$100 vs $2000 Tiny House! *BUDGET CHALLENGE*

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[Music] today we're doing 100 versus 2 000 tiny houses and my puppy is determining the budget when our chinese are complete ryan our cameraman will be determining which tiny house is the best so in order to determine who gets to go first you guys have to answer one trivia question how long is my mustache two and three quarters calculating oh the figures in my mind three inches all right let's see how long this mustache is three inches oh i was correct that means i get to go first chris is second closest so he gets to go second barbara gets to go last we have three dog bowls and three signs with money amounts on it whichever dog bowl bear goes to first that is the dollar amount i get all right i'm gonna put bear down see where he goes go get a treat you're going away from the trees bud there you go here you have to go this way oh oh oh oh he's by the 100. he has to eat from the bowl oh do i get a hundred dollars gosh dang i get the worst budget so now we're going to take out the 100 budget two thousand dollars is still up for grabs so we have the other two dog balls in place and it is my turn for bear to choose bear don't let me down get the 2000 bud oh hey hey that's mine that's mine robert you get five hundred dollars i get a hundred chris two thousand big kahuna two thousand bear i knew you wouldn't let me down we're gonna head to the store real quick and we're gonna get ability we are at the new location ready to build we got our frames all built and ready to go jeff are you ready no okay bye chris are you ready i'm over here what are you doing over there oh anyways get building i got some sweet stuff i did forget a roof though that is on me but my budget ran out not my fault but i got walls gonna make a sick uh patio hangout spot gonna be super sweet all i have is a hundred dollars so i bought a bunch of cardboard boxes and i'm gonna have to blow it out of the water if i'm gonna win first place in this video so we'll see so i have a whole disneyland of materials over here it's just like disney dumps more like danger land i have a whole danger lane of materials here lots of stuff surfboard wood lots of bamboo i'm gonna be making an epic beach house and the surf will be up are you serious the surf is going to be up chris i don't know if you have looked around yet there is no beach anywhere that's a good point but i'm gonna be bringing the beach here just watch rob just you watch guys so i just i'm basically taping a bunch of uh cardboard to wood and that's all i'm doing it's very simple very straightforward but i hope i don't run out of duct tape that would be my one problem but we are really going to be focused on the design so when i get the wall stuff i'm going to add windows i'm going to add all sorts of stuff hey look listen this is eight feet it's gotta be six feet so we're cutting two off on all four sides robert shut up okay ah shut up all right jeff what are you doing screwing in cardboard it's easier than duct tape are you touching me is that part of your budget tools aren't included in the budget i'll let it slide i'm triggered though because look it's supposed to be up to here to this line not there and then i don't have to unscrew all these other ones i'm honestly really triggered at this build i'm going to destroy it with fire look how clean this looks you could do a lot of work by doing just two by fours stacking i take my dirt this looks clean don't not anymore hey jeff you know what that looks pretty nice over there too oh please don't destroy anything don't don't don't start stop putting holes in that's not cool roman police hey no that's a hey i'm glad the brother who mediates but i'm not gonna do it because it's funny jeff came over he started the war i finished it so i'm actually doing something pretty crazy because i did have a huge budget what i'm building right now is gonna be the foundation of my beach house so you know how beach houses are like lifted up that's what i'm doing right now so we need this to be able to support my entire house all of my decorations and myself so now we gotta lift this up this is already really heavy this is so heavy wow that's cool so this is how how tall my tiny house is gonna be i wanted to go for a more detailed look instead of just plywood and paint so i did some looking around it home depot this is what i found it's gonna look sweet putting on the supports here hopefully this is gonna be strong enough jeff actually isn't allowed on it because he's too fat anyways um it's already a lot more solid no it's not done yet should we test two people it works i think it's pretty strong i am currently adding little details to my fort so i have a handle that will go there and then i can open dang it i gotta figure out how to get this to stay in here but uh we're making progress also i made a little peephole so i can look out and see who's who's there that's my peephole it's pretty straightforward though we got a handle we got a door i'd say i'm far ahead of these guys the patio is coming on just fine so we made it six feet tall gonna put the remaining piece of wood that we have on top can you just cut that out for once what anyways it's gonna look nice nicer than just a little piece of turd cardboard [Music] hey jeff you can't hide from me a little turd so we got the supports done but the problem is i need to get the frame up here and i can't do it by myself so i'm gonna have to try and uh get the boys to help me out with that hey um robin jeff can you help me no jeff what do you want help with actually i don't care never mind i don't know shoot that's okay i have an idea jeff here i'll hold i'll hold the shade for you all right if you do this for 10 minutes i'll help you out if you fan me and hold block the sun out of my way for 10 minutes straight i'll help you okay make sure you keep blocking the sun okay bob you got it can i have some water no i'm feeling signs of heat stroke chris it's 60 degrees out i hired you to do this i didn't hire you to talk okay only speak when spoken too thank you yes master i'm currently cutting out my second window i think my house is going to win [Music] all right you're done chris yay wow that's sharp are you ready girl scout let's do it jeff careful it's a weak frame dude slide it dang look at this this is pretty nifty i haven't even started decorating yet it's turned down to