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beautiful people today i'm saying yes to a subscriber for the entire day my name is boyd and i want 10 million subscribers yes [Music] thanks preston preston take me to best buy [Music] oh sorry i got the door don't worry i got it i got it i got it please sir see how fast can this go oh the speed limit [Applause] i'm looking for a camera camera some games for my brother's siblings maybe an xbox all right so these items these items are going to find themselves okay what kind of camera are we talking about because there's a lot of cameras i will show you oh you want this this kind of camera very close into your you gotta hold it steady showing every little wrinkle so what is this one this one is 1080p let's get it man is just confident in what he wants would you like to tell them that they were out of stock of the 200 camera so instead we got him the 700 camera i need this that's for my sister she wanted one i want this just a giant giant pokemon card that is a fast and furious lego set how much is it that's a hundred dollars let's get it we're gonna get this one it better be wireless for that price this one for my brother this one's for the same brother one two two i stack them in another for the brother pikachu pikachu pikachu hey hey let's get a light let's get a light all right is this for the younger older younger no my mom you want this one yes dude this thing is huge this is the biggest scooter i've ever seen come on preston let's go all right listen i'm all about saving the turtles this scooter will save turtles so please subscribe and leave a like this is big look at this haul [Applause] [Music] we are literally outside of the lord's chicken and we have to order one of everything on the menu this is gonna be wild it's gonna be delicious what are we gonna do with the extra food he's gonna eat it listen don't worry none of the food will go to waste if there's anything left over i have plenty of hungry editors at the office waiting to munch we can get one of everything yeah for sure why not all right thanks man appreciate it have a great day thank you just in case you're wondering 120 for everything on the menu at chick-fil-a thank you so much that's a lot of food okay boy we're here at the park now what i want you to read out the whole place and then i want you to run three laps around the entire place the whole thing the whole place do it you know how much it costs no but i don't care can we have the whole park please the whole park all right boy your wish is my command three laps three legs starting now go three left hey i'll run them with you okay meet you this isn't fair man you're slow go jump in the balls okay get up i want to challenge you to a flip competition a foot a flip hey it's been a long time since i've done a flip no almost faster come on boyd let's see what you're made of let's break what do you want to do now i want to die too bad okay boy what's that we're just jumping onto the wall get up come on make it i made it boom he did call me heavy which means i have the advantage i heard a thump and a half there that way uh let's do a dodgeball competition if i win i get 50 bucks yes you win i get a rest you get nothing if i'm hearing this right the rules we have to grab the ball touch back and then smack you missed no i did it it was tactical oh my god i'm a wizard preston you know what i want my family's hope three two one you'll never keep that's right don't fall oh this is so cool oh oh it's got a dangly look at this one it's like a tightrope press and fall wait say that again fall no oh hang there for another minute or two a minute i'll tell you when you can go this is the rock wall challenge preston i'm gonna race you i'm going i'm going i'm getting a head start oh my god he's back there's no way i'm gonna lose you boy bro there's no shot no way bam got it i'm pretty sure boyd won i think that you should buy everyone's slurpees me you use first the whole whole one you get slurpee everyone gets a slurpee i think that they should get some slurpees too 12 slurpees please half cherry and half blue raspberry oh no oh no we're gonna go prank breathe but that's all the way back at the office do you know how much gas that's gonna cost your car is a luxury bam duct tape give me the olaf what is that i don't know i gotta do this i'm gonna take her keyboard can you unplug it for me i will unplug it so i want it i want it taped to the wall oh this is beautiful come on let's see it he's winding up oh first try let me see the chuckles that doesn't even look like eloise she's way more ugly [Music] she's coming no those i'm sorry today i don't listen to my wife i listen to boyd it's kind of normal boy what would you like to do for revenge i think that we should all shoot persons with nerf guns yeah we gotta get you back for doing what he did why would you do that to me i thought we were complicit partners everybody grab their nerf guns [Music] yes let's go to fire cup you want to go to the coffee shop right now yeah boyd has challenged me he would like us to bake pizzas in the cafe and see whose is better i think you should put desserts on your face only dessert toppings this is going to be the world's grossest pizza oh it's like it's like mozzarella juice i feel like we need to put the pizza sauce on first i do the cheese let me know how my pizza making skills are don't judge the desserts please olives on strawberry doughnuts flawless it's like the magic fruit all right we're gonna get a little bit of this this just crumbled up on our pizza oh this is so nasty yo your sauce is terrible look at these eggs i had cheese and everything else under the sauce no i'm sorry i'm sorry dad please dad no dad it needs just a little bit more stuff preston do you like it honestly though it still looks better than yours look at this i'm so excited to try this question you got to put the wrench on here i'm like oh that was impressive it's so good you know first it's sweet then it's savory whipped cream does not belong anywhere in your pizza i'm gonna go to preston's towels and you want to get what i'm gonna get a bunch of stuff at firemerch.com i think so all right i know i know the owner he's pretty cool we're now here at fire merch boyd anything you want i mean anything you want you you should take this the circuit because it's gonna be a lot yes sir i want what is he he wants one of the frozen fires done let's get one of these uh yes boss okay whoa whoa hold on but what about with the new echo fire tv we'll get it yes sir i don't want to eat you about to hit the gym i want a tie-dye shirt okay you want a pizza one yeah in honor of nick that's pizza oh dude is this one the peanut butter and jelly i'll take it that's snow cone there is this is like not even for sale yet okay too he's got the donut now man look at this man fun fact about this one we bought every single one in the united states and they just came back got a lot of merch where are the rest of the hoodies dude this is dangerous i could kill somebody with this i'm not going to though because with great power comes great responsibilities you don't have responsibility true i mean i'm a youtuber oh the cactus jones plushie yes it's a wise choice dude there is literally new stuff in here that i've never seen oh he's getting noob that's brand new i literally haven't seen that yet i'm so glad you got that oh yeah that's one of my favorites yeah you need it okay thanks dad bro you are looted come on fresh and let's go okay all right so now we're going to let him pick any souvenir from the warehouse before the end of the day in a vending machine i'll check this home yeah you have to carry though you have to carry yourself though the souvenir has to be something that you can carry and we got time let me pull this up is it just one item one item but you can choose anything you can get i want to keep looking around and we'll come back to that i'll check the tv that's my tv no it's my tv now sorry dako we got to take the tv he wants it he wants the tv i mean technically he is able to can you carry these oh he carry everything don't trust him he's too skinny yes just try to destroy a little bit we have built an entire rage room at boyd's request everything in this room and the room next to us is destroyable can i break the place absolutely just be careful tv at this come on slugger i wish you're breaking mirrors is really bad luck that's an enchanted you're sure you want to hit scott love to see what my sister says about that oh boy get the pillager the day is almost over but we got to make it go out with a bang we hope you enjoyed today's video make sure you click either one of these to continue watching have a blessed day and we'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 11,163,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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