50 PAID Minecraft Developer End Updates

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in today's dev versed dev were covering 50 updates we added to the end courtesy of five of our special developers ranging from deadly new mobs to battle to new and blocks to collect alongside new items to discover and even new biomes to explore let us know which developers updates were your favorite in the comments section below and so continuing on from last video we finish off - shafts updates number 16 the Indigo jungle another new biome type now this biome is difficult to traverse due to all of the plants found within the biome itself that's right vines and various foliage will hinder your general ability to navigate this area safely levitation when you step on certain types of blocks here this first one here being the indigo fern which will give you said levitation so be very careful when navigating this forest else you're gonna run into some problems there's also the Indigo grass which is just used for looks it's shown right here now keep a keen eye out for the Indigo tree because mouthful to say by the way they're home to a new type of vine which one walkthrough will actually give you slowness so you can use this to really let yourself take a nice look in and everything around you there's also the ender melon fruit which you can find in the jungle and it works similarly to course fruit so when you collect this you'll want to hold on to these slices or maybe you'd rather eat them and if you do well you can also use them to teleport as you saw right there there's even another new plant known as the into Joe shrub which gives you a variety of negative effects blindness nausea and slowness the mote you traverse over it so be careful out there finally these biomes are also home to a new type of mob number 17 the ender ant feeding in and around a coarse fruit will shrink the ender ant down and make them a little bit more manageable to tackle and speaking of there's the ender ant now it's trying to get me stay away they'll actually pop out of these various leaf found ender ant hills and oh my gosh this one is excited to see me plus these ants are also capable of spawning in ender mites because if they weren't annoying enough to deal with but hey it's worth your time to explore the innards of their anthill because it contains some fantastic lutes huh assuming I don't die trying to find some inside the anthill find a whole bunch of ants a whole bunch of ender mites a bunch of or as well as the potential for some serious loot sticky noodles oh my gosh much better ooh look at all this stuff facelock kind of enchantments that now you'll want to drop course fruit on top of these ants because in their smaller form they have a new special drop it's known as shrink candy consuming shrink candy will well guide you to shrink and you'll instantly be the size of all of these nasty bugs Coburg and it allow you to go through one block tall gaps but yeah that phase-locking Chapman and so look at what happens the moment we use a phase lock and Chapman check it out check it out check it out oh they will instantly begin floating upwards and then they'll be hit with certain particle effects that will end up causing major damage and AoE to the mobs I mean look at it it's just lovely I mean at this point they're kind of just dying because they're just weak look 19 is chorus fruit salad yummy yummy - maybe you'll need a bowl a melon slice some Korres fruit and an apple to make this lovely fruit salad and boy is it delicious eating course fruit salad will teleport you pretty far away now it may be difficult to find out where you're going but hey that's part of the journey isn't it oh wow yo this had some serious distance yeah we were literally all the way over by that end city over there but anyways the final four that's Jeff's end or not Andrew nine spawn in inside of a new area in the end known as and suburbs and they just love iridium that block that we saw earlier and if you drop some iridium nearby the end or none they will actually barter and trade with you various different objects from shrubberies to pearls the lovely asked to write shards I mean we get it all baby watch your wallet I got what you need holy moly there's a lot of it they're gonna get all of it look at this you'll want every single reason to want to collect all of the yridian from your near by biomes here's an example of some of the things we got dragon's breath chorus flowers a lot of iron your eyes for now we move on we carry on next to chameleons interpretation of the end from new decaying biomes that SAP your lifeforce as you navigate through them to end tools and weaponry that allow you to manipulate gravitational forces around you just don't get caught in the acid rain drops or the stress might burn your brain all right so the first of chameleons 10 is reality's edge the new biome that were currently found within a decayed area of the end that is very dangerous for example walking along you'll see that nothing appears to be wrong but if you happen to stick around for long enough you'll start to notice some terrible features of this landscape first you don't feel quite right and if you'll look here we now have weakness and slowness constantly being applied to us as we walk around on these decaying blocks but now a paling sickness comes over you and you're inflicted with hunger three slow does three and weakness three quickly losing all of your hunger bar with time and then you begin to slowly slip away weakness five mining fatigue slowness for blindness and even hunger all of a sudden you are completely disoriented and you have no real ability to tell where you are