$50 vs $1000 Sand Sleds GONE WRONG! *BUDGET BATTLE*

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today we're doing the sand sled budget battle first we're going to build our sleds then tomorrow we're going to be going to the sand dunes and putting them to the test but first we need to determine who gets what budget how are we going to do that i know the last person in the circle gets the biggest budget what the heck dude chris you get second best budget no baby you get the worst budget that was easy jeffrey went for chris christopher went for jeff jeff was already outside pushing the bus [Music] so basically the idea is i'm gonna build the tricycle but we don't we don't need these stupid wheels we're gonna be putting little wood platforms instead smoothing up the bottom and making it nice and zippy little zippy tricycle sled look over here i got some snowboards to count them i need to to go gather some wood but then i also have this inflatable for maximum comfort ability if you come over here i only had 50 so here's the thing i chose wood because this bendy board right here is extremely smooth like really smooth i think that's just that wide smooth also i have the power of the child to make my sand dune uh sled wild all right let's get building i was scouting around the yard for some wood i think i found my platform that's trash rob do you see the potential in this ryan i see the potential in this trash this board right here that just needs to be cut a little bit more or maybe with some force might just break not the type of break i wanted almost perfect neato for shilito see the reason why i chose snowboards see these already pre-drilled holes if i just get a screw and some washers boom throw them right into a piece of 2x4 that just lays across here sorry i was trying to airbend slap the piece of plywood on top drill that in boom super secure you just broke the donkey [Music] that worked what the heck what so we have some two by fours underneath this and then when i'm done putting this together i'm gonna put some benny board on the bottom and curve it up so it's got a nice like curved front end so i'm gonna start screwing stuff in right now it's coming together folks so i need kind of like long foot breasts because i have long legs finish drilling the holes um before we take it all the way over to the sand dunes we're going to test it down a hill oh i want to see this i want to see this too y'all ready so as you can see this sticker is gonna make me go really fast uh because you know all the hondas have stickers and apparently makes them go fast um and it can actually go up to 250 miles an hour so this is a seat and we have three settings here uh small teeny bopper medium teeny bopper large teeny bopper i fit at least you can steer i can't i'm gonna be steering around you nubs so we're about done with putting the two by fours on got two more screws and then we're gonna be then we'll be assessing if i need to put more two by fours on nothing i think we're good to go to put the platform on so my bending board is on flip it back over and now i gotta do is ban oh no that's not as bendy as i thought it would be i'm processing a solution and processing a solution 20 minutes later i made a sled and got the bottom super smooth wow look out look at that oh yeah that's okay though i'll be all right you can actually turn out to be pretty cool for 50 bucks that's not bad we are now attaching the platform to this 2x4 it'll be big enough so i can support the inflatable you're going to be flying bro dude this is going to be insane i just need to find a way to attach this so it does not fall off in the comments write down who you think is going to win i have a strong feeling about this one boys one minute 37 seconds later i have completed the sled that's a janky piece of circle wood i am ready to go sand sledding tomorrow guys you want to see how slippery the knee board is watch this should we be standing right in his path we'll be fine just watch him learn dude dude that was gnarly so i got these electrical boxes and these are gonna be my little stilt thingies that i put these thingies on so i'll be attaching these like this chris what the heck is your sled don't judge me for like in two hours and i don't think you've made any frog what's a proud any progress much much much later i finally finished my build this thing is a major engineering feat dude it looks good i will give you props it looks really good thanks i had to figure out how to get this thing curved so i like kind of cut it there and then bent it and then screwed it in and taped it because we don't want the front of it to dig into the sand that would slow me down substantially well there you have it folks let's head to the sand dunes the following day well it's bright and early we got our sleds in the back of the truck we got a long ways to try let's do it [Music] we made it to pismo whoa we're driving on the beach looks like we're coming up on some sand dunes right now dude this is fun i now i know why dogs stick their head up going over a little river oh so we found a really good spot you come over here just check out this insane drop so this is what i like to call death drop dude i feel very scared to test this so i spent 50 on this i'm going to be calling it santa's sleigh and i honestly think i'm going to win it's very streamlined on the bottom we're going to knock out the competition so i had the middle budget and i'm gonna call this the sand cycle this thing is definitely gonna be fast but also just as deadly to me not to them my sled is called the dune sledder i had the highest budget i'm going to be super comfortable but also my nerves are kind of kicking up on that drop so we'll see how that goes all right here we go stance you already forgot the name the santa sleigh the sandal slay test number one jeff are you scared i'm very scared maybe it's too heavy too heavy what no one's gone past where jeff has your turn my turn let's see if you can get farther okay i'm like i'm gonna need to put oh this definitely works the best we need steeper guys let's bring it to dangie mountain we're back at dainsy mountain we built a slope on our mountain at we know it's gonna work so now we're gonna be able to do these sleds do some justice so jeffrey is up first i'm terrified this slope is huge good luck jeff you little test dummy you come on down whoa whoa whoa whoa what happened my bendy board bro i'm really concerned about chris's sled i think he has a good chance hey chris of breaking something you might want a running head start three two one slide hey this steering works too fast too fast too fast all right it's safe to say that my sled was a lot better than yours all right so now it's time for the grand finale i'm confident robert you might you actually might get hurt well let's see all right three two one don't die dude that was freaking crazy three two one dude that was awesome jeff any last words whoa whoa oh my gosh dude that was fun this one is definitely the best wow dude all right who's best pathetic ryan yeah it's honestly no competition rob wins everything it's still in one piece it is the fastest it's fun it's fun it looks the coolest it's super stable too yeah dude that was really fun well we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check out our videos and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,711,868
Rating: 4.9007854 out of 5
Id: x9u5mY7mFBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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