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hey guys welcome to the vlog I wasn't even going to start the vlog yet but this is what are we doing here we got crazy Russian hacker - Ross what are you doing we're picking out tires it's a mystery yeah why he says yo we got to make a stop I gotta get some tires so here we are you won't be going on do you one flat like that I don't know I I think this is a cool like we should definitely get a little one okay we'll get laid over the big one they might even have bigger you want to see oh dude this is like heaven tire these are awesome I hope you guys are having such a good day I am holding a list of the most ridiculous items in the entire world that we need this week so we're at all these stores trying to find all these things like an axe head a head of an axe step one is complete just a small too small dude you're huge step one complete now we're gonna go fill a liquid nitrogen tank dude I have never ever done or experienced liquid nitrogen in my life I have and that's a lot of you in case you missed yesterday's vlog I have churros from crazy Russian hacker - YouTube channel here and I think honestly what's gonna make this clap so fun is he does its science experiments like very unique cool science experiments something that we don't do on this channel so it's gonna it's gonna be a nice Club and then you're gonna do we do yeah you're gonna take care of kids and take care of my what causes this is perfect in which one I think you need a smaller ones like that it's weird walking through a store with an axe okay we just arrived at the place to get liquid nitrogen neither one of us have ever done this so let's figure out how difficult it is to get liquid nitrogen and if we don't have to worry about this side here no and it can be capped off okay yeah let's fill her up okay let's just start with this dude I can hear it I can hear it in there you spin lenders are doing the work they're doing what you don't want to Chilton I don't think you should have a smoking can that looks like it's about the pop that's nice when you work hard you got to eat good man that's the rule look at this marshmallows whipped cream let's go so you guys know that my house has been under construction they destroyed my yard trying to build the building it happens but they're finally delivering dirt to fix the hard and the truck is stuck so we're trying to get it out right now not looking good just a normal day here at the Abbott's come on [Music] ah okay so we're back home we were unsuccessful at getting that friggin truck out and we also have one more ingredient that we we went to three different stores nobody has any more you can't find it we did find a place we have to pick it up it's about 45 minute drive though we got to do it I know our whole day is just getting stuff I guarantee this days to be worth it though we're off to do something so cool I cannot wait to do this I haven't seen you this excited for a long time I didn't excited all day but it is North Carolina's so easy anyone I ask you can just get it easy yeah any storm it hasn't been easy for us so we're still on the hunt we will get this done guaranteed it's up with the with the little boys cheese in a cup you want a straw who won't be able to do that oh let him try come on give me so any Caesar straw scissors check what what are you doing you're gonna see how about getting that close ceiling you like to he miss they don't have been painful okay cut cut the strong half come up here do watch this and then you cut to the end go here and here oh yeah you gotta teach him how to do this and then flatten it it doesn't look as good as yours it's okay flattened and then use ball anywhere no I get it like almost halfway I guess cheap us to be so cheap whistles calm baby you gotta blow hard put it in the middle put it all the way in your mouth right okay so Britney is about to go to uh it's just the ladies yeah yeah just the ladies she is going to it's Mama's birthday today she's won a dinner and mama picked this purse tell me what you think this is handpicked by Mama here Wow that is totally mama she gonna be the biggest hit at the moment clubs all right Ross and I are about to make the greatest video of all time it could totally fail me the worst video up we will see soon all right man you ready to go get some dry ice we're gonna take the grandma mobile this is all the grandmas are driving now open you can't there you go it pops out yeah you got two more inches that's it you're a big boy yeah come lay down oh yeah uncomfortable this is my song Lisa look like they're like really gone what do you think the car awesome but my knees don't fit down your little your little sorry this is somebody's palace yeah it says the ice over there it's somebody's house hey how you doing you got the dry ice yeah all right man y'all come out have your walk around with me it's in the back okay cool are you as nervous as I am well it's just a prank the store here in Ojai you have to get your dirty ice in there behind somebody's house oh this is legit sup if we have to we can use those white styrofoam's let's go to lunch awesome yeah that's good today might set a record for the most stores in one day do we've been everywhere at somebody's house today oh yeah what do you mean docile banya was that goodbye how do you say the svidaniya that's padania goodbye told you no how do you say how do you say smile more in Russian well the bicep Bush what well advice smile boys for more borscht boys Borgia yeah six plastic buckets not even she laughs hey Zeus hey Zeus we got it we got it mission complete Zeus we got it I know you were worried we got it the box is actually freezing yep whoa we've got the newspapers that were crispy so we just got our dry ice and we've got liquid nitrogen in the garage this is dude what are you doing to this place ooh put your put your tongue on it no no it is for sports not bad you don't want to hold it too long though Wow I agree with that only once you have kids you'll fully understand how there's a popsicle left on the counter melting it's literally laying here dying I'm surprised you don't have ants all right