She WON THE LOTTERY Tickets Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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yeah i was always a treasure hunter from the very beginning you had all you had to do was tip the pop bottle at a certain age and you could see writing and if it had writing you knew it was a winner we go again here we go this is the last playing field no other playing field all the prizes have been taken and i have a feeling i know why because of the lottery lottery tickets let's just pack up and go home no let's play we already did the buy-in 25 no this will be the last one and then we can go home no no no no no do you see what's on that ticket to the left what do you see your arch nemesis my arch knife the crossword it's the crossword this is not going to go well or who the hell's nose maybe it will [Music] what's the plan i'm gonna go to the left all right because once you go to the left you know that it's best that doesn't rhyme at all it doesn't just have to rise you literally see what just happened knocked down a 100 roll backwards victory doesn't have to rhyme i see a bunch i see a hundred in the middle look at that how much money another just fell so two hundred three four five six seven eight nine ten you see 10 10 100 [Music] okay so the one on the left says it's a crossword and the one on the right says it's from bingo timber me 100. oh nice [ __ ] she's got some pushes some more push everything's falling backwards so that crossword puzzle is actually it's like it's like i dare you george try and win on me i will take you out um we still have no clue how to do these yeah we didn't like the crossword last time it was a dud and then sweet bingo we haven't that's we have one fifty dollars on one of them so far we have yet we have also long [Music] oh my goodness 100 just fell how the hell's going to be just dropping your mystery bags just drop off you know that it's best your mystery bag just dropped off a hundred dropped in a mystery bag dropped off this game is almost in the bag i'm on fire do you want me to put you out i'm still starting to get like my i'm slowly starting to get there there's another 100. there goes another hundred starting to get one back the high note in my voice let's hear it i said let's hear it that's as high as i can go i'm like a dying walrus something's dying up in here [Music] that crossword puzzle is coming first yeah it is actually i'm kind of scared of it don't be scared don't be scared little grasshoppers we had no clue what to do with this last time how the heels are we gonna know how to play bingo if you get the bingo one i eventually got it off camera there's nobody there's nobody calling bingo numbers not just bingo sweet bingo yeah it does say sweet bingo all right i'm down to two quarters very soon here we go oh that's a good push come on not bad not baby in this pool i was able to put up push off 300 so what the hail's adoption agency is still open plus 22 fitting quarters 2250 that's after the first push you usually lose after yeah i'm usually down to like three quarters instead of three 100. because it's helpless and there's no way to win or and then you have no probability whatsoever so that's pretty good oh my goodness it's raining hundreds it's raining hallelujah oh so now it's you elvis and ben benny boy oh you guys have had things you have pet names for each other now benny boy the king i'm pretty sure you came up with bunny boy benny boy i just called him benjamin his legal first name so you guys are on legal terms now legal first name you're dropping points like chris are you thinking what i'm thinking what are you thinking if you get enough ammo you see the you see the uh blocks to the left yeah those are oh you just dropped another 100. i'm saying the way everything is going right now we got to at least give it a try we can try but [Music] i'm saying if we get enough ammo see how many uh bonus plates we can get on jamming oh my goodness drinks you owe me you owe me a ponta why is it yeah i really like the orange and the green ponzos although orange is my favorite some of that purple stuff orange crush that was the best as a kid oh my goodness so you remember when you used to buy pop and you could win stuff under the cap or soda pop without a dollar or soda pop no just pop remember when i'm down to i used to always win and i'm going to tell you how welcome home welcome home twins rescue mission continued i was able to put up push off 200 bills plus 47.75 in quarters 47.75 that'll help pay for the bunk beds for the twins there oh yeah great idea yeah the bunk bed like solid wood no more metal leather it's a wallet box two sides of the wallet yup yeah i think that'll work so i used to remember i told you i grew up in a grocery store right and a family run grocery store it's probably better better described as a family mismanaged grocery store you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying that's why it ain't running anymore you know what i'm saying i think you do so all of us kids we used to have the stock shelves after school we were all i mean everybody was in the grocery store no matter what and so we would stock shelves and when the pepsi order would come in or the coke order would come in we'd have to stock the refrigerators and the pot machines and all of that so if you take the bottles that have the caps on it the winner the winning cast and if you looked under them just right so you'd have to put the bottle above your head angle it and look under