$10 vs $1000 Beach Day! *BUDGET CHALLENGE*

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today we are going back to the beach but first we're gonna be playing human ring toss with this giant donut determine our budget because what is the fun in going to the beach without a budget challenge there is not there's no point there's no point the beach sucks without a budget let's get dingle dingy because you got the dingle and the jingle and then you want to be whoever goes first gets an advantage so uh we need to figure this out who's going first i have a trivia question what is the current temperature of the pacific ocean locally 65 32. i'm going to guess 31. below freezing yes dang it okay so we're going to do the ring toss i go first chris the second robert's third ow albert please take a face is class and then you can return back to dangerous the first person to make this ring on to aaron gets a thousand dollars the second person gets 500 the last person gets ten dollars only ten when you're gonna do a ten okay i have the right form form is very precise here this is the form all right here we go aaron don't move you look like a sad little nub over there oh that was all so close i think this is gonna take all right now we're going to speed it up until one of us gets it i need to flip the donut upside down that's the problem but then the sprinkles are gonna fall off a thousand dollars now it's up to jeffrey and i to determine who gets the second ice budget i don't want ten dollars thank you rob yeah oh i think i'm the biggest loser here we're into the store now to get our supplies chris 10 000 jeff i would love a ten thousand dollar beach day that'd be epic guys share this with every single person you know and then get us up to mr beast view so we can do ten thousand dollar budget challenge one million dollar beach budget day four hundred and billion three hundred seventy seven quadrillion thousand budget challenge to the moon all right let's go so we're headed to the store but we're taking a quick pit stop at starbucks and uh i'm gonna tell them that my name is blippi hi can i get a grande vanilla latte and then a bacon and gouda sandwich sounds good and what was your name flippy awesome we'll see around the corner for 28.80 thank you thank you you did it i did well walmart hi welcome to chili no we're at walmart oh feel this puffiest relaxation chair really yeah it's a 40 bucks what are you getting bro dude look how much fun they're having oh this would be very nice for like carrying my stuff to the beach a camping sofa dude look how much fun they're having except for it'll be just me on that couch ryan would you want to join me on a couch sure i need to make sure i'm having as much fun as possible at this beach i'm getting a frisbee a giant football and a giant kickball so i'm gonna have lots of fun okay so in order for me to have the best beach adventure you know i'm gonna go fishing we're gonna get this bad boy i'm gonna catch a giant great white shark with this guys i got this epic monster truck i got a bunch of epic stuff i'm gonna also fill this cooler with food and drinks it's gonna be lit i think the last thing i want to get is a surfboard and a beach umbrella some snacks i need some more snacks must have snacks more taste too always says guys check out this epic snack pack we got gushers screw by the foot and fruit rollers yeah guys we got some chips and dip we got some of this i think my snack pack is complete so i bought a bunch of stuff for the bee super fun i only spent 300 i left 200 on purpose so i can buy a surfboard at our local surf shop so that's what i'm going to do with this is my budget i bought a ton of stuff and i still have 400 left so i have no idea what i'm gonna do so we'll have to go to another store i spent my whole budget on this shovel good job wow i feel accomplished okay you did a lot of hard work today in this store all right let's load oh [Music] our buddies are complete let's go to the beach so i got this uh epic skin board and a bunch of like beach clothes so i'm gonna be all set he's gonna beach all set this is gonna be the best beach day ever [Music] we're here at ventura beach now it's time to set up our stuff and just have a really fun beach day first i gotta get into my beach clothes righteous dude now i'm probably the most prepared person for this beach trip [Music] this is the world's comfiest chair that i'm about to set up here it goes like that this goes here and that goes there this is where i'm gonna catch uh the shark from which will be my little lounge chair oh my gosh this is insane dude i am so comfy right now i got my hat to cover the sun so i could take a nap i think the tide's coming in the wall walls looking hard dude once i finish leveling this side out throw it up here we're gonna start bringing some of the sand this way make that wall nice and sturdy guys i have to install the fins on my surfboard i'm gonna go relax in my bunker and i'm gonna see if i can catch any waves my 500 setup is complete my third board just for a little later when i'm ready to go surfing it's right there i got all my toys set up a giant ball i got this thing which apparently launches 200 feet in the air so let's find out wow okay so it says 200 feet up in the air on the box but that was a pretty good fight i got my giant kickball this monster truck i think will drive on the water because these are foam so we're going to test it out a little later but when i want to go inside and relax and have some snacks i just step in here in my little insta pod i got my ships some dips some gushers and few roll-ups and some gatorade i'm actually quite parked right now so it's the perfect time to drink so in a minute i'm gonna get my uh white suit on i'm gonna go surf so it's gonna be lit bruh so i've been running into a few problems over here it's not always sunny in philadelphia don't forget a pump what'd you forget chris i forgot