Across Algonquin By Canoe

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[Music] [Music] [Music] all right we just dinked around for a day driving up here and getting the vehicle at the other end of the park so this is the start of a big event here West West Porter DS Porter straight across on the Petawawa route we're on the edge of the magnetic Weaver right now canoes are on the shore it's time to start so getting a little late start 9:30 so we've got a book it let's go and their first port eyes six minutes in Hey first meal break he's whipping up a little dehydrated meal here at the this is where the Petawawa had dumped in the Petawawa so we're on the river now for a bit so he's gonna have some lunch and we passed a couple lines over here face not good for much though Phyllis ball fish looks like a big chub no piling this is funny or cruising down the pedal wah-wah it gets really narrow and fun and then it opens up a little bit but I'd like this kind of tiling tight just our longest portage of the day just 950 meters so that's not too bad we're coming inside they're ganging up on us there we go I'm sure this GoPro will show them like little hands up there but making good time we only have maybe another hour and a half to go before camp so Pulitzers just pile them into misty lake it's you seen the trees there the fall colors are just starting to come from the UK so you're sure you that's good it's like the inside of the Scotsman's well we're just coming up to our first campsite of the trip this back little river spacing column talking the camera we made it sir campsite number one give you a little quick tour here's our fire pit area nice little grassy grassy spot over here and then real nice mix bush lots of firewood back in there privy here we've got the lake nice and calm now can use any looking log very nice we get camp set up and it's a fire good fire and supper alright getting camp set up here Dingle heads got his tent here what is it called this flank is nice and close here this is my getup as you can see like you said before there's no no bug nets this time of year because it's such a because it's so cold there'd be no bugs right right - right yes bug city here pushed it over a nice a nice maple back there and happy with that that's what we burn tonight just one one three hang up the goods start the fire obligatory firing sequence 1 1 up 7 all right Oberon did we do it hire well before it gets too dark out I want to get my bear lineup so that's the further out in the dark so I got a good branch up here behind me so I'm gonna try and throw this up over there there we go nice so yeah leave that there when it gets dark I'll bring my food over and then they'll tie it to the tree beside so I'll be good there that's what I'll be doing somewhere every day of the trip well suppers in the books bear bag is hung starting the sun's going down so has any good Canadian we're gonna go for a rip rip on the canoes just to catch the catch the evening all right this is a the end of day number one good day today we do 27 27 27 clicks and we've got our our poor tossing balance down you say yeah it was good yeah yeah the first few poor tosses were pretty roughed and then we've got everything balanced out and we're going good so yeah it's uh we're ready for another six days it's a we're in that we're in the trip now didn't do a lot of filming today just just kind of get into the groove get back in the groove so anyway that'll be our night for night one and shout out to John what John paddling out in the middle lake and some guy yells out hey Doug and Joe yes so that was fun yeah I was really cool so all right we're just gonna sit by the fire tonight and a little bit and then they'll be morning and then there'll be seven more time yep so so so so so we'll see you guys in the morning getting some water on the boil you got some coffee you know meal she's a foggy foggy morning all right well I had some breakfast and I'm just gonna clean up camp as the fog burns off okay cool you can kind of see the fog over here at this time turned a little bit yellow so the Sun coming up over at the side there so I'll start burning it off soon so pick up camping back in the canoe out on the water packing camp what a beautiful morning just feel that Sun beating down it's gonna be a good day young Joseph new green canoe same as mine only in green the Emerald grace what what on earth is Emerald named out there are you ready all right and we're off into the misty that Sun is up and it's gonna be a warm one today for September this is gonna be great weather all week going to the weatherman anyway I made a deal with Jo to leave my rain jackets out apparently I'm the only one that followed through so hopefully it doesn't rain besides these saw blades leftover from the logging days look at them [Music] after a day I finally got this for tossing figured out with this canoe and this pack so I got no hands holding the canoe just this rope keeping a little bit tension fantastic I'm a big fan I like canoe well we've come way out of our way here off the road to follow the water the rapids here the Portales takes us far the other way but we circle back just so we could fish under here and hopefully we can catch something oh nice very nice don't just got you trouble okay - nice coat I'm gonna vote the eight inches and the other one is a good really good foot good 12 inches have a real good pull so I will