it just right well when you're stocking every single one i got to look through every single pop bottle so if so here's the thing when you worked at the family grocery store you got you got lunch which was usually a sandwich and a pop that was what you got for working as a kid even up you know whenever a sandwich from the deli from yeah so grandma would make you usually chip ham and swiss cheese sandwich and then you would get a pop so i would always set one aside that i already knew had a free pop under the cap so you would win another free pop which was set aside for another free pop which was set aside for another free pop which was set aside for another free pop so i would not run out of pops did you share this little secret with your siblings no i'm not that stupid who would share a secret like that but all you had to do that's the crazy thing all you had to do was tip yeah i was always a treasure hunter from the very beginning you had to all you had to do is tip the pop bottle at a certain age and you could see writing and if it had writing you knew it was the winner that bingo that uh that wasn't a bingo that was the bingo i just sent elvis off elvis just went off i'm gonna switch it up and go to the right [Music] everybody in the youtube world [Music] yeah perfect i'm thinking we should do an asmr video of a squirrel what do you think yeah squirrel little chipmunks are cuter all right i think 100 just fell how do you think about gophers gophers yeah they're okay they're not as cute as squirrels and chipmunks so you like chicken she likes squirrels both so if we do a asmr video of squirrels and chipmunks on those what the asmr channel our second channel then you would watch it i would watch i think some people would dig it also if you could see the the chipmunks and squirrels in their natural environments what if i threw in some birds birds are cool i do like the older i get the more i free shapers oh no bird is the word right bird bird bird is the word your mystery bag is getting pretty close there too yeah it is oh everything on the right's moving that's okay we're still going for everything on the left if you get enough coins this time we should switch and you should let me see if i can jam it before it spits out the corners and hit the boxes get some bonus a little rapido rubido rapido so i thought you grew up in a restaurant family restaurant uh no i didn't grow up in a family restaurant your dad just had a restaurant yeah for maybe two years you didn't have pop bottles like that to look under we did we did have a pop machine slash not a pop machine but more of like a fridge that we stock beverages in but same thing i would [Music] i don't think uh i don't think they were offering free pop at the time when we were running the it was more of a carryout it wasn't a restaurant and then grandma always thought there was no dining grandma had penny candy behind the counter that was my last quarter garbage pail kids push off a hundred dollar bill plus the crossword ticket maybe you should use the hundred dollar bill to actually scratch off the crossword maybe that way it'll work this time and then and 75 cents in quarters 175. that's i just spit it on my upper lip 175 or 100.75 100 and 75 cents in quarters still good still good you got 100 bill hanging on the edge you got tons of ammo to make this happen got one two three four hundred dollars in there a mystery bag you got the sweet bingo bingo yeah that says sweet bingo and then i think we're definitely gonna try and jam it we're gonna try and jam it and see if we can get the boxes on the left you just dropped another 100. if we can get those boxes on the left that'd be that'd be kind of epic don't you think yeah all right i'm i'm taking guesses now what do you think is in the mystery bag i don't know it looks kind of flat to me like the gold bars it could be i could yeah that could be or some type of it's got to be it's got to be heavy it's been surfing across the yeah we're getting a lot of would heavy drag more or so maybe there's a shiny quarter in there [Music] remember on the office when jim kept faking out pam that he was gonna propose yeah that was awesome how was it yeah that was awesome play with her emotions like really because you laugh every time you see those scenes you're like you literally shoot snot on me every time you see those scenes no i laugh at dwight when they when jim and pam mess with dwight dwight that reminds [Music] i got a quarter to bounce but i didn't see it coming it reminds me when you mess with me when i play pranks on you yeah oh my gosh remember when i got you so good the other day you screamed like a little girl yeah and you got it coming back that was great yeah yeah you got it coming back i couldn't wait to tell my brother george george he was laughing about your brother yeah he was the first person i told are you serious yeah did you tell your mom because apparently your mom knows everything about it i sure i do share a lot with my mom but i did not share that with my mom you didn't share with mama george oh man quarter lance sweet bingo sweet bingos will come in a collin when the sweet bingo card falls we should both scream sweet why wouldn't we scream [Music] i think everybody at home should start shaking everybody starts shaking dude it's working [Music] because [Music] i see that hundred the flat hundred is definitely stuck did you grow up with penny candy oh yeah yeah grandma always had any store right down the street from our house what was it called