30 Things the REDSTONE PROS Do..

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I get a lot of questions down on the comments section or on Twitter in my emails and everything like that from people asking me how to be a professional a redstone how do I become a pro at using redstone well hopefully this video is going to help you out and just as a quick disclaimer for anyone who thinks this video is going to be serious it's not tip number one it is a fairly obvious one in fact I almost feel like he goes without saying but that is to build your redstone contraptions on brightly colored blocks if you're using iron blocks or stone slabs or heaven forbid you decide to use dirt then you're not gonna get anywhere and also on top of that you need to make sure that you're using the correct type of texture pack the normal wool textures in Minecraft are absolutely disgusting you need to make sure that you're using a nice minimal one so that you can keep your brain and clear and most importantly your redstone dust I mean if you're using the standard texture for redstone dust you're never going to be able to build good redstone contraptions okay let's get into so much from nitty gritty redstone action now this this is wrong I mean this is totally wrong we're running a lever else and we're running it around a corner there we've got a repeater in the circuit this isn't how you do it now this is a little bit more like it I mean just look how much better that looks now to be a true redstone professional you need to compact your redstone contraptions so much that they're almost impossible to build in survival mode now this one this one isn't isn't too bad but there's a few too many air spaces I mean look I can almost find my way in there I could do a better job at compacting this thing and when it comes to piston doors you need to build them big in fact you need to build them so big that you'd need to build an entire castle around them to fix all of the redstone in otherwise you're just not trying out enough now I think we can all agree redstone lines that's that's old-school technology very 2013 what we're building these days is we're building an observer lines they're flat they can be stacked next to one another and they transmit one tick redstone signals through them and I mean they are incredibly useful you know a redstone professional unless you have at least one of them in every single redstone circuit quasi connectivity is awesome and it's genuinely one of the most useful tools that you can use inside redstone contraptions but you know a true redstone professional unless you get slightly frustrated by it sometimes now I want to make it very clear Motoring if you're watching this do not remove crazy connectivity but wouldn't it be nice if you could just you could place a piston and there are a line of redstone just above it without having to worry about something like this happening sometimes I dream of a solution to this but I start all one all right that last one was a little bit controversial so let's get on to something that I think we can all agree on this is totally wrong in fact in a way is kind of disgusting where is this this is right button T flip-flop why would a professional a redstone every user lever I mean I don't want this thing dangling off my wall this is much nicer we make more backups of our worlds I have 21 copies of this world in my Minecraft saves folder to stop me having to rebuild the entire thing when things like this happen I mean even so it's still quite satisfying to watch just because a jokey video doesn't mean that these tips aren't genuinely useful there's a lot of truth in all of these like the fact that I spend a lot of my time and energy designing and constructing extremely secure bunkers that are completely hidden away that have also the different security measures that protect them against other players and I build them in single-player worlds and better yet I build them in creative mode I mean what am I trying to protect I can't die so I'm not protecting myself and I'm not exactly protecting my items as I'm I'm in creative mode I've got infinite numbers I can have anything I want it makes no sense anyway let's move on to something which obviously isn't totally pointless hidden crafting benches if you're a true redstone professional you shouldn't have a single visible crafting bench in your base if you do then you should be ousted from the community immediately another thing that ass red stone professionals are often very good at is causing lag umm.yeah often causing lag on multiplayer servers and generally annoying a lot of the other players and if you're an extra special redstone professional then you might kill that server yeah a certain incident on that craft server comes to mind that is one full night's worth what the heck I will know how many entities are there we build absolutely massive farms for items that we don't necessarily need that much off I mean really who needs who needs this much root cane I can't remember the last time I needed that much root cane and don't even get me started on the nether wart farm over there and then of course you need to build a massive storage system to store up all of the items that that farm is producing because otherwise the farm is totally pointless so now you have a massive farm that is producing items that you don't really need being stored in a massive storage system that you also don't really need that's look pretty cool though doesn't it when new features get added into the game even if they aren't registering features you instantly start thinking of all of the redstone applications of said additions for example when I started messing around with the new water mechanics and started creating machines a little bit like this one there were more useful ones but this was one of my personal favorites and that's ended up working better than it did originally just to make you quite clear that redstone contraption totally just broke on me but it ended up looking really good we talked about once it pulses a lot I mean these things are basically the holy grail of redstone I use them all the time in fact I can't remember many redstone contraptions that I've built in the past that don't involve some form on a stable circuit this shoot out some form a 1 T pulse it just doesn't happen we make security systems that would take a human billions of years to solve just because we can I mean there's no real reason for it they're not actually very secure a player could just break through the door at the end and get access to your items they're just fun projects to work on I think this one has something times 10 to the power of 200 possible combinations so that's a number with 200 zeros after it that just sounds impressive we often get a little bit overexcited when things finally function how we expected them to redstone is one of those things that you can spend hours working on a problem with no solution in sight and when it finally works oh boy is it a good feeling / word I can't believe that's actually functioning but for all of those moments where it actually ends up working there's probably a similar number where it never ends up working this redstone testing world is a bit of a graveyard for those redstone projects that I've started that have turned out to be completely impossible we abuse bugs and use them to our advantage to create cool redstone contraptions this one is one of many that I often utilize inside my redstone bills but there is one that I definitely miss and that is the piston translocation bug those elevators were so much fun to use but speaking of bugs and unintended behaviors we're often quite scared when members of mojang starts talking about how they're going to clean up certain areas of redstone because you never know who what's going to get removed I mean just their recent snapshot sticky pistons spitting out they're blocked when they get a one tick pulse was actually taken out from the game it broke so much stuff Bard is back now though thank goodness so let me ask you guys a bit of a question in front of me I've got two identical repeater setups both of them are two repeaters with for total ticks just this one is two ticks and two ticks and this one is one tick and three ticks which one is the correct way of doing it if you wanted this one get off my channel I don't want to see you again okay serious talk now do you know how to tell if you're a real redstone Pro like a true redstone Pro is if you know how to use a comparator properly it took me a long time to work this out man when it comes to transporting items use packed ice and water streams as opposed to hopper lines a it's just I mean look how much cooler it looks is so satisfying but be it's about 10 times faster but if for some ungodly reason you can't actually place in a water stream you have to place a hopper line instead you place furnaces on top to stop it from Lankin so much is this one actually true I feel like this one could be one of those minecraft old wives tales like sugarcane growing faster on sand or something you see things in real life and wonder I wonder if I could build that in Minecraft I actually do this in a recent redstone video and it went down incredibly well I just want to say a huge thank you for the massively positive response on that thing and by the way this is still one of my favorite redstone contraptions I've made arcade basketball embarassingly I I don't see to have filled it up with basketball so ignore that completely broken redstone demonstration moving on so why did was was I hooked up the T flip-flop into the RS nor latch and then I split the redstone signal between the two Quadra flops ran it through the boolean and then over the X or through the RS nor and then I ended up with an item and that green is why you always have to make sure that you carry your observers on yeah using really long redstone terms to sound smart to people that don't necessarily do much redstone and for the last thing that professional redstone is all professional red stoners do it is subscribed to my friends youtube channel ill mango it's a really really good youtube channel he knows exactly what he's doing I'll put a link to it down in the description but anyway I hope that you enjoyed this video it was a lot of fun to create just goofing around a little bit of course put your extra ones down in the comment section if you're a professional redstone obviously if you're not then don't talk down there you don't you don't belong on the channel and anyway I hope you enjoyed if you did pollution a tight bun and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later [Music] Oh
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,647,985
Rating: 4.9089279 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: QhpLhOE_seg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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