well it should be easy enough you're in reality's edge find your way to some plain old blocks will begin to remedy you of these sicknesses as you can see we're stood on normal blocks and these sad effects slowly begin to dissipate not only that but you're alight sure will not work in this biome we have it on currently as you can see and if we were to try and trigger flying you'd notice right away your wings snap shut as if afraid and you're Elijah is unequipped from you good luck trying to fly I mean look it literally tries to it takes us off of the back right away yeah good luck getting around this area not only that but number two on our updates from chameleon is the void echo a new type of weather found in the realities edge bio from time to time a strange ambient noise will fill the landscape listen into it right now haha if you happen across that you've happened to cross this new type of weather which will literally teleport you all over the place unless you sneak and look down if you don't do that you'll begin shifting all over look it's taking control of us right now I am unable to move my mouse you can even be taken off the edge of the landscape if you are unlucky enough to be brought there the only way to solve it is to very carefully continue looking down and sneaking at the same time anything else may get you in a whole mess of trouble what's more you run the risk of accidentally looking at some endermans when you are under the effect of this weather type and it appears to be the exact case right now the boys have to be here Gus where do you go where do you go y'all I gotta get out of here fly oh no my wings so then why would you ever come to reality's edge biome well it's your update number three from chameleons and trace it's a powerful new creature born from the decay of realities edge and it has some nasty features here's the Wraith in question right now if you happen to get too close to this guy he will literally take you to the nearest edge and drop you off very very rude ooh looks like even hacked in the mainframe - not only that but this entereth creature is capable of teleporting around you as well so if you get too close to it be very careful because it might just be somewhere else nearby or you might kill it like I just did they actually don't have that much health but you'll want to get your hand on attacking a well handful of them because they do come with a new special drop if we're lucky enough to get one oh boy that ain't the way to do it with any luck hey there it is we got our hands on something new it's a special item known as entropy mass and we'll be using it later for now we move to our next update end or no not the planet the or it's literally or from the end it's unique or to the end and it's required for making new tools specially found here these special ores are found more commonly in reality's edge where the ores they emanate from the gems found within and keep the blocks they're low with in from decay and hey conveniently enough it can be mined with a diamond pickaxe so don't mind if I do we're gonna get our hands on a few of these things look at this lovely Andrew gem we're gonna need these ender gems alongside our entry pic mass in order to utilize update number five and tools new weapons and tools can be made from the entry and the end or here's an example of one the void lock how do you make it well you use end ingots to make end ingots you'll drop three and err gems as well as three entra brick mass into a crafting table to get set ingot taking those ingots combining them with a stick will get you your void lock sword and using those ingots on a big X will get you shimmer shift these tools are not as powerful ups nether right but they're imbued with special and abilities you can use the void lock sword to literally control mobs gravitational pull around you doing numerous things to them such as though I don't know let's quickly head in here the void okay so we can start suffocating our boy hey you suppose there we go suffocate on him y'all was good luck kind of the funniest thing poor guy he never asked for this you didn't have to I mean it's a sword what do you expect put him out of his misery poor guy thank you and shimmer shift will allow for the transmutation of ores check this out mmm go ahead and right-click you can turn coal into gold iron into gold and gold maybe you guessed it lovely lovely diamonds don't mind if I do it'll take a while to mine now next up our end arrows these are errors that create end portals on contact which will draw in mobs hold the arrows in your offhand slot and then fire away at nearby creatures to instant oh boy we got dragged into to instantly be drawn into a black hole that forms at the epicenter of the arrows impact location I mean yo tell me you didn't love that look how many spiders we got right here what's good boys go ahead yeah I ain't even mad about even the arrow got dragged in oh I got dragged it again saddest story I can theory you can you in the overworld and look you get dragged right back into the end really fun both hues in fact go hold on I let you just got a stop it appreciate I mean literally all of the mobs just instantly get sucked in and you could just keep spotting in these things all next up is dragon slash this is a new sword and shipment found in n city structures that's the chance to cause heavy damage in the form of bleeding to nearby targets allow me to show you right here we got some Spidey's on there we're gonna sneak on in attack a couple and look as the particles around them begin to fall dripping with blood see nasty it's gross the hook oh my gosh they're just keen to attack me though aren't they see