never go anywhere without the camera again so I flew listen to him I showed you one yeah I did I got the bug and we're having a real hard time stopping fishing but we're getting behind in our day so it might be a later supper I was excited till I saw this guy there there lunch the lamb young Joseph and the green canoe I was in the cursive red canoe so it's the problem doesn't catch fish so no I got the fall fish and the city kept him from the last pub anyway I got eight Joe's fish for lunch so I don't know how I feel about that but we'll play so I mean fish buddy players go I'm gonna put some fish Chris bunnies and fry them up for two months Oh what she's ready skin side down Bubba ham those are small right please okay say okay okay roll over well it's very good Nona cheers her do everybody hurry up good stuff get some water out for coffee shut your mouth we do with our mouths closed on this trip trout is eaten so good the river I'm good with jerky we need trunk it's good I've got a coffee don't say them down to one coffee so I started making a pot instead two o'clock we just finished our last portage of the day we got it what three three more Lakes to go up before camp but we're done pertussis that's nice we spent a lot of time fishing but we're gonna do it again because that portage is the end of a rapid so just just a couple casts kids a couple extra cast worthwhile beautiful so on the issue of having to solo canoes what do you what do you think Joe because I think it's so much better well we're happy to see another port eyes I think earlier we said there were no more because so we look at the map proper so there's three more pertussis we have two more lakes to go it's 5:30 so we got a couple our stills I pushed in six o'clock and two more legs to do so we're gonna keep on moving I'll be late get in the camp today this is okay Precure [Music] yeah nice one do man bhishan look at that that's a beauty whoo nice glad we stopped even though we're behind schedule worth a couple cast do with this ran into the end of the Protoss to see if there's any surprises otherwise I think we're just gonna run them last four times the day I think it's doable we just saved the port eyes tell the sunset you're gonna see tonight will be a camp soon it's a great spot look at the fire pit over here it's got like a little move you call it mantle it's fantastic beauty it's the best buddy supper you make pick out 10 to 9:00 suppertime all right I'm gonna eat this I'll hang out by the fire for a bit morning day three another beautiful morning misty misty morning I'm gonna get some oatmeal and coffee going and got something for you yeah yeah so it's a coffee note meal morning imagine that yeah well break camp and do it again we've got another good day appalling today we may have may or may not have learn a lesson yesterday to just relax on the fishing a bit that was uh we're pretty late getting to camp so anyway we had some coffee and breakfast and break camp so here we go so lots of condensation on the other side and the backup camp and get on the water feel better yeah good I'm happy for you yeah complete complete vacation of the vet of the bowels vacated in a complete good job he's a big boy let's wait and wait for Joe to get this camp cleaned up and we're okay we're both on the water ready to roll eight forty eight forty lastly that was a great great campsite you can hear the roar water the Cedar Rapids so hopefully there'll be some fishing at the bottom I'm gonna mix it up a bit but that's a lunch pretty good today really Joe's got another one doesn't color so we got this fun here water's coming down but this gets really deep right here beside my canoe so we're taking like five nice ones out of here already and put a few back but great spot and we're having a terribly good time this is exactly what happened to his yesterday we came in in the dark Oh balls and we gotta cook fish again we're gonna have to talk just just a couple more cast I got to tell you these are so pretty I can't believe it came to show you this so wild look at the colors it's just gorgeous okay thank you here's our today's lunch look at the depth of the color I've said that ten times now the color beautiful okay we're gonna gonna cut these guys up and get a little bit but a fire going and eat them well that's what I meet we got from those fish plate them up and just come up and manageable size pieces so Joe's got the old fish buddy going here next we same yesterday we got the fish crisp and we'll whole bottom up and pissed wrists and fry them up [Music] the silvered so good but we gotta get going again we're doing fine for talking today this is yesterday again some gonna clean up her mess put in support ties paddle I don't but there might be one more spot to have some Rapids I was will get there what are you doing Doug I'm making the pots clean dirt it's the best cleaner okay another four toes is done well like are we in forever oh the old y'all together we'll give you update on the map tonight chorus you get you back in the water Oh what could be better got a belly full of fish just kinda their fish sun is shining so far this trip has been just fantastic super stoked for three more days turn fun it's been a good day it's only half done we've got a lot of fish today already fish on first cast Oh like first cast so Feliz youie the colour swaps yeah take a rainbow yeah Oh it's the size of him beautiful first the black