101 Facts About Justice League

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I'm crazy tie my jumper off because it's getting hot in here take off my clothes I am I really should lay off all the chocolate and snacks it's attack I'm gonna have a heart attack greetings malefactors my name is super Sam and today I'll be talking about the super cool team of superheroes known as the Justice League they fight evil they protect the innocent and they recycle what I assume I hope they do anyway it's very important but which founding member of the Justice League can no one remember how did an annoying beatnik almost get the entire team killed and what's the best way to get grass stains out of your superhero onesie I fell out of a tree trying to rescue a cat with vertigo the other day two whole thing anyways to utter through those questions gonna be answered so flick on your bat signal turn on your Aquaman lava lamp and well flash a bulb I suppose and get ready for 101 facts about the Justice League number 1 the Justice League is a team of established DC superheroes who came together to fight global threats to humanity the team was formed specifically to tackle foes too massive for any one hero to overcome on their own although I'm pretty sure Supes could cover it number two the Justice League first appeared in 1960 in number 28 of The Brave and the bold a regular comic book series that featured a wide range of DC superheroes teaming up to fight common foes together number three the Justice League was created by Gardner Fox and no that's not a fox who also tends to flowers he's actually a widely respected writer whose career spanned an incredible six decades starting with comic books in the late 30s and concluded with numerous short stories that were released as late as the early 80s meanwhile I still don't know how to correctly poach an egg so he's got that on me number four Gardner Fox dudes literally dozens of pseudonyms throughout his life many of which sound like actors in low-budget low-quality adult films some examples include Roberts star Don Blake and my personal favorite Tex Slade number 5 the Justice League of America is not to be confused with the Justice Society of America which premiered around 20 years earlier the reason for hiatus was due to a dip in popularity of superheroes and comics in general when in reappeared DC rebooted the Justice Society as the Justice League and the rest is muscley spandex clad history number six there's a couple of reasons why the Justice League didn't just keep the original name Justice Society for one thing editor Julie Schwartz felt the word society sounded too snobby and I quote here like something you found on Park Avenue number seven Schwartz decided to change it to something more relatable and felt that the word League evoke the idea of sports leagues especially baseball because apparently the combined readership of the Nerds who read the comic anyway wasn't enough better go after the jock demographic too with League number eight the first artists to work on the Justice League of America comic was Mike sakowski who was considered to be one of the fastest artists in the industry at the time like the flash war that's why I met in the flash draws like anyway so speedy was sakowski that the editors would often tell him he was rushing promising him to simply wait a few days before turning in his pages and would receive much praise over the supposed improvement on his work number nine the original Justice League of America series was the recipient of a number of awards including the lofty best comic book at the 1961 Ally Awards and the not so lofty strip that should be improved in the 1963 le Awards a lot could happen in two years especially at the older Halle Awards apparently number 10 as the popularity of the Justice League soared in the early 60s DC's competitors started to take notice including martin goodman who ordered his Comics Editor Stan Lee to create a superhero team for Marvel this led to the creation of the Fantastic Four which altima le-let's the creation of the 2005 film the Fantastic Four which also ultimately led to the creation of the 2015 film Fantastic Four which makes the question what's it worth it's time what's it number 11 despite being literal freaking superheroes back in the old days the Justice League was still beholden to the painfully rudimentary technology of yesteryear during the Silver Age of comics the Justice League literally heard about crimes to stop by listening to the radio and receiving letters as in actual physical letters Superman can see what people are doing another planet but has to wait for the mailman to turn up before they know earth is being attacked good grief number 12 the original lineup consisted of Batman Aquaman the flash Green Lantern Martin Manhunter Superman and a woman together they thought all manner of enemies ranging from the truly horrifying to thee well number thirteen the very first foe that the Justice League faced together was a giant starfish called star Rho star Rho is supposedly an alien but given the