence that thing's son of a number 44 initially Tom Hiddleston wasn't the only act to consider for the role of Loki either Canadian comedian and guy who thinks vaccines give kids autism Jim Carrey was a longtime favorite duties performance in the mask which indirectly featured Loki Josh Hartnett was also a room at candidate number 45 however the part eventually went to the wonderful Tom Hiddleston who said that when he learned he had secured the role he was in a grisly North London pub and caused an uproar by screaming in celebration haha wit Austin number 46 the actor who plays Hogan in the movie who is one of the Warriors three tadanobu asano has stated that his part Norwegian ancestry made him want to work on the film in fact he said it was a necessity all right steady on night number 47 Anthony Hopkins ended up taking on the role of Odin but he actually wasn't first choice in fact Mel Gibson was offered the part but turned it down really good thing really he would have brought if sugar tits or something number 48 even then Hopkins apparently had competition from an unlikely but very familiar source Stan Lee is known for frequent cameos in the Marvel films but apparently the comic book legend actually wants to play Odin up Oh Stan Lee no number 49 Sam Raimi almost directed a Thor movie all the way back in 1990 but 20th Century Fox executives wouldn't allow it apparently they weren't convinced that anyone would want to see a movie about a deity from Norse mythology so Raimi made spider-man instead number 50 director Kenneth Branagh claims to have been a fan of Thor since he was knee-high to a dwarf which is really really small like fetus level small so when Marvel Studios chose Branagh is the director and subsequently sent him the entire collection of Marvel Thor comics as to familiarize himself with the source material he must have been over the moon number 51 at around the 50 minute mark Thor enters a pet store and asked for a horse after which Thor's love interest Jane Foster picks him up at a Pinzgauer seven one six struck the Pinzgauer is actually an Austrian breed of horse so in a way in a very figurative way the Olcott to a ride on a horse number 52 if he thought that Tom had Austen look snazzy as f in his horny little hell know that he in fact hated the experience as it was very heavy and obstructed his view Hiddleston used his irritation to fuel his angsty role as Loki and that is how your wax maze and gentlemen number 53 prior to donning the aforementioned horny helmet Tom Hiddleston prepared for the role by adhering to a strict diet both before and throughout filming to give Loki and lean and rapacious aesthetic what a difficult thing to say he also trained in the Brazilian martial art of capoeira a form of dance fighting developed by Angolan slaves to each their own number 50 for around half an hour into the film a crater is created by the impact of Thor's hammer bears a remarkable resemblance to the design of Captain America shield a scene here on my crotch the central impact mark is roughly shaped like a star which is n surrounded by two concentric rings similar to those seen on Captain America's shield number 55 at just over one hour into the movie Agent Coulson asks Thor have you received his training from Special Forces which is funny that's why I'm laughing because Chris Hemsworth was actually trained by a former Navy SEAL in preparation for the role references mat references number 56 the small town in which most of the earthly parts of this film take place is called Parente antiguo which means old bridge in espanol this is in all likelihood a subtle nod to the town's role it's a destination for the gods using the Bifrost in the movies which is you know by all accounts a big Rainbow Bridge number 57 despite failing to land his dream role as Odin Stanley still does one of his trademark cameos as a truck driver who attempts to pull me on near out of the ground with his car spoiler alert by the way he fails number 58 additionally J michael Straczynski who's one of the most respected writers of the Thor comic book series also gets a cameo as a man who tries and fails to be from Yuliya from the ground number 15 between designing Thor's cape proved to be a substantial challenge as it would need to 1 look good on camera and to allow Hemsworth to carry out all manner of physically demanding movements some even suggested that they just added later in post but Academy award-winning costume designer Alexandra Byrne worked her magic and created a real one that worked well and ultimately won a Saturn Award for our hard work you go burn nam 60 rana made sure to give the film a very distinct official styled mirrors the way he remembers reading comic books when he was younger for instance he makes frequent use of tilted angles and numerous shots throughout the film as a way of mimicking panels from the comic books very clever chuckles Branagh very clever number 61 though Branagh directed the film he didn't technically direct everything audiences saw in the cinema Joss Whedon director the end sequence which featured dr. Erik Selvig talking to Nick Fury played by the one and only Sam Jackson who a lot of people think I look like what do you reckon number sixty-two King loafie the frost giant is played by confit or and his makeup took a staggering five hours to apply his face alone required eight separate aesthetic elements which had to be meticulously applied in sequence number 63 following the immense success of the first Thor outing a sequel