101 Facts About Avengers: Endgame

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greetings mother factors my name is Sam and today we're entering what the Oxford English Dictionary describes as the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge when a few pieces or cards remain to top off a story 20 years in the making that took your pal Sam here from this all the way to this yeah that's right we're talking about Avengers endgame the 2019 series finale that didn't spur a petition to get it rewritten and also sawed off Star Wars and Harry Potter to be crowned nerd event of the century and even though Santos demanded my silence I'm going to figuratively chop his head off with my words because this video has her lawyers by the way also the head thing was a spoiler sure about that but if you haven't seen any game by now but I'm prepared to watch a 30 minute video on it you have bigger issues than spoilers but did Black Sabbath predict the events of film 49 years before its release will I ever get to taste hunka hunka burnin fudge and is there a plot line known to man that Gwyneth Paltrow hasn't spoiled her entire Instagram following two out of three expressions gonna be answered so slip into your quantum realm suits sit down on America's ass or the ass of whichever country you hail from an assemble for 101 facts about Avengers in game number one released in America on April the 25th 2019 the 22nd treat in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but a lot of butts in seats including mine a few times so many in fact it became the first film to make over 1 billion dollars in its opening weekend just think of all those butts people number two as you may remember this trend did not let up and then game now sits atop the pile of the highest-grossing movies of all time surpassing avatars frankly pitiful 2 point 7 8 9 7 billion dollars on Sunday the 21st of July and settling an estimated 2.7 9 7 8 billion dollars although after inflation end game is only fifth but Disney literally owns the rise to form the top 5 at this point so what's the difference really number three we could go on talking about all the box office record 10 games broken in fact we could literally fill an entire episode and 42.5 7% of another just with the list of 144 broken records The Wrap tallied in an article on April the 28th they include most advanced ticket sales ever fastest film to earn 1 billion dollars and well 142 more number four when in-game past Titanic's box office total it's director James Cameron took to social media to congratulate Marvel with an image of the Avengers a sinking the titular boat not sure how implicating the Avengers in a real-life tragedy could begin class rattori but he did the same winning game to go for avatar with the image of Ironman surrounded by those weird jellyfish things from the film with only unobtainium who actually remembers anything from that film jakesully number 5 endgame also smashed the record for the most trailer views in 24 hours racking up 289 million hits on its first day Vista throned its own predecessor infinity war by more than 50 million views and beat this video by about 288 million views and that's before being really optimistic number 6 due to the fragmented episodic nature of avengers endgame it was deemed than not every actor needed access to the full script making it easier to contain leaks and spoilers in fact the only actor who got to read the full script was Robert Downey jr. who isn't in every scene but does have the most screen time and you know is Robert Downey jr. number 7 movies are a family business for the directorial brother team of joven Anthony Russo the former of which even cast his daughters in the film Ava Russo played Clint Barton's daughter Lila in the scenes where she wasn't a pile of dust her sister Lea fared better in the snap though because she survived long enough to ask Bruce benefit autograph in the scene where we meet smart Hulk number 8 if you think you've been waiting a long time see endgame spare a thought for the writing team Stephen McFeely Christopher Markus who have been working on a script Ren Gaiman infinity war since the production of Captain America Civil War in 2015 even with years to orchestrate the two-parter it got so hectic that poor economic screenwriter Erik Pearson was borrowed at one point to lend a hand in the process number 9 in fact there was so much preparation for infinity war and endgame that the writers gave Kevin Feige and his brain trust a 60 page document with all their ideas for the double bill asking them to circle all the ones they liked number 10 Avengers n game saw Robert Downey jr. clock in his tenth appearance is Tony Stark beating Hugh Jackman's record for the most appearances as a superhero character on top of that Downey jr. only needed eleven years to do it while Jackman