101 Facts About Avengers: Infinity War

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greetings one of factors my name is Sam and today we're going to be covering a true Titan who of cinematic history the Marvel behemoth that is was and shall continue to be long after we've all turned to dust that's right we're talking about Avengers infinity war the nerd equivalent of the world cup or roughly four Super Bowls at least it was when I last checked the nerd jock exchange rate fair warning though this video is going to be absolutely spoiler if ik of this movie hey you spoil so if you're a Marvel fan who was watching this video but somehow has not seen the film please well number one reassess your priorities and to proceed with caution but what was the film's slightly odd working title what horrific imagery were we spared during the soulstone sequence and when will the bigwigs at Marvel finally cave in and make Jennifer Lawrence she-hulk frankly I think she'd be just as stunning with green skin perhaps even more so to utter true this person's gonna be answered so sit down strap in and shut the heck up as we take a furious joyride and then get really tired at the end with 101 fact about Avengers infinity war come get some space dogs number one Avengers infinity war is a 2018 superhero film within the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which the Avengers fight alongside the guardians of the galaxy and others against the supervillain Thanos who seeks to collect the all-powerful Infinity stones not to inflict unparalleled destruction upon the universe number two it may impress you to know it's certainly goosed my grapes whatever that means that infinity war is the 19th film in the MCU and it's the seventh film in the MCU third phase number three the film is based on a six-issue Marvel storyline from the early 90s called the Infinity Gauntlet in which a team of harbin superheroes fight against the supervillain Thanos who seeks to collect the all-powerful Infinity stones in order tip you know what you're probably aware of the story by now except in that one Thanos does it because he's in love with the lady debt it's weird number four the film serves as the culmination of the previous 18 different movies this means that the writers had to draw together eight different franchises as well as continuing on from the port line of Civil War number five infinity war was written by screenwriters Christopher Markus Stephen McFeely who were tasked with the daunting prospect of writing one of the most highly anticipated blockbusters in recent memory luckily Markus and McFeely are fairly well accustomed to writing big-budget comic book patience having written all three Captain America films and Thor the dark world I wouldn't go shouting that last one off the rooftops of over you but hey I guess it's on your resume number six previously the pair also wrote the three reasonably well-received Chronicles of Narnia franchise films but they love a good franchise don't they number seven infinity war was directed by the Russo brothers who worked together on previous MCU titles Captain America that we do soldier and Captain America Civil War as well as the post-credits scene by a man and the mid-credits scene of Captain Marvel number eight the film was originally titled Avengers infinity War part 1 as the story was originally going to be split across two films but then Marvel decided to not do that so they removed the part one bit and that was fact number 8 everybody hope you enjoyed it number 9 Avengers infinity war was shot back to back with a vengeance end game which means they've had endgame ready for us to watch this entire time in the making us wait to see it though is evil conniving Oh number 10,000 interestingly the Russo brothers have since stated that they regret filming infinity war an end game back-to-back as this apparently made it difficult to focus on each narrative independently of one another number 11 much of how infinity war developed cinematically was inspired by 90s heist films believe it or not such as heat out of sight and Point Break Joe Russo has stated that such titles were a jumping-off point for the film stating that the film falls into a smash-and-grab heist structure now that you say it does remind me of Ocean's eleven a lot said bomb Cheadle's voice is actually good in this one number 12 McFeely said that during writing the large number of characters they were required to fit into the movie was an issue he said that not every scene can be 25 people in a room you're going to have to make kickball teams and then have a tourneys I mean that's not what they did in the film not really a war is it number 13 an important writing motif that the Russo brothers and the writers used to cope with the huge scale of the film what to have it revolving around the journey that Thanos makes with the Avengers moving around him and their attempts to halt his progress for example Joe Russo said that this all gomorrah's death oh sorry yet spoiler alert by the way as the end of act 2 because it marked a pivotal point in Thanos his character trajectory number 14 while writing the script writers Matheny Marcus came up with the idea of strange alchemy this was part of the process of deciding which Avengers would fight alongside each other to generate the most interest and tension the perfect example of this is Stark and Doctor Strange is conflicting personalities fit well together on screen number 15 both Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland was specifically