entitled Thor : the dark world was released only two years later with a slightly bigger budget than the first installment it made even more money than the original by margin of two hundred million dollars making a total of 650 million dolls first dollars I mean Nintendo 64 the dark world is filming under the working title Thursday morning a sneaky reference to Thor by a Thursday which as you all will remember is Thor's day number 65 photos of the young Jane Foster in her flat yes that's right flats apartment were provided by Natalie Portman's mother who actually keeps her binder filled with photos important of various ages for this exact reason really I thought people kept baby photos for you know posterity reasons but hey I'm not an actor's mum and probably never will be number 66 the more eagle-eyed viewers of the film will have noticed that the pages on the sheet music on the piano and Jane Foster's home features music titled Thor the Thunderer god she's playing music about her own boyfriend who is a Thunder God the tail is all this time really number 67 approximately 30 hammers were made for Thor in various weights for different uses five of which were used most frequently the main hammer was constructed using aluminium but there was also a soft stunt version and a lit hammer you know the Will Smith version that emitted light for use in scenes involving lightning strikes fifty-eight the murren thought the dark world is ten percent bigger than the Mjolnir in Thor maybe thought started to feel self-conscious after all that handle is very little yes that was a dick joke and no I'm not sorry number sixteen yeah almost fifty different outfits were considered for Jane to wear on her date at the start of the film just like all women am i right yes that was a sexist joke and yes I'm sorry number seven T Barry Gibbs no not that Barry Gibb from the bee gees I mean Barry Gibbs with an S at the end was the prop master on the film him and his team of eighteen technicians designed and produced a total 516 weapons for the Marauders to use in battle this is not including the principal weapons for the main characters like Thor Odin Volstagg Heimdall and SIF number 71 Christopher Eccleston who played Malekith was in makeup for six whole hours to get Tim camera-ready was it worth it No number 72 additionally both Eccleston and fellow Dark Elf Adewale akinnuoye-agbaje who plays Algrim had to memorize large amounts of dialogue written in an elven language created specifically for the film and once again was it worth it now number 73 director Alan Taylor decided to make the eyes of the Dark Elves big ever normal in order to make them that creepier Congrats Alan it worked number 74 in order to create this spectacularly ornate architecture of Asgard production designer Charles wood and his team drew inspiration from Byzantine Islamic gothic Romanesque and Chinese architecture number 75 shooting the scene set at Stonehenge proved to be a considerable challenge owing to the litany of rules and regulations involved in filming their shooting could only take place early in the morning just as day is dawning before the site was made open to the public as they were only allowed to film outside of normal visiting hours giving them only three hours in which to work for kind of obvious reasons they also weren't allowed to touch all walk on the stones complicating the shoot even further number 76 the set of the streets of asgaard constitutes the largest set ever built for a Marvel film the coronation chamber alone took 20 weeks to build number 77 the actors who plays SIF Jamie Alexander was severely injured during the film's production she chipped a number of vertebrae and herniated a disc in her spine she also dislocated her left shoulder and tore a rhomboid muscle in her back forcing her to skip shooting for almost a month number 78 originally Loki wasn't going to appear in the dark world with the focus falling to a much greater degree of Malekith and the Dark Elves however after Loki proved so popular in the Avengers that script was rewritten to give him a role he must be truly desperate number 79 because of the substantial height difference between the two kissing scenes between Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth required the use of boxes and a ramp for Hemsworth to stand on just kidding on the important number 80 to avoid having to borrow a wig as he did in the first film Chris Hemsworth actually grew out his hair for over a year so the luscious locks you see in the dark world of all Matsuura oh baby it also explains why there are slightly different color also his eyebrows were different color as well that really bothers me for some reason number 81 despite receiving decent reviews from critics and audiences the director of the dark world Adam Taylor was not happy with how the film turned out although exercising full creative freedom over filming he claims that the studio ruined it in post-production and turned it into a different movie number 82 apparently filming the dark world wasn't a fun experience for a lot of people injures Alba said he disliked working on the film as he found the amount of time consuming reshoots exhausting eventually referred to working on the film as torture why did he even come up with a third oh right number 83 Natalie Portman was also very publicly upset the film's original director patty Jenkins had pulled out due to creative differences it was even rumoured that she wanted to pull after the film - but couldn't get out