a pump in my defense i don't know spanish and i read this side and i don't know what a bomba is okay all right ryan's running to the store to get me a pump thank you ryan check this out without with my budget i got a coleman grill i will be cooking something on this today i might actually try and catch a shark and then cook the shark that's the ideal plan for my beach day okay and then over here i have this nice wagon so as you can see it's very nice you know goes over the sand very easily what are you doing you're ruining my beach day you're making it work that's my football at the beach the ball comes to you so don't worry about it well now that i got my cam mostly set up i think the first thing we got to do is uh catch a great white shark so that's what i'm going to do right now i know lots of you are doubting and i'd have to say that i am too we're on the same page there [Music] i think this thing will drive on the water should we go check it out all right let's see if this thing will go in the water so ty's coming in real quick right this is about as deep as i can get it i was going to dig it deeper but as i'm getting further further we're getting closer to the water level so all the sands very compact todd's gonna be coming in we're gonna push the sand up here build these walls up really high so the water won't be able to get into our little port here sounds like you got a lot of work to do bro we're relaxing over here while you're building you know what i'm having fun okay you don't need to have a lot of stuff to have fun so it's time to go fishing so this is my lure i picked the biggest one and this is basically just gonna act like a swimming fish in the water and then once the shark swings by he's going to be hungry and he's going to take a nice big bite out of this thing i think the most will catch from that casting distance is probably a sand crab okay i'm going to try this for at least three minutes if i don't catch anything i might have to uh call it a day so only three minutes you can't catch a fish in three minutes i'm just kidding i want to try longer than that i'm gonna get him oh i thought it was a fish okay i legit thought we're applying some wax to this this ball so i can go get hit in oh yeah nice and sticky by jeffrey getting a surfboard with his budget i actually get entertainment for my beach day because when he falls i'm gonna laugh there he goes go jeff go jeff i love that that's so fun jeff you caught away that was my first flip i've ever caught in my life i'm gonna be out here for a couple hours oh i think i got one i got one look at that he's really fighting i want to pull him in there he is look at him i got look i've dug a hole and i can sit would you like to take it have a seat ryan no i don't like having sandy jeeps i think it's lit all right do you think it's cool at least yeah also look at that cute little dog okay so we got my couches filled up so my setup is finally complete and i also am boiling some water so i actually got chili mac with beef macaroni with chili and beef let's pour this in here that's some hot stuff right there gotta close this for 10 minutes and then it should be ready to go i can't wait to eat my food i'm hungry so while my food is simmering i'm gonna go some skin boarding is it skin board or skin board oh it's a skin color i mean because you're skipping milk i i've tried this before and i fall all the time okay i'm a little worried about what's gonna [Music] happen [Music] all right we're almost done this is the official entrance of casa robb okay come over here you gotta follow the stair is not complete yet because it's probably not even packed that hard hey rob i think you're the winner honestly you know what took the whole day but it's very rewarding seeing this come to life i might not have as much stuff as chris and jeff do but i'm proud of my work here i think you're having the most fun what is that are you hungry it's a chili mac and cheese it sounds good but i'm okay this feels pretty homey not gonna lie i feel like patrick starr okay if i just had a huge rock to cover it i would practically be patrick starr hey no oh dude you got sand in my food you got sand in your beard bro i think that's salmon your food is at least sand is from nature therefore you can eat it don't worry just keep keeping me your food no hey rob you don't play frisbee go along bro guys it's time to test out my rocket i'm going to see if i can launch it and then catch it [Music] yeah jeff that was fun guys i need to have so much fun today so that ryan picks me that's the winner who had the most fun all right ryan it's your time to judge who you thought had the best beach day i feel like i have the best pizza because i caught three waves i got snacks and a simple easy setup for my stuff i feel like i had the best beach day i made this with my fair two hands i just feel so rewarded with my build i got to relax and i got to have some fun in it i invited some guests into it i had a great day i think i had the best beach day because i was very comfortable at the beach you know most time you get sand in your underwear there was no none of that for me you know lots of comfy places to sit i was able to have dinner i mean i didn't catch any fish but i caught one heck of an afternoon all right what it sounds like to me is you got a lot of sand in your food you caught a bunch of waste i got pitted whatever disease that is dude rob just like used his own manpower to build something beautiful it seemed like rob enjoyed himself the most i'm gonna maybe you should enjoy yourself better bro no well we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check it out i miss our other videos click here clicking i'm like here see ya
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,698,493
Rating: 4.9035082 out of 5
Id: dQNR0aQn86A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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