prevented from reading the full script until shooting started owing to their tendency to accidentally leak spoilers and press interviews well didn't stop Mark Ruffalo at one point Holland was even given a fake script because of his habit of letting slip spoilers Oh Tommy Tommy Tom Tom number 16 Guardians director James Garden Thor Ragnarok director Taika Waititi directly contributed to the dialogue of the Guardians and Thor throughout the film the research brothers did this to maintain the humor and personality that the two directors had developed in their successful movies number 17 in an original version of the script Captain America didn't make his first appearance until the two-hour mark during the battle of Wakanda according to Joe Russo he and the writers were called insane by exact reducers which led to the rewrite with katha peering in Edinburgh to save vision instead well might instead as well as seriously he would have even less lines number 18 Captain Marvel also appeared in the earlier script before she was written out in order to make space for her own film released in 2019 simply titled Captain Marvel the tease at the end of infinity war points of the role that she will play in endgame ie kicking some purple bottom may be number 19 some of the biggest cuts from the original script were the back stories on Thanos and his henchmen and women the woman I guess collectively known as the Black Order the original versions explored the individual villains of the Black Order as well as a closer look at Stannis number 20 the rooster brother stated that they didn't introduce more villains or go into detail about their backstories because the film is getting too crowded at our to follow number 21 in the comic books it's worth noting that the Black Order are much more powerful Marga's McFeely dulled back their powers in order to make clear how powerful familes was as well as to allowed the heroes a chance to win some of the fights before the final showdown with Thanos I mean seriously imagine that depressing this film would be if they lost all the way through number 22 she's got a released a new song soon right an early version of the scripts or Thanos going to and destroying Xander in order to take the first infinity stone that's the Power Stone fact fans this was cut out as it was considered an unnecessary addition and it's what happened to Xander was made clear in the final script without showing an actual battle but it's Roman day still alive that's all I want to know number 23 both writers were fairly relaxed about the script man chill out and would sit down with the cast each day and make small adjustments up to 10 minutes before the actor go in front of the camera this is partly to take into account Robert Downey jr. tendency to rewrite his own lines to better fit his perception of Tony Stark the Russo brothers encouraged this believing nuts having played him for 10 years now downing understood his character better than anyone else number 24 in an earlier version of the script Thor's new weapon strong it's a bit much with actually made by dragons rather than dwarfs sure dragons are cool but dwarfs are cooler yeah you go it tree number 25 while many films have certain sections shot in IMAX infinity war has the MPL distinction of being the first film to ever be shot entirely with imax digital cameras those things are heavy so well done the shoulders of those people number 26 infinity war was filmed in various locations around the world including exotic locations in the Philippines and Brazil however the film was shot primarily in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh as well as Durham Cathedral in England and various locations in the United States mostly in the states of Georgia and New York number 27 the Russo brothers chose to shoot an Edinburgh because it suited the romantic scenes between vision and wonder but it was also suitable for the dark gothic battle required between vision and Wanda against the Black Order or rather half of them number 28 when filming at Durham Cathedral security was so tight that not even the cathedral wardens were allowed access inside and that's kind of their whole thing what do they do they have nothing - Ward number 29 production still had to respect the cathedral for army use and was forced to work around the Sunday service God God was so unreasonable having cleared all the pews to make space for the filming set the crew then had to replace them to Sunday service before setting them up all over again on the monday number 30 built in atlanta the 2,000 square foot Avengers compound was constructed specifically for the film legend has it the building is now used as a rocking bachelor pad for all the Chris's Evans Pratt Hemsworth even pine can come if he wants all love in the Chris house number 31 in order to create Thanos on-screen actor Josh Brolin had to wear foam body parts and extension so his fellow actors could avoid getting too close to his non CGI body incidentally I wear a similar setup on the tube to maintain my personal space it's not always popular with my fellow commuters but nice trailblazers roughly attacked for our forward-thinking plus I tend to get more because of the fame from this YouTube channel just kidding it's literally never happened number 32 somewhat ominously Brolin based on awesome Marlon Brando's patron of the archetypical evil genius Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now I don't know why that is because Thanos did nothing wrong right number 33 incidentally Thanos