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guys welcome to the vlog it's a beautiful day I'm about to traffic right as we speak it's not even my exit setting my exit go around nice car dude I like those new vets hope you are having an absolute perfect day if it's not perfect as I always say let's start fresh with this vlog man let's start right now close it push it aside let's watch this video and just relax man that's what I want you to do first of all thank you for everybody who supported my day off yesterday usually I just don't upload but yesterday actually until my yesterday before I actually told you I was taking a day off we were out of town and I didn't get caught up on a bunch of things and let's keep moving this is gonna be a long introduction today two things number one Roman first few see I'm going on tour this is my last week home I leave I'm on tour guys come see me on tour I will put the link for the tour on the top of this description click on it has um every city that I'm going to be in it is coming up like literally I start tour next week so I'm so pumped for you guys to be there I'm so pumped to hang out this is uh this is unlike a two-hour live show this isn't like a Q&A where I sit on stage it's a live show where I try to entertain you it's very clean it is very family-oriented cheap and bring your kids or kids you don't have to have a parent to go it's very clean it's a fun show and it's a it's like a hangout it's like one big hangout we all have together if I'm coming to a city near you give some tickets come hang out it's gonna be a blast and it literally starts next week so don't wait last but not least I was out of town last week but the whole family went out to the shaders we had a blast but I missed a shipment that was supposed to come to the house something very cool for the house so I'm going there right now to pick it up let's go let's get this vlog stirred all right I think I'm in the right place I have no idea actually it's like I am in the right place sup man good good is this it oh cool I'll sit it's a total mystery box isn't it that's perfect right thank you man from second we are loaded what is that what is in that box right there and why is there still silly string in this truck I'll give you a hit it's 800 pounds dude 800 pounds is inside there dude are you ready it's gonna be fun you follow man it's the mystery box Ton Ton Ton it's the newest addition to the house cane are you ready oh boy it looks like we gotta build it holy Sh now I'm really screwed because I didn't realize you actually had to build all this stuff I thought it was all just folded up into a pot see it folds up like this after it's been built so just always thinking man like how do I get my kids out the house more do more be more active get more hospital bills and I think this is it right here tell me a blasted it's gonna be a blast so you gotta build this stuff why me have to build this um are you awake Gail's coming over tonight Oh oh my gosh you can do just know it just knowing that my brother's don't ever just like I this will be done tonight oh you know here's one things about daily life stuff is when you're when you start doing it you forget that you are your vlog in your life so it's important to pull out the camera show you guys that I'm just working on the very first bit here it's not that bad it's only a few pieces the obviously the legs just screw in it's super easy and then uh I mean if I'm doing this right but and it's gonna work it's gonna work so ya almost got one launch done and then there's a box that attaches to this and another launch so it's like a fun box basically all right we're making some progress got Britney's cousin over here so what's up Cameron he's helping me put this together we got more than half done we just got to build this side over here now dude this is awesome you gonna drop in you are a daredevil boy maybe you can just ride off of it oh yeah tell me this wasn't meant to be look at that dude it's the exact we got our own runway it's awesome oh that's way easier than digging dude I took forever test number one okay you know these came at perfect time because yesterday Kane was trying to drop in actually he did drop in on this little dirt he'll check it out you're definitely ready for something bigger whoo we are moving inside it's been four to three hours three hours we've been building look at this we've uh we've made a nice mess awesome we've got this which is super sick and the downside of this is actually straight like that that's gonna be fun and we got this box bill what up bro hey my brother's here we got the park complete look at this look at this nice nice Park Rome a nice little addition to the property I'm gonna have a real tough time get my kids home now more speed Oh nailed it now you just need the big quarter pipe at the end you can go back backwards and then the pool to ride into Oh boom boom pull Shh Oh splish Splash that do we should get a little kid pool that you go into at the end nice there you have it folks is how I'm gonna get my exercise over the next whatever is less than the sums of whatever is left at the summer dude totally with you getting a baby pool though at the end one not a baby pool like a medium pool like a medium baby like a medium like a big baby just got me a quick shower my brother his beautiful family are here and they brought the best food dude deviled eggs the eggs Thanksgiving is this Eastern I'm bringing the heat shower yeah I really did I know that's crazy I didn't wash my hair though we got going on here boys huh oh I love your idea I want in on this I do let's do some RC doubles see it dang with everything in my heart you want me to try to hit the first ramp clear the second round hi that's so far and now Seuss's out he's gonna eat it it's not just that I want you to it's that I don't think you can do it I don't think oh dude not only that I do like a 50/50 just you see that there's not like a half throttle yeah it looks like gonna punch it at the end dang it's fun this can catch it see how to smile more fish tank is doing look at this thing man so happy with it what are you doing down here everybody's cruisin around these guys these guys hidin down it Zeus how did I guess she'd be in here Anders pub ah I should have known I should have known you would poop in the bathroom got some fireworks we're gonna light them up boom-boom boom-boom boom-boom come on soon as you come with me exciting you must these fireworks I know we're only gonna do all these at once we're not gonna do it all ones right you're only home two days a month dig this celebrate what's the new motto Dale fire more fire more more ready to light it up like the fourth of July hope hope you guys are ready I said are you ready light it up like fourth of July that's better that's pretty good look at your yard fire you got a clean you got a clean Akane oh my god they show gotta go crap hey let's like the smile more one here's some Smiley's whoo upside down how's good one great all right kids time to clean up yeah no you what's the light I didn't hit my ear in my ear how's he doing it oh it's really in there Oh got it jump it back in hey ready ready ready I mean this is a harness the hardest one to do ah I did it I practiced some Sun great you hear it on this side oh it's on that's all this has never been done before - lights huh we are going over tour schedule and it's it's it's a little torturous when you think about I'm not used to being away from my family that much lately I can't really think about like we're a big team aren't we that's right we as a family or a team we do things together we have you know it's we're fortunate enough to be able to do that now when I first started youtube I had to travel so much by myself we could never afford a plane ticket or a company would pay for my plane ticket so I did everything alone then I every trip to LA everything was just me and now we have been blessed with this ability to get to do it as a family so tomorrow morning uh we all good la so me yes that's right you so many meetings so I am going to be buried alive in Los Angeles hopefully you guys up you may have to vlog a little bit yeah that's right I said it we love you guys thanks for hanging out today I love the new ramps and I cannot wait to do more stuff I do see me jump DRC I hit the little one landed I could never do that twice it's completely that it was fun though really you saw me right racking it around next week is tour I will be actually in rehearsal coming up but next week is tour so please please come see me it is Roman verse foo see and I do not want the whole crowd to be team I need you there I need your support we will be hanging out having lots of fun and I just cannot wait to see you man so we will see you there we love you thanks well the daily sport thanks for the likes on these vlogs thanks for always sharing your favorite vlogs it means the world to all of us we will see them all in LA your beautiful smile more
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 8,193,749
Rating: 4.9302278 out of 5
Id: XEo-C04mo9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2016
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