101 Facts About Superman

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is it a bird is it a plane no you silly little idiots it's 101 fact I'm Sam and I'm here to welcome you once again to this super-dee-duper edition of 101 facts this time we're covering the Man of Steel the hero whose powers you wish you could have and the man you'd hope to see if you were being mounted in any way by some wrong and no not Jason Statham though that's perfectly valid I'm talking Superman but how did Superman take down the KKK how and why did Superman rebuild the Great Wall of China using just his eyes his eyes are so dreamy did I say that out loud two out of three of those questions about to be answered so make sure you remember to lock up the fortress of solitude before you leave and fly through the air wearing your big red fact pants this is 101 facts about Superman number one our first peek at the man in blue red and a little bit of yellow came in June 1938 when he debuted in Action Comics number one number two the Kryptonian kal-el was created right out of the brains of writer Jerry Siegel an artist Joe Shuster number three sorry to get serious on you so quickly but on June the 2nd 1932 Jerry Siegel's dad died during a robbery in which a gun was fired comic book historian Jared Jones speculates that the invasion of the bulletproof superhero was a result of this tragedy number 4 Supes could have been very different to the flying Boy Scout we now know and love in 1933 Jerry Siegel wrote a short story in which Superman was a bald villain Sam familiar he got psychic powers from an experimental drug and used them for pure or evil number 5 that Jerry and Joe sold the rights of Superman for just 130 dollars to Detective Comics later in 1938 number 6 in 2014 a near mint condition issue of the first comic book sold for a record point two million dollars but only cost 10 cents in 1938 number seven do you know what this is of course you do you clicked on a Superman video but according to Zack Snyder Superman's s symbol is the world's second most recognized symbol after the Cross mondal riot don't match Superman initially did not have his expansive and rather ridiculous list of superpowers and was only able to run faster than a speeding bullet he was only more powerful than a locomotive and he was only able to jump over a tall building in one bound is that it I can do that after two red bolts and a Turkish Delight number nine Superman's famous quote about for truth and justice in the American Way wasn't actually used until the radio series and was broadcast halfway through the middle of World War two number ten over the years Superman has had some really rather weird powers including super hypnosis super ventriloquism and super breath ice why someone on my bus this morning had that last one number eleven but probably the weirdest thing you can do is materialize his own image imbued with his super powers of course from his palms or to put it another way she super-powered midgets out of his hands Wow think about how much that would have improved Man of Steel number twelve without everybody's warmed friend the Sun Superman would essentially just be man like a muscular solar panel he draws his powers from the Sun and charges his cells giving him his superpowers number thirteen Superman doesn't actually need to chow down his super jaws onto anything to eat or breathe to survive he just does both out of habit and because he likes to it's just like how I don't need to send in a four lawrence handwritten love letters every day but now it's just in my rhythm number 14 have you ever wondered what it's like to take a bite out of Superman well two things can happen because of Superman's light cells you could explode due to the heat or it could taste bloody horrible because he's alien oh I forgot to say you need to be a vampire for both of those things to happen number fit 14 in case like Batman you ever need to fight him Superman is thought to have four major weaknesses they are red Sun radiation magic high-pitched noises and the songs of 1970s rock band Kansas I'm just kidding that last one's kryptonite number 16 kryptonite's didn't actually start in the comic books and debuted on the radio instead in 1943 the show needed an excuse for the voice actor of Superman to take a break so Superman was trapped with the radioactive rock and a replacement just groaned for several episodes until the actor came back from holiday number 17 on the same radio series Superman fought those evil Berlin's the ku klux klan it revealed all the secrets of the [ __ ] organization including codes and passwords and as a result the KKK influx of recruit decreased massively all thanks to kal-el number 18 Superman is worthy that is to say he's lifted Thor's mighty hammer Mjolnir in the comic books number 19 although commonly shown as green kryptonite appears in many different colors with varying effects red kryptonite has an especially weird effect on Kryptonians and over the years has made Superman evil grow extra limbs and even turn into a dragon not even once kids not even once number 20 there's even a variant of pink kryptonite and in Supergirl volume 4 number 79 Superman is exposed to it and it's implied that a temporarily turns him gay number 21 Superman was targeted by possibly the biggest bunch of bastards in the world ever the Nazis in their propaganda during World War two as they claimed he poisoned the minds of young Americans number 22 in Action Comics