is the short form of the Greek name at thanasi oz which means immortality yeah we'll see about that Thanos we'll see about that number 34 Peter Dinklage is dwarf character who is somewhat paradoxically 10 feet tall was apparently one of the hard especially effects at the CGI team had to work on in order to make the 4 foot 5 Dinklage look like a Giants the team used matching lenses swapping characters and lining up characters and shots correctly for scale and according to the Russos this required the most math but math sorry they're American after all and science of anything that they did in the film number 35 Thor's new weapon actually means he's fulfilling the plotline of a different Thor figure named ultimate Thor the all-powerful god of thunder infinity war is sort of a reincarnation of Thor into this new more powerful form since Ragnarok number 36 and Hemsworth request the Thor infinity war maintained the humorous approach the Hemsworth and Tiger brought in Ragnarok rather than the Deathly serious approach of the first to Thor films number 37 the fact that Thor can speak to and understand Groot was used to show that kruk's language can be learnt which is also backed up by the fact that the rest of the Guardian can understand him earlier in the film whereas previously it was only Rocket who could understand groups number 38 Robert Downey jr. apparently refused to wear a motion capture suit similar to that of Tom Holland based performance of spider-man saying that he and man would not be caught dead in one instead he wore an Iron Man breastplate and black trousers forcing special-effects teams to add the suit in later Moffat drama queen just killing Robert love you number 39 Robert Downey jr. has a well known habit of having the furniture from his house in Los Angeles wherever he's filming because when you've got back kind of money you need to spend it somehow I guess infinity board was no different with several trucks being used to bring his home furniture to Atlanta apparentiy he does this for a sense of comfort sure why not number 40 Tom Holland has admitted that working with Chris Pratt was particularly difficult because of the actors tendency to ad-lib and make jokes during scenes stop bothering everyone Pratt how are these poor actors meant to put food on the table if you're distracting them with your funny japes number 41 as we all know by now Loki is brutally killed off at the very start of the film with Thanos strangling him and then smashing his neck to bits basically right in front of his brother Thor the Russo brothers did this to establish the tone of infinity war early on further stating that part of what we wanted to do at the gate was to unsettle you as you're watching the film this was done in order to let the viewers know that no one was safe not even established characters who had been part of the MCU since the very beginning the meaning of her life in the opening scenes before the sequence in which Hulk fights a Norse Loki says we have a hug to brinkley chin himself now this is beautiful poetry here because that's the same line that stark toasts to Loki in Avengers Assemble that's some good reference boy number 43 the distress call heard at the very beginning of the film is voiced by the one and only Kenneth Branagh who directed the first Thor film Branagh gives a good cameo number 44 when Hulk crash lands on earth Stark cool Steve Rogers by an old flip phone while some and yes I'll say it fake fans ridiculed the old technology that technics Stark used here's a very good reason for using it as it's the phone that Steve Rogers sent stock in case he was ever needed at the end of Captain America Civil War so any fans instead of a silly you're not true fans are you number 45 the scene in which Hulk crashed Lance into dr. Strange's sanctuaries actually lifted directly from the Infinity Gauntlet comic book series with one tiny teeny green change in the comics it's not Hulk who makes young conventional entrances roof it's the Silver Surfer number 46 when fans questioned why Thanos didn't just destroy Hulk with the Power Stone which he goes on to use against every other adventure on Titan later on in the film writer Christopher Markus answered that this was to show that Stannis is unbeatable in a one-to-one battle who instead opted to use sheer brawn to take down one of the most powerful beings in entire MCU not even using the stone once number 47 one of the few non CGI scenes was actually one that looked CGI the literally hair-raising moment on the school bus where Parker spidey-sense causes his arm hurts and with the team by having someone blow in Tom Hollands ear crunch number 48 as you may or may not be aware the Russo brothers also directed a few episodes of the cult comedy hit Arrested Development funnily enough there is a nod to the show in the film when the mustachioed oddball and noted gymnast Pope Tobias from K can be seen imprisoned in the collectors vault in his facility on nowhere apparently right after he blew himself number 49 the fight scene in the collectors facility C channels turning Drax and mantis into ribbons and cubes this is a lot of the comics where Thanos turns nebula into ribbons and his brother starfox into brick like stones number 50 writer Stephen McFeely is in the conference room during the scene where Rhodes is asked to arrest Captain America although he isn't technically there he's appearing by a hologram slick number 51 fan also was eventually going to walk through a river of his victims blood during the soulstone