little beach house so it's slowly coming together i got the walls almost on i need to get the back but i built the bamboo bench check this out nice and comfy oh yeah when i put on the roof my head's gonna be too tall all right i'll just sleep on it like this bring in the sand i have a bunch of sand that i'm putting underneath to give it that super beachy feel dude that's actually really satisfying to touch so i bought um 500 bags of sand with my budget just kidding not that much look i added some uh some leftover plywood and dude this is cozy you look cozy thanks bro i really should build a ladder in this thing i've got this giant wood this giant heavy what that just got a splinter okay so we're gonna put this like this and i'm gonna put a bunch of these and it's gonna stick out a little bit so we get some shade it's gonna look beautiful guys check out this epic cardboard roof i'm making you'll probably ask where did i get this wood from um i decided to take about 15 of my budget and just throw throw away those boxes and i'm going to use a little bit of wood instead so i can't use all my boxes now but i don't need all them so got the pieces of wood on for the final touch for the roof i have these palm leaves i'm going to put up here like so all right screw this on oh this is going to be so cool i'm so excited for this tropical house [Music] sup y'all we gotta name this bad boy uh i'm thinking uh no we're gonna go plain and simple the hut boom i finished my beach hut i'm gonna call it surf's up dude what are you trying to tell me this is a free country i can build on if i want hey you're ruining my tiny house wait honestly surprised i'm last to complete but my cardboard house is done i was first dude how did i build a legit two thousand dollar tiny house by the time you built a one hundred dollar love block here's the thing since i had only boxes i had to do lots of detail so i mean look at this i had to make all these little perforations but i'm gonna call this the hobo mansion so now ryan is gonna go tour each one and he's gonna judge and we're gonna see who's is the best all right jeffrey i'm gonna be judging your house first okay as you can see here we have a beautiful cardboard door you have to keep in mind something right i had a hundred dollars a hundred okay so they had more budget so use that in your mind so as you can see we have some windows you can put a little flower here we have two of them so there's one here as well we have a side garage you can put anything you want in this little thing here how do you get inside the garage it's a box you figure it out now it's time to head inside [Music] let's see the interior okay so as soon as your butt gets out of the camera have a seat on the couch let's see on the couch you like this nice couch here this couch yeah this is a couch yeah okay [Music] whoa oh bro zero comfortability point are you serious zero okay but look there's a cardboard floor here that's great oh yeah this is nice i like that you might make up for that oh let me test this [Music] really good really good cardboard okay hey this is confidential bro okay okay get out of here i don't know you ready jeff yeah now strength test hey ow [Music] what are you doing right dude oh the roof's good all right uh jeffrey i think that uh you have a very good chance of winning this competition thank you ryan on to robert's house all right ryan head on over to my humble abode look at this you got some nice outside seating a very all right and you must point that you're not falling through my house just like jeffrey's you're right this is solid and you know what the best part about this chair is this outside seating it's mobile when you want to go in inside and take a nap so ryan if you uh give me a just a moment and set this chair up what the heck can i come in though yes please come in here all right so if you want to just come and sit in this seat you got a nice what are you doing i think he's getting comfy how'd you get like that i don't know like this is your fault but as you can tell there's no draft and it's cozy what more could you want what's right there important information what is that what is that important information everyone takes notes their own ways okay all right rob did a good job on your two tests but are you ready for the third one the strength test all right here we go oh sturdy it is dirty okay yeah even that held up pretty well too this one gets some really good points for strength right on it's time for the final home we saved the best for last as you can see i put a lot of effort into the detail because it's all in the detail uh we got some nice sand some palm trees surfboard this is two thousand dollars yeah it's made of sticks sticks dirt plants which is the only good thing going for you that's bamboo sticks bamboo nice sticks so uh how do i get in the entrance so you just go like this or you could just you know ride the tide in with your surfboard just slide right in i'll help you right there you go uh i do have to say i'm gonna have to knock you down one for that entrance it's uh not very convenient well anyways we got this nice bamboo bench why don't you give it a try oh ow what the heck is this dude you drama queen i'm so uncomfortable well do you like beach balls here what the heck is this what you do to all your guests you make them sit on your your stick bench that's uncomfortable i can't even fit my head in here i'll work so hard on this you know i do gotta say though beach houses are doing really really well on the market right now you can get some good cash for this i like that this hut i like that a lot see you know i take my two thousand dollars and i turn it into two thousand and one dollars so uh are you are you okay time for the strength test i'll throw the beach ball at him [Music] killer gorillas this is definitely going to affect market value i gotta say you all had really great houses but i think that rob has the best one yes the only one i didn't get hurt in or attacked by killer gorillas it's an obvious choice ryan put it here pal good doing business wow well we hope you enjoyed this video chris sure didn't uh and make sure you click here for the previous video click here for the video youtube recommends click in the middle to subscribe and we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 5,800,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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