101 Facts About X-Men

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great was my name is sermon through the miracle of mutation I've evolved from a single-celled organism to the superhuman fact firing entity you here before you today why not join me on a cinematic journey through eleven films so many we barely have room to discuss the decades of comics they were based on the version of Deadpool that wasn't complete trash or the cartoon series that Dwarfs every single x-men adaptation with its opening theme alone though if you do want to 101 video by the x-men comics just let me know anyway which cast member put on a sexy show for James Marsden smother what's in Halle Berry's bucket and what does happen to a toad when it gets struck by lightning two out of three those questions are going to be answered so grab your red sunglasses sonic purple katanas and your yellow and blue spandex but don't actually wear it for like 10 freaking years and get ready for some really garbled continuity as we go through 101 pack it's about x-men before we get going though hey everybody it's me Sam a week later using a different microphone as I'm having to record bootless in my tiny little flat but anyway I'm here to talk to you about rizal the new interactive video platform all you do is download the app and you'll be on your way to watching a whole stream of new creators including me and editor Chris we have our own channels there that post fun fact seven times a week so download the app in the description down below and we'll see you there number one debuting in 1963 and mutating into comic book John or bench in the 1980 is the x-men are a team of super-powered mutants heroes whose exploits became a symbol for civil rights and whose movies have pioneered the superhero genre there today inhabits every fiber of the known universe number two since 2000 the twelve movies have grossed over six billion dollars worldwide making them the seventh highest-grossing series of films in movie history although granted to have said films and 1 billion 567 million dollars of back gross belong to the Merc with a mouth he'll be covered just the other day although sadly we will touch upon the Merc whose mouth which sealed shots for God knows why anyway number 3 that said the first x-men script wasn't actually written for Bryan Singer's mm an app tation in 1984 Marvel comics writers Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas drafted the script for Orion pictures featuring a pre wheelchair Professor X and Co heading off against an organization known as Proteus but when Orion hit financial hardships it was scrapped number four then again in 1996 stanley and regular x-men writer Chris Claremont pitched a movie with the merry band of muties for Kathryn Bigelow to direct with then-husband James Cameron producing and suggested castings like Angela Bassett a storm good and Bob Hoskins is Wolverine not so good however Stanley knew he lost Cameron by bringing up spider-man in the meeting which Cameron quickly turned his attention to number five with the new millennium though came a new x-men film for which Fox considered the man who would unceremonious the end the trilogy Brett Ratner for the director's chair before offering it to machete and Spike adulterer Robert Rodriguez ru he didn't want to make big-budget films at the time so the offer went to usual suspects - writer Bryan Singer who turned it down before reading the comics and reconsidering number six during filming Bryan Singer wanted to read rumors circulating about the film so he would produce the gossip sites something he probably doesn't too much nowadays given what they're saying about him anyway one day he heard the rumor he'd been fired and got worried that someone knew something he didn't so he called the film's execs in a panic only to find out this wasn't how Fox lets its staff go number seven Buffy creator Avengers director and supposed man who ruined Justice League Joss Whedon was asked to help on the script and did a major overhaul this was all thrown out except for a few lines arguably the film's best line you're a dick and certainly the film's worst the infamous frog gag number AIDS the first choice for the diminutive Ferrell Canadian known as Wolverine was Russell Crowe but he was not too keen instead Dougray Scott the Scotch was cursed but his shooting on John was tough heavy mission impossible to overrun and he had drop out so Crowe recommended his friend huge jacked man for the part and he joined the team 19 days into production and the rest is as they say a film series have any reliant on overusing his character number 9 to prepare for takes Jackman would watch videos of Mike Tyson in his trailer as any watch the films there Tyson wasn't filmed inside his trailer that'd be weird he also purposely took ice showers to get sufficiently angry number 10 the role of storm originally went to singer actor and part of 50% of Jackson kids snubbed by the Jackson 5 Janet Jackson she ultimately dropped out to avoid disrupting her concert tour and the