The Journey to 'Puddle Lake' - 4 Days Bushcraft and Surviving in the WILD!

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I finally had time to put up my original series together that we filmed back in 2016. Of all the things I filmed over the years, this is by far my favorite. The back story is that we found a lake with no name on a map with no roads or trails and decided to work down a very log chocked creek to get to what we called "Puddle Lake." With the promise of brook trout and the certainty of solitude and wilderness, we were off! It's quite the journey so if you're into this, set some times aside and dig in.

I just re-watched the whole thing! So many great memories. And we just wrapped up a winter trip to the lake in a hot tent, but this time, we decided to go overland rather than through the creek.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ChristopherPhilip 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Been watching it for few hours now, amazing adventure. Love the bushcraft cutlery skits. Superb content makes up what the video lacks in production quality, goes to show you dont need high end filming gear when you have good content. Your commentary track and the book quotes are also very nice touch.

Enjoyed the winter hot tent video too, was kind of funny how you ended up sleeping in an actual puddle. Keep up the good work guys!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ronsson 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

God video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pablo_The_Diablo 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
everybody's all planted over yes we're gonna tip Donna not different that's hundred today there yeah we're pretty cool thing a little bit further oh it's pretty exciting we're here at the headwaters of puddle Lake and we're going to head back we got a expedition put together expedition crew 3 Jeremy Jason along with me so we're just at the top parsing your hair out to put in we expect to have a definitely several kilometers of slogging to go through I work so I can take better part of the day to get in anyway we hope for hopefully there's a treasure at the end of this but stick stick with us see if we make it the black flies are absolutely ridiculous just getting totally mauled already the mosquitoes will probably be out but I just stepped away from them I haven't found me yet but once we get back down to the water you'll you'll see we'll set here we've had it's all full of deer bones all crunched up this does not look like deer here though this looks like a I don't know like really ready for a log only gonna be a squirrel but maybe maybe bust mad or something we should listen from the holiday we should hobble through them we should attract them all talking it's like you need them becky nunn this expedition didn't have just any ordinary origin it began as nothing more than a possibility from a speck on a map months passed before we would have a shot to strike a paddle into the waters of so called puddle lake it was an extremely small Lake ignored by most with no name for out of his spring head water nestled into a deep pocket no doubt formed through glacier carvings of a time long ago aside from hints on maps can lose rumors from locals nothing solid existed in official records or from ministry biologists I didn't even know for certain if anyone else had ever reached his shores or Eddy fish tits waters yes there may very well be brook trout and those waters but none could be certain the creeks flowing at its headwaters hold trout but the pond itself might be shallow or silty or worse containing nothing more than the invasive perch it was known for a certain that perch had been transplanted into the system likely by some careless Fisher's lunch in they are impossible to remove and occupy the waters to the detriment of the more fragile unless competitive trout at certain water temperatures of these if puddle lake had no deep pockets they wouldn't carry a single trout but would instead be a pond full of perch and no Troutman will be happy to make a journey of this magnitude for the likes of the common and easily caught perch spiny red fishes such as bass and perch have invaded many a brook trout water body and displaced the cold water native trail when the waters warm the spiny fish eat food that could otherwise be eaten by trout at any rate suffer from the existence of spiny fish and they are never good in any circumstance but so long as the waters remain cold Virchow could continue to co-exist and even use the smaller purchase speed these waters have artesian sources deep upwelling Springs provide cool fresh water that literally Wells out from sources beyond sight this cold water provides trout with suitable spawning habitat as well as refuge from warm summers brook trout performed poorly at temperatures above 22 degrees Celsius to prefer the lower range down to one degree large Brook toad suffered to an even greater extent at higher water temperatures water must also be highly oxygenated also free of pollutants limited fishing pressure is also crucial as brook trout aggressive and strike lures implies readily thus a water body must meet all these criteria if they are to hold a decent trout population however we do not have any records of the depths of the puddle lake none existed we didn't even know if brook trout were present in the puddle itself but we did know was that brook trout were present out of ten waters and then again it's tail waters so it was also likely that they were present on the pond itself I can't do their yeah if you're here yeah yeah like dr. C specifically you all right no got to be little fun okay go for it oh yeah born ready do it I'll just cut this campfire length and we'll take some with us so we don't waste it just like you to bring one burden bore-- and this is five seconds later five seconds twenty feet punch the numbers on that now twenty feet per hour oh let me catch up lobster fogging up that means you're working I'm working yeah this isn't a creek an underground river what how much of this we got left a depends maybe another 150 meters maybe 200 but it go to football fields the stuff with all the lying down logs is shorter than the other segment I think the other segments just shallow we're going to find out looked a little different in the summer than the winter there's actually more water here than I thought that would be which is good yeah high water spring yes this is going pretty well thanks Considered I thought it was gonna be a lot more brutal I thought there'd be a lot more of this yeah yeah it's not going too bad you know talk to you guys to figure what a third of the way mate maybe quarter oh maybe I was maybe a 6x6 wow I don't know we hope it widens up then I guess six timewise maybe a quarter distance less okay it makes sense we're getting that there we go all right push or sliding like you sleep in here poor they bought not refreshing refresh little bit yeah positive spin man he gnarly we found some evidence that somebody's come down the creek right here is an old cot so somebody's been doc you're doing the same thing we did except a long time ago you see back to you see back there that's what we floated through a little done yeah that but then you're being mean to the creek where the dance one [Laughter] accessible that way bring it we got it it take dibs on who's going to get the five-foot hole and swimming the waders so far so good so so far so good pretty arduous though see they're just talking to the camera there behind me working away I'll just flip the camera I'll show you what we're looking at coming up next that's let's the narwhal working through so I just cut all the branches the top branches so we can pull over the logs I don't know if you can see how the block slides are pretty bad but tolerable I'm not really biting too much and it's nice and cool in the shade here in the middle of the creek those guys are just working away pulling one one canoe over and then I'm working up ahead to clear the path seems to be working so far if we can continue and hopefully that opens up a little bit because we have to do this the entire way we're not going to be camping somewhere on the shore tonight but it looks like it opens up in a swamp here so we'll check back in in a bit we just got through an opening short opening and now we're back in the deeper water but not so bad or say narrower water but not so bad it's a lot of pull over oh all right I got to turn this off this adventure was nothing more than outline of a puddle on a map Jeremy in effort to learn more about the system mounted not one but two previous winter snowshoe expeditions to reach the shores of puddle Lake to do a test fish and check water depth but came up short both times it was more passable in the winter since the waters would be frozen and no canoe would be required what we did know about puddle Lake was that it had no or very limited access that much was true the shore is consistent primarily of overgrowth hilly terrain tucked between roads and trails we'd have to access the leg using the creek system no small feat it would seem some experience we knew the creek itself will be virtually impassable by any novice or person with any sanity for that matter in order to reach our destination we would have to cut clear and pry our way through the water system by wading into our cold beginnings and through sheer force push ramp and warm Oh way in in all would be several hours of grueling and torturous labor to move our two canoes through the tiny Creek we were lucky to come across some easily passable water standby beavers but even this will wear on us as we would have to be in out and then back into left over with all our gear this would become a chore and all for the shot at a decent trout [Music] the Jeremy's going to do something that I would never do I'm going to stick his face in the spring and take a drink before you stir it up jerk this up shouldn't do that what less drought does it though [Laughter] he's only going to be there for seven days good I think it comes from a pond up top though a spring pond looking at the topography it's got to be pretty damn far away I don't know I feel like I have a pretty good sense for a lot of the good or bad in the bush it's cold it's running there's not a pond anywhere close by sound too good oh dear no no they're back on okay Okwe yet yep boathouse a boat half that's it yeah Oh it's a slog floor slog it's not opening up yet hopefully soon and all it was an adventure that we would not soon forget more importantly it was an adventure which included a cohesive team without that much the entire trip could have been a non-starter weaker Souls would have given up right away where I've been stranded partway and returned home and defeat more than likely not have begun the adventure at all for them there would be no value in such an endeavor but not our team our team was strong determined and had the right motivation jeromy's the wild crafter is also an excellent naturalist and an all-around good person kind generous and always there at your back in case you might stumble and need to be righted Jeremy is the type that will offer more to his environment than you take he's often caught with his hands full of the refuse of others an effort to purge the wilderness of manmade way it's a wealth of knowledge perpetual student always eager to learn and also a proficient instructor Jeremy reused the plants in the wild for to create build but also do so without distorting nature's natural balance or consume more than can be done sustainably Jason the local trailer also volunteered to join us for nothing more than a shot at a big rookie there's nothing that will motivate a trailer more than methought untouched waters chocked full of monster brook trout as an average of fishermen and Bushmen Jason was a wise choice he was also someone you could count on to smash his way through a difficult situation an equally patient enough to sit idle while you adjusted your camera gear or cast a line into a pocket of water too small to contain anything larger than a tiny 6 inch stroke he knew but still let you have your fun and never complained we made a good team and the trip was a reflection of the characters that built it without a strong desire with the right thing meaner than drive it wouldn't have been possible to reach Lake lesser persons would have failed quickly given up and discussed the North is not a place for the weak are easily just made the North is rugged and thick and besides the black fights had just started to hatch and they wouldn't let