Did an Angry Mob Burn Down This Home? | Treasure Hunting Adventure

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[Music] [Music] as you can see it's springtime the mountains are green again it's funny last week there were no leaves just a little bit of red green tinge to the mountains and we got a bunch of rain and now we've got pretty much full-on foliage to the awesome today we're back to a highly-anticipated cellar that we visited in the winter time and the only thing I was able to find because there was so much snow was a single button that had some very mysterious writing on the back which I know what it says now and I'll talk more about it later on when we get to the cellar we've got a bit of hiking left to do we have to get across that river again [Music] all right we've made it across the river again got up on this big hump so is right there now looks like there's a look there's a metal detector sitting there you see that what the is it is that any Pascucci I guess Eddy beat us here today did you find anything yet no it just just been lying down for a little bit just hang it out in the cellar that's cool all right well here we are this is the cellar of somewhat unknown age we've only found one button here now that there's no snow we can see that there's what looks like the remains of a chimney right there and we do Emily you can see that there's a stone wall that goes way up the hill there and this whole area is big and flat and the last time I was here as I mentioned I wasn't able to get any targets because there was like five six inches of snow in the metal detector just they couldn't do it so but that first button I found I was very excited about because though the wording on the back it didn't seem like English it was English it was just very very fancy script I'm excited this is one of the spots have been looking forward to all year all winter so now that we're here we've got all day see what we can find [Music] all right well somewhat unbelievably we've been walking around for an hour and the only thing else I found other than that button our nails and modern boards so disappointing I'm so disappointed it's just we're just looking forward to this place for so long and now there wasn't appear to be anything here I don't know if it's all too deep I don't know I don't know I just whistled for Eddie he wandered off like he does I just wasn't for him to come back and we're gonna we're gonna go adventuring and see if we can find something new but before we do that I got one target here probably gonna be a bullet but we're gonna dig it together and it'll be the last folks there it is 75 we'll see Oh alright another button same era probably mid to late 1800s and it's actually an exact copy of the very first button that I found here that got me so excited about this place with the very fancy script on the back so with that we're gonna move on up River there's a few places I've wanted to check didn't bring my four-wheeler today because I thought we were just coming here kind of regretting it now as soon as I can locate Eddie we're gonna we're gonna head up the mountain some more there he is find anything out there it says what what does it say we can take you come on where did you find that it's just up there up by this old road but I lost service so it's gonna come down here to Google it nice yeah found one more button oh yeah that's it so wait out here disappointing yeah what do you think you want to move up the mountain something sure alright we'll go for a walk [Applause] what's going on Eddie another nasty banana where do they put it he lost a banana all day and it was in his pocket gross why do you always bring bananas out here it's like the worst hiking food I think that this serves as a good lesson cannot bring bananas on adventures anymore only one difference loosen the pocket really bad idea but um you know in a bag still about not the best hey because by itself or maybe in like one of those quick water bottle holders right even real quick all right well I'm in the road and I got a pretty nice target whoa look how fancy that is a little design we just have a little design it's hard to say what kind of buckle it is well it looks like it was a shoe buckle or a knee buckle yeah it's pretty beat-up because of being in the road and you know all of the things that happen to it when it's in the road but you can see a little piece back here and there would have been two pins maybe there still has two pins right there cool well it's fine of the day so far all right well we've got good news it's always a crapshoot whether the hole that we're being told about is gonna be an actual seller or not a lot of times these old logging roads the machines would take material from the side of the road and dump it in the road till you know make it more accessible and a lot of these holes are that but this is definitely a cellar which is very morale-boosting take a look at this it's not a ton of stone so it's hard to say how old it is there's one there but we swung around and there's definitely targets in the ground you can see a little bit of some stonework there so we are in the absolute boonies right now so it's hard to say what kind of people would have been living way up in here [Laughter] I'm supposed to say timber first and so they probably didn't have a ton of money up in here we'll see a lot of a lot of the bigger or a lot of the higher mountain homes they're very poor but we'll see we'll see what we find yeah all right we got our first find at this new upper site and it's quite a bit newer well we'll see but it seems its equated that newer then that shoe buckle we found in the road that is a read musical read to either a small organ like a pump organ we pump it with your feet or like a accordion mm-hmm that's pretty cool it looks like the reed I don't want to bend it cuz I'll break it off but this is a flap that has been wrapped around so it doesn't look like it was just dropped click somebody had this in their hand and they wound it up and tossed it interesting anyway the musical note that this thing was it's probably up here here but I don't want to break it so we'll keep it like this pretty cool well this is a first for me this is a button and the shank is gone it would have been back here but this thing is is completely lead I've never seen one all that's all led usually you'd have you know like an alloy of pewter or whatever but uh it is super soft and lead it's interesting just look like maybe has a line on it for a design it's some pretty stuff around the edges but LED button pretty interesting oh man I wish I could take this look at that that's a grindstone it's beautiful oh man it's not that heavy gosh as I pack this out or what Eddie you got to see this oh that's kind of heavy there's a broken one man that is beautiful we walked a long ways in here I don't know if I want to carry that out look at this what that's it beautiful isn't it it's a grindstone stone you want to carry it out for me don't you fit that my backpack I wonder where there's a little stream right there but I can't