101 Facts about Japan

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greetings mother factors and welcome to this kawaii edition of 101 facts sin pies I'm Sam and I'm here to talk to you today my name is gloriously weird and simultaneously badass country in the world Japan but why do they love to censor the naughty bits since when was this guy a citizen if a tree falls down in a forest and nobody hears it did it really fall down to ATO through those questions are going to be answered so strap in and discover what the Land of the Rising Sun has to offer his hin for you some bloody weird game shows this is 101 facts about Japan number one believe it or not Japan is a country made up of islands along the Pacific coast of Asia I'm just telling you this in case you were born in a cave and subsequently lived there until right now number two Japan actually has two other names for its residence Nihon and/or Nippon Nippon is apparently a more formal and fancy way of saying it if you're over there and you really want to impress someone number three Nihon literally translates as sun origin so the country has the nickname the Land of the Rising Sun not to be confused with that song sung by the animals not literal animals I mean you know there is a house in New Orleans you know that one number four if you want to visit sure by all means do but pack hiking boots seventy-three percent of the country consists of mountains and there are more than 200 volcanoes forty of which are active and I don't mean they're into CrossFit either you know they spray larvae and stuff number five the highest mountain is Mount Fuji standing at a whopping three thousand seven hundred seventy six meters that's the equivalent of about two thousand and eight huge Ackman stacked on top of one another what a sight that would be to behold he's a good-looking man it's good-looking man number six as well as that approximately 1,500 earthquakes are reported in Japan every year number seven the worst earthquake on record in Japan happened just off the coast in 2011 with a map of 9.5 resulting in the tragic death of over 15,000 people number 8 the population stands at a whopping 120 7.3 million people that's the equivalent of one hundred twenty seven point three million Hugh Jackman's wait that comparison doesn't work does it number nine there are very few immigrants who moved to Japan Wow Donald Trump must love it there so ninety-eight percent of the population is Japanese number ten weirdly though between 2010 and 2015 the population of Japan dropped by 0.7 percent now that doesn't sound like much but that's around nine hundred forty-seven thousand three hundred and forty five people less that's like losing the entirety of Staten Island twice number eleven why could this be happening well it could be to do with Japan's strange relationship to sex more on that later one survey found that 40 percent of singles in their 20s and 30s think they have more to prioritize over relationships number 12 even more than that in 2013 the Japan Family Planning Association found the 46 percent of women aged between 16 to 24 were not interested in or even despised sexual contact counter those plane tickets are just burst that doesn't matter anymore number 13 as anybody who's ever been to a drop if you lessen or as we call them in Britain Pub Quiz will know Tokyo is the capital of Japan it's home to 13 million of the country's population number 14 average life expectancy in Japan is 81 which is the same as us here in the UK and four more years than those of the more American flavor number 15 the currency in Japan is known as yen weirdly it's also unofficially and occasionally used by Zimbabwe too apparently though this is only in case of emergencies it's not just because they fancied a change in their change number 16 yen was first introduced by the government under a guy named Emperor Meiji wow what a majestic mustache that is number 17 in fact Emperor Meiji introduced many things to modernize Japan from its previous feudal ways transforming it into a western-style state he also spearheaded the wearing of Western clothes as well as adopting its culture and food number 18 speaking of food religion that Segway could have been better I suppose but some of us food is a religion okay god I'm hungry anyway Buddhism was introduced in Japan in 552 C II it's one of two main religions alongside Shinto number 19 Shinto dates back all the way to the eighth century the religion centers around rituals to enable humans to communicate with kami which is said to be native spirits number twenty between eleven eighty five in the late eighteen hundreds it was the age of the samurai the samurai were great warriors who were initially hired by those with money and power like landowners as protection sort of like badass bodyguards number 21 the samurai lived by a particular code a bit like Batman I suppose known as at Bushido it's a code based on loyalty honor and frugality actually that last one isn't really my Batman at all is it number 22 oh one of these honorable codes was that a samurai must perform something known as seppuku if they fail by the way no seppuku is not a jolly little jig but it's actually ritual suicide by disembowelling themselves to uphold honor once they have been shamed or failed yeesh number 23 fast forward a few centuries and Japan was actually briefly occupied by America after their defeat in World War two America occupied the country between 1945 and 1952 yeah as you can tell this sections going to be a full of laughs number 24 this was after the events of December 1941 in which Japanese planes attacked American naval base Pearl Harbor the death toll totalled over 2,000 people number-25 this led to two atomic bomb