Last to Say No to Magic 8 Ball WINS! *EXTREME*

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today we're doing the last to say no wins magic 8-ball edition we have three tiers of punishments we're gonna start with tier three which are gonna be good punishments we're not gonna be terrible and eventually we're gonna go to tier one punishment which are gonna be absolutely game breaking for the prize the last person to say no gets two insanely sick epic gaming monitors for our new gaming channel let's get dangie to decide who's going first we're playing rock paper scissors rock paper scissors shoot guys check out this production value here this costed 400 for this piece of paper robert go ahead i'm scared there's also some punishments nice i got mine shot of vinegar oh that's so that's the thing what will the magic eight balls absolutely yeah absolutely so that means robert absolutely will be taking a shot of vinegar unless he wants to give him the prize and just give up where's my shot oh that sounds like a manly man right there dogma man robert come here shake my hand i would have screamed and ran away if i got that punishment you're not a man he's not a man man i am a dog pour the vinegar into the shot glass look at lil grogu that's actually a pretty big shot class rob i'm feeling pretty bad for you right now that is a massive shot glass oh i need that i need i need that i need a chaser let me chase it what's the chaser the seven up chases the vinegar oh so she drinks it and then he's a lot of drinking afterwards that means that he likes it jeffrey's turn my turn to pick from tier three when these are gone we're gonna go to tier two e triple x flaming hot cheetos one full serving wow yikes just go dude you made so many bubbles you can't even read it so it shall be yes it's literally on fire right now jeff is the worst with spicy my taste ones are destroyed so these are really yummy one here he goes three four five your faces training six he's sweating seven eight nine eight come on this is done one well look at the tightest ones dude i'm picking on the top 14 that's a big boy 16. i'm getting hungry just seeing jeff like eating mm-hmm there's a lot of spice on that one wait 21. how do you feel jack it's pretty hot but this is tier three punishment tier one is gonna be a lot worse crap what is it wet socks for the rest of the video unlikely shoots here we go my turn once again yes what ryan compliments me for 15 seconds please i want some compliments from ryan no no it says this no straight up and oh here's a free one rob you're a good man thank you ryan hike to the top of the mountain oh my goodness so shall it be yeah we got that one last time yes jeffrey you have a nice hike to the top of the top of the mountain all right young mud runner yonder that way go on your journey young jeffrey i have to walk up this darn hill in the cold luckily that the rain has stopped temporarily jeff go faster it says hi grandpa hi mina about time i'm back for my adventure chris you are up i hope you finally get one oh i like this one punch why do you get it what you may say no it makes you can't have it hey paul give me the passion [Music] i get to save this past punishment for when i need it the most all right rob's picking his punishment shoes on opposite foot for the remainder of the video you know what that's not bad that that might be painful after a while no i got pretty straight feet so why is it show a selfie again but magic 8 ball doesn't like me and rob how's it feel little it doesn't hurt because my toes go like this into the shoe it just feels weird now you look like you have your feet on backwards all right it's your boy jeff a fuzz turn punishment punishment go sing on a busy street corner that was your idea too he hates public embarrassment positively let's go to a busy street it's time what was your song choice i'm gonna sing only girl in the world by rihanna make me feel [Music] make me feel like i'm the only girl in the world my god the only one you'll ever love hardcore encore encore twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are [Applause] [Music] what is it it says egg your own house dude please magic balls ship your hair punish him you have you haven't let me down yet quick it says shall it be we have to be very quiet okay after i throw these everybody scrambled i get it no i have to eat my own house do you go [Music] i don't like you i wish i'd never lived in you don't i can't believe i'm doing this it smells like breakfast over here rc car joy ride that's a punishment guys we have a 70 mile an hour rc car and you can have go have some fun with it in the back if you if it says itself yes rob your 15-minute joyride starts now dude this is such an awesome punishment [Music] now it's jeffrey's turns we're gonna head inside and continue the punishments jeffrey jeffrey jeff i'm running out of punishments in tier three it's gonna be moving on up my team does not feel good difficult ones lunch yay i love ones i buy eight five people absolutely i'm happy to buy my team lunch i love them me too we love you i'm happy that i get free lunch me too thank you so we're at taco bell i got a uh taco party pack for everyone thank you jeffrey for the lunch tacos crab two water bottles in less than one minute very very light all right i got it very funny i will start the timer when the fur when the water bottle hits your mouth oh no tier two there's none left in the one so we're here we go with two tier two is work gets left with a flower sock looks like yes shoot all right robs ow [Music] all right slap me i don't want to get slapped by collision five star glizzy ah i got juiced in my ear get the glitzy the stars don't do that don't let's go turn james into short this is the only pair of pants i have snip snip this star say no road attack i do not want to the drone is going to be flown into me with the propellers it's going