guys let me explain exactly what we're doing I think it's pretty much genius we want to create it should I tell them or just we should just watch just watch keep rolling keep it on you've watched this long you watch the shop all day let's let's make some magic and I think this is look what we got it's beautiful is that that's a good chunk we don't even need to break down one all right no we gotta break it in pieces okay what oh it already broke why does it do that cool that I actually thought we just broke up 28 pounds of dry ice and do you should we put this in the freezer though you're gonna break the freezer it's so cold it will destroy the freezer door / freezes yeah don't put the ice in the freezer okay there you go we're gonna pre-rigged these buckets to be half cardboard walls so that the dry ice can only go one direction so we're laying some towels we're gonna divide the dry off in the buckets did we get enough so we're gonna lay them like this and then we're gonna put hot whatever now and then drop the ice in there all at the same time and we're gonna have ton of small running down the stairs okay basically we're gonna create an indoor waterfall yep it's gonna look like an indoor waterfall if it works correctly I think it's gonna look amazing yeah I never done it either don't find out so here's the theory we've got these boxes and we're gonna put the water and dry ice like this up against the rail so the smoke only has one way to fall in because why does why does dry ice why does the smoke fall because it's cold it's X here to smoke it's so heat rises cold Falls not a hot smoke so exactly so it's a density you know so that's what going going down that's why we should get a waterfall effect because the it basically weighs a lot yeah I think it's a great idea so now the smoke can't go this way that way or this way it's can only go that way I think we're ready for hot water yeah dollars over here so yeah another one that's cold stands for hot it takes them takes a while how long has to come from the ground up if you fell to at once good that'll speed things up so what we're going to do is fill this up with the hot water so what are we gonna do up with the eyes it will melt them in the way so it will produce the most more at once we've got such a better idea my cheese is right this way this is the shot dude right here superfish so here's the vlog camera compared to this annual so y-you can see the whole room all right guys indoor waterfall he would go get you know man it looks legit oh do you know what's so cool look at this smoking it's already ready yeah ready to fall so what are we gonna do at lunch together just stop keep throwing it into the boxes how many all of it till they're not let's go oh my God look at this hour [Music] Wow let's get boiling water in here yeah yeah you think there'll be anything left yeah yeah okay so trusted trust as if you put boiling water the smoke one way more smoke so we're not I mean it's awesome look at this sick so we're gonna attempt to boil some water how much oh okay my brother just showed up look at you yeah you know I've upgraded he's gonna help us film a little bit this is so hectic running from upstairs and downstairs and this thing got a great shot so happy with it - Ross is not happy with that I thought it was really cool we all thought it was cool but he's like no we need way more so he's up there making it happen I mean it's just right in the middle is the only thing that's definitely just for the record this will be crosses mine and Dale's first use of liquid nitrogen oh boy hey God let me go hit record on ooh very nice how was that it was quick it was quick well that's the best I could okay we're moving on to the next gadget pulls out two iron balls covered in rust yep and also him over here aluminum foil [Music] aluminum foil just like this safety safety first always and check this side you want to dip some lights off yeah I'm on it how awesome was that that's crazy sparks in my eyes awesome yeah let me have a shot it happened so fast that was a good you remember the tiny balls you'd hit together and they make noise when your kid yeah that's what it reminds me but with the sparks well came to him always balls in there that's what's going on oh you got it he's straight stole it that was a good scream I missed the whole thing do you see it yeah alright guys I think this is the perfect time to end this vlog and we actually shot this amazing waterfall video for terrazas channel and it's a it's one of a kind I've never seen anybody I don't think anybody's ever done this in their living room ever unless they I think we come up with that idea here together more importantly I think you're going to really enjoy his channel so please beyond this video go check his channel subscribe to him he this is just one of how many videos do you have do you know I don't even know like almost a thousand it's almost a thousand videos go check it I'll spend some time over there and of course give him a love on this new indoor waterfall video I think it is so fun to watch it's beautiful like what you've seen in this vlog is a fraction of what you're gonna see on this channel so go smash it we love you guys we have so much more this week so much fun unique things and thanks for coming to Ohio dude this is awesome and we got a lot more for sure this is just the beginning it is just the beginning we will see you tomorrow thanks for all the love and support smile more I sit in the next week or two I'm actually gonna wash my body I'm trying to do a new thing where you know shower and you only watch body part a day so today's head
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 9,071,344
Rating: 4.9255905 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Natural Born Pranksters, roman atwood vlogs, family-friendly, roman vlogs, roman soldiers, brittney, family vlogs, Roman, kane atwood, noah atwood, pranks, Atwood, family fun, atwood vlogs, kid friendly, kid-friendly, youtube pranks, best pranks, family friendly, ohio, daily vlogs 2016
Id: h24j9CezhWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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