took 17 given that both of the characters are now dead spoilers sorry you'd expect them to stop there but RDJ did make his way into spider-man far from home through some archive footage which is kind of chasing really isn't it number a level end game also marked the seventh appearance of Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanov aka Black Widow or if you count her Captain Marvel cameo but with her character biting the bullet or the Burma ground she probably won't overtake Downey jr. an Esso solo outing turns into a quadrilogy number 12 aside from being great advice for a bouncer and terrible advice for a schoolteacher look hard is also the cryptic caption that accompany to picture the Russo brothers posted to social media in September 2018 which many speculated correctly reveal the name of the next Avengers film that's endgame by the way if I haven't mentioned it number 13 but despite the photo it's the subject of widespread debate exactly when the name endgame was settled upon Marvel have maintained the title woods always end game but Kimura actor Zoe Saldana accidentally dropped the title Infinity Gauntlet Canon interview five months before they look hard photo and the Russo brothers have also claimed that this was originally the title very weird thing for either them to lie about but hey number 14 Robert Downey jr. saw 15,000 percent pay rise for endgame compared to the $500,000 check you've received for Iron Man he raked in a reported 75 million dollars for his final tone in the suit compared to the measly 15 million dollars most of his fellow Avengers earned more like by out-earn you three thousand number fifteen artistic during shooting for endgame Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly who play at man and the wasp are also shooting no points for guessing ant-man and the wasp this meant they have to be frequently whisked off from one set to another whenever they were needed number 16 the line I Love You 3000 has quickly become a fan favorite even if it was a week and a half before I could here up without tearing up and now I'm doing it again but the quote was actually only added to the script after Robert Downey jr. told the Russo brothers about one of his children saying that to him they loved it so much that they up and played four eyes dit right there and then that kid should sue for royalties Who am I kidding it's Robert Downey jr. child they're set for life number 17 in a world where we're about to see in that of E Portland Thor or naturally thought Minh well it doesn't seem so surprising that she reprised her role as Jane Foster in end games at gar sequence but at the time poor man's relationship with Marvel team dead in the water it's all made more confusing by the fact the Portman didn't actually shoot any scenes for endgame at all she only recorded a few voiceover lines for the part and the rest was recycled footage from Thor the dark world yep they tricked us all into watching a bit of a dark world again number 18 marvel our satorious for using n credit scenes as jennifer lawrence's from airing stupid art dealers she doesn't even really love and not confronting her true feelings for me but to give n gamer more conclusive feeling Marvel decided to forego the tradition this time out instead the credits feature pictures and names of the original six accompanied by their signatures the idea for which the Russos took from Star Trek six the undiscovered country number 19 however those who stayed at the end of the credits anyway because people can't see your tears in the dark we're treated to the sound of Tony Stark hammering away at his first Iron Man suit in Afghanistan all the way back from the first film number 22 tttt the Star Trek inspiration didn't stop there by the way with Marvel boss Kevin Feige also crediting the series finale for next generation all good things as a major inspiration for the movie itself number 21 apart from biting the dust sorry too soon Tony Stark can also be seen biting into various snacks during the film this wasn't written into the script though and is instead a byproduct of Robert Downey jr. habit of hiding food around the set so that he can eat throughout the day even if it is midway through a scene number 22 with Captain Marvel hitting cinemas just a month before endgame brie Larson's considerable costume alterations stood out for viewers who were quick to compare her new darker costume to her comic-book predecessor Marvel when the film came out they were also delighted to see Larson sporting Carol Danvers short hair from her most recent comic book outings putting to rest e bizarrely heated what haircut will she have argument from before Captain Marvel's release number 23 fans of the comics were also excited about some incredibly charged moment where Carole tells Rhodey good luck which fans were certain was an