attacks on the Japanese regions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which combined led to the death of over 200,000 people number 26 this makes Japan the only country in the world to have been nuked not just once but twice number 27 okay all that was horrible so here's something a little bit lighter for you this is a Oshima island also known as cat heaven in this small fishing village felines outnumber humans six to one because of this crazy cat ladies and [ __ ] lovers everywhere come to visit making it a big tourist hotspot ah another 28 in the summer rub six dip for oh no wait sorry that's the summer 69 is Natori my bad in the summer of 1964 the Olympic Games was held in Tokyo becoming the first Olympic Games to be held in Asia number 29 Japan are going to host the games again in 2020 the lucky so-and-so's Prime Minister Abe a Shinzo made a special appearance at the Rio closing ceremony he made quite an entrance to emerging from a giant green pipe as a jumping Italian plumber what can be more Japanese than that number 30 hey talking of sport see my wrestling is Japan's national sport near naked giant men have been wrestling each other to the ground for about 1,500 years now it's even considered as a Shinto ritual number 31 if you are a sumo wrestler first of all thanks for watching but also you're not allowed to drive and they must always wear traditional dress I wouldn't laugh if I were you son he'd batter you into the floor like a wrecking ball on a pancake number 32 baseball is also a very popular sport in Japan and has been since it was first introduced to the country in 1860 number three day Japan is a busy place like crazy busy place so you can imagine in commuting being a bit of a nightmare well look at this this is how busy the subway gets number 34 in fact there's even people employed to push as many people onto trains as physically possible cuz I mean you know who cares about oxygen that's the last time I complain about the tube on rush hour number 35 punctuality in Japan is a massive dealio on the rare occasion the trains are delayed it's normally by about 0.6 minutes even then can we just get a delay certificate to explain to their boss why they might be late number 36 Japan's literacy rate is 99 percent that's just one of a hundred percent math fans to achieve this the Japanese have collectively spent ten point nine billion yen on tutoring and extra studying number thirty-seven in fact there is so much academic pressure in Japan jacooz exist jacooz or cram schools are schools specifically designed to be attended after schooling Amma's and at the weekend because education in academia is just so fun right kids number 38 it doesn't get much better when you're an adult either in fact an average work week is over 50 hours and the workday average is 18 to 20 hours number 39 because of the long hours and pressures of Japan business culture in a Miri is actively encouraged no don't worry enemy's not suicide again it's nothing at work apparently it shows your dedication to the job which I'm gonna do now by having a power nap for about 7 seconds hold up Jeff no please don't leave me again Jeff okay I'm gonna get number forty the suicide rate in Japan is even 60% higher than global average number forty-one the Japanese also have ignition as hikikomori people who suffer with this refused to leave the house and isolate themselves from society in 2010 it was recorded that over 700,000 people had this condition the meaning of life in fact pressures from work are so high in Japan they even have a word for death from overworking karashi number 43 there are even several hot spots for these tragedies the Aokigahara forest is the place where the most suicides occur in Japan number 44 located near Mount Fuji hundreds of people have ended their lives there it's gotten so bad that the path into the forest has many signs advertising suicide prevention hotlines and urging visitors to consider their families good god that's so bleak another 45 but hey if business and stress aren't going too well there are other options too like enrolling in one of the 130 voice acting schools around the country number 46 this is because and I don't know whether you realize this or not it may be a bombshell but anime is a big deal in Japan anime plays a massive part in tourism luring hundreds of thousands and making the economy go super saiyan am I am I am i doing it right karma huh mija number 47 in fact through its anime Japan produces 60% of the world's animation 60% what a Titan get it Titan attack on Titan is an hour doesn't mana number 48 on average Japanese folk watch two hundred and sixty four minutes of television every day I'm not sure how they fit that in without naps and ridiculously busy work and school life up hey hey there we go who needs sleep number 49 they do love their manga to the highest selling manga one piece follows a man by the frankly great name of monkey D Luffy who is made of rubber fair enough and captain of a pirate crew number 50 it's still going now and it's bigger than ever in fact between November 2015 and may 2016 one piece sold more than 6.47 million books crikey O'Reilly good work Luffy number 51 it also got turned into an anime to first airing in 1999 as of current burbling it's still going to after 763 episodes number 52 this very Nisha not very well know franchise also originates from Japan to you you won't have heard of it though number 53 since the 1950s the crime rate in Japan has been very low less than one person is murdered for every 100,000 of the population which is a very comforting thought to the people of Japan but terrifying for everyone else number 54 for what they lack in killing people they make up for it for murdering fish