role went to Halle Berry who even dropped out of jiggly to film the sequel granted cheek be turned out to be one of the worst films ever made but at the time this seemed like a difficult decision to make number 11 national treasure and ageless egg Patrick Stewart's had no idea what x-men was when he was approached for the part of Professor X in fact yeah II thought he was being asked about the x-files number 12 given that the Wolverine the animal not the film isn't native to Hugh Jackman's home of Australia nuru he'd never heard of the critter before signing up to x-men and studied wolves instead to prepare for the role only to find that Wolverine is based unsurprisingly on the Humble Wolverine number 13 when the class of the first film weren't shooting James Marsden recalled the cars would regularly head over to certain McKellen's crib where they'd had barbecues and sing show tunes by his piano although regrettably none of this made it onto the official movie soundtrack number 14 as we movie buffs know if you want to tell the audience someone's super smart they must and I mean must play a game of chess throughout the series Magneto and Professor X frequently play smart people drafts as I call it to show just how big their big brains are but somehow when they're combined 121 years neither Ian McKellen or Patrick Stewart had ever played chess before and a chess master had to come to set to teach them number 15 Tyler Knight Romain started out as a professional wrestler before he retired and began work as a stunt man when he was brought in to discuss doing stunt work Bryan Singer saw him and instantly cast him instead in the role of Sabretooth after his former tag team partner Kevin Nash had dropped out due to scheduling conflicts this then catapulted him into superstardom and you'll of course recognize him now as the mass killer Mark Myers from the 2007 Halloween reboots number 16 sadly though neither saber-tooth jet black eyes are as majestic sideburns belong to Tyler mane although he did hold onto the black contact lens as if they were his leaving them in so long at one point he went blind for a day similarly Rebecca Romijn wore yellow contacts in the first film and when she had to fake kick Bruce Davison in one take she straight-up missed and kicked his face number 17 took Rebecca Romijn nine hours in makeup and 110 sip aesthetics to make the transformation into the blue meanie mystique 4x2 they got this protest down to just six hours by the time my beautiful darling Jennifer Lawrence came around it was a breezy three-hour process just imagine how long it took to make them up as all the people she shape-shifts into number 18 in a move town to mount two comic book heresy the film's original script contained not a single bar believing Wolverines mutton chopped mouth having been Wolverines cat woods since his fourth ever appearance in 1955 s uncanny x-men number 94 Jackman felt it was important so he started peppering the word into his lines in the hope that at least one would make the final cut which thankfully it did number 19 cinemas favorite cut James Marsden stands at a teat c5 but 11 meaning he was too short to stand next to ed leggy co-stars Hugh Jackman and famke janssen probably why people keep cheating on him in every film ever so for he seems with them he had to stand on Ray's tracks for Apple boxes like that creepy kid in Netflix his tall girl number 20 however it wasn't all bad for that adorable little munchkin piece mates with Sonic now actually it's not because of that because Marston was rewarded by Oakley with a lifetime supply of sunglasses for wearing their product in the film although surely if their product was any good a lifetime supply with being like one or two pairs number 21 Marvel Cinematic Universe puppeteer Kevin Feige was just a lowly associate pretty sure at the turn of the millennium working on x-men and even filming a cheeky cameo as a Weapon X technician although he was ultimately cut from the final film at which point he property vowed he would one day seek revenge by rising to the top and enveloping the whole franchise into his cinematic universe number 22 were oh oh another cameo that almost happened was Hugh Jackman Wolverine cropping up in Sam Raimi spider-man tying the two universes together but Fox ultimately set the price too high for Sony shoots of the character and the deal fell through atactic sony seems to have taken some inspiration from a few years down the line number 23 during shooting for the first movie Hugh Jackman kicked off a now long-standing tradition of accidentally stabbing people with his prop Wolverine claws his first victim was Rebecca Romijn stunt double who got a core to the arm Jackman reportedly freaked out while the stunt double exclaimed yes I've been stabbed by Wolverine number 24 x-men 2x 2x men United or whatever you wanna call it was partly inspired by the graphic novel God loves man kills who shared bad guys William Stryker in this case a religious leader who built up a replica cerebro to kill all mutants forcing