of her contract well considering she's not the third one she doesn't have to borrow any more number 84 at just under an hour into the film Stan Lee blesses it with his patented cameo as the man asking dr. Selvig for a shoe back when dr. Stalberg is in the mental ward explaining the convergence theory number 85 as previously mentioned the dark world received moderately positive reviews and as such the film was nominated for 17 Awards certainly it only won three minor awards but hey that's better than none number 86 the latest film in the series is stall Ragnarok and refers to the suppose that end of the current Asgardian world as we know it Ragnarok essentially means the fate of the gods and in Norse mythology tells the story of a cataclysmic battle that ends with the death of numerous gods and the submersion of the world in water from which a new world will emerge I'm willing to bet this one doesn't end like that number 87 thor ragnarok who's not only the first feature in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to shoot in Australia don't know what that voice was they're sorry but also in the entire southern hemisphere they've literally never dipped beneath the equator and yet they went to actual space the film guardians of the galaxy which mean they didn't number 88 the song heard in the first trailer of Ragnarok is Led Zeppelin's immigrant song which was chosen specifically because it features lyrics that mentioned the Norse religion number 89 that trailer was viewed over 136 million times in the first 24 hours after was released number 90 there was an incident Walt oming in the Australian wilderness when the ship was briefly interrupted by a large Python that fell from the trees above no one was harmed but the snake who was safely relocated was probably pretty starstruck I mean that's Jeff Goldblum number 91 the gloriously cheekbone Academy award-winning actress the girls from bloom will not stop going on about Kate Blanchette plays Heller the principal antagonists which isn't a word and the first female villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe number 92 man checked wasn't the only actress considered for the role of Heller goddess of death apparently Charlize Theron was also considered in the running at one point number 93 Cate Blanchett's youngest son ignatius also has a cameo in the film who will he play no idea to be confirmed what we'll see is what I'm saying number 94 remember how Tom Hiddleston prepare for his role by studying capoeira well Kate Blanchet did the same thing to prepare for her role as Ella apparently learning how to boogie and fight at the same time it's great for Marvel super villains number 95 the humorous he's a friend from work blind that Hemsworth delivers in the trailer were suggested to Chris Hemsworth by a make-a-wish child who was visiting the set the day the scene is being filmed that's pretty quite sweet isn't it number 96 the gloriously named director Taika Waititi said that he really wanted to put Chris Hemsworth's comedic chops on display so expect a jocular tone within the film despite the crazy villainous hello arriving and basically screwing and blowing everything up number 97 Thor is so far the only Marvel serious franchise to have used different directors for each film number 98 Thor is also one of the only two Marvel Studios franchises to have different composer for each film to Patrick Doyle's called the first film in 2011 Brian Tyler scored for the dark well in 2013 and thor ragnarok has been scored by Mark Mothersbaugh number 99 Ragnarok is being released in 2017 along with the guardians of the galaxy vol 2 and spider-man homecoming this marks the first time that three films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe had been released in a single year I don't expect that to stop anytime soon Ragnarok will also be the first film of the tour franchise to not feature Natalie Portman kat dennings and stellan skarsgård and more's the pity unlike all three of them not for one in japan the film is not called Thor rock and rock but Thor battle royale and our March the iconic book battle royale written by Kosh in túcume which was later turned into a critically acclaimed film at the same name battle royale tells the story of a group of students who were imprisoned and forced to hunt each other down and kill each other in a sadistic fight for survival the Avenger said that wonder hit win a Tony Stark would win Whitney cos he could fly away but she may be dot o yo knees been destroyed say dr. strange is there you just sorry I got caught up there I'm talking about that anyway I hope you enjoyed that video there's no in the comments below what you'd like to see next and hey these are some great videos for you watch to go watch them and have a great sign until next week bye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 194,966
Rating: 4.8418159 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, Thor, Facts About Thor, Thor Facts, Thor Ragnarok, Thor Ragnarok Facts, Thor 3, Thor Mythology, Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Hulk, Bruce Banner, Mark Ruffalo, Thor Comics, Mjolnir, Norse Mythology, Odin, Loki, Tom Hiddleston, Stan Lee, Marvel, Marvel Facts, Jane Foster, Asgard, Thor Ragnarok Review, Thor Ragnarok Trailer, Avengers, Anthony Hopkins, Thor Dark World, Post Credit Scene, trailer reaction, thor ragnarok trailer 2, avengers infinity war
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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