$10 vs $1000 EXTREME BBQ Challenge! *BUDGET BATTLE*

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today we will be competing in a barbecue budget battle whoever eats their fruit well the fastest with no hands gets the highest budget okay ready three two one go [Music] go [Music] it's slipping hurry up i can't do it oh christian making you come back i think i think we know who's going to be the winner [Music] number one i get the highest budget jeff gets the second buddy first gets the third bro how'd you do that so fast you use your tongue let's go to the store get our buddy barbecue supplies our first stop is home depot we're going to see if we can find some grills maybe some other cooking supplies but then we'll head to walmart for everything else so let's go i need to get the cheapest barbecue possible so that way i can get more food because this is gonna be judged so i need to make my food extremely tasty in order to win this here's the cheapest barbecue it's 29 but i need to get charcoal which is 15. looks like i can't get i'm gonna have to make my own fire we are now at walmart because i need to get something on a budget so that's why i'm here so hopefully i can find a cheap barbecue 147 114 even the smallest girls 114 dollars i can't afford that but to do what to do well i found this the waffle maker nine dollars so i'll have forty dollars for like food and stuff and spices and all that maybe this will work i'm gonna make some waffle burgers first ever waffle burgers look at all this fresh ingredients it's gonna be delicious absolutely delicious currently on the freeway we're heading to this place called gwen we're getting this really expensive meat called wagyu hopefully i can cook it well we're here at gwen in north hollywood picking up our steak for our challenge today we're gonna be picking from one of these [Music] dang that is insane this is the most expensive one we're the only emperor in the u.s that carries blackmore wow that's insane that's the one we're going with at 129 a pound it's crazy dude is that one is that a pound oh no wait no it's like three oh that's 2.8 wow so that's 226. oh wow 226 bucks for a steak we better kick this okay don't mess up all right we're putting the uh the wagyu right on the ice so that's gonna keep it nice and cool until we get back today on danger chef three chefs three budgets let's meet the contestants my name is jeff gordon ramsay and i have no culinary experience i can make a sandwich one time i failed at making kraft mac and cheese i think i'm definitely winning today my chef name is chef boyar chris um i can make cereal my chef name is rob fieri do i think i'm gonna win the competition all i'm gonna say is i got a really expensive cut of meat i made my own original dish and i'm gonna be making waffle burgers it's using cutting edge technology waffle maker smack that meat in there cook it for eight minutes good to go i have like little to none culinary experiences but i bought a cookbook because i've been watching a lot of great british baking show and masterchef so i've been learning from the best of the best let's go all right chefs the competition is about to begin 30 minutes start now oh this is gonna be fun so first we're gonna do our prep work for our vegetables waffle maker turning it all the way up to max speed this isn't gonna take too long to cook i just gotta cook it for eight minutes plop it on a burger why is this not starting bro we just gotta wait for this to heat up once it's ready it's gonna light up green and tell me it's ready so first i'm gonna be uh prepping some ingredients we need two tablespoons of butter guys i am not that great of a cook so i'm really quite nervous here but you know what i think we're gonna pull through if we follow the recipe where like is chris i don't even see him he's gone i guess we can pop open these baby reds and uh start chopping them here's where you've been dude you've lost five minutes part of cooking is time management i unfortunately did not have enough money for silverware or any kind of utensils don't push me bro sorry oh shoot wait i didn't get a knife to cut the tomato i'm gonna have to karate chop it gotta dice some onions right now very very thin slices we're air drying this folks we don't have one of those lettuce dryers so we just gotta fling the water everywhere chris stop what stop cleaning i'm trying to get i'm trying to dry it off i'm not very good at slicing onions this is how you do it i think i'm doing it right i'm not worried i've got great time management for my dish nothing to worry about we're now ready to put the burger so we just plop it in there gonna cook both sides evenly at the same time good by the time it's time to taste your dish is gonna be cold oh dude this is smelling delicious look at that sizzle jeff i think you're smelling my stuff it may look like i really know what i'm doing but i actually don't so we chopped our potatoes we actually didn't end up using all of them we're gonna throw them up into the pan and uh it's gonna be real tasty i'm about to slice my tomato with karate i saw this on spongebob ow that hurt keep your hand and follow through yeah again ew again you got two energies over here i guess oh i dropped it on the floor i got your tomato on i also think i broke my hand oh look at that that is a nice waffle burger where's my salt beautiful where's the sauce delicious what is it salt bro oh here we go stop oh my god what are you you're taking my stuff rubber we're sharing stop stealing my stuff you can't use anymore i stuff oh i should have gotten an oven mitt shoot that's gonna be hot i hope this wind doesn't affect the flame i'm adding a little bit of flavor uh gourmet burger seasoning this thing is gonna have lots of seasoning and i think that's the way that i'm gonna win with the judges this is going not well i don't think i don't even know what i'm doing over here i can't tell if that's on or not i did my steaks all right chef tell us about your dish this is a waffle burger as you can see wow waffle style burger but i'm curious to see how the texture the waffle texture adds to the flavor of the burger that's a good point that's a good point wow that is so delicious i must say i'm quite impressed with the look of the burger for a small budget this is very impressive if i get food poisoning you're gonna hear from my mom it looks pretty interesting i'll leave it at that uh kind of surprised about the lack of uh shall we say dairy products excellent point yes i mean what's a burger without cheese what's peanut butter without jelly exactly did i forget cheese exactly all right we are getting ready to put this thing on the grill we're now seasoning the steaks i have the biggest responsibility right now i don't know how much to salt it to be honest it just said generously enough but also i heard that you shouldn't salt it too much so that's good for that side oh there's a reason i'm doing this uh-oh i have reasons because i don't think my pan heat is hot enough it needs to be hotter what seems to be going on here jeff jefferson what happened to your grill they look a little under done mate i know it doesn't seem professional it's because my pan heat isn't hot enough it's not cooking like quick enough so i need to