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The good ol' Redneck Katyusha!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

Why is spewing some smoke "patriotic"?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Inteljunet 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the vlog I tell me you're good for the next like three hours maybe even not even I mean you can call me some changes but I can't wait to have I mean look look nothing but just happiness there's no no pouting no crying there's no whiny just a happy little girl huh lies are be ready is not coming for you right we're sitting here so impatient so excited and then Rises but you know all baby they get a little fussy and cheese since you got here we've been bursting I'm like I forgot about that there's a lot of you know of it maybe just hold off I'm kidding have this baby no no anyway guys I'm a little hyped up instead of energy drink and I'm ready we got to go we got to do this to the 4th of July standard put it yeah yeah yeah it's coming and baby still not here which liza somebody get that girl small more shirt everybody wearing a small more shirts happy that's going to be us noon right you ready i father to be us hey gain daddy's got step out oh you're premed okay I'm jealous I want to play listen daddy's gonna step out okay I love you when I get back I need your help right oh good I find when I hope you win what's up guys towers looking awesome man you know everything everything in my life right now is like waiting game everything I'm waiting for it I'm waiting for all this to be done I'm waiting for a little beautiful girl to be here I will say this we have things you're always waiting on you always have things to look forward to and having things to look forward to keep you distracted from any problems you're going through it's a really good thing to get it's a really good thing to have going on it doesn't have to be big things at all it could just be anything maybe it's a little something ordered on on on the internet and you're just waiting for it to arrive just having that that wait that's annoying nobody likes waiting at much but having that wait keeps you distracted and it does help it just helps you stay busy I always say keep your mind very busy that's how you how you stay away from all the negative thoughts and all the things going on in your life keep your mind busy just keep it busy and then you'll be surprised how much you're not thinking about the negative stuff well it's gone yeah well you guys do it laughs what are you doing I got over here and what I told you stop doing this what did you do what did you use it I just wanted totally realtor bro look I just ask to be like Allah Allah I like them put it quiet chanting to go around no reason to fight what you said keep something out like this much we're under the porch he's under the porch I've been trying to get this on camera look at him okay so we twirl or latus out so there's no more lattice around here donkey what's your deal Vaughn huh you just hang it up told you guys he was under the but I don't think you doubted me but he's been he's been like living under here so I guess why don't we even get him a bar and we just built him a porch right guys so we're out and about and I got seriously this is serious you guys know I do a lot with fireworks and I have my actual own firework line and we use them a lot but I took I put them on dirt bikes I've made handheld Gatling guns I've done a lot weight so today we're going to fireworks place worst day ever to go get far it's going to happen that's why we brought the big guns look for tomorrow like absolute last minute pop yeah my goal today is to build the big something you've never seen the biggest gatling cannon fireworks show you've ever seen but what do we hook it to like I need something to just 360s or like you know what I mean like you can't hold hands hold on good click around and put it on a merry-go-round stop whoa that would be wicked like we had our own playground just kidding we need what about what about what about like what about if we put on an office chair what if I build country the biggest handheld Gatling gun would you do it country you know like how I handheld the eight of them what if you hand out like 20 of them and you do it you could do it yes yes oh my guys like a party they got tents and buiten vendors there's food trucks here oh my gosh okay there's a line out the door this is gonna be a problem what I giving this stuff away the line yeah this place is so booming busy man you guys are hooking it up we're gonna get some big stuff Vicki's Britney's mom's birthday's tomorrow so we need some stuff occur hi man I think this is a pretty good year as well we're doing good they're actually out of my fireworks which is a bummer because we wanna do something really cool today but we got back we're going to make this work we're going to make I guess it is a good problem but we're still going to make something really cool now we could have brought a smaller vehicle there's going to be some touchy be riding on the roof now Batman you only got it Jay said he's good at Tetris and we figure we give him the honors of packing this in so we got the fight I don't know if he's gonna fit you got push pushing it like my shoe dude mission complete huge help huge help from them get out of there it was pretty awesome pretty cool to see how much people come by farmers our firearms were gone and we met a couple guys outside they bottom all they bought three cases of my camp so they had them yeah they had a big authority to board us I was going to take them but I thought I'd let them enjoy let me ask you one question do you feel safe right now I'll put them on your lap is a lot of it is I don't look forward to seeing everything lit up I don't know what to say have you ever seemed like if you ever been never really um I think fireworks show but I think oh you put it on the show yeah that's good that's the show hood it is a show bruh I'm spending jump out of the truck look what you're doing country you can't they can't be gettin hit the kettle man oh we have we had all this extra room you can look at a happy teddy bear back there dude you know you're like Winnie the Pooh right now I just found a honey jar oh it most so good so good you know it's going to be good sort of property do property properly I do what we want to do you need a good torch and I actually when I tasted the dirt bike roman candle ones when I threw the torch because I had to get on the bike and go I left it on and it completely dranks we need it country country what all right guys we're set we're going to head home and build something on some crazy are you ready Candyman ready ready we didn't get ducting we didn't get done like curling these chrome is that curling corn she can't benchpress your way out of this one country would you do to my brush like this so we put almost no too little thought into this idea but I got this giant tripod that we're going to try to map oh you're gonna use that giant one yeah a lot of weight hoola that is a lot of weight yeah dude tripod plate right on top just will it fit in there yeah I'm gonna bring it down too hard and split your bracket don't split my wood brah steady now come on Eddie now I think you are you got it in reverse by me out here trying to do this doesn't want to go is oh yes oh yeah tools