101 Facts About IT

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today we're going to be learning all about the creature everyone thinks is just a clown but actually is so much more not unlike a certain YouTube presenter who's frankly underutilized range encompasses so much more than just comedy seriously I am available for voice work anyway it's Stephen King's it and thus that sentence employs the use of the word it today will be divided between references to the eponymous demon and employment of the pronoun typically as either an object or subject previously mentioned about to be mentioned or present in the immediate context but which aging rocker almost played penny wise how did Burger King turn the film into a commercial for their food and do the strength of things kids even read scripts that aren't certainly 80s to enter through those questions going to be answered so grab your yellow raincoat and paper boats and breathe in that derriere that's Derry air not like it's 101 facts about it number one as you can probably guess Stephen King's it began life as a 1986 novel by Stephen brand recognition king it follows a group of seven kids called the losers club as they face off against a demonic entity known as it's number two the story is set in the fictional town of Derry in the nonfiction state of Maine King says Derry is a stand-in for the real town of Bangor which is also in Maine where he's lived since 1979 he chose to live there because Bangor is in his words a hard-ass working-class town number three of the numerous influences or the Stephen King sights for the novel it the primary source was that of the Norwegian fairy tale the free Billy Goats Gruff yeah but you didn't expect that did you all you need to do is just sub in a group of nerdy preteens for the three goats a troll trying to eat them for a shape-shifting demon that also wants to eat them and the Bridget's hiding under is an entire town then add another one thousand one hundred thirty-four pages and it's basically plagiarism number four Stephen King is well known for his prolific writing and it kicked off a 14 month period that also saw three other publications from the master of horror between 1986 and eighty-seven King released it The Dark Tower - the drawing of the three misery and the Tommyknockers which i think might be a rude title but I'm not 100% sure number five this productive spell might give the impression that it was easy for King to write but actually it was the product of a difficult Ford year slog that's in part because at 1138 pages its Stephen King's second longest novel after the stand which clocked in at one thousand one hundred fifty three pages number six Stephen King struggles with alcohol and drug addiction of famed in fact we spoke about the mat lengthen our video about the guy not so long ago after his family staged an intervention in nineteen eighty six King kicked both habits and has been sober now for over thirty years in fact it was one of the last novels King wrote while under the influence of cocaine which isn't the most surprising when you read it his last publication before going straight edge was 1987's the Tommyknockers which still I mean it still sounds rude doesn't it number seven one infamous scene from the book has never made it into an adaptation of the novel when the losers Club a lost in the sewer towards the end of the novel they get round this by doing something pretty controversial we can't really mention here explaining that scene King wrote that times have changed since he wrote it but I'm pretty sure it was never not weird number eight not unlike link constantly being called Zelda its titular demon is frequently referred to as a killer Klown when actually penny wise a dancing clown is just one of an innumerable list of forms the shape-shifting demon takes on King wrote a monster who tailors itself to the fears of the person it's terrorizing in his words King trying to blend all of the scariest monsters but decided he needed one binding creature to act as its most common form and settled on what he believed scared children more than anything else clowns number nine in 2005 King explained to Conan O'Brien that his own fear of clowns had been inspired by an aeroplane trip with Mac Daddy himself he recalled that a man in a thought Ronald McDonald attire had sat down next to him which in kings morbid mind instantly countered the thought of if this plane crashes I'm going to die next to a clown although that's not exactly Ron's fault he probably has a phobia of paranoid horror itis now number ten Kings inspiration for penny wise is often wrongly attributed to the killer clown John Wayne Gacy Gacy was immortalized by pictures of him dressed as charity clown alter-egos Pogo and patches and he was sentenced to death in 1980 just before Kings writing about his own killer Klown but the murderer has never received an official name drop from king himself number 11 we know what inspired Pennywise but what did Pennywise inspire well in 2016 during the inexplicable epidemic of scary