magneto to team up with the x-men to stop him number 25 when it's open to 3741 screens on May the 2nd 2003 its earned its place not only in nerdy preteen hearts the world over but also the Guinness Book of World Records for the widest film release ever to that point number 26 after his stunts on the set to premium Rhapsody Bryan Singer is now well known for his reputation of keeping his cast and crew writing well amongst other things he's known for but he really honed that skill or next to when he effectively shut down production for two hours while light was fading so he could sit on a log and think about how to fix the scene between Wolverine and Jean Grey when he returned he asked for a vote on whether de su should kiss and the presumably not very happy camera crew voted yes number 27 only one copy of the script belonging to the studio president revealed genes death at the end of the film so famke janssen didn't know her character's fate until halfway through shooting even showing up to film the final scene so she'd be present in publicity shots number 28 after the first film many of the props were auctioned off to various buyers including professor Davies wheelchair so when number 2 rolled around the prop Department realized it would be cheaper than rebuilding or buying it back to just rent the chair from its new owner number 29 flashbacks to Logan's warper rising required jacked man to go in the NIP in a big adamantium bath before running down the hall this birthday suits checks and asked for a closed set but in a hilarious and slightly uncomfortable post me to turn in one take you turn the corner to the entire female crew and James Martin's mother waiting and waving dollar bills at him naturally Jackman cover his bits and accidentally stabbed his own thigh although I imagine things could have got a lot worse number 30 after these show about the hospital exploiting him for child labor but before the show about the widowed man telling his kids about the time he shagged their aunt Neil Patrick Harris was looking for another defining role and audition for the role of Nightcrawler although he ultimately lost out to Alan [ __ ] because he was fluent in German which is hard to argue about when you're auditioning to play a German number 31 coming worked with movement coach Terry notary to perfect nightcrawlers movement an ex-member of the Munich circus no tree was perfect for this having once been a member of Cirque du Soleil and apparently loving blue guys too because he went on to work on Avatar number 32 instead of filming in a museum that the film's opening scene the crew decided it would be easier to kicked out a convention center with dinosaur bones that rented a mood from you guessed it a natural museum now there's only three insert Convention Center our Museum Professor X freezes the members of the general public in what doesn't get enough credit as the og mannequin challenge instead of using effect for on singers simply hired professional mimes as extras so they could simulate the freezing entirely in camera number 34 if you're wondering what special effects were employed to achieve that wall of ice that Iceman creates the hold of Stryker they use the lesser-known technique of making a giant freaking wall of ice on set and actually exploding the 11-foot monstrosity right there and bloody them number 35 when one of Hugh Jackman's sisters visited the X two sets she went through makeup and emerged this full Wolverine getup then walked around pretending to be her brother which is quite sad really who'd want to dress up and pretend to be war for ya anyway she was so convincing that Bryan Singer apparently confided in someone that he was acting very strangely today number 36 the exact recreation of the Oval Office was so precise that the President's desk alone took two months to build and the set would later be reused in stargate sg1 which is all about realism number 37 x-men has always been a vehicle for civil rights messages from their 1960s introduction against the backdrop of african-american civil rights struggles to the movies which were intended as metaphors for LGBTQ rights with this in mind sir ian collabed with the screenwriters fact to to the babi Drake's mutant coming-out scene could more closely resemble a real-life coming-out scene which is why I was followed by a man shooting fire from his hands at the police as with so many real coming-out stories number 38 the exteriors of alkali Lake were filmed in the Canadian Rockies which are expected to be covered with snow but when the crew showed up an unprecedented warm spell had melted all the natural snow and 40 tons of fake snow had to be shipped in in its place number 39 when rogue gets sucked out of the x-men's blackbird despite the fact it becomes a faceless blur and it's literally only about a second long Anna Paquin at sea trained warned perform the stunt herself and that deserves some recognition so let's all take a moment to appreciate Anna Paquin yeah number 40 when Wolverine almost makes sushi out of the Drake found