amount of nuclear bomb tests the United States was carrying out to the Pacific Ocean frankly it's anyone's guess number fourteen despite the full name of the team being the Justice League of America most of the team aren't actually from the good old US of A as we all know Wonder Woman hails from the all-female under two famous Kira Aquaman is from Atlantis and by Superman and Martian Manhunter unlike JIT aliens number fifteen Wonder Woman was the only woman on the team if that only seems vaguely sexist to you bear in mind that when she first met the Justice Society they were so impressed with her abilities that they made her that totally not at all horrendously misogynistic offer are becoming their secretary apparently even superheroes are no match for mid 20th century sexism number sixteen when people hear the name Batman it goes without saying that the majority people will instantly think of the world's most emo orphan that is unless you happen to live in certain parts of Australia Iran or Turkey as all three of these countries contain places called Batman the largest of these is Batman in Turkey which is the capital of Batman province which is named after the Batman River number 17 hilariously altered the release of the Dark Knight in 2008 the mayor of Batman in Turkey tried to sue Warner Brothers and director Christopher Nolan B using the name Batman without permission guess how that went not well yeah not well number 18 although Batman is now defined about his general rule against killing people except in Batman V Superman apparently earlier versions of the Caped Crusader were much more violent in the past Batman has been known not only to shoot people put to break their necks throw them an acid and even hanging people from a batplane like he literally hanged a guy from a plane number 19 not only that the Batman of the nineteen forties had a peculiar and super creepy habit of sending live bats to criminals using the standard mail system this was apparently his calling card call it what you want batty you're a weirdo mate number 20 likewise serial do good a Superman once caused untold amounts of destruction by sneezing so hard it literally wiped out an entire solar system luckily said solar system had been left untidy unpopulated after all its inhabitants were kill by wait for it a space plague yeah comics we're a little kooky back in the old days number 21 Superman's eyes are so good and so dreamy the deccan see events taking place on other planets he can also directly examine the atomic structures of various elements and also that directly into the electromagnetic spectrum which doesn't really make sense given the laws of physics I suppose some questions are best left unanswered number 22 are the versions of the flash depict him wearing a helmet with wings which is inspired by similar helmets worn by Greek messenger god Hermes I don't know about you but I get all my fashion advice from Greek mythology I'm wearing a toga right now and hmm it's breezy number 23 and one point in the comics the flash saved half a million people from a nuclear warhead that was already in the process of exploding by literally picking them all up one by one and moving them 35 miles away in a tiny fraction of a second to do this he managed to move at a speed of 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light which I believe a fairly intelligent fellow by the name of Einstein said was physically impossible but hey the fastest is superior guys let him live his life number 24 Wonder Woman was originally going to be called super Marvel Wonder Woman this is ultimately changed because super Marv is literally one letter away from Superman which would have been weird and stupid and very bad number 25 Wonder Woman wants to peak to the god named Deimos who was able to induce overwhelming fear in enemies by injecting them with poison from his fabulous snake hair she defeated him by throwing her apparently very sharp tiara at his apparently very vulnerable neck cleanly decapitating him Marriott job number 26 Martin Manhunter is a shapeshifter who has complete control over his molecular structure in fact the clothes you see him wearing aren't actually genuine fabric but merely extensions of his physical body which is kind of cool gross but cool even wearing clothes he's literally naked all the time number 27 one of Martin Manhunters alter egos is a Japanese woman by the name of Hin array which just happens to be the Japanese name of the character Sailor Mars from the uber popular anime series Sailor Moon number 28 at one point in the comic it was revealed that Martian Manhunter spied on his teammates to learn their secrets being an alien the poor guy was anxious the people of Earth wouldn't be particularly accepting of him and he feared that the other Justice League members may turn out to be as prejudiced his teammates are understandably not super happy when they found out he'd been invading their privacy but ultimately came to understand his motivations looking forward seeing that in the movie on about Martian Manhunter isn't in