clown sightings enough newspaper sighted Kings clown as an influence that he was forced to come out and tell people not to take his work seriously and cool down the clown hysteria newline who were working on the 2017 it adaptation even had to confirm the clown sightings weren't a viral marketing campaign although they probably did wish they'd thought of it number 12 it's the demon not the thing you are if you get caught in the game of tag returns to the town of Derry every 27 years which has inspired some fans who perhaps could have spent their time better to find every connection the book and its adaptations have - the number 27 for instance the 2017 film adaptation was released exactly you guessed it 27 years after the 1990 miniseries that probably seems intentional but the book was optioned back in 2009 and was stuck in development hell where it was almost canned before it made it to the silver screen in 2017 number thirteen current penny wise actor Bill skarsgård was also released the same year as the miniseries 1990 although thankfully not as many people watched that that made him 27 when the 2017 film was released number 14 filming for the 2017 it also began on June you guessed it the 27th in 2016 also coincidentally it finished filming on September the 20th one day before Stephen King's birthday which is one day off being a much more interesting fact it was his 69th birthday if that helps number 15 in 1987 it's the Stephen King novel not the thing Elton thought was a little bit funny won the British Fantasy Award and was nominated for the locus and world fancy awards - number 16 Publishers Weekly also listed it as the best-selling novel of 1986 in the US and again that's Kings a novel not the benevolent creature that befriends five children in the book and film five children and it I know it's getting confusing guys but really got to stay with him number seventeen formed in 1988 the Californian punk rock band Pennywise took its name from the novel's dancing antagonist clown although that being said they get to featuring the Pennywise dancers to anything meme internet make it so number eighteen the ending of King's novel features a character we're not likely to see crop up in any adaptation soon maturing to oversimplify maturing he's a pretty sizable turtle who got sick one day and puked up the galaxy he comes from the saying that macro versus it and is its sworn enemy are you keeping up here or have I lost you on the whole a sick turtle made the universe thing he helps to lose his club by telling bill about the ritual of Jardin a battle of wills that allows him to stop it then finally defeat him 27 years later hard to think what he didn't keep that in the film number nineteen materials present also links the novel to the Dark Tower universe michurin is one of the guardians of the beams that's hold up said Dark Tower which is the center of the wheel of all reality number twenty the losers Club almost had to face up against an adorable horde of baby it's late into the novel King reveals that the iteration closest to its true form it's a large spider creature that's heavily pregnant and appears to be female luckily it gets defeated before they had to throw the most Awkward baby shower of all time but this aspect too spurred raging debates between fans over its gender King uses he and she at different points but seeing as it's true form is unfathomable to the human mind it's widely assumed it is just genderless and we don't have to wonder whether the book should actually been called Stephen King XI number 21 the novel includes so many links to other Stephen King stories it starts to give Marvel a run for their money Mike Hanlon appears in both it and insomnia and his dad served in the army would dick hallorann the cook in the Shining's Overlook Hotel Eddie Casper Axanar there is also mates with the mother of Paul Sheldon who went on to have his legs broken in misery the film misery and the emotional state because that can't be nice can it no.22 lover when it aired on sunday november 18th 1991 of the it miniseries was only the fifth highest-rated program grating 17.5 million households but two days later part two jumped up to second place with 19.2 households tuning in number 23 the miniseries has a dedicated following but isn't we held up as one of the best King adaptations around except for the iconic turn Tim Curry puts in as penny wise on the DVD commentary Curry's fellow actors even admit he was so creepy that everyone avoided him during shooting which is that's a bit mean really number 24 before he even knew those co-stars were going to be pretty horrible curry was reluctant about the role because he didn't want to spend hours in makeup as he had for 1985's legend director Tommy Lee Wallace compromised by minimizing the amount of makeup and curry took the career defining role number 25 in fact the role of penny wise almost went to someone a bit more inclined to a bit of makeup The Godfather of shocked rock and his Cooper was originally considered for the role but ultimately was not