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hey baby hi baby guys welcome to the vlog I got my brother his kids over here he brought me some jumper cables because this winter few guys remembered mine caught on fire we've got the razor that has been stuck right here dead battery is toast toast baby bro drench that water water still work hope you guys are having a great day I'm gonna pull up here and jump start this thing get it back and run in pop it like it's hot like it's hot the juicer up Roger getting it cleaned up and emptied out and this is a whole nother story over here I didn't show you this yesterday because I wanted you to think my garage was clean but really this is just the start man look at this my fire water colder do you know what these are called right there birdies birdies that's right that's what I thought Britney bomber called shuttlecock shuttlecock I've heard that nice my stinky skunk from the skunk prank mother there she goes we're gonna move this card and we're gonna pull out that that so we can clean the garage something how long this has been buried in my garage but we just open it up and it's a gift it's a big pinata that says smile more yeah dude let's see what's problem this is coming in from Franklin Franklin I don't know how this got lost or buried but we're happy to have it we're definitely gonna get you set of this guy you don't beat it up do you think it'll hold it up here that register yeah you make your employees real happy check out the new addition you're gonna love it hurricane look we just found it in the garage in a box I ate must have been in there for it doesn't have a date but it's been in there a long time no we should fill it with like we should get a penny on a fill it with like carrots broccoli celery like vegetables and then have the kids hit it beebeep beebeep I'm gonna break out now this thing has been beat to death by my dog look at this this is literally from Zeus chasing it so I might as well have some fun with this guy you guys know all I need is a little duct tape and an RC car and we have some fun all right decisions decisions what do we want to put on here Kane those are those those are the big poppers that you throw down on the ground and a pop so we got to modify this guy a little bit just took some cardboard to make a flat plate oh there we go Zeus you got to stay don't chase this oh my I think you'll be scared of him I think he's gonna run all right come here boy there's no turning back ya thought for sure it was gonna hey look pretty tippy that works really well how sweet and my dog chasing good boy Zeus I say you go bigger definitely bigger thank you yeah that thing could have handled yeah pandemonium back in the shop we got the easy dismount system yeah that's nice it's the new model you say Boeing engineered that mountain they do we got how many choices though we got here is a 19 shot now this is a little differently dude it was so top-heavy oh yeah I don't wanna make any so that's just duct tape huh just duct tape ha ha this is bad idea number two let's see if it'll pop a wheelie with all that way ah it's surprisingly heavy like I'm impressed it just takes it so well 19 shots there we go batter up boss here we go another job well done another safe shot see that's gotta be fun how many people have done that I don't know I imagine after these vlogs people have done it okay so while we have the fireworks out and we're having fun with them we're gonna line up these are like these are like exotic you know their little white bags you buy you throw them they pop these are like the adult version of those we're gonna line up as many as we can and have the kids hit it with the power wheels that's that's what father's do so you can throw them or you can smash them and they're loud so we're gonna see how many we can hit bad idea number three you want to hit it yeah all right is this your helmet go get your helmet and put these on yes you get need to line it up there's only one flat spot on this tire so you need to hit that right there easy breezy there's still more do it again are you gonna honk at me you gonna get dinner yeah like try try to hit our fireworks well the whole driveway is covered in random firecrackers now and dirt look at that oh my gosh that's fun huh all right so we all get a little froze out outside the next thing I'm working on is actually you've already seen it as the intro of this vlog and two things one is kind of an annoying little prank for you guys where I pop up and scary but the other reason was I wanted to show you the difference between you guys always see my fish tank on the vlogs you always see it it looks like this not too bad kind of blue washed out but the reason I want to show you a little bit with this camera is because it shows you what the tank actually looks like and it's so different and I hate even shot in the vlog because it doesn't do it justice so here's a couple clips of what this camera makes my tank look at so here's the vlog camera that's what the blog camera looks like here is the DSLR house all we've been doing today is what was that I'm not a piggy bank boy Britney is making my absolute suggest face no it's not you need it if it was just cheese she makes these that are the enchiladas cheese and shaking it like cream of chicken and sour cream mixed up but Michelle it makes me melt so she's doing dinner on what a fun day today's been awesome I don't really know what I've vlogged but it's been really you want to he is violent this kid you ever been beaten with bubbles what's up lo gamer why are you doing you ready for some Dindin I don't know if you guys remember a couple months ago I bought a little cheap computer screen for Call of