the movie number 29 of all the founding members of the Justice League the most consistently maligned is Paul wet-behind-the-ears at command with many suggesting that his signature abilities for aquatic telepathy and being able to breathe underwater seem a little unimpressive alongside the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman despite this in 2011 Aquaman still managed to get a place in parades top-ten superheroes of all time so remember kids even if you're getting bullied for your weird super abilities in always gets better number 30 to be fair it's not difficult to see how a commander up in such a well lame reputation in the comics Aquaman had a gang of sea creatures which assists him in various aquatic endeavors these include a giant seahorse called storm and October's called topo a poor boys called puffy and a walrus called wait for it Starsky did he name these animals they genuinely sound up the names a small child would give to their cuddly toys it's quite sweet really number 31 there was actually another character in the DC Universe he was a founding member of the Justice League - despite the fact no one can remember him at some point a superhero named triumph turns up and informs everyone that on his first mission with the Justice League he was forced to sacrifice himself to save the world and in doing so a time rift tore him from the universe erasing all memory of him from everybody and stranding him in dimensional limbo being there man been there number 32 throughout its existence the Justice League is also included a number of lesser-known superheroes outside of the original seven these include Adam who can all taste molecular structure Zatanna who performs magic by speaking verbal commands backwards and Plastic Man who is made of plastic and stuff number 33 in 1988 DC publishes story which established Black Canary is a founding member of the Justice League instead of Wonder Woman this version of events didn't last very long because it's a horrible idea and Wonder Woman is a founding member because she's just days and that's that okay he's great I love Wonder Woman number 34 weirdly enough the Justice League also has a mascot an honorary member named snapper Carr snapper Carr was a beatnik who spoken a distinctive style both hilarious and awful he would later gain the ability to teleport by snapping his fingers after being subjected to genetic experimentation by race of Technology alien Center dominators number 35 the Justice League used a number of bases throughout its existence the first of which was the secret sanctuary a large cave in Rhode Island the smallest US State I've often suggested to my friends that we pull our resources and buy a nice fixer-upper New England but so far I've been met with nothing but opposition and frankly it hurts number 36 unfortunately that Justice League was supposed to abandon their subterranean headquarters when honorary team members snapper car was tricked into revealing the location by the Joker oh I hate it when that happens the Justice League decided to scale up a bit from a wet hole in America's puny state and relocated to a massive satellite in ruddy space number 37 long our to the secret sanctuary was abandoned by the Justice League teen superheroes Young Justice moved in to the Rhode Island lair and no doubt trashed the place with raucous teenager fate parties and all-night fidget spinner tournaments I mean I can only assume that's what teenagers do nowadays right don't they don't they number 38 in one of the Justice League's bases the Hall of Justice there is a morgue three stories below the meeting room where they keep the bodies of their defeated enemies which is fine normal I guess the superheroes necessary even I mean it's weird isn't it really weird number 39 the Hall of Justice also has a training room called the kitchen which is confusing but a reference to the popular phrase if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen for Hall wedgie number 40 there's an alternate DC universe in which Superman lands on a collective farm in Ukraine and devotes his superpowers to spreading communism and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact number 41 not only that but Monty Python actor and genuine hero of mine John Cleese once wrote a comedy book which tells the story of Superman had he landed not in Kansas but in weston-super-mare in England oh my god that would have been Wow good meaning of life Justice League eventually served as inspiration for 260 minute live-action TV specials entitled the legends of the superheroes featuring cheesy jokes and a laugh track the second of these was wait for it a celebrity roasts the only way could have gotten worse as if well no actually that couldn't gotten any worse number 43 the Justice League also inspired a family-friendly version of the group entitled Superfriends ah featuring to unnecessary teenage psychics called Wendy and Marvin and a team it's called wonder dog as well as a range of ethnic allies that only serve to make the entire thing more cringe these include and I'm