Oh screenshot and the darkness of the moat contrast to hell like the body is crazy okay it's time to get serious again it's after three o'clock and we Billy Daly with more efficient but I have no regrets we turned on there go telly a GPS device which pretty cool it's we can text each other but right now the next hour we're just gonna see the distance we cover in an hour and these small canoes I do believe where we paddle faster and then any tandem canoe would speed wise but we'll see how far we go in one hour so no stopping I promise this for 17 took a minute to well this last Lake we had a headwind no we're going with it but not as fast as I think we would like to I'm gonna say four and a half four and three-quarters one three course we got four point nine eight hey and we were actually five flowers really that's fair got four point nine eight five flowers five kilometers and we're going against the wind and on if we're being honest looking for where we were supposed to turn a couple times yeah that's pretty good we're almost out of camp I don't think I'd plan a trip round five blowers never know that's good good homeward stretch couple more bends in the road and we'll be at camp so see you at camp I just left Joe at the second last campsite it's kind of a high camp pretty windy so I'm just gonna run down here and check this last the last camp and then it's any good I'm going to text them to come deliver but no sense both let's go one I have a look can't be that will do but if this one's any better unless windy we'll take it well the campsite of that is no no better actually it's probably smaller than the one that Joe is out right now so I just texted Joe not to come and then I'm gonna go down by the Portales and maybe do some fishing take a couple casts of the portage hopefully have some Rapids there so anyway it's pretty cool go telly and then you can just text like like a normal text back and forth and yeah be cool especially there's no there's absolutely no service out here of any kind so really pretty beaver just gave me a heart attack you just slapped this tail right beside it might even see him wasn't even looking real pretty area back in here I can hear waterfall so there's definitely rapid so I'm gonna do some fishing without Jill I hope I get a whole bunch too just like bad movie canoeing I can't even see the waterfall it's just like clear like smooth right across there there it is Wow it's a perfect level drop off no rock sticking up all right yeah we hit my port cause hey Algonquin Park there's a port I sign there's the water rapids I'm gonna do some casting down in here and see if I can catch a fish just as a called fall fish I call them chops man is like a 50th moretti on this trip have a nuisance well just the few of them chubs note wrote so I fished every part of it so we'll try again in the morning better get back and get my camp set up fishing always makes everything delayed oh well goodbye my tent setup you see it still soaking wet from this morning you sit up so it can dry so I can condensate overnight again and the sun's gone to bed for the night good night son you're not my son are you talking about pee what yeah you don't I'm gonna do that there is a ton of mosquitoes like more so than we've seen the whole trip so we're gonna get this far you're gone dual purpose style old lighter and birch bark it's gonna go I knew that the whole time hold your hands pressed down your hand now kids Ruby stood on it yeah that's why work yeah it's good she's going was dicey there for a minute you know all my life's work all right a little third night map reading so if you remember we came in access number three Meg that'll on then we came down we paddled in through hambone down these couple little Portage's into daisy and then up into the Petawawa then we paddled all through the Petawawa into misty through misty into misty forks and camped there and then the next day we came what down into white trout up through into big TRO all the way up into burnt root burnt road we're calling it burnt route now all the way up into burnt route and turn north arm of burnt route right arm into the Petawawa back up into catfish and we're camped at the very top of catfish and tomorrow we got to go into the petawatts into cedar and then we go down to radiant and then we're in the Petawawa for the duration of the trip then it goes alright so that means tomorrow at lunchtime we're halfway across Oakland Park OSAP damn that's so we shouldn't do things like that no we don't do that okay tonight's meal is chicken teriyaki and rice I'm gonna dump it in there they're two cups of water then I take a couple they're all up put the lid and the cozy back on and come back in 10 or 15 minutes and she'll be ready to eat just do my dishes the fish coming into the nibbles the one back there right here even it's a catfish catfish and catfish like these are all those chubs look at that it's like a Christmas tree [Laughter] okay thanks Joe all right time to play best part of the day Joseph you're up first my favorite part of the day when we came into that big set of Rapids the deep ones when we automatically started fishing or whatever was just hot hot hot and I caught I think only caught two but the first one I caught was real nice let it go whoa on the on the big spoon to which was a surprise and then the second one I got was like my record breaker my biggest the biggest brook trout I've ever got