up just because our hands were full of canoe or cutting a branch they didn't care to call us so we could lumber dip or die or weave ourselves our gear or in our canoes through a tangle of brush dental or overhang the rock stream bog or Boulder just to move a few more feet towards our next struggle and in the right direction toward some unnamed pond we were the ones with a destination in mind only the North was standing in our way [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] but you got a great Canadian cabin what I never saw a can like that before wait I mean somebody's been you before all does the topic kind of hard straight yeah what's the best before date on it call Saini return for refund and honest prove makes its own friends I couldn't wash down oh yeah bring rains and all that I'm right from the highway yeah all right so it's still no evidence of people cut branches wow that's way back though we haven't seen anything recently no we haven't all right you're going to bring it back 45 cents 10 cents Angie got the first sight of the lake we made it after four hours of pier slogging through junk and mess so let's go have a look oh yeah okay so we're at first little late pal around puddle and check it out with depth minor see if we see any deep holes it's just a shallow shallow dish pan lake that's not worth fishing I guess we'll move on but check it out now we're 330 feet don't care water the lake bed side with the tributaries like that that is that means a lot I mean there's definitely the the kind of habitat for trout so today's going to drop off any tiny we're going to wait stop line throw into what we've got great what are you at now for depth 40 feet oh oh oh man that's awesome yeah so what we're looking out there is 60 feet of water and what we just saw shaded from the one side glare great close like that we just marched six oh she's four feet and Marta fish suspended boat the way down say what you said about before but why it doesn't really my we're not going to fish 62 feet of water right now yeah I mean there are they're all going to be where the action is they're going to be feeding probably shallow but it just just means we're in a good trip like it means there have habitats all come along yeah it is not going to wrote in 10 feet of water in the middle of the summer yeah so yeah if you find a lake that's only got 10 15 feet in the in july/august the trow can't tolerate warm temperatures so if we've got 62 feet and wherever 75 feet 70 75 28 78 feet of water in the puddle this size is this is crazy like it could have lake trout in it no it does it could be up here it could but it probably doesn't matter it could but it definitely means that laetrile can can summer here how big are the fish that you're marking I'm having a hard time with this a t-34 DD creepy go to fishable yeah it's officially bought a lot of time this marks the thermocline that kind of a new line so there's a fish X 73 feet potentially something you know could be log check office - you know we should gear up and start rollin so I had a I had a follow now I got a fish oh yeah there are the colors on it beautiful that's going to be lunch so I had a I had a follow now I got a fish oh yeah there are the colors on it beautiful that's going to be lunch beautiful fish right there great thanks back you're done a some time you're done I got a good I gotta go go fishing there we go one troll to [ __ ] that's it and four hours of poor talking we're just trying to find a camp spot ear and it's terrible Bush you brush you cleaning the mess back this is all total virgin land so there's no designated camping spot or anything like that so there's a real flat spot for a tent I'm going to make your own spot down there where all those little T things are I think we'd be better off it out--we oh yeah I mean maybe closer to the water but then you know keep looking just clearing out a little spot for for our tent and move the log this is maybe the biggest blue spotted salamander that I've seen lively yeah let's going to move them a little bit further away from our campsite got them up a little piece of wet soil you like to be damp that's my little flat spot so far this little coffin area where I'm going to hopefully fit my tent Jerry filled out our up here not totally flat but better and then we started a trail up here from the water's edge you can get kind of up here without killing ourselves I got to get rid of that one big log step over but we got don't have enough energy today and that's rock he had that rock stick the Widowmaker one you don't see when you're tired real widow-makers or firewood no actually three yeah I was going to be good to sleep underneath so found a few things out at the far end where we first came in off the drop off I was getting a bunch of hits I didn't hook anything I was getting a bunch of hits down there push there but I also tried marking so many fish down deep dropped it all the way down to the bottom and then just let the wind start taking me back and I was getting a lot of hits way down deep too so I think there's you can kind of see the thermocline on here there's a lot of activity what do you think there are that deep you think they're coat that deep yeah chopping the same way the baitfish work did you throw a worm on oh yeah yeah they're really good at picking them up there's a lot of hooks on there I don't know I'm not looking up well they're not biting yet it's like I said it's only two o'clock you gotta wait for the Union bite it's just catched over there for the small one and we're good could we could confirmation that they're here yeah that's all that matters for now yeah I feel like drawing off might be a nice idea the hungry I am hungry and thirsty so we should get a we've got a little bit of a setup I get a fire going we'll be set so we identified a canoe off over here to the right so Jason is going to go do some recon and find out what's going on I'll just show you what we're up to so far we got a little trail coming up now pretty rugged and up this way we have one tank for Jer and Jason and wine over here on this side and we have a little bit of a trail go working on this it is a mess now into here obviously we don't have too much room for slot squats for whatever so we decided we put the fire down this way here so yeah or fire down here which isn't too bad Curtis here Jeremy still working away when has the sausages yeah in a bad fire and then down that way a bad fire we have access to water what are you offended you need an excellent excellent viewtiful little cooking fire pit yep going to taste good too because I'm starving yeah we never ate lunch yeah we're time to now really probably four five maybe Norway is four o'clock four o'clock that's why I don't carry watch because I know it too that half and that's all that matters anyway it'd be nice to get some food we got water boiled just cooling off now waiting for the evening bite guys you heard Jason one no he didn't catch anybody so you had some hits down deep so maybe the big trout are down deep I don't think he tried casting in shallow but that's how I got that one probably would work if I went back out again but got lots of food to get through so we don't need it right now but we will later on now it's a real sausage Cardian I don't think the camera picked up all the black flies no there's a oh got one on the lens and out of flavor the antigravity surprised these do the black fly off boys oh the black pleasure wild edible number one black flies were probably all eaten at least one today why I've eaten to prefer those counters there in your lungs oh yeah you have to swallow it to get the nutrition I'm going to go out fish in a bit CP I just got the last one maybe it's last one you know I think it's about the same size as yours how long does that take how long like our camp our camp is right there right there and controlled right that's great I mean a nice native spec like that you want to see showed up earlier fifty feet right here 50 p45 and it's a marketing stuff all over the place I catch one jiggles like you might if there's that many in there hey hold it up again see the colors [Applause] this league didn't produce any monster brookey's or many fish at all but it didn't matter what did matter was having a lake to ourselves away from crowds and unspoiled wilderness we didn't have to fight for a choice clock or make a reservation we simply carved out one for ourselves we also didn't have to dish up a dime for the privilege of spending the night outside we had all this nature for the simple cost of bringing ourselves to it yes occasionally we'd hook into a fish but these were not ordinary fish they were a natural speckled trout complete with vibrant colors dark olive green on their backs blue halos along their flanks sprinkled with red dots and orange white edges along their fins and red in their bellies complete with a square tail and they had an aggressive scrappy nature to match they concur nothing at all to the dull pale colorless stocked pellet said fishery hatch brother nothing and all this for the cost of being there it had infinite value was entirely free and it was all ours [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey is that a big one that's my fish I was working on that one that's the one that was biting my line we're gonna have to go to three different corners of the lake Hey oh this is it hold it up there when you get a chance we're going on a 2g I see them what are you doing popping it Oh God well grandma can do their do if you want she can was my fish that we bumped on the line let's YouTube give like show me right close to the camera watch oh don't worry about it so in the fish first yes there's the fish right great up right up close other way other way that way yeah there you go the biggest one so far what's that one about Oh double that's that was looking maybe an inch bigger than the last yeah I think there's a stringer side-by-side yeah oh yeah so you just got the tube good down like your lake trout fishing yourself right yeah just a jigging it down there I don't know why I'm laughing I think like if I had a - I'm like ah [ __ ] I don't have any tube jig I feel good when you get a chance later he's a kind of a feisty fella worth a four-hour Trek oh yeah any day still got a little bit of time left I still two more hours of fishing question I drop rock in the tube jig we're going to ask you what if you're trying to reinvent Brook go fishing and I guess you are yeah everyone's going to come up with the tube jigs next time did you they're ready tucked in this because it's a shaded I think yeah they're like this corner although I just don't like to be in the Sun so maybe if I spent more time over in the Sun enough so everybody throw on YouTube gigs their jigging for them truth is is probably just tons of fish in here oh yeah the pledge is stocked in after we catch way more fish than we can handle I just wanna start doing more ridiculous things that I think I'd have a pine cone or whatever hit autumn maybe yeah I had a couple bounces right in here yeah I just just trying to figure with that quacking pointing over there why don't you just focus on the trout we're not having frog legs tonight although I'm not against that oh nice did you get one I'm gonna hit you now you did anything well that's what you get for asking silly questions like but yeah hello I'm not the let go to because we got so much food to to eat tonight we can't really well we're going to eat we're going to say these for breakfast and you have a venison shoulder we have to eat tonight alex ross yeah too much yeah I found another canoe it's pretty solid tell camo and it barely thought only thought because there's a white pale clear on top might be useful to come back and we'll have to carry our canoes we've got two canoes back here maybe there's a little treasure that'll come in handy we ate in there that's a good fire rack you can get the fly rod out looking at Labrador tea so the shrub here pretty commonly grows around around shoreline habitat so we're pretty close to the lake right now and the foolproof way to identified it has this really thick down on the underside of the leaves so it might be white or it might be this kind of orangey brown and it's a traditional tea leaf so you can harvest maybe a handful of these and then chop them up with the pair of scissors I'm just going to use the scissors on my multi-tool and we'll throw them into some boiled water and let them steep while the water is just hot and it's said to have a slightly sedative effect so we'll see if we all make it out for the evening fish after