indication of them embarking on the romantic tryst they share in the comics if that seems a bit of a reach to you that's because it is and also you'd be in good company because the writers were surprised when they heard the theory as well although they did admit that they ship it to too bad team Val Carroll number 20 for some of the film's visual effect a more obvious like the giant alien army and the bit where ant-man crawls into Thomas's but explodes him sorry spoilers but VFX was also used to achieve Tony's weight loss as well as Paul Rudd's entire ant-man suits bran did he was in motion capture not just to make it the whole time although that's a very Paul Rudd thing to do number 25 at three hours and two minutes long Avengers have the longest theatrical cut of any superhero film ever released and was the longest film in the MCU although I can't help but feel their information is more impressive if I ordered that the other way round number 26 while endgame was the conclusion to over 20 films of story it's often wrongly thought of as the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe his third face releases with spider-man far from home expected to kick off phase 4 but Kevin Feige confirmed at the Shanghai event that the spider sequel is actually the end of phase 3 ending not with a bang but with a character who was literally almost booted from the MCU just a few months later number 27 when the Russo brothers traveled to Korea to promote endgame the Disney reps they reportedly approached them with the news that in the Korean translation of infinity war the word endgame was translated to no hope to which entity Bruce have replied oh so I guess in Korea this movie's called Avengers no hope 28 while that doesn't sound like the worst title ever this and other gaps in the Korean translation led to a petition on the website of the Office of the President of Korea with almost 4,000 signatures to get translator Park Ji Hoon fired guys com2 he was just trying number 29 fans in the middle of the Venn diagram that joins the Marvel fandom and lovers of the TV show community have eagerly awaited cameos and the show's cast in every Russo brothers addition to the MCU the brothers who were directors and producers on the show promise to continue that trend in infinity war but no one spotted any members of the Greendale faculty or alumni however they made up for that with endgame which featured both Ben Chang actor Ken Jong and Shirley Bennett actor Yvette Nicole Brown brie Larson was also in community although her appearance in endgame was more likely a nod to her being you know Captain Marvel number 30 ken jiyong appears as a security guard when Scott Lang returned to San Francisco from the quantum realm thanks to that rat who's the true hero of the film really he's sporting a fake moustache from Reading Terminal B CH the JG Ballard book is a collection of short stories one of which is entitled endgame hmm see we could have guessed the title if we knew that although we would have to watch the film with the title card who would've got it already so stop talking Sam number 31 but of course the Cameo most fans were waiting for was out of comic book King Stanley the appearance did not disappoint period look at him go except for the fact it was confirmed before the film's release that the appearance would be stands last number 32 stands appearance in the seventies era cameo is based on his actual look at the time with Lona special-effects providing the de-aging its bumper sticker Auto reads enough said which was one of Stan's regular catchphrases rest in peace King number 30 spray wedding game's title was revealed most fans instantly recognized it as a callback to dr. Strange's line from infinity war I'm not gonna say better fans okay better fans noticed it also called back to a Tony Stark quote all the way back from 2015's age of Ultron when he referred to the wormhole above New York by saying dear let's let's see in game number 34 when fans started to suspect that endgame feature time travel to mess around the same MCU canon rumors began to abound about which of the Marvel roster might be brought back for a cameo or even for good this bird room is the Quicksilver actor Aaron taylor-johnson had been spotted on the endgame set although this was having to be shot down by the Russos Johnson himself always had to deny it and the film being released without Quicksilver in it it's probably what killed the rumor for good number 35 the Avengers are Earth's Mightiest Heroes but are they Hollywood's well the ensemble cast does feature of whopping 18 Nausicaa nominated actors seven of whom have picked up the coveted statue but the prize from those nominees in a single cast actually goes to Robert Altman's the player with 24 although last time I saw at the player had zero time-traveling raccoon so what's the