sequence but upon consideration Marvel decided to tone down the whole Rivers of Blood thing a touch do you think was the right call to remove this gruesome visual or what you've appreciated the imagery is a poignant metaphor for the evil that is Sano's let us know in our fancy youtube poll number 52 when Tony Peter and dr. strange are preparing to face Stannis on Titan Tony turns the strange and asks do you concur doctor this is a phrase that often is asked by Sherlock Holmes to his assistant and companion dr. Watson this is a clear reference to Downey and Cumberbatch themselves who are both produced celebrated portrayals of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes character number 53 funnily enough the Russo brothers were actually planning on making an even more obvious Sherlock joke in the film which apparently would have had Starks a and I'm gonna clean up the language here a little bit no poo Sherlock too strange at some point in the film however the Russo bro is eventually decided to leave it out fearing that it would be too much number 54 before the Avengers ambushed an ER doctor Strange's at the time stone to peer into the future and discovers one possible timeline at a 14 million 605 in which the Avengers beat him around this time strange Chester Tony we're in the endgame now in hindsight it's pretty obvious now that he's alluding to the title of a man just four but the Russo brothers those sneak heap who are brothers actually said that the Avengers war title is not mentioned at any point in infinity war so basically what I'm saying is those Russo brothers are liars fourteen million six hundred five percent of the time number 55 in order to give the heroes a chance against a Nelson is very stylish Golden Glove the film makers change from the comics ever so slightly and decided that in order to utilize his considerable powers Dallas has to completely close his fist and can't do so without doing that that last bit made no sense and I don't know why I said it number 56 as the Avengers come close to removing the gauntlet the character mantis is sitting on top of phalluses hair trying to make him sleep to film this ropes were used to lower mantas down to a foam cut out of panels his head that had been attached the top of Josh Brolin's head at the same time Brolin had huge foam covered arms that mimicked the vast size of the mad tight end number 57 you may remember with disgust at the moment when startled loses a temper imam burning the Kimora's dead prompting him to flip out at panels and ruin the plan to obtain the gauntlet dooming half the universe to dust chris pratt's himself those defended star Lords disastrous actions saying the guy was his mother died he watched his father figure die in his arms and now suffered the loss of the love of his life so I think he reacted in a way that's very human and I think the humanity of the guardians of the galaxy is what sets them apart from the other superheroes number 58 as well as being the most powerful weapon any avenger has ever had Thor's new weapon Stormbreaker can summon the Bifrost allowing Thor rocket and Groot to travel straight back to Bob Condor to join the fight and to allow Thor to hurt Thanos number 59 where's Hulk after being beaten by Thanos the Hulk stays within banner for the rest of the film the writers have said this was for two reasons firstly there's the idea that he suffering from PTSD after being beaten up by Thanos and secondly it was used to allow the plot to explore banner as a character without the Hulk being there to back him up as the two personalities grow increasingly dysfunctional and uncooperative number six today the writers wanted to make it clear that Doctor Strange had got much more powerful since we last saw him here no kidding this was done not only by presenting him as the adult in the room but also by showing him going toe-to-toe with Thanos by himself as well as by hiding the time stone among some stars like it was nothing like a Where's Wally puzzle number 61 Bucky's referred to as the white wolf in the film and nod to the comic books in which the Charlie's adopted white brother is known as the white wolf lovey number 62 - of these subordinate villains in Infinity Ward Proxima midnight and Corvus glaive are actually married in the comics I always thought they'd make a cute couple they're basically the Pam and Jim of the Black Order number 63 Proxima midnight usually wears a black horned helmet in the comics but this was changed to organic horns growing from her head to avoid obvious similarities with Heller's horny helmet in thor ragnarok nintendo 64 steve rogers is no longer Captain America in infinity war having adopted the look of Nomad and alter ego rogers assumes in the comics after becoming disillusioned with the US government and the military the costume rogers wears infinity war is the same as in the previous film but with all the American flags and stars ripped off the suits this leaves room for future MCU films that could involve other heroes taking up the mantle of Captain America number 65 Romanovs blond hair isn't just her stylish new look some have suggested the dye job could be a reference to the comics in which Romanoff faces off with a blonde Russian spy named Yelena Bulova with whom she switched places several times as part of their espionage it could also be a note of the fact that she's gone undercover having been on the run from the US government since the end of Avengers Civil War number 66 at 66 ow well filming the Battle of Wakanda in Georgia a