we have a little bit of this I don't think anything's going to keep Jason from the evening fish actually so you caught me lying I said I was going to use my multi-tool but then it turns out to be more efficient just to rip it maybe I'll chop it up a little bit after with my multi-tool two [Music] wintergreen so the wintergreen you can tell because it's got a really waxy really tough leaf and it's also often splotchy but it does stay green usually right through the winter even under the snow it doesn't die back and if you're unsure about it it does have a winter green flavor so you can choose a leaf where you can chop it up for tea so we're going to enjoy our Labrador tea on its own but tomorrow we might experiment with a mix and if you're lucky you find the berry this one's been hanging on since last year right through the winter just waiting for me that's like wintergreen candy but you must the paws of the feed from where it is thread yeah well otherwise you've broken your contract with nature right like that with plants my plant gave you a seed to go plant it if I if I hold it the whole four days are out here and then just go in a toilet just broken my contract with the wintergreen that's roadkill deer we're not lying either you killed just outside Jeremy or by joining me southside guess and he salvaged it cleaned it all up so we got the shoulder here and kicking off a little bit so that looks like a rose to me and then a little bit here and the rest in the bag there will be that Plus right so the show you know they do application video they want you they want to know if you can make a cutlery and stuff so this is this is like a bush fork watch make it and then you steer your stuff around with it very technical tool spoon spoon the other side of the spoon right no there's no such thing as a book spoon is there but there's no bush goon what do you need a bush spoon for you just like tilt the thing up and drink it what do you need a book spoon for oatmeal you don't need one I for ice cream you pour it anywhere it break chopsticks have you tried to pour ice cream before you wait you wait you wait and then the whole thing falls on your face you need a spoon where's your ice cream oh I forgot it on this trip well next time is it I always do have no point so anyway that's the bush fork the tool you need and then you throw it away when you're done so you don't get sick okay action catches every time okay go we're good I was cutting this open so we could hurry up and cook it I thought I was going to take forever this big lump of meat but it looks pretty perfect right now we might be done here yeah I did this done yeah good job man yeah we're dropping in the fire that would that would suck he's killing it though yeah just rinse it in that Willie trottie lake over there hey this is real bush life real wood I'm eating I'm feeding something it's like really ontology cycle life we came in everybody needs backlight skeet okay okay sorry I asked for quiet sorry you've upsetted the neighborhood it's not a few seconds of quiet now okay that's our dinner I was gonna say anything I was going to show it since everybody's being goofy now you have to explain the baboon in the neighborhood there's always a baboon and the bunch crowd are sipping at the surface here I see a bunch of rings yeah we gotta get the scooter belly and get out there a woman menopause a pot of cold replaces everyone that's on video everybody everybody knows now I was Jason by the way that looks actually pretty disgusting video we're smoking the rest of the leg we'll take your flashlight away and let's see it what a spiraling I guess you don't know I can't see it at all yeah it looks all green and everything that tight looks better cook that leaf or smoke a lot more cook than smoking that's good no it'll keep till tomorrow I'm gonna eat it like cavemen yeah Oh ready no no like like yeah like 40 tight there's a bear right yeah it's awesome bear had gone now close so we have done without it I got eaten by bear that's probably true but it's a good fire now yeah we can actually see now that's great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I finally finish for show I got to be quiet because the guys are still sleeping but the fish are schooling and they're actually back in that corner now so I got to go back and get them again catch up with them [Applause] so the guy the guys just all woke up over there and the funny part of course just unlike me they stopped biting they're not rising anymore tell us what this I gotta go show show them what I got just kind of how it hilarious I don't come all the way up and come all the way out here just to sleep so I would I was I was out here since uh since uh before sunrise and I pretty much caught my limit I don't even know I lost track by that I got breakfast for everybody we also kept her some fish from yesterday so you got lots of food for today looks like they're gonna come out now so I'll have to give him the report I let them know how to do it and let them know that probably they're a little bit too late they might catch one or two they're persistent anyway I had to go go to shore and show them you guys missed the bite egg you figure that was worth it was a good sleep yeah alright alright in here they they turned on like all of a sudden they just started ripping everything so I just threw worms out I missed one out here I just used a float and a little piece of worm and drag that because then it won't go down to the bottom and they they were hit they were smoking the bobber and everything but they didn't do it they didn't turn on until like an hour ago and then they did they smoked everything and they were all in here all feeding in that corner in that corner so there's just like mostly smaller ones but pile so yeah but I don't know I haven't they had they stopped in there they were just going they were all in there feeding all going nuts that corner not coordinate kind of school out and then move back in when I can win a night well I don't know you could go try I went I paddled all the way around but nothing I didn't hit anything until like when I got back here I was about to quit so it's a little bit more exploration we found an actual camps an older campsite it's got a fire pit a little fire pit that no one had used for for at least a while and we found some old artifacts over here they weren't in the tree but they were by the fire they actually found a minnow trap over here so this is a much better campsite as far as campsites go the tent pad here and another tent pad over there and probably one up back in there too so it looks like we're probably going to be moving not that the other spot is horrible but this is just a lot more friendly so looks like we're going to move this afternoon the fish stop biting ah see I will probably have a nice big fish fry after we move everything so yeah should be good when I found under a rock mister I was making the fire pit is that a moose dick yeah yeah like fully engorged that's crazy you can count its legs underneath there's really fresh moose track Buettner that I said drop dog oh I've never seen that before you never found a mistake before nope what if you get to the right spot you'll find hundreds of them here I'll let it click on this rock and then you're going to use it oh yeah no not chance you're going all the way in you're on video let's see are you ready yet okay I bet it's May it's May and that's cold definitely cold [Applause] okay so leaving the head on just saying that there's not a whole lot of purpose to it except that it's kind of good for presentation I cooked him up the other night with my daughter and we ate the cheeks out and that was kind of unique so you just cut the stomach some stuff out that all comes out those females snakes okay I'll do that so we're going to check the yeah I'm gonna greet you Wow look at that great big old perch huh there you go yeah so this is one of our bigger fish so he's obviously moved on to small perch for supper nice so yeah so so then that way there's no cut there at all I just slice the stomach stuff and I'll clean that up later and yeah and I know Jer would probably say you can make yeah if you want you can make sushi part of the heads there's you can eat the trout stomach which a lot of people find pretty gross but it ends up tasting a little bit like calamari yeah we actually had it last year on we ate Lake Cho stomach so it was calamari like it was okay yeah I minded looks kind of chewy it's kind of a unique thing - bingo when I agency has a mixture of the backlight yeah when I got them I showed that before but I don't usually keep the head on so I thought maybe there might be a reason to keep them on I think it's a huge presentation it kind of looks cool yeah look in the mouth and yeah a little gourmet yeah and like I said my daughter and I keep the cheeks just fun little pieces of meat how do you get the cheek out after one circuit crooked they just pop out yeah so you could probably eat the eyeball ski right yeah she likes to just poke them around the plate and play with them mostly though right so those are those are those are by the white like that because you're from yesterday and you can see the difference between you know a fresh fish my goal is color still that's still this morning and then how's it going the skins kind of separate so crews wait but those aren't bad they're not bad because we cut them in the in the water yeah I'll just meet still it's still good and cool the whole time yeah yeah cool all right just going to have a look now that Jason's done all the dirty work I'm going to have a look at the stomach contents on these guys and we'll have an idea but what they've been feeding on so the one maybe already saw that on camera earlier that's a big perch in it so why would we bother checking the this moment anyway so we know what they're eating and if we know what they're eating we know what to catch them with because they might just be focused right in on one thing and there's a hatch going on right now they might have only one thing on their brains so so far we know that the biggest or the bigger fish eat Oh perks this one ate a minnow that ones are pretty digested something bit smaller than this first one and that's all this guy ate and that looks like a smaller stomach there's a little string of eggs female eating these stomachs oh we could agree yeah I'm not that hungry but then we won't have anything for our experimental bunch of baitfish going by and look at them okay clear okay yeah is that one there I don't know what they are cubs or something I guess they smelled those trout and water already all right stomach number three it's a really full something oh really slimy there's a piece of worm so that's what we caught that one on it was a piece of worm well this one it's all in and I think that's the big that's the big one I caught this morning it's hard whatever is in there clear fish I don't know so all this one's gonna be interesting so we got here we've got bunch telescoping I don't know what's this they're working on a piece of worm in there that looks good this is a really digested up it's not a shrimp it lets the idea of the crayfish so must be a tragic tail to tail of the crayfish yeah he looks like a muskoka know the flathead yeah or a frog it's a frog do that there's the legs oh this guy was pretty hungry frog crayfish piece of worm from somebody's hook another piece of warm color another piece of worm yep and that's uh that's all that's in this guy so no bug yet I'm going to get the bug eaters yeah so these stomachs here a little bit smaller they in their dark day so that usually makes me think that they're full of bugs so it's always a good guest to presume at the smaller fish are eating insects oh I look at all those bugs and they were feeding on the surface at the time and that's generally what they do the small small fish eat insects and then the big fish you eat they have to switch the minnows and other bigger items lady beetle we can identify that one ladybug yeah well this looks like an ailment a beetle maybe at a glance just by the shape of it you got any corner probably a big piece of beetle shells any Khurana maids in there can you write the economy okay who can walk and wash like mice has another one of those little beetles I've got black mark so these are all benthic Wednesday like the beetles will be on the bottom they're not surface catching those guys there's a lot of hard shell in here I don't know quite what it all belongs to this is a back swimmer here okay a little water beetle yeah so nail show yeah can you see it yeah well I