Coins Found Older Than America Itself! | Metal Detecting Colonial Vermont

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folks well it's already 2 o'clock I stopped writing early this morning loaded up the four-wheeler drove well 40 minutes my truck drove about another 20 minutes into the woods on the wheeler and I'm completely stumped nothing nothing interesting lots of bullets junk and I don't know the state probably not my buddy Jeff sends me a text message it says he Brad I just found out that the field was plowed but it was never planted this year for whatever reason so I rushed home instead it's like 2 o'clock I've got until around 5:00 today and switching out my wet shoes for some dry ones trying to go meet Jeff I'm going to head up to the field field books colonial dreams this field I found my first Larson I actually found my oldest coin to date in this field the coin is really really crusty and gross and I thought I knew what it was but just recently actually a few weeks ago I took the time and I really drastic measures to clean it I took some really really fine grit sandpaper and a piece of glass and I just circled with it and while it doesn't look clean very nice anymore I can actually positively identify it and a William the third pack and British British half pen which I think they made at 1695 217 Oh - so that is definitely always going so we're going to help them see Jess and give them a coffee maker and picking up some alcoholic beverages [Music] one of the last times I was up here one of the farmers can rollin up on me and a little bit of confusion whether I had permission to be here or not I did but he didn't know so I got chased off and we just stopped to appease them with cold ones except everybody's on good terms now we're heading up to the spot [Music] well as you can see it's just an amazing view up here and the cornfield is just expansive it goes on and on and on luckily I don't have to walk all of that because all of the action in the field is just in this one corner I say this is where the building was and you know I was talking to Jeff about when they plow how far does the material travel you know are we going to find stuff that smells like way down there and he didn't I think so he thinks it you know when it goes by it just kind of turns the soil over and we can kind of tell that with the iron setting on the machine you know it you can only really hear iron in this corner sexually with a plow actually turned around as a bit of a swirl here and this is where the majority of everything was found I ventured a little bit off so most everything this time we're going to look around if you can find more stuff it works yeah you're just looking for numbers basically everything about 40 long as they go not only do we have a good bit of brick okay plate good big piece yeah so you said that you heard from somebody your dad that this building was a doctor that's the story and lots of colonial coppers appeared but shoe buckles and buttons that one more clear [Music] 42 yeah I see it okay was right on the surface he's fine guys my guess is that that's made out of pewter yeah this is a looks like maybe it was a decoration on piece of furniture or something so guys oh yeah look at it it's sitting right on top of this little no little pillar roof anyway but it was there was more and then the rain oh yeah not everything else now yeah it's the little time back button the material is all compact look what they make the bronze move around cool not exciting we're on the surface get up 81 look ere the copper I've been here five minutes what is that colonial coin it is colonial recognize it although there it is that's the Britannia side that date would be on what to say nice you're on it no carbonation we'll just until proven otherwise it's a George the third half penny the pretty good shape - considering the amount of fertilizer that goes in here a lot of times they get all screwed up pretty awesome we got a mid-tone here any luck it'll be a button nope it is a I think that's a piece of the spoon silver-plated spoon I broke it but uh that's the handle nice so no guy do you think it's a baby or do you think that they're just this size no to our toads tadpoles it I know but are you at some stage our toads tadpoles very interesting well just got a mid-tone check it out I think it's a button yep pretty cool well right underneath that button stuck in the ground is another target I'm pretty sure this is a button as well but it seems to be Tom back yeah whoa what in the world that's pretty awesome I don't think I've ever seen one like that on Tom Bakk that's a beauty Schank still there - that's awesome we got a spin bull I swear this yeah well symbol brass think that might have been silver-plated actually at that top corner nice still finding stuff out of here third year same field incredible well I just got a what is it 50 on the nose and I thought for sure it was a piece of bullet but I think it's a ring is it gold bull god no I don't think so it looks like it got tarnished on it you scratch that off right awful shiny miserable shiny silver plate or something I don't know it's got like a orange e color to it it's definitely a frame it is definitely a ring all right you guys I'm the other half of it it is super shiny for being around for you have to assume that it's colonial because of where you found it right yeah well whatever it is pretty sweet it's hard to beat that view for those folks who haven't figured it out yet Green Mountain metal detecting doesn't actually refer to a specific mountain in Vermont form is the Green Mountain State as you can see this is what we found today we got 13 buttons most of them are Tom Bakk somewhat we got a few brass ones in there as well a little brass symbol this little chain bronze or brass or copper actually found another piece of the link elsewhere in the field which is pretty funny these things I've actually forgotten the name of I know they go to a saddle and somebody a commenter in one of my past videos actually told me what they are so I'm going to have to go back and check out that comment and I'll throw up the user name on the screen I appreciate you tell me what it is I apologize I forgot who you are this is just up to me little pewter spoon Bowl another piece of a spoon is the piece of a colonial shoe buckle frame as you can see this is where the pain went through just a little piece of silver plated something-or-other this is the ring which is made out of an unknown material I don't think it's gold it might be gold-plated hard to say colonial-era whatever it is and finally the only coin of the day but when I'm pretty excited about just because of the condition it's a what I believe to be right now George the third aston british happen awesome so despite the rough first half of the day it turned out pretty alright thanks to Jeff for inviting me out here again I'm already looking forward until next year its current again thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 232,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure, treasure hunt, treasure hunter, treasure hunting, coins, old coins, colonial coins, colonial copper, garrett, garrett at pro, at pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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