10 Redstone Components I would LOVE in Minecraft!

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redstone components are pretty cool I mean we've got the piston that pushes things you've got the sticky piston that pushes and pulls things we've got the dropper which drops our items dispenser which dispenses items hopper which picks up items and we've got TNT which explodes things all of these things are really great but let's be honest they've been in the game for quite some time now and sometimes sometimes I like to dream up potential future redstone components that I could find useful and today we're going to take a look at 10 of my ideas now this first one is wow that's cool at the rotator block now you're gonna have to ignore the textures for a lot of the Redstone components that are featured in this video because I designed them myself and I'm definitely no texture artist but the idea behind this one is really quite simple any redstone component that's placed in front of it when the rotated block is powered it will rotate that component and depending on the orientation of the rotator block it will rotate it in different axes which sounds it sounds very complicated let me just try my best to demonstrate if we place a piston in front of this thing and then go around the back and flick the lever you can see that our piston has now been flipped so it is facing upwards so originally it was facing across like this but now it is facing up now this could be useful in all sorts of different circumstances for example you could spin repeaters you can have redstone crossroads or you can have two-way repeater systems so you can send redstone signals in both directions along long lines you can take comparator outputs from different areas you could spin around observers so they're observing different things dispense or drop our items into different spaces you could even rotate things like pattern terracotta or even dragon heads I mean can you imagine that thing spinning around you look hilarious anyway that's enough talk of rotating bits let's move on to the next concept which is the capacitor no I was secretly quite proud of my texture that I created for the rotator block this this is not a texture that I'm particularly proud of I mean that looks distinctly meaty it looks like you've stored a bunch of meat in a box and then you've forgotten to put it in the fridge so it's begun to rot and I don't want to get started on this one but I think the concept is pretty cool because we use capacitors all the time in real life they're incredibly useful because what you can do is you charge them up and then you can discharge them on demand so here's how I thought you could work on the inside of this capacitor Blagh would have a DUI where you can click on it and you can set the amount of time that you want to wait before the capacitor discharges then all you have to do is power it and that will charge up our capacitor meaning that it's now ready to go and then after the set amount of time has passed you can move this thing around you can move it about on the circuit but HAP's put it up next to a piston after the set amount of time has passed it will then discharge giving out a pulse of redstone energy and this will go back to being an empty capacitor now I don't know about you but this one seems pretty interesting it's almost like a more controllable observer moving on from that one I think we can all agree that slime blocks are pretty great I mean there are a fantastic addition to the game and people have built ridiculous crazy things using slime blocks some of those robots that people build they just get totally ridiculous but I personally find that slime blocks can be a tiny bit frustrating for example the fact that obviously you can't push over 12 blocks of them and 12 blocks isn't really that many and they stick to everything there's no controlling it all the sides are sticky now my concept is is that we have what I like to call the sticky slapper is a slime block that we can stick to the side of a block now I don't have any fancy textures or anything to demonstrate this so you're just going to have to make use of this and this so right now we have stuck a slime ball to the side of that block so now if we place a block next to it the texture a change and you could see all of the slime seeping over the sides and those two blocks would then be stuck together they would act like slime blocks and they'll be sticking together and moving together but none of the other sides would stick to other blocks around it meaning that you can actually place slime block machines next to other things and not have to worry about how to move objects or going over the push limit this would revolutionize a lot of redstone contraptions now generally speaking I object to most logic based redstone block ideas so for example people have always been saying that we should have an and gate block whereas I personally don't think there'll be that great people have been saying that they want a T flip-flop block and RS nor latch block and X all block and everything like that and generally I say no I'd rather we didn't because I quite like the fact that we have to build these redstone contraptions out of all these circuits that we have to kind of mix together and try and push into small spaces I like that aspect but if there's one thing that I could personally get behind it's a pulse extender repeater so the idea behind this thing is that if we hit this button right here these repeaters will just extend out the pulse now each one of those ticks on the repeater is going to do a certain amount of extra added pulse length so for example I was thinking that maybe each one of the ticks that we do could add potentially five or so redstone ticks to the length of the pulse that's a bit of a work in progress but can you imagine how useful that would be I mean I use comparative pulse extenders all the time in my Redstone built I'm using them constantly and it'd be amazing to just have a little repeater that we could chuck down to extend out a pulse just as a quick warning this one it is wacky this one it is really really wacky and I'm still not 100% certain on what the uses are for it but I thought I'd share anyway I like to call it the reverse piston now as you can see on the face of it these look like regular Pistons they just have wood and exteriors as opposed to cobblestone and they function just like regular Pistons as well but the idea behind them is is that if you were to place a block for example in front of this regular piston it wouldn't push the block it would push itself backwards that's where the reverse fit comes in because it's doing the opposite of what a regular piston would do of course the same rule applies to the sticky piston as well so this thing would push itself backwards but then when the piston arm retracted it would then pull itself back up to be next to the block yeah alt I don't know how useful it could be maybe for elevators