Duty because everyone was saying computer screens you'll be better it's quicker refresh rate like it's a head so you're basically like having advantage so I bought it and I never used it so we just so we hooked it up to Noah's laptop today and now he's he's rolling dual screens is it weird with that moving - oh my god oh my god I'm so excited about this so excited a little airplane boy so it's my little family due to money anything anything like you're thinking like hey this is what I want to do tonight Jane you want to clean the house for me just the whole house that's not that much no huh your mother grass you got the whole yard done tonight you guys need me I'll be working on the couch making sure that it's working properly for the next time you guys want to sit down yeah I think this looks awesome let me see yeah yeah why not so you guys know Brittany and I failed miserably this week two days in a row trying to find outfits for this award show we have to be at tomorrow in New York City I think that's great what thing am I gonna wear they're big oh my god well you have other shoes usually I don't care about this stuff like honestly I don't care what I wear what I look like usually I like to look good I think I look good and like everybody but I don't know it's bothering me this time okay I want to show you guys something remember what this coral looks like right now okay this one the one that looks like a brain remember what that looks like right now I really want to show you guys what this tank does at night but it's hard to do it because we're always asleep so tonight probably cuz we're packing for New York City and stuff I'm gonna show you what that coral does when all the lights go out what are you watching who would have thought there would be a day we would watch all of our entertainment on something this big crazy what what I mean I'm gonna be gone for 16 days all right no yes yes yes yes yes let's see shall wear black shirt black shirt or black shirt I don't know I'm pretty sure mom's been stealing my underwear that's where they all go you know I think I don't know what happens to him I don't know small mall in your underwear drawer those come from good why are these in your underwear drowning mom all she parties with my underwear and she forgets her glasses I'm sorry guys I wanted to make this vlog just porn all day and then we just end up having a pack tonight so I don't really know what else to do and get on my crap we're going to New York tomorrow and then LA the next day and it's just gonna be a whole bunch of craziness for the next few days so you coming with me you're coming with me boy I know you would if you could fit in that bag yeah I'm gonna miss you too boy oh you know you something dude I am gonna miss you all right last but not least camera equipment what am I gonna take vlog cameras chargers cables is always have like a checklist every time I travel so many things look at all these chargers guys we are gonna end it there thanks for hanging out today fun day with my brother and his kids and my kids and Britt and everything it was just awesome hope you guys are staying positive believe me when I say this think positive nothing but positive don't worry about what people are saying behind your back there's a reason they're behind you just keep moving forward baby we can do it together as a team when you built a massive community together and we got this whatever it is we've got it oh let's see if that coral changed real quick the coral I got Shawn the coral I mean yeah he ate but it's good he couldn't that I mean he'll eat whatever you give him that's good okay it has already changed a lot it's not completely out when you'll get the point all right you remember what that coral look like check this out now look at it what a work of art man it's beautiful euro work of art too you pretty on top of your game lately come back I've been on top a lot of things there's still there they're gonna be there for life well did you see the wat of them up above the TV no but Kane's been throwing new ones they're still there whatever who cares yo you think that today you did that today he's a good kid we got a good chance alright I'm gonna in this vlog I have to we got to edit oh my god she's lost her funny guy she has literally lost your mind alright guys that is officially the vlog we have to end by hit save spot like you know I clean my life this way I have a spot I want my own spot you guys watching the next two months it'll be doors installed on this office it's not safe here Zeus you're supposed to be in here guarding me but he's got that look like shot that stupid little bar on your front papi seeing New York tomorrow guys we love you you're beautiful you're one of a kind don't forget that smile more okay we're in the busiest bond Columbus I don't see a single human being in here what has happened honey I feel like something happened these are actually all people and they've all been frozen in time what do you think of my new pair and then they froze and they alters there's nobody here three minutes ago this guy was alive
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 4,352,229
Rating: 4.9311271 out of 5
Keywords: best pranks, family fun, brittney, roman soldiers, Roman Atwoods house, kid friendly, fireworks, atwood vlogs, the atwood family, noah atwood, Natural Born Pranksters, family friendly, roman vlogs, Remote control, kid-friendly, RC cars, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, Roman, Roman Atwood, family vlogs, ohio, kane atwood, daily vlogs 2016, pranks, family-friendly, youtube pranks
Id: _q1VoMYE26o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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