20 NEW Mobs Mojang REFUSES to add to Minecraft

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guys here are 20 mobs minecraft refuses to add to the game these are actual minecraft earth mobs that have been added to other different versions of the minecraft game but for one reason or another mojang is not going to port them over so we decided to add them in ourselves check it out alrighty so our first minecraft earth mob port is going to be the bronze chicken look at him flapping his wings he's so excited to see us now in order to find a brown chick in your world you're going to need to obtain tin and copper which is a new type of ore you can find in various cave systems or in this case right by us what a coincidence didn't plan that for sure and any cave systems found in games so we've got our hands on some copper we've got our hands on some tin now for the tin you already get that in ingot form however you're going to need to smelt the copper ore but that's more than fine because we've got our furnace right here so we're gonna let that cook up and once it does we're gonna need to make our way over to a smithing table so that we can combine these two things together in order to make our very special new piece of gear uh flipping bronze another type of metal that is new to minecraft now once we've got the bronze we can shred that on a stone cutter so go ahead and place the bronzing right in there to get bronze shavings i probably need to shave anyways bronze shavings in hand now we can feed this kind of messed up to a chicken and the moment we feed it to a chicken you're gonna see something very interesting happen it's going to turn into a bronze chicken yo and he's got plans for himself now bronze chickens have a chance to drop a brand new item and it's right there it's known as the fancy feather you can use the fancy feather for some really exciting stuff namely bronze arrows which is a stronger type of error compared to normal all you'll need is a fancy feather instead of a regular feather a stick naturally and of course a piece of flint in order to get a bronze arrow now bronze airs are a stronger type of air and you'll be able to identify that when you fire it it's got a special particle effect that will begin emanating from the tip of the air to indicate that yo you got some serious business on your hands you can use it to take out nearby mobs but you want to make sure you hold these arrows in your off hand slot these are much stronger compared to regular arrows so keep that in mind when you're firing away our next minecraft earth mob is the pink-footed pig he's adorable now you can find pink-footed pigs by actually just getting lucky because every so often a pink-footed pig will spawn in rarely alongside other regular pigs so if you happen to see one consider yourself real lucky because they've got a brand new drop that you want to get your hands on as well so i'm sorry my friend ah they don't always drop them but if you do happen to get lucky you'll see that you'll get a new item it's right there it's known as pig eye and we can use it to make some special gear as much as i wish we were drying this up to make some pork rinds we're instead going to use the pig hide to make a pig hide helmet now the pig-eyed helmet is first of all kind of disturbing look at my eyes oh my gosh but more importantly to modify the behavior of piglens in game namely you can now when wearing a pig helmet trade piglets pork chops and they'll give you their horde of gold because as you know piglets collect gold they just love gold so we just got eight gold nuggets for one single raw pork chop you can both get gold nuggets as well as rarely an entire gold block so if you manage to get enough of this pig hide you can really start stacking up on gold in game check out this guy yo he's like thinking about his family he's like staring at it existentially he's like what did you do to my little cousin oh it's the saddest story now give me a gold if you give me gold blocks there we go much better don't mind if i do hey man what are you doing with that egg next up is the sunset cow adorable only shows up at sunset no literally sunset cows would spawn during sunset so if you happen to be around some cow spawning in when it is it's sunset which would be right around this time you'll occasionally come across one of these sunset cows hi buddy you're gonna die and when you do kill a sunset cow you'll get another new type of item it's known as oh god the sunset hide and you can combine a sunset hide alongside some pieces of paper in order to make a new item it's known as how do i make this thing there it is the sun book now the sun book's got a really cool feature you can right click a sun book to instantly consume it and change the time y'all ready for this middle of the day boom to sunset so now you have a way of skipping day just like you can use beds to skip night gosh this is so creepy next earth mob is the rainbow sheep look at him adorable now the rainbow sheep is very interesting we're gonna need to make a rainbow sheet by crafting some rainbow dye which is simple enough all you need to do is take red orange yellow lime blue purple dye place it just like this grab your hands on some rainbow dye and look at this it's like mesmerizing it's literally changing color before our eyes now once we have that in hand we can use it to die a sheep and now we've got rainbow sheep yo what are you looking around i'm right here man use some shears on the rainbow sheep to get your hands on a new type of wool rainbow wool this special block comes with some special abilities but also comes with some new crafting recipes first and foremost you can use rainbow wool to make rainbow carpet but more importantly you can use rainbow wool to make a rainbow bed now when all the colors of the rainbow combine you get white light that forms and so stepping on rainbow carpet or wool will give you a glow effect which you can use to identify nearby mobs at a moment's notice seeing the behind blocks etc etc alternatively you can sleep in a rainbow bed and the effect will instead of lasting for 30 seconds lasts for a whopping five minutes of time so now you have an easy way of navigating around cave systems in order to find mobs when they are at play next earth mob is the midnight chicken oh my gosh black chicken it's actually a real thing y'all ever tried it before midnight chickens would spawn at midnight so as you can see it's a full moon and here's our boy giving