real point of it really number 36 despite their literally only being one spider-man film the MCU when n game came out it marked Tom Hollands fourth appearance as the webhead meaning he overtook Tobey Maguire for the most live-action outings as the character Q Tobey Maguire I've been crying there it is number 37 in December 2017 Gwyneth Paltrow took to Instagram to share some onset photos from endgame featuring her legs kitted out an emotion capture suit tipping off fans that Pepper Potts would be suiting up in one of Tony's Iron Man suits granted we had seen her in one before and she suits up a lot of new comics but still not called gwyneth number 38 unsurprisingly the woman who didn't even realize she was in spider-man homecoming doesn't really get the MCU timeline Gwyneth Paltrow proved this again in a 2018 interview for the official team finished war magazine when she discussed how far pepper and Tony's fry ship had come and Cassie dropped up to have a child this of course was not public knowledge until five years after the events of the film she was promoting in a film that would not be released for another year that Paltrow may or may not have been aware she was in number 39 in February 20 19 winters Paltrow revealed that endgame would be her final appearance as Pepper Potts in the MCU which is the kind of flagrant spoilery talk we've come to expect from Paltrow she didn't rule out any cameos which is sort of the opposite of what she said but hey let me speak for everyone when I say we'll live number 40 some fans not all but some were disappointed not to see Jeremy Renner's hawkeye make an appearance in infinity war but he almost featured in the dusty finale to see that open end game and saw Hawkeye soul hawk family get dust busted was initially intended as the ending to infinity war number 41 in September 2017 both infinity war and endgame were shooting in the state of Georgia when it was hit by Hurricane Omer a state of emergency was called in the US state 159 counties forcing production to shut down completely until the worst of the storm had passed the meaning of life sure endgame gave us America's ass but what about Britain's arse well no I'm not in it but in game actually hinted at such a posterior in tony and steve's time-travel sequence when steve is creepin on his old squeeze one Reddit user claims have seen a captioned version that reveals Peggy's talking about an agent who hasn't come in called Braddock if true this could foreshadow a future appearance from Brian Braddock also known as Captain Britain except knowing us he'd probably have a referendum and then leave the Avengers after a couple films number 43 if that last reference wasn't vague enough try this one on for size when a choreo tells Black Widow about a size of event under the Atlantic Ocean fans went mad with the idea that just been teased a possible no more debut the Submariner is marbled equivalent Aquaman all wet Dave and hangs his hat in the Atlantic Ocean granted Christopher Marcus said this was a complete coincidence what would I see no he just co-wrote the film number 44 in in game or in the Infinity war magazine thanks to Gwyneth we find out that Tony and pepper have a daughter named Morgan the two have a little in in the comics too but that one's a boy this marks a full time in the MCU that a male character from the comics has undergone a gender flip after the ancient one ghost and Marvel number 45 endgame finally saw all of Marvel's fan favorites fighting side by side for the Trudy nerdgasm ik team-up but easily the most not really important is the one most viewers missed when the wasp emerges from her portal to join the Galactic Smackdown next to her is none other than Howard the Duck number 46 the MCU has revisited one Norwegian City almost as much as its revisited the hero faces a villain with the same suit as them trope the oldest city in Norway tønsberg has featured in the openings to both Thor and Captain America the First Avenger and now crops up again as the home of new Asgard number 47 thor ragnarok not only helped to jump Chris Hemsworth at least four places up on most people's list hello most people space the favorite Avengers but it also inspired the term as guardians of the galaxy which fans started using to describe the new and improved Thor and Friends endgame then tipped its own hat to the nickname when Thor uses it to describe his own team up with the guardians at the end of the movie number 48 although the jobs are loving back to the future doesn't get the best rap in endgame time-travel would you must have been awkward for Back to the Future composer Alan Silvestri when he sat down to compose endgame score his fourth score for the MCU and that's how they repaid him number 49 the scene where the Avengers discussed the logistics of different time travel movies also pictures Karen