don't know if you can make it out but it's there yeah little snail shell yeah so this guy here I would say has been bottom foraging yeah well this is a this is a pretty empty stomach here it's interesting how come some of them have lots of feeding the other ones don't and basically same habitat this guy's been feeding on bugs they see some wings in there I'm not really sure what it always though well this one looks like it's got bugs in its another female you see the eggs I thought you already fed all these black flies here Jason or three teen powernow so lower bugs they're really hard shelled a like these are there's some beetles some little true bugs like the back swimmers and horsemen water boatmen that's what that looks like there - oh yeah good job so now we know if you want to catch the big fish we got to use bigger stuff and cuts a little indigo to catch a little stuff like that's the take-home message huh you see me do this like ten thousand times so it's just roasted garlic and peppers butter inside the gut cavity and garlic that's it but the most interesting part of this is my tools so this is a butter knife it's for blunt and rounded it doesn't have like yeah good edge attorney that works perfectly just put it on like that it took me a while to craft this but now that it's made I'll store it really carefully for name later youth guess what do you think that would go for on Etsy uh $25 a pound a core like a corner yes yeah 25 cents oh yeah definitely five I know pretty standard run-of-the-mill butter knife yeah boy this is like the high production yeah I'm no Jose yes because I'm just a regular guy in the wood they can come to Trout for lunch no this is the real wood guy nothing fancy so I'm just kind of crossed it out a little bit with my axe so what is it it I'm going to put these two pieces together after I carve them both out and I'm going to lash them with trout cut and then I'm going to have a pretty rockin didgeridoo no not the head the lying of lying so this campsite is perfect in almost always including that it has a freshwater spring that's just seeping out of the hill it's not deep enough to scoop up water bottle full and I don't really want to just dig a hole in it so I'm going to try and install a little piece of plumbing so we get fresh water running off the end of this trough I've seen it done in other streams usually people will cut down a hollow cedar tree but I didn't see anything small enough that was hollow so I made my own so just up the hill from here you can actually hear the water running hunger in the ground but you can't see it except that the ground is really wet there's nowhere to scoop water and then here where we're about 20 feet from the lake it's actually just bubbling out and it's nice and cold like which is really great for travel I think that there's a cold water just keeping this lake cold and I just wanted to channel it out a little bit I wanted to make a log under there pop it up let it let it run clean and then anytime we want beautiful delicious fresh of deep in the earth water we just come by they're not going to campsite with running water it's actually really good flow rate there's uh how many leaders have just caught one exactly one so it's probably like 20 seconds 30 seconds to fill it so there's probably two liters a minute of flow here or more of perfect clean probably potable like I wouldn't boil this or filter it water but you didn't you didn't hang a jug from a tree no I didn't wow that's I mean why wouldn't you hang a jug from a tree because we've got perfect water like this nearby I'm not going to bother but if I was pulling it out of a mystery lake I probably would use one of those fancy gravity filter that was out of cork you would but but this one I'm not going to worry about water coming straight out of the ground it's pretty sterile if you drink would you drink that water this water right here yeah this water right here like this it's colder than frigid temperatures yeah it's great keep all of our food cold here like it really is a perfect campsite I bush crafted a spoon now this is the stirring spoon this is only for stirring your noodles because after you just throw it in the fire no edit data Ronna guys got to go back to the yeah huh okay yeah that's pretty amazing good stuff I know you got lots of fish you like the noodles that's only the small fish okay video on so the fish are good where you're at don't lower them any more than that this can be a video class to see some cool I leave that up to you guys we'll be a second first shot where would not fall to me what's linking lunch you may describe my cooking implements I got a tripod with our deer leg now which we're going to eat right yeah and that's going to be safety because we smoked it last night for a while and now we're just keeping the flies off of it we'll cut the outside part off obviously but the inside should be fine kind of a little bit worse for wear I'm going to talk about it at all it's a little bit embarrassing I don't know that's why why why is it still safe to eat then oh why is it still safe to eat yeah well it was it was marinated and then it travelled partially frozen on the first day and then we had it hanging in the smoke at the end of the first day it's been sitting out all night but it was cool last night and it's sitting in the smoke today and I did a pretty good sniff test on it like usually you'll smell if there's something wrong with it so what is it about the smoke like why well the smoke is going to dry out the outside of it so it kind of makes a bacterial unfriendly habitat and it's also going to keep the flies off of it so they're not going to want to lay eggs can you do anything else can you do fish like that yeah we've done that best fish that I've eaten no I think was trout that we smoked over all their chips all night because we didn't maybe plan to catch our limit but we ended up with more than we could eat and so we had to preserve them I guess we could get them in the creek but we decide to smoke them over a smoky altar chip fire and she do cook them when you throw them depends on if you've smoked them enough if you've hot smoked them there then they would be cooked these ones were kind of cold smoked so we ended up freezing them after and we ate them on a different day but they were I heard cold smoking is better for long-term storage because you don't actually want to cook it cuz that'll potentially feeling the moisture you know you just want to draw the moisture out of it right yeah slowly without heat yeah just smoke yeah I think that's probably right yeah that's what I heard anyway yeah this one's been like warm smoke yeah so it would be a little bit fresh on the inside but we don't plan on long-term storage we're going to eat it obviously before we leave it looks so appetizing just a hunk of meat Ebola fire contributed dude standing around licking their job yeah it's got some special seasoning on there too eh oh is that we added a little special something last night I think it hit the ground right people might infer something odd if you say we added we all a delicious or anything to that presumption there I guess yeah it fell on the ground we had a little accident with the fire it kind of tipped over but yeah we'll pick that off it'll be fine so we decided to keep at least uh or one of the Choate and we're going to cold smoke good because there was a lot to eat just for the one meal so it got it in right now try that you see behind me smoking I've added some sticks to keep the gut cavity open so that the moisture doesn't stay inside it spoil meat oh I see it right now just open it up and the outside very not dirty it's all dried out now starting to get there so getting that nice dry texture not slimy anymore to the touch getting leathery and we might go get some alder branches later on down by the creek and those will make a nice smoke otherwise we use cedar branches greens heater works fine just a little bit here and there okay just keep the fire low and the smoke rising and that's all you need and that'll keep for a bit I've just been working away boiling wild days water I'm ahead now by a leader two meters actually plus I have another one so actually I have three leaders right now the guys have been drinking the spring water since they started the truth of the matter is the spring water is probably safe to drink we're in northern ontario and they've been doing it for a number of years but it's it's not 100% foolproof there are certain instances where you might assume that it's ground water and it's pure but it may come from a pond up above and it had remained stagnant for a few days or a few hours and it's picking up bacteria as it flows through water that comes straight out of the earth would be considered free bacteria however it's impossible to know what it's picking up as it comes down so the guys are taking a risk taking a drinking the water straight out of the out of the spring and in a short term scenario it would be feasible because things like Giardia won't set in for at least seven days anyway but I don't think they're going to get sick I'm just saying that I I'd rather spend a little bit extra time boil my water to get ahead I have two liters of storage and it's just a safe thing to do just one less risk that you have to take when you come out you're always taking risks you know you could hurt yourself you could eat spoil meat like you know some of the stuff we're doing here right now is 100% safe either it's just a matter of you decide what it is you want to take risks about and water something that I can control so I'm not going to take that risk so I've been boiling and then just I'm leaving it here to cool so that I can have some nice cool water instead of letting it air dry or air cool I should say it's pretty relaxing log won't last forever a little bit need some padding I'm just listening to the trickle of the spring over there Jeremy and Jason wrote the boat there your deep trolling for a lunker brookie because he's still marking some deep but those fish are pretty tricky to catch because they don't I don't tend to come into the shallows to feed they'll spend more time suspended in the water column so they're trying to troll they've got some heavy weight on the trolling down in the center of the lake to try to pull one up but they'll be in the 30 foot mark whereas those smaller fish like I caught this morning so all the medium-sized they'll come up in the shallows to feed so there's a little bit trickier prospects but at the same time right now with the with it being boat midday those even the smaller fish will move off and they're trickier to catch they get out of feeding mode and so they'll end up in the deeper water a little bit trickier to catch them it's not impossible if you work hard enough you'll get some of the more aggressive fish but it's more of a luck situation rather than opportunistic situation which I've learned this morning in that magic hour I mean up until then I had this fishing River good couple of hours and I was nearly about to give up that's why I was near campsite tonight and then they started rising and I picked off a handful of fish inside of half an hour had been fishing for you know good three hours probably before that so another of kind of struggling about trying to pick one off in the middle of the day which is a lot harder we did fish last night also and we had some hits and some follows but we missed the main bite the main bite would be probably a couple hours ago I think we went out at 8 p.m. and so we had about an hour flight locks we did miss you mean bites so hopefully we'll be today and we'll get comments right the final board a little bit earlier this time from and we'll have maybe a snack pre-dinner snack and then something sort of after dark and today a little bit later than suited like yesterday all know it's pretty good day it's the second day so it's you get to relax a little bit more all right third day you kind of sunk in and then you can do some more exploring so got some plans to put out the trail camera we've got the guts in a pile and the leftover fish bones will probably do that a little bit later today and then maybe pack up some alders for the smoke fire eye noon on a bright sunny day is the ideal time to catch up on camp chores such as preparing wood for the evening including pots and pans left the boat from breakfast then again midday can present the woodsman with the opportunity to grab a few extra hours of rest naturally rest is right we put on hold for the morning fish or hunted like many animals fish primarily feed and therefore move