us the stare down don't worry your time is soon oh he knows he's running away from it now when you kill a midnight chicken you have a chance at another noo get back here new drop uh not that time but much better the midnight feather so what does this puppy do well it's not a puppy it's a feather well you can use the midnight feather to right click to get a small slow falling boost as though you were a chicken during the night so check this out right here right click you can slow fall down avoiding any fall damage nearby and i gotta say it's pretty effective you can just kind of keep right clicking it and just go ahead and gracefully drift wherever it is you need to go but worth noting it will not work during the day so if we were to try and use it now well we'd have some bad time earth mob number six is the inky sheep look at this guy he needs a bath now you can find an inky sheep when you damage the squid nearby a sheep so we've got a sheep we've got a squid the ink from the squid when you punch it will cause the sheep to get ink all over it it's the saddest story really man behave yourself i can't believe that's so inappropriate now grab your hands some shears that makes sense right and shear the inky sheep to get a new type of wool known as checkered wool now look at the special design on this checkered wool you can actually use checkered wool to make some very interesting diagonal designs for your world so more effective for building compared to anything else and what's more the checkered wool is actually directional so depending on the direction that you happen to be looking when you place this down it will actually take on a different diagonal shape so you can make for some really interesting patterns like this one right here next is the ashen cow another minecraft earth creature now you can create an ashen cow by feeding a regular old cow it's kind of messed up some gunpowder let's check this thing out right so we got a regular cow right here hi eat the gunpowder you sometimes need to give it a handful oop bunched him careful he might explode no seriously the ash and cow comes with some very unique abilities and by unique abilities i mean we're gonna kill this thing and we're gonna get a special item when it dies it's a new type of food it's known as y'all ready for this ashen beef disgusting now eating ash and beef will actually give you a small amount of fire resistance but more importantly you'll have to keep in mind it also gives you nausea because i mean what were you going to expect to happen if you eat piece of beef covered in ash you're gonna get sick to your stomach but hey at least you'll be immune to fire next earth mob is the rocky sheep and we're gonna need to head to the mountains in order to find this one because rocky sheep well they spawn naturally in mountain regions now we can also shear the rocky sheep to get something known as well a pebble now you won't always get multiple pebbles but if you happen to you can combine pebbles alongside sand to get get this a brand new infinite source of gravel [Music] [Applause] gravel i mean it's useful right you can get flint from it it's an easier way to make a whole bunch of arrows so there's that mob 9 is the stormy chicken these chickens will spawn when a lightning bolt strikes the earth nearby them so here's a chicken here's a lightning bolt now i'm painful now we've got our hands on a stormy chicken kill this guy and you've got a chance at a special new type of item see if we can get our hands on it's right there it's known as the electric feather don't recommend taking tickling anybody with this electric feathers can be crafted into stun arrows using a similar air recipe but naturally replacing the regular old feathers with your electric feathers stun arrow in hand we can do some really exciting things allow me to demonstrate right now place these in the offhand slot grab our hands on a nice new bow and so check this out when shot stun arrows will stun a mob for a period of time so now this guy ain't moving he's literally stunned in place so naturally you can use the mob what is that guy doing over there anyway you can use the stun arrow to stun any nearby mobs that are causing you problems and you know you could kill them as well which brings us to number 10 the people pig halfway down have you all subscribed yet so you can see more awesome minecraft content on this channel right here thanks for doing it ah now a people pig is another example of a rare pig variant with peopled pattern all over its skin so again you find some pigs you've got a very rare chance of finding a peabled pig now you also have a rare chance of getting a special drop from the people pig namely it will drop kind of messed up as well it's snout and you can use the snout in order to give nearby hoglands in the nether weakness effect so right now this hogland doesn't want anything to do with us but if we were to eat this snout you'd see here that the hogland is now weak and is incapable of dealing any sort of damage to us including any sort of knockback to it so you'll want to have snouts in hand if you happen to be traversing across the nether because it's going to keep you nice and safe maybe you can use that pork chop to trade some piglets mob 11 is the clutch room feed any old chicken some red mushrooms so that you can turn them into the klux room come on walk around move a little bit i already fed you thank you much better and the clutch room is capable of planting red mushrooms wherever it happens to walk around they also drop red feathers which you can use to make tracker arrows which are a cheaper recipe than your plain old spectral arrows and can be used exactly as such so you're glowing you're the best well what happened to you next is the melon golem look at this adorable creature to make it you'll just need two snow blocks and a melon block placed as such and this guy will pop into existence now you can use the melon block as a form of defense as he shoots various melon seeds at any nearby creatures hopefully doesn't end up killing him because that would be really sad don't kill my melon guy please please please oh gosh it's close you can also collect the seeds that this guy is throwing known as supersedes and you can throw them at various different creatures as well to deal damage what's more you can take those seeds and actually plant them to get instant melons love instant melons the horn she sheep where where'd he go oh right horned sheep will occasionally