cast probably because he's too scary as is number 26 other than Cooper the casting team seemed pretty set on casting a mcdowell as the dancing clown roddy mcdowall and malcolm mcdowell were also both in the shortlist for penny wise as well and you have to assume that Andie MacDowell had already turned down the role mama 27 the miniseries features a character called couldn't of the close one if that wasn't an interesting enough name on its own just wait there's more The Asylum night God's name and it's actually a reference to Dean Arkans a thriller author who was often seen as a rival to Stephen King number 28 Jared bling card who plays a young Henry Bowers in the miniseries have to call young Mike Hanlon actor Marlon Taylor a certain word which people of his and my complexion don't tend to say unless they're terrible people for that reason it made sure it's uncomfortable that he'd apologized to Marlon before and after his character used to slur number 29 adult henry actor michael cole wasn't so considerate 20 had to try and kill the adult version of mike supposedly he got so into the scene that co-stars john ritter and dennis christopher struggled to pull him off Tim Reed don't laugh about you better than that come on number 30 when voices start speaking to Beverly from the drain of her bathroom sink one identifies himself as Matthew O'Connor and another is Vicki burrows these are the names of the adaptation supervising producer and casting directors respectively talk about a crazy coincidence right number 31 director Tommy Lee Wallace encouraged the miniseries actor to bring in props from their everyday lives to enhance the characters for that reason many of the character Eddy's medication was actually the act zone which doesn't sound like it would pass health and safety regulations today you just you just have to hope that young Eddie wasn't also using this strange adults meds number thirty-two if ever there was an indication of the difference in budget between the two adaptations it's the fact that the TV version achieved the gray hair look in adult Mike's hair by brushing baby powder into it with a toothbrush number 33 in another stellar show of blacks health and safety regulations the scenes in the silver filmed in a steel mill where the adult actors had to be wary of what they touch for fear of contracting tetanus from rusty metal number 34 when he grows up the de facto loses club leader Bill Deborah becomes a successful author and in the miniseries one of his novels is a suspiciously titled horrible name of the glowing this is a clear nod to Kings book The Shining and I guess they believe in the shinning for The Simpsons number 35 most of Richie's one-liners were actually improvised by actor Harry Anderson a feature that future director Andy machete wanted to recapture for the 2017 film although hopefully with some less terrible jokes he allowed the actors to improvise some lines and a lot of edium Ritchie's - and froze were actually improved by the kids themselves number 36 before he directed the adaptation Tommy Lee Wallace admits he'd never actually read the novel of it he claimed this was so he could allow the script to speak for itself although the DVD commentary reveals that later he did read the book and he thinks that his version didn't do it justice so maybe you should have read it in the first place tom number 37 the first plans for the 1990 adapt a chinois chief or father of the zombie movie George a Romero's Act Romero got well into pre-production and worked to develop a script for what ABC and Lorimar announced as a 10-hour miniseries which presumably would have gained the classic Romero suffix of the dead however Romero pulled out due to scheduling conflicts mirroring his experience a year earlier when he was set to direct another King adaptation Pet Sematary number 38 younger viewers will recognize young Richie as actor Seth Green Green's which he is tormented by it taking the form of a werewolf but he clearly grew out of the phobia for his turn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as oz who himself suffers from bouts here and there of werewolfism kind of like if Nic Cage grew up too late to play a helmet from B's number 39 back in 1990 before all the kids were using this newfangled CGI tech the scene where a balloon bounces away from Beverly outside her old house was achieved using a plain old fishing rod further down the street number 40 in the miniseries the gang of children follow aren't the loser club but the lucky seven who directed Tommy Lee Wallace wanted to style after the Magnificent Seven although where he got the idea the demon hunting 11-year olds were lucky as we armed a number forty one another recognizable face from this lucky seven is Emily Perkins who played Beverly she too entered a place in horror history as Bridget in the Ginger Snaps movies but then later appeared as Winchester superfan Becky Rosen in Supernatural the meaning of life while visiting the set of Sandy Kubrick's The Shining adaptation Stephen King popped over to another