about a dusk and dawn making this time the right time to pursue them slowing life at high noon is part of flowing into and with nature noon cast a harsh shadow to puts most animals down and for good reason the heat of the day is strong and can make ordinary tasks far less comfortable and let's face it the most magical light of all occurs at the beginning and then repeats once again for a second time at the end of the day to miss this by rushing about to prepare for dark is a great sin a well-stocked woodpile makes eating a late dinner the long nights without modern conveniences quite enjoyable before and just after the Sun strikes the top of this trees is pure magic the woods come alive with activity deer birds insects of all variety and all the rest of nature awaken for the day and that's the other extreme prepare for nocturnal activities using time carefully while in the wilderness means nearly as much as fathering to show up to begin with found a little animal run probably beaver where it's coming in and out it's got this beaver house just around the bay over there where the creek of the mouth Creek is so we're going to put the trail camera see if we can't get a beaver and or what do you think my sky a daughter like that bear cheer enough bear for easel so we're coming up here and we're going to put chairs got our fish guts and our leftover fish meat in the bag here so where do you have to be high it can take a pretty close like type titers better like right here like I can put on that and you can put it like on the rock or log or wear that work that's all good okay oh that's my balance and it smells really good Laren garlic good mix of deliciousness and rod yeah so we did I did this experiment before I set it up for two days with rotten fish and got nothing so you can close down your guesses below and I'll post it near the end we'll find out if we actually successfully got any crack at any animals everybody's afraid to bear so you don't do right to attract bears so let's see if we get a bear my guess is we're not going to get a bear probably not going to anything but we'll see because there's the animals when you get in the deep woods are actually much rarer than people really know okay I have to sit click click they say we could see the green from the net from the water so I came up to find out why there was a net here not realizing that there was also an accident I saw kind of buried in the tree there which is pretty neat and there's also a rope tied up on this birch tree here and then there's another rope tied down on that broken feeder you can just see it looped around and I pulled up over the leaves probably well enough rope that would go from the water's edge to the top of the cliff which is pretty good distance so we're trying to imagine why why there would be some tools stuck in a tree and a rope on one of the steepest parts of the lake when there are easier ways to get down to the water so we have the function series all speculation you're not going to tell the story what do you think well Jason thinks that probably at some time there was some lumbering going on over the hill here and a bunch of the lumber guys figurative good idea to slide a canoe down the cliff face here and then maybe pick the spot just because it was closer to where they were working so the rope was to get the canoe down to the bottom we did find a pretty old canoe around the corner right you you filmed that one I didn't film enough oh no can old fiberglass canoe like they don't make that kind anymore heavy-duty had a log fell on it yeah so that maybe is from wherever long ago right I don't know how long as those place would have been logged but this is not easy access down to the water like this straight Rock here and I don't know how easy it is to climb up here look I'm a little bit scared to do it because it's so steep and it looks loose but that's presumably where somebody was coming up and down so maybe we're going to be adventurous and give it a try to give you an impression that pretty much that's pretty much straight down you see the canoe can't see the canoe from here and I think oh yeah like this way like yeah that cliff face is only ten feet away from us and it's a straight drop straight down so the forecast said no rain for three days and now we've got some rain coming in and for that reason I didn't put the tarp or the fly on and I'm at the other camp because those guys snore and I don't so I paddled back just now always yet giant tree just fell I know you probably didn't hear that I hope those guys weren't anywhere near it so I got to get my fly on anyway and then I'm going to go back and give them a hand battening down everything over there I was just huge noise oh alright I got to get this done and get back that's all the stuff we cut coming in yesterday finally made it down the river system it's all on the shore here that's all the stuff all the wood we cut all the stuff we cut coming through now from the back end now it's getting blown across the lake as I went pretty amazing that's that big sound not log that so I fell right in the water right there fresh log behind the raw inside oh yeah yeah preserved as well we're making a bench we already got I got my saw bound in there so we had to ready to leave your pry it so no now we're going to go hatch it what's the difference okay that could be your tagline yes salted by masculinity yeah that's right my intelligence you know man doesn't carry a hatchet carried a small axe so work he's smart a large eyes Wow funny where he's going I get out of doing work of that video yeah take out the camera yeah dirty log that's the old log by piece of junk you're gonna sell me Carrie when you went to wash do I get out of work then or do I have to get the tripod and I'll turn it off why had it firmly planted in the ground there all right kicked it was a what you got I I push crafted this spatula my axe how long did it take you oh you know it took me maybe seven minutes of conceptual conceptualizing and then then it was pretty quick to make after that Oh less than seven minutes that's like the best one I've ever seen well let's see it's got two widths actually it's a kind of bipolar so if you just want to scoop a little bit of butter use the narrow end if you want to scoop a little more butter you can use the wide end it's not King wing no could it be mistaken for Kinley well except that I put it in the Shelf of Distinction up here so nobody would confuse it for kindling up there that's like youth utensils yeah cover exactly yeah you wouldn't go to your cutlery drawer for kindling right at home so on the Shelf of distinction here that's not where you go looking for kindling so that venison looks good yeah so is it safe to eat well so how long has it been out out of the fridge now freezer well we took it out five mornings traveled with it it was us yesterday yeah yesterday morning so it's been two days 20 24 hours and a half 24 and 12 maybe without a refrigerator yeah completely defrosted yeah so cold smoked and we still got our fish cold smoking well it's more like warm smoking it's not a legit cold smoked because it's be pretty warm and then we have our leftover fish from breakfast in Spain is just basically baking all day light baking just just next to the fire all day so it'll be fine and we did take some of the venison off right there that's just waste the outside is a little bit toxic wouldn't be good to eat meat could probably eat it but it wouldn't be very palatable I was like a little bit on the Burnside so yeah the pink is what's left and then just wreak it cookery cook is a good way to preserve things and cold smoke too we also have we didn't show you but we're using the spring to cool off what do you have down at the spring you have cheese oh boy chicken chicken yeah we have chicken breasts down there in the spring forms as well so when our worms are getting preserved down there and what would you figure the temperature of the spring is five degrees we four or five degrees I'll be around there yeah give us a moment here I do we should test it yeah but four or five degrees is the temperature your fridge so they can last indefinitely in there and that water is constantly flowing so it doesn't ever get warm so that's three ways to preserve your food or it's a - Oh cold smoked cooking we cook we cook spring three ways there you go learning something today so remember talking about it but I don't think I know let's go good Scelzi good yeah how do you play it's good I'm writing up getting there so for food preservation we've got our worms down here our worms are probably the best preserved because as you can see they're covered with moss so that keep them really cool cold and cool and they'll be nice and happy underground and then we have those sausages down there and then the chickens in the bag here and that's making contact with the running water as well but if the Sun does come out you don't want the Sun to be directly on top and you don't want to have direct sunlight so that mock as long as it's wet will be wicking heat away and so that won't spoil it keep in mind that that water is four or five degrees Celsius coming out and I've also got my water down there cooling which is nice to have on a hot day but it's chilling down right now but it's better than drinking warm water all the time anyway we're going to go off do the evening fish and see how it goes it's a bit of a chop the wind picked up so it might not be the great greatest fishing but sometimes they can get those big ones running so we'll see we had some strikes last night but lots of follow-ups and I wasn't using live bait it's just doing a bit of experimentation with a streamer that lots of a lots of follows but none of them committed to it so this time I'm using worms we're going to try to catch breakfast now since we're down to one fish that's the cold smoke right now I'm probably eat it tonight I would guess as a snack after we have to refresh here all right so we got I got no fish I missed - and they were on the other boat so I'll flip it over and they can finish out it wasn't it was both of the frame here yeah you're good now all right I wasn't awesome we got some perch and Jeremy got some trout yeah two big ones yeah nano they were nitro ah God I'll go I'll go do a video now cuz it's always a scary place so cool Brown yeah alright come on yep so what's up what's the problem there your damn problem is there - damn sure now we got one one day of trout let's go hunt the Philips didn't slip and the funny thing is is I lost my trout I lost one of my trophy from last night yeah we thought you just didn't know how to tie knots yeah now it's a beardsman carry you know what actually happened here he took one off oh yeah cut him down he's probably got at this pause yeah yeah that would be funny but I didn't think of doing that I looked at legit man there is only one coat there okay so we're getting hustled here no I didn't know I'm not joking turtle hustle there's there was a there was something going on in the water yeah I just do that frog and dad along the trail when I came and looked and I shined the light there was like like a tussle in the water but it's awfully but I noticed to be splashing yeah that's what I thought but why would they be message like what tell them because they want to get away okay so while I'm story short you should put these somewhere else other than in the lake in the creek in the spring yeah yeah okay well I think someone can grab in the spring it'll take Springs ahead but let's put them in some cold spring water okay so we sacrificed a little perch which are invasive by the way and then we'll belong in the system so we're going to use this as an experiment so if this is missing in the morning and we know for sure you better do a really good knot on there I also blame you up on the not all the like dead yeah I'm sure it's not going to slip that knot mm-hm all right so that's going to be the task yeah this is missing then we've got a thief legit all right it's going to be last video for today I was funny how he lost two trout to probably a turtle but looks of things but that was our fourth way of preserving food which was by keeping food alive naturally it must be protected at all times but yeah if a fish is alive and breathing and and moving its gills then it's providing itself with oxygen and that means that it's fighting off of infection so it's not rotting so that's the fourth way we can preserve food but it's kind of interesting you get I have to stuff to protect your food because your food isn't necessarily yours until you eat it and that's the fifth