of the trade right there will penetrate you were just going to beat it in well that'll do it that'll do it now we mount that the tripod and we mount the candles to the plate oh he just earned it oh now what do I got to do for one of those walk it in on here was oh that is going to be what we needed we're making art this is art project guys leave this isoh these screws are going to hold the final pieces you're going to build up like a giant triangle triangle dum-dum-dum don't know oh you putting the apron on or uh I like your style you got it you know you got to make it look the park now it can't just be a block of work this is this is fashion baby got to get that army vein and that inna we do this oh yeah I guess around it Hey Wow sit as the camo machine right there look at that look at that Oh ladies and gentlemen I give you the Warhawk pretty legit for last my paint job dude not bad are you paying your car if you want no no I'm good tamil green look hunter using layer 1 layer 1 complete ok this looks amazing now that it's clear hi so that's layer 1 and we're just going to build it up to light all this kinds of torture hmm yeah no I don't always come up with good ideas but when I do we act on them and that's what's going on right here this is the tripod cat well we need a name for this try canon try canon there's a grand total right there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 whoo one more piece of the puzzle right yeah no you got to do it right you know you can't just have a rocket barrage without the proper camo net I think huge we got it all painted up I think she I mean that's camo you would not be able to see me in the woods what do you think it is look check yourself you see you didn't even see it because it's camouflage I sitting here with the most important question of the night where we're going to put it and we're looking where I belong pickup trucks out here like the bed of a pickup truck pretty ideal for this tripod you know almost has to be my truck is up for grabs I'll donate my truck for the cost just something about that Ford Ranger I like yes yes I love seeing visions just come together look at this and hahaha looks ridiculous you shaking your head the truck is go look at this yeah you're right this is something to be proud of chase we did it we did it how you feeling you came out that door with your head I was like I know it's a great idea in the back of the truck we're just trying to get anything I'm just thinking we might as well use that utilize this side field let's go out there we're heading out to battle we got the truck granny you got to put on your war face it's like we're going to battle who's that looking at it who's that [Music] Yoshii oh no oh oh oh [Music] dudes this looks awesome I seriously awesome I'm so happy you've got a straw Lee's pump you guys ready we're going to like we're going to relate all these candles this is the most tricky part seriously getting this thing lit a lot of fuses there's three of us we got three of those it's just kind of planning like we get to start at the center work our way out we pick like sides piece of cake right I mean in theory at least we got the camouflage netting we're going to spin this around and shoot towards the big dirty field kids are ready they ready it is go time fourth of July as you're watching this view if you watch this to dip load it's the third for us we're going to celebrate briefly you know we got a lot more stuff for the four so we're going to do this today for you guys let's do it drones going up that's like this baby [Music] [Music] oh my god Oh oh I wish the last one just exploded that was amazing that was in behind nothing dude it was a rush and we got all but one I think to be fair I should tell you guys all the ones from night teen of them that's not bad considering our lighting method Oh awesome I got ballsy towards you and I was like I was surely chill around up there I started shooting which I passed me Jay Scott he's got his drone up ready just ask him for it we got one left I don't think it'll go that hot Oh either way that was so much fun like legit I countries going to trust you to drum oh all right guys we got the heavy artillery out here let's go to vinyl oh you know country ya know it's like a fair game shoot the drone looks amazing Oh even since filling it up he's gone right around it there's a propellers actually moving it away you see that actually it's my anti firework deterrent system and I got that installed just in time it was like when you go to the carnival and you're trying to lock the prisoner down to the water just unclose but you didn't forget did you like it oh I know she's coming she's coming little don't wish that you want them to be honest as long as possible Tuesday good edge they call it three they call it terrible twos for a reason I gotta say you know it took us almost all day but we were successful we got all the bad guys we saw a couple firecrackers going off and we thought you know this is competition so I feel like we stepped up and we really showed them who's boss that's right yeah I hope the audience can actually like truly appreciate that because that's all day of prep all day of all that stuff for what she's ten seconds yeah wasn't even that was worth it I think it was cool yeah awesome how funny is it no no what you said well so far he's a nobody nobody you're crazy nobody good it's not he's got that good become one no kids in line well we're taking this up one that mother how come we could get that what that guy's gay that's a firework show look we'll put a show it's Brittany's mom's birthday we got read it is not dude okay it is a lot of fireworks but come on that's going to last four minutes for four you're gonna country said he's just going to lay down on the bubble wrap and make noise for the kids this right here this right here is the rest of the night kids and pools fun time and flesh dad well Brett she's missing this year's fireworks I'll save something for her I'm gonna I'm gonna do something that successful on the night she's born I'm just going to come out and a lot of sparkler so gotta get a picture of the moon I will I will at the telescope a big guy but don't say that I'm on a pull roll well guys that is our swamp baby when I go when I swim in that pool I don't usually wear anything so I know well not a nice kid back here yeah that's another hat guys thank you so much for hanging out with us today still no baby and still actually today no signs at all what are you trying again it's because I put a dog food and then he tries to get in around the corner anyways anyways we love you so much thanks for joining us again on I've actually lost track I think we're at like 59 60 blogs in a row which is huge right now for us so thank you for being here we love you you're one of a kind smile more and your beauty [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 4,106,864
Rating: 4.881916 out of 5
Keywords: roman atwood, roman, fireworks, family, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, vlogs, day, daily, everyday, truck, roman candles, flaming balls, 4th, july, celebrate, comedy, kids, kane, noah, girlfriend, britt, brittney, dog, flash, donkey, empire, yard, backyard, sideyard, fun, homeade, happy, how to
Id: dZsOkeuQBMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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