potentially flying machines it could be handy you'll have to let me know down in the comments section you should also head down to the comment section and compliment me on my lovely texturing of these reverse Pistons because look even the insides been done these things are really cool-looking anyway that's enough talk of the textures let's take a look at the next redstone component which is the wireless redstone lever now I just want to say I don't think Louie should have general wireless redstone in Minecraft I don't think we should have senders and receivers and things that you can use inside redstone circuitry because that would take a lot of the fun out of creating redstone circuitry you wouldn't have to create noodley spaghetti messes you just have wireless senders and receivers everywhere but the thought of a wireless lever is actually pretty interesting thing because it means you can be really versatile with where you place your inputs to things like doors and other bits and bobs like that now the way that this works in my head is that this Wireless redstone receiver here detects all Wireless redstone levers within say for example a 15-block radius you wouldn't be able to specifically assign one wireless redstone lever to a one wireless redstone receiver the word stir receiver which is detect any levers in the local area which I think keeps things simple and also stops it from being ridiculously overpowered because otherwise it probably would be the only thing about that is is that if there are multiple levers in the area would all of them have to be switched off and then one of them switched on for this thing to give an output or with this thing almost act like an xor gate hmm I don't really know you have to let me know down in the comment section how you think you should work but anyway the next thing is to do with slime blocks again or at least is to do with Pistons and pushing blocks as you know the maximum number of blocks the regular piston or sticky piston can push in Minecraft is 12 blocks which may sound like a lot but it looks like this when you start getting slam blocks involved however the new super piston can push far more than 12 blocks obviously I can't show it because that is just a regular it's just a regular sticky piston that's been retexture by me badly but the idea is there I mean surely we can increase the block pushing up to maybe 24 or 36 blocks in total it could be really really expensive I mean look I'm using gold for this thing you can throw diamonds in there as well just allow us to push slightly more blocks than this please I can't tell if this is my were Street x-ray or not I feel like this might be my worst tree texturing it's definitely the creepiest I mean geez now despite the fact that it's horrendously ugly I had she really liked the thought of this thing the idea is is that it's a motion detector and it was attacked anything that's moving around in front of it now this prototype is a little bit overpowered in there it can actually see behind itself on top of itself and can see through walls that's not how I'd want it to be in the game the idea is is that it's based on eyesight so if you're hiding behind a pillar you can move around as much as you like if you're standing still then it's not going to detect you and if you an invisibility potion then obviously it's not going to be able to detect your present now if that's a little bit overpowered which I think it potentially could be then we could run it on a bit of a cycle so that ice stays closed for around about five seconds but then it opens briefly and if it detects any movement while the eye is open then it will fire off a redstone signal so that means that if you're raiding someone else's base and they have one of these things you have five seconds to move around or everything then once the eyes open you have to stop until the eye closes and then you can do everything and then stop and then it closes then you keep going it would add a completely new element to the game that we haven't really seen before speaking of complete new elements for the game there's a handful of things going on right here so why I've done is I have created ridged blocks so underneath this redstone we have got Ridge two iron blocks now not only is this actually quite a cool texture and could be used in a handful of builds but also these ridges are stopping these two redstone lines from connecting up because the redstone can't travel over the ridge it can't make its way over there so it's not connecting up with this redstone line now this may sound familiar remember blue stone from April Fool's a couple years ago that video did incredibly well and still gets used to this day people very confused that they can't see blue stone in Hindman craft inventories but that was that was a little bit drastic okay that was a totally new system being introduced into the Minecraft whereas this this is quite simple but also very effective I mean you could just place in ridged blocks where you don't want redstone connecting up and then you can have lots of redstone lines that are very close to one another and it will allow us to compact redstone circuits massively and for the final suggestion on today's video it's going to be a bit of an anti suggestion this is a suggestion that goes against what a lot of people suggest should be in the game a lot of people say the dispensers should be able to place blocks when you power a dispenser it should place the block this inside the dispenser inventory now this should also work with saplings they say it should also work with wheats and nether walls and everything like that and to that I say no I personally think now be terrible because then I know this sounds strange but you could automate everything and you wouldn't really have to play Minecraft anymore because everything could be automated using redstone and you could just stand there having your farms do everything that's something quite nice about the fact that you actually have to go out and you have to gather up resources and you have to use some farms manually so I really don't think the dispenser should have this feature so there we go that just about rounds everything up for today's video I hope that you enjoyed it if you have any suggestions for the game yourself then let me know down in the comment section I'd love to see all of the ideas so you come up with but anyway if you have enjoyed this video please drill through that like ban and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this has been mambo and I'm out I'll see you later oh and check out the latest film on the filming channel new one released just the other day it's probably one of my personal favorites link will be on the end screen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,528,564
Rating: 4.9326711 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: C0VVQVAwhik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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