they're taking damage without me even hitting them using that special bleed effect just a little rough very thick it is pretty gross to be honest but you know and I'll say it soapy I'm gonna get my hands on one up next is the void rain another new weather event that will degrade worn equipment not only that but has a chance to DP you around randomly we've got this diamond sword to use as a test it's time we made it rain you'll notice sound effects and particles begin playing in a meeting around you until you become doused in the rain do not get stuck in it because if you do you'll begin to notice around you oh my goodness well the Enderman are a little bit mad to be honest where is he hey bad bad look oh my goodness oh we're getting teleported to oh my word where is he frizzy where is he bad everybody mad at me I don't like it you get a wave now mister oh yeah sandy ways it does it does damage to you you don't get a cotton it's bad update 9 is red chorus fruit a more powerful version of the chorus route you are used to that will teleport you directly wherever you are looking these special red ones are found rarely growing with other chorus plants unfortunately in this area we haven't seen any but we do have the fruit here and you can see that we're gonna look right next to that block over there eat one of these and notice that we teleport right to the location that we were looking at why don't we try and teleport closer to that building will go right near the corner and with any luck go ahead and eat that up beautiful not bad now you'll only be able to eat red course fruit when you're actually hungry versus the other course for I believe you can have whenever you want let's head to the entrance of this building here so we can show you the final update from chameleon challenge rooms dungeons found throughout the end that pits you against the toughest of all enemies with rewards upon defeating them some examples of these are as follows oh boy armored the oh boy besides the fact little silly around here armored zombies which provide extra health and damage as the challenge they present potatoes invisible witches I'd show you but you know it is invisible where their archers which will shoot withering arrows at you if you happen to be caught in there add immediate path a pillager maze which will cast spells provide buffs and make clones of itself yeah it's fun to kill them an inn sister which until death makes the nearest enemy in vincible check it out oh wow I'm a creative mode but get one of these orange blocks anytime there's one nearby and there's even the trip creeper which will teleport to you randomly when you hit it I should say teleport around you randomly when you hit it y'all ready punch on in okay well this is just the example one but you know that'd be a real nasty one to have it across huh here's some example potential loot you might find ooh and ingots and your gems and tripping masts and arrows mending looting dragon slash enchant can't be mad finally we check out cables 10 end updates featuring throwable dragon's breath potions for cleaning up mod packs a new rare drop from our friend Ehrman's the Enderman and some changes to show curse that you'll be dying for so first up corrupted chorus fruit a rare new drop from chorus plants this is slightly off-color compared to regular chorus fruit and it's cool when eaten you'll get randomly teleported like normal however you'll also be turned completely invisible for 10 seconds not even invisibility particles will appear on your character at all it is true invisibility and once 10 seconds has elapsed you'll turn right back visible once again sweet update number 2 of Caleb's is the dragon's breath splash potion Dragon's Breath can now be thrown check it out we got some of it right here throwing this on the ground will allow you to let it erupted with 10 contain dragon's breath be real careful cuz it damages your real good a lot you hear oh yeah I don't know I'm talking like that there's a bit of a cool-down when using it so you'll want to keep that in mind when you are happening across its use in-game as you can see here any mobs caught in the crossfire are sure to not make it but how strong is it really well we're about to find out with infinite chickens yes yes oh boy literal infinite you could go go ahead and just let it do its thing yeah all over the place instantaneously dying probably rid of this command block much better oh my gosh it's it's like a wasteland of chicken every year we've got update number three from Caleb the end outposts don't mind if I grab this shield have a feeling we're gonna need it these are small outpost structures that generate across the endless barren outer end they look fairly similar to n cities though they are smaller in nature and still pack a powerful punch that's because shelters are known to spawn all around them now if we could please survive this fall I that would be great we got more signs to read yeah look fighting eachother worst guys within the confines of these Lau posts are not only messy jokers but two chests loop tables with various and city loot found within beautiful modify these guys the worst they can't reach me from it here I'd rather them to start fighting each other instead up next is dying shoulders and not the kind that we were just seeing be dealt with over their shoulders can now be died different colors now this is actually something that's interestingly enough possible in the bedrock version of Minecraft but currently not in Java so what we're gonna do is bring some shulker spawn eggs to the forefront mmm choose a couple different colors that we want to take advantage of get rid of this brief yohoo