I Found An Abandoned Storage Unit - I Need Your Help

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these guys says he'll be in a white van just past the entrance we'll know right hey what's going on today's video is another storage unit video it's a it's gonna be a little bit different than the last the last one I didn't have to do very much research on this one out the gate we're gonna do a ton of research once we get into it and start sifting through the stuff that's actually inside of it cuz I have this guy says he's in a white van that's probably one more creepy text you can get this guy is literally any white man okay seems pretty normal which is that over here okay nice and tiny all right I'll leave you with it thank you so much you have a good day thank you yeah this is gonna be easiest whatever this is gonna be we're still $400 now 400 $140 okay so this one's gonna be a little bit different this is a tiny tiny unit I was originally not even going to buy a unit because it was real there was nothing online I lost bids on like two other ones they wanted one it up being like over 4 grand I was like 40 100 bucks for 4 grand for a restored unit that had a Harley Davidson in it and I don't know enough about bikes and I just didn't want to get that deep into it and another one I lost by a couple hundred bucks I just was really wasn't if he got a bunch of trash in it and this is the smallest unit I'm ever gonna buy but I bought it for one reason and one reason only because I'm going to try and find a gentleman whose Locker was now there's a reason why I'm saying this is kind of strange you probably won't ever see this and I guess you'll you'll you'll understand a little bit more here in a second but beforehand you guys know christmas is coming up and a lot of guys are like me and don't know what to get their gals for Christmas but I've got you guys covered because sara has actually got three separate I just held up six fingers for some odd reason but Sara's got three separate entire things picked out for you guys cuz look at the top of the vial use code long as a cheerio you'll save 15% she made it simple and fast for guys like me who don't know what the heck to eat the girl their mom their sisters whatever it is she's got three entire things picked out for you guys click the link of this out about make it easy it's Christmas I myself don't even know what I'm getting Sara I'm sure you don't know what you're good you girl or your mom or your sister so Sara's gonna actually she's picking out the entire outfits for you you see peasy lemon squeezy tickling the table I'll use the code luggage to check out and it will save you 15% off and you're supporting Sara in her store I love you guys and I'll see you back at the unit I feel like I don't even need to put gloves on because I mean this is the tiniest unit in the world it's like the tiniest unit possibly in history of mankind so real quick is empty that'll give you more of an idea why I bought this unit there we go so I'm gonna actually open up all these boxes not here I'm just gonna load up a couple the trailer and open them about the warehouse and I'm gonna lower the lighting be a little bit better to see what's inside of them so see this yeah I don't know if some of you guys are getting getting the vibe here there's a reason why I bought this unit I need to find out whose Locker this is who's ever Locker it is if you watch this video I'm very sorry to be dropping out or your cover your cover damn this is all I was hoping I was hoping on the inside of what I said his name but he didn't put it in there did come with this and none of these are very expensive I am going to keep this I'm not gonna lie I will to be keeping this so I'll show you what that is I will be keeping that this is easy I was back to trailer I don't even have to you just carry the box with film on there we're good so my main goal I feel like I keep saying this sooner you'll understand but I want to find the persons whose stuff this is and give it back to him cuz there's a box in here that I saw that was opened up in the photos from whenever I was buying the unit this is the only reason why I bought the unit so I want to find the gentleman and give him all the stuff back yeah a little of this up and we'll talk about that later you guys right now that this is probably the smallest storage unit I'm never going to buy during this storage unit series stuff but when we get back over there we'll knock open all these boxes I'll show you guys that box over there I find that one this box here pop that down real quick this is the this is the entire reason I bought this unit was because of this box this box is open in the pictures as you can see can't really see in the room well cuz I got it down there's a dress uniform in there I'm this guy has been deployed a bunch of stuff I'm gonna actually look up these ribbons he's got as well maybe we can kind of piece together some puzzles here and who this is but my goal by the end of this is a finite who this gentleman is his name and where he's from maybe we can reach out cuz I know we have recently sized audience on you who is probably watching this video maybe somebody might know him or know somebody was in the Marines who might then know this guy so he can come and pick up his stuff I'd be ideal so only reason why I bought this unit it's pretty much to find a guy give him stuff back because he's gonna want it I promise you how am I supposed to lock me Oh okay so I got these uh I'm gonna stick all the boxes over there on this shelf that's one of the shelves from the other prior units I'm saying I'm gonna bust open some of this stuff and I know on his uniform he's got I say it - he pretty I'm actually a pretty fairly positive it - he because of his uniform yeah that's a Hebrew middle so my thought process behind this is this gentleman got out of the military moved back to Texas just outside of Fort Worth Texas moved back to just outside of Fort Worth Texas maybe got you know in a bind with money or he could have passed away that could be another thing he passed away no one knew that he had a storage unit of stuff in it then he just went up for auction or he got a bomb with money like I was saying before couldn't afford the storage unit so that's why I'm kind of hoping that that well I said I'm hoping that's the case I'm hoping he's still alive and we can reach out to him and find him so then