a penny store yeah grandma had all the penny candy behind the counter and she had the garbage tail kids and she would say i know you love sour patch kids grandma would sell once our per patch kid for a penny so you could order you know 50 or whatever and then she would give us all the sour sugar at the bottom of the bag and that would give you a buzz for a good a good three or four minutes were you snorting it eating it what are you talking about you're talking about buses eating like a sugar high yeah a sugar high so there was a penny store right down the street from my old house everything was a penny so we would save up our allowance and go there you would get like one tootsie roll for a penny yep you would get a fruit seeds there were so many good options oh that was always a treat so what we would do we would walk around the store and try and find change on the ground how would you get an allowance for doing chores wow you know what my allowance was a free pop i was allowed i was allowed to live there forced to work every day that was my allowance my very first job was being an assistant for my dad because he used to sell ice cream on the side so my dad was the ice cream man my dad was a clown selling cotton candy remember i told you i was raised by clowns yeah [Music] and then they would dress up us up like clowns and then you would see somebody from school and you'd be like oh my goodness this is going to be so humiliating and then you remember they can't tell who i am mystery bank they can't tell who you are when you're driving makeup and costume they knew nothing you just didn't open your mouth and then you had a red your nose is already naturally big so you had a bigger red nose covering your nose right no no it's so big just put red makeup on it i come from a long line of huge noses did anyone ever recognize you um not to my knowledge except that one cute girl that i was trying to date [Music] [Music] hanging on for dear life come on buddy don't resist you'll be happy you'll be happy both that one column still standing we got sweet bingo and a sweet hundred roll got some columns taking it down she's got tons of ammo still tons of ammo and we are definitely yeah we would walk around the store because people would grow pennies and when we found a penny we thought that was gold because we got a fruits at that age any any amount of money is a lot of money pink lemonade fruitsies the best ever that blueberry blueberry was yummy grape is good apple all of it was good fruit punch sour apple was just just a little awkward it did it does leave like a weird aftertaste that's the pink lemonade though that was the bomb i feel like this last lottery ticket is gonna be a big [Music] [Music] that makes sense [Music] yeah it's definitely getting hung up and it's got columns around it still it's got one two no it has one the one underneath i just saw it both it just moved it just moved again there goes the column oh the column would have fell forward on it would have pushed it right off oh it says went up to twenty thousand dollars that one yeah all right sweet bingos up to 20 g's jordan if you won 20 g's what would you do with it i would donate half of it to the jeremy hill scholarship fund to the did you know there used to be a jeremy hill scholarship fund oh i'm sure there was there was a appalachian bible college i'm not joking i created a scholarship fund for bible students okay not for yourself no it wasn't for me it's the scholarship i created it actually wasn't for bible students it was for it was for camping students in the bible college [Music] you didn't know that did you you just learned something new i did just learn something new i learned something new about you every day what did you learn new today good bad ugly that i was raised by clowns i knew that i heard you were raised by egyptians well my parents are from egypt so oh that makes sense [Music] what would our chickens be raised by weirdos that works all right the chickens and the hundred dollar bills are all being raised by weirdos with huge noses whose nose is bigger yours are mine mine is mine my nose is a button nose a what button nose your nose is not a button yes it is no it's not it's wide which makes it a butt nose and then what's my nose did you just call me a honky no your nose is a honker i resemble i resemble that remark [Music] what do you think your nose is huge were the h is silent huge it gets bigger the more my hair falls out i need a good a good set of big hair kind of cover it up blend it in size proportionate-wise you know you look at the lottery ticket it's not going to be an easy one well you're almost out anyway right yeah all right keep trying that we'll count and then i'll rapid fire and try and get the cubes and maybe if if we can rapid fire over there maybe going to the left we'll actually push it off all right i'm down to one quarter one quarter she just went through a hundred dollars one quarter and now i get to rapid fire and see if i can get the hundreds to the left i like the looks of that i was able to push off for 100 bills welcome home and the mystery bag how many quarters let's not open the mystery bag to the end and how much 164 dollars even holy hey is that gonna be enough ammo for you yeah i think it is let's switch my goal is to wrap pedo knock the blocks off while knocking the sweet bingo in let's see what i got you think i can do it i think you can do anything i haven't done this for how long now you gotta brush up on your flick of the wrist skills