not joking here Apache chief samurai black Vulcan and Eldorado number 44 that's not the only time DC's introduced a needlessly offensive ethnic stereotype from the Justice League brand in 1984 DC created a storyline in which Aquaman disbanded the Justice League and reformed it except this time only with those willing to devote 100 cent of their time and effort to the team one of the new additions of their team was vibe a crude Latino stereotype whose powers included vibration capable of producing shock waves and get this breakdancing okay number 45 shockingly this version of the Justice League wasn't particularly well received offensive cliches aside the team was based in a bunker in Detroit which was apparently an attempt to give them more of a common man approach the series ended with vibe in another character known as steel being murdered by robots with the team disbanding soon afterwards number 46 in the 1970s those jokesters over a marvel actually parody the Justice League in the format the squadron supreme an obvious Mickey take of the DC super a team that the Avengers encounter when visiting an alternate version of Earth Superman is transmuted into Hyperion a super-powered alien with a similarly tragic backstory and Wonder Woman was rather patronizingly mirrored in the former power princess it also happened to hail from an island of female warriors the flash is a speedster called the Whizzer etc etc so on so forth basically Marvel were kind of being dicks but funny dicks that dicks nonetheless number 47 equally Decius based many characters on Marvel's captain America such as agent Liberty general glory the Guardian which is a newspaper and command to steel in fact camarda steel even copied Captain America's signature move in the finale of Justice League Unlimited in which he threw his shield at an enemy number 48 the Justice League fought along the Avengers and against them in the DC Marvel crossover entitled JLA slash Avengers the story featured the two superhero teams being used as pawns in a multi dimensional game between the exiled guard in the universe and his Crona and elder of the universe Grandmaster so nothing too major number 49 the Justice League even fought against a gang of white supremacists and good on them because they're bastards they were fighting the Aryan Brigade who planned on creating and releasing a virus that would kill we non-white person on the planet hilarity the group's ringleader senator Sanders Hopkins was ultimately infected by his own racist virus discovering far too late that he was not a pure white hair chair - oh poor you god I hate Nazis number 50 in addition to the main Justice League team there have been a number of other affiliated spin-off groups these include Justice League Europe Justice League Antarctica Justice League International Justice League Task Force and Justice League United that's a lot of spin ops number 51 Justice League International was created in 1987 by Keith Giffen and J M DeMatteis who decided to give their version to Suvero squad and decide to be more comedic tone Guy Gardner was presented as a Gladish macho douchebag Black Canary became a principled feminist and Captain Marvel was shown to be childlike and naive the result was effectively a comic-book sitcom which sounds like a recipe for disaster frankly but the series was actually very popular number 52 there is also a version of the Justice League in another dimension called the blood League where all the members are evil vampires Batman was supposed to be transformed figures he was already a bat having sought supernatural demonic powers to defend Gotham which was under threat from literal Dracula number 53 in fact there are several evil versions of the Justice League such as the super enemies the crime syndicate the crime Society of America and Justice Lords to be honest it seems there's more evil versions of the Justice League than there aren't good ones number 54 in 2012 DC announced introduction of an alternate version of Alan Scott's Green Lantern in which the magic wielding superhero would be gay though the gay Green Lantern was far from the first gay superhero the move was generally well received as it should be well done Green Lantern number 55 speaking of you know being gay in 2015 a Wonder Woman became the very first DC superhero to officiate a same-sex wedding part of the ceremony Clark Kent admits he didn't realize Wonder Woman so enlightened Wonder Woman then has to remind him that in her native the mascara every marriage is between two women can't get bloody idiot number 56 additionally writer Greg Rucka confirmed in - at 16 that Wonder Woman is canonically bisexual at least according to the rebirth reboot again this would make sense given up to mysterious populated entirely by women who have no conception of men the only alternative is that most of the mascara will be attracted to everyone else had ever met confusingly yearning for a muscular hairier form of human that they simply couldn't comprehend number 57 in one storyline publishing 2003 Superman encounters a form of