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Now as I'm sure all of you already know I absolutely love creating wave machines in Minecraft I mean I've made a bunch of them at and I often say that there's some of the most satisfying Redstone contraptions to watch I mean, come on. I think it goes without saying doesn't it but here's the thing I've only ever really made one type of wave machine You see, I received a comment down in the comments section Suggesting that I should try out some different shapes and sizes and I thought to myself You know what? That's a really good idea because I've only ever gone from corner to corner in that sort of diagonal style And there's plenty of different ways in which we can do it now to give us the maximum possible Freedom when it comes to doing different repeater timings and things like that We're going to be using minecarts for our wave because as you can see the actual mechanism for launching These minecarts is really really simple All we need to have is an observer and a sticky piston as opposed to all of the timing circuits that you need to have if you're using something like sand or concrete? So this will allow us to place in all of the repeaters in all of these gaps right here in loads of different ways So design, number one that I want to go for is kind of like a ripple effect I'm gonna start launching them in the middle So the first one's going to go up and then it's going to ripple out from there. This this is gonna be interesting So, let's see if this thing looks anywhere near as cool as it does in my head here goes (laughter) that looked pretty sweet that's really sweet, oh my word Look at that! I can't tell if that's actually more- I think that might be more satisfying than a regular wave machine So things have gotten off to a pretty good start right there. That was an interesting wave now I'm just wondering what would happen if we kind of inverted this so I've got myself a new set of Pistons and minecarts and everything and I'm actually going to go in from the corner So I guess we'll run in like that. And then that looks to me like it's the middle one so this will run in like this... And then we'll have that going on on all the corners. Now, I am not a hundred percent certain If this is going to work how I expect it to But in theory, yeah, the maths should add up because that will go to there. Ooh, no, we don't we don't do it like- Yeah, yeah we can do it we can do- we can do it like that...? Yeah, yeah, I I think I was right, I mean you never really know with this sort of thing I know what effects I'm trying to create in my head It's just placing in the repeaters in the correct order so that you get that effect. That's where things get tricky. But... Ooh! Now this one is a cool one, oh (laughter) I like that one. Oh, I do like that one That's very cool. But we have to ask ourselves a question which one is cooler out of these two Is it's this one or this one this is the best video I've ever made It's literally the best video I've ever made I could look at this all day long We need to keep going there is so many more. There are so many more waves that we can create here But Wow now this one in theory is like the best of both worlds So what we have right here is kind of like a four hotspot design I've copied this designed four times over and what it's going to do is This one is going to launch So we're basically going to have four launch points and they're all going to meet up in the middle in theory that's that's what I think is going to happen and Let's see if that is the case Not the best start right, let's see if that is the case It is the case and it looks glorious. Ooh! That might be my new favorite and let's face it attaching a very fast redstone clock to it is only going to improve things. ploop! (more laughter) It doesn't even look like minecraft anymore! It doesn't look like minecraft! I'm also amazed at how smoothly my computer is managing to render all of this because there's a lot of entities here. holy mackerel... (even more laughing) This entire video is just gonna be me giggling. Just giggling away at minecarts flying through the air now just out of interest How would it look if we did the corners one on a larger scale so that all comes in as well? So once again, we've got four of those modules and it's going to go in from the corners, but also there's corners Somewhere in this mishmash. So these are all going to pop up at the same time as well. So it's kind of It's going to create four. I don't know. I genuinely don't- I don't know what this is gonna look like So it's just it's the negative of that one it's the reverse of that one That's interesting in of itself. Ok. Now we're finally starting to test my computer a little bit but it's finally getting there things starting to struggle and slow down and Before you ask no, I still can't decide which one I prefer. Alright next up We're going for a totally different approach. What I'm going to do is I'm going to create rings of redstone goin' 'round like this We're gonna have one ring of redstone for the outer edge and then they're going to well They're gonna be rings all the way through and then we're going to have repeaters connecting up these rings Meaning that hopefully what should happen is is that we should get the outside ring fire Then this one then this one then this one then this one all the way up into the center Yeah It could end up looking quite cool. Now just before I've even pressed the button I reckon this is going to be a lot less Exciting than some of the other designs Let's see. I could be totally wrong But I think I'm right there's something nice about it there there's something quite cool about it but But it's nowhere near as cool or as dynamic as some of the other things going on, why is this one not activatin'? Oh, and now I'm breaking stuff. You know what I give up on this one. I don't like it very much, especially Because I've just come up with a ridiculously cool new idea, which I think is going to create something incredibly fancy so if we just do a few of those like that and then run them along like this and Then what this is going to do is this is actually going to go all the way around like that And we're kind of gonna try and create some form of spiral wave (wheesing) to be honest with you... I really don't know about this one, but it's about to get interesting. Now I might have made a meal out of this Okay, I really might've done (even MORE laughter) That is awful how have I gotten this bad we started off so well What is even happening there? Aww dear so I thought what I'd do is I'd go back to an old tried and tested design Now this is the actual The Wave, I guess that is that is a Wave right there And I mean it does look quite cool. I think with all these new fancy designs that we've created We've kind of forgotten quite how cool the regular wave was And I'm just trying to think to myself, you know Which one is cooler Because that's a difficult question to answer as that is also a very very satisfyi- oh, man Oh How many times in this episode of I said that it doesn't look like minecraft it - literally - it does not look like minecraft anymore I mean if I start activating these things we are going to get ourselves a bit of a lag fest. Oh my word D'ya reckon we can add the other one into the mix things are starting to slow down already But I think we might be would suggest about pull it off here it goes (Stop laughing, Mumbo) Aww, we've got some slow motion going here wow I'm get a screenshot of this... somehow It's a less settle this once and for all there's going to be a poll on the screen that you can answer for which design You think is the best we have got design number one Which is the full pimple design and that looks a little bit like this we have got design number two Which is the four corners design, which is launching in from the corners and the center so I guess is the four corners and the middle and that looks like that it's like a negative version of This one over here very very nice. Or, finally, we have got the old faithful, the original wave machine The Proper Wave Travelling across from corner to corner design number three. Let me know via the youtube poll and also let me know down in the comments section any other wave designs that you can think of I mean that there were a Few ideas that I had that didn't end up working There's also a few that was so bad that they didn't end up in the video That's how bad they were because you saw some of the designs of the video so it's been fun It's been really really fun experimenting with this stuff but anyway I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please make sure to hit that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe But thanks for watching guys this mumbo and I'm out. I'll see ya later. Oh and filming channel lived on the end screen
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,064,815
Rating: 4.9451208 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: esuGSJ-Hdrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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