okay look at that look up look at the rest look out look at that that's not that push it definitely made the lottery ticket all right oh elvis is on my side now what's happening for you all right elvis is flapping here we go here we go [Music] i am rusty just call me rusty i gotta i gotta put them i gotta put them like in a line in my just call me rusty but don't call me shirley you always say that you're like don't call me shirley oh i got a couple to jump out all right i gotta jam it gotta jam it you just gotta warm you got enough quarters to warm up so that was warm up that was warm up definitely warm up the sweet bingo doing anything is it moving we've been going you were able to make sweeping come on baby come on come on come on all right jump on come on come on come on man i am ridiculously rusty i don't know i don't know am i doing any good are you gonna try and i mean how much how much how long do you want to go for how much the entire bag 174 yeah all right here's what i mean well i don't think that's why [Music] [Music] yeah all right oh the water [Music] see what i got here i am i froze up already okay here we go [Music] come on baby come on baby all right i'm going for sweet bingo how's that how's that what are we gonna yell when the bingo falls in there bingo we're gonna yell bingo i thought we will you win you scream bingo when you win bingo okay well i'm not winning yet oh come on [Music] this is a lot of a lot of pressure right a lot of pressure all right here we go all right here we go again sweet bingo [Music] okay i'm going i'm going back to me bingo you need one more good push i'm gonna give it to you right here oh yes do you think i can get a cube do you think i can do you think i can get any of these we'll see we'll see what happens how much of this money you want me to waste i don't know i mean you're still getting a bunch of quarters back [Music] is it really wasteful well i just don't know my my shot is not that good i'll leave it up to you let's go through elvis singing okay come on baby he's all shook up what do you think that means i think i think he's telling us [Music] do you think he's telling you he's all shipped up because he's scared and nervous is that what you think i thought you guys were bffs you guys talked about all right one more handful one more try okay one more handful i want to see if i can knock one off you got it but you got to know when to hold them you got to know when to fold them you got to know when to walk away so one more handful and we'll walk away oh no no are you kidding me are you kidding me i i'm retiring right now welcome home welcome home benjamin benjeep2 benji three bendy four veggie five veggie six benjamin benji ben bennettard times ten yeah times ten there's a thousand right there whoa i must have made you a ton of money back 163 50 and quarter oops i actually lost her a little money with my rapido that's why you don't stick around and play you got to know when to run be afraid be very dreaded lottery is a crossword and a sweet bingo you're you're doing the scratching because i have no clue [Music] time for the mystery to be unveiled was i right oh it does it looks like a gold bar it definitely does look like a gold block oh it's another gold corner for oh for scratching off scratching off the lottery tickets let's do this take it away george top prize we can win up to 20 000 20 000 i have to scratch this area okay she's scratching x r i'm not sure [Music] bonus letters get you fifty dollars yeah so if you have these letters in here all right if you get three words then you win three bucks all right so you gotta scratch every s all right let's see you scratch over yes wait that i thought you just needed to do the ass no you scratched the whole thing that is not how you do this this is what we did last time here's 18 letters this is what we did every letter like nickel will be underneath it and then you have to scratch up where it says five times i wouldn't have been able to see that if i just scratched the letters you feel me there was a letter on top of it wasn't there so how do you know if you won it's not a simple win like you can't i can't just look at and be like okay i won i have to sit down and try and figure it out yeah we did that one wrong too next one let's go to the bingo b-i-n-g-o so we gotta scratch off the caller's card so we'll scratch off doesn't matter we'll never [Music] n34 i thought it was an n64 that's what [Music] okay now what you got to look for like a b8 yeah b13 okay you grab a b8 there's a b13 right there so do you scratch that yeah or you're just going to scratch the whole board i think it doesn't scratch the reward all right she's scratching the whole board she's scratching oh we got the free space i guess she's going to scratch the other side she's scratching the other side we have no clue what we are doing do you scratch ups up the top middle what about the sweet bonus okay guys we have no idea what we're doing what about top three ways to win you guys are gonna have to let us know if we won or not because we scratch house earner forte especially these more complex i don't think that is how you play this but i don't know either let's just say we won 20 grand can we say that we ain't that lucky [Music] bingo [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 70,445
Rating: 4.9222221 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: kEq1IyfnOZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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