Gillan who is no stranger to time-travel from her tenure on Doctor Who not that she remembers given that she only thought after filming she could have ad libbed a reference to the Time Lord number 50 when Steve is leading his post nap support group it features a pair of creator cameos the first is the film's co-director Joe Russo playing the emcee use first openly gay character go marvel it's only taken 20 movies to include one cameo a guard with the wife being gay roku town number 51 the other cameo is made by jim Starlin who created the character of Thanos and was probably feeling pretty guilty about that when we see him number 52 despite everybody and their mother experimenting with CGI d aging these days the scene where ant-man tries to time-travel and returns as an old man featured a natural old man 93 year old Lee Moore played old Scott Lang but it would be the last entry on IMDB page as he sadly passed away before the film's release number 53 the spate of Marvel TV shows has often muddied the waters regarding which elements should be considered part of the wider embassy u cannon connected after all that cannon was confused further still when Stassi appeared an endgame as Howard Starks Butler Edwin Jarvis making the first time the character exclusively from a Marvel TV series has made the jump to the silver screen all very well and good but Wednesday Avengers guys number 50 for the appearance of James D'Arcy also meant that endgame star three actors who played Sherlock Holmes Robert Downey jr. but in Dick Cumberbatch and Darcy who played the English sleuth in the 2002 TV movie Sherlock although that doesn't make the suggestion for one of them to say no S word Sherlock any less stupid number 55 since the first film which was called Avengers Assemble in the UK and Ireland fans have been teased for that phrase actually being used in a film and finally endgame mark the actual first use of the alliterative advice even though not everyone there is no vendeur but let's not go into that number 56 in ingame Clint Barton became the first character other than Scott Lang and Pym family to use Pym particles although in this case he went very small and time-traveled it's believed to be a nod to the comics in which Barton uses Pym particles to become cliath a superhero whose power is effectively being big not unlike a certain big red dog number 57 another of quip Barton's alter egos got a run in endgame - although he's never technically named when etosha finds a more murdery Mohawk II Clint in Japan he's clearly meant to be Ronin another persona of his in the comics even kills Akihiko who also in the comics runs a group called the Shogun Reapers number 58 the Marvel Studios opening sequence an endgame is made specifically for the film why you ask well if you look closely it emits all the characters dusted in the decimation number 59 the image of Paul Rudd used on the holographic screen documenting the fate of various Avengers it's actually just ruts headshot in fact it's the same one used on his IMDB profile because there was just no room in the shoestring budget for that photo shoot number 16 in response to the two fictional Avengers theme flavors referenced an end game an infinity war Ben and Jerry's unfortunately took to Twitter to quell the angry mob demanding their release stark raving hazelnuts and Holika Holika burnin fudge in fact you can see Hulk kahoka burnin fudge being eaten by the Hulk himself in endgame but anyway they thanked Marvel for the shout-out but ultimately confirmed the flavors were only a reality in the Marvel Universe but rest easy in the knowledge that somewhere in the multiverse is hurtin miss Lauren - spewed feeding me some raspberry Thor Bay number 61 Avengers in game was the second film Hollywood history to be shot entirely on digital IMAX cameras which doesn't sound an impressive but the first was infinity war so you understand why number 62 the number of Scott Lang storage unit number in endgame is six one six a reference to earth-616 the setting of the primary content II in the Marvel Comics universe in case you're wondering by the way the MCU is earth one nine nine nine nine nine nerd number sixty-three when Clinton attach ahead to vol Mir to meet red scold hit the soul stone the former Captain America villain addresses two former as Clint son of Edith this is a subtle nod to the fact his mum's called Edith but wait there's more in the comic she's indeed called Edith too but she was killed in a drunk driving accident with Clint abusive alcoholic father Harold which is what landed him in an orphanage Wow Hawkeye had a tough run Nintendo 64 when we see past Hank Pym an end game it not only confirms my theory that Michael Douglas is only returning to these films who can keep going made younger but it also gives us a glimpse at the prototype of the original ant-man