it's out of fish a study in 2012 found that Japan consumes 582 million tons of fish a year that's 12% of the world's fish population I know Nemo I know number vebber live I've now to Christmas our Christmas what's your favorite food at Christmas turkey the insane amount of Yorkshire puddings although that's mainly a Brit folk thing how about some fried chicken because that's what the Japanese have at Christmas time number 56 in fact in 2015 around 3.6 million people had KFC on Christmas Day and they don't even celebrate Christmas I know where Jen and I are spending our Yuletide this year number 57 christmas is a time of celebration though but more for couples than four G's and Santa Christmas Eve for instance is actually more like Valentine's Day than actual Christmas number 58 if there's one thing Japan loves its coffee damn fine coffee you can buy canned coffee from over five million vending machines all over the country number 59 even the happiest cracky faced man in the world Tommy Lee Jones advertises it over there in what can only be described as the most Japanese advert ever I bet he loved making these number 60 Sokka is an alcoholic drink made from fermented rice Koji rice malt and water and has been popular in Japan since around 713 AD there's around 1,600 producers of Sakai in the country numbers Uzi 1 this is a watermelon nice isn't it well this may look like it's from Minecraft but it's a watermelon in Japan they are grown square because they are easier to stack in shops and easier to store in the fridge at home ah these guys think of everything maybe everything should be cubed number 62 Japan is a big big fan of KFC a big fan of square stuff and apparently a big fan of penises in fact they kind of have a festival all for themselves kanamara matsuri which translates as the festival of the steel phallus is celebrated in Kawasaki number 63 the Shinto festival centers around the legend of a jealous Sharptooth demon which hid inside a girl's vagina because where else would he hide and bit off the penises of her two husbands yep I know right why isn't this a movie Nintendo 64 a blacksmith came to her aid fashioned an iron phallus and broke the demon's teeth prostitutes prey to shrines of the phallus protection against STDs the day is celebrated with penis shaped sweets and vegetables number 65 new year is a big celebration for Japan and it's celebrated in a similar fashion to the way that people in the West celebrate Christmas families come together they pray and they have a big meal than a whether to KFC or not that's a meal number six six they also have huge killer Hornets ok sure their only killer if you're allergic to their stings but they are big they can grow over two inches for instance which is huge well so I'm reassured number 67 there's some weird stuff in Japan - I know right who'd have thought it including I'm gonna say it the used panty vending machine yes they were real in small areas but after strict laws came along in the 90s banning them they're probably now jolly difficult to find sorry Clive number 68 hey but anyway there are all types of vending machines for just about anything all around Japan Brighton I can noodle sushi manga books bouquets of flowers everything number 69 oh there's even a grabbing machine for lobsters look at that although surely if you win the prize will nip you to bits number 70 these are not human aquariums but a rooms in a capsule hotel tiny little bedrooms designed for people who don't need the frills of a hotel like a comfy morgue number 71 these capsule hotel rooms cost around $17 a night just in case you want to book your next home mini break number 72 Godzilla sat down fight Alton even talking about any one fight it anyway is one of the most recognizable mascots from Japan the original film was made in 1954 and at the time it was the most expensive movie of all time number 73 Godzilla is said to be a representation of nuclear weapons given that his first movie came out not so long after the nuclear attacks I mentioned earlier no matter fella he's come a long way since Godzilla is now officially a Japanese citizen as of 2015 and he also has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ah good on you buddy good on you number 75 he since put his city smashing ways behind him and has now settled down with a job as a tourism ambassador of Shinjuku district in Tokyo so you can ask him for city maps or directions to the nearest vending machine of your choice anything not a 76 talking on your mobile or as you Americans and drakes a cell phone is frowned upon in public and messages play around train stations asking for phones to be put in manner mode number 77 cell phones also have to be out of sight at restaurants too so you can't Instagram the meal you're about to have but how do you get validation from your friends about what you're eating number 78 Japan is a video game heaven companies such as Sega Nintendo Namco and Taito were all stablished in Japan and have created some of the most beloved games and consoles that established the Golden Age of video gaming number 79 great gaming characters were also born right out of Japan Mario Sonic link Kirby pac-man Pikachu Cory from Cory in the house probably all the greats number 80 there are five thousand seven hundred seventy-two arcades to young people RK - where people used to go to play video games I know they had to leave the house is unbelievable right anyway 5720 to arcades are located throughout Japan and they generate 450 billion yen a year that's the equivalent of 4.3 billion dollars by the way number 81 when it was released in 2014 in Japan only Love Plus became a very popular game indeed in this game you the player get to date a virtual girlfriend Oh