kryptonite with the vivid pink hue that appears to turn him into a multi offensive gay cliche he immediately begins hitting on guys and start to converse in a stereotypically gay manner calling a man's bowtie fabulous plus we're gonna miss guys swing a Miss number 58 in 2011 DC rebooted its entire roster of Olympic titles an initiative known as the new 52 the relaunch generated around 20,000 pre-sales for the Justice League making it 2011 s number one best-selling comic book number 59 at one point following the new 52 reboot Superman is assisted by astrophysicist and all-round science badass Neil deGrasse Tyson who helps him locate the area in which his home planet of Krypton once orbited number 60 the Justice League actually has a number of different origin stories depending on the series in the earlier series the team forms to fight an alien race known as Apple axioms who compete for the role of their home plant by seeing who can conquer earth first following the new 52 reboot of the team battles Darkseid a super villain from the planet apocalypse who seeks to eradicate free will from the universe free world's a good thing guys number 61 the Justice League has inspired three animation TV shows the total the eight animated films one such film is Justice League the new frontier which was released in 200 a to generally positive reviews the phrase the new frontier is a reference to John F Kennedy who used the same phrase in this 1960 presidential election acceptance speech and later as a slogan for his administration in general number 62 the film also has a bunch of connections to other Justice League titles - all here we go the voice of Michael Mann is provided by Alan Ritchson who also played at command in the TV show Smallville the character of Jean John's was voiced by Miguel Ferrer who played the villain the weather wizard in the TV movie pilot Justice League of America additionally Farah is the cousin of George Clooney who famously portrayed Batman in the 1997 movie Batman and Robin but we don't like to talk about that it's it shouldn't have happened number 63 another such animated adaptation of the Justice League was Justice League the flashpoint paradox which was so well received it company has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes wouldn't you know well-done flashpoint nintendo64 there's a scene in Justice League war into which Wonder Woman last shows a man with her painted lassie of truth trademark which prompts him to immediately admit to cross-dressing as Wonder Woman to feel powerful this is likely a reference to William Marston the creator of Wonder Woman who himself was a kinky sob who liked to crossdress hey no judgment for me buddy whatever Yanks your crank number 65 a few members of the Justice League also ended up getting their own live-action TV shows in recent years the flash and Green Arrow have both featured in their own shows on the CW in fact we've made videos about them both and DC's legends of tomorrow too and DC and Batman and Superman to tempo I'm gonna make a playlist number 66 additionally several peripheral members of the Justice League such as Adam and Hawkman have also featured in popular superhero TV show DC's legends of tomorrow number 67 there was also going to be an Aquaman TV show too but it was not picked up it was too slippery ah get it ah come on number 68 Warner Brothers once planned to produce a Green Lantern comedy movie in which the Green Lantern would be an adept chubby fellow played by the one and only Jack Black it was canceled early on obstinately because of an extremely negative fan reaction but in reality Warner Brothers were visited by the Archangel Gabriel who informed them that releasing such a film would open a gateway to hell and doom humanity to everlasting torment number 60 before we get to the upcoming Justice League movie it may interest you to know that that was actually going to be a Justice League movie a few years earlier Justice League : mortal was intended to be released in 2009 as the first live-action Justice League movie that was ultimately can sold number 17 however though just as the immortal was meant to be the first theatrical release Justice League film it wasn't the first on TV the first Justice League film simply titled Justice League of America was released on television in 1997 and it was bad really bad the main complaints regarded deviation from source material and god-awful special effects they may have also had something to do with the fact that most of the big names from the Justice League ie Superman Batman and Wonder Woman were not even in the film because of copyright infringement issues number 71 in fact the film was so bad that although CBS developed it as a pilot for a possible TV series it never aired in the US however was shown in the UK and the rest of Europe because apparently will get all the crap that Americans don't want not that I'm bitter or anything number 72 veteran director Lewis Teague which rhymes with League was even brought on in a last-minute attempt to salvage the project but it was apparently