he can get his stuff back so I promise you he's gonna want this stuff he doesn't want it now he's gonna want on a later date because I was looking at his uniform which I'll pull out right now I could tell this guy was an NCO just like how neat everything was I mean everything inside this unit was like pristine cut nice so here's his dress who's your sergeant so I don't know I'm gonna have to look this up I know that the Navy which is the Marines or whatnot they're their stripes means something different the army it's a left arm means service time or right army service time years in service every three years as a stripe and then every six months overseas you get a stripe as well so I don't really remember I got to look this up real quick which I'm going to what they're so apparently from what I'm reading like I said they're different army is three years so every every hash mark and then the Marines is every four years so this guy was in for at least eight years he didn't do 12 or we would have got another one so he did between 8 and 11 years pretty significant there's the Marines they also don't have like I was saying oh it's it's this way it's what it did army I think is on the right sleeve it's every three years of the hash mark you get one and then every six months of overseas service like Iraq or Afghanistan or whatever world war ii don't i mean vietnam they they get every six months you get one on this sleeve i think that's what it is it could be other one it's been a while since it was in alright are you gonna have to do a little bit of research for you guys so some of these ribbons are gonna be the same for both parties like i don't know what this one is and i don't know what that one is don't know what that one is this is an air warfare no I'm like no one during one of the many reasons why I wanted to buy this unit was to find him like I was telling you guys but I didn't want someone random to buy it and just throw away all the stuff cuz this kind of stuff can't be replicated if it's yours which we're gonna dig through all of his stuff to try to find his last name which would be kind of crucial so out the gate this is a Haier air naval warfare like I don't know what these ones are by the way enlisted aviation warfare specialist pretty which one is uh military badge great 80s 1980 this includes most personnel who are trained flight deck personnel on board aircraft carriers or maintenance personal and an aircraft immediate so I don't really know exactly did a guy hold the batons waiting on the aircraft I don't know I don't know what this one is either oh I can actually see what it is real quick that's a that's a front of a boat those are savers so the top badge I guess that's probably know how their uniform sets up so I'm not going between they do I think that would be like the equivalent of me and my CIB and army it goes like it goes like Air Assault airborne CIB I don't know if theirs is like the most insignificant on the very bottom or if they don't stack them and they start I don't know how the how these work anyway this guy was trained to call about the perform the duties upon a United States Service warship so he was on the cool look I don't know exactly what this guy did he was on the warships now now comes the fun ones now I know for a fact that these ones stack in importance like I know that for 100% little stack I've got I've got some of these one that he has already I don't know what that one is though okay so I think this is gonna be pretty easy I'm gonna do quick fast and dirty to tell you guys exactly what's on here no a lot of you guys may not know it's rack right here they're saying order of presidents presidents presidents presidents if you're looking at it if I was if I was wearing this top one on this side is always the highest award you can get then it goes this way and then pretty much the same down and the very bottom one down here is the least least important one and pretty much everybody's probably got it so one on top one on top you've got a Navy Marine corpse commendation medal which is the same thing as in the Army it's called an Archon he's got one for every other one he would have apparently a star we would have oak leaf cluster probably different little something different the next one over Navy Achievement Medal I think he's got five of those it was pretty much you can get for being really good at PT joint merit to joint meritorious unit award right there okay the next he has a navy ribbon then it looks like he has a good conduct medal which you get every 40 years I believe I have a good service not being the dumbass National Defense Service Medal now our enforces Expeditionary medal I was gonna go to this last one I know it's in Afghanistan Irving because I got what's this one then it pretty much everybody's got this one the guat expeditionary mess service medal in Guatemala and the other ones I don't really matter as you go down there pretty much the ones you get like when I got our basic I think I had three ribbons and when I ended mine look like this I don't really actually know there you go quick down and dirty for all of you guys you did not know about what is actually on here most important least important don't know what that is that's a ship I told you guys the very beginning guy worked on a ship or something but what I am going to do is I'm going to seal this box up and throw it over there is what I end up doing because I mean I'm not gonna sell this stuff and it'll sit here until someone comes and claims it and if no one does claim it then the next however long then it will unfortunately probably get thrown away trying to save it so you guys may think I'm strange but I'm gonna go ahead and this might be kind of strange I know they're just boxes I don't know what I'm gonna stick my hands into since I didn't pack these so I'm gonna go ahead and just do this just in case don't like a statue in some random there's one box this guy was probably a pretty clean guy everything in there was like hold it nice oh here we go see he's got all his uniform stolen here I can't say what they actually call this this deputy would get monetized quick I mean dude this is dress uniforms oh I need to find a name that's what I was looking I need to grab that box see I know this actually does have a name you know than address as a phone number it says date 829 75 I don't think that really think that pans out to John love