helmet from the comics which can be spotted in the background number 65 Tony Stark the helmet hologram sessions contain two references to the Iron Man franchise the first is don't put this on social media which echos his conversation with a young soldier shortly boys blown up in Iron Man 1 then the line it's always you which is also what he says to pepper in Iron Man 2 when he hands over the reins to Stark Industries number 66 by her desk in Avengers HQ Natasha keeps a pair of warm ballet shoes presumably because ballet is a great way to stay in shape between missions and also possibly a reference to her ballet school cover story from her assassin training flashback in age of Ultron number 67 besides being a pretty cool shot and a great idea for a Halloween decoration the use of phalluses armor as a scarecrow on the planet known as garden is also lifted directly from the Infinity Gauntlet comics series look there it is see told you number 68 even though it's hinted at an infinity war no reasoning is offered for the naming of Tony eMpAtHy's daughter Morgan but it's been suggested it could be a nod to the comic book character Morgan Stark for obvious reasons that Morgan is Tony's cousin and sometimes villain and seems a weird choice for a namesake but there you go number 69 I love you threes as surprising and fist punch cos it was when it happened in endgame Happy's actually been able to wield Thor's hammer in the comics for a while now the first time he got his hand on me Anya was in 1988 the Mighty Thor number 390 but the first time he used it alongside the phrase Avengers Assemble the news source lightning powers was in 2011 spirits of crossover seems like the likely inspiration number 70 that moment has also sparked debate over how long cap has been able to lift me on year in the MCU itself some have claimed that when he made it barge in age of Ultron he wasn't yet worthy and only became so after the events of Civil War but Anthony Russo has since chimed in supporting the other camp who claimed that Steve was able to lift me on you in age of Ultron but chose not to out of deference to Thor's ego number 71 when Robert Redford's Alexander Pierce discusses the tesseract in endgame he claims it's been in the possession of shield for almost 70 years that means that either Nick Fury kept it to himself that it was briefly seen by a cat all that line was written before the one in Captain Marvel and they forgot to change it you choose what you want to believe number 72 Redford casting was confusing not only because he died in Winter Soldier but because he'd previously claimed that the old man on the gun would be his last film although it seems he just enjoys claiming that because he told the Russo brothers that endgame would be his last film when he turned up on set number 73 in the 2012 New York scenes Captain America steps into an elevator full of shield agents in a nod to the winter soldiers most memorable scene but he also whispers hail Hydra in a tongue-in-cheek Omar - the secret Empire comics which envisioned camp haven't been raised as a Hydra agent all along the words hail Hydra are also a very subtle tip of the hats - caps least favorite weather and favorite monster from Greek mythology so head of staff number 74 when Howard Stark the Mad Men won not the Mamma Mia one unknowingly runs into his son in the past well present but him but you know anyway when he meets Tony he's actually looking for Arnim Zola you know the axe Hydra guy who is played by Toby Jones the earlier films and who turns out to be the man behind hydras infiltration of shield what's that behind someone from Hine 20 turned out to be bad quelle surprise number 75 of all the weird appearances at Tony's funeral some of them had literally known for about one day one of the more understandable attendees is Harley keener played by Ty Simpkins in this and iron and three where he put Tony up in his garage and rebuilt his suit except now he's more brooding and considerably more legally able to vote and be an organ donor number 76 stage goodbye to Bucky before he returns the stones was nice and all but sounded quite familiar that's because the bits about doing something stupid and lifted straight from their goodbye in the First Avenger so I'm saying call back some say lazy screenwriting I say I bloody love it number 77 in another case of is this the snare or did the prop guy just rein it in Steve's turn jacket which he's wearing when he returns as an old man is this saying he was wearing before he got jacked up with Super Soldier Serum in the First Avenger they thought I could get away with it too number 78 as they did for the release of infinity war the Russo brothers wrote a letter to fans asking that they didn't spoil the contents of endgame this sparked the viral anti spoiler campaign that popularized the hashtags fan after