set in the studio where they were filming a little indie project called The Empire Strikes Back there he met director Irvin Kershner who made such an impression that the it character mrs. Kirsch was named after him number 43 despite being basically the only aspect of the 1990 adaptation people really talked about these days Tim Curry's Pennywise actually has less than 20 minutes of screen time and thanks to the fact they weren't able to incorporate Curry's phase into the giant spider monster for the film's finale he's not even in the final battle number 44 when the losers Club or lucky 7 if you must return to Derry all growed up they're all meant to be 41 years old however only richard mayer was enough of a method actor to actually be 41 the rest range from babyface dennis christopher who was 34 to 45 year old Tim Reed talked about the magic at the movies number 45 the miniseries features frequent use of claymation a special effect that's mostly fallen out of favour now in 1990 though it was seen as the cheaper alternative to CGI and can be seen when Pennywise appears in Eddie shower when Pennywise somersaults down the drainpipe and when belt gets folded in half and killed that's right that bit actually didn't happen number 46 in 2019 a haunting deep fake video showed us what the world would have been like if Jim Carrey had played Jack Torrance in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining but Carrie almost joined the Stephen King universe for real in 1990 when he was considered for the role of Eddie sprack presumably the adult version number 47 in the King novel adult Richie works as a famous radio DJ but for the miniseries this was changed to late night television comedian when he returns the dari though he misses the chance to sub for Carson a reference to the Tonight Show host Johnny Carson Ritchie's response to this is let Leno do it I don't care clearly someone took his advice because two years after the film aired Jay Leno took over the Tonight Show permanently and we all have Ritchie to blame number 48 sadly Harry Anderson who played adult Richie in the 1990 adaptation passed away on April the 16th 2018 at the age of 65 that meant he never got to see Bill Hader get cast as adult Ritchie in 2019 s it chapter two biggest Heder enter talks for the role the very weak Anderson passed away number 49 when Beverly called her father into her blood-soaked bathroom and realizes that he doesn't see the blood she tells him that she was actually screaming about a large spider coming up from the drain funnily enough it takes Bev 30 years to realize how right she actually was when she faces off against it in the form of a giant spider in a sewer or down the drain if you will number 50 well filming his version of the iconic drain scene Tim Curry was sowing charactered that georgie actor Tony Dakota told him Tim you're scaring me - which curry replied G I'm so sorry but that's what I'm supposed to be doing and you're supposed to be scared which sounds quite nice and reassuring until you realise he said it in a penny wise voice and then it's horrific number 51 curry didn't spend his whole time on set just terrifying children though while filming for the theater scenes the child extras had to enjoy hours of waiting and retakes so Tim lighten the mood by taking the kids in full Pennywise Garba and conducting sing-alongs with them because the vast majority weren't avid Stephen King readers the kids had no idea who he was and assumed the studio had hired a clown to entertain them number 52 before we move on to the most recent adaptations of the King novel it's worth mentioning that there was another loose adaptation in-between released in India in 1997 whoa is a Hindu language TV series and you'd assume Keanu Reeves his favorite TV show of all time in this case though the titular body is a vengeful ghost that awakens every 15 years number 53 on to the 2017 version of it now and Chuck Sam Roberts got had a bit more metal than his 1990 counterpart when he played Georgie in the 2017 it he claimed he wasn't as scared penny wise as he thought he would be the youngest cast member even said he had fun doing the scenes with penny boy's mark - bill skarsgård number 54 of all the child actors Jack Dylan grazer who plays Eddie was the first to work with Bill skarsgård in the scene grater cried and even gagged when penny wise came close to him and looked so scared the scars gone asked him if he was okay when the tape was over apparently greater simply replied love what you doing with the character levy skarsgård taken aback by his professionalism number 55 apparently those scars God did actually make real-life children cry specifically some of the extras Rob for the main characters this is according to a Q&A with him in which he said his overriding feeling after making kids cries this is horrible which I mean yeah it is they're gonna be wrong but he should have known that was gonna happen number 56 skarsgård cites a number of reference points for his Pennywise he watched Tim Curry's performance but