e-cat frozen tea was actually put on his claws Wolverines not the cats to make the kitty more inclined to lick them number 41 singer was supposed to direct the trilogy's closer owing to his three-picture deals thought but in 2005 Warner Brothers offered him his dream shot at making a superman film and when need the studio would budge their schedule so he could do both he ultimately jumped ship to make Superman Returns the meaning of life that left Fox in the lurch so they approached Joss Whedon to direct but he was developing a Wonder Woman film for those director hawkers at Warner Brothers so next they tried Zack Snyder but he was also making another comic book movie based on fragment as 300 so he kicked fox's dreams down the proverbial well the two would go on to co-direct DC's Justice League and if that's anything to go on maybe x-men 3 was just never destined to be a good film number 43 while the MCU certainly perfected the end credits scene to the ire of cinema employees everywhere the practice was first popularized in x-men The Last Stand when we learned that Professor X actually used Basel expositions ex machina machine to survive as disintegration in what can only be described as the most iconic dust death in Marvel film history number 44 believe it or not this film that everybody loves is somehow award-winning famke janssen won a Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress and Halle Berry won a People's Choice Award for it - the Saturn's also nominated it the best sci-fi film best music best costume best special effect and Best Supporting Actor - number 45 the film's standout sequence which sees San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge lifted and floated in the air by bonito in itself took enormous work around one sixth of the last stands total effects budget was spent on the sequence which took months to complete in fact the scene was only completed two weeks before the film landed in theaters with the FX team working around the clock to finish the movie before release number 46 originally back in 2005 it was planned for gambit to make his introduction in The Last Stand as one of the many newcomers to the x-men fold the film's writer Simon Kinberg a plan to bring gambit in as a combatant in the convoy scene and for the Battle of Alcatraz but ultimately decided there wasn't room Channing Tatum audition for the role of gambit in x-men stand but the character was cut from the film number 47 the only reason Halle Berry agreed to do the third x-men film was because Ratner promised storm some real power beside lightning and blowing stuff up unfortunately berry had no idea her body would have reacted poorly to Wyatts stunts one son too particularly required her to spend 24 times per second which frequently was halted in vomiting she even had a bucket called Halley's bucket that followed her around which she's apparently kept as weird number 48 in 2001 Marvel released a six-issue miniseries called origin this told the origin of Wolverine growing up as James Howlett in 19th century Canada some people felt this too gray the mystery that people loved about Wolverine but Marvel kind of did have a choice there were fears within Marvel that Fox planned to create an origin prequel for Wolverine and there's if Marvel themselves didn't set out an official origin for the character Fox would do it for them and lo and behold this inspired the opening of two thousand lines x-men origins Wolverine number 49 wade wilson's dialogue and x-men origins Wolverine was pretty much all improvised according to Reynolds the scripture said Wade Wilson turns up and says things number 50 there was an idea with x-men origins Wolverine to film multiple endings and send different prints to different theaters so that depending what theity went to he would get a different ending for the movie that didn't happen but those endings were filmed one of them shows Wolverine drinking in a Japanese bar in another Weezy weapon Elevens head wake up and do a showing he's still alive which thank God thank God that wasn't number 51 the film was co-written by David Benioff you remember David Benioff the one have been off and Vice Fame you know the guys who everyone loves for how they wrote the ending of Game of Thrones makes more sense now huh number 52 Liev Schreiber plays Sabretooth in this movie in a career highlight initially he was asked about a muscle suit but he felt humiliated and so packed on the muscle in a what he described as the genocide of chickens you know for protein purposes but also that's the name of chicken runs sequel number 53 as loyal 101 viewers will know Ryan Reynolds has wanted to play Deadpool for a long time and when he heard Wade Wilson was in this movie he approached the filmmakers for the role anyway it did not go well for more info that by the way head to our video all about DP but how do you finish the x-men yeah yeah number 54 despite all the odds well I am is in this film I know the hardest ever himself anyway apparently him rolled in bootcamp to get into shape and