mantra silenced and don't spoil the end game granted we're breaking both here but you know what screw Stannis he was only kind of right anyway number 79 rewards from assets claim that sometimes Robert Downey jr. would spice up lunch breaks on set by randomly hiring bands to come and play music for the cast and crew which might be the most Tony Stark anecdote you'll ever hear number 80 in another one of our DJ's lunchtime specials he took to Instagram to share a behind-the-scenes snap at the special lunch III for the film's leading ladies the meal was effectively the culinary equivalent of that one sequence in the final battle where all the women come and kick ass specifically to annoy some people on Twitter and it featured Evangeline Lilly Danai gurira elizabeth Olsen Karen Gillan the t-shirt rights Gwyneth Paltrow complimenti F brie Larson and Zoe Saldana number 81 any big collection of names in a list that's only on screen for a few seconds it's always a good opportunity for Marvel to sneak a cheeky Easter egg into their films the memorial for victims of families snap was no different introducing the named Roberto de Coster to the MCU the coaster is also known as the x-man sunspot and could be the first hint of Marvel's integration of the mutant heroes into their canon now that they've bought you know pretty much everyone that isn't Batman and Superman number 82 the dialogue from the scene where the Avengers debate the logistics of time travel came both from conversations with real quantum scientists mixed with the conversations of the writers as they discussed which characters and stones would be where at which point in the MCU timeline number 83 when we meet Korg in new Asgard he meant he's wearing the same Hawaiian shirt as the man inside the rocks source of Tiger ytt ball pretty much the exact same outfit to San Diego comic-con while promoting 2017 saw Ragnarok I imagine a different size though number 84 one idea that the Russo brothers toyed with for the 2014 sequence was to have 2014 Thanos pop into another timeline murder all the Avengers and casually just bring caps head back to this timeline to talk the Avengers with however this idea was eventually dropped for being too dark and violent number 85 the soundtrack to 2008 Ironman figured a song called well Ironman by the band Black Sabbath said song features the line when he traveled time for the future of mankind which in case you haven't already caught on is exactly what Ironman does in endgame Cheers Ozzy Osbourne - about spoilers number 86 the final battle among game the best cinematic sequence of all time see Stannis break cap shield in two just like we saw all the way back in Toni Scarlet Witch and you strip in age of Ultron see people said those visions did nothing and stop the plot dead but it turns out they did mean something and they stop the plot dead number 87 number 87 when Stephen Peggy danced at the end of endgame the song playing in the background is a callback to another MCU film but not to Steven Peggy's relationship instead it calls back to an equally romantic moment when Nick Fury breaks into Steve's apartment Artie's attacked the Winter Soldier number 88 despite being set in the Norwegian city of Tom's burg the new Asgard scenes were actually filmed in the coastal Scottish fishing village of st. ABS in honor of this fact Thor is seen drinking the Scottish beer innocent gun and his crib is decked out with other Scottish tables like a bottle of iron brew and a golf club number 89 Antony wacky didn't actually find out he was going to be taking up the Captain America mantle from reading the script fittingly Chris Evans got the script first and when Mackay was at his house he asked if he was excited Mackay didn't know what he meant so Evans got him the script to read and quote we cried we drank we laughed number 90 endgame was originally set to feature a scene where Tony had a vision of his daughter Morgan all grown up in teenage the part had even been filled by 13 reasons why star Catherine Lankford but the scene with Ultem de cartes because test audiences didn't feel enough emotional attachment to a different actor playing Morgan number 91 Captain America's journey to return all the see stones the original homes happened off screen but that's my Thor star-lord grouped fanfiction attests not showing something on screen doesn't hinder the imagination fans they clocked that cap would have to go to vol Mia and make awkward small talk with his old nemesis Red Skull Anthony Russo even acknowledged this in a reddit AMA claiming it was probably more awkward than you imagine it was number 92 Anthony Russo even elaborated on the fictional scene suggesting Red Skull would feel slated because Captain recognize him this is a note of the fact that Hugo Weaving does not reprise his role as the pigmentation he challenged corpse