$10 vs $500 Snow Sleds! *BUDGET CHALLENGE*

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well it's known in socal which means today we're doing a snow sled budget challenge after we are done building the sleds we're going to do an epic downhill race where aaron is going to be judging epicness and the uh aerodynamics we're going to be jumping these puppies whoever wins will be declared sled king and receive a special prize let's let's get it let's get dang that guess so to determine your budgets we're going to do a special challenge reach into your pockets huh what what whoever eats their popsicle first gets the highest budget go oh if you spit it out you lose my case hurt i just carved it down all right it's coming down to whoever gets the mid-tier budget between jeff chris is the winner jeff comes in second place and ryan you get the lowest budget i suck at eating popsicles one thousand five hundred ten dollars ten bucks that's it all right guys let's head to the store and it's gonna build hey look i fixed my popsicle we are now at walmart um brian what are you doing testing out my new sled dude that looks comfy it might work i think that i could find something better oh my gosh i'm gonna see how much it is because there's no price there's a wilder's away oh shoot let's go on my budget no so my idea that i have is i found this hammock stand i want to somehow attach this to a couple of boogie boards i'll be hammocking relaxing and sledding all at the same time dude okay so my thought is to get one of those power wheels and then they put boogie boards under each wheel and so that way it's super slidy that's actually really dangerous i might have to get a helmet oh should i get a tank we also have a mystery box so the winner is going to be opening the mystery box and gets what's inside [Music] just sit there and look pretty right that's not going to work you don't think my foot's gonna work dude it's a tank it's going to sink in the snow well we just left valve surfing we bought a bunch of boogie boards these are gonna give us some major speed not me oh yeah he didn't have enough money for one so the place we were gonna go to apparently they closed it because so many people have wanted to go sledding today so we're actually going down this dirt road we don't really know where it's going to go but we're hoping for the plastic snow and then we're going to play in the snow and then it's going to go and blow and float we found snow guys we found snow you have no idea the pain we have gone through today to find snow we have arrived at our snow spot there's a hill right there we're so unprepared we have one problem we forgot all the snow boots all the snow pants and the gloves so we gonna be cold there's gloves in my pocket you want one oh yes what are you doing chris i'm making my shoes waterproof wrapping my foot in plastic bags it's gonna be a danger winter folks i guess we're building down here we're gonna build all of our sleds and then we're gonna head up the hill my epic tank i don't even need to put the wheels on i'm going to be using boogie boards so these are kind of useless i have my four boogie boards i'm going to show you the uh the layout here the drawer and now i'm going to put my hammock thing on top and we're going to just go down it's going to be awesome ryan is yours set up yeah that's it it's good to go i'm gonna go further than all of you guys i begged a different mind it's gonna be epic my first step here is i've cut holes don't be shy don't be shy come here um i've cut the holes into my boogie board and i'm gonna tie a rope i'm gonna attach all four of these together to have one big sled [Music] okay so i bought some hose clamps and there's this little like leach attachment that goes here but i'm putting the hose clamp through the leash attachment and then i'm going to clamp it onto this to secure it to the board so i'm hoping that this uh keeps it strong gonna wish me some luck by giving a like all i got to do is screw this on and we'll be good to go wow chris mounting the cannons i'm gonna knock jeffrey off his sled ready that was like two feet okay i am now going to begin stage two check this out i have my boogie boards that are put together once i figure out how to get this attached how does you think i'll be good to go that's so cool i'm not gonna be jealous when my tank blows up your stupid little hammock the only thing you're gonna be blowing up is your reputation temperatures are low and so is my morale guys i'm almost done with the structure and i'm gonna put my hammock on i got my boogie boards on the tank now we're gonna flip it over boom this isn't a very comfy seat especially for a big tall dude like me that fits perfectly in there i got a nice comfy seat on here just like that if you bail you're pretty high above the ground you're gonna eat it not gonna lie this did not turn out the way i thought it was going to my last and final step is to attach this hammock to the hammock holder is it cool yeah dude is it cool looks comfy you know i'll be taking a nap while just eating it down the mountain what is this if you have the best budget it needs to be the best one the things are falling off dude it looks pretty pathetic christopher come here you need to understand something sunny i deserved that all right guys let's go race and aaron is going to judge the boats [Music] it is now time for the race so the first sled to make it all the way to that little tiny christmas tree is the winner i don't know if anyone's gonna make it there are no rules there are no rules getting ready for this race i'm not gonna lie i'm legit scared the race begins in three two one go i'm stuck mine doesn't work what the heck happened oh here we go i must win the ring i think i still got it oh shoot this one i think this sled tanked guys i think chris is out of it this is all that's left to my sled [Music] wow that sled was way better than mine i think i made the farthest dude that was so comfortable and fun i think it's clear whose sled is the best i'm gonna beat you with my sled bro you didn't make it to the tree oh okay you won i'm gonna go home now dude chris is still at the top of the hill he hasn't even gone like 10 feet chris what happened you're still at the start oh it's nice up here you have the most money to build your sled and you made it three feet sometimes it happens today is just not my day let's push him down see if we can give him some speed i must finish the race here we go oh i think it's too heavy i shouldn't have used the tank well i lost the race but not the war whoa was that cool no completely disqualified really yeah i can't believe i had the highest budget and i made this pizza crap i hate you you feel better okay so i think it goes without saying that jeff ryan no he's not the winner jeff won toad's the winner now guys i win the sushi box you guys get to watch me and see everything i get to keep from myself and not share with you nubs and then we go home because it's cold and then we'll take a warm bath all right and i won as fraught it's frostbite i just want the feeling back in my extremities he was really hurting earlier but now he's like now that it's all numb i feel actually pretty good i don't feel anything all right let's open this bad boy oh dude red bull gives you wines all right some hot cheetos hundred dollars worth of hot cheetos and red bull and dr seuss check this out i'm glad i lost dude dude you guys got me a shirt cool cats and kittens is this from tiger king camping tools honestly i wanted something just like this this is awesome i got like a machete a knife an axe a fire starter a flashlight some carabiners you guys got a lego oh this is cool it's from the battle of hoth i actually like this quite a lot um some cliff bars some red bull guys don't drink that you're already crazy enough run i also want to shout out my channel with jillian jeff and jill make sure to check it out we just posted an epic zombie video click here for the previous straight up have a booger click ring for the previous video click over the new youtube recommends you clicking here to subscribe make sure to get check out dave and jill it's in the link description below
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,958,901
Rating: 4.9070563 out of 5
Id: 1LrqDU4AMqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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