took the role because he wanted to play mutants who could do the same thing as Nightcrawler which number 55 and so now we move on to x-men first class a lovely return to form James McAvoy plays a younger child Xavier and so knowing this he took it upon himself to shave his head before shooting makes perfect sense right well it turns out he had to have a full head of hair for the movie and so had to wear hair extensions number 56 Nicolas I went out with Jennifer Lawrence look at me on the best halt plays Hank McCoy also known as beast beast had already been played by Kelsey sideshow Frazier grammar and so part of halts research was to watch episodes afraid her to get kelsey Grammer's accent down number 57 january jones is probably best known for her role as Betty Draper in the sixty set booze and smoke Athan Mad Men so when she took the part of Emma Frost an x-men first class she did so to break the mold after being in the period show for so long only to discover that first class was actually set in the 60s as well and that Emma can't be harvest Frosty's Betty Draper gets and later seasons number 58 Jackman reportedly reprised his role for a very brief time in the film on twin conditions that a the studio donated money to his child school and be he was allowed to swear if you've ever seen x-men first class you'll know he did exactly that number 59 director Matthew Vaughn had a whole sequence in which Charlton emma frost have a mind battle with physics bending imagery which sounds great but it had to be cuts because he would be deemed too similar to inception number 680 Caleb Landry Jones also known as burn she apparently audition for the film without knowing what x-men character he was going to be brave to be sure but he knew it was gonna be spider-man or Batman but one because I'm not x-men but also because he has red hair and freckles number 61 the cities of 1960s Washington and Moscow were created based on photographs of the atrocities in that time Moscow in particular had vehicles a military hardware based on videos of Red Square in sixty-two number 62 nice Matthew Bourne designed the film to look like a 1960s movie - apparently he didn't want the camera to move around too much and didn't want to throw it with whizz-bang whatever the hell that means Bourne had to hire five cinematographers for the movie only one of which John Matheson was fully credited but then he did do half of it number 63 the x-men in this movie are seen wearing some very fetching blue and yellow suits this is of course a reference to the ones they're first seen wearing in the 1963 comic designed by Jack Kirby Nintendo 64 and then came along the Wolverine in 2013 rhymes - to get that absolutely ripped look Jackman drank four gallons of water a day but then a day before filming would drink absolutely nothing at all this would remove all the water from under his skin and make him look more ripped top tip by the way don't do this it leaves you dizzy and faint who can even give you permanent kidney failure number 65 now Logan has ever worn the mask in the movies but he almost did in the Wolverine an alternate deleted scene Logan was given a case by his bodyguard Yukio a case that contained his classic armor sadly though the scene was cut and Jackman ended the movie series without ever wearing it number 66 Hugh Jackman said that with this movie he finally achieved the physique that he always wanted - for Wolvie for this reason a lot of the promo features Wolverine topless well that and the pure thirst but in the movie this only actually happens a few times number 67 James Mangold directs this here movie but originally it was going to be black swans Darren Aronofsky he worked on the project for six months with any left he said it was because the family reasons but some are speculated it's because he wanted a hard r-rated movie which the studio did not want but then they never do do they number 68 apparently yashida's actor Hal Yamanouchi can speak fluent Italian for this reason he redubbed himself for the Italian version of the movie what a nice guy number 69 ukyo's appearance in the movie is different to in the comics she has long red hair here instead of short and black and the clothes are rather anime esque rather than her usual black leather getup actress Rila Fukushima did read the comics in preparation for the role and found that her short black hair was similar to the character and so it was a bit stunned to find out about the read plan number 70 the movie was shot at Fox Studios Australia on all six of its sound stages this same place was used for the matrix Attack of the Clones and Superman Returns so there's a good bit of trivia Phoenix hub quiz number 71 in 2013 director Bryan Singer tweeted that Lady Gaga would be joining the cast of x-men Days of Future past as the disco dancing popstar mutant Dazzler unfortunately for fans or possibly fortunately depending on your opinion of Darla it was quickly noted that the date it was tweeted on was the first of April number 72 Matthew Vaughn was eyed to be the