spawn in alongside regular sheep and if you happen to kill one of them you can actually get their horn as a drop which you can use to tame other horned sheep so now this horned sheep is nice and tamed hanging out with us and will actually fight for you any nearby mobs ramming them into the air because i mean isn't that what you want from a horned sheep if we ain't oopsie just killed me you're a rude horned sheep please don't attack me please the moo bloom a type of cow variant from minecraft earth you can actually feed a regular cow new flower known as buttercups in order to turn a regular old cow into a moo bloom so we'll summon you in feed on you yes and with due course the cow will eventually turn into said moo bloom turn into it there we go much better and the moo bloom will plant flowers wherever it walks because it's just a sweet little animal and what's more if you happen to have a mob nearby well check this out um wait what does it do i don't remember what the mob does but either way you could milk a moo bloom for a buttercup bucket which you can then consume and guess what you get absorption speed strength and regen all these amazing powers what's more you can hear this little guy to turn it back into a regular cow the woolly cow these types of calves will spawn in on snow and we can also sheer and milk these little puppies as well so check this out wooly cow go ahead and milk it so you can get yourself a two percent milk bucket which is awesome shearing a woolly cat will also give you a form of brown wool but then it looks hideous afterwards my goodness and you can use the two percent milk bucket to gain the special milk effect which will actually heal you and prevent you from having any negative status effects you've got the milk effect we're going to splash ourselves with slowness instantly disappears milk effects still active poison instantly disappears very useful and low in fat too the muddy pig this occurs when a pig walks into mud which is now a new craftable recipe all you'll need is a bunch of dirt and a bucket in a crafting table to get a bucket of mud with that mud in hand we can go ahead and go into this pig style where we've already placed some of this mud and what's more once that's placed all you gotta do is lure a nearby pig into the mud and eventually and by which i mean immediately it'll turn into a muddy pig lovely if you lead the muddy pig away from the mud that it's hanging out and eventually the muddy pig will dry and the moment it dries something unique will happen you'll get mud balls as a drop as well as the tulip that was once on its head and now it looks filthy you can use mud balls to slow down nearby enemies giving them a special type of slowness effect see they're crawling at a snail's pace what's more if you happen to be in mud you move a little bit slower as well no one likes you if a slime hangs out near too many tropical fish it will actually consume the tropical fish until it turns into a tropical slime which is like really annoying to deal with so if you could just stay away that would be good and the more fish it consumes the greater chance it has at giving you a new type of slime ball and you can also kill this slime in order to get that slime ball as well but we've got it right here slimy leftovers you can eat slimy leftovers not sure why you'd want to to get a regen effect as well as the ability to remove water around you whenever you happen to be moving around in water who would have thought right that makes enough sense next up is the mischievous furnace golem spawn in one of these you're going to need three iron blocks but a blast furnace instead of the fourth iron block right in the middle of there and then naturally we've got our hands on a carved pumpkin right on top to get your furnace golem now the furnace golem can ignite by throwing coal at it and when it does it will have a special effect that will burn nearby entities that get too close to it on top of it straight up just damaging them now that is that awesome you'll want to make sure that you keep your golem away from water because the furnace golem will actually take massive damage when it is in the middle of water so keep that in mind next is the glow squid which i believe died when it was hanging out right here outside of the water but the whole point about the glow squid is that they will rarely spawn in in oceans here's an example of one right here look at this puppy big old boy now if you happen to have a glow squid nearby you should kill it because it's rare and it's fun to kill rare animals no i'm just kidding because you can get a glowing ink sack for your trouble which you can use to burn nearby entities simply find a nasty dirty mob nearby and right-click to cause fire damage to the sucker as you can see he's covered with a roof so he shouldn't normally be taking fire damage but with sack in hand you are good to go and finally the dyed cat look at him this will appear when you use a bucket of dye on a cat it's kind of messed up but not messed up for me to do it anyways take a bucket do purple dye get your bucket of dye use it on a cat and with enough luck you'll instantly oh he ate the paint well how about we try with a little bit more dye instead go ahead take the dye there we go we got the dyed kitty cat now look at you aren't you adorable so check this out take a diet cat to some nearby dye no no no kitty kitty and it will dye the wool ooh various different colors in this case it's dying at rainbow wool nice touch yo big fan love it please don't but anyways guys that is all 20 minecraft earth mobs added into minecraft let us know in the comments below which one of these special mobs was your favorite and make sure you subscribe for more and if you could leave a like that'd be great
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 911,905
Rating: 4.9016681 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft earth, mobs, minecraft mobs, new minecraft mobs, minecraft mob update, new mobs in minecraft, mojang, refused to, minecraft earth mobs, java, chicken, cow, cows, animals, new pets in minecraft, mobs that should be in minecraft, mobs that were removed from minecraft, mobs that were never added to minecraft, piggy, pig, piglin, cave mobs, new mobs, cave biomes, new mobs in minecraft 2020, 1.16, 1.17, mountain mobs, mobs update, minecraft update, new, mobs added, removed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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