imagine they were using that to turn these maybe they were yeah there's another broken grindstone right there that's beautiful no it was just laying on the surface awesome blade right there - I seems like we're in a pretty good spot it was clearly a lot of activity here keep going all right well I've yet to find a whole one of these this is about all I found of one but that is a crushed up pocket watch frame obviously would have had a latch and cover on both sides and I'll think the bits on the inside that made it go that's the outside that's pretty cool it's pretty cool let's keep looking all right Eddie's got a target over there where'd you get Eddie I've got a really nice target here 8485 but knowing the day we've had it's probably a beer can we'll see oh there it is that is a thing well it's up here's to be brass a brass thing it has a hole on either side of it probably a drawer pole I would guess you know ah it's not a giant Morgan dollar but it's definitely a thing it's not a beer can and it's true so Eddie forgot his pin pointer today so he's been working on this hole for a while would you get Chris a crest ironstone China pottery yeah I in stone that's what we found in the well yeah I do remember that having second thoughts follow pieces of pottery look at that iron stone China and it's got the well most of the crest there pretty sure when we looked that up last time I was you know mid eighteen hundreds yeah yeah makes sense with all the other stuff we found right that's pretty sweet though man you find your target yeah oh is that it all right well hey at least you found some pottery yeah let's keep moving so I just got a okay target I dug it up and this appears to be the heel of a shoe and there's there's still more stuff down there I'm wondering if that's the entire shoe see if we can get more of it out this is definitely more of the shoe though this is like the heel that's so funny well we got the heel of his shoe and a little bit more of the shoe the heel of it that's really funny all right so something coming to see deer tracks in the road I just spotted that and that that is certainly not a deer check this out that is absolutely a moose and it walked right down the road and I haven't seen a moose in a long time but they are always surprisingly big like you would have an idea in your head of how big a moose is and then you see one and you think it's a giraffe it's enormous they can be a little bit territorial you catch but the wrong time keep an eye out let's keep going [Music] I got a little what looks like an escutcheon for what I'm not sure I've got two screws hole two screw holes here and something would have gone into that don't know it's interesting mystery sure what it's made out of either looks like maybe would have been silver plated brass interesting we just found something I don't know if we've ever found in our entire metal detecting career never a fork it's always spoons always it's hard to say how old it is really it looks like an old one it's pretty cool that's Eddie's Fork congratulations Eddie oh now I have to find a fork maybe we can find the matching spoon ooh that'd be pretty cool that is cool we're Moran here do we have a there was a ton of midtones around do we have a fork spill seems like maybe there's this fork spill okay here's the spoon no way can I get it put a knife all right well the count is now at four Forks and a spoon I found two for myself no idea my only I have no idea I was about to come up with some kind of convoluted story about how they got here but much of their cutlery all in one spot I guess so weird I you know I've developed a theory what's your theory I got a theory that there's some angry housewife drama going on in the neighborhood and I don't know maybe they have like a cool community like spa they've washed off the dishes whatever and one of the housewives is super jealous over whatever snagging everyone's Forks and every day she takes this one extra back home she's been stealing Forks yeah and then the neighborhood shows up with pitchforks and torches and burned down a horse all right well that's all over that got real dark real quick well we're gonna call it a day it has been raining for probably four hours something like that most of the day it's been raining the first seller that I was looking forward to all year was dead and we were trying to come up with a reason why we might not find anything at a cellar hole I think that the best reason we came up with was maybe they built the place and then it was almost immediately abandoned or burnt down or the people that lived there died or nobody was there long enough to drop anything except nails what doesn't make a ton of sense because they must have spent time there building it but don't know mystery mystery of cellars without anything to find but we found a few things at the second newer cellar that we found higher up the mountain this I think is probably the best thing of the day we found it in the road on the way just a little colonial air and knee buckle and it's got an awesome little put green patina on there yeah I'll see that the clock part to go along with my pocket watch frame I guess you'd call it I got a big old chore pull a whole mess of buttons this one's actually super still a silver washed ice punch of silver around there else we get this is my heel a brass heel and there's actually still some old leather on there a sickle blade scythe handle nib find these a lot and they sound just like big coins you know what that is Monica read with two more reads they went to probably a an accordion out guess couple iron rings we have their entire cutlery drawer we didn't find the knife though nope this is a lock and if the key would have gone in there and some of the guts are actually still attached to the back Annis cushon that more than likely went to a treasure chest full of gold coins and typically yes that's usually what was in them long gone now though when we thought was a discussion and I found a bunch of these I didn't actually take them all out but there are little brass hinges and I found probably a half dozen of them and here's another one that's still attached to a bunch of iron ore I think that's iron yeah but it's another one and I found them all around this so I would imagine if at all the problems are the same thing little brass hinges is that it I think that's it nothing crazy so I think that that's a pretty realistic metal detecting trip that you don't always find anything amazing no coins at all today a few buttons nothing on them but it was fun even though we got wet it was it was fun and we can scratch some places off our list this year walking home now get a long walk it's downhill mostly [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 103,342
Rating: 4.9302764 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure, adventure, coins, old coins, great outdoors, hiking, gmmd, mountains, vermont, relics, mystery, ghost town, unexplained
Id: xhiY9Xb8oJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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