beyond saving Teague distance himself from Justice League and even asked not to receive credits for the work he did on it my god I thought one hated this thing number 73 the upcoming Justice League film simply titled Justice League draws from many sources within the Justice League timeline but very prominently from the new 52 which was mentioned earlier the 2011 reboot of every monthly comic book series the new film features cyborg for example who did not appear in any Justice League series until the new 52 overhaul number 74 burns of anarchic and actually super disturbing sci-fi cartoons may be interested to know that there's a moment in the trailer where an episode of Ricky Morty can be seen playing on the screen behind Bruce Wayne in Barry Allen's home number 75 a number of different directors were considered - that's right direct the film before it eventually went to Zack Snyder at one point it was rumoured that Lana and Lily Wu chow ski were going to take the helm and even Ben Affleck who plays the Batman in the film was rumored to be the film's director for a little while number 76 indie director Jason Reitman was apparently the original choice of director but he declined owing to his status as an independent director and his preferences my way from big-budget superhero blockbusters he prefers to work on films that are pretty obscure and you've probably never heard of number 77 the movie was initially going to be divided into two parts with a singular continuous storyline spanning both of them at some point however that plan was quietly abandoned and Justice League will now exist as one standalone film with a separate seat called due to be released in 2019 or possibly later as such the films will now feature two self-contained but related plots number 78 you might be interested to know that Justice League has an estimated budget of a whopping 300 million dollars easily making it one of the most expensive movies ever made it was equalled by Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End which had a roughly similar budget and was surpassed only by the fourth installment in the Pirates of Caribbean Saga on Stranger Tides which eventually holds the record for this expensive film ever made costing an absolutely mind-boggling three hundred seventy eight point five million dollars and was it worth it know number 79 Justice League will be the second time JK Simmons and Willem Dafoe have appeared in the same comic book franchise following the successful spider-man trilogy directed by Sam Raimi well that would be the case anyway if when I'm Dafoe is bitten Justice League wasn't cut out sorry Willem you'll have to wait to that command for that to be correct number eighty auspiciously the film's cast contains three Oscar winners Jeremy Irons Ben Affleck and JK Simmons as well as four Oscar nominees Willem Dafoe Amy Adams Jesse Eisenberg and Diane Lane number 81 gal gadot who plays Wonder Woman in the film but on 17 pounds of muscle and learnt several martial arts for her role in addition to spending a large amount of time bulking up in the gym cannot learn kung-fu kickboxing and jujitsu she also learned capoeira and even sword work to make sure her Wonder Woman would be as wonderful as possible and she is wonderful I love you gal Oh Jen sorry no nothing on you Jen but you know gals rb2 number 82 Ben Affleck is technically played both Batman and Superman kind of in the 2006 film Hollywoodland Affleck played actor George Reeves one of the first men to play a live-action version of Superman George Reeves died after being shot in the head the official finding was suicide but many believe he was murdered number 83 Laurence Fishburne was also set to appear in a small cameo as Perry White editor of the metropolis newspaper The Daily Planet unfortunately scheduling conflicts with other projects made him unavailable to do so times number 84 Justice League actors Jason Momoa Michael mcElhatton and Ciaran Hinds all have a previous acting connection in the form of the ultra popular fantasy series Game of Thrones Momoa plays Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo Mercola Tom plays Roose Bolton and Hinds was the wildling leader mance rayder number 85 Momoa has gleefully admitted to tormenting his co-star Ben Affleck by constantly putting on his cape during filming that sounds like the source of shenanigans that would be hilarious for roughly two minutes number 86 the main villain in the film is Steppenwolf which may leave you wondering whether the Justice League have such a problem with the band who sung the iconic 60s right Frank are born to be wild allow me to clear things up for you Steppenwolf is a classic DC villain and the nephew perhaps even more sinister body Darkseid basically it's all kicking off number 87 Steppenwolf is played by actor Karen Hines who was required to perform in motion capture as he was largely unfamiliar with mocap technology Hine sought advice from friend Liam Neeson who had experience in motion capture acting from his role in taken dis getting from his role as an enormous