get the pan closer to the heat so that's why i took the paint off i'm looking forward to having some steak with my pepper no it's a perfect amount of pepper yeah don't worry all right chef rob what seems to be the problem um the flame under my potatoes keeps going out you haven't even started cooking your steak it's so hot it's left it's not hot you gotta get that piece of meat on that grill all right we're gonna do that meet justice oh my god oh my god don't worry they're they're clean they're clean butchers across america we do not support or condone what is happening with this steak right now all right we're cooking for five minutes we're letting it sit gordon ramsay needs to watch this video and he would call you a donkey bread who has bread we need to make an idiot sandwich right now what are you doing a sandwich you're gonna start a fire jeff i think it's almost done i'm not gonna lie it feels really nice being done first um all of my stress levels have lowered i'm pretty sure this steak here is done you should use your thermometer no you'll see all i need is the visual of the perfect done steak are you guys sure you want to trust your health with like jeffrey here i don't care if it looks good if it gives me food poisoning the good news is that you won't know who gave you food poisoning because you'll be eating it all raw fiery over here got the most expensive budget and literally his steak's not even cooked one percent yet oh what are you doing what the heck i need my grilling back on it's fine you should have left it on i don't know i need more heat i need more heat don't start that do not light that on fire the whole thing is going to go up in flames there's oil all over it so what we got like no time left this steak is barely cooked i got nothing cooked this is the prime example of why simple is always best all right we're flipping oh baby look at that [Music] this is supposed to be sizzling dude this is not sizzling all right we're gonna pull off the steak now oh my gosh look at that all right chefs time is up [Music] chef boyar chris please bring your dish to the judges i'm really sorry but i think these might be as cold as rocks chef it looks like you're missing a key ingredient here there's lack of dairy isn't there lack of dairy um and pickles didn't have enough money for those and i also hate pickles so i would not put that on my burger your tastes aren't our taste exactly shall we cheers cheers so uh it tastes like a cold hamburger what about the flavor what do you think about the flavoring it's a bit overdone a bit is a bit generous yeah it uh sticks to your mouth like gravel i think the dryness overwhelms the flavor all right chef thank you for your dish and we'll uh we'll let you know the results i'm happy with that i was expecting worse oh he eaten all right chef jeff please approach the table uh one question i have immediately off the bat is um in what part of the world do they eat grace steaks um i appreciate your criticism chef sorry a question i'm asking you something sir um they don't they look brown to me have you ever gotten tested for color blindness they're light they're light brown but they're still brown chef chef please explain to us your presentation um why did you decide to put the knife as the focal point of your dish uh a little russia towards the end my sauce didn't reduce as much as i would like it to a little liquidy and the knife is actually supposed to be right here chef i will say just looking at it makes me feel queasy i am scared uh i haven't called my mother yet to tell her that i might be dying soon well should we meet our maker let's do it oh it smells terrible oh jeff that smells so bad disgusting is it that bad that's pretty bad i don't even want to try it you have to try it dude i did it dude i did it no i spit it out disgusting chef jeff another question i have is this something that you would eat for yourself absolutely chef yeah you would it's delicious i promise you this is the most delicious steak in the middle of town why take a small bite you couldn't even put it in your mouth you can even put your own creation in your mouth get this out of my sight you disgust me get out of here all right chef rob please bring us your dish so chef i really enjoy the presentation here it's quite pretty the pattern of the cutting board is beautiful the steak has a nice color unlike that gray filth we ate earlier i like how you position the asparagus it's very bright as well it adds uh a bit of spring to a gloomy gloomy day because that's steak it's a nice touch chef good job all right shall we do the first cut let's do it very tender wow all right i'm impressed let's take a look at the inside looks very undercut that is very rare it's raw it's roomy i was excited at the tenderness but i think it might have just been it's undercut i don't know if this is edible you know what rob as a respect to you and your craft i will try i'm gonna try a tiny bite i will as well we might actually die though all right let's uh here just got this you want to split it in half show you cheers all right uh here goes nothing dude that's actually good my boy come here you made me proud with this steak so chef i think we should start at the beginning chris's burgers you know you have to give him credit he cooked with a waffle iron he did he did cook with the wall fire and his budget was low but with 50 bucks dude like he could have put some cheese on some pickles on he could have gotten some special sauce like they're doing a lot with 50 i'm a little disappointed that he took the easy way out a big mistake that's hard to overlook for sure moving on to jeff i think jeffrey should be incarcerated for that abomination he tried to just give him give him life it was disgusting no chance of pearl and then finally the wagyu the peace day resistance i will say a little undercooked but it was still good okay it was undercooked i guess this is something that we have to think about the steak is too is so good by itself did it take any effort to even cook that thing i think this leaves us with a very tough decision chef it's tough but i think we both know who the winner is all right let's go let them know all right chef chris i have to tell you congratulations and i'm sure ever and serving me the worst burger i've ever had no cheese no cheese unforgivable go get out chef jeff honestly we were really um impressed with your effort and we were even more impressed by your lack of any kind of skills in the kitchen we're so disappointed in you you're fired from the danger bros get out robert bobertson shake my hand that was the best steak i've ever eaten in my life sir it was amazing it was like you slaughtered the cow here and cooked it on the spot because it was that undercooked but you still tasted okay i think it's clear you are the danger yes champion whoa we'll really hope you enjoyed today's video click right here for a previous click right here for a video youtube recommends visually for you click right there to subscribe and we'll see in the next one video
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,044,188
Rating: 4.8821464 out of 5
Id: 3P7FpiQhWYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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