instead the role was fittingly taken over by master impressionist and walking dead star Ross Marquand an American actor doing his best impression of an English Australian actor playing a German number 93 another hypothetical scene pitched by fans will see inevitable conversation between Steve and Peggy in which s to tell is beau about that time he made out with her great niece potentially before she even exists yet Peggy Carter actor Hayley Atwell addressed her sort could exchange in an interview with IGN claiming that there would be domestic with voices raised but she added that before T's aesthetic would lend a screwball comedy tone and suggested that they should write it now number 94 much of the movie was filmed in the state of Georgia the home of Joe Russo his favorite local Brewery creature comforts which he paid a march to by having four first drinks their tropic Collier IPA and sport a double XL t-shirt from their brewery although when people see what the beers have done to Thor's physique it might not be a great advert the company after all number 95 in his newest guard Hut just next to Stormbreaker you can just about make out that Thor has Hulk and Iron Man Pez dispensers to remember his old team mates by eating sweets out of their throats number 96 smart Hulk was one of the best additions that in-game brought to the MCU but that task almost fell to infinity war in an early cut the banner Hulk hybrid made an appearance in the Battle of Wakanda ripping out of his armored suit to Hulk smash cull obsidian the tone proved too confusing the test audiences though and the scene was can to allow infinity war to stay focused on losses number 97 some say this is the most subtle Easter egg of all time but we'll let you be the judge in some scenes like an Avengers HQ and a new Asgard Thor is wearing the same Ray Bans worn by an undercover Marty McFly in Back to the Future Part two would have been cooler if he had the promotional Pizza Hut soda shades instead but that's probably less subtle number 98 when roadie lists all the time-travel movies that informed his ideas about time travel Scott chimes in would die harder than remembers that it isn't although it is a Christmas film and I will fight anyone that says it isn't this confusion probably comes from the fact that diehard star priest Willis has appeared in a spate of time travel movie select twelve Monkeys the kid and looper baby with a gun number 99 for obvious reasons Tony Stark's funeral it's a pretty somber affair with most of the guests bowing their heads and respectful silence that is until we track past mantis who sways from side to side like she forgot to pee before the ceremony started however weirdly this is actually based on something real praying mantises do 100 these days making a Marvel film is more akin to working as a spy than anything else with all the fake scripts and alternate endings for throw sleeping fans off the scent this applies doubly for the film's actual stars it were told that they were filming a wedding scene when they turn up to Fairburn Georgia the film when actually turned out to be Tony Stark's funeral number 101 the line I am is altered only once in the whole event game and unsurprisingly it's by grouped in a scene where the rest of the guardians are discussing Thor and star-lord struggle for dominance anti-rocket suggests they fight with knives and mantis gets excited who delivers an emotional chameleon of a line and the very supporters have since revealed that the line translates ooh yes I like knives which is now officially my favorite line in the whole film so that was 101 facts about the best movie of the decade and indeed ever avengers endgame what do you think of the movie I assume you liked it since you've watched this far and what other movies would you like us to cover next let us know in the comments down below also be sure to give this video like I've subscribed to 101 facts of um done so already cuz all the cool kids have done it and it's like joining the Avengers I've heard anyway whoa whoa whoa look at these two videos here on screen for you why not click on these and take a quantum tunnel leap to the Past when we made these other videos haha it was crazy back then right anyway I'll see you there bye
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, avengers, avengers endgame, final battle, portal, iron man, thanos, spiderman, far from home, captain marvel, thor, thor love and thunder, infinity war, post credits, kevin feige, captain america, mjolnir, reaction, avengers assemble, endgame, ant man, black panther, marvel cinematic universe, trailer, black widow, infinity gauntlet, the snap, tony stark funeral, russo brothers, guardians of the galaxy, hulk, memes
Id: LRv6G497qFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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