number 900 Superman renounces his US citizenship in order to stop being an instrument for the u.s. number 23 in a 1970s issue of spin-off comic Superman's girlfriend Lois Lane Superman turns Lois black for 24 hours as weird and potentially offensive as that sounds the comic actually addressed a lot of racial issues in America at the time number 24 more speaking of Lois Lane she's been around since the first comic in 1938 number 25 she's in Superman's only flame though Lana Lang Laurie Lamar s Lyla loo-loo Illinois and now Wonder Woman are just a few of Superman's love interests number 26 oMG is that Clark Kent or Superman I can't tell because of the glasses all her silly disguise well actually his glasses tinted eyes to be different color in the comic book so actually it does change his appearance a fair bit number 27 in 1978 Superman got his first feature film directed by Richard Donner number 28 the film was the most expensive ever made at the time with a production budget of a super-dee-duper 55 million dollars the film then grossed around 134 million dollars in America alone number 29 originally Superman and Superman 2 were being made at the same time and about 70% of Superman Teague was shot before the decision was made to stop and may becomes a trainer making the first one as best they could before focusing on the second number 30 Christopher Reeve got the role of Superman over 200 other actors and was rejected by the producer three times before finally being given a role so hashtag inspirational who wrote that number 31 some actors who were considered to fill the baby blue tights were Muhammad Ali Al Pacino James Caan Steve McQueen Clint Eastwood and Christa walk'n oh my god that would have been incredible Louis um he had a single life number 32 young upstarts Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone were both turned down for the role by Marlon Brando who was giving a helping hand in the casting process but look where they are today hashtag inspiration who keeps doing this Club is it you number 33 Superman was technically speaking Darth Vader's padawan that is to say that David Prowse the actor who wore the Darth Vader suit supervised the two-month training regime that Christopher Reeve had to go through to muscle up for the role you never know where a helping hand can come from hashtag inspiration right Clive get out get out you're never doing this again number 34 Reeve Superman was voted the greatest sci-fi hero of all time according to a poll back in 2012 I guess they hadn't met Groot yet who would clearly be number one these days am i right am i right number 35 Superman could have almost been a musical well kind of during this romantic and not at all terrifying flight of a metropolis a musical number called can you read my mind sung entirely in lobes his head was considered number 36 the 1978 film declared that the audience would believe a man could fly with their special effects and believe me at the time I did though this may be more to do with the fact that I wasn't born yet and had no sense of realism or reality anyway before eventually settling combination of blue screen wires and camera trickery the special effects team experimented with firing a Superman dress test dummy out of a cannon number 37 apparently over expensive fashion is intergalactic jor-el Superman's daddy is wearing a Rolex watch when he places the young kal-el into the spacecraft well either that or Marlon Brando left it on while filming who knows number 38 also Marlon Brando refused to memorize most of his lines for the film so his words were either on cue cards or hidden on the set such as on this baby's diaper number 39 all the ladies another man in uniform something that was witnessed by none other than James Bond himself Roger Moore in his autobiography he says that when Christopher refused to walk through the canteen at the studio and Superman's outfit all the girls swooned but they didn't react in any way when he was dressed as Clark Kent number 40 the original script intended to end on a cliffhanger with Superman throwing the missile that would eventually crack The Phantom Zone and a release soldering company starting Superman to member 1d for now speaking of Superman 2 the sequel to the critically acclaimed original hit the big screen in 1980 their meaning of life weirdly Warner Brothers released the film at the end of 1980 in Europe but waited seven months later to release it in the US of A gosh seven months wait can you imagine that some comic book movie fans burst their spleen enrage if a movies released even a day early in Europe they learned seven months number 43 Superman's nemesis is actually his own father turn turn turn again kinda actor Terence Stamp who played General Zod actually played the voice of jor-el in the TV show Smallville number 44 what the hell was happening here number 45 another strange and admittedly morally troubling power that's displayed by Superman is to super amnesia kiss this had to be done as they originally wanted to use the travel back in time around the world technique but this was already used in Superman 1 number 46 also during this scene there's Turkish on the whiteboard in the background this translates to they can't be anything better and symbolizes Superman sacrificing the life he could have had with her while wiping Lois's memory number 4 to stead burn in one take of Lois Lane punching Kryptonian her right in the kisser Lois actor Sarah Douglas accidentally Kayode