way to store food is actually eating it but we've had so much extra food that we've had to incorporate food preservation techniques and so it's kind of interesting how that sort of played out and how we lost a couple that way I mean that's it for today I paddled back across the lake in the dark and I'm sleeping on the other side of the lake to avoid all the snoring in rocket and kind of feel isolated over here and a little bit lonely but it's that immediate sort of withdrawal from being with other people and having the protection of a group to being by myself so but I'm only sleeping here and I'll go back actually in the morning I'll fishin and we'll go back for breakfast so it'll resume so it's just temporary so I'll catch up with on day I think it's blending together day three I suppose anyway see you later if the tents rockin don't come knockin I got video no no yeah right we wake up in the middle of night this is what he's doing it sit here all I'll show everybody what you doing home yeah so yeah this is how you stay pressure come on G come on in Jeff everything's ready [Laughter] Wow dad was feeling mighty warm this morning but we got to get up to catch breakfast I should say I got to get up boys are out the other camp across the way so I'm going to get my stuff ready and try to catch some breakfast they've got only one trout and I want to perch to spare this morning for breakfast and try to triple or quadruple that would be nice to have a couple trout each so we'll see what this Lake can produce this morning yesterday oh I see one right I got to get out there so far no official pile of little perch and I think that's the problem with this lake this lake could be a really good lake but I think the perch are holding back any spiny fish like bass and perch can really kill chop population and not for any other reason because the trout can't compete at the warmer temperatures and they're competing for the same types of food so when perch in vade trout water body then they hand out decimating the trope because the coaches can't compete once it gets really warm so we've caught some of the some of the bigger trout and those are the more probably the more aggressive ones so it could be that what we're left with is a perch but still trout in here let's cut all the way to the creek system we saw yesterday but I think that's what holding it's holding the system back from its full potential yeah definitely like the M&R biologist told me about perch being a system like there's bass and Algonquin Park now and that's not good for the control population I know some lakes with a bass have thrived that used to be really good trout not so much anymore I think I figured out what the problem of this lake is the perch think about every perch be caught well we got like a dozen like I cut my nose could all be trout right it's the biomass of the lake if it's if perch in basket in the system then it ends up being ports and bass instead of trove because they can't compete at certain temperature all these only pay up wait for the bite to start not on yet wait to look at that rising to catch my voice okay that's a good production team here lucky cut some goldfish they're cute yeah I got I got a bait I got perch debating so bad the spiny Resnick then when our guy says yeah like the Perkin bass but the middle of populations fine really for anything well that's there's lots of good for big trout here right yeah wish I could remember what those guys are called we can go for bait or we can eat them this board like you kidding you don't eat the garbage fish before you the perch I'm sure eat the Box man [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so as far as fishing goes we've tried everything try but Jeremy caught yesterday a third of a worm [ __ ] worm just like I do for Creek fishing just thread it up and just to put some weight on it we've kept our swivels on like there's a slap of luck here and that's giving it enough weight so that we can cast it and we're just I'm working at exactly the same way the spinners like a sail huh they're producing when they're hitting but like when they're writing but otherwise just like flopping them in and kind of working like back over there that one and look back in the corner I've been sitting there for a long time freezing my butt off it's windy then and I'm in the shade so it's been it's been a difficult morning anyway last last morning it was calmer so because it's all in flat water I think the insects all came off and not predicting that they hatch so really I got them in feeding mode and they were hitting that I had to float on the other day casting the float on with the world so exactly different morning this morning does he I do it all right got a couple small ones yeah stuff for breakfast oh yeah enough to augment our oatmeal that's him they're not big the beauty so we let some smaller ones go but please we can stack right on still using the worm yeah piece of worm on the end of a pencil Martin there yeah and then Jerry would use a straight hook good [ __ ] OS oh yeah we're good size one and one small and I ended up kind of hooking it in the ICO and I keep it yeah anyway okay back for some breakfast a lot warm on this side guys yeah freezing over though all right back to the campfire so as far as fishing goes is it okay but I'm a trout fisherman so I don't count the trope but I've caught like pile of other fish a little perch and whatnot and those are fine to eat - there's nothing wrong with them they're just on the smaller side for perch but we're taking them out because they don't actually belong in the system so it's kind of to do our share for the natural population yeah in a survival situation that's plenty of food and if you know if they're too small to eat then they can always be turned into bait to attract another animal or or even back up and use for bigger fish I've just set up our emergency stash of fish down in the chiller that'll keep those fish at about 4 or 5 degrees Celsius we Slevin put the thermometer in there but it's awfully cold frigerator cold [Music] the only matter is too much what kind of what it is Klaus it's not too soft as long as you don't get too much you gotta get the bark off so you won't get much flavor in the meat yeah that's all just like whipping up us just like making up a hotdog stick yeah like you wouldn't want to use a cherry stick cuz we're an or balsam like that yeah so all I think about when I'm poking these is I want to get it right along the spine so it's like right in there with the spine so that once the meat starts cooking the fish doesn't fall off the steak so it's a bit tricky because obviously they're not built to have something jammed on all their spine but kind of fill your way through there this and then it can you pop that around on the skewer it ends up at the back you put oil in the tail yeah I can feel it right here yeah Oh see it's down in the in the muscle yeah yeah and then kind of followed on the top side of this bone and you should be able to flip it around and all that kind of thing that's general idea if I could probably be smarter just start it with this side down because I'll this is where the most meat is we'll take the longest it's nice we still have the heart on this one great [Applause] you just go basically up in a little bit of the muscle yeah down as close as you can to the backbone yeah just like I could have walked on almost exactly picking hot dogs to fish here my hand is really hot so I'm in the zone sit back first aid yeah yeah so as it starts to cook you can see that he's opening up and this one will do that too and you'll see you'll be able to tell that it's done by when the meats but but we saw the spine it's cooked you know how do you check that cut it open a little bit almost kind of see from there you can kind of tell ya you make their gear just to figure four shop for demonstration demonstration we're not going to cut to my camp I don't think so maybe a little red squirrel somebody might trip on it in the night mail themselves on one of these little sticks it could really hurt themselves looks like it took really brutal one I be consoled half a pound log right there while I was gonna sharpen this tree right so damn Squatch so the fish dealer that's what it's just demonstration love is a you just use a bigger log but even yeah a bigger log you could put guideposts so you know what's going to fall straight it's not going to have that side to side movement and either you can bait it or you can put it on a run right so if something's coming through and it just touches that then you know oh now I just wanted to say hi to that but but none of log comes down and crushes them well maybe we'll set that up bait just to test it yeah just to get it on video no I kill anything poor squirrel just getting a small concussion I'm going to set one up in my kitchen just a minute emmalin ever my daughter is going to yet my kid traps yeah okay so these look done this this I didn't poke in properly it ended up breaking through the skin and at some point along the way it becomes pretty impossible to have them this way they just gravity takes over and they fall down but they're cooked we'll be able to pull these apart pull the meat off the bone pull the skin off and it'll be delicious how do we know what finish then like quite killing it though this is like the last part it'll to me edge of the table I feel that it thoughts very squishy anymore you want to kind of dry it out yeah kind of we're sold is that look okay that looks great I'm making a mess here okay looks good to me I'm like these ones which look awful hmm that's going to be delicious yeah we just found three adult moose kicks so everybody strapped and therefore moose blood yeah guys were full of moose blood but there has to be some hungry ones around here somewhere what you do not on our body he's so far well the best way to pick them up in the Beaver meadow somewhere right oh yeah and then they travel on the moose them they all kind of drop off when the boosters are shedding good okay everybody pulled off look so good we're good so far you checked ourselves we didn't check each other it was a communal check but not communally when you say everybody pulled off and everybody feels good like we're talking mode moose takes you can't put that on YouTube it is that yeah three three came out all the same squared to square feet so kind of concerned whether there are some little ones around that might latch on stuff to keep an eye on that there was two on a log are they still there no I didn't because I was more concerned with checking out here forget that this one just one there should be two should be another one where do the legs I mean film asking but it tastes like grapes right egg we have pollen between the molars uh-huh yeah clean one before I might taste like the you know you get the raisins coated in white chocolate yeah that look like that okay so we want to know how old this fish is we're kind of curious so I know that we can kind of rip it we can have a look at this piece I think that you can count it just like a tree ring we may have to get back to this we left a lot of flesh on there but it looks maybe like three I don't know I'm gonna have a closer look at this okay so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but this is I think you start counting from here and you can kind of count one two three gotta get closer here one two three ish so if that's right then that makes this a three-year-old fish is that a good size for it to be oh fish oh it's probably not oh yeah what do you officially be the water systems our inner yeah three old fish you probably be both three four pounds well depending where you're on if any way yes but here the capacity for this lake it produced a thirteen fourteen inch fish at three years that's what we want so to get it to get a trophy fish your that productivity is not here all right all you have to catch 12 year old - yeah do they just wait for it to keep growing and what it like do they just expire I'd like they don't just die out by my five or six years yeah yeah so desirable wait oh wait oh good I guess do see really little green sir well I see um one two yeah I don't know like having never done it before like I also see some cracks in the gill plate is there still skin over it yeah that's good on both sides oh it would have all been taken awfully oh yeah yeah well that cooked on there let's do it with one of our other fish then yeah what about these guys here is it too late to come with your plate off of these guys because I don't want to mess with you right now no it's just a