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okay so Rama just left to go in film at the factory and somehow the keys were playing over here and all these boxes just caught on fire um I mean should we call a fire department welcome to the vlog guys today at holy cow okay okay how do we explain today how do I explain it in the background here Pro I mean we're gonna show him but how do I explain it like what the heck one of the most random things we've done guys um in about a week and a half actually when I get home from tour I'm about to announce one of my biggest projects that I've ever done I've ever worked on um they don't know they have no idea I mean this is this is a huge secret like I've never even talked about it one time it's just a huge project and today we are shooting we're shooting something we're shooting something for this project and it is is very uh it's personal it's a personal project it has nothing to do with companies it is it is me is my family it is Noah it is Kane it's Britney it's my parents it's my brother is a big family project very fun and unique so you think the best place to start is to just show you around show you what we're doing you're gonna see everything today but it's really not gonna make sense for about a week and a half I guess that's a weekend offs not bad that's not that long usually projects you wait a long time but I've already done all the work already done it all so you only have about a week and half the way so it's a little insight this is uh and by the way this project is designed for the world and I know that sounds weird but it is a project I've been working on for the world like this is a big cool thing this is not a YouTube video this isn't a video at all like we are shooting stuff but I don't know how to explain really confusing I'm probably just messing this whole vlog up Brittany I love you what the heck are we doing would be really cool if you put them like really close to each other have a nerf battle Oh that'd be cool yeah so the best I can do right now is take you on a little adventure we are oh by the way I wrap my cast in blue camo today I may actually have to take this off for today's video which I'm okay with I can't want to take it off any chance I get but let me just show you what's going on this has been these guys have been working through the night to make this happen and of course we're having troubles like we always have problems when you've never done this before this is trial and error how we looking guys how we looking is this gonna happen yeah I think so your dad's on it even my dad's here helping yeah but now as your angle drops so does your lift quit the higher this is the better you're asking okay so they're building what appears to be a medieval catapult this isn't like something order in or you buy like he's been out here building the stuff through the night to make this happen and it look at you're making it look cool I love that like nautical ropes and the only real issue we're having right now is the catapult won't actually shoot it's really hard to see how big it is unless you're standing there oh wow that's cool what's up man very good looks cool so it's pretty easy to see we got a catapult and we got two castles red and blue it's pretty easy to see what we're gonna do but it really doesn't make sense of why we're doing it look at this you can actually walk around on it I know that's like that's what I'm most excited this part really is no secret like we're shooting out we're building two castles blue and red and we're shooting a different objects at the castles and it's gonna be when you're doing things that people at least around me have never done before it's all trial and error like you don't fail you just figure out how to not do it so they are working on it and they are gonna get it to work like I'm confident that this thing is going to shoot whatever we want over there at that castle it's gonna happen hey mom what's up it's it's always interesting over here it is just number one bar no oh well it did shoot so it seemed like you got a little resistance up here yeah the bag actually and I think it's way better so there's a burlap sack that holds the ball right now we're gonna try to switch it up maybe yeah we could always cut the one side off Oh [Music] trial and error guys that's what this is all about we are learning right now how to build a catapult like this is we're all like throwing in our two cents half of us are wrong all of us are wrong actually just trying to make it work it's gonna stick in the bucket no no we're talking about cutting the top half of the bucket off oh it just holds it I like that I love that hey little buddy you wanna go up there let's go come on Oh cover hey yo well you got a jungle gym until they get this all set up that's cool mmm I actually wasn't gonna film any of this stuff guys I was gonna wait till it's all fun and exciting and start the vlog then but I thought you know for singing maybe you guys want to see us fail a little bit maybe you want to see what it actually takes to get this thing working so I just I started the vlog and here we are not the most exciting but we're trying we're trying not only that we're losing sunlight it's like a real reality show will they beat the Sun will they make the time I don't know next best cat dude a 2-liter bottle that's hilarious can we shoot that no yeah yeah that's for the rallies all right well load it up you wanna do the honors yeah is it shoot it shoots oh she goes oh here she goes oh oh I didn't go very far here we go okay okay that's the one that we tested he went got the truck hey Laurie what's up we're gonna we got to drag this cannon port over there cuz we're losing lights we need sunshine see ya I'm actually really happy I started vlogging cuz these are like the behind the scenes that you guys would never get to see like this the weird crap that we do this is reminisce from the cop car still here it's like a little graveyard for everything we like you've done I just want to fire this thing so bad into that castle hope you guys are having an awesome day man I hope you're feeling good he's fell this looks awesome man it looks so fun okay so the rest of this we're like shooting this um this cinematic like they're got all these big cameras out there and I think it looks really weird so I have to be really careful to take my cast off again I'm writing really careful at all yeah but does it look weird if I have a cast on yeah probably yeah later you guys will see this it'll be like why would he have like the cast just throws everything off so I'm gonna take this off actually which it makes is just beep this is my last blue right ah feel like you got pretty lucky using a tearaway cast oh dude it's the best I'm able to reuse this actually when you guys see this video on people like wait didn't have a broken arm you guys know I just actually pulled this off for the video so I have to be really really careful yeah everything we're doing is not careful oh