and then we kept him to eat him probably catching that one and eating almost my favorite for the day what about yourself I wrote he got a lot of trout today boy you did yeah caught a lot of fish today but remember we said first thing this morning we said we'll never remember it tonight Oh was it so we're canoeing a log and there's a cliff and there's a big tree there's a bald eagle and his bald eagle took off yeah and when he took off he lost a big big round of down and it was floating in the air and we were what 300 yards away sure and I could just see it like a snowball just floating in the air I said I'm gonna catch it and we went over I paddle paddle paddle pop oh and just as I was getting up to it it went higher and then I came lower that went higher in a game lower hit like hell that's in midair for a while it was just so light so that was fun and he caught it I caught it and then what'd you do with it yeah through the water like a second legal down we said we'd never Marika's it I'm telling you by evening what you did the morning seems like three days ago - yeah so long ago and it's weird it's the same thing on every canoe trip or every long-distance thing it's like it taped the whole whole thing goes by quick but each day is so long yeah right so many things happen so tomorrow at right around lunchtime we're gonna hit our halfway mark which is a big deal yeah halfway across the burn off wait across the park tomorrow at lunch so that's pretty cool we're gonna hang out here for a little while and hit the hay so see in the morning so all right camp system all packed up which means cameras getting packed up so today is gonna be a real heavy on the port I side day I mean we're still paddling but we got a couple with two and a half kilometer port eyes another almost a kilometer for ties and a whole bunch of little ones so it's gonna be happy Porthos day and on top of it all today is press sock day yes little account fishballs redemption here see if I can't catch the fish go fish catfish falls waste any more time they're gonna get crankin well we're at the beginning of our two and a half kilometer portage I guess this is why you can just see a starts going down so well two and a half kilometers must be all Rapids and whatnot here so let me go for a walk 2.3 cobblers done 31 minutes no breaks who's the man about you okay I thought you go for it it's the only chance to say your man reward look at that well with the roar of the rapids behind us - nice trota piece we got to carry on to our next - 900 900 meter portage the port on today and another four toes I don't know why we had to poor choice around this beauty and the other part eyes there's a cross of a Corbett and corbeil June 1st 1888 700 meter for Taj now we're into Cedar Rapids Cedar Lake which is a big lake finally got some jump on the water Lively [Music] I'm not impressed it's a great first pass the trip it's a little small II not sure what it is yet the bass another bass last four times a day you do stink oh that's enough for day two so we're in the water the rest the day until we hit camp so we got to go through another lake with a river but we're on the homeward stretch for camp and it is almost four o'clock so then too early again radiant lake I know either GoPro won't show but it's just all fall colors down that end and we gotta cross this lake and that's camp okay here's our camp real nice nice spot here red pine the forest crazy big chain here let's be left over from logging base shows gear bum but real nice spot Joe is out in the water washing up and I think I'm going there shortly myself spaghetti for supper tonight it's gonna finish up beating probably go for a paddle make a few casts not too sure about the fishing but definitely go for a little evening paddle but the mystic evils have the shore for now they're coming they're coming to get us alright well I didn't film much tonight just enter of the camp Flair now you're going to wind her up shortly but yeah good day today get some pretty big for tossing tomorrow is going to be no different we got 13 different Portage's tomorrow so I love them back-to-back it's gonna be a big day tomorrow so we're gonna hang out the fire take my cup of soup which is actually a really tasty for a campfire a drink yeah nice for offering me something salty anyway we'll see you in the morning car to pass today throat got one throat today way basket 20 my best gets none cut you bad Dave I want to catch some badass bike up to tomorrow hugging the fishes well good morning another beautiful morning having some breakfast up at the camp look at this very nice nice to wake up to it'll probably be a little bit less than the filming today I mean you've done what we've done I don't want to get too repetitive but can't miss these mornings last night oh yeah I lost my favorite little lucky Cleo spoon I just thought that I would show you I'm gonna tie on this one this is the Johnson shutter spoon just 1/3 ounce this has like a speckled pattern on it but all these little spoons this is all I've been using the whole time I brought jigs and some little rattled by rattle baits and stuff but haven't been using them but I lost it last night so this is my I can see this when I tie I use the old polymer not Hank Parker taught me this when I was about 8 years old on his a his a fishing show we had in Park Road doors I just go it through once so that's on there you come back through the