very curiously gone yeah well let's try it on some of our fresh fish after I'm going to do we're trying to get further down the creek to see if there's any more promising water so we got to get through this log jam at the end of the lake here so Jeremy is going to fall off the log and make a great youtube video I'm going to sit out and watch the show we're trying to get further down the creek to see if there's any more promising water so we got to get through this log jam at the end of the lake here so Jeremy is going to fall off the log and make a great YouTube video I'm going to sit out and watch the show can you swim Jer should let him concentrate or we should not let them cross adjacent walls you take the log yeah oh don't do that one no no I want that one's fine Jer that's the log roller for later well let's do you guys do the foot now both of them Oh Cho tickling no toe tickle them plunge air you got the waiters on to your own say okay I'm keeping my Caston pretty shell right away yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] little native rookie on the creek [Applause] the crowd anyway no we just found a spot where every trout fisherman dreams about oh and the other lake is here too that's not far at all but look at this look at this this pool in a remote area after a nice run like that it's going to be chalked full of fish absolutely chock full of fish I love this and it there's a bit there's a key part Gomi Gomi Oh Big Ten Hollow [Applause] nice nice nice walking that's a great fish for a creek ten-inch even get a couple more for dinner [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold it up Hey [Applause] talked a little bit of bushwhacking we actually made it to another pawn way off in the distance and if we had planned for we could have probably spent the day at this other section but we'd have to have to Porsche Hodge through the woods because there's no way to get through that little section there a little whole lot of cutting so I'll have to go check this out maybe for a future trip we can make it to put a lake number to set the bivalve a clam I just found them down there in the water you can see straight down in here piles of them you can see the foot the foot just closed up you got to boil them once you boil them they'll open up and you're all set to go but by valves are edible and easier to catch it in trout once you find them but they were lit at all on this edge here whole pile of them [Applause] freshwater clams or by owls are edible another first choice of food as their flavor cannot be guaranteed since they are filter feeders how they taste is primarily due to the water in which they are found clams tend to pick up pollutants toxins and other substances from the water freshwater clams can also live for years even decades and can therefore bioaccumulate toxins the Ontario guide to eating sport fish produced by our Ministry of Natural Resources does not recommend eating freshwater clams they say that while they are usually low in chemical contaminant they may Harbor harmful bacteria and other pathogens for this reason they must be fully and carefully cooked so as to avoid food poisoning freshwater clams are also on the decline all over the world from pollution habitat destruction and declining fish species which serve as host for the larvae thus they should be harvested with care [Music] [Music] [Music] cat tails are one of nature's best survival plants nearly the entire plant can be used from the roots right out through their chutes if you time it just right you can collect the yellow pollen by shaking it off into a bank or other container this can be used as flour and baking it makes excellent pancakes when mixed with other flour the roots store most of the energy in spring and winter and this can be pounded and leached into water and then dried our water poured off and turned into flour for breaking and cooking roots can also be dried and then pounded into water or roasted over a fire when possible the fiber should be removed or separated to avoid stomach upset [Music] the stems are rich in starches and produce more per area than almost any other even when compared to rice and potatoes in spring the basis of fresh shoots can be consumed raw but care should be exerted as they may pick up parasites found in the water itself the dried heads found in the fall and throughout the winter make great tinder and brown stalks can even be used in friction fire as a spindle cordage can also be made from cattails cattail are easy to identify but younger plants can be misidentified with leave other toxic variety look for oval-shaped bases they should not be flat the taste should be mild and with little aroma cattails make a great while edible we got to puddle Lake number two and I took off my waders because I was sweaty my socks my backpack for my shirt and that's as much use I'm going to show and I climbed up up up up up there and from up there looking down here this turtle was amazing because this whole day is super super shallow and you could just see this turtle he's basically walking he's not swimming walking on this mud and just going along slow and leaving a big dust trail in his path so I didn't get all the way to the top because I saw that turtle and I want to run back down for whatever reason I left my camera down here but everything that I can see from up on that rock is shallow which is a does not bode very well the trophy unfished fog trout probably all you can hear is the wind it's a little bit mushy in there it's like something find a fancy shop does it so this is flat what how many days - one day yesterday two days two days preserved it's a little bit moist on the inside so it's kind of like okay well Gucci yes it's got like kind of a mushy texture on the outside is really hard the insides mushy even though that outside skin is hard though like it's still trouble yeah for sure right like it's not so like you just peel it off to throw it away it's weird we've come to the conclusion that we maybe should have butterfly the the trout just to have it more exposed it's probably fine it seems like it's more cooked than then smoked so when you do that maybe you want to debone it with something if we didn't do we just kind of let it hang but you can pull the backbone all the way out and open it up which will expose more of the meat to the smoker so keep that in mind if you do decide to try it I just threw it back on this now just on the rack to finish it off so if nothing else at least we preserved it without a refrigerator for two days so just to smoke keeping the bacteria off the fish and and the blowflies off the - so you in the picture what do you mean will you eaten back there you bury beaten fish or something yeah you are he is eating them there you go it didn't spoil and then you can just finish it off like that if you mess it up it's still not wasted we ate we're still eating the whole thing anyway now show me the catch of the day after the day biggest biggest parts of the lake the biggest dirtiest perch that is a big dirty perch yeah probably looks big with its weight in front of me but oh yeah you know you have to hold it way out it's a big big perch for this little lake anyway so I look really happy about it no I wish I wish it wasn't too bad lake or bad fish for this way yes because they don't belong here yeah a couple of coats [Applause] so here's a glimpse of our productivity for today and yesterday we got perch we have some brook trout one two three four five six and then we have some bivalves five hours five hours bivalves over there and then we've got some small perch over here we've got quite a bit 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and we could get an unlimited amount of buy vows as we found a treasure trove in that shallow bay and we have our ready-made cooler over here which cools boil down water and it's a good sink for washing up in so all in all pretty good chaos trading jobs I guess is totally chaotic we got hurt Brook throws clams and mussels on the boil you also got one gets popped open right a snow mussels now that clan and I muscled I found new I am two clams you know that yeah lie down right there yeah this case is tough to drive your light okay so work all the way yeah all right and Brookings you're in tinfoil I want to do in men that muscle we can show how to do it our clam and you get fired to some narration one up here I have glove and are they okay well this one's already open so we are do not acquitted by the point where you get you later oh yeah that one open myself so there's usually a detachment point the adductor muscle you can see this benefit most if you show it to the camera I think it was right there yeah a little around circle so you got to get you in if it doesn't open up you got to get your knife in there and and cut it with your knife once it opens a little bit there's one of the fun in the back or just go this the one just one side just the one side whether it goes at the other side I think and then once that's open up then we can try it right scoop it up a fry it yeah so here's the this is the guilt you don't even go partner is the foot right um he says uh skip which call them the maybe are low no Llanelli so they're there from after today I know I can't remember that's a female that no no it's just like the two folds on the side if you call it Olivia yeah or it might be part of the mantle right like the mantle secretes the chemicals that make up the hard shell so this is might be the edge of the mantle you know of all the things we collected today this was the easiest yeah sure and we could make a living off of eating just because there's literally piles of them and that Bay here until we ate them all until we did them all which apparently is possible to do yeah there are lots of endemic species and extinct and endangered ones down so you think the boiled ones would have open like that yep I think so so they they're actually the whole pieces of them are falling right out of their shell and just floating around loose in here so that would be easier way to do it and rather than steaming it yeah yeah well see how these guys are all cooked and shriveled up already yeah these ones here are still pretty raw so they they died and they like the muscle relaxed so they were partly open right these guys here is there you can almost probably eat it because that came to a boil so they're probably you could probably eat them but we're going to fry them a little bit good yeah with a notion when you eat the whole thing right Kayson said something about taking it just parts of them but so now it's going to look like a otters mid meat here this would be very over racking I'll have to check back in with a report on how they pay yep Casey said they probably tasted like mud so they came from an ice cream cart as a crystal all right so we got what butter butter and garlic in there yep everyone's going to go same time yeah three go ah hot gooey good woody ready good did anybody get any sand yep Oh scared to get an ID okay I didn't get anything so I would so I win jackass does feel good well it's in butter and garlic first gonna taste good kinda bland by the way I'm eating other garlic yeah oh there okay there is some grit um computers way around that but I mean mine is not much great people say put them in a bucket of clean water and they'll purge oh look they're probably got these guys in the bucket of spring water these are fine totally fine don't you keys again oh that's what we say now when we're not keeping our guts out maybe we'll feel differently in the morning well it's gonna be a long walk out of us to be going on the lake and get some more my in the picture yep I'm probably dark nope nope they all fire lit hold the camera for you so maybe these are good because we got them from a cold running streams from this system but some people said they taste like mud right or you said they take as I said that yeah there's a book I don't find it this time I already use again yep a little bit of grits good for you anyway right cleans your teeth in your gut oh it's a good one luck so we should have been eating these every day maybe she left the damn throw room all right round number two dig in it's not really white class type going to say that yeah what usually means the more minerals and bugs and yep happens one what tapes are getting bigger yeah notice that the younger ones have pink [Music] carrot is out if you were worm would you be scared if that came like we should be scared I saw opposite [Music] it's a knockout day today so I've loaded everything on the boys stuff at the other end goes north so