that's good good luck haha you better run I can just pull this you be dead you be dead yeah action the best I'm loading the cannon right now you guys are looking at me okay look look at me ready that's perfect let him do that let him do that all right I'm loading the cannon I'm loading the cannon I just shot the cannon run run run run go go this is straight behind the scenes are you having fun buddy that's cool right you like running around action hero flips this is cool you saved your little boy Kane you saved him from disaster is it just them or does he catch up they're both in it and it's not him it's they're all three well I I cannot wait you got I know it looks so weird you guys are so confused right now when it's all said and done you guys gonna be like this is so cool man this is something that we've been working on a long time as a family not just something that I've done but as a whole family we've all developed and put this together so I'm really excited and you don't have to wait long it's like a week and a half it's awesome dude we should keep this thing what you want to do with it put in your bedroom so our launcher doesn't shoot as far as we like so we have to trick it we did all our video with it at the castle but now we're gonna hit this castle with it up against this castle [Music] we filmed in slow motion totally cool shows I wasn't really trying to time it oh I get to really slow down and then speed up look at that that looks awesome oh nice good job this thing's a beast kid did this one that's probably it that's probably it all right the work is done we get to play now Oh huh can I take the camera and show these people something yeah these people young man swagger so here's the front door just walk in not much but we got the full house well no roof cuz you know wait okay here's our favorite piece of grass yes right there hey - one pawpaw has a good shot fruit punch got to open it load it up you're so conservative with that we're done we can just goof off Oh one pawpaw yeah you can still drink it you can still drink it it's Auto I won last idea it wouldn't be a complete vlog without a little fire we're gonna try to shoot something on fire as well right we stick we have to this is like medieval stuff right here well this is exactly how they did it they have the pump and everything they had the little gasoline pump three two one I don't want all the guests I think that's official we're done let's [ __ ] your job guys hey I'll film it you want to ramp your car through boxes you guys having fun oh my gosh is this the front door how do I get in it's like kid heaven man they could play all day and niece's whoa it's like Minecraft you need a roof what if it rains in the hallway where's the bathroom in that corner yeah do I don't worry it's the olden days I love you baby I'll be right back [Music] that's what love looks like bro that's what love looks like okay so Rana just left to go in film at the factory and somehow the keys were playing over here and all these boxes just caught on fire um I mean should we call a fire department no it's fine they got the fire department here and we just determined that not gonna any dead I'm gonna go out what the hose would be helpful doing the hose will not reach out here well no how did that happen guys I know what happened nerves are smoking huh I know what happened I saw a burn mark in one of those boxes are you mental oh yeah I didn't know it was good catch on catch on fire Dale hey um all that huge sack of blue boxes just caught lit completely on fire yeah like huge fire like I almost called the fire department oh that was that oh look that was oh wait is that only hope see the boxes really were all on fire basically just showed back up it really did catch on fire I thought you were kidding I thought you were joking really that's awesome i won I don't want to edit tonight you gotta edit taught me on this Saturday I should have no was gonna start editing vlogs guys I am he's confident I love that okay all right we're gonna do it we're gonna do a class what'd you guys think you know it that would be awesome job for you just start editing and I can just sleep haha we did some crazy crap around here guys uh boxes caught on fire absolutely just ridiculous sometimes what we do I unfortunately part of the secret today the video that we were doing was not the secret the cannon pole though castles that that's not the secret but what we're working on guys is so massively amazing for you guys for us it's going to be great and it's a huge project that us as a family have been working on a keep saying it but they do not know what it is they know what we did today but they have no idea why we did it that video that we made was for what we're doing okay when's that what do you want to go oh boy oh yeah okay oh hey you said it like you're not gonna have any way to find out what it what I'm delirious no I forgive me I am out of my mind right now guys uh we filmed a ton of stuff tonight we worked all night it is after midnight is way past bedtime we worked really hard for this tonight guys and I couldn't film any of it cuz it really would give up the secret I promise you it's gonna be really cool and fun and uh tomorrow we wake up and we go to Scotland Scotland you I go to Scotland it's gonna be awesome guys thanks for hanging out today thanks for all the fun man we have been having fun on this channel like we're having a lot of fun with you guys thank you for that if you've made it to this part of the vlog hit that thumbs up button if you're not subscribed hit the subscribe button man like fast food it's free fast and furious that we see in the analytics like who subscribe to the channel and who isn't subscribers now and believe it or not we have more viewers that aren't subscribed that are it's crazy like I didn't even understand that we have more people watch us every day that are not subscribed than we do that or subscribe so more non-subscribed watches more than subscribe that's right ah it doesn't even seem right yeah so guys if you enjoy what we do take a second hit that subscribe button and hang out with us man it is so fun and be a part of our family we will see you tomorrow tell me in the comments today are you subscribed put I'm subscribed I'm subscribed like ah cuz it's just great there's no way that can be true like it's just blowing my mind we love you you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more guys I'll see in Europe because this is it like we're walking to the plane right now this isn't like us driving here being like we're gonna sky that we're like this is it alright it's great okay I'm gonna pass you off to John we're gonna cut over to their cameras which are way nicer than this camera and we will see you right now let's go I'm nervous I'm like [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 9,171,804
Rating: 4.9299107 out of 5
Id: jurugdMcfyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2016
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