same hole like that so I've got a loop in this hand I just do an overhand put it through and then this loop here I'm hooking myself I put the lure through it and I pull it a little tight it's a simple simple knot and it wastes a little bit of line depending on the size but she's tied and you're good to go so that's what I've been throwing just little spoons and I don't think it'll mix it up with us again through some walleye territory where I want to do some more digging but these are good for vertical jigging too so it's my fishing kit the trip I probably don't even need that much stuff [Applause] real camping on this trip is this new water filter never have it's so easy another Vinny any water filter I've ever had that's good how's the hair after 8 in the morning and we're off where's where's the lake blinding little smiley back balls here is this full full of bass like this little guys with the fourth one dougies got a wallet my goodness [Music] Wow well I usually spent too much time fishing we're going to hit into the lake for another port eyes but it's already 11:30 - morning so enough to limit the fishing a little bit more even though there's a tree in the water up here that's got about six bass branches waiting to be taught I must say no from my last video of five separate thunderstorms to this five beautiful days you couldn't you couldn't ask for better weather so rare this time of year too and therefore toes in the books another wonderful to cast that it's just a fall fish Joe's being the reasonable one hit on his way so I should be too but it's very difficult I'll work well lunch is done add some Hawaiian chicken rice so good girl fueled up and we're doing not too bad just base to small airport house and another scholar one coming and the nice big kilometer and a half ready for it you know it was the time you pee in your canoe I skipped the main story hello Chi there big boy well you wanted the challenge of this trip a I'm getting it we're getting it starting to wear a little bit thin but for example we've just poor ties around that rapid and we're poor causing around that rapid basically we came across the water and we're doing it again this time we're doing half a kilometer after that we got to do another kilometer and then another shorter one so that must mean we've done about ten for tossers yeah so we're getting there challenge it is though good challenge okay update last port ours is done last one was six sixty that one before that was a clobber and I'm just making their way across travel easily and I'm gonna pick out a good campsite shoulders Wormser I feel it but again another good day we wanted a challenge we got it thirteen four times six beautiful end of the lake camp ridden little narrows up here gorgeous well we made the camp it's another red pine island at the end of a Traverse Lake and it's a great spot nice lookout but not a dead tree in sight here so I'm starving to death so it might just be a bush bunny night because I'm whipped she'll be a she'll be an early bedtime tonight so maybe we'll just be making the bush buddy a fire in culinary day ready for a big day getting it getting tomorrow but that's all part of it it's got like a little marathon we wanted the challenge we wanted the adventure we wanted across the park so that's what we're doing and it's been great it's great okay come see the park they say they're three cheese macaroni tonight mom's chili mom's chili not mom's sphaghetti these weak arms are heavy this is the beauty of the bush buddy just walk around and picked up he's nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down the whole crowd goes so loud he opens big mouth like the words won't come out to padrone anyway I'm making supper hey I need that thanks don't we yet was recording all oh my god that's the third time it's so slippery it's not really buttered that side up or something cuz it's slippery it's not suppers behind rehydrate wires on for coffee so you get my this is done and they can go for a name time paddle beautiful night no matter how hard the day's beam how long nothing beats an eight-time paddle nice way to wind down well were just sitting here having a big bonfire here and bush buddy-style we're just too bad to work too hard for firewood but best part of the day finishing the last portage and knowing that I did not learn more touch again yes me you ask you I think first thing this morning I got a real nice big walleye that was good the only one with the trip yeah or just gonna sit around let mr. Bush buddy a little bit longer and a little bit more bag for the long bay so catch up with you in the morning this segment of our show is brought to you by bush buddy the most seen on this good open up breakfast what are you having today Joe wow you know dougie nice switching up how well it's an oatmeal the packet yep same coffee six days ago say one more after some more we do this tomorrow morning dude oh my that's what we keep it you know consistent I'll give you a hint tomorrow it's gonna be over in coffee continuity breakfast is done and packing up camp and gonna hit the misty River today we've made a pact to leave our fishing rods tie it up to miss deer missed three water's [Music] well I just took a spill water hello blood 1 again back out again 3 minutes on the water this time [Music] how long was that 275 meter portage at least or it was just the cliffs I've taken a flat 2 kilometer any day of the week