to hurt a lot so it shall 50. anywhere of your choice wait oh no it starts yeah it goes right back in there peanut butter gloves for the rest of the day whoa that's going to be uncomfortable all over the place that's probably good that's probably good he's not gonna have enough room for his hand put them on your hands i can't even get my hand past this first thing the sound ew yeah that's a weird thing i feel like like you don't really want a chunky person you know the only downside is it's getting under my fingernails my turn have fun 50 dollar gift cards anywhere of your toys you don't get it don't be excited yet absolutely yes i finally get a punishment ow it's just a peanut butter you're gonna punch me fifty dollars fifty dollars fifty fifty dollar visa gift card oh no rip open a feather pillow inside your car focus and ask in focus focus the stars say though wow moving on is this one autograph you someone oh that means that person that he chooses has to shut up for 15 minutes i hope it's you hope it's you how could you humble you how about you the stars say no looks like jeffrey my turn to drink out of the cup of life go get your favorite dessert dude how do you keep getting punishment so if you're not supposed to have fun you can count on it i forgot a mask i have to wear a jacket on my face pretty pebbles christopher it is now your turn rc car rampa tech that means if he has to do it we drive an rc car off a ramp it hits him they're punched with chris see what it says so it shall not be all right i'll wait here wait wait dab step just wait no no no no chris got hit in the head grab your punishment cross the bridge backwards we built a sketchy bridge on a tree fort he's gonna have to carry backwards that's scary dude no doubt about it all right big boy be careful oh my god dude that bridge is scary you're halfway there you're halfway there you got this rob he made it one small step for rob one big step for the danger bros solitary confinement for 30 minutes yes this is even better than being muted for 15. give me the ball come on all right jeff head on in there and i'll start the timer where's the solitaire oh there's yeah there's not going to be any cards where he's going um go ahead and lock it jeff the time starts now dang jeff it's only been five seconds how do you feel we will be back here to give you your next punishment by the way you still get punishments 30 minutes ain't so bad you know i mean the prisoners will spend days in solitary confinement i still have my past punishment which is good because we're moving on to tier one punishment that's one shape save your face slash hair if no beard absolutely rob's gotta shave his stash hello let's think about this real quick no i can't do it rob are you serious yeah i'm not doing it well rob is officially the first loser so that means it's between me and jeff to see who gets the ultimate gaming shut up what was that nothing nothing ultimate gaming monitor it sounds really good hey quiet down there good boy all right jeff um open up you still have to stay in there but here's the tier one punishment for you jump in the shower with your clothes on by the way rob is out he lost he didn't want to shave his mustache jeff you want to know you don't have that likely it's unlikely that i will not do it i'm out of here bye you know what i'm just kind of liking you because in here i'm safe from punishments and safer people like you he's not safe from punishment he just thinks he is since i'm out i'm taking these off let's look at the aftermath all right tier one punishment coming up eat a super spicy chicken wing that's all the hot sauces from walmart on one chicken wing so shall be or shall be unlikely or [Music] a positively bit of that [Music] that's enough of that one and lastly you got some chili powder that is some intense smell dang look at the colors in there oh boy all right chris are you nervous i'm picking up the hot wheels are you nervous i feed this whole thing yeah oh no i'm just gonna take one bite and just wait and see how hot it is and then i'll eat the rest indulge my friend how hot is that oh hot is it i just swallowed it [Music] well it does burn my mouth a little bit overall it's not that not that bad jeff your time is up and you also um have to pick a new punishment give david a back massage with no shirt on turn around not so fast buddy do i have to film this oh my gosh so it's such a hard day you know no david you've been working really hard and uh i appreciate all your work can you go a little lower yeah i can do that for you some more yeah there we go thanks man oh run over phone with your truck pros [Music] dude this case is a pro dude all your legs my lenses are fine wow it's time for me to take my final punishment because chris's next punishment is going to make him say no and he's out i have a passport he's done so jeff you're done bro eat a gross glizzy oh my gosh the stars say no luck ow looks like this is the last one the last melon barrel rolled down the hill chris roll the flipping eight ball you nub no he doesn't have to i'm passing it to you you roll that ball fine looks like yeah oh what does that mean all the way what we'll show we'll show the viewers so everyone gets a clear picture and their minds come on all right jeff you're gonna have to crawl inside this barrel and do this the answer is drum roll no you win you win dang chris gets the two call it two monitors for his gaming room that is going to be coming to a channel near you so since i'm the winner i got my monitors and that's literally everything i have but stay tuned we will be filming our gaming rooms with more stuff very soon hope you enjoyed this video and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 5,390,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YFp5XkANv7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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