Who can Travel the Farthest?! *$10 vs $1000 BUDGET BATTLE*

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today i tied up the danger bros and we'll be dropping them off in an undisclosed location once i park the truck they will have to figure out a way to untie themselves and escape then whoever gets as far away from the truck in three hours what's wins i'm scared i fit in three dollar amounts inside of envelopes all around the truck to help them on their journey let's see who escapes first where's that seatbelt oh shoot wait i can't first step blindfold i gotta get these things off my hands second step seatbelt i have a knife in my pocket i have a knife in my pocket too but it's really hard to get oh oh i got it open no i got my scissors open come on wait i can't reach it got it come on i got the knife oh yeah i'll help you out if you help me out no i'm not helping you nice try bud oh i got out i need an envelope i need to know oh finally i found it oh i found one i gotta get out of here i'm so behind set a timer for three hours unfortunately at the ten dollars i don't know what i'm gonna do how i'm gonna get anywhere let's see how much money my emblem has dang guys i got the 500 budget i got 200 you know i think i'm gonna call see if i can rent a car with my two hundred dollars what do i do where do i go for ten dollars oh we're actually right by my apartment i think i might go get lunch and just chill there's no way i'm winning i'm just gonna go to this walmart that's like right here and i'm gonna buy a bike and just bike yeah all right let's go to this walmart don't do what i'm doing guys i'm running chicken across the street i have three hours to bike as far away as i can i'm gonna get really far we're right by walmart so chris and jeff king make their way inside and go grab some transportation i'm on my own i can't afford anything this sucks guys i found chris what are you doing bro what are you doing uh what's that valencia yeah that works dude what is he doing he's on the phone with someone hey jeff i'm buying a helicopter pickup just so you know you said you needed this for today right right now it has a total of 36.78 okay so we got good news it's only going to be 36 so i'll still have like 160 left jeffrey went into walmart so the best thing that he could get in there is probably a bike and we're going to have a car [Music] we have a ton of tiny bikes this is the biggest bike they have here okay i'm really glad they have this bike because the only other bike in this row are tiny let's see how much this bike is 150 bucks that's nothing guys i'm gonna get this bike i do feel like i'm ahead of chris and jeff though because they're taking their time in walmart i have not seen them yet but i've just been walking i'm gonna go get some snacks also another thing that i just realized i'm the only one that can rent a car because i'm the only one that's old enough hacks i think i have a good shot but i feel like jeffrey could still beat me you got snacks paid 4.98 for a gatorade and some chex mix simple but you know what we're making ten dollars work okay guys so i have a i've just hatched the plane my house is nearby from here at my house i have a motorcycle which i'm just gonna take that and just go i'm gonna take that and go i don't honestly don't know i'm gonna spend the rest of my budget on but this is gonna get me to my house pretty quickly and then i want to get my motorcycle i can go anywhere but we have quite the track to make it to my house i'm not looking forward to it just made it to my apartment gonna change gonna put some shorts on and we're gonna eat some snacks it's gonna be delicious while i'm eating my snacks i think i'm gonna chill on my balcony just enjoy the nice weather because it's nice out okay we got a car just for under fifty dollars so i still have about 150 left no we got a nice car i was you know sweating just running my butt off now we got a car with ac this is great okay we better get going let's turn the ac on we got no time to waste here dude this car is very nice it's crazy i'm in a car right now why is it crazy i'm in a car us i don't know because this is an intense challenge okay we are currently hopping onto the freeway i don't really know if i want to go north or south i think we're just going to go south yeah we're looking good because now it's just a straight shot i just keep driving in one direction for the entire time limit and i will probably be in first place i wonder where robert is right now made it to the balcony got the snacks it's pretty warm out here actually i think i just need to cool down a little bit well that's good honestly i think it's been about an hour since we started i'm going to see if conor can hop on a call real quick dude you're on the air bro really yeah what's up dude are you working today i'm not okay so we're doing this video who can get the furthest in three hours i got five bucks the five bucks is yours if you come and pick me up and drive me around for a little bit i'm down yeah dude sweet appreciate it bro no problem dude all right seen a bit no way i totally thought he was going to be working that is height oh this hurts my butt this sucks this is a terrible idea either on a shaper this is a terrible idea i'm thinking this is the latter so far i think i've ridden about a mile not that far i wonder if chris got his uber i think he was calling an uber so i definitely need to upgrade from man propel transportation to motorized which is exactly what my motorcycle is gonna do hello kitty kitty connor oh what up dude dude how's it going a long time no seeds it's been a while rob it's been a while i'm thinking we get lunch right yeah and we do some off-roading you down for like a burger like jimmy beans or we could do tommy's that's always good all right tommy as it is making good progress boys