and we'll get in then and gray and so check this out when you happen across a shocker just do a guy on it will literally change the dye of the Shocker to whatever color dye you have in your hand at the moment of this boy little guy being thrown and covered with various different colors look at this it's the ultimate rainbow there'll be a lot easier for you to differentiate between the different backpack you can carry around when you are playing in survival minecraft next update involves chokers once again choker cores it's a rare drop that you'll get from time to time when killing Ashoka check it out the choker is a guaranteed drop of this core get yeah we got the drop right there and so what's so special about this choker core well you can use the right-click launch yourself into the air beautiful oh my gosh clearing little fence post things just like that you can even technically spam it a little bit oh boy Oh hit the ground yo this is craziness to be honest wow you can even use it to break your falls I'm gonna teleport myself 50 blocks into the air and then if we right-click at the right moment you can actually use it to mitigate a whole lot of damage that you would have normally taken by being teleported so hyah I mean look at that beauty okay well not all the damage but hey a decent amount plus it's got infinite uses so you mean you can't be mad about that excellent parkouring tool don't mind if oh well that's a little embarrassing what are you looking at this next update is the shiny ender pearl which is our new rare drop from the Anderman and you can use this pearl to throw it significantly further compared to a plane to mold and a pro oh my goodness can y'all yeah oh my gosh can we stop cheese missing can we just thank you doc dawn yes check it out shiny ender pearl here's what a regular ender pearl looks like in comparison and so look at the difference in throw capability we're right next to this red block we're gonna Pelt one all the way over here and as you can see it's got a decent lob to it but if we were to throw the shiny ender pearl you'd see it goes ha ha ha much farther in fact look at that look at the difference we cleared we're literally right by the starting area look how much further we got compared to where we landed with that other pearl which was right by I think this chest over here let's see if we can toss it nearby the next area it is we want to cover not bad number 7 is ence and these are small patches of quicksand-like blocks that can be found throughout the end they are pretty seamless compared to the stone but be careful around them because you will literally be dragged right into them instantly you can break out of them with relative ease and then jump and escape but if you were to try and jump while you're in the sand you'd have some serious trouble getting out it's quite difficult not impossible but quite difficult find yourself even deeper in the sand by moving into the center of where you find it and hey if you're not too careful you'll accidentally end up taking some serious suffocation damage but no worry you can break out with relative ease perfect for mob traps up next we've got number 8 end city gateways these are structures that will generate around the end and they will take you immediately to end city dungeons whenever you find one of these things around you know you've got some sweet loot that you're about to be able to undertake simply have an ender pearl on you throw it within the gateway make sure you don't miss and if you're lucky enough to not well you'll find yourself at another nearby and city just like that typically spawning on nearby pedestals that will form with the world creation involving these gateways number nine is a little bit silly it's the ender cow it's a passive mob found in the end and they'll teleport away when you happen across them here's one now BAM where'd he go well huh actually where where did he go yeah that's okay we can just spawning another hey yo nearby this time huh not only will these cows teleport around on hit but if they touch any water they'll also teleport away so you can use it too well really just to have fun I'll bet see what did you do to the plan shame on you and update number 10 the final update the ender might a different kind of Mike these mobs might attack you or might not yes that's right there's a 50% chance that ender mites will spawn in that look like this and don't really do anything do you in this case he's not attacking no no attack how about the next one oh we're getting lucky holy moly every once in a while one of them will actually begin to move around I swear haha there we go and try and take you out ladies and gentlemen that is all 50 and updates if you missed the first 25 make sure you go watch that video first and then in the comment section below let us know which developers updates you liked most you can also tell us what part of Minecraft we should update next thanks for watching
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,161,736
Rating: 4.9215064 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, we paid devs to make minecraft updates, we paid developers, we paid, dev vs dev, 50 updates we paid for in minecraft, 50 updates in minecraft, new end updates, new mobs, new items, new biomes, new blocks, new minecraft update, end update, minecraft the end, mob update, new minecraft mob, mob changes, gaming, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, new, new minecraft items, update, rare minecraft mobs, new items in minecraft, new crafting recipes, 1.16, end mobs
Id: Gm7cgQ33S_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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