tried not to emulate it instead looking to the animal kingdom particularly at hyenas and bears he also took lead from Heath Ledger's Joker and his little brother Ossian the most evil of them all number 57 the scene in which Pennywise unfolds himself from inside a refrigerator was actually less CGI than you might think Bill skarsgård actually studied with a contortionist before the film and was connected to wires lying at the bottom of the fridge he rotated his body as he was pulled out allowing the effect team to map a more contorted CGI body over his real one number 58 to combat piracy the film was shipped to cinemas using the codename pound-foolish which is supposedly the opposite of Pennywise although whoever claimed that pound is the opposite - penny shouldn't be trusted with anyone's finances frankly number 59 in its opening weekend it grossed one hundred and twenty three million dollars in North America more than doubling the record for a horror film previously held by paranormal activity 3 it was almost the largest r-rating opening ever but it was pip to the post by 2016's deadpool which raked in nine million dollars more numbers today however according to box office analysts love those guys it's estimated that if hurricane Irma had enclosed a significant number of cinemas in Florida the film would have earned between 5 to 6% more although a dead ball foul can rest assure that the extra seven million three hundred eighty thousand dollars wouldn't quite have been enough to take the r-rated crown so although Pennywise versus Deadpool is a fight I'd like to see number 61 all up any wisest dialogue in the film only adds up to four minutes and probably 90% of that's the word Georgie number sixty-two add just five feet tall Beverly actress Sophia Lilith it's the shortest of the losers gang which meant for some scenes she had to stand on a box to be the costars Heights number 63 luckily for built Garth guard he didn't have penny why his goofy buck teeth and needed to wear prosthetics these made him drool profusely a featured the director loved as it added a more ravenous aspect of the performance Nintendo 64 when it was released in over 100 Russian cinemas ever seems an unlikely complaint from Burger King's Russian division who filed an official government complaint to the Federal anti-monopoly service now they claim that Pennywise super super assembled their rivals mascot Ronald McDonald of course we know that that is a genuine inspiration but not in any way that could qualify as a product placement a Burger King Russia was afraid of number 65 Burger King Deutschland were able to save some face for the King though they hijacked the German pre premiere of the film by protecting a message on the screen before the credits rolled it read the moral is never trust a clown and was accompanied by another projection of the company's logo both funny stories yes but they really do miss the whole it is a demon not a clown thing we've been trying to hammer home number 66 the 2017 film features a Pennywise costume that's much closer to its description in the source material the Tim Curry outfit only really included the clowns orange pom-poms while Bill skarsgård features the pom-poms his orange hair and a silver suit number 67 when the cast of the 2017 movie were asked who should play their add up counterparts two actors were actually spot-on with their choices chosen Jacobs wanted chadwick boseman his mic Jack Dylan grayza wanted Jake Gyllenhaal to replace him as Eddie Wyatt Olaf wanted Joseph gordon-levitt as Stanley Jeremy Ray Taylor picked Chris Pratt to play Ben and Jaden Martell tipped Christian Bale to play bill 1 now they were all wrong but Finn wolfhard and Sophia Lillis were right on the money with their picks of Bill Hader and Jessica Chastain as rich in Beverly I'm sure they weren't just told to say that because they'd already been cast absolutely sure number 68 time for another round of arbitrary appearances of the number 27 that we're going to attribute meaning drew Jayden Martell Jeremy Rae Taylor and Nicholas Hamilton who play bill Ben and Henry are all exactly 27 years younger than the actors who played the same characters in the miniseries jonathan brandis Brandon Crain and Jared blank card number 16 nah not 27 enough for you well feast your peepers on this the US release date of the film was oh nine oh eight 2017 and the numbers add up to Pauls here if you want to what thou for yourself 27 if that wasn't crazy enough the second will be released on oh nine oh six 201 nine which all the mathematicians and spotters of simple patterns in the audience will notice adds up to 27 number 70 when the film was being first developed there were two up-and-coming filmmakers who were desperate to direct it the sibling team won't establish enough though and no one ever heard from the duffer brothers again that is until they created the heavily Stephen King implements Netflix phenomenon stranger things in 2016 it then spent so long a pre-production that the final product borrowed heavily from the show