large cross field was grown using native African plants to represent the fictional African nation for the final battle scenes Wow imagine being able to say I gardened on infinity war just nuts number 67 not only that but the production also installed an artificial river using a large water pump that shifted 30,000 gallons of water per minutes which I'm told is a lot number 68 the cars that are contained with extreme weather in Georgia which range from pouring rain to sweltering heat the fight between vision in the black hole that was filmed on a farm outside Atlanta in 35 degree heat and 90% humanity I mean I mean humidity number 16 we will deep fry your kebab the recent brothers worked with Black Panther director Ryan Coogler in order to map up the theoretical vision of Wakanda for the final battle scene that's some good old-fashioned teamwork right there number 17 at least 70 anyway that's the number of the fact two extras were used to put the book on to battle while the rest of the soldiers were added digitally for their battle against 10000 outrider aliens number 71 at one point during a test screening a kid referred to the outrider monsters as space dogs the Russo brothers liked the term so much they had rocket called the alien creature space dogs in the book Honda battle scene number 72 there's a moment during the battle for Condor where Bucky picks up rocket and they do a 360 spin apart from being fun to watch this is a nod to the exact same moment in guardians when Rockets and Groot spin around shooting in the same way number 73 production for infinity war started only two weeks after Black Panther had ended which actor chadwick boseman he placed a Charlier in both films said was ideal because it helped alter the Black Panther cast stay in character number 74 Black Panther had not been released while filming from Finity war was going on this meant that are now hugely popular war chants such as Wakanda forever weren't included in the first script actors chadwick boseman and winston duke an improvised the war chants into their action scenes leading to two challahs inspiring war speech before they charge into battle number 75 the chance which were in genuine bona fide Xhosa were originally used by Duke and bozeman to psych up the cast members playing soldiers from Wakanda before the camera started rolling this is how the Russo brothers heard them and adapted the chance for the film number 76 the wakandan war cry we brought back is hoster for hold strong though it could also be translated to hold fast or simply just hold it number 77 right it's time to talk about the ending which if you somehow don't know already involved half the main cast creepily falling away into ash like burning amaretti biscuits hilariously the principal actors in Infinity Ward didn't actually know who'd be killed uh Python asses snap until the day of shooting haha what fun number 78 the superhero deaths a film from the perspective of the person who will be most emotionally affected by their demise for instance Steve what is Bucky disintegrate rocket witnesses his partner and sort of son Groot turned dust and start cold Parker as he desperately tries to fight against his fate this was done to enhance the emotional impact of the film's conclusion and yeah yeah number 79 this devastating end sequence in which half the heroes we've all been rooting for were wiped out was known by the filmmakers as the bloodbath sequence considering there was very little blood in the scene itself in fact none at all because everyone just melts into flakes before disappearing I think a more appropriate term is probably the Baraka sequence number 80 interestingly the snap felt by half the universe has actually been given a proper name at the decimation funnily enough the word decimation itself comes from the ancient roman practice of punishing mutinous legions by killing every tenth man so strictly speaking the term isn't exactly appropriate given Tanis murder 50% of living things rather than merely 10% but as we all know language and the meanings of words change over time so only an over pedantic loser would point that out number 81 as you may or may not have noticed Peter Parker takes significantly longer to disintegrate than the other heroes on screen the Russo brothers state that this is a result of his strength will and the full warning of his demise provided by spicy scents which allows him to resist for longer than others the scene also served the purpose of emphasizing the father-son narrative between stark and Parker number 82 Parker's death isn't just another superhero death the Russos have said that the death was a colossal loss for Stark equivalent to him losing a son and that this would have consequences for his behavior in endgame this stems from the fact that Stark has dreamt about having a son with pepper at the beginning of the film number 83 interestingly enough Parker's lines in this moment actually improvised by Tom Holland after initial instruction from Joe Russo however Holland himself has downplayed this feat of acting prowess saying it is kind of true but really all I say is I don't want to go I don't wanna go I don't want to go three times in a row so it's not that amazing an ad-lib you know just take the compliment dude number 84 after Thomas has murdered half of all living things in the universe he decides he needs to take some time to relax and ends up in a small heart overlooking a beautiful landscape the stunning scenery that's shown in this moment is actually the Philippines number 85 