creative lead of the series going forward he left before data future paths came out but he had planned his own x-men trilogy which included day to Future past but as its third installment number 23 of all the promotional x-men tie-ins the most bizarre is probably the 11 car Pendolino train that Virgin Trains UK christened as x-men Days of Future past in tandem with the film's release with absolutely zero attempt to draw any parallels between trains in the events of the film which let's face it no one involved in the decision had actually seen you can keep up with a train or Logan motive if you actually put five seconds into trying to make a relevant name with the hashtag x-men train number 74 peter dinklage tyrion lanister himself played to bolivar trask in dated Future past and here's what he had to say about his character in relation to dwarfism with my dwarfism I'm a bit of a mutant I can't move metal or anything but I thought of it as self-loathing deep down Trask is quite sensitive about that aspect of himself number 75 Quicksilver appears in this movie but also appears in Avengers age of Ultron in a different universe and body a written legal agreement had to be devised for this to happen between Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox on the agreement that MCU Quicksilver was not allowed to be referred to as a mutant or member of the x-men nor was x-men Quicksilver allowed to be referred to as an event which is good because neither of those make sense in the context of the movies number 76 Anna Paquin was actually in Days of Future past this rogue but she's almost entirely cut from the film you can't see her scenes though on the home video version of a movie called Days of Future past rogue cuts also Vanisher was there too the whole time and you just didn't know number 77 storm also cuts women of treatment to as she was gonna have a whole romance thing with Wolverine but that was cut out all together in a deleted scene she kisses him but apparently there were even more deleted bits that teased us out number 78 The Fast and Furious and x-men franchises have this weird overlap when they're released in the same year like brothers Hooper grudgingly share a birthday x-men 2 and 2 fast 2 furious for both released in 2003 x-men The Last Stand and the faster Furious Tokyo Drift were both released in 2006 x-men origins Wolverine and fast and furious but both release from 2009 x-men first class fast and furious 5 2011 The Wolverine and fast Furious 6 4 2013 and fast and furious 7 was going to be released in 2014 the same year as x-men Days of Future past but was then pushed to 2015 after Paul Walker's untimely death number 79 then in 2016 x-men apocalypse happen and 144 minutes this is the longest x-men film to date and boy does it feel it number 80 Olivia Munn appears a psylocke in apocalypse but she was originally going to be considered for the role of Vanessa in Deadpool however she wanted to do action scenes and so she became psylocke instead number 81 following x-men apocalypse my beautiful journey as well as James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender made a promise to each other they would only return to the series if they all came back wouldn't bothered to be honest number 82 Oscar Isaac place unsub owner or Thanos apocalypse in well pocalypse he did not enjoy himself he couldn't move his head was covered in glue and latex had to wear a 40-pound suit that had his own cooling system and then presumably have to watch x-men apocalypse number 83 a trailer for the movie got it into a bit of hot water before it even came out in its apocalypse says he's been called many things over many lifetimes raah Krishna and Yahweh the Indian statesman returns EDD called for this reference to be removed said the Hindu religions not trivialize dance they did lovely number 84 this movies Quicksilver scene set to sweet dreams are made of this also known as the best scene in the dang movie took over 20 days to shoot with the combination of practical and CG effects no wonder it took so long they had to find a way to slow down time for goodness sake and that's ironic Lee's got to take ages number 85 I am so ready to be naked painted blue and the world is ready for it too who said that that's right it was not Jennifer Lawrence but Sir Patrick Stewart who said he'd be willing to play mystique should jail or start playing up that's quite by the way he actually said that number 86 sophie Turner was cast as the Dark Phoenix herself Jean Grey though she's got the Dark Phoenix yet despite the fact she does have this weird flame Phoenix thing in the movie which doesn't make sense but anyway Elle Fanning Chloe grace Moretz Daisy Ridley Saoirse Ronan Hailee Steinfeld and Lily Collins were barony all considered before they went with Sansa and that's the team number 87 maybe Turner was chosen because her and famke janssen are quite similar neither them a natural redheads they're both European they're both taller than their Cyclops is by an inch coincidence almost definitely but such is