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today we are doing the unbreakable box cheapskate challenge whoever builds the best box on the cheapest budget is the winner of today's topic let's get angie we are now at home depot and remember we have to build the cheapest box possible but we have to complete the goal which is to keep the prisoner inside the box for at least 30 minutes if you don't you're disqualified so you don't want to build it too cheap hear that jeff no let's get buildy oh [Music] so i'm getting this fencing because what is really expensive right now because of all the fires in california we got 50 feet of it so i think we can prevent some major damage with that the frames that have been built for our boxes are pretty cheap and not very strong five dollars and 45 cents for one two by four so i don't really want to get a lot of these but we definitely need to make it the box a little bit stronger i don't want to get too many you get cheapskate yeah i'm a cheapskate just call me dr professor frugal so for my idea i'm gonna be putting stuff on the inside so i got these these cut and those are gonna go perfectly on the inside just to level up the side so i can do kind of like a cross platform type thing so i'm gonna get a bunch of cinder blocks and i'm gonna take these metal things which are really thick and strong i'm gonna put them all together with concrete anchors and attach them to the cinder blocks it's gonna be extremely strong and it's honestly not that expensive we're back from home depot we got the boxes built freely really heck is that pretty emptively is what he was trying really really back are you ready get set go guys it's time to get buildy i decided to get two two by four by eights so that way i can reinforce this frame so i'm putting corner brackets on hey what i already have a bunch of these cut and that way the frame itself isn't so weak jeff you realize we can bring out the top right you do realize you're judging a non-finished book cover right i don't have high hopes for you but we'll see i guess i have very high hopes for me that's easy like that's gonna be no problem i think you spent the most bro it may be expensive however both of your boxes aren't gonna stand at all the fire or the plane and mine will aren't iron flames the same thing just one of our boxes make it past 30 minutes jeff you lose because you spend more i doubt yours will so i'm hey trying to find the best placement for this piece of wood if you're in here right and you have this huge like thing you're not gonna have a lot of swinging room so i'm just trying to find the best way we have a couple more cinder blocks that we're gonna put on on this wall to fill it up for now i'm gonna start reinforcing it with this metal bars i bought a bunch of these metal bars which are gonna just lock this whole entire wall together it's gonna be amazing so we got 50 feet of fencing here my plan to use these brackets to secure this fencing onto this box just wrap it a whole bunch of times that way you have to go through a lot of layer of fencing people here they don't believe me but it's going to be very difficult it's actually difficult to build this thing too i'll figure it out though so i angle it like this and then when i screw it in it's actually going to pull the fence [Applause] see that whoa it did what you said it would do yep so that is how i'm gonna get this fence to be super tight and maximize efficiency okay the next step as you can see this fence is on here very weak i'm gonna be using these brackets just gotta so it's coming along very nicely we got a mace type thing in the center so it's going to be very hard for them to swing big weapons i'm putting this fence on it's pretty good if you ask me can i lose a single screw retrieval one okay right what are you doing give me give me those back hopefully i i'm the winner because i'm pretty sure i have the lowest budget i think mine might contest you on the lowest budget but that's a weak box bro no it's not open your eyes okay i could sneeze and this thing will fall apart and look it didn't fall apart i'm trying to put my stupid anchors into the brick but this thing just keeps stripping the screws i can't get them in and i have a headache see i just broke the freaking last bit oh no looks like you're screwed it's not a screw aaron it's a drill bit all right we're calling it time if you're not done that sucks for you i my box is complete the top is how you get in you can't get out through the top or the bottom no one's getting out of this yeah good job thanks where's my high five when i finished my build i'm sorry you got two we are finished with our boxes now it is time to break out but we need to choose which box each one of us are going to go in so we're each going to eyeball a piece of wood cut it with this saw the person closest to two and three quarters of an inch of a cut gets their first choice of which box they're going to choose but they cannot choose their own box so i'll go first go for us let's stay right there and cut there's no battery i'm gonna stay right about here all right here we go oh my gosh we're trying to cut the same exact length and they're the same length jeff jeff mine's left slightly off dude they are the exact same length go ahead and measure dude it's up to chris whatever's chris is that's his what's mine gonna be it's a sixteenth of an inch off oh my gosh that is we are spot-on mommy's dress is too big mine's too big two that means you both have to fight to the death for who gets to choose first because you're the same exactly stupid so robert and chris ty so you guys are gonna rock paper scissors to see who goes first rock paper scissors yes robert has first choice chris has second choice i have last pick rob is choosing my box the open side you're not allowed to get out of it it's there for safety i can't choose rob's because then jeff will have to break out of his own box and that's illegal so i have to go dude this is a death pit dude you're gonna be stuck in there for hours i'm claustrophobic in here that means i get to go into robert's box which this one looks interesting no problem no problem all right guys you have 30 minutes if your box doesn't hold your person for 30 minutes then you were disqualified here's round one of the weapon what are those you got a broom no i wanted a broom yeah i feel like this box is gonna implode on me it's already been i'm gonna try using this there's anything let's take a piece off no this is going to be easier than i thought let's upgrade these nubs thank you happy birthday thank you merry hey rob how's my box working for you took off three of your thingies already oh look at the pizza what the heck okay i need to do this strategically so the bricks don't came in on me dude this is just what i hold jesus we'll be out of here no time hey jeff guess what i already got up yeah i think jeff thought these inner blocks were a lot stronger than they actually are jeff do you know what that means disqualified bro about four minutes i'm disappointed oh how do you want to be out soon i'll get a new weapon so if everyone breaks out in under 30 minutes the way we're going to determine whose box is the best is by time also whose box was the cheapest how's your strategy coming along pretty good rob and i both got fencing but i think he went for the cheaper option it might not be turned out too good for him here jeffrey it's almost out i think i'm going to escape now i'm out of here boys what the well it looks like rob was too much of a cheapskate and your boy is out oh i have a massive headache so far it looks like my box is the only unbreakable one but we'll see if he can get out i will be awarding robert your next weapon which is this crowbar i will say chris i'm quite impressed with your box nice chris yes not too shabby of a boxy build here thank you so it's not too shabby but it is a little shabby i'm kind of out of stock my brain's deteriorating by the second some of the unbreakable boxes that we've built have been really expensive like up to two thousand dollars at the amount that i spent on this box i can't believe it's holding rob in this long chris you both have mighty fine box here i was it 10 seconds left hey seven six five four three two one time's up rob not enough this thing still has over half its hit points left so rob is still stuck in the box which means that i am the winner and my budget was 124 dude that is so cheap how much do you spend rob 140. but it was the cheapest and the best it was the most expensive and it was the worst you suck we hope you enjoy this video click right here for the video that you recommend click right on this side of the screen to watch the video that youtube recommends for you bonnie click the little subscribe and make sure to poke that like button we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,405,595
Rating: 4.9289155 out of 5
Id: JcA6NbLzEXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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