in both style and casting number 71 the scene where Ben goes to the library made for some unlikely film stars when it used a real photo of dead Civil War soldiers in a dairy history book with fake Easter eggs photoshopped onto the Gettysburg battlefield number 72 while we're talking about Easter eggs here in the background of the scene where Ritchie finds himself in the clown room you can spot a mannequin on the left side of the screens sitting on the floor and sporting the 1990 Pennywise costume worn by Tim Curry number 73 while the miniseries wasn't exactly King's favorite adaptation of its work the 2017 movie gots his seal of approval when he was invited to a screening of it six months before he came the film exceeded all expectations and even said the producers had done a wonderful job go team number 74 if you think penny wise gave you nightmares you're in good company actor Bill skarsgård admitted after release he'd been so into the role he even experienced nightmares during production odd penny wise and even after the film wrapped it's just been following him like some sort of demon number 75 one of the things that shows how deep scars God was into the character is that according to director Andy machete he would sometimes slip into his native tongue so some of the film scenes feature Pennywise speaking Swedish number 76 it's the 2017 film by the way not the thing Phil Collins could feel coming in the air tonight is by some distance the highest-grossing Stephen King adaptation with 327 million dollars grossed the next grosses King adaptation is the Green Mile with a frankly laughable 136 million dollars pathetic number 77 the background of its features a number of 80s film toasters from Warner Brothers in New Line Cinema who also distributed it these include Beetlejuice gremlins Batman lethal weapon and a Nightmare on Elm Street 5 the dream child the latter was being advertised pretty early sing as it wouldn't be released for almost a year but the easter egg is probably a nod to the fact that Andy machete was considering having it morph into Freddy Krueger at one point I smell a cinematic universe number 78 although plenty wises performance did features from computer-generated enhancements when Pennywise his eyes moved in different directions that was all Bill skarsgård Andy machete was expecting to have to achieve the effect through CGI until skarsgård told him I can do that and a nightmare was born number 79 despite his particular ocular talents built skarsgård wasn't the first choice for Pennywise that was where the Millers and Bandersnatch actor will Poulter but after he left the project it became a dead heat between skarsgård and Lord Elrond himself Hugo Weaving reportedly weaving nailed the creepy but came up short on the playful aspects of the character so skarsgård got the role despite his youth and relative obscurity number 80 in an earlier iteration of the film one of the loser club would be played by Iron Man jr. himself ty Simpkins however he said in an interview that the project was cancelled which look at what you could have won number 81 while he is credited with the screenplay cary fukunaga of true detective maniac and now no time to die fame was going to direct this previous version of it but stepped back because of artistic differences with new line number 82 within 24 hours of its release the film's first teaser trailer broke the record for viewing figures in one day that clip got 197 million hits breaking the record of 139 million views held by Fast and Furious 8 more like slow and calm am i right whoever number 83 at comic-con 2017 the film's child cast claim filming it had been the best summer ever which wasn't a nice thing for bill skarsgård to hear he was kept isolated from the cast and crew to avoid leaked photos and to keep his appearance shocking when he wasn't shooting scars god only interacted with a three-person costume and makeup team and became very lonely number 84 to tie in with the film's release Warner Brothers released a virtual reality game based on scenes from the movie it escaped from Pennywise took players into the naval house and required them to pick one of the three doors featured in the film leading to a terrifying if slightly pixelated adventure number 85 it took it just eight days to become the highest-grossing September release in history as well as the highest-grossing horror movie ever number 86 it opened in 4103 cinemas across the US of A giving it the widest opening for an r-rated film ever the previous holder of this title Logan only opened today frankly embarrassing four thousand and seventy one theaters number 87 in addition to getting nightmares from the role and being ignored for the whole time on set bill skarsgård also had to sit still for five hours as it took this long to apply his Pennywise makeup the makeup team were at least able to reduce the time down to two hours after a few times but that's almost as long as the film itself number 88 when the kids walk into Ben's room Ritchie can be heard talking about a house with a