that was brutal totally brutal really I'm gonna do to that Shore [Music] [Music] afternoon and we pushed on and we we did good today it's right now it's 7 7 p.m. and we still have to find our campsite up here but a record-breaking distance distance portage in distance everything we we were just in beast mode today and my goodness when we hit the end of this plug the long as the single portal is the longest portage of my life you yeah like no question yep and when we hit the end it's just jubilation jubilation anyway we stink real bad it's ridiculous - what a hoot this is like just just to finish something is why you started yep like it's just great so yeah we may be setting up camp in the berry that's fine that's what we don't care it's a super pumped that was a we just put her in beast mode and went and that's what it's all about this trip was never about relaxation just to be clear this was this was a challenge that we wanted to do and we can always say tell all our kids that we cross them Vulcan Park 1-1 September day so damn Sun super stoked tomorrow how many portals do we have left one one more time walk in the park at this point alright guys see you camp if this catfish Oh MEPs Cyclops hello mate the camp we got our tents up real quick it's a obviously it's dark out and got a little fire going scrounge up a few pieces of wood and say 15th time for supper so today just did some quick calculating we covered 33 kilometers but thirteen and a half of that was poor charging so that was brutal thirteen and a half kilometers carrying a canoe on your head a lot of those poor Taj's were very very rugged yeah so I worked up an appetite yeah we get some food all right suppers in the books and just about bedtime but not to be too weird or nothing but I mean I sleep too soundly right off the bat anyway we were sitting here minding our own business small little fire going and there's nobody around for probably 10 kilometers right at least at least and 50 feet away from us just one one noise it was just like that was it no give us goose bones we grabbed the light and they ran straight at it and there's there's nothing there nothing around we show no looting and hollering and yelling and there's nothing there was just one tap on a tree we haven't seen anyone in days like the last camp the whole thing were the closest we've been to civilization in six days ten klicks out you know we said what would you do if you're by yourself I was like I think it'd be my canoe halfway home it was freaky yeah it's weird there's no explanation for it man it wasn't like a branch falling no it was a whack dream like a purposeful noise yeah so we're documenting this as their last thing videotape this I Love You Admiral yeah anyway we're going to bed shortly so we'll catch up with you in the morning [Music] even the wolves last night how many times after you mentioned it really this morning I heard them the once yeah everything single and the group just go crazy good morning misty morning and the last morning you ever see this boy [Applause] how cool is that well got my coffee looks like I got my Krusty the Klown here go into I got someone throwing sticks at me like a jerk anyway you're gonna break camp and we've got here under ten kilometers to go one port ah so then we've crossed the park so should be quick this morning trip will be over we'll be all paddling in the mist against so I gotta stop saying so I say so so much so so much I had another word that i cured myself of a while ago but now it's so I'll see you in the water Bigfoot's dead figured out this morning what that noise was we heard last night it's the sound of this is what my attempt I should look like and this is what happened the connector inside yeah the connector inside snapped and that was that I hit off your fly yeah it just slept the fly like a foot but all you believers it's just tents breaking in the woods guys yep don't freak out don't be a Joe don't cry it don't ask for protection it's just a temp egg this guy sure buddy and out on the water see the Sun trying to burn through again up there maybe a little bit of casting around before we get going or just slowly fish our way out another gorge this morning this week has been the most beautiful week of weather I think I've ever had on the trip so nice we're just kind of very relaxed the time pushing our way out I've got a few little bass nothing we're showing but such a beautiful morning we're just enjoying the last little bit of it before we're done I'm gonna wrap this up right now now we're gonna load it up and we're gonna go for a big drive and get the other vehicle so if you're still with me thanks for watching Joe has a very little known YouTube channel if you like this video you might want to head over to his and check out his video you get a few people watching your videos gets a few more thanks guys and catch you on the next one later
Channel: Doug Linker
Views: 149,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canoe, canoe trip, portage, joe robinet, doug outside, canoetripping, algonquin park, algonquin, fishing, camping, bushcraft, bushbuddy, swift canoe, fish fry, nature, outdoors, twig stove, hobo stove, explore, paddling, detination, msr, msr hubba, heavy cover titanium
Id: 2ZSVM6R2vcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 23sec (4883 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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