her the out number 48 moving on to Superman 3 the third installment came out in 1983 the same year of Superman celebrated his 45th anniversary number 49 the original title of the film was to be Superman vs Superman but produces a brutal wrestling film Kramer vs Kramer threatened a lawsuit wait that's not what Kramer vs Kramer is about number 50 the film costs 39 million of the finest American dollars to make and pulled in double that amount at the box office number 51 Richard Pryor is said to have got the role for the film after expressing his desire to be in a Superman movie on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson number 52 Superman 3 wasn't exactly considered super by some as he got nominated for 2 Razzie Awards for worst Supporting Actor for Richard Pryor and worst musical score number 5 for degree Richard Pryor's character steals half a cent from every employee as he earns $85,000 every time that must mean the company he's robbing from employs 17 million people number 54 it took 3 months for Pinewood Studios to build the ski slope outside Ross Webster's penthouse along with 17 tons of salt instead of snow it's worth money though you shouldn't eat yellow salt either okay no on the yellow salt number 55 if you want to make your own Kryptonite listen up Bruce Wayne you'll need an intense heat fusion with plutonium tain't a Liam xenon promethium die Liam mercury as well as the little unknown substance oh sorry that's not really very helpful is it number 56 Christopher Reeve donned the Cape one final time in the 1987 film Superman for the quest for peace number 57 the quest for peace was less than perfect shall we say Rotten Tomatoes reflects this and has the film at a rating of just 12% number 58 just before production commenced the budget for the film was slashed meaning a lot of it had to be shot in Milton Kings England as New York was too expensive don't ever try that switcheroo in your personal life and take your partner to Milton Keynes instead of New York they will be pissed I found out the hard way number 15 I and their because of Superman falls failure the Canon Group Incorporated had to cancel a planned production of spider-man in the mid-1980s number 60 holy Great Wall of China vision Superman originally Superman was going to use SuperSpeed to fix the wall but once again because of the budget they were forced to just rewind the footage to create the wall building vision number 61 the last line of Superman for Superman saying see and 22 Lex Luthor this was filmed in 1986 and it would be another 20 years before Supes appeared on the big screen again in Superman Returns number 62 but in the meantime there was a little show called Smallville to keep fans of kal-el from foaming at the mouth out of withdrawal it aired from October 2001 all the way until 2011 number 63 Christopher Reeve made an appearance in the series as dr. Virgil Swann this was after his tragic accident which left him paralyzed Nintendo 64 in 2006 the film series kicked off once again with the film Superman Returns director Bryan Singer decided to ignore Superman 3 & 4 and kick off where Superman 2 had left off number 65 Brandon Ralph got the role in part as he spilt coffee during his interview with Bryan Singer the clumsiness convincing he could play Clark Kent's bumbling character so you know what to do Phoenix job interview now number 66 the film nearly took a very different turn though Tim Burton was almost in charge and he was going to cast Nicolas Cage as Superman that would have been insane why didn't that happen number 67 the film was originally meant to see Zod reprise a role in the modern era singer was only willing to let Jude Law play the role and when he told singer to sod off he was taken out of the script number 68 Brandon Ralph had to pump iron and stack on 20 pounds for the role number 69 Milliken was the cloth used for the material for Superman suit but like a good pair of jeans or a balaclava it restricts movement when new and gets a bit saggy when it's used too much as a result 80 suits 100 capes 30 boots and 90 belts had to be made for the film number 17 some conniving pranksters managed to steal walkie-talkies from the set of the movie and started to cause chaos yelling cut and action randomly it nearly cost serious injury during the Mustang car jumping scene number 71 Superman sea-based Powell Aquaman makes an appearance in this film okay yes it's on Jason's pajamas but it's still an appearance okay get off my back number 72 Batman's crime-ridden City Gotham also gets a name drop right here the filming took place in Australia and to replicate the Kent farm a seven kilometer road was created and 15 hectares of corn were planted number 74 this scene in which Superman lives a car above his head is a direct reference to a comic book cover number 75 during filming Kevin Spacey went a bit mental and would drive around in his golden cart which he called Lex's super Buster screaming Superman must die from a megaphone while dragging around a stuffed Superman doll behind him is Kevin okay somewhat so much we check he's all right he sounds like he's lost it number 76 Richard Branson makes a cameo in Superman Returns appearing as a space shuttle engineer number 7 7 if you want some hot Lex on Supes action in this film then you been renting the wrong one but also be prepared to wait it takes 112 minutes of screen time before Lex Luthor and Superman are eventually in the same scene together number 78 it took 