Joe Russo has confirmed that other smaller characters are still alive and well at the end of infinity war including Valkyrie from thor ragnarok good for her always liked her and now she's got a poster number 86 in total infinity war involved a crew of roughly six thousand people spread around the world all doing their bit to distract us from the bad guy's hilarious chin grooves number 87 there are a total of two thousand seven hundred and three shots in the movie of which two thousand six hundred twenty three of them have some kind of visual effect which works out at roughly over ninety seven percent of the film only eighty of them were left untouched number eighty-eight at one hundred and forty nine minutes or two and a half hours long infinity war is the longest Marvel film to date however this beefy runtime is soon to be eclipsed by Avengers end game which will apparently play out over a bloody rupturing 182 minutes so just over three hours number 89 for the sake of secrecy infinity war was produced using a working title that working title was Marylou which yeah and is the exact opposite of infinity war I guess number 90 the first ever trailer for infinity war was shown at San Diego comic-con which had excited fans gasping and jumping to their feet out of sheer nerdy joy the first official trailer debuted on Good Morning America in November of 2017 number 91 the first infinity war trailer was viewed nearly 500,000 times in its first 15 minutes and 230 million times in the first 24 hours this record held until the release of the trailer for Avengers endgame number 92 infinity wars provisional release date was the 4th of May 2018 which was reeled back in October 2014 wall Avengers age of Ultron was still in production that's a full eight MCU films in advance number 93 in order to encourage fans not to share pre film release spoilers which have ruined the film for other people the Russo brothers created the hashtag Thanos to mantle silence to Tad's ominous that but then I guess that's Thanos his whole thing right number 94 as part of the attempt to prevent spoilers from leaking particularly the film's shock ending the Russo brothers buck tradition and only allowed the press to see snippets of the film in the run-up to its release this went against normal MCU protocol which usually allows press members to see the full film number 95 in total infinity war cost the ball breaking three hundred and twenty one point two million dollars to film an absurdly high budget that would only be limited by people who were fully expecting the film to make billions of dollars number 96 luckily the film did ultimately managed to rake in billions of dollars if we're being exactly the worldwide total of over 2 billion dollars this Kevin Feige guy really seems to know what he's doing and he's got good taste in caps number 97 infinity war ultimately became the fourth movie to gross over two billion dollars worldwide after avatar Titanic and Star Wars The Force awakens it's also better than all three of those number 98 upon its release infinity walk across the worldwide box-office mark of 1 billion dollars in only 11 days faster than any other film in history imagine making a billion dollars in an 11 days think of the chicken knocked baby number 99 as the culmination of an uber popular superhero movie franchise infinity war won three People's Choice Awards including Best movie as well as three Teen Choice Awards and for visual effects society awards for and they deserve it I mean look at fan oz number in case you hadn't already guessed announcements from the release dates of films have to spider-man far from home and gone into the galaxy vol 3 show that the characters who died at the end of affinity to war will probably be returning to the MCU meaning we can bank on them coming back to life in endgame see they never let the heroes die do they where's george RR martin when you need him number 101 why did i do it again however it's been confirmed that there will be some permanent deaths at the end of endgame meaning that some of the characters who got snapped out of existence in infinity war will stay dead so bring tissues guys anyway that right there with the snap of the old fingers ends 101 parts about Avengers infinity war is this your favorite MCU movie if not which is let me know in the comments down below also please do give this video a like and subscribe to one-on-one facts if you haven't done so already cuz we've got some great stuff here my voices going weird just thinking about it anyway make like Scarlet Witch and use your vision right here that's see what I did there to behold these two videos on screen right now you're really gonna dig one of them and I bet it's that one yeah the one you're looking at now gone pretty right and click it see you there
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 232,918
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, the avengers, avengers endgame, avengers endgame trailer, avengers endgame tv spot, avengers infinity war, avengers infinity war trailer, infinity war ending, infinity war reaction, infinity war post credit scene, endgame trailer, endgame clip, endgame interview, robert downey jr, iron man, captain america, captain marvel, thor, chris hemsworth, hulk, mark ruffalo, thanos, ant-man, rocket raccoon, black widow, nebula, review, spoilers, easter eggs
Id: DbOF-Tv-SzQ
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Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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