when they move campus up it just bought over here because it pretty wise decision I have a water spring down there for the great white noise and supply the best that ever cleft trip this one like maybe systems are so busy so tired pretty great I'm going to load up going on go meet the guys will have some breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh-oh I'm not saying that I'm saying it's already ready to go take a look in smoke [Music] [Music] is a much deeper bed of coals there than I would've imagined [Music] I'll sit in the water [Applause] oh geez notice this birch trees dripping sob I guess there's a little hole in it somewhere oh I know why there's a hole in it you know what as a hole in it now so we're gonna put a pot under it and catch some some water are we going to say why there's a hole in it uh so in the morning we were going to fire a rifle shot because Kris was sleeping on the other end of the lake so we know we're awake so at Jason shot this tree but that neither one of us thought about it when we were seeing that stop dripping initially you think that we've got all that it's running right now because it seems kind of late in the spring for there to be this much SAP so usually they stopped after the main run is done they run right after the Maples right so usually when your maples stop your birches start so we top coaches at the college and make syrup juice in Topsham this year and made birch beer we're late May now right yeah yeah but when you look up these trees are like they're just starting to bite out right now you can probably zoom right in on some of those branches if you hold it steady if you're starting to bud up so I guess this is still going in pretty good trickle yeah yeah you can see actually it's just coming from right here just from this injury we'll get a drink anyway yes well little parting gift from our campsite that's warm and slightly sugary tritak might be a little bit of oatmeal in there still a little hint oh into sugar in there huh I smell like maple sap but it's like the sugar is there this is kind of late season that's usually when I top it it's colder up so the tops usually cold then it is a little more refreshing this is kind of I don't know what this is how to describe that you go off to boil it right you could turn it into syrup yeah if you boil it down the ratio is eighty to one so it's a lot of SAP to mixer but it's safe to drink it out to purify coming over the tree yep nope this one's been filtered by however many meters of root and then two and a half meters of trunk probably as filtered as it gets so no bacteria in it while there might be some tree bacteria right just from it hitting the tree trunk as it comes down yeah there might be some bacteria in the tree but I don't think it's clear it's not like it's equal eye or anything right that you pick up from dirty living habits so we decided that on the way back out we try to get to limit at road if we could so we're going to walk up slower than we came in and hit these little pools so everybody's rigging up we got a little pocket over here we're going to try straight down in there [Applause] you [Applause] some of these are a little shallow we got to find the deep one so they won't all have good sized trout in them but so we find a really good spot to try coat tickling right underneath this undercut Bank here it goes in a leg deep so on when the Sun gets nice and high the truck don't feel safe so they'll hide down on this undercut Bank here I'll show you you can see right great right under here the tread will hide on the high water but I kind of spooked them so yeah I can't even reach my arm under there to grab anything and Jason tried a few cats but oftentimes the throat won't come out during daylight early morning and late nights just under that Bank here catch another one because I missed that one [Applause] [Music] oh yes oh yes blooper reel yeah yeah so yeah come closer can you get the world view so you see that log there it's right underneath that there's a sharper log so there's a log line here and there's a log line there under the bank you can't see it under the second log that is near the bank down to that log that I can't see any more ice coming no I can't any more [Music] yeah I thought your I would I would have done it yeah I was down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I notice how soccer baseball kind of the it's kind of the the story for this trip I've never seen them so small yeah that when population went up it's been harder they're doing although hard yeah okay if they think this is an escape route keepo keepo i missed it well that's what they're going to go so here are they going to come back up I went through the whole they way they went through here no they went under this I did this understand here mr. an all get right here many have said that the journey is the destination this no doubt fits for many cases but in our case if that were really so in our destination was arduous and unforgiving but maybe that was it maybe that is what made this trip worthwhile and set it apart from a more simple trip one would the journey merely required us to drive park and unload and camp steps from the edge of our vehicle maybe the mystique of the trip was born out of the sheer effort it required can be the whole line in total our chip would need 10 hours of total dredge down and then back up the headwaters of a shallow log cold Creek by doing so it put us into territory for which there were only likely a handful of previous visitors that in and of itself was something [Music] and with no guarantee it was a risk we knew nothing for certain about puddle lake for what it was this trip could have been nothing more than three men hauling and dragging two canoes and their gear down and up a small creek but it wasn't it was more than this it was an adventure born out of a hope of something great it reached fell short but still delivered upon its promise this trip didn't bring the monster birth coach Jason thought for the easy fish limit I had my eyes set on give me a second yeah but Jeremy had finally landed his first brook trout out of a lake and that was something he could never forget [Music] he's gone border my happy yeah Miami [Music] all right it's always a treasure to pull a native brook coat out of the water no matter its side to rebel and its vibrant colors and to be nourished by it [Music] you all like that garbage personally [Music] yeah I mean the results peak right it's just a little too shallow or too sunny [Music] we were as one within a chain of forces there so vast that it is nearly incomprehensible as part of this link the role we serve in it is unmistakable our trip featured many skills and we all learned we made wild drinks from wintergreen and Labrador tea and drank straight from upwelling spring and snacked on cattail shoots we ate the flesh of perch freshwater clams deer and of course plenty of brook oh we ate by smoking baking frying boiling and with the help of a basic wooden skewer we ate well over fire [Music] as a parting gift you drink fresh sap from a birch we wasted nothing since nature provided us with the means to keep our meals fresh we spoil through cold spring water smoke and heat and when possible we kept our meals alive so that nature were protected some from decay by following nature's rules it did not abandon or punish us instead it gave us life and energy in return we were sure to leave it as we found it and disturb it as little as possible and also take back what refuse has been previously discarded the bigger one medium flag [Music] fine nature provided us with much in this trip and for that we owe our respect [Music] okay that's a yearling it's got no par marks and it's that big [Music] [Music] hi my name is Jeremy I'm one wild crafter on YouTube also famous in the auto leg saga which continues today just really excited to of Tom the puddle today I'm Jason I like to fish trout that's why I'm here this is all planted over yes we're going to set not Tiffin absolutely [Music] [Music] swimming the waiters oh they're back on Chris Stern for refund and honest room a cappella friends just most efficient or Peter birthday oh yeah there we go one troll to cast a stick hey four hours of for time you know if the real topic what do you got now for them forty feet it's on both our double deck replied all right here Rick you later this waiting for you let's make a Rosie let's get to 30 times I think though okay you might be done here all right [Music] are you ready yet well I bet that there's not a whole lot of perfect to accept in fed up with the presentation I could fill up the other night with my daughter okay and then I'm going to talk pretty shocking video going on July [Music] we really think is going awesome Christopher's up in purchase and good the 80 songs per gate what you got I decide which passengers but oh my god [Music] can you put that money into it ends up to the back - oh yeah good [Music] yeah oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] so we're just loading out here now and I'm at the bait station we left there fish I topped it up at one point I can see that my sticks I put on actually one of them looks like it's slightly disturbed I put it across like that so if any animal moved any of the sticks it would knock the whole thing down and it looks like something's been touching it but nothing ate it so maybe something walked by and bumped it or maybe it just fell off by gravity we'll never know oh we might know because the trail came up here is running and if the trail camera worked so at this point I'll arm show the video if any if nothing follows this that that means nothing happened so here it is everybody's worried about bears I especially try to make a big mess with stinky fish and guts to try to attract an animal so we'll now we'll find out whether or not the the fear is really warranted this is not to say that you shouldn't be careful with your your campsite and keep it clean we do keep our regular campsite clean but this is just to say that maybe you know it's a little bit irrational to be worrying about bears you want to go camping and go camping be smart about it and if you're smart about it you won't have to worry too much because finding an animal out here in the real north is it's quite difficult although I should say camping and campgrounds is far different you are more likely to encounter raccoons and even bears because they're habituated to people and they associate people with food but out here they don't associate people with food they still associate people with hunting and hunting pressure so anyway that that's all to say watch the video next if there's nothing that follows then no animal came in I don't have any triggers [Music] [Music] [Music] this isn't all planted over yes we can accept not to pin the Thunder today [Music] swimming the waiters oh they're back on [Music] server abundant and honest true make the fellow forensics we're just more fishy or feet and more efficient oh yeah there you go one throw too fast let's do it four hours of four times the real topic wait what are you got now for them 40 feet along those are double my dear relate to the wizard just waiting for loot at least like a loose disease time okay go look good you might be down here prepare right [Music] are you ready yet I bet there's not a whole lot of 52 except laquetta beautiful presentation I cut them up the other night with my daughter's cat and then I'm going to have pretty knocking degrees [Music] lying looks better the neighborhood plan okay that their dinners relieved if anything is do it welcome Kristen was up in purchase and German okay yeah don't [Music] forget what you got I decide which crafted this possible [Music] okay only two hands up the back you put oil [Music] yes Oh yet [Music] - totally [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey my goat [Applause]
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 2,174,525
Rating: 4.5560436 out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, back lake fishing, brook trout fishing, natural brook trout, bushcraft, camping, primitive skills, cooking over fire, primitive technology, secret lake fishing, speckled trout, wild edibles, survival challenge, adam shoaltes, northern ontario back lake, eating wild edibles, eating freshwater clams, eating cattail, cooking fish over fire, primitive food storage, wilderness survival, wilderness living
Id: uO2cUxvU5MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 58sec (11338 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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