14 weeks to construct the miniature train set in the film and it features 280 meters of track and I want it please someone get it for me it's really cool I'll be good number 79 why doesn't Superman just charge someone to literally pick them up from somewhere and literally drop them off somewhere I'd pay a hundred dollars for that kind of service number 80 the truck that Martha drives in the opening scene is the exact same truck used in the first movie look at that mother go go what did you send Samir said mother trucker she's his mother and she's driving a truck gosh number 81 in January 2011 Henrique Apple was cast as kal-el for Man of Steel he was cast seven years earlier by JJ Abrams for a film named Superman fly by that ironically never got off the ground number 82 cavil is the first non-american to play the role of Superman number 83 the darker grittier version of the film came out of a discussion with Christopher Nolan and David s Goyer while discussing the Dark Knight Rises David s Goyer would go on to write Man of Steel and Christopher Nolan would produce it number 8 Devore the film grossed 668 million dollars worldwide that's just under the original Superman and Superman Returns combined number 85 it's also the film that's kicking off the DC extended universe Warner Brothers version of a shirt Cinematic Universe with multiple Criss crossing characters and intertwining plots a model made popular by Marvel Studios number 86 the wickedly talented Amy Adams auditioned for the role of Lois Lane for Superman Returns but didn't get to play her until Man of Steel number 87 somewhat unsurprisingly Henry Cavill had to buff up for the role he also refused to take steroids all have seen ðï touch-ups her CGI touch-up it sounds like something you asked for in a dodgy nightclub number 88 the film premiered in June 2013 the 75th anniversary of Superman Wow happy birthday Supes you don't look a day over 70 for old chap number 89 Man of Steel was the first film not to incorporate the iconic Superman theme created by John Williams number 90 there's a spoiled child's pantry worth of Easter eggs in Man of Steel a be calm and call Batman poster can be seen in this office and next Luthor billboards can be seen in the film too if you've got your magnified specs on number 91 Superman apparently can't have a dad that hasn't been Robin Hood at some point Kevin Costner was in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves and Russell Crowe starred in the 2010 remake Robin Hood number 92 hey don't I recognize this guy from somewhere oh yes it's Aaron Smolinski he's the baby who lifts up the car in the first Superman and the boy by the photobooth in Superman 3 number 93 the sequel for the film Batman V Superman : dawn of Justice is scheduled for release on March 25th 2016 number 94 Batman and Superman are both in it I know right who'da thunk it then there's also Wonder Woman cyborg and Aquaman all supposedly making appearances number 95 Wonder Woman is a real threat to soups for the way because her sword is magic and Superman ain't good at all with magic number 96 the first time Batman and Superman appeared at the same time was in the summer of 1941 in the arrogantly titled world's best comic number 1 number 97 Superman would be really really good at demolition Nuggets number 98 Superman has had quotes placed into his suit from Joseph Campbell where we thought to stand alone we will be with all the world it's translated into Kryptonian and placed across the S cuffs belt and bicep of his suit number 99 Batman should really look where he's going Superman is neither a bird nor a plane number 101 in 2002 Andrew Kevin Walker submitted a Batman vs Superman script to Warner Brothers in it's Commissioner Gordon Dick Grayson and Alfred would all be dead Batman would be retired and Clark Kent would be divorced geez that's like a film version of a Radiohead song that was 101 facts about Superman and to tell about you but I had a lovely time if you want more videos like Lex Luthor really wants some kryptonite or perhaps a wig then click on subscribe right now to get some other factors why not also check out couch tomatoes video 24 reasons all comic book origin movies are the same Oh that'll provoke a reaction in some of you it's a corker though so going over and say that I sent you well crikey Superman a and he's fighting Batman - gonna be Clash of the Titans right there reminds me of when I was at school and the older kits made me fight pigeons I was a bit like Batman in a way I was the underdog who is fighting against someone who could fly and who was a lot stronger than I was lots of peck bruises from those days lots of horrible haunting memories hopefully Batman will win in the film so those schoolboy memories of me losing these fights don't come back I'll need so much more therapy I'm off to pre-order my tickets Gabbar
Channel: 101Facts
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, superman, superman facts, 101 facts about superman, facts about superman, batman vs superman, batman vs superman trailer, henry cavill superman, Christopher Reeve superman, superman returns, brandon routh, superman full movie, superman 2, superman 3, super man, justice league, dc, dc comics, superman trailer, doomsday, superman accident, batman, dc vs marvel, superman 1978, batman vs superman review, ben affleck, justice league facts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2016
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