rollercoaster chimp and some old guys bones which is so specific you'd have to imagine he was talking about Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch number 89 when she wears the pharmacist glasses Beverley gets told she looks like a young Lois Lane just thankfully this could be a nod to the fact that amy adams plays both Lois Lane and the DC EU and a journalist and sharp objects whose younger self was played by Sophia Lilith it could also just be a reference to the fact that she's ginger number 90 when Henry Bowers shows up to confront the losers Club in the film's climax his gang of fellow lunatics is notably absent this can be explained by deleted scene in which Henry Bowers kills the lot of them after he kills his father which is a scene change from King book in which it kills his gang this scene is rumored to be included in the sequel though which brings us neatly on to number 91 it chapter two will be released on September the 6th 2019 almost two years after the first film but will be set three years before that in 2016 27 years after 1989 which is from the first film released in 2017 was set okay make sense good number 92 as in the book chapter 2 will feature an adult losers club who have forgotten most of the events at the first film for a mix of repression and the supernatural they return to Derry because they remembered their blood oath but that's about it no not not that it so if you missed the first film don't worry you're pretty much in the same boat as the characters number 93 James McAvoy will be playing the older version of build Embera and in trolled man fashion he suffered a double thigh strain while filming his fight scenes with penny wise number 94 the rest of the adult losers club will be made up of zero dark thirty star Jessica Chastain as Beverley sinesses Jane ransone is Eddie SNL alumnus Bill Hader is Richie here announced our Andy bean as Stan Kiwi Jay Ryan of neighbours famous Ben and Isaiah Mustafa as Mike they'll also shared the screen with child actors from the first film number 95 of all the adult cast the least well-known is probably Isaiah Mustafa although Mustafa is somewhat of internet legend after his turns as the Emmanuel man could smell like in a series of iconic Old Spice adverts perhaps his weird ability to spontaneously be on a horse will prove vital in defeating Pennywise number 96 Mike was almost a much more recognizable face though as idris elba expressed an interest in taking on the character prior to the casting number 97 other actors who expressed an interest in the project were familiar for a different reason Seth brain Marlon Taylor and Jared blank card all wanted to reprise the roles they had in the 1990 miniseries they played Richy Mike in henries youngsters and are now around the right age to play the adult versions although the casting director clearly didn't share their vision number 98 speaking to Jimmy Fallon new Beverley actor Jessica Chastain claimed that the new movie contains a scene featuring the most blood that's ever been in a horror film in a scene although that's yet to be officially confirmed number 99 new characters joining the cast of chapter 2 include Joan Gregson as mrs. Kirsch who lives in Beverly's old homeless featured in the first tee Xavier Dolan also plays Adrienne melon Jessie wexel will play builds wife Audra Phillips and will bind break we'll play Beverly's husband Tom Rogan hiya Georgie number 100 it's the 2019 film not the thing Shaggy claims wasn't him what's the first time Bill Hader had starred in a horror film apparently this made him terrible at acting scared and he had to learn not just nervously smile in his scary scenes clever 101 director Andy machete has hinted that the second film will dip into the macro verse and that transdimensional staff so things may be about to get a lot weirder perhaps they'll even be a turtle god I sure as hell hope so turtles anyway there's 101 facts about it are you looking forward to the new movie what would it to turn itself into to scare you the most let me know in the comments down below also give this video like and subscribe to one all in fact I've even done so already cuz it really does help us out we do love it and I I mean I get a nice feeling every time you do in the meantime though look at these two videos on screen right now just for you ah they're beautiful really nice rich stuff I'll see you there good bye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 312,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, it, facts about it, it facts, it chapter 2, it 2017, it chapter 2 trailer, it chapter 1, it 1990, bill skarsgård, pennywise, pennywise dance, it pennywise, stephen king, stephen king it, james mcavoy, jessica chastain, bill hader, isiah mustafa, finn wolfhard, tim curry, you'll float too, georgie, trailer, review, spoiler free, spoiler review, scariest scenes, scariest scenes in it, alice cooper, IT 1990, seth green
Id: hmb_4uycb9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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