always Belinda Garza I think his last name is Garza Spears good name that we get now oh that's not gonna be his that's an army can you be a little real newspaper though I think it is a real newspaper that's pretty cool I'm not bided by this unit to keep the stuff I'm keeping a couple things November 22nd in 1963 her name and he's got coins but that's a generic ass coin Merrick coin this one says the USS Ronald Reagan this one says USS chosen guided missiles so so far all I have was he was on the USS is Reagan possibly USS was chosen possibly he was a sergeant he's from the area of Weatherford Texas he was the Afghanistan so I know it's not like old school somebody from like Vietnam era so these are all the boxes we literally have out of there plus a big one this this that and a stretcher I'm gonna go we're going to sift through every single one of these items look at all the tags and maybe we can get a name I know on that there's a little tiny Bible lessons out of here that has a name in it maybe I need a name now this whole thing would literally be for nothing if we cannot find a name hey just got a call from you you know I was the guy that just bought the storage unit famille regard the storage unit good question if I wanted to give this stuff back to the guy that I bought it from is that is that possible or she still do you know who he is if you have his contact info these actual items belong to me I find a storage unit on occasion I'm usually looking for furniture oh that one's the spirit oh there we go now now we're now we're cooking with gas Spears that's right does this is Spears and this was in the box they're all sergeant stuff so that's a date now we got the lot of Spears it's a sergeant Spears there we go Hey look at you you used the big things of your life that's an overcoat that's like a rain jacket first all right so we got we know exactly who it is now we finally found some indication on who it is it's a sergeant spears so we got a beers right there that's PE ARS and then on the inside yeah Spears again so Spears is a sergeant Spears who's been to Afghanistan why sure you guys already know all the medals he's got anybody that got right there if you guys know a sergeant Spears in the Marines go to I mean you've come up here the googan warehouses go to goon squad type it in what does it was a two three four five nail Road they'll be up here right here you can have all your stuff back hey I am going to keep this is because I know that mr. Spears did not pay for this now right then I will keep that [Music] to do the right price what are you asking for it one two I have a video goes up tonight saying that I drained all the fluids out of mix it up I guess took everything out of it you know I'll take 15 is it you give me 15 out of you tell you I just got offered a gun so I'm gonna be if you don't but I'm just gonna go trade it to my brother who they are yeah $15 a little more than I was oh yeah I got a guy wants to give me a rock before yeah yeah I'll take I'll take a raffle all day absolutely if you want some more free stuff you want some DVDs DVDs how about staying you want to take almost I I'll take on the black stallion yeah no it makes sense now why would take off whenever I would just dump it these are made to run art yeah you gonna take a look at that yeah yeah he's a fair trade all ambidextrous every part on it is meticulous nothing scrapes or safety mag if you're gonna get the fool like this this is good a good weight to it yeah you'll know it's there like I said it kicks like a cricket man takes like a cricket I like this it's actually pretty quiet I'll do it for months I've been I would say I hate to see it go but I don't really care about the bum yeah you know you don't have anything other than the money but now I got a I got a rifle well what a good way to end the video over here we just traded the dirt bike so it is not available anymore just traded it or what's actually we don't we'll do a little quick quick sneak peek of what we just traded traded for here I got myself another five five six which is something you always need inside of your life find it here oh hey what's up talk to the door hey what's going on handgrip so out the gate I know that it is a rainier arms ambidextrous selector switch there's no multi bang Bang's it's a single got a fixed stock is what it looks like so it's good what's good about all this this rifle and this setup right here is you can 100% you can do whatever you want with it and I think is this connected is it floating floating so I should be able to pull this back I think I'm gonna do something with it yep this come on slip ring okay please take that off for now but I'm going to going to I think I might do a little bit of a build action on this I like this it is it's it's done well I like Picatinny rail systems a bit more myself I think I'm gonna remove this right here then I'm gonna take off this front a foregrip or heat shield whatever you want to call it take out the heat shield and turn it into a Picatinny rail up front I think I might take this off the back move this back change out the buttstock and actually put an adjustable collapsible buttstock on there and I think she'll be pretty pretty good I do like it move it's very clean which is good he did do a good job keeping it clean that's very crucial looks good I like it good choice well love you guys enjoyed this video over here on lunker's TV like I told you guys I was actually not anticipating I'm buying a storage unit but when I found this one I could not let it slip by there might be a chance for us to find mr. Sargent Spears if you guys know his sergeant spears that lives in the Fort Worth area I guess he could live anywhere from Fort Worth to Waco in Dallas anywhere around there I found the unit in Weatherford but it doesn't mean he's from Weatherford just we'll just say in the DFW area sergeant spears I got your stuff buddy do not feel ashamed come and pick it up stuff happens I'm trying to help you out here you're gonna want this stuff at some point your life so with that being said I love you guys and you know what we're gonna head and roll the same ouch what we've been doing I'll catch you guys later do you love you [Music]
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 528,668
Rating: 4.9319296 out of 5
Id: PkQKGWqfUs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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