number 82 in the game you can take your pick out of three girls Rinku Neenee or Menaka change your age to appear younger that's creepy take your girlfriend out on dates and even hug and hold her hands oh I tried to think of the mods for this game number 83 together the three versions of the game have sold more than 600,000 copies that's a lot of virtual girlfriends number 84 summer lessons is an upcoming similar game in virtual reality where you help a school girl in uniform and everything study for her exams yep no ulterior motives here not at all I feel creepy just looking at this number 85 adult diapers outsell baby diapers in Japan yep no contacts there just think about that for a second number 86 the Japanese also have maid cafes in these cafes the waitresses usually aged between 16 to 25 are dressed as you guessed it maids and serve you while calling you master or mistress for extra money the maids will even give you massages fully clothed or even sing with you number 87 there are also Butler cafes too and this one's for the ladies the waiters dress up as Butler's serve you sweets and tea in a British accent and call you princess ah sounds dreamy probably number 88 curdled cafes or sonia aware male customers can pay to sleep next to a girl there's nothing sexual here apparently and the customers can pay up to 1,000 yen to stroke the girl's hair for three minutes or give her a foot massage lovely number 89 in Tokyo dizzy v'n a bar named love jewel where instead of bottles of alcohol on the wall there are dildos and vibrators lovely stuff single men aren't allowed in and it's designed to be a place where women can openly talk about masturbating I know someone like that you already called slough number 90 do you feel like dancing I know I do well you're in luck here in Japan because the ban on late-night dancing was lifted in 2015 the 67 year old law was enforced after World War two and made it forbidden to publicly dance number 91 the Japanese love all things kawaii kawaii may sound like a budget version of Hawaii but it actually means cute in the old Japanese and it's a massive part of the culture they're influencing all kinds of stuff from public transport to construction signs card the little ducky number 92 this little feline lady may well be Deadpool's fave but she's also massive in Japan too in 2014 the queen of cute Hello Kitty turned 40 years old she's worth 7 billion dollars a year I don't even know how many Hugh Jackman's dad oh yes I do actually is 46 but still that's loads number 93 cosplay is also a very popular phenomenon in Japan and now the world thanks Japan short for costume play it split into two categories basic and masquerade number 94 basic means to just dress like the character like some sort of basic amateur badge while masquerade means to dress and play the role of the character I'd love to see a cosplay of me one day I'm just saying guys get on it number 95 article 175 of the Criminal Code of Japan forbids the distribution of indecent materials because of this all pornography in Japan must be partially censored often with some kind of blurring over the naughty bits don't ask me how I know that I just know that okay I do research good glad that settled I'm not paranoid what ow number 96 Japan also has some absolutely mental game shows on its telly screens take for instance sing what happens it's just your run-of-the-mill singing show right oh wait no hold on there's a nurse right next to you tugging on your microphone while you're trying to sing by microphone by the way I mean penis don't know if that was clear number 97 the human slip-and-slide is also exactly that look at him go and yes this is an actual real-life thing broadcast on television number 98 then there's the big one the show that television was made for in the first place orgasm wars in this game show a straight male porn star must try and stop himself from orgasming while a gay porn star uh does his best with what he's got on his face again yep real life thing can't wait til they bring this to the BBC to the bake-off number 99 the Japanese are pioneers when it comes to robotics that much is true the latest project is yep guess what robot babies these Robo babies have been designed to invoke an emotional connection as many people in Japan have stopped having human children these little Robo babies are there to encourage the population to grow number 101 when eating in Japan do yourself a favor and do away with manners and get slurping slurping is considered a good thing as it apparently means the food tastes good not doing so it's apparently insulting so slurp away to your heart's content go on do it do it now I am see ok that's water it's not food but you know anyway n board that was 101 facts about Japan and I don't know about you but I had a lovely time I really did it was tip top if you want more 101 facts videos like I really want to go in one of those game shows I won't tell you which one they click on subscribe right now and you'll get exactly that do it now go I'm leaving that in you
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 493,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, japan, japan facts, facts about japan, anime, pokemon, japanese inventions, japanese technology, weird japan, japanese game shows, japan documentary, japan vlog, japanese, japan ww2, japan news, japanese news, japanese cartoons, baseball, sumo wresling, samurai, manga, best anime, anime full, manga full, japanese maids, japanese christmas, nagasaki, hiroshima, a bomb, japanese funny, japenese movies, dragon ball, dragon ball z, cosplay, hello kitty
Id: 5M5ZjOr8qus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2016
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