life that's the tape number 88 then in 2017 came what some considered to be the best x-men movie of them all James Mangold's Logan as well as Hugh Jackman piece 2 is in this movie and lost 21 pounds to make him appear elderly and weak number 89 Laura stunt-double was named Rissa killer and director james mangold was extremely impressed with her so much so she was later cast as one for children specifically pine cone girl number 90 the psionic blast the Professor X suffers from was done by shooting shaky footage on purpose also Hugh Jackman wasn't really acting when he was struggling to get past it he was being held back by a rope pulled by two men to make it look more realistic which wow I know from experience that's painful don't ask why number 91 Laura's actress Daphne keen was 11 years old at the time of filming this meant that legally she was not allowed inside the casino at all she therefore had to be on a green screen for some of these scenes or a body double that was over 18 had to be used number 92 Laura and Xavier are watching the movie Shane at one point when Xavier says he remembers watching as a child in his hometown this was both improvised and true was it's one of Sir patch Seuss earliest memories number 93 and then in 2019 came what seems to be the penultimate sort of installment in the x-men movies and the Fox anyway Dark Phoenix handsome has scored this movie after being convinced by director Simon Kinberg he'd previously retired from superhero movies after Batman Superman Wonder Woman and spider-man and yeah he came back for this number 94 the movie takes place in 1990 two years after apocalypse where somehow no one's aged quality anyway this was a big year of the x-men their comics were relaunch and their cartoon series was launched in this year IRL number 95 the movie was going to have a smaller budget due to x-men apocalypse not doing very well and it's lucky that they did I suppose because Dark Phoenix was considered a box-office bomb as it lost over 100 million dollars number 96 magneto runs a safe land for mutants in this movie known as Genosha Kim Berg describes this as Magneto's Israel where mutants can be safe and self-sufficient number 97 in the comics the special team who capture mutants usually called the mutant Control Agency but in this movie their armbands read MCU this stands for mutant containment unit and is left in as a wink to the MCU although given they're pretty villainous it's probably not in a very nice way number 98 and so we get to the surprising story of the new mutants now this movie was meant to come out in April 2018 two whole years ago it was announced in 2018 the film was stuck in corporate limbo after Disney took over Fox and didn't know what to do with it number 99 it's been delayed quite a few times now and there have been all sorts of rumors do with reshoots or toning down the horror or making it fit the MCU but apparently no reshoots were done and now it's coming out in April 2012 8 no it's not it's being pushed back again indefinitely for well I think you can tell why I can't you number a hundred ER there were rumors of an R rating for this movie but director Josh Boone has said that instead it's going to be the hardest pg-13 ever made the filmmakers described the film as a haunted house movie with a bunch of hormonal teenagers with Stephen King and John Hughes as reference points and influences number one in the movie it seems the character of Ileana carries a dragon toy around this is an homage to Lockheed a pet dragon owned by the x-men which hopefully will see the light of day once the MCU takes over right I mean we had to crack it in iron fist sawed-off so and that's kind of MC I don't know anymore so that was 101 facts about the x-men do you want us to do a video all about Comics x-men let me know in the comments down below who is your favorite member of the x-men or favorite mutants in general let me know in the comments down below thank you for watching please feel free to give this video a like and subscribe to 101 fact if you've done so already because ah we just love it I mean I really do it's really great anyway two videos on screen now that are gonna really dampen your whistle which one's gonna do it the most well I guess you have to watch both on yeah so why not give it click and I'll see you there there are for now
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 76,195
Rating: 4.9089084 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, x-men, xmen, x-men facts, best x-men, animated, wolverine, cyclops, professor xavier, magneto, new xmen, new mutants, logan, the last stand, x2, first class, days of future past, mystique, jennifer lawrence, deadpool, deadpool 2, x-men origins wolverine, hugh jackman, jean grey, dark phoenix, apocalypse, trailer, spoiler, spoiler free, juggernaut, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, mcu x-men, mutants, sentinels, best scenes, quicksilver, marvel comics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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