Our Wives TRAPPED us in their UNBREAKABLE Box!

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today our wives are gonna be designing an unbreakable box that chris and i are got to figure out how to break out of if we cannot break out we have to stay in there for 24 hours and then we can leave we have no idea what crazy ideas our wives will come up with so this is going to be our toughest challenge yet oh what's that wesley oh he says you're going down i don't think your baby brains can build anything i don't think your baby can build anything let's go shopping so we're at home depot and they said whatever we point out we get to buy we need all of this metal they're gonna have fun breaking out of that we're gonna put them in a ballerina tutu pink unbreakable box wait we should paint some flowers on it too i like the way you're thinking so this might sound kind of odd but we're gonna buy a ton of stuffed animals so that the boys can't swing inside the box so we're going to get a lot of stuffed animals baby yoda shark doo doo doo doo video i'm happy [Music] what's going on guys so we want to discuss the plans we have for the unbreakable box okay what do you think it's gotta be metal it's gonna have barbed wire it's gotta have chains change oh it's gonna be pink wood it's gonna have lots a little bit of them you know it's gonna have pillows maybe a fart bomb a lot of comfy stuff definitely pink rope and uh make it very cute cute dangerous cute and dangerous yeah yeah i can make it happen yay all right we're all done what do you guys think it's perfect i think we just need a few more finishing touches and then it's complete [Music] we are all done um this whole hair is only for safety they can't break out of it they have to break out any of the other side walls let me show them i think they're gonna like it okay come in wow this is cute this is the cutest box i've ever seen did you use like butterflies and rainbows yeah and that's exactly why you're gonna be stuck in it yeah right you know what i already see like 500 flaws with it danger babes are back that's what they think all right well let's uh let's hop in there okay all right so we don't break out we're gonna be stuck in here for 24 hours this is cute wow you got some stuffed animals in here check out the slime don't mess up the stuffed animals i want them after you want them after yeah i'm going to put a hole wait so what's our first weapon your fist really how about we use mr fluffy as our first weapon honey so every five minutes we're gonna give the boys a trivia question and if they get it right they get a weapon upgrade all right well let's see if we can kick it small down it's loud in here about working maybe you should grow some [Music] dude we're muscles full force both of us into the wall it's not moving well you like bite us by like there's no cracking there's no breaking ah dude they got the good plan cracking there's no breaking what are you looking at oh this is jillian's favorite it's been five minutes here's your first two video questions what did i wear to our drive-in movie theater date what oh wait driving movie theater oh come on jeff you gotta get this i don't know how am i supposed to address i don't know all right so i don't get my first upgrade weapon this is such a shame are all the questions going to be this difficult so the goal is to keep you in the box well i saw the chance what's my trivia question what animal am i currently obsessed with um currently currently it's a what is it called i forgot what does it look like all right so we get our first weapon upgrade hey good job chris thanks spoon what a spoon that's it that's it yeah what are we gonna do with this oh hey just keep doing that i'm sure you can get through eventually you think i'll die wow i keep bunking my darn head do you think i'll break out of this another 24 hours with this spoon probably if you make it weak we'll kick it again dude this is not doing anything maybe it'll work as a mini pry bar look at this little crack right here oh broken oh wait now it's kind of sharp broke it because it's kind of sharp now maybe i can like stab it stand stab it's a stupid weapon give us a better weapon i don't want your spoon ace for horses we need a better weapon oh yes yes jeff that's gonna break that's so strong what the heck there's both of us pushing on it darn it we need better weapons i'm gonna take another nap jeffrey i found a major weakness this this screw is not in all the way when you use the gap when you kick it yeah it like really damages it okay jeff question number two for a weapon upgrade are you ready i'm ready what was our first danger babe video dude i don't even remember like on the danger babe channel yeah uh oh it was the prank one it was it was the prank one the ten prank one are you sure i think so ten oh wait wait nine three balloon videos eight the mystery balloon five really i think so four three mystery blue video it was a makeup carnival game balloon pops so yeah we're all right we're right boom yes all right so we get our next job we could possibly get two weapons now because emily's gonna give me my tribute oh my question is how many phones have i broken zero financing no not with that smirk on your face i think you broke one maybe your finger ding ding ding it was a finger good job babe good job christopher we get two weapons two weapons all right second weapon is a giant rock dang this thing's huge second weapon dude sledgehammer we're gonna get some damage with this thing come on dude wait wait here don't throw dude that's not safe yes it is that is not safe what do you suggest i do with it let me use this watch out oh that's damaged yes we got a piece of blood out hey ladies how do you like this [Music] day yes we are making some progress here finally this weapon is absolutely effective keep swinging chris okay keep doing it oh this one's bouncy there we go three pieces of wood down oh yeah yeah i got you bro all right jeff you take that rock you just hit that wall with it hey don't throw it though do we just hit it i don't know if it's that effective me neither what if i damage it like a line uh-huh and then we kick it that could work dude [Music] so this plywood's really strong but maybe we could do something i see the sheet metal really yeah but i'm a little worried because the sheet metal is wrapped around the corners just keep swinging bruh all right keep swinging [Music] huh there's not enough room in this box oh my god you're gonna crawl through that oh we're gonna make it bigger what was the first food i ate in maui when we got engaged oh it was at the hawaiian place it was at the hawaiian place that was the first place that we stopped got this like the only hawaiian food i know by name is the loco moco okay so i'm gonna choose the mocha locomoco final answers yes are you ready how many countries have i been to oh [Music] mexico and iceland [Music] yeah should we do the hole like this like that's big enough right yeah yeah okay oh hey i broke the plywood in half we don't think they're getting out so we got a feeding tube they're not monsters thank you oh you guys are so nice whoa that's so good that's effective can we get some water oh that's hot wow that's hot all right it's time for the next trivia question to get our next weapon this round has a crossover round so i'm going to be asking jeff a question and jill's going to ask chris a question right all right let's hear it emily jeff what did i want to be growing up wait did i know this one okay let me think i do i think i do maybe a mermaid maybe a space cowgirl you wanted to be a teacher from darn it where did he want to be a dentist okay chris my question for you is when is jeff and i do date wait so ours is august 7th and so theirs is august 11th yeah wait wait so we get the sledgehammer next and what we really need is the axe which is after the sledgehammer because we gotta get through that metal there but yeah the sledgehammer is really heavy so i'm not sure we can do much with it chris i have a throwback for us what mr sledge that metal is that easy well yeah it's sheet metal what do you think oh the only problem that the sheet metal is really sharp so we got to be very getting out of this thing yeah that's it around well their box was really cute but definitely not unbreakable i might be able to get out not sure it's very don't cut any arteries oh gosh i'm gonna get out i'm a little bit taller than jeffrey so i really hope i can get out of this otherwise i'll be stuck in here by myself don't cut yourself bro that's some sharp metal i made it out baby now i gotta get out i'm literally emerge emerged how am i doing this i'm alive well we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check out our personal channels jeff and jill chris and emily and we'll see you next time bye hi
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 18,107,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t58qzfil6w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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