humanoid Yewtree in the 2016 film a monster calls number 88 Zack Snyder the film's original director once stated he derived a large amount of inspiration for Justice League from Japanese director Akira Kurosawa's cinematic masterpiece Seven Samurai who were hired by group of farmers to protect their harvest from bandits number 89 during the film's production the media fell for April Fool's joke in which was announced that Snyder was leaving and would be replaced by Australian director George Miller number 90 Justice League is also said to be the shortest DC film to date apparently was going to be over two and a half hours long but significantly shortened by Joss Whedon who joined the project as director following Snyder's departure number 91 extensive free shoots became necessary after Joss Whedon took over directorial duties but unfortunately these class with another project for Henry Cavill who plays Superman that project was in fact Mission Impossible 6 in which cavil sports a BITC h-i-m mustache that he was contractually prevented from removing this meant that the offending moustache had to be digitally expunged from careful's face in post-production number 92 Justice League is said to be released on the 17th of November that's today 16 years to the day the animated series Justice League stared in 2001 ah how sweet an anniversary movie number 93 not only that but the film 17th of November release date will also mark the 25th anniversary of the death of Superman comic which was released on the same day in 1992 ah two anniversaries and love special occasions number 94 several composers have been connected to the film starting off with Hans Zimmer who many expected to continue on from his work like Man of Steel and the Dark Knight trilogy however Zimmer ultimately announced his retirement from superhero films and so the film's soundtrack was initially composed by Dutch DJ junkie XL however he was venting replaced by Danny Elfman who also used a signature Superman theme originally composed by John Williams number 95 many of the costumes seen in the film were made with extensive 3d printing for example the costume that Ezra Miller wears in his role as the flash is composed of one flesh and 48 pieces 70 of which are located in the hood alone whose also includes a bespoke pair of shoes which featured the Flash's trademark whitening symbol on both sides and on its soles number 96 the Justice League have also appeared in video game form with the 1995 release of Justice League task force for the snares the reviews were as the Spanish would say no bueno owing to the choppy animation limited special moves and poor controls number 97 the Justice League is also appeared in a number of other video games - such as DC Universe Online injustice injustice - the Lego Batman series and kind of Wheatley in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe number 98 the Justice League also parodied in an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures entitled nuke last day in which the infant versions of the Looney Tunes play bizarre silly versions of the fabled superhero team my favorite isn't actually Justice League member at all it is in fact Lex Luthor's parody wax woofer comic genius number 99 similarly this also a popular web comic entitled jl8 which depicts the member of the Justice League as eight-year-old children IGN named jl8 is the best web comic of 2012 and it was even nominated for Harvey Award in 2014 the Justice League has also been referenced in several songs such as Alby or Wonder Woman by to reach melt the guns by XTC and Dinah mines by American hip hop and the roots Bar 101 finally the Justice League is also the inspiration for two amusement park rides Justice League le invation 3d and Justice League battle for metropolis alien invasion 3d gives riders the opportunity to shoot at hundreds of sorrow' spores while bustle from metropolis allows riders to fight Joker and Lex Luthor good clean family fun with a clown psychopath and a deranged billionaire lunatic lovely anyway that was 100 feds about the Justice League are you looking forward to the movie let me know in the comments below and hey here's some other videos I know you're gonna love because I know you've really well they've got to know where you live but not really kind of really anyway bye see you next time
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 134,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, Justice league, justice league movie, facts about justice league, justice league facts, superman, wonder woman, cyborg, batman, the flash, flash, ezra miller, henry cavill, ben affleck, gal gadot, aquaman, jason momoa, dc, dc comics, justice league comics, justice league review, justice league trailer, justice league reaction, justice league superman, justice league villain, steppenwolf, superman moustache, justice league cgi, justice league full, spoilers
Id: js6Y21-mrZw
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Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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