should be to my house in no time [Music] i am 100 feet from my house i'm not showing my neighborhood he creeps i'm really excited to get home i think i'm going to take a five-minute break eat some water have some food and we're gonna get sued after my motorcycle honey you don't know what i just went through what are you doing here we're doing a video where we're seeing who can travel the farthest on a budget so i bought a bike from walmart and i'm here to get my motorcycle and i'm just going to just drive to victory are you playing among us that's what you do where i'm going and watch the bachelorette do you live in the livestream i just got my oil changed very good honey well i'm gonna take a little break because i'm i just rode my bike from walmart maybe i'll take a shower i got time to spare you know what i just realized i'm 53 minutes away from disneyland park you know what that means i'm going to disneyland [Music] okay so i am currently 50 miles away from home what am i doing but i'm actually having a blast it's just driving but this is so fun because it's a challenge and i have no idea if i'm winning or not guys i'm showered and rested up and one more thing before we go my wife and i have an announcement check out our jeff and jill channel link in the description below all right i'm gonna go get on my motorcycle for some reason my bike keeps turning off and i go into idle and that's slowing me down i made it to disneyland and parking is ten dollars so thankfully i still have plenty of money and i'll be able to get some food and use the bathroom and also see how how much fun i've been missing out on because disneyland has been closed [Music] okay so i'm here at downtown disney and this is just gonna be a very quick pit stop just wanted to see disneyland because i missed it and also can use the restroom maybe get some food but i don't think you can eat here i'm not sure yet so we'll see okay restroom break check now i just need a phone charger and some food okay just got a jamba juice let's get out of here connor rob we're on a park we're gonna eat some grub dude we're gonna need some tommies i'm so excited same it's gonna be legit honey my bike isn't working i had to come home can i give you 100 bucks to drive me as far as possible okay where do we want to go let's go to the beach ventura come on we gotta go take it let's get some lunch on the way we gotta go honey we gotta go okay we're gonna put jillian's gonna take me this is good i'm being assisted by my wifey come on watch out guys come on dude we gotta go come on i think chris is in the league we gotta go [Music] all right [Music] i i got a little carried away [Music] um i spent way more time than i wanted to here and uh i really hope that jeffrey didn't pass me so um but i got a cool lightsaber and a cloak heck yeah dude oh baby here we go here we go i'm here with jillian in the car we're going to i ventura to my free day of doing nothing honey you're helping me win a mystery box price can there be in and out involved so we got a great idea we're gonna be in ventura when we get there we're gonna hop on a train see how far we can go on the train uh because we gotta spend more of my budget when we get to the train station we need to park we get on that train as fast as okay but we can't technically leave until the train leaves no so hopefully there's a train ready to go north somewhere all right we gotta get to the kiosk okay go how does this thing work unfortunately the train is not running i think we're just gonna drive as far as possible go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] you have to go as far as possible the race is almost over okay don't kill us okay we are currently getting back on the freeway i'm really nervous because i have no idea where jeff and rob are right now and they could possibly be further than me because i kind of spent a lot of time at disney because the line was pretty long to the star wars store so um i'm hoping we're still in first place but you know hey at least i got a lightsaber all right guys time is up send me all your locations all right we got everybody's locations we will see you guys back at the property and determine the winner all right we are back i'm gonna read the results of the race and see who the winner is whoa what the heck dude hi what are you doing chris where'd you get yeah i went to disneyland really yeah now i'm gonna read the results of the race rob you got six and a half miles from the driver that's it oh my gosh jeff you got 63 miles away from control wow that's a pretty big number i think you won oh well here's the thing i had lots of inconvenient things happen to me on my journey today so i don't know yeah so if you win i'm gonna force choke you chris you got 70. yeah these are the winners wow jeffrey all right open your mystery box all right let's see what we got oh a blanket is that a wolf oh it is a wolf no jeffrey gets it because he went the second round yeah oh dude i got baby yoda baby chris you you fake star wars fan all right we got a little coffee mug i like it whoa dude chris can i hear you bulbasaur munchies definitely hungry after that trip star wars lego may i have it nope what else is in there we got a knife i like it i actually want one we got some candy oh wow oh nintendo switch lights dude that's heck yeah nintendo switch and a case and the legend of zelda oh you guys what gift card so i could get some more games that's legit heck yeah dude well guys we hope you enjoy this daily race video click here for the previous video click here for the video youtube recommends to you click the middle subscribe
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 6,138,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JV06WxebgFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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